sgjesse@google.com 4740a77b0e Handle IPv6 addresses for HTTP client requests
The Host header was not set correctly for HTTP requests when an IPv6 address
was used. The square brackets surrounding the address was missing.


Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org//755883007

git-svn-id: https://dart.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge/dart@41980 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
2014-11-26 07:30:26 +00:00

2823 lines
90 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.io;
const int _OUTGOING_BUFFER_SIZE = 8 * 1024;
class _HttpIncoming extends Stream<List<int>> {
final int _transferLength;
final Completer _dataCompleter = new Completer();
Stream<List<int>> _stream;
bool fullBodyRead = false;
// Common properties.
final _HttpHeaders headers;
bool upgraded = false;
// ClientResponse properties.
int statusCode;
String reasonPhrase;
// Request properties.
String method;
Uri uri;
bool hasSubscriber = false;
// The transfer length if the length of the message body as it
// appears in the message (RFC 2616 section 4.4). This can be -1 if
// the length of the massage body is not known due to transfer
// codings.
int get transferLength => _transferLength;
_HttpIncoming(this.headers, this._transferLength, this._stream);
StreamSubscription<List<int>> listen(void onData(List<int> event),
{Function onError,
void onDone(),
bool cancelOnError}) {
hasSubscriber = true;
return _stream
.handleError((error) {
throw new HttpException(error.message, uri: uri);
onError: onError,
onDone: onDone,
cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
// Is completed once all data have been received.
Future get dataDone => _dataCompleter.future;
void close(bool closing) {
fullBodyRead = true;
hasSubscriber = true;
abstract class _HttpInboundMessage extends Stream<List<int>> {
final _HttpIncoming _incoming;
List<Cookie> _cookies;
List<Cookie> get cookies {
if (_cookies != null) return _cookies;
return _cookies = headers._parseCookies();
_HttpHeaders get headers => _incoming.headers;
String get protocolVersion => headers.protocolVersion;
int get contentLength => headers.contentLength;
bool get persistentConnection => headers.persistentConnection;
class _HttpRequest extends _HttpInboundMessage implements HttpRequest {
final HttpResponse response;
final _HttpServer _httpServer;
final _HttpConnection _httpConnection;
_HttpSession _session;
Uri _requestedUri;
_HttpRequest(this.response, _HttpIncoming _incoming, this._httpServer,
this._httpConnection) : super(_incoming) {
if (headers.protocolVersion == "1.1") {
..chunkedTransferEncoding = true
..persistentConnection = headers.persistentConnection;
if (_httpServer._sessionManagerInstance != null) {
// Map to session if exists.
var sessionIds = cookies
.where((cookie) => cookie.name.toUpperCase() == _DART_SESSION_ID)
.map((cookie) => cookie.value);
for (var sessionId in sessionIds) {
_session = _httpServer._sessionManager.getSession(sessionId);
if (_session != null) {
StreamSubscription<List<int>> listen(void onData(List<int> event),
{Function onError,
void onDone(),
bool cancelOnError}) {
return _incoming.listen(onData,
onError: onError,
onDone: onDone,
cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
Uri get uri => _incoming.uri;
Uri get requestedUri {
if (_requestedUri == null) {
var proto = headers['x-forwarded-proto'];
var scheme = proto != null ? proto.first :
_httpConnection._socket is SecureSocket ? "https" : "http";
var host = headers['x-forwarded-host'];
if (host != null) {
host = host.first;
} else {
host = headers['host'];
if (host != null) {
host = host.first;
} else {
host = "${_httpServer.address.host}:${_httpServer.port}";
_requestedUri = Uri.parse("$scheme://$host$uri");
return _requestedUri;
String get method => _incoming.method;
HttpSession get session {
if (_session != null) {
if (_session._destroyed) {
// It's destroyed, clear it.
_session = null;
// Create new session object by calling recursive.
return session;
// It's already mapped, use it.
return _session;
// Create session, store it in connection, and return.
return _session = _httpServer._sessionManager.createSession();
HttpConnectionInfo get connectionInfo => _httpConnection.connectionInfo;
X509Certificate get certificate {
var socket = _httpConnection._socket;
if (socket is SecureSocket) return socket.peerCertificate;
return null;
class _HttpClientResponse
extends _HttpInboundMessage implements HttpClientResponse {
List<RedirectInfo> get redirects => _httpRequest._responseRedirects;
// The HttpClient this response belongs to.
final _HttpClient _httpClient;
// The HttpClientRequest of this response.
final _HttpClientRequest _httpRequest;
List<Cookie> _cookies;
_HttpClientResponse(_HttpIncoming _incoming, this._httpRequest,
this._httpClient) : super(_incoming) {
// Set uri for potential exceptions.
_incoming.uri = _httpRequest.uri;
int get statusCode => _incoming.statusCode;
String get reasonPhrase => _incoming.reasonPhrase;
X509Certificate get certificate {
// The peerCertificate isn't on a plain socket, so cast to dynamic.
var socket = _httpRequest._httpClientConnection._socket;
return socket.peerCertificate;
List<Cookie> get cookies {
if (_cookies != null) return _cookies;
_cookies = new List<Cookie>();
List<String> values = headers[HttpHeaders.SET_COOKIE];
if (values != null) {
values.forEach((value) {
_cookies.add(new Cookie.fromSetCookieValue(value));
return _cookies;
bool get isRedirect {
if (_httpRequest.method == "GET" || _httpRequest.method == "HEAD") {
return statusCode == HttpStatus.MOVED_PERMANENTLY ||
statusCode == HttpStatus.FOUND ||
statusCode == HttpStatus.SEE_OTHER ||
statusCode == HttpStatus.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT;
} else if (_httpRequest.method == "POST") {
return statusCode == HttpStatus.SEE_OTHER;
return false;
Future<HttpClientResponse> redirect([String method,
Uri url,
bool followLoops]) {
if (method == null) {
// Set method as defined by RFC 2616 section 10.3.4.
if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SEE_OTHER && _httpRequest.method == "POST") {
method = "GET";
} else {
method = _httpRequest.method;
if (url == null) {
String location = headers.value(HttpHeaders.LOCATION);
if (location == null) {
throw new StateError("Response has no Location header for redirect");
url = Uri.parse(location);
if (followLoops != true) {
for (var redirect in redirects) {
if (redirect.location == url) {
return new Future.error(
new RedirectException("Redirect loop detected", redirects));
return _httpClient._openUrlFromRequest(method, url, _httpRequest)
.then((request) {
..add(new _RedirectInfo(statusCode, method, url));
return request.close();
StreamSubscription<List<int>> listen(void onData(List<int> event),
{Function onError,
void onDone(),
bool cancelOnError}) {
if (_incoming.upgraded) {
// If upgraded, the connection is already 'removed' form the client.
// Since listening to upgraded data is 'bogus', simply close and
// return empty stream subscription.
return new Stream.fromIterable([]).listen(null, onDone: onDone);
var stream = _incoming;
if (_httpClient.autoUncompress &&
headers.value(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_ENCODING) == "gzip") {
stream = stream.transform(GZIP.decoder);
return stream.listen(onData,
onError: onError,
onDone: onDone,
cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
Future<Socket> detachSocket() {
return _httpRequest._httpClientConnection.detachSocket();
HttpConnectionInfo get connectionInfo => _httpRequest.connectionInfo;
bool get _shouldAuthenticateProxy {
// Only try to authenticate if there is a challenge in the response.
List<String> challenge = headers[HttpHeaders.PROXY_AUTHENTICATE];
return statusCode == HttpStatus.PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED &&
challenge != null && challenge.length == 1;
bool get _shouldAuthenticate {
// Only try to authenticate if there is a challenge in the response.
List<String> challenge = headers[HttpHeaders.WWW_AUTHENTICATE];
return statusCode == HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED &&
challenge != null && challenge.length == 1;
Future<HttpClientResponse> _authenticate(bool proxyAuth) {
Future<HttpClientResponse> retry() {
// Drain body and retry.
return drain().then((_) {
return _httpClient._openUrlFromRequest(_httpRequest.method,
.then((request) => request.close());
List<String> authChallenge() {
return proxyAuth ? headers[HttpHeaders.PROXY_AUTHENTICATE]
: headers[HttpHeaders.WWW_AUTHENTICATE];
_Credentials findCredentials(_AuthenticationScheme scheme) {
return proxyAuth ? _httpClient._findProxyCredentials(_httpRequest._proxy,
: _httpClient._findCredentials(_httpRequest.uri, scheme);
void removeCredentials(_Credentials cr) {
if (proxyAuth) {
} else {
Future requestAuthentication(_AuthenticationScheme scheme, String realm) {
if (proxyAuth) {
if (_httpClient._authenticateProxy == null) {
return new Future.value(false);
var proxy = _httpRequest._proxy;
return _httpClient._authenticateProxy(proxy.host,
} else {
if (_httpClient._authenticate == null) {
return new Future.value(false);
return _httpClient._authenticate(_httpRequest.uri,
List<String> challenge = authChallenge();
assert(challenge != null || challenge.length == 1);
_HeaderValue header =
_HeaderValue.parse(challenge[0], parameterSeparator: ",");
_AuthenticationScheme scheme =
new _AuthenticationScheme.fromString(header.value);
String realm = header.parameters["realm"];
// See if any matching credentials are available.
