Alexander Markov 2ee6fcf514 [vm] Remove TypeRef
TypeRef type wraps around another type and it was used to represent
a graph of recursive types. After [0], the only use of TypeRef is
for TypeParameter.bound which may indirectly reference the same

This change replaces TypeParameter.bound with TypeParameter.owner and
removes TypeRef entirely. Various parts of the VM no longer need to
handle and support TypeRefs.

TypeParameter.owner can reference a FunctionType, Class,
or, as an optimization, it can be set to null in order to share
class type parameters among different classes.

With the exception of the 'TypeParameter.owner' back pointer,
VM types are now not recursive and can be visited without
additional tracking.


* Generic FunctionType cannot be cloned in a shallow way:
  when copying a FunctionType, type parameters should be cloned too
  and their owners should be updated. For that reason,
  a mapping between 'from' and 'to' function types
  (FunctionTypeMapping) is maintained during type transformations
  such as InstantiateFrom.
  FunctionType::Clone is used instead of Object::Clone where

* When testing types for subtyping and equivalence, mapping
  between function types is passed to make sure
  type parameters belong to the equivalent function types.

* IL serializer needs to serialize function types as a whole before
  serializing any types potentially pointing into the middle of a
  function type (such as return type 'List<Y0>' pointing into
  the middle of a function type 'List<Y0> Function<Y0>()').

[0] https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/296300


Change-Id: I67c2fd0117c6183a45e183919a7847fd1af70b3e
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/294165
Reviewed-by: Ryan Macnak <rmacnak@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Alexander Markov <alexmarkov@google.com>
2023-04-28 19:29:36 +00:00

778 lines
50 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/growable_array.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
namespace dart {
// Forward declarations.
class IsolateGroup;
class ObjectPointerVisitor;
// One-character symbols are added implicitly.
V(AbiSpecificInteger, "AbiSpecificInteger") \
V(AbstractClassInstantiationError, "AbstractClassInstantiationError") \
V(AllocateInvocationMirror, "_allocateInvocationMirror") \
V(AllocateInvocationMirrorForClosure, "_allocateInvocationMirrorForClosure") \
V(AnonymousClosure, "<anonymous closure>") \
V(ApiError, "ApiError") \
V(ArgDescVar, ":arg_desc") \
V(ArgumentError, "ArgumentError") \
V(AssertionError, "_AssertionError") \
V(AssignIndexToken, "[]=") \
V(AsyncStarMoveNextHelper, "_asyncStarMoveNextHelper") \
V(Bool, "bool") \
V(BooleanExpression, "boolean expression") \
V(BoundsCheckForPartialInstantiation, "_boundsCheckForPartialInstantiation") \
V(ByteData, "ByteData") \
V(Capability, "Capability") \
V(CheckLoaded, "_checkLoaded") \
V(Class, "Class") \
V(ClassID, "ClassID") \
V(ClosureData, "ClosureData") \
V(ClosureParameter, ":closure") \
V(Code, "Code") \
V(CodeSourceMap, "CodeSourceMap") \
V(ColonMatcher, ":matcher") \
V(Completer, "Completer") \
V(Compound, "_Compound") \
V(CompressedStackMaps, "CompressedStackMaps") \
V(Context, "Context") \
V(ContextScope, "ContextScope") \
V(Current, "current") \
V(CurrentContextVar, ":current_context_var") \
V(DartAsync, "dart:async") \
V(DartCollection, "dart:collection") \
V(DartCore, "dart:core") \
V(DartDeveloper, "dart:developer") \
V(DartDeveloperTimeline, "dart.developer.timeline") \
V(DartFfi, "dart:ffi") \
V(DartInternal, "dart:_internal") \
V(DartIsVM, "dart.isVM") \
V(DartIsolate, "dart:isolate") \
V(DartLibrary, "dart.library.") \
V(DartLibraryFfi, "dart.library.ffi") \
V(DartLibraryMirrors, "dart.library.mirrors") \
