
2901 lines
93 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.io;
const int _OUTGOING_BUFFER_SIZE = 8 * 1024;
typedef void _BytesConsumer(List<int> bytes);
class _HttpIncoming extends Stream<List<int>> {
final int _transferLength;
final Completer _dataCompleter = new Completer();
Stream<List<int>> _stream;
bool fullBodyRead = false;
// Common properties.
final _HttpHeaders headers;
bool upgraded = false;
// ClientResponse properties.
int statusCode;
String reasonPhrase;
// Request properties.
String method;
Uri uri;
bool hasSubscriber = false;
// The transfer length if the length of the message body as it
// appears in the message (RFC 2616 section 4.4). This can be -1 if
// the length of the massage body is not known due to transfer
// codings.
int get transferLength => _transferLength;
_HttpIncoming(this.headers, this._transferLength, this._stream);
StreamSubscription<List<int>> listen(void onData(List<int> event),
{Function onError,
void onDone(),
bool cancelOnError}) {
hasSubscriber = true;
return _stream
.handleError((error) {
throw new HttpException(error.message, uri: uri);
onError: onError,
onDone: onDone,
cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
// Is completed once all data have been received.
Future get dataDone => _dataCompleter.future;
void close(bool closing) {
fullBodyRead = true;
hasSubscriber = true;
abstract class _HttpInboundMessage extends Stream<List<int>> {
final _HttpIncoming _incoming;
List<Cookie> _cookies;
List<Cookie> get cookies {
if (_cookies != null) return _cookies;
return _cookies = headers._parseCookies();
_HttpHeaders get headers => _incoming.headers;
String get protocolVersion => headers.protocolVersion;
int get contentLength => headers.contentLength;
bool get persistentConnection => headers.persistentConnection;
class _HttpRequest extends _HttpInboundMessage implements HttpRequest {
final HttpResponse response;
final _HttpServer _httpServer;
final _HttpConnection _httpConnection;
_HttpSession _session;
Uri _requestedUri;
_HttpRequest(this.response, _HttpIncoming _incoming, this._httpServer,
this._httpConnection) : super(_incoming) {
if (headers.protocolVersion == "1.1") {
..chunkedTransferEncoding = true
..persistentConnection = headers.persistentConnection;
if (_httpServer._sessionManagerInstance != null) {
// Map to session if exists.
var sessionIds = cookies
.where((cookie) => cookie.name.toUpperCase() == _DART_SESSION_ID)
.map((cookie) => cookie.value);
for (var sessionId in sessionIds) {
_session = _httpServer._sessionManager.getSession(sessionId);
if (_session != null) {
StreamSubscription<List<int>> listen(void onData(List<int> event),
{Function onError,
void onDone(),
bool cancelOnError}) {
return _incoming.listen(onData,
onError: onError,
onDone: onDone,
cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
Uri get uri => _incoming.uri;
Uri get requestedUri {
if (_requestedUri == null) {
var proto = headers['x-forwarded-proto'];
var scheme = proto != null ? proto.first :
_httpConnection._socket is SecureSocket ? "https" : "http";
var hostList = headers['x-forwarded-host'];
String host;
if (hostList != null) {
host = hostList.first;
} else {
hostList = headers['host'];
if (hostList != null) {
host = hostList.first;
} else {
host = "${_httpServer.address.host}:${_httpServer.port}";
_requestedUri = Uri.parse("$scheme://$host$uri");
return _requestedUri;
String get method => _incoming.method;
HttpSession get session {
if (_session != null) {
if (_session._destroyed) {
// It's destroyed, clear it.
_session = null;
// Create new session object by calling recursive.
return session;
// It's already mapped, use it.
return _session;
// Create session, store it in connection, and return.
return _session = _httpServer._sessionManager.createSession();
HttpConnectionInfo get connectionInfo => _httpConnection.connectionInfo;
X509Certificate get certificate {
var socket = _httpConnection._socket;
if (socket is SecureSocket) return socket.peerCertificate;
return null;
class _HttpClientResponse
extends _HttpInboundMessage implements HttpClientResponse {
List<RedirectInfo> get redirects => _httpRequest._responseRedirects;
// The HttpClient this response belongs to.
final _HttpClient _httpClient;
// The HttpClientRequest of this response.
final _HttpClientRequest _httpRequest;
_HttpClientResponse(_HttpIncoming _incoming, this._httpRequest,
this._httpClient) : super(_incoming) {
// Set uri for potential exceptions.
_incoming.uri = _httpRequest.uri;
int get statusCode => _incoming.statusCode;
String get reasonPhrase => _incoming.reasonPhrase;
X509Certificate get certificate {
var socket = _httpRequest._httpClientConnection._socket;
if (socket is SecureSocket) return socket.peerCertificate;
throw new UnsupportedError("Socket is not a SecureSocket");
List<Cookie> get cookies {
if (_cookies != null) return _cookies;
_cookies = new List<Cookie>();
List<String> values = headers[HttpHeaders.SET_COOKIE];
if (values != null) {
values.forEach((value) {
_cookies.add(new Cookie.fromSetCookieValue(value));
return _cookies;
bool get isRedirect {
if (_httpRequest.method == "GET" || _httpRequest.method == "HEAD") {
return statusCode == HttpStatus.MOVED_PERMANENTLY ||
statusCode == HttpStatus.FOUND ||
statusCode == HttpStatus.SEE_OTHER ||
statusCode == HttpStatus.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT;
} else if (_httpRequest.method == "POST") {
return statusCode == HttpStatus.SEE_OTHER;
return false;
Future<HttpClientResponse> redirect([String method,
Uri url,
bool followLoops]) {
if (method == null) {
// Set method as defined by RFC 2616 section 10.3.4.
if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SEE_OTHER && _httpRequest.method == "POST") {
method = "GET";
} else {
method = _httpRequest.method;
if (url == null) {
String location = headers.value(HttpHeaders.LOCATION);
if (location == null) {
throw new StateError("Response has no Location header for redirect");
url = Uri.parse(location);
if (followLoops != true) {
for (var redirect in redirects) {
if (redirect.location == url) {
return new Future.error(
new RedirectException("Redirect loop detected", redirects));
return _httpClient._openUrlFromRequest(method, url, _httpRequest)
.then((request) {
..add(new _RedirectInfo(statusCode, method, url));
return request.close();
StreamSubscription<List<int>> listen(void onData(List<int> event),
{Function onError,
void onDone(),
bool cancelOnError}) {
if (_incoming.upgraded) {
// If upgraded, the connection is already 'removed' form the client.
// Since listening to upgraded data is 'bogus', simply close and
// return empty stream subscription.
return new Stream<List<int>>.empty().listen(null, onDone: onDone);
var stream = _incoming;
if (_httpClient.autoUncompress &&
headers.value(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_ENCODING) == "gzip") {
stream = stream.transform(GZIP.decoder);
return stream.listen(onData,
onError: onError,
onDone: onDone,
cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
Future<Socket> detachSocket() {
return _httpRequest._httpClientConnection.detachSocket();
HttpConnectionInfo get connectionInfo => _httpRequest.connectionInfo;
bool get _shouldAuthenticateProxy {
// Only try to authenticate if there is a challenge in the response.
List<String> challenge = headers[HttpHeaders.PROXY_AUTHENTICATE];
return statusCode == HttpStatus.PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED &&
challenge != null && challenge.length == 1;
bool get _shouldAuthenticate {
// Only try to authenticate if there is a challenge in the response.
List<String> challenge = headers[HttpHeaders.WWW_AUTHENTICATE];
return statusCode == HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED &&
challenge != null && challenge.length == 1;
Future<HttpClientResponse> _authenticate(bool proxyAuth) {
Future<HttpClientResponse> retry() {
// Drain body and retry.
return drain().then((_) {
return _httpClient._openUrlFromRequest(_httpRequest.method,
.then((request) => request.close());
List<String> authChallenge() {
return proxyAuth ? headers[HttpHeaders.PROXY_AUTHENTICATE]
: headers[HttpHeaders.WWW_AUTHENTICATE];
_Credentials findCredentials(_AuthenticationScheme scheme) {
return proxyAuth ? _httpClient._findProxyCredentials(_httpRequest._proxy,
: _httpClient._findCredentials(_httpRequest.uri, scheme);
void removeCredentials(_Credentials cr) {
if (proxyAuth) {
} else {
Future requestAuthentication(_AuthenticationScheme scheme, String realm) {
if (proxyAuth) {
if (_httpClient._authenticateProxy == null) {
return new Future.value(false);
var proxy = _httpRequest._proxy;
return _httpClient._authenticateProxy(proxy.host,
} else {
if (_httpClient._authenticate == null) {
return new Future.value(false);
return _httpClient._authenticate(_httpRequest.uri,
List<String> challenge = authChallenge();
assert(challenge != null || challenge.length == 1);
_HeaderValue header =
_HeaderValue.parse(challenge[0], parameterSeparator: ",");
_AuthenticationScheme scheme =
new _AuthenticationScheme.fromString(header.value);
String realm = header.parameters["realm"];
// See if any matching credentials are available.
