sigmund@google.com 06ec980f3f get_drt.py: renamed from get_dartium, tries to get the latest DumpRenderTree
from the most recent archive location that the user has access to.

Review URL: https://chromereviews.googleplex.com/3532018

git-svn-id: https://dart.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge/dart@157 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
2011-10-06 21:43:51 +00:00

498 lines
15 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
Runs a Dart unit test in different configurations: dartium, chromium, ia32, x64,
arm, simarm, and dartc. Example:
run.py --arch=dartium --mode=release --test=Test.dart
import optparse
import os
from os.path import join, abspath, dirname, basename, relpath
import platform
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import utils
OS_GUESS = utils.GuessOS()
<title> Test %(title)s </title>
.unittest-table { font-family:monospace; border:1px; }
.unittest-pass { background: #6b3;}
.unittest-fail { background: #d55;}
.unittest-error { background: #a11;}
<h1> Running %(title)s </h1>
<script type="text/javascript" src="%(controller_script)s"></script>
<script type="%(script_type)s" src="%(source_script)s"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// If 'startedDartTest' is not set, that means that the test did not have
// a chance to load. This will happen when a load error occurs in the VM.
// Give the machine time to start up.
setTimeout(function() {
if (window.layoutTestController
&& !window.layoutTestController.startedDartTest) {
}, 3000);
#import('%(library)s', prefix: "Test");
pass() {
document.body.innerHTML = 'PASS';
window.postMessage('unittest-suite-done', '*');
fail(e, trace) {
document.body.innerHTML = 'FAIL: $e, $trace';
window.postMessage('unittest-suite-done', '*');
// All tests are registered as async tests on the UnitTestSuite.
// If the test uses the [:TestRunner:] we will a callback to wait for the
// done callback.
// Otherwise we will call [:testSuite.done():] immediately after the test
// finished.
main() {
bool needsToWait = false;
bool mainIsFinished = false;
TestRunner.waitForDoneCallback = () { needsToWait = true; };
TestRunner.doneCallback = () {
if (mainIsFinished) {
} else {
needsToWait = false;
try {
if (!needsToWait) pass();
mainIsFinished = true;
} catch(var e, var trace) {
fail(e, trace);
# Patterns for matching test options in .dart files.
VM_OPTIONS_PATTERN = re.compile(r"// VMOptions=(.*)")
DART_OPTIONS_PATTERN = re.compile(r"// DartOptions=(.*)")
# Pattern for checking if the test is a web test.
DOM_IMPORT_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^#import.*(dart:dom|html.dart)'\);",
# Pattern for matching the output of a browser test.
BROWSER_OUTPUT_PASS_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^Content-Type: text/plain\nPASS$",
# Pattern for checking if the test is a library in itself.
LIBRARY_DEFINITION_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^#library\(.*\);",
SOURCE_OR_IMPORT_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^#(source|import)\(.*\);",
class Error(Exception):
def IsWebTest(test, source):
return DOM_IMPORT_PATTERN.search(source)
def IsLibraryDefinition(test, source):
if LIBRARY_DEFINITION_PATTERN.search(source): return True
if SOURCE_OR_IMPORT_PATTERN.search(source):
print ("WARNING for %s: Browser tests need a #library "
"for a file that #import or #source" % test)
return False
class Architecture(object):
def __init__(self, root_path, arch, mode, test):
self.root_path = root_path;
self.arch = arch;
self.mode = mode;
self.test = test;
self.build_root = utils.GetBuildRoot(OS_GUESS, self.mode, self.arch)
source = file(test).read()
self.vm_options = utils.ParseTestOptions(VM_OPTIONS_PATTERN,
if not self.vm_options: self.vm_options = []
self.dart_options = utils.ParseTestOptions(DART_OPTIONS_PATTERN,
self.is_web_test = IsWebTest(test, source)
self.temp_dir = None
def HasFatalTypeErrors(self):
return False
def GetTestFrameworkPath(self):
return join(self.root_path, 'tests', 'isolate', 'src',
class BrowserArchitecture(Architecture):
def __init__(self, root_path, arch, mode, test):
super(BrowserArchitecture, self).__init__(root_path, arch, mode, test)
self.temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp();
if not self.is_web_test: self.GenerateWebTestScript()
def GetTestScriptFile(self):
"""Returns the name of the .dart file to compile."""