_Credentials cr = findCredentials(scheme);
if (cr != null) {
// For basic authentication don't retry already used credentials
// as they must have already been added to the request causing
// this authenticate response.
if (cr.scheme == _AuthenticationScheme.BASIC && !cr.used) {
// Credentials where found, prepare for retrying the request.
return retry();
// Digest authentication only supports the MD5 algorithm.
if (cr.scheme == _AuthenticationScheme.DIGEST &&
(header.parameters["algorithm"] == null ||
header.parameters["algorithm"].toLowerCase() == "md5")) {
if (cr.nonce == null || cr.nonce == header.parameters["nonce"]) {
// If the nonce is not set then this is the first authenticate
// response for these credentials. Set up authentication state.
if (cr.nonce == null) {
cr..nonce = header.parameters["nonce"]
..algorithm = "MD5"
..qop = header.parameters["qop"]
..nonceCount = 0;
// Credentials where found, prepare for retrying the request.
return retry();
} else if (header.parameters["stale"] != null &&
header.parameters["stale"].toLowerCase() == "true") {
// If stale is true retry with new nonce.
cr.nonce = header.parameters["nonce"];
// Credentials where found, prepare for retrying the request.
return retry();
// Ask for more credentials if none found or the one found has
// already been used. If it has already been used it must now be
// invalid and is removed.
if (cr != null) {
cr = null;
return requestAuthentication(scheme, realm).then((credsAvailable) {
if (credsAvailable) {
cr = _httpClient._findCredentials(_httpRequest.uri, scheme);
return retry();
} else {
// No credentials available, complete with original response.
return this;
abstract class _HttpOutboundMessage<T> extends _IOSinkImpl {
// Used to mark when the body should be written. This is used for HEAD
// requests and in error handling.
bool _encodingSet = false;
bool _bufferOutput = true;
final Uri _uri;
final _HttpOutgoing _outgoing;
final _HttpHeaders headers;
_HttpOutboundMessage(Uri uri,
String protocolVersion,
_HttpOutgoing outgoing,
{_HttpHeaders initialHeaders})
: super(outgoing, null),
_uri = uri,
headers = new _HttpHeaders(
defaultPortForScheme: uri.scheme == 'https' ?
initialHeaders: initialHeaders),
_outgoing = outgoing {
_outgoing.outbound = this;
_encodingMutable = false;
int get contentLength => headers.contentLength;
void set contentLength(int contentLength) {
headers.contentLength = contentLength;
bool get persistentConnection => headers.persistentConnection;
void set persistentConnection(bool p) {
headers.persistentConnection = p;
bool get bufferOutput => _bufferOutput;
void set bufferOutput(bool bufferOutput) {
if (_outgoing.headersWritten) throw new StateError("Header already sent");
_bufferOutput = bufferOutput;
Encoding get encoding {
if (_encodingSet && _outgoing.headersWritten) {
return _encoding;
var charset;
if (headers.contentType != null && headers.contentType.charset != null) {
charset = headers.contentType.charset;
} else {
charset = "iso-8859-1";
return Encoding.getByName(charset);
void add(List<int> data) {
if (data.length == 0) return;
void write(Object obj) {
if (!_encodingSet) {
_encoding = encoding;
_encodingSet = true;
void _writeHeader();
bool get _isConnectionClosed => false;
class _HttpResponse extends _HttpOutboundMessage<HttpResponse>
implements HttpResponse {
int _statusCode = 200;
String _reasonPhrase;
List<Cookie> _cookies;
_HttpRequest _httpRequest;
Duration _deadline;
Timer _deadlineTimer;
_HttpResponse(Uri uri,
String protocolVersion,
_HttpOutgoing outgoing,
HttpHeaders defaultHeaders,
String serverHeader)
: super(uri, protocolVersion, outgoing, initialHeaders: defaultHeaders) {
if (serverHeader != null) headers.set('server', serverHeader);
bool get _isConnectionClosed => _httpRequest._httpConnection._isClosing;
List<Cookie> get cookies {
if (_cookies == null) _cookies = new List<Cookie>();
return _cookies;
int get statusCode => _statusCode;
void set statusCode(int statusCode) {
if (_outgoing.headersWritten) throw new StateError("Header already sent");
_statusCode = statusCode;
String get reasonPhrase => _findReasonPhrase(statusCode);
void set reasonPhrase(String reasonPhrase) {
if (_outgoing.headersWritten) throw new StateError("Header already sent");
_reasonPhrase = reasonPhrase;
Future redirect(Uri location, {int status: HttpStatus.MOVED_TEMPORARILY}) {
if (_outgoing.headersWritten) throw new StateError("Header already sent");
statusCode = status;
headers.set("location", location.toString());
return close();
Future<Socket> detachSocket({bool writeHeaders: true}) {
if (_outgoing.headersWritten) throw new StateError("Headers already sent");
deadline = null; // Be sure to stop any deadline.
var future = _httpRequest._httpConnection.detachSocket();
if (writeHeaders) {
var headersFuture = _outgoing.writeHeaders(drainRequest: false,
setOutgoing: false);
assert(headersFuture == null);
} else {
// Imitate having written the headers.
_outgoing.headersWritten = true;
// Close connection so the socket is 'free'.
done.catchError((_) {
// Catch any error on done, as they automatically will be
// propagated to the websocket.
return future;
HttpConnectionInfo get connectionInfo => _httpRequest.connectionInfo;
Duration get deadline => _deadline;
void set deadline(Duration d) {
if (_deadlineTimer != null) _deadlineTimer.cancel();
_deadline = d;
if (_deadline == null) return;
_deadlineTimer = new Timer(_deadline, () {
void _writeHeader() {
Uint8List buffer = new Uint8List(_OUTGOING_BUFFER_SIZE);
int offset = 0;
void write(List<int> bytes) {
int len = bytes.length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
buffer[offset + i] = bytes[i];
offset += len;
// Write status line.
if (headers.protocolVersion == "1.1") {
} else {
buffer[offset++] = _CharCode.SP;
buffer[offset++] = _CharCode.SP;
buffer[offset++] = _CharCode.CR;
buffer[offset++] = _CharCode.LF;
var session = _httpRequest._session;
if (session != null && !session._destroyed) {
// Mark as not new.
session._isNew = false;
// Make sure we only send the current session id.
bool found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
if (cookies[i].name.toUpperCase() == _DART_SESSION_ID) {
..value = session.id
..httpOnly = true
..path = "/";
found = true;
if (!found) {
var cookie = new Cookie(_DART_SESSION_ID, session.id);
..httpOnly = true
..path = "/");
// Add all the cookies set to the headers.
if (_cookies != null) {
_cookies.forEach((cookie) {
headers.add(HttpHeaders.SET_COOKIE, cookie);
// Write headers.
offset = headers._write(buffer, offset);
buffer[offset++] = _CharCode.CR;
buffer[offset++] = _CharCode.LF;
_outgoing.setHeader(buffer, offset);
String _findReasonPhrase(int statusCode) {
if (_reasonPhrase != null) {
return _reasonPhrase;
switch (statusCode) {
case HttpStatus.CONTINUE: return "Continue";
case HttpStatus.SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS: return "Switching Protocols";
case HttpStatus.OK: return "OK";
case HttpStatus.CREATED: return "Created";
case HttpStatus.ACCEPTED: return "Accepted";
return "Non-Authoritative Information";
case HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT: return "No Content";
case HttpStatus.RESET_CONTENT: return "Reset Content";
case HttpStatus.PARTIAL_CONTENT: return "Partial Content";
case HttpStatus.MULTIPLE_CHOICES: return "Multiple Choices";
case HttpStatus.MOVED_PERMANENTLY: return "Moved Permanently";
case HttpStatus.FOUND: return "Found";
case HttpStatus.SEE_OTHER: return "See Other";
case HttpStatus.NOT_MODIFIED: return "Not Modified";
case HttpStatus.USE_PROXY: return "Use Proxy";
case HttpStatus.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT: return "Temporary Redirect";
case HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST: return "Bad Request";
case HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED: return "Unauthorized";
case HttpStatus.PAYMENT_REQUIRED: return "Payment Required";
case HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN: return "Forbidden";
case HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND: return "Not Found";
case HttpStatus.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED: return "Method Not Allowed";
case HttpStatus.NOT_ACCEPTABLE: return "Not Acceptable";
return "Proxy Authentication Required";
case HttpStatus.REQUEST_TIMEOUT: return "Request Time-out";
case HttpStatus.CONFLICT: return "Conflict";
case HttpStatus.GONE: return "Gone";
case HttpStatus.LENGTH_REQUIRED: return "Length Required";
case HttpStatus.PRECONDITION_FAILED: return "Precondition Failed";
return "Request Entity Too Large";
case HttpStatus.REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG: return "Request-URI Too Large";
case HttpStatus.UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE: return "Unsupported Media Type";
return "Requested range not satisfiable";
case HttpStatus.EXPECTATION_FAILED: return "Expectation Failed";
case HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: return "Internal Server Error";
case HttpStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED: return "Not Implemented";
case HttpStatus.BAD_GATEWAY: return "Bad Gateway";
case HttpStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE: return "Service Unavailable";
case HttpStatus.GATEWAY_TIMEOUT: return "Gateway Time-out";
return "Http Version not supported";
default: return "Status $statusCode";
class _HttpClientRequest extends _HttpOutboundMessage<HttpClientResponse>
implements HttpClientRequest {
final String method;
final Uri uri;
final List<Cookie> cookies = new List<Cookie>();
// The HttpClient this request belongs to.
