Jens Johansen d854c77e58 [kernel] Only serialize non-external libaries and sources from those.
Previously the VM couldn't handle external libraries, but that was
fixed in 2f49198520.

Part of the CL was reverted though because the compilatin was changed
to using an outline instead of the platform which doesn't work.
What does work though, is not including the external libraries in the

This CL makes the following changes:

* Don't include external libraries in the output (by not setting all
  libraries to be non-external).

* Only writes the sources actually used to the binary (i.e. whatever
  libraries left out because they were external will not contribute
  source code either).

* Cleanup of now unused code.

Timings (only run once though):

Without this CL (but with the CL it's based on):

$ time python tools/test.py -m release -cdartk language -j6
Test configuration: dartk_vm_release_x64
[05:43 | 100% | + 3504 | -    0]

real    5m43.597s
user    33m48.152s
sys     9m34.140s

Only the "utils/kernel-service/kernel-service.dart" part of this CL:

$ time python tools/test.py -m release -cdartk language -j6
Test configuration: dartk_vm_release_x64
[04:55 | 100% | + 3504 | -    0]

real    4m55.684s
user    29m54.360s
sys     8m7.408s

Entire CL:

$ time python tools/test.py -m release -cdartk language -j6
Test configuration: dartk_vm_release_x64
[04:20 | 100% | + 3504 | -    0]

real    4m20.416s
user    27m17.320s
sys     6m53.472s

Change-Id: Ie9c5bfa958e558a5007784e821a0b58d417bae55
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/3161
Reviewed-by: Samir Jindel <sjindel@google.com>
2017-09-06 11:56:24 +00:00