_Credentials cr = findCredentials(scheme);
if (cr != null) {
// For basic authentication don't retry already used credentials
// as they must have already been added to the request causing
// this authenticate response.
if (cr.scheme == _AuthenticationScheme.BASIC && !cr.used) {
// Credentials where found, prepare for retrying the request.
return retry();
// Digest authentication only supports the MD5 algorithm.
if (cr.scheme == _AuthenticationScheme.DIGEST &&
(header.parameters["algorithm"] == null ||
header.parameters["algorithm"].toLowerCase() == "md5")) {
if (cr.nonce == null || cr.nonce == header.parameters["nonce"]) {
// If the nonce is not set then this is the first authenticate
// response for these credentials. Set up authentication state.
if (cr.nonce == null) {
cr..nonce = header.parameters["nonce"]
..algorithm = "MD5"
..qop = header.parameters["qop"]
..nonceCount = 0;
// Credentials where found, prepare for retrying the request.
return retry();
} else if (header.parameters["stale"] != null &&
header.parameters["stale"].toLowerCase() == "true") {
// If stale is true retry with new nonce.
cr.nonce = header.parameters["nonce"];
// Credentials where found, prepare for retrying the request.
return retry();
// Ask for more credentials if none found or the one found has
// already been used. If it has already been used it must now be
// invalid and is removed.
if (cr != null) {
cr = null;
return requestAuthentication(scheme, realm).then((credsAvailable) {
if (credsAvailable) {
cr = _httpClient._findCredentials(_httpRequest.uri, scheme);
return retry();
} else {
// No credentials available, complete with original response.
return this;
abstract class _HttpOutboundMessage<T> extends _IOSinkImpl {
// Used to mark when the body should be written. This is used for HEAD
// requests and in error handling.
bool _encodingSet = false;
bool _bufferOutput = true;
final Uri _uri;
final _HttpOutgoing _outgoing;
final _HttpHeaders headers;
_HttpOutboundMessage(Uri uri,
String protocolVersion,
_HttpOutgoing outgoing,
{_HttpHeaders initialHeaders})
: _uri = uri,
headers = new _HttpHeaders(
defaultPortForScheme: uri.scheme == 'https' ?
initialHeaders: initialHeaders),
_outgoing = outgoing,
super(outgoing, null) {
_outgoing.outbound = this;
_encodingMutable = false;
int get contentLength => headers.contentLength;
void set contentLength(int contentLength) {
headers.contentLength = contentLength;
bool get persistentConnection => headers.persistentConnection;
void set persistentConnection(bool p) {
headers.persistentConnection = p;
bool get bufferOutput => _bufferOutput;
void set bufferOutput(bool bufferOutput) {
if (_outgoing.headersWritten) throw new StateError("Header already sent");
_bufferOutput = bufferOutput;
Encoding get encoding {
if (_encodingSet && _outgoing.headersWritten) {
return _encoding;
var charset;
if (headers.contentType != null && headers.contentType.charset != null) {
charset = headers.contentType.charset;
} else {
charset = "iso-8859-1";
return Encoding.getByName(charset);
void add(List<int> data) {
if (data.length == 0) return;
void write(Object obj) {
if (!_encodingSet) {
_encoding = encoding;
_encodingSet = true;
void _writeHeader();
bool get _isConnectionClosed => false;
class _HttpResponse extends _HttpOutboundMessage<HttpResponse>
implements HttpResponse {
int _statusCode = 200;
String _reasonPhrase;
List<Cookie> _cookies;
_HttpRequest _httpRequest;
Duration _deadline;
Timer _deadlineTimer;
_HttpResponse(Uri uri,
String protocolVersion,
_HttpOutgoing outgoing,
HttpHeaders defaultHeaders,
String serverHeader)
: super(uri, protocolVersion, outgoing, initialHeaders: defaultHeaders) {
if (serverHeader != null) headers.set('server', serverHeader);
bool get _isConnectionClosed => _httpRequest._httpConnection._isClosing;
List<Cookie> get cookies {
if (_cookies == null) _cookies = new List<Cookie>();
return _cookies;
int get statusCode => _statusCode;
void set statusCode(int statusCode) {
if (_outgoing.headersWritten) throw new StateError("Header already sent");
_statusCode = statusCode;
String get reasonPhrase => _findReasonPhrase(statusCode);
void set reasonPhrase(String reasonPhrase) {
if (_outgoing.headersWritten) throw new StateError("Header already sent");
_reasonPhrase = reasonPhrase;
Future redirect(Uri location, {int status: HttpStatus.MOVED_TEMPORARILY}) {
if (_outgoing.headersWritten) throw new StateError("Header already sent");
statusCode = status;
headers.set("location", location.toString());
return close();
Future<Socket> detachSocket({bool writeHeaders: true}) {
if (_outgoing.headersWritten) throw new StateError("Headers already sent");
deadline = null; // Be sure to stop any deadline.
var future = _httpRequest._httpConnection.detachSocket();
if (writeHeaders) {
var headersFuture = _outgoing.writeHeaders(drainRequest: false,
setOutgoing: false);
assert(headersFuture == null);
} else {
// Imitate having written the headers.
_outgoing.headersWritten = true;
// Close connection so the socket is 'free'.
done.catchError((_) {
// Catch any error on done, as they automatically will be
// propagated to the websocket.
return future;
HttpConnectionInfo get connectionInfo => _httpRequest.connectionInfo;
Duration get deadline => _deadline;
void set deadline(Duration d) {
if (_deadlineTimer != null) _deadlineTimer.cancel();
_deadline = d;
if (_deadline == null) return;
_deadlineTimer = new Timer(_deadline, () {
void _writeHeader() {
Uint8List buffer = new Uint8List(_OUTGOING_BUFFER_SIZE);
int offset = 0;
void write(List<int> bytes) {
int len = bytes.length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
buffer[offset + i] = bytes[i];
offset += len;
// Write status line.
if (headers.protocolVersion == "1.1") {
} else {
buffer[offset++] = _CharCode.SP;
buffer[offset++] = _CharCode.SP;
buffer[offset++] = _CharCode.CR;
buffer[offset++] = _CharCode.LF;
var session = _httpRequest._session;
if (session != null && !session._destroyed) {
// Mark as not new.
session._isNew = false;
// Make sure we only send the current session id.
bool found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
if (cookies[i].name.toUpperCase() == _DART_SESSION_ID) {
..value = session.id
..httpOnly = true
..path = "/";
found = true;
if (!found) {
var cookie = new Cookie(_DART_SESSION_ID, session.id);
..httpOnly = true
..path = "/");
// Add all the cookies set to the headers.
if (_cookies != null) {
_cookies.forEach((cookie) {
headers.add(HttpHeaders.SET_COOKIE, cookie);
// Write headers.
offset = headers._write(buffer, offset);
buffer[offset++] = _CharCode.CR;
buffer[offset++] = _CharCode.LF;
_outgoing.setHeader(buffer, offset);
String _findReasonPhrase(int statusCode) {
if (_reasonPhrase != null) {
return _reasonPhrase;
switch (statusCode) {
case HttpStatus.CONTINUE: return "Continue";
case HttpStatus.SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS: return "Switching Protocols";
case HttpStatus.OK: return "OK";
case HttpStatus.CREATED: return "Created";
case HttpStatus.ACCEPTED: return "Accepted";
return "Non-Authoritative Information";
case HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT: return "No Content";
case HttpStatus.RESET_CONTENT: return "Reset Content";
case HttpStatus.PARTIAL_CONTENT: return "Partial Content";
case HttpStatus.MULTIPLE_CHOICES: return "Multiple Choices";
case HttpStatus.MOVED_PERMANENTLY: return "Moved Permanently";
case HttpStatus.FOUND: return "Found";
case HttpStatus.SEE_OTHER: return "See Other";
case HttpStatus.NOT_MODIFIED: return "Not Modified";
case HttpStatus.USE_PROXY: return "Use Proxy";
case HttpStatus.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT: return "Temporary Redirect";
case HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST: return "Bad Request";
case HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED: return "Unauthorized";
case HttpStatus.PAYMENT_REQUIRED: return "Payment Required";
case HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN: return "Forbidden";
case HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND: return "Not Found";
case HttpStatus.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED: return "Method Not Allowed";
case HttpStatus.NOT_ACCEPTABLE: return "Not Acceptable";
return "Proxy Authentication Required";
case HttpStatus.REQUEST_TIMEOUT: return "Request Time-out";
case HttpStatus.CONFLICT: return "Conflict";
case HttpStatus.GONE: return "Gone";
case HttpStatus.LENGTH_REQUIRED: return "Length Required";
case HttpStatus.PRECONDITION_FAILED: return "Precondition Failed";
return "Request Entity Too Large";
case HttpStatus.REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG: return "Request-URI Too Large";
case HttpStatus.UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE: return "Unsupported Media Type";
return "Requested range not satisfiable";
case HttpStatus.EXPECTATION_FAILED: return "Expectation Failed";
case HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: return "Internal Server Error";
case HttpStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED: return "Not Implemented";
case HttpStatus.BAD_GATEWAY: return "Bad Gateway";
case HttpStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE: return "Service Unavailable";
case HttpStatus.GATEWAY_TIMEOUT: return "Gateway Time-out";
return "Http Version not supported";
default: return "Status $statusCode";
class _HttpClientRequest extends _HttpOutboundMessage<HttpClientResponse>
implements HttpClientRequest {
final String method;
final Uri uri;
final List<Cookie> cookies = new List<Cookie>();
// The HttpClient this request belongs to.
