Morten Krogh-Jespersen 309a0d5abd Improve selecting platform for try test.
The bot names are picked from the platform selected. The tool now also ask for xvfb if on linux.

Change-Id: I47dd28a0240f34607535808326a182bf663ead04
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/24821
Reviewed-by: Alexander Thomas <athom@google.com>
2017-12-05 07:27:09 +00:00

118 lines
3.6 KiB

import 'dart:io';
enum Platform { linux, win, mac }
enum BuildType { compile, existing, none }
void main(List<String> args) {
print("This tool will help to generate a custom try build and run, that one "
"can use for testing on different platforms.");
Platform builderPlatform = Platform.values[getIntegerStepInput(
"Choose platform: (1) Linux, (2) Windows or (3) Mac") -
BuildType buildType =
BuildType.values[getIntegerStepInput("Do you want to: \n"
"\t(1) Make a new build on the platform.\n"
"\t(2) Use an existing build by using a file-set hash.\n"
"\t(3) No build.") -
String buildArgs = null;
if (buildType == BuildType.compile) {
buildArgs = getStepInput("Give the arguments to build.py, separate by "
"' '");
} else if (buildType == BuildType.existing) {
buildArgs = getStepInput("Input the fileset hash");
var testCommands = <TestCommand>[];
var testCommandString = getStepInput("Write a command to execute after the "
"build-step. Use ' ' to separate arguments. If you only wish to build, "
"just press <Enter>");
while (testCommandString.isNotEmpty) {
if (builderPlatform == Platform.linux) {
var useXvfb = getIntegerStepInput(
"Should the command be wrapped by xvfb (i.e. is the runtime 'drt', "
"'chrome' or 'ff')?: (0) No, (1) Yes");
if (useXvfb == 1) {
testCommandString = "xvfb $testCommandString";
var testCommandRepeat = getIntegerStepInput("How many times would you like "
"the command '${testCommandString}' to be invoked?");
testCommands.add(new TestCommand(testCommandString, testCommandRepeat));
testCommandString = getStepInput("Write an additional command to execute. "
"Use ' ' to separate arguments. If no additional commands should be run"
", press <Enter>");
print("Run the following command in a branch with a CL that you would like to"
" test:");
int commandIndex = 1;
var allTestCommands = testCommands
.expand((testCommand) => testCommand.toTryCommand(commandIndex++));
print("git cl try -B luci.dart.try -b ${getBuilderName(builderPlatform)} "
"${getBuildProperties(buildType, buildArgs)}"
"${allTestCommands.join(' ')}");
String getBuilderName(Platform builderPlatform) {
switch (builderPlatform) {
case Platform.linux:
return "cl-linux-try";
case Platform.win:
return "cl-win-try";
case Platform.mac:
return "cl-mac-try";
return "cl-linux-try";
String getBuildProperties(BuildType buildType, String buildArgs) {
switch (buildType) {
case BuildType.compile:
return "-p try_build_args='\"$buildArgs\"' ";
case BuildType.existing:
return "-p parent_fileset='\"$buildArgs\"' ";
case BuildType.none:
return "";
return "";
class TestCommand {
final String command;
final int repeat;
TestCommand(this.command, this.repeat);
List<String> toTryCommand(int index) {
String commandSuffix = index.toString().padLeft(2, "0");
return [
"-p try_cmd_$commandSuffix='\"$command\"'",
"-p try_cmd_${commandSuffix}_repeat='$repeat'"
String getStepInput(String information) {
var input = stdin.readLineSync();
return input;
int getIntegerStepInput(String information) {
var input = stdin.readLineSync();
var value = int.parse(input, onError: (source) => null);
if (value == null) {
print("Input could not be parsed as an integer.");
return getIntegerStepInput(information);
return value;