final _HttpClient _httpClient;
final _HttpClientConnection _httpClientConnection;
final Completer<HttpClientResponse> _responseCompleter
= new Completer<HttpClientResponse>();
final _Proxy _proxy;
Future<HttpClientResponse> _response;
// TODO(ajohnsen): Get default value from client?
bool _followRedirects = true;
int _maxRedirects = 5;
List<RedirectInfo> _responseRedirects = [];
_HttpClientRequest(_HttpOutgoing outgoing, Uri uri, this.method, this._proxy,
this._httpClient, this._httpClientConnection)
: super(uri, "1.1", outgoing),
uri = uri {
// GET and HEAD have 'content-length: 0' by default.
if (method == "GET" || method == "HEAD") {
contentLength = 0;
} else {
headers.chunkedTransferEncoding = true;
Future<HttpClientResponse> get done {
if (_response == null) {
_response = Future.wait([_responseCompleter.future, super.done],
eagerError: true)
.then((list) => list[0]);
return _response;
Future<HttpClientResponse> close() {
return done;
int get maxRedirects => _maxRedirects;
void set maxRedirects(int maxRedirects) {
if (_outgoing.headersWritten) throw new StateError("Request already sent");
_maxRedirects = maxRedirects;
bool get followRedirects => _followRedirects;
void set followRedirects(bool followRedirects) {
if (_outgoing.headersWritten) throw new StateError("Request already sent");
_followRedirects = followRedirects;
HttpConnectionInfo get connectionInfo => _httpClientConnection.connectionInfo;
void _onIncoming(_HttpIncoming incoming) {
var response = new _HttpClientResponse(incoming, this, _httpClient);
Future<HttpClientResponse> future;
if (followRedirects && response.isRedirect) {
if (response.redirects.length < maxRedirects) {
// Redirect and drain response.
future = response.drain().then((_) => response.redirect());
} else {
// End with exception, too many redirects.
future = response.drain()
.then((_) => new Future.error(
new RedirectException("Redirect limit exceeded",
} else if (response._shouldAuthenticateProxy) {
future = response._authenticate(true);
} else if (response._shouldAuthenticate) {
future = response._authenticate(false);
} else {
future = new Future<HttpClientResponse>.value(response);
(v) => _responseCompleter.complete(v),
onError: _responseCompleter.completeError);
void _onError(error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
_responseCompleter.completeError(error, stackTrace);
// Generate the request URI based on the method and proxy.
String _requestUri() {
// Generate the request URI starting from the path component.
String uriStartingFromPath() {
String result = uri.path;
if (result.length == 0) result = "/";
if (uri.query != "") {
if (uri.fragment != "") {
result = "${result}?${uri.query}#${uri.fragment}";
} else {
result = "${result}?${uri.query}";
return result;
if (_proxy.isDirect) {
return uriStartingFromPath();
} else {
if (method == "CONNECT") {
// For the connect method the request URI is the host:port of
// the requested destination of the tunnel (see RFC 2817
// section 5.2)
return "${uri.host}:${uri.port}";
} else {
if (_httpClientConnection._proxyTunnel) {
return uriStartingFromPath();
} else {
return uri.toString();
void _writeHeader() {
Uint8List buffer = new Uint8List(_OUTGOING_BUFFER_SIZE);
int offset = 0;
void write(List<int> bytes) {
int len = bytes.length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
buffer[offset + i] = bytes[i];
offset += len;
// Write the request method.
buffer[offset++] = _CharCode.SP;
// Write the request URI.
buffer[offset++] = _CharCode.SP;
// Write HTTP/1.1.
buffer[offset++] = _CharCode.CR;
buffer[offset++] = _CharCode.LF;
// Add the cookies to the headers.
if (!cookies.isEmpty) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) sb.write("; ");
headers.add(HttpHeaders.COOKIE, sb.toString());
// Write headers.
offset = headers._write(buffer, offset);
buffer[offset++] = _CharCode.CR;
buffer[offset++] = _CharCode.LF;
_outgoing.setHeader(buffer, offset);
// Used by _HttpOutgoing as a target of a chunked converter for gzip
// compression.
class _HttpGZipSink extends ByteConversionSink {
final Function _consume;
void add(List<int> chunk) {
void addSlice(Uint8List chunk, int start, int end, bool isLast) {
_consume(new Uint8List.view(chunk.buffer, start, end - start));
void close() {}
// The _HttpOutgoing handles all of the following:
// - Buffering
// - GZip compressionm
// - Content-Length validation.
// - Errors.
// Most notable is the GZip compression, that uses a double-buffering system,
// one before gzip (_gzipBuffer) and one after (_buffer).
class _HttpOutgoing implements StreamConsumer<List<int>> {
static const List<int> _footerAndChunk0Length =
const [_CharCode.CR, _CharCode.LF, 0x30, _CharCode.CR, _CharCode.LF,
_CharCode.CR, _CharCode.LF];
static const List<int> _chunk0Length =
const [0x30, _CharCode.CR, _CharCode.LF, _CharCode.CR, _CharCode.LF];
final Completer _doneCompleter = new Completer();
final Socket socket;
bool ignoreBody = false;
bool headersWritten = false;
Uint8List _buffer;
int _length = 0;
Future _closeFuture;
bool chunked = false;
int _pendingChunkedFooter = 0;
int contentLength;
int _bytesWritten = 0;
bool _gzip = false;
ByteConversionSink _gzipSink;
// _gzipAdd is set iff the sink is being added to. It's used to specify where
// gzipped data should be taken (sometimes a controller, sometimes a socket).
Function _gzipAdd;
Uint8List _gzipBuffer;
int _gzipBufferLength = 0;
bool _socketError = false;
_HttpOutboundMessage outbound;
// Returns either a future or 'null', if it was able to write headers
// immediately.
Future writeHeaders({bool drainRequest: true, bool setOutgoing: true}) {
Future write() {
try {
} catch (_) {
// Headers too large.
return new Future.error(new HttpException(
"Headers size exceeded the of '$_OUTGOING_BUFFER_SIZE'"
" bytes"));
if (headersWritten) return null;
headersWritten = true;
Future drainFuture;
bool isServerSide = outbound is _HttpResponse;
bool gzip = false;
if (isServerSide) {
var response = outbound;
if (response._httpRequest._httpServer.autoCompress &&
outbound.bufferOutput &&
outbound.headers.chunkedTransferEncoding) {
List acceptEncodings =
List contentEncoding = outbound.headers[HttpHeaders.CONTENT_ENCODING];
if (acceptEncodings != null &&
.expand((list) => list.split(","))
.any((encoding) => encoding.trim().toLowerCase() == "gzip") &&
contentEncoding == null) {
outbound.headers.set(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_ENCODING, "gzip");
gzip = true;
if (drainRequest && !response._httpRequest._incoming.hasSubscriber) {
drainFuture = response._httpRequest.drain().catchError((_) {});
} else {
drainRequest = false;
if (ignoreBody) {
return write();
if (setOutgoing) {
int contentLength = outbound.headers.contentLength;
if (outbound.headers.chunkedTransferEncoding) {
chunked = true;
if (gzip) this.gzip = true;
} else if (contentLength >= 0) {
this.contentLength = contentLength;
if (drainFuture != null) {
return drainFuture.then((_) => write());
return write();
Future addStream(Stream<List<int>> stream) {
if (_socketError) {
return new Future.value(outbound);
if (ignoreBody) {
stream.drain().catchError((_) {});
var future = writeHeaders();
if (future != null) {
return future.then((_) => close());
return close();
var sub;
// Use new stream so we are able to pause (see below listen). The
// alternative is to use stream.extand, but that won't give us a way of
// pausing.