final _HttpClient _httpClient;
final _HttpClientConnection _httpClientConnection;
final Completer<HttpClientResponse> _responseCompleter
= new Completer<HttpClientResponse>();
final _Proxy _proxy;
Future<HttpClientResponse> _response;
// TODO(ajohnsen): Get default value from client?
bool _followRedirects = true;
int _maxRedirects = 5;
List<RedirectInfo> _responseRedirects = [];
_HttpClientRequest(_HttpOutgoing outgoing, Uri uri, this.method, this._proxy,
this._httpClient, this._httpClientConnection)
: uri = uri,
super(uri, "1.1", outgoing) {
// GET and HEAD have 'content-length: 0' by default.
if (method == "GET" || method == "HEAD") {
contentLength = 0;
} else {
headers.chunkedTransferEncoding = true;
Future<HttpClientResponse> get done {
if (_response == null) {
_response = Future.wait([_responseCompleter.future, super.done],
eagerError: true)
.then((list) => list[0]);
return _response;
Future<HttpClientResponse> close() {
return done;
int get maxRedirects => _maxRedirects;
void set maxRedirects(int maxRedirects) {
if (_outgoing.headersWritten) throw new StateError("Request already sent");
_maxRedirects = maxRedirects;
bool get followRedirects => _followRedirects;
void set followRedirects(bool followRedirects) {
if (_outgoing.headersWritten) throw new StateError("Request already sent");
_followRedirects = followRedirects;
HttpConnectionInfo get connectionInfo => _httpClientConnection.connectionInfo;
void _onIncoming(_HttpIncoming incoming) {
var response = new _HttpClientResponse(incoming, this, _httpClient);
Future<HttpClientResponse> future;
if (followRedirects && response.isRedirect) {
if (response.redirects.length < maxRedirects) {
// Redirect and drain response.
future = response.drain()
.then/*<HttpClientResponse>*/((_) => response.redirect());
} else {
// End with exception, too many redirects.
future = response.drain()
.then/*<HttpClientResponse>*/((_) {
return new Future<HttpClientResponse>.error(
new RedirectException("Redirect limit exceeded",
} else if (response._shouldAuthenticateProxy) {
future = response._authenticate(true);
} else if (response._shouldAuthenticate) {
future = response._authenticate(false);
} else {
future = new Future<HttpClientResponse>.value(response);
(v) => _responseCompleter.complete(v),
onError: _responseCompleter.completeError);
void _onError(error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
_responseCompleter.completeError(error, stackTrace);
// Generate the request URI based on the method and proxy.
String _requestUri() {
// Generate the request URI starting from the path component.
String uriStartingFromPath() {
String result = uri.path;
if (result.isEmpty) result = "/";
if (uri.hasQuery) {
result = "${result}?${uri.query}";
return result;
if (_proxy.isDirect) {
return uriStartingFromPath();
} else {
if (method == "CONNECT") {
// For the connect method the request URI is the host:port of
// the requested destination of the tunnel (see RFC 2817
// section 5.2)
return "${uri.host}:${uri.port}";
} else {
if (_httpClientConnection._proxyTunnel) {
return uriStartingFromPath();
} else {
return uri.removeFragment().toString();
void _writeHeader() {
Uint8List buffer = new Uint8List(_OUTGOING_BUFFER_SIZE);
int offset = 0;
void write(List<int> bytes) {
int len = bytes.length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
buffer[offset + i] = bytes[i];
offset += len;
// Write the request method.
buffer[offset++] = _CharCode.SP;
// Write the request URI.
buffer[offset++] = _CharCode.SP;
// Write HTTP/1.1.
buffer[offset++] = _CharCode.CR;
buffer[offset++] = _CharCode.LF;
// Add the cookies to the headers.
if (!cookies.isEmpty) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) sb.write("; ");
headers.add(HttpHeaders.COOKIE, sb.toString());
// Write headers.
offset = headers._write(buffer, offset);
buffer[offset++] = _CharCode.CR;
buffer[offset++] = _CharCode.LF;
_outgoing.setHeader(buffer, offset);
// Used by _HttpOutgoing as a target of a chunked converter for gzip
// compression.
class _HttpGZipSink extends ByteConversionSink {
final _BytesConsumer _consume;
void add(List<int> chunk) {
void addSlice(List<int> chunk, int start, int end, bool isLast) {
if (chunk is Uint8List) {
_consume(new Uint8List.view(chunk.buffer, start, end - start));
} else {
_consume(chunk.sublist(start, end - start));
void close() {}
// The _HttpOutgoing handles all of the following:
// - Buffering
// - GZip compressionm
// - Content-Length validation.
// - Errors.
// Most notable is the GZip compression, that uses a double-buffering system,
// one before gzip (_gzipBuffer) and one after (_buffer).
class _HttpOutgoing implements StreamConsumer<List<int>> {
static const List<int> _footerAndChunk0Length =
const [_CharCode.CR, _CharCode.LF, 0x30, _CharCode.CR, _CharCode.LF,
_CharCode.CR, _CharCode.LF];
static const List<int> _chunk0Length =
const [0x30, _CharCode.CR, _CharCode.LF, _CharCode.CR, _CharCode.LF];
final Completer<Socket> _doneCompleter = new Completer<Socket>();
final Socket socket;
bool ignoreBody = false;
bool headersWritten = false;
Uint8List _buffer;
int _length = 0;
Future _closeFuture;
bool chunked = false;
int _pendingChunkedFooter = 0;
int contentLength;
int _bytesWritten = 0;
bool _gzip = false;
ByteConversionSink _gzipSink;
// _gzipAdd is set iff the sink is being added to. It's used to specify where
// gzipped data should be taken (sometimes a controller, sometimes a socket).
_BytesConsumer _gzipAdd;
Uint8List _gzipBuffer;
int _gzipBufferLength = 0;
bool _socketError = false;
_HttpOutboundMessage outbound;
// Returns either a future or 'null', if it was able to write headers
// immediately.
Future writeHeaders({bool drainRequest: true, bool setOutgoing: true}) {
Future write() {
try {
} catch (_) {
// Headers too large.
return new Future.error(new HttpException(
"Headers size exceeded the of '$_OUTGOING_BUFFER_SIZE'"
" bytes"));
return null;
if (headersWritten) return null;
headersWritten = true;
Future drainFuture;
bool gzip = false;
if (outbound is _HttpResponse) {
// Server side.
_HttpResponse response = outbound;
if (response._httpRequest._httpServer.autoCompress &&
outbound.bufferOutput &&
outbound.headers.chunkedTransferEncoding) {
List acceptEncodings =
List contentEncoding = outbound.headers[HttpHeaders.CONTENT_ENCODING];
if (acceptEncodings != null &&
.expand((list) => list.split(","))
.any((encoding) => encoding.trim().toLowerCase() == "gzip") &&
contentEncoding == null) {
outbound.headers.set(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_ENCODING, "gzip");
gzip = true;
if (drainRequest && !response._httpRequest._incoming.hasSubscriber) {
drainFuture = response._httpRequest.drain().catchError((_) {});
} else {
drainRequest = false;
if (ignoreBody) {
return write();
if (setOutgoing) {
int contentLength = outbound.headers.contentLength;
if (outbound.headers.chunkedTransferEncoding) {
chunked = true;
if (gzip) this.gzip = true;
} else if (contentLength >= 0) {
this.contentLength = contentLength;
if (drainFuture != null) {
return drainFuture.then((_) => write());
return write();
Future addStream(Stream<List<int>> stream) {
if (_socketError) {
return new Future.value(outbound);
if (ignoreBody) {
stream.drain().catchError((_) {});
var future = writeHeaders();
if (future != null) {
return future.then((_) => close());
return close();
StreamSubscription<List<int>> sub;
// Use new stream so we are able to pause (see below listen). The
// alternative is to use stream.extand, but that won't give us a way of
// pausing.
