
165 lines
4.9 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "messaging.h"
void postResult(Dart_Port p, bool success, int err, Dart_CObject* response) {
DART_BOOL(wrapped_success, success);
DART_INT32(wrapped_err, err);
Dart_CObject* values[3];
values[0] = &wrapped_success;
values[1] = &wrapped_err;
values[2] = response;
Dart_CObject full_response;
full_response.type = kArray;
full_response.value.as_array.values = values;
full_response.value.as_array.length = 3;
Dart_PostCObject(p, &full_response);
void postError(Dart_Port p, struct archive* a) {
DART_STRING(error_string, (char*) archive_error_string(a));
postResult(p, false, archive_errno(a), &error_string);
void postInvalidArgument(Dart_Port p, const char* format, ...) {
va_list args;
char buffer[256];
va_start(args, format);
vsnprintf(buffer, 256, format, args);
DART_STRING(error_string, buffer);
postResult(p, false, EINVAL, &error_string);
void postSuccess(Dart_Port p, Dart_CObject* response) {
if (response != NULL) {
postResult(p, true, 0, response);
postResult(p, true, 0, &null_response);
bool checkError(Dart_Port p, struct archive* a, int result) {
if (result == ARCHIVE_OK) return false;
// TODO(nweiz): What should we do about non-fatal warnings?
if (result == ARCHIVE_WARN) return false;
postError(p, a);
return true;
bool checkPointerError(Dart_Port p, void* pointer, char* name) {
if (pointer != NULL) return false;
char buffer[100];
snprintf(buffer, 100, "Failed to allocate memory for %s.", name);
DART_STRING(error_string, buffer);
postResult(p, false, ENOMEM, &error_string);
return true;
bool checkType(Dart_Port p, Dart_CObject* object, enum Type type) {
if (object->type == type) return false;
postInvalidArgument(p, "Invalid argument: expected type %d, was type %d.",
type, object->type);
return true;
void checkResult(Dart_Port p, struct archive* a, int result) {
if (checkError(p, a, result)) return;
postSuccess(p, NULL);
void checkPointerResult(Dart_Port p, void* pointer, char* name) {
if (checkPointerError(p, pointer, name)) return;
DART_INT64(result, (intptr_t) pointer);
postSuccess(p, &result);
Dart_CObject* getArgument(Dart_Port p, Dart_CObject* request, int i) {
if (checkType(p, request, kArray)) return NULL;
i += 2; // Skip over the message name and archive id.
if (request->value.as_array.length > i) {
return request->value.as_array.values[i];
postInvalidArgument(p, "Invalid argument: expected at least %d arguments, " \
"were %d.", i - 2, request->value.as_array.length - 2);
return NULL;
Dart_CObject* getTypedArgument(Dart_Port p, Dart_CObject* request, int i,
enum Type type) {
Dart_CObject* arg = getArgument(p, request, i);
if (arg == NULL) return NULL;
if (checkType(p, arg, type)) return NULL;
return arg;
Dart_CObject* getIntArgument(Dart_Port p, Dart_CObject* request, int i) {
Dart_CObject* arg = getArgument(p, request, i);
if (arg == NULL) return NULL;
if (arg->type == kInt64) return arg;
if (arg->type == kInt32) return arg;
postInvalidArgument(p, "Invalid argument %d: expected integer, was type %d.",
i+1, arg->type);
return NULL;
int64_t getInteger(Dart_CObject* object) {
assert(object->type == kInt64 || object->type == kInt32);
if (object->type == kInt64) return object->value.as_int64;
if (object->type == kInt32) return (int64_t) object->value.as_int32;
return 0; // Should never reach this point.
Dart_CObject* getNullableStringArgument(Dart_Port p, Dart_CObject* request,
int i) {
Dart_CObject* arg = getArgument(p, request, i);
if (arg == NULL) return NULL;
if (arg->type == kNull) return arg;
if (arg->type == kString) return arg;
postInvalidArgument(p, "Invalid argument %d: expected string or null, was " \
"type %d.", i+1, arg->type);
return NULL;
char* getNullableString(Dart_CObject* object) {
assert(object->type == kNull || object->type == kString);
if (object->type == kString) return object->value.as_string;
return NULL;
bool getOptionArguments(Dart_Port p, Dart_CObject* request, char** module,
char** name, char** value) {
*module = NULL;
*name = NULL;
*value = NULL;
Dart_CObject* wrappedModule = getNullableStringArgument(p, request, 0);
if (wrappedModule == NULL) return false;
*module = getNullableString(wrappedModule);
Dart_CObject* wrappedName = getTypedArgument(p, request, 0, kString);
if (wrappedName == NULL) return false;
*name = wrappedName->value.as_string;
Dart_CObject* wrappedValue = getNullableStringArgument(p, request, 0);
if (wrappedValue == NULL) return false;
*value = getNullableString(wrappedValue);
return true;