V(DartMirrors, "dart:mirrors") \
V(DartNativeWrappers, "dart:nativewrappers") \
V(DartNativeWrappersLibName, "nativewrappers") \
V(DartScheme, "dart:") \
V(DartSchemePrivate, "dart:_") \
V(DartTypedData, "dart:typed_data") \
V(DartVMProduct, "dart.vm.product") \
V(DartVMService, "dart:_vmservice") \
V(DebugProcedureName, ":Eval") \
V(Default, "Default") \
V(DefaultLabel, ":L") \
V(DotCreate, "._create") \
V(DotFieldADI, ".fieldADI") \
V(DotFieldNI, ".fieldNI") \
V(DotRange, ".range") \
V(DotUnder, "._") \
V(DotValue, ".value") \
V(DotWithType, "._withType") \
V(Double, "double") \
V(Dynamic, "dynamic") \
V(DynamicCall, "dyn:call") \
V(DynamicCallCurrentFunctionVar, ":dyn_call_current_function") \
V(DynamicCallCurrentNumProcessedVar, ":dyn_call_current_num_processed") \
V(DynamicCallCurrentParamIndexVar, ":dyn_call_current_param_index") \
V(DynamicCallCurrentTypeParamVar, ":dyn_call_current_type_param") \
V(DynamicCallFunctionTypeArgsVar, ":dyn_call_function_type_args") \
V(DynamicPrefix, "dyn:") \
V(EntryPointsTemp, ":entry_points_temp") \
V(EqualOperator, "==") \
V(Error, "Error") \
V(EvalSourceUri, "evaluate:source") \
V(EvaluateAssertion, "_evaluateAssertion") \
V(ExceptionHandlers, "ExceptionHandlers") \
V(ExceptionVar, ":exception_var") \
V(Expando, "Expando") \
V(ExprTemp, ":expr_temp") \
V(ExternalOneByteString, "_ExternalOneByteString") \
V(ExternalTwoByteString, "_ExternalTwoByteString") \
V(FfiAbiSpecificMapping, "_FfiAbiSpecificMapping") \
V(FfiBool, "Bool") \
V(FfiCallback, "_FfiCallback") \
V(FfiDouble, "Double") \
V(FfiDynamicLibrary, "DynamicLibrary") \
V(FfiElementType, "elementType") \
V(FfiFieldPacking, "packing") \
V(FfiFieldTypes, "fieldTypes") \
V(FfiFloat, "Float") \
V(FfiHandle, "Handle") \
V(FfiInt16, "Int16") \
V(FfiInt32, "Int32") \
V(FfiInt64, "Int64") \
V(FfiInt8, "Int8") \
V(FfiIntPtr, "IntPtr") \
V(FfiNativeFunction, "NativeFunction") \
V(FfiNativeType, "NativeType") \
V(FfiNativeTypes, "nativeTypes") \
V(FfiPointer, "Pointer") \
V(FfiStructLayout, "_FfiStructLayout") \
V(FfiStructLayoutArray, "_FfiInlineArray") \
V(FfiTrampolineData, "FfiTrampolineData") \
V(FfiUint16, "Uint16") \
V(FfiUint32, "Uint32") \
V(FfiUint64, "Uint64") \
V(FfiUint8, "Uint8") \
V(FfiVoid, "Void") \
V(Field, "Field") \
V(Finalizable, "Finalizable") \
V(FinalizerBase, "FinalizerBase") \
V(FinalizerEntry, "FinalizerEntry") \
V(FinallyRetVal, ":finally_ret_val") \
V(FirstArg, "x") \
V(Float32List, "Float32List") \
V(Float32x4, "Float32x4") \
V(Float32x4List, "Float32x4List") \
V(Float64List, "Float64List") \
V(Float64x2, "Float64x2") \
V(Float64x2List, "Float64x2List") \
V(FormatException, "FormatException") \
V(ForwardingCorpse, "ForwardingCorpse") \
V(FreeListElement, "FreeListElement") \
V(Function, "Function") \
V(FunctionResult, "function result") \
V(FunctionTypeArgumentsVar, ":function_type_arguments_var") \
V(Future, "Future") \
V(FutureImpl, "_Future") \
V(FutureOr, "FutureOr") \
V(FutureValue, "Future.value") \
V(GetCall, "get:call") \
V(GetLength, "get:length") \
V(GetRuntimeType, "get:runtimeType") \
V(GetterPrefix, "get:") \
V(Get_fieldNames, "get:_fieldNames") \
V(GreaterEqualOperator, ">=") \
V(HaveSameRuntimeType, "_haveSameRuntimeType") \
V(ICData, "ICData") \
V(Identical, "identical") \
V(InTypeCast, " in type cast") \
V(Index, "index") \
V(IndexToken, "[]") \
V(InitPrefix, "init:") \
V(Instructions, "Instructions") \
V(InstructionsSection, "InstructionsSection") \
V(InstructionsTable, "InstructionsTable") \
V(Int, "int") \
V(Int16List, "Int16List") \
V(Int32List, "Int32List") \
V(Int32x4, "Int32x4") \
V(Int32x4List, "Int32x4List") \
V(Int64List, "Int64List") \
V(Int8List, "Int8List") \
V(IntegerDivisionByZeroException, "IntegerDivisionByZeroException") \