var controller = new StreamController<List<int>>(
onPause: () => sub.pause(),
onResume: () => sub.resume(),
sync: true);
void onData(List<int> data) {
if (_socketError) return;
if (data.length == 0) return;
if (chunked) {
if (_gzip) {
_gzipAdd = controller.add;
_addGZipChunk(data, _gzipSink.add);
_gzipAdd = null;
_addChunk(_chunkHeader(data.length), controller.add);
_pendingChunkedFooter = 2;
} else {
if (contentLength != null) {
_bytesWritten += data.length;
if (_bytesWritten > contentLength) {
controller.addError(new HttpException(
"Content size exceeds specified contentLength. "
"$_bytesWritten bytes written while expected "
"$contentLength. "
"[${new String.fromCharCodes(data)}]"));
_addChunk(data, controller.add);
sub = stream.listen(
onError: controller.addError,
onDone: controller.close,
cancelOnError: true);
// Write headers now that we are listening to the stream.
if (!headersWritten) {
var future = writeHeaders();
if (future != null) {
// While incoming is being drained, the pauseFuture is non-null. Pause
// output until it's drained.
return socket.addStream(controller.stream)
.then((_) {
return outbound;
}, onError: (error, stackTrace) {
// Be sure to close it in case of an error.
if (_gzip) _gzipSink.close();
_socketError = true;
_doneCompleter.completeError(error, stackTrace);
if (_ignoreError(error)) {
return outbound;
} else {
throw error;
Future close() {
// If we are already closed, return that future.
if (_closeFuture != null) return _closeFuture;
// If we earlier saw an error, return immediate. The notification to
// _Http*Connection is already done.
if (_socketError) return new Future.value(outbound);
if (outbound._isConnectionClosed) return new Future.value(outbound);
if (!headersWritten && !ignoreBody) {
if (outbound.headers.contentLength == -1) {
// If no body was written, ignoreBody is false (it's not a HEAD
// request) and the content-length is unspecified, set contentLength to
// 0.
outbound.headers.chunkedTransferEncoding = false;
outbound.headers.contentLength = 0;
} else if (outbound.headers.contentLength > 0) {
var error = new HttpException(
"No content even though contentLength was specified to be "
"greater than 0: ${outbound.headers.contentLength}.",
uri: outbound._uri);
return _closeFuture = new Future.error(error);
// If contentLength was specified, validate it.
if (contentLength != null) {
if (_bytesWritten < contentLength) {
var error = new HttpException(
"Content size below specified contentLength. "
" $_bytesWritten bytes written but expected "
uri: outbound._uri);
return _closeFuture = new Future.error(error);
Future finalize() {
// In case of chunked encoding (and gzip), handle remaining gzip data and
// append the 'footer' for chunked encoding.
if (chunked) {
if (_gzip) {
_gzipAdd = socket.add;
if (_gzipBufferLength > 0) {
_gzipSink.add(new Uint8List.view(
_gzipBuffer.buffer, 0, _gzipBufferLength));
_gzipBuffer = null;
_gzipAdd = null;
_addChunk(_chunkHeader(0), socket.add);
// Add any remaining data in the buffer.
if (_length > 0) {
socket.add(new Uint8List.view(_buffer.buffer, 0, _length));
// Clear references, for better GC.
_buffer = null;
// And finally flush it. As we support keep-alive, never close it from
// here. Once the socket is flushed, we'll be able to reuse it (signaled
// by the 'done' future).
return socket.flush()
.then((_) {
return outbound;
}, onError: (error, stackTrace) {
_doneCompleter.completeError(error, stackTrace);
if (_ignoreError(error)) {
return outbound;
} else {
throw error;
var future = writeHeaders();
if (future != null) {
return _closeFuture = future.whenComplete(finalize);
return _closeFuture = finalize();
Future<Socket> get done => _doneCompleter.future;
void setHeader(List<int> data, int length) {
assert(_length == 0);
assert(data.length == _OUTGOING_BUFFER_SIZE);
_buffer = data;
_length = length;
void set gzip(bool value) {
_gzip = value;
if (_gzip) {
_gzipBuffer = new Uint8List(_OUTGOING_BUFFER_SIZE);
assert(_gzipSink == null);
_gzipSink = new ZLibEncoder(gzip: true)
new _HttpGZipSink((data) {
// We are closing down prematurely, due to an error. Discard.
if (_gzipAdd == null) return;
_addChunk(_chunkHeader(data.length), _gzipAdd);
_pendingChunkedFooter = 2;
_addChunk(data, _gzipAdd);
bool _ignoreError(error)
=> (error is SocketException || error is TlsException) &&
outbound is HttpResponse;
void _addGZipChunk(List<int> chunk, void add(List<int> data)) {
if (!outbound.bufferOutput) {
if (chunk.length > _gzipBuffer.length - _gzipBufferLength) {
add(new Uint8List.view(
_gzipBuffer.buffer, 0, _gzipBufferLength));
_gzipBuffer = new Uint8List(_OUTGOING_BUFFER_SIZE);
_gzipBufferLength = 0;
if (chunk.length > _OUTGOING_BUFFER_SIZE) {
} else {
_gzipBufferLength + chunk.length,
_gzipBufferLength += chunk.length;
void _addChunk(List<int> chunk, void add(List<int> data)) {
if (!outbound.bufferOutput) {
if (_buffer != null) {
// If _buffer is not null, we have not written the header yet. Write
// it now.
add(new Uint8List.view(_buffer.buffer, 0, _length));
_buffer = null;
_length = 0;
if (chunk.length > _buffer.length - _length) {
add(new Uint8List.view(_buffer.buffer, 0, _length));
_buffer = new Uint8List(_OUTGOING_BUFFER_SIZE);
_length = 0;
if (chunk.length > _OUTGOING_BUFFER_SIZE) {
} else {
_buffer.setRange(_length, _length + chunk.length, chunk);
_length += chunk.length;
List<int> _chunkHeader(int length) {
const hexDigits = const [0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37,
0x38, 0x39, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46];
if (length == 0) {
if (_pendingChunkedFooter == 2) return _footerAndChunk0Length;
return _chunk0Length;
int size = _pendingChunkedFooter;
int len = length;
// Compute a fast integer version of (log(length + 1) / log(16)).ceil().
while (len > 0) {
len >>= 4;
var footerAndHeader = new Uint8List(size + 2);
if (_pendingChunkedFooter == 2) {
footerAndHeader[0] = _CharCode.CR;
footerAndHeader[1] = _CharCode.LF;
int index = size;
while (index > _pendingChunkedFooter) {
footerAndHeader[--index] = hexDigits[length & 15];
length = length >> 4;
footerAndHeader[size + 0] = _CharCode.CR;
footerAndHeader[size + 1] = _CharCode.LF;
return footerAndHeader;
class _HttpClientConnection {
final String key;
final Socket _socket;
final bool _proxyTunnel;
final SecurityContext _context;
final _HttpParser _httpParser;
StreamSubscription _subscription;
final _HttpClient _httpClient;
bool _dispose = false;
Timer _idleTimer;
bool closed = false;
Uri _currentUri;
Completer<_HttpIncoming> _nextResponseCompleter;
Future<Socket> _streamFuture;
_HttpClientConnection(this.key, this._socket, this._httpClient,
[this._proxyTunnel = false, this._context])
: _httpParser = new _HttpParser.responseParser() {
// Set up handlers on the parser here, so we are sure to get 'onDone' from
// the parser.
_subscription = _httpParser.listen(
(incoming) {
// Only handle one incoming response at the time. Keep the
// stream paused until the response have been processed.
// We assume the response is not here, until we have send the request.
if (_nextResponseCompleter == null) {
throw new HttpException(
"Unexpected response (unsolicited response without request).",
uri: _currentUri);
// Check for status code '100 Continue'. In that case just
// consume that response as the final response will follow
// it. There is currently no API for the client to wait for
// the '100 Continue' response.
if (incoming.statusCode == 100) {
incoming.drain().then((_) {
}).catchError((error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) {
new HttpException(error.message, uri: _currentUri),
_nextResponseCompleter = null;
} else {
_nextResponseCompleter = null;
onError: (error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) {
if (_nextResponseCompleter != null) {
new HttpException(error.message, uri: _currentUri),
_nextResponseCompleter = null;
onDone: () {
if (_nextResponseCompleter != null) {
_nextResponseCompleter.completeError(new HttpException(
"Connection closed before response was received",
uri: _currentUri));
_nextResponseCompleter = null;
_HttpClientRequest send(Uri uri, int port, String method, _Proxy proxy) {
if (closed) {
throw new HttpException(
"Socket closed before request was sent", uri: uri);
_currentUri = uri;
// Start with pausing the parser.
_ProxyCredentials proxyCreds; // Credentials used to authorize proxy.