var controller = new StreamController(
onPause: () => sub.pause(),
onResume: () => sub.resume(),
sync: true);
void onData(data) {
if (_socketError) return;
if (data.length == 0) return;
if (chunked) {
if (_gzip) {
_gzipAdd = controller.add;
_addGZipChunk(data, _gzipSink.add);
_gzipAdd = null;
_addChunk(_chunkHeader(data.length), controller.add);
_pendingChunkedFooter = 2;
} else {
if (contentLength != null) {
_bytesWritten += data.length;
if (_bytesWritten > contentLength) {
controller.addError(new HttpException(
"Content size exceeds specified contentLength. "
"$_bytesWritten bytes written while expected "
"$contentLength. "
"[${new String.fromCharCodes(data)}]"));
_addChunk(data, controller.add);
sub = stream.listen(
onError: controller.addError,
onDone: controller.close,
cancelOnError: true);
// Write headers now that we are listening to the stream.
if (!headersWritten) {
var future = writeHeaders();
if (future != null) {
// While incoming is being drained, the pauseFuture is non-null. Pause
// output until it's drained.
return socket.addStream(controller.stream)
.then((_) {
return outbound;
}, onError: (error) {
// Be sure to close it in case of an error.
if (_gzip) _gzipSink.close();
_socketError = true;
if (_ignoreError(error)) {
return outbound;
} else {
throw error;
Future close() {
// If we are already closed, return that future.
if (_closeFuture != null) return _closeFuture;
// If we earlier saw an error, return immediate. The notification to
// _Http*Connection is already done.
if (_socketError) return new Future.value(outbound);
if (outbound._isConnectionClosed) return new Future.value(outbound);
if (!headersWritten && !ignoreBody) {
if (outbound.headers.contentLength == -1) {
// If no body was written, ignoreBody is false (it's not a HEAD
// request) and the content-length is unspecified, set contentLength to
// 0.
outbound.headers.chunkedTransferEncoding = false;
outbound.headers.contentLength = 0;
} else if (outbound.headers.contentLength > 0) {
var error = new HttpException(
"No content even though contentLength was specified to be "
"greater than 0: ${outbound.headers.contentLength}.",
uri: outbound._uri);
return _closeFuture = new Future.error(error);
// If contentLength was specified, validate it.
if (contentLength != null) {
if (_bytesWritten < contentLength) {
var error = new HttpException(
"Content size below specified contentLength. "
" $_bytesWritten bytes written but expected "
uri: outbound._uri);
return _closeFuture = new Future.error(error);
Future finalize() {
// In case of chunked encoding (and gzip), handle remaining gzip data and
// append the 'footer' for chunked encoding.
if (chunked) {
if (_gzip) {
_gzipAdd = socket.add;
if (_gzipBufferLength > 0) {
_gzipSink.add(new Uint8List.view(
_gzipBuffer.buffer, 0, _gzipBufferLength));
_gzipBuffer = null;
_gzipAdd = null;
_addChunk(_chunkHeader(0), socket.add);
// Add any remaining data in the buffer.
if (_length > 0) {
socket.add(new Uint8List.view(_buffer.buffer, 0, _length));
// Clear references, for better GC.
_buffer = null;
// And finally flush it. As we support keep-alive, never close it from
// here. Once the socket is flushed, we'll be able to reuse it (signaled
// by the 'done' future).
return socket.flush()
.then((_) {
return outbound;
}, onError: (error) {
if (_ignoreError(error)) {
return outbound;
} else {
throw error;
var future = writeHeaders();
if (future != null) {
return _closeFuture = future.whenComplete(finalize);
return _closeFuture = finalize();
Future get done => _doneCompleter.future;
void setHeader(List<int> data, int length) {
assert(_length == 0);
assert(data.length == _OUTGOING_BUFFER_SIZE);
_buffer = data;
_length = length;
void set gzip(bool value) {
_gzip = value;
if (_gzip) {
_gzipBuffer = new Uint8List(_OUTGOING_BUFFER_SIZE);
assert(_gzipSink == null);
_gzipSink = new ZLibEncoder(gzip: true)
new _HttpGZipSink((data) {
// We are closing down prematurely, due to an error. Discard.
if (_gzipAdd == null) return;
_addChunk(_chunkHeader(data.length), _gzipAdd);
_pendingChunkedFooter = 2;
_addChunk(data, _gzipAdd);
bool _ignoreError(error)
=> (error is SocketException || error is TlsException) &&
outbound is HttpResponse;
void _addGZipChunk(chunk, void add(List<int> data)) {
if (!outbound.bufferOutput) {
if (chunk.length > _gzipBuffer.length - _gzipBufferLength) {
add(new Uint8List.view(
_gzipBuffer.buffer, 0, _gzipBufferLength));
_gzipBuffer = new Uint8List(_OUTGOING_BUFFER_SIZE);
_gzipBufferLength = 0;
if (chunk.length > _OUTGOING_BUFFER_SIZE) {
} else {
_gzipBufferLength + chunk.length,
_gzipBufferLength += chunk.length;
void _addChunk(chunk, void add(List<int> data)) {
if (!outbound.bufferOutput) {
if (_buffer != null) {
// If _buffer is not null, we have not written the header yet. Write
// it now.
add(new Uint8List.view(_buffer.buffer, 0, _length));
_buffer = null;
_length = 0;
if (chunk.length > _buffer.length - _length) {
add(new Uint8List.view(_buffer.buffer, 0, _length));
_buffer = new Uint8List(_OUTGOING_BUFFER_SIZE);
_length = 0;
if (chunk.length > _OUTGOING_BUFFER_SIZE) {
} else {
_buffer.setRange(_length, _length + chunk.length, chunk);
_length += chunk.length;
List<int> _chunkHeader(int length) {
const hexDigits = const [0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37,
0x38, 0x39, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46];
if (length == 0) {
if (_pendingChunkedFooter == 2) return _footerAndChunk0Length;
return _chunk0Length;
int size = _pendingChunkedFooter;
int len = length;
// Compute a fast integer version of (log(length + 1) / log(16)).ceil().
while (len > 0) {
len >>= 4;
var footerAndHeader = new Uint8List(size + 2);
if (_pendingChunkedFooter == 2) {
footerAndHeader[0] = _CharCode.CR;
footerAndHeader[1] = _CharCode.LF;
int index = size;
while (index > _pendingChunkedFooter) {
footerAndHeader[--index] = hexDigits[length & 15];
length = length >> 4;
footerAndHeader[size + 0] = _CharCode.CR;
footerAndHeader[size + 1] = _CharCode.LF;
return footerAndHeader;
class _HttpClientConnection {
final String key;
final Socket _socket;
final bool _proxyTunnel;
final _HttpParser _httpParser;
StreamSubscription _subscription;
final _HttpClient _httpClient;
bool _dispose = false;
Timer _idleTimer;
bool closed = false;
Uri _currentUri;
Completer<_HttpIncoming> _nextResponseCompleter;
Future _streamFuture;
_HttpClientConnection(this.key, this._socket, this._httpClient,
[this._proxyTunnel = false])
: _httpParser = new _HttpParser.responseParser() {
// Set up handlers on the parser here, so we are sure to get 'onDone' from
// the parser.
_subscription = _httpParser.listen(
(incoming) {
// Only handle one incoming response at the time. Keep the
// stream paused until the response have been processed.
// We assume the response is not here, until we have send the request.
if (_nextResponseCompleter == null) {
throw new HttpException(
"Unexpected response (unsolicited response without request).",
uri: _currentUri);
_nextResponseCompleter = null;
onError: (error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) {
if (_nextResponseCompleter != null) {
new HttpException(error.message, uri: _currentUri),
_nextResponseCompleter = null;
onDone: () {
if (_nextResponseCompleter != null) {
_nextResponseCompleter.completeError(new HttpException(
"Connection closed before response was received",
uri: _currentUri));
_nextResponseCompleter = null;
_HttpClientRequest send(Uri uri, int port, String method, _Proxy proxy) {
if (closed) {
throw new HttpException(
"Socket closed before request was sent", uri: uri);
_currentUri = uri;
// Start with pausing the parser.
_ProxyCredentials proxyCreds; // Credentials used to authorize proxy.
_SiteCredentials creds; // Credentials used to authorize this request.
var outgoing = new _HttpOutgoing(_socket);
// Create new request object, wrapping the outgoing connection.
var request = new _HttpClientRequest(outgoing,
// For the Host header an IPv6 address must be enclosed in []'s.
var host = uri.host;
if (host.contains(':')) host = "[$host]";
..host = host
..port = port
.._add(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT_ENCODING, "gzip");
if (_httpClient.userAgent != null) {
request.headers._add('user-agent', _httpClient.userAgent);
if (proxy.isAuthenticated) {
// If the proxy configuration contains user information use that
// for proxy basic authorization.
String auth = _CryptoUtils.bytesToBase64(
request.headers.set(HttpHeaders.PROXY_AUTHORIZATION, "Basic $auth");
} else if (!proxy.isDirect && _httpClient._proxyCredentials.length > 0) {
proxyCreds = _httpClient._findProxyCredentials(proxy);
if (proxyCreds != null) {
if (uri.userInfo != null && !uri.userInfo.isEmpty) {
// If the URL contains user information use that for basic
// authorization.
