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git-svn-id: https://dart.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge/dart@14473 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
2012-11-02 14:53:15 +00:00

263 lines
9.4 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* A [Future] is used to obtain a value sometime in the future. Receivers of a
* [Future] can obtain the value by passing a callback to [then]. For example:
* Future<int> future = getFutureFromSomewhere();
* future.then((value) {
* print("I received the number $value");
* });
* A future may complete by *succeeding* (producing a value) or *failing*
* (producing an exception, which may be handled with [handleException]).
* Callbacks passed to [onComplete] will be invoked in either case.
* When a future completes, the following actions happen in order:
* 1. if the future suceeded, handlers registered with [then] are called.
* 2. if the future failed, handlers registered with [handleException] are
* called in sequence, until one returns true.
* 3. handlers registered with [onComplete] are called
* 4. if the future failed, and at least one handler was registered with
* [then], and no handler registered with [handleException] returned
* [:true:], then the exception is thrown.
* Use a [Completer] to create and change the state of a [Future].
abstract class Future<T> {
/** A future whose value is immediately available. */
factory Future.immediate(T value) => new _FutureImpl<T>.immediate(value);
/** The value provided. Throws an exception if [hasValue] is false. */
T get value;
* Exception that occurred ([:null:] if no exception occured). This property
* throws a [FutureNotCompleteException] if it is used before this future is
* completes.
Object get exception;
* The stack trace object associated with the exception that occurred. This
* throws a [FutureNotCompleteException] if it is used before the future
* completes. Returns [:null:] if the future completed successfully or a
* stack trace wasn't provided with the exception when it occurred.
Object get stackTrace;
* Whether the future is complete (either the value is available or there was
* an exception).
bool get isComplete;
* Whether the value is available (meaning [isComplete] is true, and there was
* no exception).
bool get hasValue;
* When this future is complete (either with a value or with an exception),
* then [complete] is called with the future.
* If [complete] throws an exception, it is ignored.
void onComplete(void complete(Future<T> future));
* If this future is complete and has a value, then [onSuccess] is called
* with the value.
void then(void onSuccess(T value));
* If this future is complete and has an exception, then call [onException].
* If [onException] returns true, then the exception is considered handled.
* If [onException] does not return true (or [handleException] was never
* called), then the exception is not considered handled. In that case, if
* there were any calls to [then], then the exception will be thrown when the
* value is set.
* In most cases it should not be necessary to call [handleException],
* because the exception associated with this [Future] will propagate
* naturally if the future's value is being consumed. Only call
* [handleException] if you need to do some special local exception handling
* related to this particular Future's value.
void handleException(bool onException(Object exception));
* A future representing [transformation] applied to this future's value.
* When this future gets a value, [transformation] will be called on the
* value, and the returned future will receive the result.
* If an exception occurs (received by this future, or thrown by
* [transformation]) then the returned future will receive the exception.
* You must not add exception handlers to [this] future prior to calling
* transform, and any you add afterwards will not be invoked.
Future transform(transformation(T value));
* A future representing an asynchronous transformation applied to this
* future's value. [transformation] must return a Future.
* When this future gets a value, [transformation] will be called on the
* value. When the resulting future gets a value, the returned future
* will receive it.
* If an exception occurs (received by this future, thrown by
* [transformation], or received by the future returned by [transformation])
* then the returned future will receive the exception.
* You must not add exception handlers to [this] future prior to calling
* chain, and any you add afterwards will not be invoked.
Future chain(Future transformation(T value));
* A future representing [transformation] applied to this future's exception.
* This can be used to "catch" an exception coming from `this` and translate
* it to a more appropriate result.
* If this future gets a value, it simply completes to that same value. If an
* exception occurs, then [transformation] will be called with the exception
* value. If [transformation] itself throws an exception, then the returned
* future completes with that exception. Otherwise, the future will complete
* with the value returned by [transformation]. If the returned value is
* itself a future, then the future returned by [transformException] will
* complete with the value that that future completes to.
Future transformException(transformation(Object exception));
* A [Completer] is used to produce [Future]s and supply their value when it
* becomes available.
* A service that provides values to callers, and wants to return [Future]s can
* use a [Completer] as follows:
* Completer completer = new Completer();
* // send future object back to client...
* return completer.future;
* ...
* // later when value is available, call:
* completer.complete(value);
* // alternatively, if the service cannot produce the value, it
* // can provide an exception:
* completer.completeException(exception);
abstract class Completer<T> {
factory Completer() => new _CompleterImpl<T>();
/** The future that will contain the value produced by this completer. */
Future get future;
/** Supply a value for [future]. */
void complete(T value);
* Indicate in [future] that an exception occured while trying to produce its
* value. The argument [exception] should not be [:null:]. A [stackTrace]
* object can be provided as well to give the user information about where
* the error occurred. If omitted, it will be [:null:].
void completeException(Object exception, [Object stackTrace]);
/** Thrown when reading a future's properties before it is complete. */
class FutureNotCompleteException implements Exception {
FutureNotCompleteException() {}
String toString() => "Exception: future has not been completed";
* Thrown if a completer tries to set the value on a future that is already
* complete.
class FutureAlreadyCompleteException implements Exception {
FutureAlreadyCompleteException() {}
String toString() => "Exception: future already completed";
* Wraps unhandled exceptions provided to [Completer.completeException]. It is
* used to show both the error message and the stack trace for unhandled
* exceptions.
class FutureUnhandledException implements Exception {
/** Wrapped exception. */
var source;
/** Trace for the wrapped exception. */
Object stackTrace;
FutureUnhandledException(this.source, this.stackTrace);
String toString() {
return 'FutureUnhandledException: exception while executing Future\n '
'${source.toString().replaceAll("\n", "\n ")}\n'
'original stack trace:\n '
'${stackTrace.toString().replaceAll("\n","\n ")}';
* [Futures] holds additional utility functions that operate on [Future]s (for
* example, waiting for a collection of Futures to complete).
class Futures {
* Returns a future which will complete once all the futures in a list are
* complete. If any of the futures in the list completes with an exception,
* the resulting future also completes with an exception. (The value of the
* returned future will be a list of all the values that were produced.)
static Future<List> wait(List<Future> futures) {
if (futures.isEmpty) {
return new Future<List>.immediate(const []);
Completer completer = new Completer<List>();
Future<List> result = completer.future;
int remaining = futures.length;
List values = new List(futures.length);
// As each future completes, put its value into the corresponding
// position in the list of values.
for (int i = 0; i < futures.length; i++) {
// TODO(mattsh) - remove this after bug
// http://code.google.com/p/dart/issues/detail?id=333 is fixed.
int pos = i;
Future future = futures[pos];
future.then((Object value) {
values[pos] = value;
if (--remaining == 0 && !result.isComplete) {
future.handleException((exception) {
if (!result.isComplete) {
completer.completeException(exception, future.stackTrace);
return true;
return result;