_SiteCredentials creds; // Credentials used to authorize this request.
var outgoing = new _HttpOutgoing(_socket);
// Create new request object, wrapping the outgoing connection.
var request = new _HttpClientRequest(outgoing,
// For the Host header an IPv6 address must be enclosed in []'s.
var host = uri.host;
if (host.contains(':')) host = "[$host]";
..host = host
..port = port
.._add(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT_ENCODING, "gzip");
if (_httpClient.userAgent != null) {
request.headers._add('user-agent', _httpClient.userAgent);
if (proxy.isAuthenticated) {
// If the proxy configuration contains user information use that
// for proxy basic authorization.
String auth = _CryptoUtils.bytesToBase64(
request.headers.set(HttpHeaders.PROXY_AUTHORIZATION, "Basic $auth");
} else if (!proxy.isDirect && _httpClient._proxyCredentials.length > 0) {
proxyCreds = _httpClient._findProxyCredentials(proxy);
if (proxyCreds != null) {
if (uri.userInfo != null && !uri.userInfo.isEmpty) {
// If the URL contains user information use that for basic
// authorization.
String auth =
request.headers.set(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, "Basic $auth");
} else {
// Look for credentials.
creds = _httpClient._findCredentials(uri);
if (creds != null) {
// Start sending the request (lazy, delayed until the user provides
// data).
_httpParser.isHead = method == "HEAD";
_streamFuture = outgoing.done
.then/*<Socket>*/((Socket s) {
// Request sent, set up response completer.
_nextResponseCompleter = new Completer();
// Listen for response.
.then((incoming) {
_currentUri = null;
incoming.dataDone.then((closing) {
if (incoming.upgraded) {
if (closed) return;
if (!closing &&
!_dispose &&
incoming.headers.persistentConnection &&
request.persistentConnection) {
// Return connection, now we are done.
} else {
// For digest authentication if proxy check if the proxy
// requests the client to start using a new nonce for proxy
// authentication.
if (proxyCreds != null &&
proxyCreds.scheme == _AuthenticationScheme.DIGEST) {
var authInfo = incoming.headers["proxy-authentication-info"];
if (authInfo != null && authInfo.length == 1) {
var header =
authInfo[0], parameterSeparator: ',');
var nextnonce = header.parameters["nextnonce"];
if (nextnonce != null) proxyCreds.nonce = nextnonce;
// For digest authentication check if the server requests the
// client to start using a new nonce.
if (creds != null &&
creds.scheme == _AuthenticationScheme.DIGEST) {
var authInfo = incoming.headers["authentication-info"];
if (authInfo != null && authInfo.length == 1) {
var header =
authInfo[0], parameterSeparator: ',');
var nextnonce = header.parameters["nextnonce"];
if (nextnonce != null) creds.nonce = nextnonce;
// If we see a state error, we failed to get the 'first'
// element.
.catchError((error) {
throw new HttpException(
"Connection closed before data was received", uri: uri);
}, test: (error) => error is StateError)
.catchError((error, stackTrace) {
// We are done with the socket.
request._onError(error, stackTrace);
// Resume the parser now we have a handler.
return s;
}, onError: (e) {
return request;
Future<Socket> detachSocket() {
return _streamFuture.then(
(_) => new _DetachedSocket(_socket, _httpParser.detachIncoming()));
void destroy() {
closed = true;
void close() {
closed = true;
// TODO(ajohnsen): Add timeout.
.then((_) => _socket.destroy());
Future<_HttpClientConnection> createProxyTunnel(String host, int port,
_Proxy proxy, bool callback(X509Certificate certificate)) {
_HttpClientRequest request =
send(new Uri(host: host, port: port),
if (proxy.isAuthenticated) {
// If the proxy configuration contains user information use that
// for proxy basic authorization.
String auth = _CryptoUtils.bytesToBase64(
request.headers.set(HttpHeaders.PROXY_AUTHORIZATION, "Basic $auth");
return request.close()
.then((response) {
if (response.statusCode != HttpStatus.OK) {
throw "Proxy failed to establish tunnel "
"(${response.statusCode} ${response.reasonPhrase})";
var socket = (response as _HttpClientResponse)._httpRequest
return SecureSocket.secure(
host: host,
context: _context,
onBadCertificate: callback);
.then((secureSocket) {
String key = _HttpClientConnection.makeKey(true, host, port);
return new _HttpClientConnection(
key, secureSocket, request._httpClient, true);
HttpConnectionInfo get connectionInfo => _HttpConnectionInfo.create(_socket);
static makeKey(bool isSecure, String host, int port) {
return isSecure ? "ssh:$host:$port" : "$host:$port";
void stopTimer() {
if (_idleTimer != null) {
_idleTimer = null;
void startTimer() {
assert(_idleTimer == null);
_idleTimer = new Timer(
() {
_idleTimer = null;
class _ConnectionInfo {
final _HttpClientConnection connection;
final _Proxy proxy;
_ConnectionInfo(this.connection, this.proxy);
class _ConnectionTarget {
// Unique key for this connection target.
final String key;
final String host;
final int port;
final bool isSecure;
final SecurityContext context;
final Set<_HttpClientConnection> _idle = new HashSet();
final Set<_HttpClientConnection> _active = new HashSet();
final Queue _pending = new ListQueue();
int _connecting = 0;
bool get isEmpty => _idle.isEmpty && _active.isEmpty && _connecting == 0;
bool get hasIdle => _idle.isNotEmpty;
bool get hasActive => _active.isNotEmpty || _connecting > 0;
_HttpClientConnection takeIdle() {
_HttpClientConnection connection = _idle.first;
return connection;
_checkPending() {
if (_pending.isNotEmpty) {
void addNewActive(_HttpClientConnection connection) {
void returnConnection(_HttpClientConnection connection) {
void connectionClosed(_HttpClientConnection connection) {
assert(!_active.contains(connection) || !_idle.contains(connection));
void close(bool force) {
for (var c in _idle.toList()) {
if (force) {
for (var c in _active.toList()) {
Future<_ConnectionInfo> connect(String uriHost,
int uriPort,
_Proxy proxy,
_HttpClient client) {
if (hasIdle) {
var connection = takeIdle();
return new Future.value(new _ConnectionInfo(connection, proxy));
if (client.maxConnectionsPerHost != null &&
_active.length + _connecting >= client.maxConnectionsPerHost) {
var completer = new Completer<_ConnectionInfo>();
_pending.add(() {
completer.complete(connect(uriHost, uriPort, proxy, client));
return completer.future;
var currentBadCertificateCallback = client._badCertificateCallback;
bool callback(X509Certificate certificate) {
if (currentBadCertificateCallback == null) return false;
return currentBadCertificateCallback(certificate, uriHost, uriPort);
Future socketFuture = (isSecure && proxy.isDirect
? SecureSocket.connect(host,
context: context,
onBadCertificate: callback)
: Socket.connect(host, port));
return socketFuture.then((socket) {
socket.setOption(SocketOption.TCP_NODELAY, true);
var connection =
new _HttpClientConnection(key, socket, client, false, context);
if (isSecure && !proxy.isDirect) {
connection._dispose = true;
return connection.createProxyTunnel(uriHost, uriPort, proxy, callback)
.then((tunnel) {
client._getConnectionTarget(uriHost, uriPort, true)
return new _ConnectionInfo(tunnel, proxy);
} else {
return new _ConnectionInfo(connection, proxy);
}, onError: (error) {
throw error;
typedef bool BadCertificateCallback(X509Certificate cr, String host, int port);
class _HttpClient implements HttpClient {
bool _closing = false;
bool _closingForcefully = false;
final Map<String, _ConnectionTarget> _connectionTargets
= new HashMap<String, _ConnectionTarget>();
final List<_Credentials> _credentials = [];
final List<_ProxyCredentials> _proxyCredentials = [];
final SecurityContext _context;
Function _authenticate;
Function _authenticateProxy;
Function _findProxy = HttpClient.findProxyFromEnvironment;
Duration _idleTimeout = const Duration(seconds: 15);
BadCertificateCallback _badCertificateCallback;
Duration get idleTimeout => _idleTimeout;
int maxConnectionsPerHost;
bool autoUncompress = true;
String userAgent = _getHttpVersion();
_HttpClient(SecurityContext this._context);
void set idleTimeout(Duration timeout) {
_idleTimeout = timeout;
for (var c in _connectionTargets.values) {
for (var idle in c._idle) {
// Reset timer. This is fine, as it's not happening often.