829 lines
29 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env dart
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Command line tool to merge the SDK libraries and our patch files.
/// This is currently designed as an offline tool, but we could automate it.
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:isolate' show RawReceivePort;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'dart:convert' show JSON;
import 'package:analyzer/analyzer.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/sdk.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:front_end/front_end.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/base/processed_options.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/kernel_generator_impl.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/util/relativize.dart' show relativizeUri;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/get_dependencies.dart' show getDependencies;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/kernel/utils.dart' show writeProgramToFile;
import 'package:kernel/target/targets.dart';
import 'package:kernel/target/vm_fasta.dart';
import 'package:kernel/target/flutter_fasta.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/kernel/dart2js_target.dart' show Dart2jsTarget;
/// Set of input files that were read by this script to generate patched SDK.
/// We will dump it out into the depfile for ninja to use.
/// For more information see GN and Ninja references:
/// https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/56807c6cb383140af0c03da8f6731d77785d7160/tools/gn/docs/reference.md#depfile_string_File-name-for-input-dependencies-for-actions
/// https://ninja-build.org/manual.html#_depfile
final deps = new Set<Uri>();
/// Create [File] object from the given path and register it as a dependency.
File getInputFile(String path, {canBeMissing: false}) {
final file = new File(path);
if (!file.existsSync()) {
if (!canBeMissing)
throw "patch_sdk.dart expects all inputs to exist, missing: $path";
return null;
return file;
/// Read the given file synchronously as a string and register this path as
/// a dependency.
String readInputFile(String path, {canBeMissing: false}) =>
getInputFile(path, canBeMissing: canBeMissing)?.readAsStringSync();
Future main(List<String> argv) async {
var port = new RawReceivePort();
try {
await _main(argv);
} finally {
void usage(String mode) {
var base = path.fromUri(Platform.script);
final self = path.relative(base);
print('Usage: $self $mode SDK_DIR PATCH_DIR OUTPUT_DIR PACKAGES');
final repositoryDir = path.relative(path.dirname(path.dirname(base)));
final sdkExample = path.relative(path.join(repositoryDir, 'sdk'));
final patchExample = path.relative(
path.join(repositoryDir, 'out', 'DebugX64', 'obj', 'gen', 'patch'));
final outExample = path.relative(
path.join(repositoryDir, 'out', 'DebugX64', 'obj', 'gen', 'patched_sdk'));
final packagesExample = path.relative(path.join(repositoryDir, '.packages'));
print('For example:');
print('\$ $self vm $sdkExample $patchExample $outExample $packagesExample');
const validModes = const ['vm', 'dart2js', 'flutter', 'flutter_release'];
String mode;
bool get forVm => mode == 'vm';
bool get forFlutter => mode == 'flutter' || mode == 'flutter_release';
bool get forFlutterRelease => mode == 'flutter_release';
bool get forDart2js => mode == 'dart2js';
Future _main(List<String> argv) async {
if (argv.isEmpty) usage('[${validModes.join('|')}]');
mode = argv.first;
if (!validModes.contains(mode)) usage('[${validModes.join('|')}]');
if (argv.length != 5) usage(mode);
var input = argv[1];
var sdkLibIn = path.join(input, 'lib');
var patchIn = argv[2];
var outDir = argv[3];
var outDirUri = Uri.base.resolveUri(new Uri.directory(outDir));
var sdkOut = path.join(outDir, 'lib');
var packagesFile = argv[4];
// Parse libraries.dart
var libContents = readInputFile(path.join(
sdkLibIn, '_internal', 'sdk_library_metadata', 'lib', 'libraries.dart'));
libContents = _updateLibraryMetadata(sdkOut, libContents);
var sdkLibraries = _getSdkLibraries(libContents);
var locations = <String, Map<String, String>>{};
// Enumerate core libraries and apply patches
for (SdkLibrary library in sdkLibraries) {
if (forDart2js && library.isVmLibrary) continue;
if (!forDart2js && library.isDart2JsLibrary) continue;
_applyPatch(library, sdkLibIn, patchIn, sdkOut, locations);
_copyExtraLibraries(sdkOut, locations);
Uri platform = outDirUri.resolve('platform.dill.tmp');
Uri outline = outDirUri.resolve('outline.dill');
Uri librariesJson = outDirUri.resolve("lib/libraries.json");
Uri packages = Uri.base.resolveUri(new Uri.file(packagesFile));
await _writeSync(
mode: {"libraries": locations}
var flags = new TargetFlags();
var target = forVm
? new VmFastaTarget(flags)
: (forFlutter ? new FlutterFastaTarget(flags) : new Dart2jsTarget(flags));
var platformDeps =
await compilePlatform(outDirUri, target, packages, platform, outline);
if (forVm) {
