Jacob Richman 2dcd56ef43 Format all tests.
There are far too many files here to review everyone carefully.
Spot checking most of the diffs look good as test code is generally written
with less care than application code so lots of ugly formatting get through.
If people notice files where the automated formatting bothers them feel free
to comment indicating file names and I'll move spaces within comments to make
the formatting cleaner and use comments to force block formatting as I have
done for other case where formatting looked bad.


Review-Url: https://codereview.chromium.org/2771453003 .
2017-04-17 14:53:02 -07:00

167 lines
5.6 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library CssStyleDeclarationTest;
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'package:unittest/html_config.dart';
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:async';
import 'utils.dart';
main() {
createTestStyle() {
return new CssStyleDeclaration.css("""
color: blue;
width: 2px !important;
test('default constructor is empty', () {
var style = new CssStyleDeclaration();
expect(style.cssText, isEmpty);
expect(style.getPropertyPriority('color'), isEmpty);
expect(style.item(0), isEmpty);
expect(style, hasLength(0));
// These assertions throw a UnimplementedError in dartium:
// expect(style.parentRule, isNull);
// expect(style.getPropertyCssValue('color'), isNull);
// expect(style.getPropertyShorthand('color'), isNull);
test('length is wrapped', () {
expect(createTestStyle(), hasLength(2));
test('getPropertyPriority is wrapped', () {
var style = createTestStyle();
expect(style.getPropertyPriority("color"), isEmpty);
expect(style.getPropertyPriority("width"), equals("important"));
test('removeProperty is wrapped', () {
var style = createTestStyle();
expect(style.cssText.trim(), equals("color: blue;"));
test('CSS property empty getters and setters', () {
var style = createTestStyle();
expect(style.border, equals(""));
style.border = "1px solid blue";
style.border = "";
expect(style.border, equals(""));
style.border = "1px solid blue";
style.border = null;
expect(style.border, equals(""));
test('CSS property getters and setters', () {
var style = createTestStyle();
expect(style.color, equals("blue"));
expect(style.width, equals("2px"));
style.color = "red";
style.transform = "translate(10px, 20px)";
expect(style.color, equals("red"));
expect(style.transform, equals("translate(10px, 20px)"));
test('Browser prefixes', () {
var element = new DivElement();
element.style.transform = 'translateX(10px)';
var style = element.getComputedStyle();
// Some browsers will normalize this, so it'll be a matrix rather than
// the original string. Just check that it's something other than null.
expect(style.transform.length, greaterThan(3));
// IE9 requires an extra poke for some properties to get applied.
test('IE9 Invalidation', () {
var element = new DivElement();
// Need to wait one tick after the element has been added to the page.
new Timer(const Duration(milliseconds: 10), expectAsync(() {
element.style.textDecoration = 'underline';
var style = element.getComputedStyle();
expect(style.textDecoration, contains('underline'));
test('Invalid values', () {
var element = new DivElement();
// Should not throw an error.
element.style.background = 'some_bad_value';
test('css multi get', () {
var listElement = new Element.html(
'<ul class="foo">'
'<li class="bar" style="background-color: red; border-left: 10px;">'
'<li class="baz" style="background-color: black;>'
'<li class="baz classy" style="background-color: blue; ">'
treeSanitizer: new NullTreeSanitizer());
var elements = document.queryAll('li');
expect(elements.style.backgroundColor, equals('red'));
expect(elements.style.borderLeftWidth, equals('10px'));
elements = document.queryAll('.baz');
expect(elements.style.backgroundColor, equals('black'));
expect(elements.style.borderLeftWidth, equals(''));
elements = document.queryAll('.bar');
expect(elements.style.backgroundColor, equals('red'));
test('css multi set', () {
var listElement = new Element.html(
'<ul class="foo">'
'<li class="bar" style="background-color: red; border-left: 10px;">'
'<li class="baz" style="background-color: black;>'
'<li class="baz" id="wat" style="background-color: blue; ">'
treeSanitizer: new NullTreeSanitizer());
var elements = document.queryAll('li');
elements.style.backgroundColor = 'green';
expect(elements.style.backgroundColor, equals('green'));
expect(elements.style.borderLeftWidth, equals('10px'));
elements = document.queryAll('.baz');
expect(elements.style.backgroundColor, equals('green'));
elements.style.backgroundColor = 'yellow';
expect(elements.style.backgroundColor, equals('yellow'));
expect(elements.style.borderLeftWidth, equals(''));
elements = document.queryAll('.bar');
expect(elements.style.backgroundColor, equals('green'));
elements = document.queryAll('#wat');
expect(elements.style.backgroundColor, equals('yellow'));
elements.style.borderLeftWidth = '18px';
expect(elements.style.borderLeftWidth, equals('18px'));
elements = document.queryAll('li');
expect(elements.style.borderLeftWidth, equals('10px'));
test('supports property', () {
expect(document.body.style.supportsProperty('bogus-property'), false);
expect(document.body.style.supportsProperty('background'), true);
expect(document.body.style.supportsProperty('borderBottomWidth'), true);
expect(document.body.style.supportsProperty('animation'), true);