set badCertificateCallback(bool callback(X509Certificate cert,
String host,
int port)) {
_badCertificateCallback = callback;
Future<HttpClientRequest> open(String method,
String host,
int port,
String path) {
const int hashMark = 0x23;
const int questionMark = 0x3f;
int fragmentStart = path.length;
int queryStart = path.length;
for (int i = path.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var char = path.codeUnitAt(i);
if (char == hashMark) {
fragmentStart = i;
queryStart = i;
} else if (char == questionMark) {
queryStart = i;
String query = null;
if (queryStart < fragmentStart) {
query = path.substring(queryStart + 1, fragmentStart);
path = path.substring(0, queryStart);
Uri uri = new Uri(scheme: "http", host: host, port: port,
path: path, query: query);
return _openUrl(method, uri);
Future<HttpClientRequest> openUrl(String method, Uri url)
=> _openUrl(method, url);
Future<HttpClientRequest> get(String host, int port, String path)
=> open("get", host, port, path);
Future<HttpClientRequest> getUrl(Uri url) => _openUrl("get", url);
Future<HttpClientRequest> post(String host, int port, String path)
=> open("post", host, port, path);
Future<HttpClientRequest> postUrl(Uri url) => _openUrl("post", url);
Future<HttpClientRequest> put(String host, int port, String path)
=> open("put", host, port, path);
Future<HttpClientRequest> putUrl(Uri url) => _openUrl("put", url);
Future<HttpClientRequest> delete(String host, int port, String path)
=> open("delete", host, port, path);
Future<HttpClientRequest> deleteUrl(Uri url) => _openUrl("delete", url);
Future<HttpClientRequest> head(String host, int port, String path)
=> open("head", host, port, path);
Future<HttpClientRequest> headUrl(Uri url) => _openUrl("head", url);
Future<HttpClientRequest> patch(String host, int port, String path)
=> open("patch", host, port, path);
Future<HttpClientRequest> patchUrl(Uri url) => _openUrl("patch", url);
void close({bool force: false}) {
_closing = true;
_closingForcefully = force;
assert(!_connectionTargets.values.any((s) => s.hasIdle));
assert(!force ||
!_connectionTargets.values.any((s) => s._active.isNotEmpty));
set authenticate(Future<bool> f(Uri url, String scheme, String realm)) {
_authenticate = f;
void addCredentials(Uri url, String realm, HttpClientCredentials cr) {
_credentials.add(new _SiteCredentials(url, realm, cr));
set authenticateProxy(
Future<bool> f(String host, int port, String scheme, String realm)) {
_authenticateProxy = f;
void addProxyCredentials(String host,
int port,
String realm,
HttpClientCredentials cr) {
_proxyCredentials.add(new _ProxyCredentials(host, port, realm, cr));
set findProxy(String f(Uri uri)) => _findProxy = f;
Future<_HttpClientRequest> _openUrl(String method, Uri uri) {
// Ignore any fragments on the request URI.
uri = uri.removeFragment();
if (method == null) {
throw new ArgumentError(method);
if (method != "CONNECT") {
if (uri.host.isEmpty) {
throw new ArgumentError("No host specified in URI $uri");
} else if (uri.scheme != "http" && uri.scheme != "https") {
throw new ArgumentError(
"Unsupported scheme '${uri.scheme}' in URI $uri");
bool isSecure = (uri.scheme == "https");
int port = uri.port;
if (port == 0) {
port = isSecure ?
// Check to see if a proxy server should be used for this connection.
var proxyConf = const _ProxyConfiguration.direct();
if (_findProxy != null) {
// TODO(sgjesse): Keep a map of these as normally only a few
// configuration strings will be used.
try {
proxyConf = new _ProxyConfiguration(_findProxy(uri));
} catch (error, stackTrace) {
return new Future.error(error, stackTrace);
return _getConnection(uri.host, port, proxyConf, isSecure)
.then((_ConnectionInfo info) {
_HttpClientRequest send(_ConnectionInfo info) {
return info.connection.send(uri,
// If the connection was closed before the request was sent, create
// and use another connection.
if (info.connection.closed) {
return _getConnection(uri.host, port, proxyConf, isSecure)
return send(info);
Future<_HttpClientRequest> _openUrlFromRequest(String method,
Uri uri,
_HttpClientRequest previous) {
// If the new URI is relative (to either '/' or some sub-path),
// construct a full URI from the previous one.
Uri resolved = previous.uri.resolveUri(uri);
return _openUrl(method, resolved).then((_HttpClientRequest request) {
// Only follow redirects if initial request did.
..followRedirects = previous.followRedirects
// Allow same number of redirects.
..maxRedirects = previous.maxRedirects;
// Copy headers.
for (var header in previous.headers._headers.keys) {
if (request.headers[header] == null) {
request.headers.set(header, previous.headers[header]);
return request
..headers.chunkedTransferEncoding = false
..contentLength = 0;
// Return a live connection to the idle pool.
void _returnConnection(_HttpClientConnection connection) {
// Remove a closed connnection from the active set.
void _connectionClosed(_HttpClientConnection connection) {
var connectionTarget = _connectionTargets[connection.key];
if (connectionTarget != null) {
if (connectionTarget.isEmpty) {
void _connectionsChanged() {
if (_closing) {
void _closeConnections(bool force) {
for (var connectionTarget in _connectionTargets.values.toList()) {
_ConnectionTarget _getConnectionTarget(String host, int port, bool isSecure) {
String key = _HttpClientConnection.makeKey(isSecure, host, port);
return _connectionTargets.putIfAbsent(key, () {
return new _ConnectionTarget(key, host, port, isSecure, _context);
// Get a new _HttpClientConnection, from the matching _ConnectionTarget.
Future<_ConnectionInfo> _getConnection(String uriHost,
int uriPort,
_ProxyConfiguration proxyConf,
bool isSecure) {
Iterator<_Proxy> proxies = proxyConf.proxies.iterator;
Future<_ConnectionInfo> connect(error) {
if (!proxies.moveNext()) return new Future.error(error);
_Proxy proxy = proxies.current;
String host = proxy.isDirect ? uriHost: proxy.host;
int port = proxy.isDirect ? uriPort: proxy.port;
return _getConnectionTarget(host, port, isSecure)
.connect(uriHost, uriPort, proxy, this)
// On error, continue with next proxy.
// Make sure we go through the event loop before taking a
// connection from the pool. For long-running synchronous code the
// server might have closed the connection, so this lowers the
// probability of getting a connection that was already closed.
return new Future<_ConnectionInfo>(
() => connect(new HttpException("No proxies given")));
_SiteCredentials _findCredentials(Uri url, [_AuthenticationScheme scheme]) {
// Look for credentials.
_SiteCredentials cr =
_credentials.fold(null, (_SiteCredentials prev, value) {
var siteCredentials = value as _SiteCredentials;
if (siteCredentials.applies(url, scheme)) {
if (prev == null) return value;
return siteCredentials.uri.path.length > prev.uri.path.length
? siteCredentials
: prev;
} else {
return prev;
return cr;
_ProxyCredentials _findProxyCredentials(_Proxy proxy,
[_AuthenticationScheme scheme]) {
// Look for credentials.
var it = _proxyCredentials.iterator;
while (it.moveNext()) {
if (it.current.applies(proxy, scheme)) {
return it.current;
return null;
void _removeCredentials(_Credentials cr) {
int index = _credentials.indexOf(cr);
if (index != -1) {
void _removeProxyCredentials(_Credentials cr) {
int index = _proxyCredentials.indexOf(cr);
if (index != -1) {
static String _findProxyFromEnvironment(Uri url,
Map<String, String> environment) {
checkNoProxy(String option) {
if (option == null) return null;
Iterator<String> names = option.split(",").map((s) => s.trim()).iterator;
while (names.moveNext()) {
var name = names.current;
if ((name.startsWith("[") &&
name.endsWith("]") &&
"[${url.host}]" == name) ||
(name.isNotEmpty &&
url.host.endsWith(name))) {
return "DIRECT";
return null;
checkProxy(String option) {
if (option == null) return null;
option = option.trim();
if (option.isEmpty) return null;
int pos = option.indexOf("://");
if (pos >= 0) {
option = option.substring(pos + 3);
pos = option.indexOf("/");
if (pos >= 0) {
option = option.substring(0, pos);
// Add default port if no port configured.
if (option.indexOf("[") == 0) {
var pos = option.lastIndexOf(":");
if (option.indexOf("]") > pos) option = "$option:1080";
} else {
if (option.indexOf(":") == -1) option = "$option:1080";
return "PROXY $option";
// Default to using the process current environment.
if (environment == null) environment = _platformEnvironmentCache;
String proxyCfg;
String noProxy = environment["no_proxy"];
if (noProxy == null) noProxy = environment["NO_PROXY"];
if ((proxyCfg = checkNoProxy(noProxy)) != null) {
return proxyCfg;
if (url.scheme == "http") {
String proxy = environment["http_proxy"];
if (proxy == null) proxy = environment["HTTP_PROXY"];
if ((proxyCfg = checkProxy(proxy)) != null) {
return proxyCfg;
} else if (url.scheme == "https") {
String proxy = environment["https_proxy"];
if (proxy == null) proxy = environment["HTTPS_PROXY"];
if ((proxyCfg = checkProxy(proxy)) != null) {
return proxyCfg;
return "DIRECT";
static Map<String, String> _platformEnvironmentCache = Platform.environment;
class _HttpConnection
extends LinkedListEntry<_HttpConnection> with _ServiceObject {
static const _ACTIVE = 0;
static const _IDLE = 1;
static const _CLOSING = 2;
static const _DETACHED = 3;
// Use HashMap, as we don't need to keep order.
static Map<int, _HttpConnection> _connections =
new HashMap<int, _HttpConnection>();
final /*_ServerSocket*/ _socket;
final _HttpServer _httpServer;
final _HttpParser _httpParser;
int _state = _IDLE;
StreamSubscription _subscription;
bool _idleMark = false;
Future _streamFuture;
_HttpConnection(this._socket, this._httpServer)
: _httpParser = new _HttpParser.requestParser() {
try { _socket._owner = this; } catch (_) { print(_); }
_connections[_serviceId] = this;
_httpParser.listenToStream(_socket as Object/*=Socket*/);
_subscription = _httpParser.listen(
(incoming) {
// If the incoming was closed, close the connection.
incoming.dataDone.then((closing) {
if (closing) destroy();
// Only handle one incoming request at the time. Keep the
// stream paused until the request has been send.