// TODO(sigmund): add support for the flutter vmservice_sky as well.
var vmserviceName = 'vmservice_io';
var base = path.fromUri(Platform.script);
Uri dartDir =
new Uri.directory(path.dirname(path.dirname(path.absolute(base))));
String vmserviceJson = JSON.encode({
'vm': {
"libraries": {
'_vmservice': {
'uri': '${dartDir.resolve('sdk/lib/vmservice/vmservice.dart')}'
'vmservice_io': {
Uri vmserviceJsonUri = outDirUri.resolve("lib/vmservice_libraries.json");
await _writeSync(vmserviceJsonUri.toFilePath(), vmserviceJson);
var program = await kernelForProgram(
new CompilerOptions()
..setExitCodeOnProblem = true
// TODO(sigmund): investigate. This should be outline, but it breaks
// vm-debug tests. Issue #30111
..sdkSummary = platform
..librariesSpecificationUri = vmserviceJsonUri
..packagesFileUri = packages);
Uri vmserviceUri = outDirUri.resolve('$vmserviceName.dill');
await writeProgramToFile(program, vmserviceUri);
Uri platformFinalLocation = outDirUri.resolve('platform.dill');
// We generate a dependency file for GN to properly regenerate the patched sdk
// folder, outline.dill and platform.dill files when necessary: either when
// the sdk sources change or when this script is updated. In particular:
// - sdk changes: we track the actual sources we are compiling. If we are
// building the dart2js sdk, this includes the dart2js-specific patch
// files.
// These files are tracked by [deps] and passed below to [writeDepsFile] in
// the extraDependencies argument.
// - script updates: we track this script file and any code it imports (even
// sdk libraries). Note that this script runs on the standalone VM, so any
// sdk library used by this script indirectly depends on a VM-specific
// patch file.
// These set of files is discovered by `getDependencies` below, and the
// [platformForDeps] is always the VM-specific `platform.dill` file.
var platformForDeps = platform;
var sdkDir = outDirUri;
if (forDart2js || forFlutter) {
// Note: this would fail if `../patched_sdk/platform.dill` doesn't exist. We
// added an explicit dependency in the .GN rules so patched_dart2js_sdk (and
// patched_flutter_sdk) depend on patched_sdk to ensure that it exists.
platformForDeps = outDirUri.resolve('../patched_sdk/platform.dill');
sdkDir = outDirUri.resolve('../patched_sdk/');
deps.addAll(await getDependencies(Platform.script,
sdk: sdkDir, packages: packages, platform: platformForDeps));
await writeDepsFile(platformFinalLocation,
Uri.base.resolveUri(new Uri.file("$outDir.d")), deps);
await new File.fromUri(platform).rename(platformFinalLocation.toFilePath());
/// Generates an outline.dill and platform.dill file containing the result of
/// compiling a platform's SDK.
/// Returns a list of dependencies read by the compiler. This list can be used
/// to create GN dependency files.
Future<List<Uri>> compilePlatform(Uri patchedSdk, Target target, Uri packages,
Uri fullOutput, Uri outlineOutput) async {
var options = new CompilerOptions()
..setExitCodeOnProblem = true
..strongMode = false
..compileSdk = true
..sdkRoot = patchedSdk
..packagesFileUri = packages
..chaseDependencies = true
..target = target;
var inputs = [Uri.parse('dart:core')];
if (forFlutter && !forFlutterRelease) {
var result = await generateKernel(
new ProcessedOptions(
// TODO(sigmund): pass all sdk libraries needed here, and make this
// hermetic.
buildSummary: true,
buildProgram: true);
new File.fromUri(outlineOutput).writeAsBytesSync(result.summary);
await writeProgramToFile(result.program, fullOutput);
return result.deps;
Future writeDepsFile(
Uri output, Uri depsFile, Iterable<Uri> allDependencies) async {
if (allDependencies.isEmpty) return;
String toRelativeFilePath(Uri uri) {
// Ninja expects to find file names relative to the current working
// directory. We've tried making them relative to the deps file, but that
// doesn't work for downstream projects. Making them absolute also
// doesn't work.
// We can test if it works by running ninja twice, for example:
// ninja -C xcodebuild/ReleaseX64 runtime_kernel -d explain
// ninja -C xcodebuild/ReleaseX64 runtime_kernel -d explain
// The second time, ninja should say:
// ninja: Entering directory `xcodebuild/ReleaseX64'
// ninja: no work to do.
// It's broken if it says something like this:
// ninja explain: expected depfile 'patched_sdk.d' to mention
// 'patched_sdk/platform.dill', got
// '/.../xcodebuild/ReleaseX64/patched_sdk/platform.dill'
return Uri.parse(relativizeUri(uri, base: Uri.base)).toFilePath();
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (Uri uri in allDependencies) {
sb.write(" ");
await new File.fromUri(depsFile).writeAsString("$sb");
/// Updates the contents of
/// sdk/lib/_internal/sdk_library_metadata/lib/libraries.dart to include
/// declarations for vm internal libraries.
String _updateLibraryMetadata(String sdkOut, String libContents) {
if (!forVm && !forFlutter) return libContents;
var extraLibraries = new StringBuffer();
"_builtin": const LibraryInfo(
categories: "Client,Server",