V(Interpolate, "_interpolate") \
V(InterpolateSingle, "_interpolateSingle") \
V(InvocationMirror, "_InvocationMirror") \
V(IsolateSpawnException, "IsolateSpawnException") \
V(Iterable, "Iterable") \
V(Iterator, "iterator") \
V(KernelProgramInfo, "KernelProgramInfo") \
V(LanguageError, "LanguageError") \
V(LateError, "LateError") \
V(LeftShiftOperator, "<<") \
V(Length, "length") \
V(LessEqualOperator, "<=") \
V(LibraryClass, "Library") \
V(LibraryPrefix, "LibraryPrefix") \
V(List, "List") \
V(ListFactory, "List.") \
V(ListFilledFactory, "List.filled") \
V(LoadLibrary, "_loadLibrary") \
V(LoadingUnit, "LoadingUnit") \
V(LocalVarDescriptors, "LocalVarDescriptors") \
V(Map, "Map") \
V(MapLiteralFactory, "Map._fromLiteral") \
V(MegamorphicCache, "MegamorphicCache") \
V(MonomorphicSmiableCall, "MonomorphicSmiableCall") \
V(MoveNext, "moveNext") \
V(Namespace, "Namespace") \
V(Never, "Never") \
V(NoSuchMethod, "noSuchMethod") \
V(NoSuchMethodError, "NoSuchMethodError") \
V(Null, "Null") \
V(Number, "num") \
V(Object, "Object") \
V(ObjectPool, "ObjectPool") \
V(OneByteString, "_OneByteString") \
V(OptimizedOut, "<optimized out>") \
V(OriginalParam, ":original:") \
V(OutOfMemoryError, "OutOfMemoryError") \
V(PackageScheme, "package:") \
V(Patch, "patch") \
V(PatchClass, "PatchClass") \
V(PcDescriptors, "PcDescriptors") \
V(Pragma, "pragma") \
V(PrependTypeArguments, "_prependTypeArguments") \
V(QuoteIsNotASubtypeOf, "' is not a subtype of ") \
V(RangeError, "RangeError") \
V(Record, "Record") \
V(RegExp, "RegExp") \
V(RightShiftOperator, ">>") \
V(SavedTryContextVar, ":saved_try_context_var") \
V(Script, "Script") \
V(SecondArg, "y") \
V(SendPort, "SendPort") \
V(Sentinel, "Sentinel") \
V(Set, "Set") \
V(SetterPrefix, "set:") \
V(SingleTargetCache, "SingleTargetCache") \
V(SpaceIsFromSpace, " is from ") \
V(SpaceOfSpace, " of ") \
V(SpaceWhereNewLine, " where\n") \
V(StackOverflowError, "StackOverflowError") \
V(Stream, "Stream") \
V(StringBase, "_StringBase") \
V(Struct, "Struct") \
V(SubtypeTestCache, "SubtypeTestCache") \
V(SuspendStateVar, ":suspend_state_var") \
V(SwitchExpr, ":switch_expr") \
V(Symbol, "Symbol") \
V(ThrowNew, "_throwNew") \
V(ThrowNewInvocation, "_throwNewInvocation") \
V(ThrowNewNullAssertion, "_throwNewNullAssertion") \
V(TopLevel, "::") \
V(TransferableTypedData, "TransferableTypedData") \
V(TruncDivOperator, "~/") \
V(TryFinallyReturnValue, ":try_finally_return_value") \
V(TwoByteString, "_TwoByteString") \
V(TwoSpaces, " ") \
V(Type, "Type") \
V(TypeArguments, "TypeArguments") \
V(TypeArgumentsParameter, ":type_arguments") \
V(TypeError, "_TypeError") \
V(TypeParameters, "TypeParameters") \
V(TypeQuote, "type '") \
V(Uint16List, "Uint16List") \
V(Uint32List, "Uint32List") \
V(Uint64List, "Uint64List") \
V(Uint8ClampedList, "Uint8ClampedList") \
V(Uint8List, "Uint8List") \
V(UnaryMinus, "unary-") \
V(UnhandledException, "UnhandledException") \
V(Union, "Union") \
V(UnlinkedCall, "UnlinkedCall") \
V(UnsafeCast, "unsafeCast") \
V(UnsignedRightShiftOperator, ">>>") \
V(UnsupportedError, "UnsupportedError") \
V(UnwindError, "UnwindError") \
V(Value, "value") \
V(Values, "values") \
V(VarArgs, "VarArgs") \
V(WeakArray, "WeakArray") \
V(WeakSerializationReference, "WeakSerializationReference") \
V(_AsyncStarStreamController, "_AsyncStarStreamController") \
V(_BufferingStreamSubscription, "_BufferingStreamSubscription") \
V(_ByteBuffer, "_ByteBuffer") \
V(_ByteBufferDot_New, "_ByteBuffer._New") \
V(_ByteDataView, "_ByteDataView") \
V(_Capability, "_Capability") \
V(_ClassMirror, "_ClassMirror") \
V(_Closure, "_Closure") \
V(_ClosureCall, "_Closure.call") \
V(_CombinatorMirror, "_CombinatorMirror") \
V(_CompileTimeError, "_CompileTimeError") \
V(_ConstMap, "_ConstMap") \
V(_ConstSet, "_ConstSet") \