String auth =
request.headers.set(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, "Basic $auth");
} else {
// Look for credentials.
creds = _httpClient._findCredentials(uri);
if (creds != null) {
// Start sending the request (lazy, delayed until the user provides
// data).
_httpParser.isHead = method == "HEAD";
_streamFuture = outgoing.done
.then((s) {
// Request sent, set up response completer.
_nextResponseCompleter = new Completer();
// Listen for response.
.then((incoming) {
_currentUri = null;
incoming.dataDone.then((closing) {
if (incoming.upgraded) {
if (closed) return;
if (!closing &&
!_dispose &&
incoming.headers.persistentConnection &&
request.persistentConnection) {
// Return connection, now we are done.
} else {
// For digest authentication if proxy check if the proxy
// requests the client to start using a new nonce for proxy
// authentication.
if (proxyCreds != null &&
proxyCreds.scheme == _AuthenticationScheme.DIGEST) {
var authInfo = incoming.headers["proxy-authentication-info"];
if (authInfo != null && authInfo.length == 1) {
var header =
authInfo[0], parameterSeparator: ',');
var nextnonce = header.parameters["nextnonce"];
if (nextnonce != null) proxyCreds.nonce = nextnonce;
// For digest authentication check if the server requests the
// client to start using a new nonce.
if (creds != null &&
creds.scheme == _AuthenticationScheme.DIGEST) {
var authInfo = incoming.headers["authentication-info"];
if (authInfo != null && authInfo.length == 1) {
var header =
authInfo[0], parameterSeparator: ',');
var nextnonce = header.parameters["nextnonce"];
if (nextnonce != null) creds.nonce = nextnonce;
// If we see a state error, we failed to get the 'first'
// element.
.catchError((error) {
throw new HttpException(
"Connection closed before data was received", uri: uri);
}, test: (error) => error is StateError)
.catchError((error, stackTrace) {
// We are done with the socket.
request._onError(error, stackTrace);
// Resume the parser now we have a handler.
return s;
}, onError: (e) {
return request;
Future<Socket> detachSocket() {
return _streamFuture.then(
(_) => new _DetachedSocket(_socket, _httpParser.detachIncoming()));
void destroy() {
closed = true;
void close() {
closed = true;
// TODO(ajohnsen): Add timeout.
.then((_) => _socket.destroy());
Future<_HttpClientConnection> createProxyTunnel(host, port, proxy, callback) {
_HttpClientRequest request =
send(new Uri(host: host, port: port),
if (proxy.isAuthenticated) {
// If the proxy configuration contains user information use that
// for proxy basic authorization.
String auth = _CryptoUtils.bytesToBase64(
request.headers.set(HttpHeaders.PROXY_AUTHORIZATION, "Basic $auth");
return request.close()
.then((response) {
if (response.statusCode != HttpStatus.OK) {
throw "Proxy failed to establish tunnel "
"(${response.statusCode} ${response.reasonPhrase})";
var socket = response._httpRequest._httpClientConnection._socket;
return SecureSocket.secure(
socket, host: host, onBadCertificate: callback);
.then((secureSocket) {
String key = _HttpClientConnection.makeKey(true, host, port);
return new _HttpClientConnection(
key, secureSocket, request._httpClient, true);
HttpConnectionInfo get connectionInfo => _HttpConnectionInfo.create(_socket);
static makeKey(bool isSecure, String host, int port) {
return isSecure ? "ssh:$host:$port" : "$host:$port";
void stopTimer() {
if (_idleTimer != null) {
_idleTimer = null;
void startTimer() {
assert(_idleTimer == null);
_idleTimer = new Timer(
() {
_idleTimer = null;
class _ConnectionInfo {
final _HttpClientConnection connection;
final _Proxy proxy;
_ConnectionInfo(this.connection, this.proxy);
class _ConnectionTarget {
// Unique key for this connection target.
final String key;
final String host;
final int port;
final bool isSecure;
final Set<_HttpClientConnection> _idle = new HashSet();
final Set<_HttpClientConnection> _active = new HashSet();
final Queue _pending = new ListQueue();
int _connecting = 0;
_ConnectionTarget(this.key, this.host, this.port, this.isSecure);
bool get isEmpty => _idle.isEmpty && _active.isEmpty && _connecting == 0;
bool get hasIdle => _idle.isNotEmpty;
bool get hasActive => _active.isNotEmpty || _connecting > 0;
_HttpClientConnection takeIdle() {
_HttpClientConnection connection = _idle.first;
return connection;
_checkPending() {
if (_pending.isNotEmpty) {
void addNewActive(_HttpClientConnection connection) {
void returnConnection(_HttpClientConnection connection) {
void connectionClosed(_HttpClientConnection connection) {
assert(!_active.contains(connection) || !_idle.contains(connection));
void close(bool force) {
for (var c in _idle.toList()) {
if (force) {
for (var c in _active.toList()) {
Future<_ConnectionInfo> connect(String uriHost,
int uriPort,
_Proxy proxy,
_HttpClient client) {
if (hasIdle) {
var connection = takeIdle();
return new Future.value(new _ConnectionInfo(connection, proxy));
if (client.maxConnectionsPerHost != null &&
_active.length + _connecting >= client.maxConnectionsPerHost) {
var completer = new Completer();
_pending.add(() {
connect(uriHost, uriPort, proxy, client)
.then(completer.complete, onError: completer.completeError);
return completer.future;
var currentBadCertificateCallback = client._badCertificateCallback;
bool callback(X509Certificate certificate) =>
currentBadCertificateCallback == null ? false :
currentBadCertificateCallback(certificate, uriHost, uriPort);
Future socketFuture = (isSecure && proxy.isDirect
? SecureSocket.connect(host,
sendClientCertificate: true,
onBadCertificate: callback)
: Socket.connect(host, port));
return socketFuture.then((socket) {
socket.setOption(SocketOption.TCP_NODELAY, true);
var connection = new _HttpClientConnection(key, socket, client);
if (isSecure && !proxy.isDirect) {
connection._dispose = true;
return connection.createProxyTunnel(uriHost, uriPort, proxy, callback)
.then((tunnel) {
client._getConnectionTarget(uriHost, uriPort, true)
return new _ConnectionInfo(tunnel, proxy);
} else {
return new _ConnectionInfo(connection, proxy);
}, onError: (error) {
throw error;
class _HttpClient implements HttpClient {
bool _closing = false;
bool _closingForcefully = false;
final Map<String, _ConnectionTarget> _connectionTargets
= new HashMap<String, _ConnectionTarget>();
final List<_Credentials> _credentials = [];
final List<_ProxyCredentials> _proxyCredentials = [];
Function _authenticate;
Function _authenticateProxy;
Function _findProxy = HttpClient.findProxyFromEnvironment;
Duration _idleTimeout = const Duration(seconds: 15);
Function _badCertificateCallback;
Duration get idleTimeout => _idleTimeout;
int maxConnectionsPerHost;
bool autoUncompress = true;
String userAgent = _getHttpVersion();
void set idleTimeout(Duration timeout) {
_idleTimeout = timeout;
for (var c in _connectionTargets.values) {
for (var idle in c._idle) {
// Reset timer. This is fine, as it's not happening often.
set badCertificateCallback(bool callback(X509Certificate cert,
String host,
int port)) {
_badCertificateCallback = callback;
Future<HttpClientRequest> open(String method,
String host,
int port,
String path) {
Uri uri = new Uri(scheme: "http", host: host, port: port).resolve(path);
// TODO(sgjesse): The path set here can contain both query and
// fragment. They should be cracked and set correctly.
