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// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.io;
* Helper class to wrap a [StreamConsumer<List<int>>] and provide
* utility functions for writing to the StreamConsumer directly. The
* [IOSink] buffers the input given by all [StringSink] methods and will delay
* an [addStream] until the buffer is flushed.
* When the [IOSink] is bound to a stream (through [addStream]) any call
* to the [IOSink] will throw a [StateError]. When the [addStream] completes,
* the [IOSink] will again be open for all calls.
* If data is added to the [IOSink] after the sink is closed, the data will be
* ignored. Use the [done] future to be notified when the [IOSink] is closed.
abstract class IOSink implements StreamSink<List<int>>, StringSink {
// TODO(ajohnsen): Make _encodingMutable an argument.
factory IOSink(StreamConsumer<List<int>> target,
{Encoding encoding: UTF8})
=> new _IOSinkImpl(target, encoding);
* The [Encoding] used when writing strings. Depending on the
* underlying consumer this property might be mutable.
Encoding encoding;
* Adds [data] to the target consumer, ignoring [encoding].
* The [encoding] does not apply to this method, and the `data` list is passed
* directly to the target consumer as a stream event.
* This function must not be called when a stream is currently being added
* using [addStream].
* This operation is non-blocking. See [flush] or [done] for how to get any
* errors generated by this call.
* The data list should not be modified after it has been passed to `add`.
void add(List<int> data);
* Converts [obj] to a String by invoking [Object.toString] and
* [add]s the encoding of the result to the target consumer.
* This operation is non-blocking. See [flush] or [done] for how to get any
* errors generated by this call.
void write(Object obj);
* Iterates over the given [objects] and [write]s them in sequence.
* If [separator] is provided, a `write` with the `separator` is performed
* between any two elements of `objects`.
* This operation is non-blocking. See [flush] or [done] for how to get any
* errors generated by this call.
void writeAll(Iterable objects, [String separator = ""]);
* Converts [obj] to a String by invoking [Object.toString] and
* writes the result to `this`, followed by a newline.
* This operation is non-blocking. See [flush] or [done] for how to get any
* errors generated by this call.
void writeln([Object obj = ""]);
* Writes the [charCode] to `this`.
* This method is equivalent to `write(new String.fromCharCode(charCode))`.
* This operation is non-blocking. See [flush] or [done] for how to get any
* errors generated by this call.
void writeCharCode(int charCode);
* Passes the error to the target consumer as an error event.
* This function must not be called when a stream is currently being added
* using [addStream].
* This operation is non-blocking. See [flush] or [done] for how to get any
* errors generated by this call.
void addError(error, [StackTrace stackTrace]);
* Adds all elements of the given [stream] to `this`.
Future addStream(Stream<List<int>> stream);
* Returns a [Future] that completes once all buffered data is accepted by the
* to underlying [StreamConsumer].
* It's an error to call this method, while an [addStream] is incomplete.
* NOTE: This is not necessarily the same as the data being flushed by the
* operating system.
Future flush();
* Close the target consumer.
Future close();
* Get a future that will complete when the consumer closes, or when an
* error occurs. This future is identical to the future returned by
* [close].
Future get done;
class _StreamSinkImpl<T> implements StreamSink<T> {
final StreamConsumer<T> _target;
Completer _doneCompleter = new Completer();
Future _doneFuture;
StreamController<T> _controllerInstance;
Completer _controllerCompleter;
bool _isClosed = false;
bool _isBound = false;
bool _hasError = false;
_StreamSinkImpl(this._target) {
_doneFuture = _doneCompleter.future;
void add(T data) {
if (_isClosed) return;
void addError(error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) =>
_controller.addError(error, stackTrace);
Future addStream(Stream<T> stream) {
if (_isBound) {
throw new StateError("StreamSink is already bound to a stream");
_isBound = true;
if (_hasError) return done;
// Wait for any sync operations to complete.
Future targetAddStream() {
return _target.addStream(stream)
.whenComplete(() {
_isBound = false;
if (_controllerInstance == null) return targetAddStream();
var future = _controllerCompleter.future;
return future.then((_) => targetAddStream());
Future flush() {
if (_isBound) {
throw new StateError("StreamSink is bound to a stream");
if (_controllerInstance == null) return new Future.value(this);
// Adding an empty stream-controller will return a future that will complete
// when all data is done.
_isBound = true;
var future = _controllerCompleter.future;
return future.whenComplete(() {
_isBound = false;
Future close() {
if (_isBound) {
throw new StateError("StreamSink is bound to a stream");
if (!_isClosed) {
_isClosed = true;
if (_controllerInstance != null) {
} else {
return done;
void _closeTarget() {
.then((value) => _completeDone(value: value),
onError: (error) => _completeDone(error: error));
Future get done => _doneFuture;
void _completeDone({value, error}) {
if (_doneCompleter == null) return;
if (error == null) {
} else {
_hasError = true;
_doneCompleter = null;
StreamController<T> get _controller {
if (_isBound) {
throw new StateError("StreamSink is bound to a stream");
if (_isClosed) {
throw new StateError("StreamSink is closed");
if (_controllerInstance == null) {
_controllerInstance = new StreamController<T>(sync: true);
_controllerCompleter = new Completer();
(_) {
if (_isBound) {
// A new stream takes over - forward values to that stream.
_controllerCompleter = null;
_controllerInstance = null;
} else {
// No new stream, .close was called. Close _target.
onError: (error) {
if (_isBound) {
// A new stream takes over - forward errors to that stream.
_controllerCompleter = null;
_controllerInstance = null;
} else {
// No new stream. No need to close target, as it have already
// failed.
_completeDone(error: error);
return _controllerInstance;
class _IOSinkImpl extends _StreamSinkImpl<List<int>> implements IOSink {
Encoding _encoding;
bool _encodingMutable = true;
_IOSinkImpl(StreamConsumer<List<int>> target, this._encoding)
: super(target);
Encoding get encoding => _encoding;
void set encoding(Encoding value) {
if (!_encodingMutable) {
throw new StateError("IOSink encoding is not mutable");
_encoding = value;
void write(Object obj) {
// This comment is copied from runtime/lib/string_buffer_patch.dart.
// TODO(srdjan): The following four lines could be replaced by
// '$obj', but apparently this is too slow on the Dart VM.
String string;
if (obj is String) {
string = obj;
} else {
string = obj.toString();
if (string is! String) {
throw new ArgumentError('toString() did not return a string');
if (string.isEmpty) return;
void writeAll(Iterable objects, [String separator = ""]) {
Iterator iterator = objects.iterator;
if (!iterator.moveNext()) return;
if (separator.isEmpty) {
do {
} while (iterator.moveNext());
} else {
while (iterator.moveNext()) {
void writeln([Object obj = ""]) {
void writeCharCode(int charCode) {
write(new String.fromCharCode(charCode));