V(_ControllerSubscription, "_ControllerSubscription") \
V(_CyclicInitializationError, "_CyclicInitializationError") \
V(_DeletedEnumPrefix, "Deleted enum value from ") \
V(_DeletedEnumSentinel, "_deleted_enum_sentinel") \
V(_Double, "_Double") \
V(_Enum, "_Enum") \
V(_ExternalFloat32Array, "_ExternalFloat32Array") \
V(_ExternalFloat32x4Array, "_ExternalFloat32x4Array") \
V(_ExternalFloat64Array, "_ExternalFloat64Array") \
V(_ExternalFloat64x2Array, "_ExternalFloat64x2Array") \
V(_ExternalInt16Array, "_ExternalInt16Array") \
V(_ExternalInt32Array, "_ExternalInt32Array") \
V(_ExternalInt32x4Array, "_ExternalInt32x4Array") \
V(_ExternalInt64Array, "_ExternalInt64Array") \
V(_ExternalInt8Array, "_ExternalInt8Array") \
V(_ExternalUint16Array, "_ExternalUint16Array") \
V(_ExternalUint32Array, "_ExternalUint32Array") \
V(_ExternalUint64Array, "_ExternalUint64Array") \
V(_ExternalUint8Array, "_ExternalUint8Array") \
V(_ExternalUint8ClampedArray, "_ExternalUint8ClampedArray") \
V(_FinalizerImpl, "_FinalizerImpl") \
V(_Float32ArrayFactory, "Float32List.") \
V(_Float32ArrayView, "_Float32ArrayView") \
V(_Float32List, "_Float32List") \
V(_Float32x4, "_Float32x4") \
V(_Float32x4ArrayFactory, "Float32x4List.") \
V(_Float32x4ArrayView, "_Float32x4ArrayView") \
V(_Float32x4List, "_Float32x4List") \
V(_Float64ArrayFactory, "Float64List.") \
V(_Float64ArrayView, "_Float64ArrayView") \
V(_Float64List, "_Float64List") \
V(_Float64x2, "_Float64x2") \
V(_Float64x2ArrayFactory, "Float64x2List.") \
V(_Float64x2ArrayView, "_Float64x2ArrayView") \
V(_Float64x2List, "_Float64x2List") \
V(_FunctionType, "_FunctionType") \
V(_FunctionTypeMirror, "_FunctionTypeMirror") \
V(_FutureListener, "_FutureListener") \
V(_GrowableList, "_GrowableList") \
V(_GrowableListFactory, "_GrowableList.") \
V(_GrowableListFilledFactory, "_GrowableList.filled") \
V(_GrowableListGenerateFactory, "_GrowableList.generate") \
V(_GrowableListLiteralFactory, "_GrowableList._literal") \
V(_GrowableListWithData, "_GrowableList._withData") \
V(_ImmutableList, "_ImmutableList") \
V(_Int16ArrayFactory, "Int16List.") \
V(_Int16ArrayView, "_Int16ArrayView") \
V(_Int16List, "_Int16List") \
V(_Int32ArrayFactory, "Int32List.") \
V(_Int32ArrayView, "_Int32ArrayView") \
V(_Int32List, "_Int32List") \
V(_Int32x4, "_Int32x4") \
V(_Int32x4ArrayFactory, "Int32x4List.") \
V(_Int32x4ArrayView, "_Int32x4ArrayView") \
V(_Int32x4List, "_Int32x4List") \
V(_Int64ArrayFactory, "Int64List.") \
V(_Int64ArrayView, "_Int64ArrayView") \
V(_Int64List, "_Int64List") \
V(_Int8ArrayFactory, "Int8List.") \
V(_Int8ArrayView, "_Int8ArrayView") \
V(_Int8List, "_Int8List") \
V(_IntegerImplementation, "_IntegerImplementation") \
V(_IsolateMirror, "_IsolateMirror") \
V(_LibraryDependencyMirror, "_LibraryDependencyMirror") \
V(_LibraryMirror, "_LibraryMirror") \
V(_LibraryPrefix, "_LibraryPrefix") \
V(_List, "_List") \
V(_ListFactory, "_List.") \
V(_ListFilledFactory, "_List.filled") \
V(_ListGenerateFactory, "_List.generate") \
V(_Map, "_Map") \
V(_MethodMirror, "_MethodMirror") \
V(_Mint, "_Mint") \
V(_MirrorReference, "_MirrorReference") \
V(_NativeFinalizer, "_NativeFinalizer") \
V(_ParameterMirror, "_ParameterMirror") \
V(_Random, "_Random") \
V(_RawReceivePort, "_RawReceivePort") \
V(_Record, "_Record") \
V(_RecordType, "_RecordType") \
V(_RegExp, "_RegExp") \
V(_SendPort, "_SendPort") \
V(_Set, "_Set") \
V(_Smi, "_Smi") \
V(_SourceLocation, "_SourceLocation") \
V(_SpecialTypeMirror, "_SpecialTypeMirror") \
V(_StackTrace, "_StackTrace") \
V(_StreamController, "_StreamController") \
V(_StreamIterator, "_StreamIterator") \
V(_String, "String") \
V(_SuspendState, "_SuspendState") \
V(_SyncStarIterator, "_SyncStarIterator") \
V(_SyncStreamController, "_SyncStreamController") \