if self.is_web_test: return abspath(self.test)
return join(self.temp_dir, 'test.dart')
def GetHtmlContents(self):
script_type = self.GetScriptType()
controller_path = join(self.root_path,
'client', 'testing', 'unittest', 'test_controller.js')
return HTML_CONTENTS % { 'title' : self.test,
'controller_script': controller_path,
'script_type' : script_type,
'source_script' : self.GetScriptPath() }
def GetHtmlPath(self):
# Resources for web tests are relative to the 'html' file. We
# output the 'html' file in the 'out' directory instead of the temporary
# directory because we can easily go the the resources in 'client' through
# 'out'.
if self.is_web_test:
html_path = join(self.root_path, 'client', self.build_root)
if not os.path.exists(html_path): os.makedirs(html_path)
return html_path
return self.temp_dir
def GetTestContents(self, library_file):
unittest_path = join(self.root_path,
'client', 'testing', 'unittest', 'unittest.dart')
if self.arch == 'chromium':
dom_path = join(self.root_path,
'client', 'testing', 'unittest', 'dom_for_unittest.dart')
dom_path = join('dart:dom')
test_framework_path = self.GetTestFrameworkPath()
test_name = basename(self.test)
test_path = abspath(self.test)
inputs = { 'unittest': unittest_path,
'test': test_path,
'dom_library': dom_path,
'test_framework': test_framework_path,
'library': library_file }
return DART_CONTENTS % inputs
def GenerateWebTestScript(self):
if IsLibraryDefinition(self.test, file(self.test).read()):
library_file = abspath(self.test)
library_file = 'test_as_library.dart'
test_as_library = DART_TEST_AS_LIBRARY % { 'test': abspath(self.test) }
test_as_library_file = join(self.temp_dir, library_file)
f = open(test_as_library_file, 'w')
app_output_file = self.GetTestScriptFile()
f = open(app_output_file, 'w')
def GetRunCommand(self, fatal_static_type_errors = False):
# For some reason, DRT needs to be called via an absolute path
drt_location = join(self.root_path,
'client', 'tests', 'drt', 'DumpRenderTree')
# On Mac DumpRenderTree is a .app folder
if platform.system() == 'Darwin':
drt_location += '.app/Contents/MacOS/DumpRenderTree'
drt_flags = [ '--no-timeout' ]
dart_flags = '--dart-flags=--enable_asserts --enable_type_checks '
dart_flags += ' '.join(self.vm_options)
if self.arch == 'chromium' and self.mode == 'release':
dart_flags += ' --optimize '
html_output_file = join(self.GetHtmlPath(), self.GetHtmlName())
f = open(html_output_file, 'w')
return [drt_location] + drt_flags
def HasFailed(self, output):
return not BROWSER_OUTPUT_PASS_PATTERN.search(output)
def RunTest(self, verbose):
retcode = self.Compile()
if retcode != 0: return 1
command = self.GetRunCommand()
status, output, err = ExecutePipedCommand(command, verbose)
if not self.HasFailed(output):
return 0
# TODO(sigmund): print better error message, including how to run test
# locally, and translate error traces using source map info.
print "(FAIL) test page:\033[31m " + command[2] + " \033[0m"
if verbose:
print 'Additional info: '
print output
print err
return 1
def Cleanup(self):
if self.temp_dir:
self.temp_dir = None
class ChromiumArchitecture(BrowserArchitecture):
def __init__(self, root_path, arch, mode, test):
super(ChromiumArchitecture, self).__init__(root_path, arch, mode, test)
def GetScriptType(self):
return 'text/javascript'
def GetScriptPath(self):
""" Returns the name of the output .js file to create """
path = self.GetTestScriptFile()
return abspath(os.path.join(self.temp_dir,
os.path.basename(path) + '.js'))
def GetHtmlName(self):
return relpath(self.test, self.root_path).replace(os.sep, '_') + '.html'
def GetCompileCommand(self, fatal_static_type_errors=False):
""" Returns cmdline as an array to invoke the compiler on this test"""