implementation: true,
documented: false,
platforms: VM_PLATFORM),
"profiler": const LibraryInfo(
maturity: Maturity.DEPRECATED,
documented: false),
if (forFlutter) {
"ui": const LibraryInfo(
categories: "Client,Server",
implementation: true,
documented: false,
platforms: VM_PLATFORM),
if (!forFlutterRelease) {
// vmservice should be present unless we build release flavor of Flutter.
"_vmservice": const LibraryInfo(
categories: "Client,Server",
implementation: true,
documented: false,
platforms: VM_PLATFORM),
"vmservice_sky": const LibraryInfo(
categories: "Client,Server",
implementation: true,
documented: false,
platforms: VM_PLATFORM),
libContents = libContents.replaceAll(
' libraries = const {', ' libraries = const { $extraLibraries');
sdkOut, '_internal', 'sdk_library_metadata', 'lib', 'libraries.dart'),
return libContents;
/// Copy internal libraries that are developed outside the sdk folder into the
/// patched_sdk folder. For the VM< this includes files under 'runtime/bin/',
/// for flutter, this is includes also the ui library.
_copyExtraLibraries(String sdkOut, Map<String, Map<String, String>> locations) {
if (forDart2js) return;
var base = path.fromUri(Platform.script);
var dartDir = path.dirname(path.dirname(path.absolute(base)));
var builtinLibraryIn = path.join(dartDir, 'runtime', 'bin', 'builtin.dart');
var builtinLibraryOut = path.join(sdkOut, '_builtin', '_builtin.dart');
_writeSync(builtinLibraryOut, readInputFile(builtinLibraryIn));
addLocation(locations, '_builtin', path.join('_builtin', '_builtin.dart'));
if (forFlutter) {
// Flutter repo has this layout:
// engine/src/
// dart/
// flutter/
var srcDir = path.dirname(path.dirname(path.dirname(path.absolute(base))));
var uiLibraryInDir = path.join(srcDir, 'flutter', 'lib', 'ui');
for (var file in new Directory(uiLibraryInDir).listSync()) {
if (!file.path.endsWith('.dart')) continue;
var name = path.basename(file.path);
var uiLibraryOut = path.join(sdkOut, 'ui', name);
_writeSync(uiLibraryOut, readInputFile(file.path));
addLocation(locations, 'ui', path.join('ui', 'ui.dart'));
if (!forFlutterRelease) {
// vmservice should be present unless we build release flavor of Flutter.
// TODO(dartbug.com/30158): Consider producing separate Flutter
// vmservice.dill with these vmservice libraries.
for (var file in ['loader.dart', 'server.dart', 'vmservice_io.dart']) {
var libraryIn = path.join(dartDir, 'runtime', 'bin', 'vmservice', file);
var libraryOut = path.join(sdkOut, 'vmservice_io', file);
_writeSync(libraryOut, readInputFile(libraryIn));
addLocation(locations, 'vmservice_sky',
path.join('vmservice_io', 'vmservice_io.dart'));
locations, '_vmservice', path.join('vmservice', 'vmservice.dart'));
_applyPatch(SdkLibrary library, String sdkLibIn, String patchIn, String sdkOut,
Map<String, Map<String, String>> locations) {
var libraryOut = path.join(sdkLibIn, library.path);
var libraryIn = libraryOut;
var libraryFile = getInputFile(libraryIn, canBeMissing: true);
if (libraryFile != null) {
addLocation(locations, Uri.parse(library.shortName).path,
path.relative(libraryOut, from: sdkLibIn));
var outPaths = <String>[libraryOut];
var libraryContents = libraryFile.readAsStringSync();
int inputModifyTime = libraryFile.lastModifiedSync().millisecondsSinceEpoch;
var partFiles = <File>[];
for (var part in parseDirectives(libraryContents).directives) {
if (part is PartDirective) {
var partPath = part.uri.stringValue;
outPaths.add(path.join(path.dirname(libraryOut), partPath));
var partFile =
getInputFile(path.join(path.dirname(libraryIn), partPath));
inputModifyTime = math.max(inputModifyTime,
// See if we can find a patch file.
var patchPath = path.join(
patchIn, path.basenameWithoutExtension(libraryIn) + '_patch.dart');
var patchFile = getInputFile(patchPath, canBeMissing: true);
if (patchFile != null) {
inputModifyTime = math.max(
inputModifyTime, patchFile.lastModifiedSync().millisecondsSinceEpoch);
// Compute output paths
outPaths = outPaths
.map((p) => path.join(sdkOut, path.relative(p, from: sdkLibIn)))
// Compare output modify time with input modify time.
bool needsUpdate = false;
for (var outPath in outPaths) {
var outFile = new File(outPath);
if (!outFile.existsSync() ||
outFile.lastModifiedSync().millisecondsSinceEpoch < inputModifyTime) {
needsUpdate = true;
if (needsUpdate) {
var contents = <String>[libraryContents];
contents.addAll(partFiles.map((f) => f.readAsStringSync()));
if (patchFile != null) {
var patchContents = patchFile.readAsStringSync();
contents = _patchLibrary(patchFile.path, contents, patchContents);
for (var i = 0; i < outPaths.length; i++) {
_writeSync(outPaths[i], contents[i]);
/// Writes a file, creating the directory if needed.
void _writeSync(String filePath, String contents) {
var outDir = new Directory(path.dirname(filePath));
if (!outDir.existsSync()) outDir.createSync(recursive: true);
new File(filePath).writeAsStringSync(contents);
/// Merges dart:* library code with code from *_patch.dart file.