V(_TransferableTypedDataImpl, "_TransferableTypedDataImpl") \
V(_Type, "_Type") \
V(_TypeParameter, "_TypeParameter") \
V(_TypeVariableMirror, "_TypeVariableMirror") \
V(_Uint16ArrayFactory, "Uint16List.") \
V(_Uint16ArrayView, "_Uint16ArrayView") \
V(_Uint16List, "_Uint16List") \
V(_Uint32ArrayFactory, "Uint32List.") \
V(_Uint32ArrayView, "_Uint32ArrayView") \
V(_Uint32List, "_Uint32List") \
V(_Uint64ArrayFactory, "Uint64List.") \
V(_Uint64ArrayView, "_Uint64ArrayView") \
V(_Uint64List, "_Uint64List") \
V(_Uint8ArrayFactory, "Uint8List.") \
V(_Uint8ArrayView, "_Uint8ArrayView") \
V(_Uint8ClampedArrayFactory, "Uint8ClampedList.") \
V(_Uint8ClampedArrayView, "_Uint8ClampedArrayView") \
V(_Uint8ClampedList, "_Uint8ClampedList") \
V(_Uint8List, "_Uint8List") \
V(_UnmodifiableByteDataView, "_UnmodifiableByteDataView") \
V(_UnmodifiableFloat32ArrayView, "_UnmodifiableFloat32ArrayView") \
V(_UnmodifiableFloat32x4ArrayView, "_UnmodifiableFloat32x4ArrayView") \
V(_UnmodifiableFloat64ArrayView, "_UnmodifiableFloat64ArrayView") \
V(_UnmodifiableFloat64x2ArrayView, "_UnmodifiableFloat64x2ArrayView") \
V(_UnmodifiableInt16ArrayView, "_UnmodifiableInt16ArrayView") \
V(_UnmodifiableInt32ArrayView, "_UnmodifiableInt32ArrayView") \
V(_UnmodifiableInt32x4ArrayView, "_UnmodifiableInt32x4ArrayView") \
V(_UnmodifiableInt64ArrayView, "_UnmodifiableInt64ArrayView") \
V(_UnmodifiableInt8ArrayView, "_UnmodifiableInt8ArrayView") \
V(_UnmodifiableUint16ArrayView, "_UnmodifiableUint16ArrayView") \
V(_UnmodifiableUint32ArrayView, "_UnmodifiableUint32ArrayView") \
V(_UnmodifiableUint64ArrayView, "_UnmodifiableUint64ArrayView") \
V(_UnmodifiableUint8ArrayView, "_UnmodifiableUint8ArrayView") \
V(_UnmodifiableUint8ClampedArrayView, "_UnmodifiableUint8ClampedArrayView") \
V(_UserTag, "_UserTag") \
V(_Utf8Decoder, "_Utf8Decoder") \
V(_VariableMirror, "_VariableMirror") \
V(_WeakProperty, "_WeakProperty") \
V(_WeakReference, "_WeakReference") \
V(_await, "_await") \
V(_awaitWithTypeCheck, "_awaitWithTypeCheck") \
V(_backtrackingStack, "_backtrackingStack") \
V(_classRangeCheck, "_classRangeCheck") \
V(_current, "_current") \
V(_ensureScheduleImmediate, "_ensureScheduleImmediate") \
V(_future, "_future") \
V(_getRegisters, "_getRegisters") \
V(_growBacktrackingStack, "_growBacktrackingStack") \
V(_handleException, "_handleException") \
V(_handleFinalizerMessage, "_handleFinalizerMessage") \
V(_handleMessage, "_handleMessage") \
V(_handleNativeFinalizerMessage, "_handleNativeFinalizerMessage") \
V(_hasValue, "_hasValue") \
V(_initAsync, "_initAsync") \
V(_initAsyncStar, "_initAsyncStar") \
V(_initSyncStar, "_initSyncStar") \
V(_instanceOf, "_instanceOf") \
V(_listGetAt, "_listGetAt") \
V(_listLength, "_listLength") \
V(_listSetAt, "_listSetAt") \
V(_lookupHandler, "_lookupHandler") \
V(_lookupOpenPorts, "_lookupOpenPorts") \
V(_mapContainsKey, "_mapContainsKey") \
V(_mapGet, "_mapGet") \
V(_mapKeys, "_mapKeys") \
V(_name, "_name") \
V(_objectEquals, "_objectEquals") \
V(_objectHashCode, "_objectHashCode") \
V(_objectNoSuchMethod, "_objectNoSuchMethod") \
V(_objectToString, "_objectToString") \
V(_onData, "_onData") \
V(_rehashObjects, "_rehashObjects") \
V(_resultOrListeners, "_resultOrListeners") \
V(_returnAsync, "_returnAsync") \
V(_returnAsyncNotFuture, "_returnAsyncNotFuture") \
V(_returnAsyncStar, "_returnAsyncStar") \
V(_runExtension, "_runExtension") \
V(_runPendingImmediateCallback, "_runPendingImmediateCallback") \
V(_scanFlags, "_scanFlags") \
V(_simpleInstanceOf, "_simpleInstanceOf") \
V(_simpleInstanceOfFalse, "_simpleInstanceOfFalse") \
V(_simpleInstanceOfTrue, "_simpleInstanceOfTrue") \
V(_stackTrace, "_stackTrace") \
V(_state, "_state") \
V(_stateData, "_stateData") \
V(_suspendSyncStarAtStart, "_suspendSyncStarAtStart") \