_state = _ACTIVE;
var outgoing = new _HttpOutgoing(_socket);
var response = new _HttpResponse(incoming.uri,
var request = new _HttpRequest(response, incoming, _httpServer, this);
_streamFuture = outgoing.done
.then((_) {
response.deadline = null;
if (_state == _DETACHED) return;
if (response.persistentConnection &&
request.persistentConnection &&
incoming.fullBodyRead &&
!_httpParser.upgrade &&
!_httpServer.closed) {
_state = _IDLE;
_idleMark = false;
// Resume the subscription for incoming requests as the
// request is now processed.
} else {
// Close socket, keep-alive not used or body sent before
// received data was handled.
}, onError: (_) {
outgoing.ignoreBody = request.method == "HEAD";
response._httpRequest = request;
onDone: () {
onError: (error) {
// Ignore failed requests that was closed before headers was received.
void markIdle() {
_idleMark = true;
bool get isMarkedIdle => _idleMark;
void destroy() {
if (_state == _CLOSING || _state == _DETACHED) return;
_state = _CLOSING;
Future<Socket> detachSocket() {
_state = _DETACHED;
// Remove connection from server.
_HttpDetachedIncoming detachedIncoming = _httpParser.detachIncoming();
return _streamFuture.then((_) {
return new _DetachedSocket(_socket, detachedIncoming);
HttpConnectionInfo get connectionInfo => _HttpConnectionInfo.create(_socket);
bool get _isActive => _state == _ACTIVE;
bool get _isIdle => _state == _IDLE;
bool get _isClosing => _state == _CLOSING;
bool get _isDetached => _state == _DETACHED;
String get _serviceTypePath => 'io/http/serverconnections';
String get _serviceTypeName => 'HttpServerConnection';
Map _toJSON(bool ref) {
var name = "${_socket.address.host}:${_socket.port} <-> "
var r = <String, dynamic>{
'id': _servicePath,
'type': _serviceType(ref),
'name': name,
'user_name': name,
if (ref) {
return r;
r['server'] = _httpServer._toJSON(true);
try {
r['socket'] = _socket._toJSON(true);
} catch (_) {
r['socket'] = {
'id': _servicePath,
'type': '@Socket',
'name': 'UserSocket',
'user_name': 'UserSocket',
switch (_state) {
case _ACTIVE: r['state'] = "Active"; break;
case _IDLE: r['state'] = "Idle"; break;
case _CLOSING: r['state'] = "Closing"; break;
case _DETACHED: r['state'] = "Detached"; break;
default: r['state'] = 'Unknown'; break;
return r;
// HTTP server waiting for socket connections.
class _HttpServer
extends Stream<HttpRequest> with _ServiceObject
implements HttpServer {
// Use default Map so we keep order.
static Map<int, _HttpServer> _servers = new Map<int, _HttpServer>();
String serverHeader;
final HttpHeaders defaultResponseHeaders = _initDefaultResponseHeaders();
bool autoCompress = false;
Duration _idleTimeout;
Timer _idleTimer;
static Future<HttpServer> bind(
address, int port, int backlog, bool v6Only, bool shared) {
return ServerSocket.bind(
address, port, backlog: backlog, v6Only: v6Only, shared: shared)
.then((socket) {
return new _HttpServer._(socket, true);
static Future<HttpServer> bindSecure(address,
int port,
SecurityContext context,
int backlog,
bool v6Only,
bool requestClientCertificate,
bool shared) {
return SecureServerSocket.bind(
backlog: backlog,
v6Only: v6Only,
requestClientCertificate: requestClientCertificate,
shared: shared)
.then((socket) {
return new _HttpServer._(socket, true);
_HttpServer._(this._serverSocket, this._closeServer) {
_controller = new StreamController<HttpRequest>(sync: true,
onCancel: close);
idleTimeout = const Duration(seconds: 120);
_servers[_serviceId] = this;
_serverSocket._owner = this;
_HttpServer.listenOn(this._serverSocket) : _closeServer = false {
_controller = new StreamController<HttpRequest>(sync: true,
onCancel: close);
idleTimeout = const Duration(seconds: 120);
_servers[_serviceId] = this;
try { _serverSocket._owner = this; } catch (_) {}
static HttpHeaders _initDefaultResponseHeaders() {
var defaultResponseHeaders = new _HttpHeaders('1.1');
defaultResponseHeaders.contentType = ContentType.TEXT;
defaultResponseHeaders.set('X-Frame-Options', 'SAMEORIGIN');
defaultResponseHeaders.set('X-Content-Type-Options', 'nosniff');
defaultResponseHeaders.set('X-XSS-Protection', '1; mode=block');
return defaultResponseHeaders;
Duration get idleTimeout => _idleTimeout;
void set idleTimeout(Duration duration) {
if (_idleTimer != null) {
_idleTimer = null;
_idleTimeout = duration;
if (_idleTimeout != null) {
_idleTimer = new Timer.periodic(_idleTimeout, (_) {
for (var idle in _idleConnections.toList()) {
if (idle.isMarkedIdle) {
} else {
StreamSubscription<HttpRequest> listen(void onData(HttpRequest event),
{Function onError,
void onDone(),
bool cancelOnError}) {
(Socket socket) {
socket.setOption(SocketOption.TCP_NODELAY, true);
// Accept the client connection.
_HttpConnection connection = new _HttpConnection(socket, this);
onError: (error, stackTrace) {
// Ignore HandshakeExceptions as they are bound to a single request,
// and are not fatal for the server.
if (error is! HandshakeException) {
_controller.addError(error, stackTrace);
onDone: _controller.close);
return _controller.stream.listen(onData,
onError: onError,
onDone: onDone,
cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
Future close({bool force: false}) {
closed = true;
Future result;
if (_serverSocket != null && _closeServer) {
result = _serverSocket.close();
} else {
result = new Future.value();
idleTimeout = null;
if (force) {
for (var c in _activeConnections.toList()) {
for (var c in _idleConnections.toList()) {
return result;
void _maybePerformCleanup() {
if (closed &&
_idleConnections.isEmpty &&
_activeConnections.isEmpty &&
_sessionManagerInstance != null) {
_sessionManagerInstance = null;
int get port {
if (closed) throw new HttpException("HttpServer is not bound to a socket");
return _serverSocket.port;
InternetAddress get address {
if (closed) throw new HttpException("HttpServer is not bound to a socket");
return _serverSocket.address;
set sessionTimeout(int timeout) {
_sessionManager.sessionTimeout = timeout;
void _handleRequest(_HttpRequest request) {
if (!closed) {
} else {
void _connectionClosed(_HttpConnection connection) {
// Remove itself from either idle or active connections.
void _markIdle(_HttpConnection connection) {
void _markActive(_HttpConnection connection) {
_HttpSessionManager get _sessionManager {
// Lazy init.
if (_sessionManagerInstance == null) {
_sessionManagerInstance = new _HttpSessionManager();
return _sessionManagerInstance;
HttpConnectionsInfo connectionsInfo() {
HttpConnectionsInfo result = new HttpConnectionsInfo();
result.total = _activeConnections.length + _idleConnections.length;
_activeConnections.forEach((_HttpConnection conn) {
if (conn._isActive) {
} else {
_idleConnections.forEach((_HttpConnection conn) {
return result;
String get _serviceTypePath => 'io/http/servers';
String get _serviceTypeName => 'HttpServer';
Map<String, dynamic> _toJSON(bool ref) {
var r = <String, dynamic>{
'id': _servicePath,
'type': _serviceType(ref),
'name': '${address.host}:$port',
'user_name': '${address.host}:$port',
if (ref) {
return r;
try {
r['socket'] = _serverSocket._toJSON(true);
} catch (_) {
r['socket'] = {
'id': _servicePath,
'type': '@Socket',
'name': 'UserSocket',
'user_name': 'UserSocket',
r['port'] = port;
r['address'] = address.host;
r['active'] = _activeConnections.map((c) => c._toJSON(true)).toList();
r['idle'] = _idleConnections.map((c) => c._toJSON(true)).toList();
r['closed'] = closed;
return r;
_HttpSessionManager _sessionManagerInstance;
// Indicated if the http server has been closed.