return _openUrl(method, uri);
Future<HttpClientRequest> openUrl(String method, Uri url) {
return _openUrl(method, url);
Future<HttpClientRequest> get(String host, int port, String path)
=> open("get", host, port, path);
Future<HttpClientRequest> getUrl(Uri url) => _openUrl("get", url);
Future<HttpClientRequest> post(String host, int port, String path)
=> open("post", host, port, path);
Future<HttpClientRequest> postUrl(Uri url) => _openUrl("post", url);
Future<HttpClientRequest> put(String host, int port, String path)
=> open("put", host, port, path);
Future<HttpClientRequest> putUrl(Uri url) => _openUrl("put", url);
Future<HttpClientRequest> delete(String host, int port, String path)
=> open("delete", host, port, path);
Future<HttpClientRequest> deleteUrl(Uri url) => _openUrl("delete", url);
Future<HttpClientRequest> head(String host, int port, String path)
=> open("head", host, port, path);
Future<HttpClientRequest> headUrl(Uri url) => _openUrl("head", url);
Future<HttpClientRequest> patch(String host, int port, String path)
=> open("patch", host, port, path);
Future<HttpClientRequest> patchUrl(Uri url) => _openUrl("patch", url);
void close({bool force: false}) {
_closing = true;
_closingForcefully = force;
assert(!_connectionTargets.values.any((s) => s.hasIdle));
assert(!force ||
!_connectionTargets.values.any((s) => s._active.isNotEmpty));
set authenticate(Future<bool> f(Uri url, String scheme, String realm)) {
_authenticate = f;
void addCredentials(Uri url, String realm, HttpClientCredentials cr) =>
_credentials.add(new _SiteCredentials(url, realm, cr));
set authenticateProxy(
Future<bool> f(String host, int port, String scheme, String realm)) {
_authenticateProxy = f;
void addProxyCredentials(String host,
int port,
String realm,
HttpClientCredentials cr) =>
_proxyCredentials.add(new _ProxyCredentials(host, port, realm, cr));
set findProxy(String f(Uri uri)) => _findProxy = f;
Future<HttpClientRequest> _openUrl(String method, Uri uri) {
if (method == null) {
throw new ArgumentError(method);
if (method != "CONNECT") {
if (uri.host.isEmpty) {
throw new ArgumentError("No host specified in URI $uri");
} else if (uri.scheme != "http" && uri.scheme != "https") {
throw new ArgumentError(
"Unsupported scheme '${uri.scheme}' in URI $uri");
bool isSecure = (uri.scheme == "https");
int port = uri.port;
if (port == 0) {
port = isSecure ?
// Check to see if a proxy server should be used for this connection.
var proxyConf = const _ProxyConfiguration.direct();
if (_findProxy != null) {
// TODO(sgjesse): Keep a map of these as normally only a few
// configuration strings will be used.
try {
proxyConf = new _ProxyConfiguration(_findProxy(uri));
} catch (error, stackTrace) {
return new Future.error(error, stackTrace);
return _getConnection(uri.host, port, proxyConf, isSecure)
.then((info) {
send(info) {
return info.connection.send(uri,
// If the connection was closed before the request was sent, create
// and use another connection.
if (info.connection.closed) {
return _getConnection(uri.host, port, proxyConf, isSecure)
return send(info);
Future<HttpClientRequest> _openUrlFromRequest(String method,
Uri uri,
_HttpClientRequest previous) {
// If the new URI is relative (to either '/' or some sub-path),
// construct a full URI from the previous one.
Uri resolved = previous.uri.resolveUri(uri);
return openUrl(method, resolved).then((_HttpClientRequest request) {
// Only follow redirects if initial request did.
..followRedirects = previous.followRedirects
// Allow same number of redirects.
..maxRedirects = previous.maxRedirects;
// Copy headers.
for (var header in previous.headers._headers.keys) {
if (request.headers[header] == null) {
request.headers.set(header, previous.headers[header]);
return request
..headers.chunkedTransferEncoding = false
..contentLength = 0;
// Return a live connection to the idle pool.
void _returnConnection(_HttpClientConnection connection) {
// Remove a closed connnection from the active set.
void _connectionClosed(_HttpClientConnection connection) {
var connectionTarget = _connectionTargets[connection.key];
if (connectionTarget != null) {
if (connectionTarget.isEmpty) {
void _connectionsChanged() {
if (_closing) {
void _closeConnections(bool force) {
for (var connectionTarget in _connectionTargets.values.toList()) {
_ConnectionTarget _getConnectionTarget(String host, int port, bool isSecure) {
String key = _HttpClientConnection.makeKey(isSecure, host, port);
return _connectionTargets.putIfAbsent(
key, () => new _ConnectionTarget(key, host, port, isSecure));
// Get a new _HttpClientConnection, from the matching _ConnectionTarget.
Future<_ConnectionInfo> _getConnection(String uriHost,
int uriPort,
_ProxyConfiguration proxyConf,
bool isSecure) {
Iterator<_Proxy> proxies = proxyConf.proxies.iterator;
Future<_ConnectionInfo> connect(error) {
if (!proxies.moveNext()) return new Future.error(error);
_Proxy proxy = proxies.current;
String host = proxy.isDirect ? uriHost: proxy.host;
int port = proxy.isDirect ? uriPort: proxy.port;
return _getConnectionTarget(host, port, isSecure)
.connect(uriHost, uriPort, proxy, this)
// On error, continue with next proxy.
return connect(new HttpException("No proxies given"));
_SiteCredentials _findCredentials(Uri url, [_AuthenticationScheme scheme]) {
// Look for credentials.
_SiteCredentials cr =
_credentials.fold(null, (prev, value) {
if (value.applies(url, scheme)) {
if (prev == null) return value;
return value.uri.path.length > prev.uri.path.length ? value : prev;
} else {
return prev;
return cr;
_ProxyCredentials _findProxyCredentials(_Proxy proxy,
[_AuthenticationScheme scheme]) {
// Look for credentials.
var it = _proxyCredentials.iterator;
while (it.moveNext()) {
if (it.current.applies(proxy, scheme)) {
return it.current;
void _removeCredentials(_Credentials cr) {
int index = _credentials.indexOf(cr);
if (index != -1) {
void _removeProxyCredentials(_Credentials cr) {
int index = _proxyCredentials.indexOf(cr);
if (index != -1) {
static String _findProxyFromEnvironment(Uri url,
Map<String, String> environment) {
checkNoProxy(String option) {
if (option == null) return null;
Iterator<String> names = option.split(",").map((s) => s.trim()).iterator;
while (names.moveNext()) {
var name = names.current;
if ((name.startsWith("[") &&
name.endsWith("]") &&
"[${url.host}]" == name) ||
(name.isNotEmpty &&
url.host.endsWith(name))) {
return "DIRECT";
return null;
checkProxy(String option) {
if (option == null) return null;
option = option.trim();
if (option.isEmpty) return null;
int pos = option.indexOf("://");
if (pos >= 0) {
option = option.substring(pos + 3);
pos = option.indexOf("/");
if (pos >= 0) {
option = option.substring(0, pos);
// Add default port if no port configured.
if (option.indexOf("[") == 0) {
var pos = option.lastIndexOf(":");
if (option.indexOf("]") > pos) option = "$option:1080";
} else {
if (option.indexOf(":") == -1) option = "$option:1080";
return "PROXY $option";
// Default to using the process current environment.
if (environment == null) environment = _platformEnvironmentCache;
String proxyCfg;
String noProxy = environment["no_proxy"];
if (noProxy == null) noProxy = environment["NO_PROXY"];
if ((proxyCfg = checkNoProxy(noProxy)) != null) {
return proxyCfg;
if (url.scheme == "http") {
String proxy = environment["http_proxy"];
if (proxy == null) proxy = environment["HTTP_PROXY"];
if ((proxyCfg = checkProxy(proxy)) != null) {
return proxyCfg;
} else if (url.scheme == "https") {
String proxy = environment["https_proxy"];
if (proxy == null) proxy = environment["HTTPS_PROXY"];
if ((proxyCfg = checkProxy(proxy)) != null) {
return proxyCfg;
return "DIRECT";
static Map<String, String> _platformEnvironmentCache = Platform.environment;
class _HttpConnection
extends LinkedListEntry<_HttpConnection> with _ServiceObject {
static const _ACTIVE = 0;
static const _IDLE = 1;
static const _CLOSING = 2;
static const _DETACHED = 3;
// Use HashMap, as we don't need to keep order.
static Map<int, _HttpConnection> _connections =
new HashMap<int, _HttpConnection>();
final _socket;
final _HttpServer _httpServer;
final _HttpParser _httpParser;
int _state = _IDLE;
StreamSubscription _subscription;
bool _idleMark = false;
Future _streamFuture;
_HttpConnection(this._socket, this._httpServer)
: _httpParser = new _HttpParser.requestParser() {
try { _socket._owner = this; } catch (_) { print(_); }
_connections[_serviceId] = this;
_subscription = _httpParser.listen(
(incoming) {
// If the incoming was closed, close the connection.
incoming.dataDone.then((closing) {
if (closing) destroy();
// Only handle one incoming request at the time. Keep the
// stream paused until the request has been send.
_state = _ACTIVE;
var outgoing = new _HttpOutgoing(_socket);
var response = new _HttpResponse(incoming.uri,
var request = new _HttpRequest(response, incoming, _httpServer, this);
_streamFuture = outgoing.done
.then((_) {
response.deadline = null;
if (_state == _DETACHED) return;
if (response.persistentConnection &&
request.persistentConnection &&
incoming.fullBodyRead &&
!_httpParser.upgrade &&
!_httpServer.closed) {
_state = _IDLE;
_idleMark = false;
// Resume the subscription for incoming requests as the
// request is now processed.
} else {
// Close socket, keep-alive not used or body sent before
// received data was handled.