V(_toString, "_toString") \
V(_typedDataBase, "_typedDataBase") \
V(_varData, "_varData") \
V(_wordCharacterMap, "_wordCharacterMap") \
V(_yieldAsyncStar, "_yieldAsyncStar") \
V(_yieldStarIterable, "_yieldStarIterable") \
V(_yieldSyncStar, "_yieldSyncStar") \
V(absolute, "absolute") \
V(add, "add") \
V(addStream, "addStream") \
V(asyncStarBody, "asyncStarBody") \
V(c_result, ":result") \
V(call, "call") \
V(callback, "callback") \
V(capture_length, ":capture_length") \
V(capture_start_index, ":capture_start_index") \
V(char_in_capture, ":char_in_capture") \
V(char_in_match, ":char_in_match") \
V(controller, "controller") \
V(current_character, ":current_character") \
V(current_position, ":current_position") \
V(dynamic_assert_assignable_stc_check, \
":dynamic_assert_assignable_stc_check") \
V(executable, "executable") \
V(get, "get") \
V(index_temp, ":index_temp") \
V(isPaused, "isPaused") \
V(match_end_index, ":match_end_index") \
V(match_start_index, ":match_start_index") \
V(name, "name") \
V(native_assets, "native-assets") \
V(null, "null") \
V(options, "options") \
V(position_registers, ":position_registers") \
V(print, "print") \
V(process, "process") \
V(relative, "relative") \
V(result, "result") \
V(set, "set") \
V(stack, ":stack") \
V(stack_pointer, ":stack_pointer") \
V(start_index_param, ":start_index_param") \
V(state, "state") \
V(string_param, ":string_param") \
V(string_param_length, ":string_param_length") \
V(system, "system") \
V(vm_always_consider_inlining, "vm:always-consider-inlining") \
V(vm_entry_point, "vm:entry-point") \
V(vm_exact_result_type, "vm:exact-result-type") \
V(vm_external_name, "vm:external-name") \
V(vm_ffi_abi_specific_mapping, "vm:ffi:abi-specific-mapping") \
V(vm_ffi_native_assets, "vm:ffi:native-assets") \
V(vm_ffi_struct_fields, "vm:ffi:struct-fields") \
V(vm_invisible, "vm:invisible") \
V(vm_isolate_unsendable, "vm:isolate-unsendable") \
V(vm_never_inline, "vm:never-inline") \
V(vm_non_nullable_result_type, "vm:non-nullable-result-type") \
V(vm_notify_debugger_on_exception, "vm:notify-debugger-on-exception") \
V(vm_prefer_inline, "vm:prefer-inline") \
V(vm_recognized, "vm:recognized") \
V(vm_testing_print_flow_graph, "vm:testing:print-flow-graph") \
V(vm_trace_entrypoints, "vm:testing.unsafe.trace-entrypoints-fn") \
V(vm_unsafe_no_interrupts, "vm:unsafe:no-interrupts")
// Contains a list of frequently used strings in a canonicalized form. This
// list is kept in the vm_isolate in order to share the copy across isolates
// without having to maintain copies in each isolate.
class Symbols : public AllStatic {
enum { kMaxOneCharCodeSymbol = 0xFF };
// List of strings that are pre created in the vm isolate.
enum SymbolId {
// clang-format off
kIllegal = 0,
#define DEFINE_SYMBOL_INDEX(symbol, literal) k##symbol##Id,
kTokenTableStart, // First token at kTokenTableStart + 1.
#define DEFINE_TOKEN_SYMBOL_INDEX(t, s, p, a) t##Id,
kNullCharId, // One char code symbol starts here and takes up 256 entries.
kMaxPredefinedId = kNullCharId + kMaxOneCharCodeSymbol + 1,
// clang-format on
// Number of one character symbols being predefined in the predefined_ array.
static constexpr int kNumberOfOneCharCodeSymbols =
(kMaxPredefinedId - kNullCharId);
// Offset of Null character which is the predefined character symbol.
static constexpr int kNullCharCodeSymbolOffset = 0;
static const String& Symbol(intptr_t index) {
ASSERT((index > kIllegal) && (index < kMaxPredefinedId));
return *(symbol_handles_[index]);
// Access methods for one byte character symbols stored in the vm isolate.
static const String& Dot() { return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId + '.']); }
static const String& Equals() {
return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId + '=']);