# We need an absolute path because the compilation will run
# in a temporary directory.
dartc = abspath(join(utils.GetBuildRoot(OS_GUESS, self.mode, 'dartc'),
if utils.IsWindows(): dartc += '.exe'
cmd = [dartc, '--work', self.temp_dir]
cmd += self.vm_options
cmd += ['--out', self.GetScriptPath()]
if fatal_static_type_errors:
return cmd
def Compile(self):
return ExecuteCommand(self.GetCompileCommand())
class DartiumArchitecture(BrowserArchitecture):
def __init__(self, root_path, arch, mode, test):
super(DartiumArchitecture, self).__init__(root_path, arch, mode, test)
def GetScriptType(self):
return 'application/dart'
def GetScriptPath(self):
return 'file:///' + self.GetTestScriptFile()
def GetHtmlName(self):
path = relpath(self.test, self.root_path).replace(os.sep, '_')
return path + '.dartium.html'
def GetCompileCommand(self, fatal_static_type_errors=False):
return None
def Compile(self):
return 0
class StandaloneArchitecture(Architecture):
def __init__(self, root_path, arch, mode, test):
super(StandaloneArchitecture, self).__init__(root_path, arch, mode, test)
def GetCompileCommand(self, fatal_static_type_errors=False):
return None
def GetRunCommand(self, fatal_static_type_errors=False):
dart = self.GetExecutable()
test_name = basename(self.test)
test_path = abspath(self.test)
command = [dart] + self.vm_options
(classname, extension) = os.path.splitext(test_name)
if self.dart_options:
command += self.dart_options
elif (extension == '.dart'):
if fatal_static_type_errors:
command += self.GetFatalTypeErrorsFlags()
if '_' in classname:
(classname, sep, tag) = classname.rpartition('_')
command += [test_path]
command += ['--', test_path]
return command
def GetFatalTypeErrorsFlags(self):
return []
def RunTest(self, verbose):
command = self.GetRunCommand()
return ExecuteCommand(command, verbose)
def Cleanup(self):
# Long term, we should do the running machinery that is currently in
# DartRunner.java
class DartcArchitecture(StandaloneArchitecture):
def __init__(self, root_path, arch, mode, test):
super(DartcArchitecture, self).__init__(root_path, arch, mode, test)
def GetExecutable(self):
return abspath(join(self.build_root, 'compiler', 'bin', 'dartc_test'))
def GetFatalTypeErrorsFlags(self):
return ['--fatal-type-errors']
def HasFatalTypeErrors(self):
return True
def GetRunCommand(self, fatal_static_type_errors=False):
cmd = super(DartcArchitecture, self).GetRunCommand(
return cmd
class RuntimeArchitecture(StandaloneArchitecture):
def __init__(self, root_path, arch, mode, test):
super(RuntimeArchitecture, self).__init__(root_path, arch, mode, test)
def GetExecutable(self):
return abspath(join(self.build_root, 'dart_bin'))
def ExecutePipedCommand(cmd, verbose):
"""Execute a command in a subprocess.
if verbose: print 'Executing: ' + ' '.join(cmd)
pipe = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
(output, err) = pipe.communicate()
if pipe.returncode != 0 and verbose:
print 'Execution failed: ' + output + '\n' + err
print output
print err
return pipe.returncode, output, err
def ExecuteCommand(cmd, verbose = False):
"""Execute a command in a subprocess.
if verbose: print 'Executing: ' + ' '.join(cmd)
return subprocess.call(cmd)
def AreOptionsValid(options):
if not options.arch in ['ia32', 'x64', 'arm', 'simarm', 'dartc', 'dartium',
print 'Unknown arch %s' % options.arch
return None
return options.test
def Flags():
result = optparse.OptionParser()
result.add_option("-v", "--verbose",
help="Print messages",
result.add_option("-t", "--test",
help="App or Dart file containing the test",
help="The architecture to run tests for",
result.add_option("-m", "--mode",
help="The test modes in which to run",
result.set_usage("run.py --arch ARCH --mode MODE -t TEST")
return result
def GetArchitecture(arch, mode, test):
root_path = abspath(join(dirname(sys.argv[0]), '..'))
if arch == 'chromium':
return ChromiumArchitecture(root_path, arch, mode, test)
elif arch == 'dartium':
return DartiumArchitecture(root_path, arch, mode, test)
elif arch in ['ia32', 'x64', 'simarm', 'arm']:
return RuntimeArchitecture(root_path, arch, mode, test)
elif arch == 'dartc':
return DartcArchitecture(root_path, arch, mode, test)
def Main():
parser = Flags()
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if not AreOptionsValid(options):
return 1
return GetArchitecture(options.arch, options.mode,
if __name__ == '__main__':