}, onError: (_) {
outgoing.ignoreBody = request.method == "HEAD";
response._httpRequest = request;
onDone: () {
onError: (error) {
// Ignore failed requests that was closed before headers was received.
void markIdle() {
_idleMark = true;
bool get isMarkedIdle => _idleMark;
void destroy() {
if (_state == _CLOSING || _state == _DETACHED) return;
_state = _CLOSING;
Future<Socket> detachSocket() {
_state = _DETACHED;
// Remove connection from server.
_HttpDetachedIncoming detachedIncoming = _httpParser.detachIncoming();
return _streamFuture.then((_) {
return new _DetachedSocket(_socket, detachedIncoming);
HttpConnectionInfo get connectionInfo => _HttpConnectionInfo.create(_socket);
bool get _isActive => _state == _ACTIVE;
bool get _isIdle => _state == _IDLE;
bool get _isClosing => _state == _CLOSING;
bool get _isDetached => _state == _DETACHED;
String get _serviceTypePath => 'io/http/serverconnections';
String get _serviceTypeName => 'HttpServerConnection';
Map _toJSON(bool ref) {
var name = "${_socket.address.host}:${_socket.port} <-> "
var r = {
'id': _servicePath,
'type': _serviceType(ref),
'name': name,
'user_name': name,
if (ref) {
return r;
r['server'] = _httpServer._toJSON(true);
try {
r['socket'] = _socket._toJSON(true);
} catch (_) {
r['socket'] = {
'id': _servicePath,
'type': '@Socket',
'name': 'UserSocket',
'user_name': 'UserSocket',
switch (_state) {
case _ACTIVE: r['state'] = "Active"; break;
case _IDLE: r['state'] = "Idle"; break;
case _CLOSING: r['state'] = "Closing"; break;
case _DETACHED: r['state'] = "Detached"; break;
default: r['state'] = 'Unknown'; break;
return r;
// HTTP server waiting for socket connections.
class _HttpServer
extends Stream<HttpRequest> with _ServiceObject
implements HttpServer {
// Use default Map so we keep order.
static Map<int, _HttpServer> _servers = new Map<int, _HttpServer>();
String serverHeader;
final HttpHeaders defaultResponseHeaders = _initDefaultResponseHeaders();
bool autoCompress = false;
Duration _idleTimeout;
Timer _idleTimer;
static Future<HttpServer> bind(address, int port, int backlog) {
return ServerSocket.bind(address, port, backlog: backlog).then((socket) {
return new _HttpServer._(socket, true);
static Future<HttpServer> bindSecure(address,
int port,
int backlog,
String certificate_name,
bool requestClientCertificate) {
return SecureServerSocket.bind(
backlog: backlog,
requestClientCertificate: requestClientCertificate)
.then((socket) {
return new _HttpServer._(socket, true);
_HttpServer._(this._serverSocket, this._closeServer) {
_controller = new StreamController<HttpRequest>(sync: true,
onCancel: close);
idleTimeout = const Duration(seconds: 120);
_servers[_serviceId] = this;
_serverSocket._owner = this;
_HttpServer.listenOn(this._serverSocket) : _closeServer = false {
_controller = new StreamController<HttpRequest>(sync: true,
onCancel: close);
idleTimeout = const Duration(seconds: 120);
_servers[_serviceId] = this;
try { _serverSocket._owner = this; } catch (_) {}
static HttpHeaders _initDefaultResponseHeaders() {
var defaultResponseHeaders = new _HttpHeaders('1.1');
defaultResponseHeaders.contentType = ContentType.TEXT;
defaultResponseHeaders.set('X-Frame-Options', 'SAMEORIGIN');
defaultResponseHeaders.set('X-Content-Type-Options', 'nosniff');
defaultResponseHeaders.set('X-XSS-Protection', '1; mode=block');
return defaultResponseHeaders;
Duration get idleTimeout => _idleTimeout;
void set idleTimeout(Duration duration) {
if (_idleTimer != null) {
_idleTimer = null;
_idleTimeout = duration;
if (_idleTimeout != null) {
_idleTimer = new Timer.periodic(_idleTimeout, (_) {
for (var idle in _idleConnections.toList()) {
if (idle.isMarkedIdle) {
} else {
StreamSubscription<HttpRequest> listen(void onData(HttpRequest event),
{Function onError,
void onDone(),
bool cancelOnError}) {
(Socket socket) {
socket.setOption(SocketOption.TCP_NODELAY, true);
// Accept the client connection.
_HttpConnection connection = new _HttpConnection(socket, this);
onError: (error) {
// Ignore HandshakeExceptions as they are bound to a single request,
// and are not fatal for the server.
if (error is! HandshakeException) {
onDone: _controller.close);
return _controller.stream.listen(onData,
onError: onError,
onDone: onDone,
cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
Future close({bool force: false}) {
closed = true;
Future result;
if (_serverSocket != null && _closeServer) {
result = _serverSocket.close();
} else {
result = new Future.value();
idleTimeout = null;
if (force) {
for (var c in _activeConnections.toList()) {
for (var c in _idleConnections.toList()) {
return result;
void _maybePerformCleanup() {
if (closed &&
_idleConnections.isEmpty &&
_activeConnections.isEmpty &&
_sessionManagerInstance != null) {
_sessionManagerInstance = null;
int get port {
if (closed) throw new HttpException("HttpServer is not bound to a socket");
return _serverSocket.port;
InternetAddress get address {
if (closed) throw new HttpException("HttpServer is not bound to a socket");
return _serverSocket.address;
set sessionTimeout(int timeout) {
_sessionManager.sessionTimeout = timeout;
void _handleRequest(_HttpRequest request) {
// Delay the request until the isolate's message-queue is handled.
// This greatly improves scheduling when a lot of requests are active.
Timer.run(() {
if (!closed) {
} else {
void _handleError(error) {
if (!closed) _controller.addError(error);
void _connectionClosed(_HttpConnection connection) {
// Remove itself from either idle or active connections.
void _markIdle(_HttpConnection connection) {
void _markActive(_HttpConnection connection) {
_HttpSessionManager get _sessionManager {
// Lazy init.
if (_sessionManagerInstance == null) {
_sessionManagerInstance = new _HttpSessionManager();
return _sessionManagerInstance;
HttpConnectionsInfo connectionsInfo() {
HttpConnectionsInfo result = new HttpConnectionsInfo();
result.total = _activeConnections.length + _idleConnections.length;
_activeConnections.forEach((_HttpConnection conn) {
if (conn._isActive) {
} else {
_idleConnections.forEach((_HttpConnection conn) {
return result;
String get _serviceTypePath => 'io/http/servers';
String get _serviceTypeName => 'HttpServer';
Map _toJSON(bool ref) {
var r = {
'id': _servicePath,
'type': _serviceType(ref),
'name': '${address.host}:$port',
'user_name': '${address.host}:$port',
if (ref) {
return r;
try {
r['socket'] = _serverSocket._toJSON(true);
} catch (_) {
r['socket'] = {
'id': _servicePath,
'type': '@Socket',
'name': 'UserSocket',
'user_name': 'UserSocket',
r['port'] = port;
r['address'] = address.host;
r['active'] = _activeConnections.map((c) => c._toJSON(true)).toList();
r['idle'] = _idleConnections.map((c) => c._toJSON(true)).toList();
r['closed'] = closed;
return r;
_HttpSessionManager _sessionManagerInstance;
// Indicated if the http server has been closed.
bool closed = false;
// The server listen socket. Untyped as it can be both ServerSocket and
// SecureServerSocket.
final _serverSocket;
final bool _closeServer;
// Set of currently connected clients.
final LinkedList<_HttpConnection> _activeConnections
= new LinkedList<_HttpConnection>();
final LinkedList<_HttpConnection> _idleConnections
= new LinkedList<_HttpConnection>();
StreamController<HttpRequest> _controller;
class _ProxyConfiguration {
static const String PROXY_PREFIX = "PROXY ";
static const String DIRECT_PREFIX = "DIRECT";
_ProxyConfiguration(String configuration) : proxies = new List<_Proxy>() {
if (configuration == null) {
throw new HttpException("Invalid proxy configuration $configuration");
List<String> list = configuration.split(";");
list.forEach((String proxy) {
proxy = proxy.trim();
if (!proxy.isEmpty) {
if (proxy.startsWith(PROXY_PREFIX)) {
String username;
String password;
// Skip the "PROXY " prefix.
proxy = proxy.substring(PROXY_PREFIX.length).trim();
// Look for proxy authentication.
int at = proxy.indexOf("@");
if (at != -1) {
String userinfo = proxy.substring(0, at).trim();
proxy = proxy.substring(at + 1).trim();
int colon = userinfo.indexOf(":");
if (colon == -1 || colon == 0 || colon == proxy.length - 1) {
throw new HttpException(
"Invalid proxy configuration $configuration");
username = userinfo.substring(0, colon).trim();
password = userinfo.substring(colon + 1).trim();
// Look for proxy host and port.