/// Takes a list of the library's parts contents, with the main library contents
/// first in the list, and the contents of the patch file.
/// The result will have `@patch` implementations merged into the correct place
/// (e.g. the class or top-level function declaration) and all other
/// declarations introduced by the patch will be placed into the main library
/// file.
/// This is purely a syntactic transformation. Unlike dart2js patch files, there
/// is no semantic meaning given to the *_patch files, and they do not magically
/// get their own library scope, etc.
/// Editorializing: the dart2js approach requires a Dart front end such as
/// package:analyzer to semantically model a feature beyond what is specified
/// in the Dart language. Since this feature is only for the convenience of
/// writing the dart:* libraries, and not a tool given to Dart developers, it
/// seems like a non-ideal situation. Instead we keep the preprocessing simple.
List<String> _patchLibrary(
String name, List<String> partsContents, String patchContents) {
var results = <StringEditBuffer>[];
// Parse the patch first. We'll need to extract bits of this as we go through
// the other files.
final patchFinder = new PatchFinder.parseAndVisit(name, patchContents);
// Merge `external` declarations with the corresponding `@patch` code.
for (var partContent in partsContents) {
var partEdits = new StringEditBuffer(partContent);
var partUnit = parseCompilationUnit(partContent);
partUnit.accept(new PatchApplier(partEdits, patchFinder));
if (patchFinder.patches.length != patchFinder.applied.length) {
print('Some elements marked as @patch do not have corresponding elements:');
for (var patched in patchFinder.patches.keys) {
if (!patchFinder.applied.contains(patched)) {
print('*** ${patched}');
throw "Failed to apply all @patch-es";
return new List<String>.from(results.map((e) => e.toString()));
final String injectedCidFields = [
].map((name) => "static final int cid${name} = 0;").join('\n');
/// Merge `@patch` declarations into `external` declarations.
class PatchApplier extends GeneralizingAstVisitor {
final StringEditBuffer edits;
final PatchFinder patch;
bool _isLibrary = true; // until proven otherwise.
PatchApplier(this.edits, this.patch);
visitCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit node) {
if (_isLibrary) _mergeUnpatched(node);
void _merge(AstNode node, int pos) {
var code = patch.contents.substring(node.offset, node.end);
// We inject a number of static fields into dart:internal.ClassID class.
// These fields represent various VM class ids and are only used to
// make core libraries compile. Kernel reader will actually ignore these
// fields and instead inject concrete constants into this class.
if (node is ClassDeclaration && node.name.name == 'ClassID') {
code = code.replaceFirst(new RegExp(r'}$'), injectedCidFields + '}');
edits.insert(pos, '\n' + code);
/// Merges directives and declarations that are not `@patch` into the library.
void _mergeUnpatched(CompilationUnit unit) {
// Merge imports from the patch
// TODO(jmesserly): remove duplicate imports
// To patch a library, we must have a library directive
var libDir = unit.directives.first as LibraryDirective;
int importPos = unit.directives
.lastWhere((d) => d is ImportDirective, orElse: () => libDir)
for (var d in patch.unit.directives.where((d) => d is ImportDirective)) {
_merge(d, importPos);
int partPos = unit.directives.last.end;
for (var d in patch.unit.directives.where((d) => d is PartDirective)) {
_merge(d, partPos);
// Merge declarations from the patch
int declPos = edits.original.length;
for (var d in patch.mergeDeclarations) {
_merge(d, declPos);
visitPartOfDirective(PartOfDirective node) {
_isLibrary = false;
visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
/// Merge patches and extensions into the class
visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration node) {
var mergeMembers = patch.mergeMembers[_qualifiedName(node)];
if (mergeMembers == null) return;
// Merge members from the patch
var pos = node.members.last.end;
for (var member in mergeMembers) {
var code = patch.contents.substring(member.offset, member.end);
edits.insert(pos, '\n\n ' + code);
void _maybePatch(AstNode node) {
if (node is FieldDeclaration) return;
var externalKeyword = (node as dynamic).externalKeyword;
var name = _qualifiedName(node);
var patchNode = patch.patches[name];
if (patchNode == null) {
if (externalKeyword != null && _shouldHaveImplementation(name)) {
print('warning: patch not found for $name: $node');
exitCode = 1;
Annotation patchMeta = patchNode.metadata.lastWhere(_isPatchAnnotation);
int start = patchMeta.endToken.next.offset;
var code = patch.contents.substring(start, patchNode.end);
// For some node like static fields, the node's offset doesn't include
// the external keyword. Also starting from the keyword lets us preserve
// documentation comments.
edits.replace(externalKeyword?.offset ?? node.offset, node.end, code);