static const String& Plus() { return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId + '+']); }
static const String& Minus() { return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId + '-']); }
static const String& BitOr() { return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId + '|']); }
static const String& BitAnd() {
return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId + '&']);
static const String& LAngleBracket() {
return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId + '<']);
static const String& RAngleBracket() {
return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId + '>']);
static const String& LParen() {
return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId + '(']);
static const String& RParen() {
return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId + ')']);
static const String& LBracket() {
return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId + '[']);
static const String& RBracket() {
return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId + ']']);
static const String& LBrace() {
return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId + '{']);
static const String& RBrace() {
return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId + '}']);
static const String& Blank() { return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId + ' ']); }
static const String& Dollar() {
return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId + '$']);
static const String& NewLine() {
return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId + '\n']);
static const String& DoubleQuote() {
return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId + '"']);
static const String& SingleQuote() {
return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId + '\'']);
static const String& LowercaseR() {
return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId + 'r']);
static const String& Dash() { return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId + '-']); }
static const String& Ampersand() {
return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId + '&']);
static const String& Backtick() {
return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId + '`']);
static const String& Slash() { return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId + '/']); }
static const String& At() { return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId + '@']); }
static const String& HashMark() {
return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId + '#']);
static const String& Semicolon() {
return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId + ';']);
static const String& Star() { return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId + '*']); }
static const String& Percent() {
return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId + '%']);
static const String& QuestionMark() {
return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId + '?']);
static const String& Caret() { return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId + '^']); }
static const String& Tilde() { return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId + '~']); }
static const String& Empty() { return *(symbol_handles_[kTokenTableStart]); }
static const String& False() { return *(symbol_handles_[kFALSEId]); }
static const String& Library() { return *(symbol_handles_[kLIBRARYId]); }
static const String& Super() { return *(symbol_handles_[kSUPERId]); }
static const String& This() { return *(symbol_handles_[kTHISId]); }
static const String& True() { return *(symbol_handles_[kTRUEId]); }
static const String& Void() { return *(symbol_handles_[kVOIDId]); }
// Access methods for symbol handles stored in the vm isolate for predefined
// symbols.