int colon = proxy.lastIndexOf(":");
if (colon == -1 || colon == 0 || colon == proxy.length - 1) {
throw new HttpException(
"Invalid proxy configuration $configuration");
String host = proxy.substring(0, colon).trim();
if (host.startsWith("[") && host.endsWith("]")) {
host = host.substring(1, host.length - 1);
String portString = proxy.substring(colon + 1).trim();
int port;
try {
port = int.parse(portString);
} on FormatException catch (e) {
throw new HttpException(
"Invalid proxy configuration $configuration, "
"invalid port '$portString'");
proxies.add(new _Proxy(host, port, username, password));
} else if (proxy.trim() == DIRECT_PREFIX) {
proxies.add(new _Proxy.direct());
} else {
throw new HttpException("Invalid proxy configuration $configuration");
const _ProxyConfiguration.direct()
: proxies = const [const _Proxy.direct()];
final List<_Proxy> proxies;
class _Proxy {
final String host;
final int port;
final String username;
final String password;
final bool isDirect;
const _Proxy(this.host, this.port, this.username, this.password)
: isDirect = false;
const _Proxy.direct() : host = null, port = null,
username = null, password = null, isDirect = true;
bool get isAuthenticated => username != null;
class _HttpConnectionInfo implements HttpConnectionInfo {
InternetAddress remoteAddress;
int remotePort;
int localPort;
static _HttpConnectionInfo create(Socket socket) {
if (socket == null) return null;
try {
_HttpConnectionInfo info = new _HttpConnectionInfo();
return info
..remoteAddress = socket.remoteAddress
..remotePort = socket.remotePort
..localPort = socket.port;
} catch (e) { }
return null;
class _DetachedSocket extends Stream<List<int>> implements Socket {
final Stream<List<int>> _incoming;
final _socket;
_DetachedSocket(this._socket, this._incoming);
StreamSubscription<List<int>> listen(void onData(List<int> event),
{Function onError,
void onDone(),
bool cancelOnError}) {
return _incoming.listen(onData,
onError: onError,
onDone: onDone,
cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
Encoding get encoding => _socket.encoding;
void set encoding(Encoding value) {
_socket.encoding = value;
void write(Object obj) => _socket.write(obj);
void writeln([Object obj = ""]) => _socket.writeln(obj);
void writeCharCode(int charCode) => _socket.writeCharCode(charCode);
void writeAll(Iterable objects, [String separator = ""]) {
_socket.writeAll(objects, separator);
void add(List<int> bytes) => _socket.add(bytes);
void addError(error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) =>
_socket.addError(error, stackTrace);
Future<Socket> addStream(Stream<List<int>> stream) {
return _socket.addStream(stream);
void destroy() => _socket.destroy();
Future flush() => _socket.flush();
Future close() => _socket.close();
Future<Socket> get done => _socket.done;
int get port => _socket.port;
InternetAddress get address => _socket.address;
InternetAddress get remoteAddress => _socket.remoteAddress;
int get remotePort => _socket.remotePort;
bool setOption(SocketOption option, bool enabled) {
return _socket.setOption(option, enabled);
Map _toJSON(bool ref) => _socket._toJSON(ref);
void set _owner(owner) { _socket._owner = owner; }
class _AuthenticationScheme {
final int _scheme;
static const UNKNOWN = const _AuthenticationScheme(-1);
static const BASIC = const _AuthenticationScheme(0);
static const DIGEST = const _AuthenticationScheme(1);
const _AuthenticationScheme(this._scheme);
factory _AuthenticationScheme.fromString(String scheme) {
if (scheme.toLowerCase() == "basic") return BASIC;
if (scheme.toLowerCase() == "digest") return DIGEST;
return UNKNOWN;
String toString() {
if (this == BASIC) return "Basic";
if (this == DIGEST) return "Digest";
return "Unknown";
abstract class _Credentials {
_HttpClientCredentials credentials;
String realm;
bool used = false;
// Digest specific fields.
String ha1;
String nonce;
String algorithm;
String qop;
int nonceCount;
_Credentials(this.credentials, this.realm) {
if (credentials.scheme == _AuthenticationScheme.DIGEST) {
// Calculate the H(A1) value once. There is no mentioning of
// username/password encoding in RFC 2617. However there is an
// open draft for adding an additional accept-charset parameter to
// the WWW-Authenticate and Proxy-Authenticate headers, see
// http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-reschke-basicauth-enc-06. For
// now always use UTF-8 encoding.
_HttpClientDigestCredentials creds = credentials;
var hasher = new _MD5()
ha1 = _CryptoUtils.bytesToHex(hasher.close());
_AuthenticationScheme get scheme => credentials.scheme;
void authorize(HttpClientRequest request);
class _SiteCredentials extends _Credentials {
Uri uri;
_SiteCredentials(this.uri, realm, _HttpClientCredentials creds)
: super(creds, realm);
bool applies(Uri uri, _AuthenticationScheme scheme) {
if (scheme != null && credentials.scheme != scheme) return false;
if (uri.host != this.uri.host) return false;
int thisPort =
this.uri.port == 0 ? HttpClient.DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT : this.uri.port;
int otherPort = uri.port == 0 ? HttpClient.DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT : uri.port;
if (otherPort != thisPort) return false;
return uri.path.startsWith(this.uri.path);
void authorize(HttpClientRequest request) {
// Digest credentials cannot be used without a nonce from the
// server.
if (credentials.scheme == _AuthenticationScheme.DIGEST &&
nonce == null) {
credentials.authorize(this, request);
used = true;
class _ProxyCredentials extends _Credentials {
String host;
int port;
_HttpClientCredentials creds)
: super(creds, realm);
bool applies(_Proxy proxy, _AuthenticationScheme scheme) {
if (scheme != null && credentials.scheme != scheme) return false;
return proxy.host == host && proxy.port == port;
void authorize(HttpClientRequest request) {
// Digest credentials cannot be used without a nonce from the
// server.
if (credentials.scheme == _AuthenticationScheme.DIGEST &&
nonce == null) {
credentials.authorizeProxy(this, request);
abstract class _HttpClientCredentials implements HttpClientCredentials {
_AuthenticationScheme get scheme;
void authorize(_Credentials credentials, HttpClientRequest request);
void authorizeProxy(_ProxyCredentials credentials, HttpClientRequest request);
class _HttpClientBasicCredentials
extends _HttpClientCredentials
implements HttpClientBasicCredentials {
String username;
String password;
_HttpClientBasicCredentials(this.username, this.password);
_AuthenticationScheme get scheme => _AuthenticationScheme.BASIC;
String authorization() {
// There is no mentioning of username/password encoding in RFC
// 2617. However there is an open draft for adding an additional
// accept-charset parameter to the WWW-Authenticate and
// Proxy-Authenticate headers, see
// http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-reschke-basicauth-enc-06. For
// now always use UTF-8 encoding.
String auth =
return "Basic $auth";
void authorize(_Credentials _, HttpClientRequest request) =>
request.headers.set(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, authorization());
void authorizeProxy(_ProxyCredentials _, HttpClientRequest request) =>
request.headers.set(HttpHeaders.PROXY_AUTHORIZATION, authorization());
class _HttpClientDigestCredentials
extends _HttpClientCredentials
implements HttpClientDigestCredentials {
String username;
String password;
_HttpClientDigestCredentials(this.username, this.password);
_AuthenticationScheme get scheme => _AuthenticationScheme.DIGEST;
String authorization(_Credentials credentials, _HttpClientRequest request) {
String requestUri = request._requestUri();
_MD5 hasher = new _MD5()
var ha2 = _CryptoUtils.bytesToHex(hasher.close());
String qop;
String cnonce;
String nc;
var x;
hasher = new _MD5()
if (credentials.qop == "auth") {
qop = credentials.qop;
cnonce = _CryptoUtils.bytesToHex(_IOCrypto.getRandomBytes(4));
nc = credentials.nonceCount.toRadixString(16);
nc = "00000000".substring(0, 8 - nc.length + 1) + nc;
} else {
var response = _CryptoUtils.bytesToHex(hasher.close());
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer()
..write('Digest ')
..write(', realm="${credentials.realm}"')
..write(', nonce="${credentials.nonce}"')
..write(', uri="$requestUri"')
..write(', algorithm="${credentials.algorithm}"');
if (qop == "auth") {
..write(', qop="$qop"')
..write(', cnonce="$cnonce"')
..write(', nc="$nc"');
buffer.write(', response="$response"');
return buffer.toString();
void authorize(_Credentials credentials, HttpClientRequest request) {
authorization(credentials, request));
void authorizeProxy(_ProxyCredentials credentials,
HttpClientRequest request) {
authorization(credentials, request));
class _RedirectInfo implements RedirectInfo {
final int statusCode;
final String method;
final Uri location;
const _RedirectInfo(this.statusCode, this.method, this.location);
String _getHttpVersion() {
var version = Platform.version;
// Only include major and minor version numbers.
int index = version.indexOf('.', version.indexOf('.') + 1);
version = version.substring(0, index);
return 'Dart/$version (dart:io)';