/// Whether a member should have an implementation after patching the SDK.
/// True for most members except for the *.fromEnvironment constructors under
/// the dart2js target.
bool _shouldHaveImplementation(String qualifiedName) {
if (!forDart2js) return true;
// Note: dart2js implements int.fromEnvironment, bool.fromEnvironment
// and String.fromEnvironment directly and expects the SDK code to
// have an external declaration.
var isFromEnvironment = const [
return !isFromEnvironment;
class PatchFinder extends GeneralizingAstVisitor {
final String contents;
final CompilationUnit unit;
final Map patches = <String, Declaration>{};
final Map mergeMembers = <String, List<ClassMember>>{};
final List mergeDeclarations = <CompilationUnitMember>[];
final Set<String> applied = new Set<String>();
PatchFinder.parseAndVisit(String name, String contents)
: contents = contents,
unit = parseCompilationUnit(contents, name: name) {
visitCompilationUnitMember(CompilationUnitMember node) {
visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration node) {
if (_isPatch(node)) {
var members = <ClassMember>[];
for (var member in node.members) {
if (_isPatch(member)) {
patches[_qualifiedName(member)] = member;
} else {
if (members.isNotEmpty) {
mergeMembers[_qualifiedName(node)] = members;
} else {
visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
if (_isPatch(node)) {
patches[_qualifiedName(node)] = node;
} else {
visitFunctionBody(node) {} // skip method bodies
String _qualifiedName(Declaration node) {
var parent = node.parent;
var className = '';
if (parent is ClassDeclaration) {
className = parent.name.name + '.';
var name = (node as dynamic).name;
name = (name != null ? name.name : '');
var accessor = '';
if (node is MethodDeclaration) {
if (node.isGetter)
accessor = 'get:';
else if (node.isSetter) accessor = 'set:';
return className + accessor + name;
bool _isPatch(AnnotatedNode node) => node.metadata.any(_isPatchAnnotation);
bool _isPatchAnnotation(Annotation m) =>
m.name.name == 'patch' && m.constructorName == null && m.arguments == null;
/// Editable string buffer.
/// Applies a series of edits (insertions, removals, replacements) using
/// original location information, and composes them into the edited string.
/// For example, starting with a parsed AST with original source locations,
/// this type allows edits to be made without regards to other edits.
class StringEditBuffer {
final String original;
final _edits = <_StringEdit>[];
/// Creates a new transaction.
bool get hasEdits => _edits.length > 0;
/// Edit the original text, replacing text on the range [begin] and
/// exclusive [end] with the [replacement] string.
void replace(int begin, int end, String replacement) {
_edits.add(new _StringEdit(begin, end, replacement));
/// Insert [string] at [offset].
/// Equivalent to `replace(offset, offset, string)`.
void insert(int offset, String string) => replace(offset, offset, string);
/// Remove text from the range [begin] to exclusive [end].
/// Equivalent to `replace(begin, end, '')`.
void remove(int begin, int end) => replace(begin, end, '');
/// Applies all pending [edit]s and returns a new string.
/// This method is non-destructive: it does not discard existing edits or
/// change the [original] string. Further edits can be added and this method
/// can be called again.
/// Throws [UnsupportedError] if the edits were overlapping. If no edits were
/// made, the original string will be returned.
String toString() {
var sb = new StringBuffer();
if (_edits.length == 0) return original;
// Sort edits by start location.
int consumed = 0;
for (var edit in _edits) {
if (consumed > edit.begin) {
sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.write('overlapping edits. Insert at offset ');
sb.write(' but have consumed ');
sb.write(' input characters. List of edits:');
for (var e in _edits) {
sb.write('\n ');
throw new UnsupportedError(sb.toString());
// Add characters from the original string between this edit and the last
// one, if any.
var betweenEdits = original.substring(consumed, edit.begin);
consumed = edit.end;
// Add any text from the end of the original string that was not replaced.
return sb.toString();
class _StringEdit implements Comparable<_StringEdit> {
final int begin;
final int end;
final String replace;
_StringEdit(this.begin, this.end, this.replace);
int get length => end - begin;
String toString() => '(Edit @ $begin,$end: "$replace")';
int compareTo(_StringEdit other) {
int diff = begin - other.begin;
if (diff != 0) return diff;
return end - other.end;
List<SdkLibrary> _getSdkLibraries(String contents) {
var libraryBuilder = new SdkLibrariesReader_LibraryBuilder(forDart2js);
return libraryBuilder.librariesMap.sdkLibraries;
void addLocation(Map<String, Map<String, String>> locations, String libraryName,
String libraryPath) {
assert(locations[libraryName] == null);
locations[libraryName] = {'uri': '${path.toUri(libraryPath)}'};