#define DEFINE_SYMBOL_HANDLE_ACCESSOR(symbol, literal) \
static const String& symbol() { return *(symbol_handles_[k##symbol##Id]); }
// Access methods for symbol handles stored in the vm isolate for keywords.
static const String& t() { return *(symbol_handles_[t##Id]); }
// Get symbol for scanner token.
static const String& Token(Token::Kind token);
// Initialize frequently used symbols in the vm isolate.
static void Init(IsolateGroup* isolate_group);
static void InitFromSnapshot(IsolateGroup* isolate_group);
// Initialize and setup a symbol table for the isolate.
static void SetupSymbolTable(IsolateGroup* isolate_group);
// Creates a Symbol given a C string that is assumed to contain
// UTF-8 encoded characters and '\0' is considered a termination character.
// TODO(7123) - Rename this to FromCString(....).
static StringPtr New(Thread* thread, const char* cstr) {
return New(thread, cstr, strlen(cstr));
static StringPtr New(Thread* thread, const char* cstr, intptr_t length);
// Creates a new Symbol from an array of UTF-8 encoded characters.
static StringPtr FromUTF8(Thread* thread,
const uint8_t* utf8_array,
intptr_t len);
// Creates a new Symbol from an array of Latin-1 encoded characters.
static StringPtr FromLatin1(Thread* thread,
const uint8_t* latin1_array,
intptr_t len);
// Creates a new Symbol from an array of UTF-16 encoded characters.
static StringPtr FromUTF16(Thread* thread,
const uint16_t* utf16_array,
intptr_t len);
static StringPtr New(Thread* thread, const String& str);
static StringPtr New(Thread* thread,
const String& str,
intptr_t begin_index,
intptr_t length);
static StringPtr NewFormatted(Thread* thread, const char* format, ...)
static StringPtr NewFormattedV(Thread* thread,
const char* format,
va_list args);
static StringPtr FromConcat(Thread* thread,
const String& str1,
const String& str2);
static StringPtr FromConcatAll(
Thread* thread,
const GrowableHandlePtrArray<const String>& strs);
static StringPtr FromGet(Thread* thread, const String& str);
static StringPtr FromSet(Thread* thread, const String& str);
static StringPtr FromDot(Thread* thread, const String& str);
// Returns char* of predefined symbol.
static const char* Name(SymbolId symbol);
static StringPtr FromCharCode(Thread* thread, uint16_t char_code);
static StringPtr* PredefinedAddress() {
return reinterpret_cast<StringPtr*>(&predefined_);
static void DumpStats(IsolateGroup* isolate_group);
static void DumpTable(IsolateGroup* isolate_group);
// Returns Symbol::Null if no symbol is found.
template <typename StringType>
static StringPtr Lookup(Thread* thread, const StringType& str);
// Returns Symbol::Null if no symbol is found.
static StringPtr LookupFromConcat(Thread* thread,
const String& str1,
const String& str2);
static StringPtr LookupFromGet(Thread* thread, const String& str);
static StringPtr LookupFromSet(Thread* thread, const String& str);
static StringPtr LookupFromDot(Thread* thread, const String& str);
static void GetStats(IsolateGroup* isolate_group,
intptr_t* size,
intptr_t* capacity);
enum { kInitialVMIsolateSymtabSize = 1024, kInitialSymtabSize = 2048 };
template <typename StringType>
static StringPtr NewSymbol(Thread* thread, const StringType& str);
// List of Latin1 characters stored in the vm isolate as symbols
// in order to make Symbols::FromCharCode fast. This structure is
// used in generated dart code for direct access to these objects.
static StringPtr predefined_[kNumberOfOneCharCodeSymbols];
// List of handles for predefined symbols.
static String* symbol_handles_[kMaxPredefinedId];
friend class Dart;
friend class String;
friend class Serializer;
friend class Deserializer;
} // namespace dart