bool closed = false;
// The server listen socket. Untyped as it can be both ServerSocket and
// SecureServerSocket.
final dynamic/*ServerSocket|SecureServerSocket*/ _serverSocket;
final bool _closeServer;
// Set of currently connected clients.
final LinkedList<_HttpConnection> _activeConnections
= new LinkedList<_HttpConnection>();
final LinkedList<_HttpConnection> _idleConnections
= new LinkedList<_HttpConnection>();
StreamController<HttpRequest> _controller;
class _ProxyConfiguration {
static const String PROXY_PREFIX = "PROXY ";
static const String DIRECT_PREFIX = "DIRECT";
_ProxyConfiguration(String configuration) : proxies = new List<_Proxy>() {
if (configuration == null) {
throw new HttpException("Invalid proxy configuration $configuration");
List<String> list = configuration.split(";");
list.forEach((String proxy) {
proxy = proxy.trim();
if (!proxy.isEmpty) {
if (proxy.startsWith(PROXY_PREFIX)) {
String username;
String password;
// Skip the "PROXY " prefix.
proxy = proxy.substring(PROXY_PREFIX.length).trim();
// Look for proxy authentication.
int at = proxy.indexOf("@");
if (at != -1) {
String userinfo = proxy.substring(0, at).trim();
proxy = proxy.substring(at + 1).trim();
int colon = userinfo.indexOf(":");
if (colon == -1 || colon == 0 || colon == proxy.length - 1) {
throw new HttpException(
"Invalid proxy configuration $configuration");
username = userinfo.substring(0, colon).trim();
password = userinfo.substring(colon + 1).trim();
// Look for proxy host and port.
int colon = proxy.lastIndexOf(":");
if (colon == -1 || colon == 0 || colon == proxy.length - 1) {
throw new HttpException(
"Invalid proxy configuration $configuration");
String host = proxy.substring(0, colon).trim();
if (host.startsWith("[") && host.endsWith("]")) {
host = host.substring(1, host.length - 1);
String portString = proxy.substring(colon + 1).trim();
int port;
try {
port = int.parse(portString);
} on FormatException catch (e) {
throw new HttpException(
"Invalid proxy configuration $configuration, "
"invalid port '$portString'");
proxies.add(new _Proxy(host, port, username, password));
} else if (proxy.trim() == DIRECT_PREFIX) {
proxies.add(new _Proxy.direct());
} else {
throw new HttpException("Invalid proxy configuration $configuration");
const _ProxyConfiguration.direct()
: proxies = const [const _Proxy.direct()];
final List<_Proxy> proxies;
class _Proxy {
final String host;
final int port;
final String username;
final String password;
final bool isDirect;
const _Proxy(this.host, this.port, this.username, this.password)
: isDirect = false;
const _Proxy.direct() : host = null, port = null,
username = null, password = null, isDirect = true;
bool get isAuthenticated => username != null;
class _HttpConnectionInfo implements HttpConnectionInfo {
InternetAddress remoteAddress;
int remotePort;
int localPort;
static _HttpConnectionInfo create(Socket socket) {
if (socket == null) return null;
try {
_HttpConnectionInfo info = new _HttpConnectionInfo();
return info
..remoteAddress = socket.remoteAddress
..remotePort = socket.remotePort
..localPort = socket.port;
} catch (e) { }
return null;
class _DetachedSocket extends Stream<List<int>> implements Socket {
final Stream<List<int>> _incoming;
final Socket _socket;
_DetachedSocket(this._socket, this._incoming);
StreamSubscription<List<int>> listen(void onData(List<int> event),
{Function onError,
void onDone(),
bool cancelOnError}) {
return _incoming.listen(onData,
onError: onError,
onDone: onDone,
cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
Encoding get encoding => _socket.encoding;
void set encoding(Encoding value) {
_socket.encoding = value;
void write(Object obj) { _socket.write(obj); }
void writeln([Object obj = ""]) { _socket.writeln(obj); }
void writeCharCode(int charCode) { _socket.writeCharCode(charCode); }
void writeAll(Iterable objects, [String separator = ""]) {
_socket.writeAll(objects, separator);
void add(List<int> bytes) { _socket.add(bytes); }
void addError(error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) =>
_socket.addError(error, stackTrace);
Future addStream(Stream<List<int>> stream) {
return _socket.addStream(stream);
void destroy() { _socket.destroy(); }
Future flush() => _socket.flush();
Future<Socket> close() => _socket.close();
Future<Socket> get done => _socket.done;
int get port => _socket.port;
InternetAddress get address => _socket.address;
InternetAddress get remoteAddress => _socket.remoteAddress;
int get remotePort => _socket.remotePort;
bool setOption(SocketOption option, bool enabled) {
return _socket.setOption(option, enabled);
Map _toJSON(bool ref) {
return (_socket as dynamic)._toJSON(ref);
void set _owner(owner) {
(_socket as dynamic)._owner = owner;
class _AuthenticationScheme {
final int _scheme;
static const UNKNOWN = const _AuthenticationScheme(-1);
static const BASIC = const _AuthenticationScheme(0);
static const DIGEST = const _AuthenticationScheme(1);
const _AuthenticationScheme(this._scheme);
factory _AuthenticationScheme.fromString(String scheme) {
if (scheme.toLowerCase() == "basic") return BASIC;
if (scheme.toLowerCase() == "digest") return DIGEST;
return UNKNOWN;
String toString() {
if (this == BASIC) return "Basic";
if (this == DIGEST) return "Digest";
return "Unknown";
abstract class _Credentials {
_HttpClientCredentials credentials;
String realm;
bool used = false;
// Digest specific fields.
String ha1;
String nonce;
String algorithm;
String qop;
int nonceCount;
_Credentials(this.credentials, this.realm) {
if (credentials.scheme == _AuthenticationScheme.DIGEST) {
// Calculate the H(A1) value once. There is no mentioning of
// username/password encoding in RFC 2617. However there is an
// open draft for adding an additional accept-charset parameter to
// the WWW-Authenticate and Proxy-Authenticate headers, see
// http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-reschke-basicauth-enc-06. For
// now always use UTF-8 encoding.
_HttpClientDigestCredentials creds = credentials;
var hasher = new _MD5()
ha1 = _CryptoUtils.bytesToHex(hasher.close());
_AuthenticationScheme get scheme => credentials.scheme;
void authorize(HttpClientRequest request);
class _SiteCredentials extends _Credentials {
Uri uri;
_SiteCredentials(this.uri, realm, _HttpClientCredentials creds)
: super(creds, realm);
bool applies(Uri uri, _AuthenticationScheme scheme) {
if (scheme != null && credentials.scheme != scheme) return false;
if (uri.host != this.uri.host) return false;
int thisPort =
this.uri.port == 0 ? HttpClient.DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT : this.uri.port;
int otherPort = uri.port == 0 ? HttpClient.DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT : uri.port;
if (otherPort != thisPort) return false;
return uri.path.startsWith(this.uri.path);
void authorize(HttpClientRequest request) {
// Digest credentials cannot be used without a nonce from the
// server.
if (credentials.scheme == _AuthenticationScheme.DIGEST &&
nonce == null) {
credentials.authorize(this, request);
used = true;
class _ProxyCredentials extends _Credentials {
String host;
int port;
_HttpClientCredentials creds)
: super(creds, realm);
bool applies(_Proxy proxy, _AuthenticationScheme scheme) {
if (scheme != null && credentials.scheme != scheme) return false;
return proxy.host == host && proxy.port == port;
void authorize(HttpClientRequest request) {
// Digest credentials cannot be used without a nonce from the
// server.
if (credentials.scheme == _AuthenticationScheme.DIGEST &&
nonce == null) {
credentials.authorizeProxy(this, request);
abstract class _HttpClientCredentials implements HttpClientCredentials {
_AuthenticationScheme get scheme;
void authorize(_Credentials credentials, HttpClientRequest request);
void authorizeProxy(_ProxyCredentials credentials, HttpClientRequest request);
class _HttpClientBasicCredentials
extends _HttpClientCredentials
implements HttpClientBasicCredentials {
String username;
String password;
_HttpClientBasicCredentials(this.username, this.password);
_AuthenticationScheme get scheme => _AuthenticationScheme.BASIC;
String authorization() {
// There is no mentioning of username/password encoding in RFC
// 2617. However there is an open draft for adding an additional
// accept-charset parameter to the WWW-Authenticate and
// Proxy-Authenticate headers, see
// http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-reschke-basicauth-enc-06. For
// now always use UTF-8 encoding.
String auth =
return "Basic $auth";
void authorize(_Credentials _, HttpClientRequest request) {
request.headers.set(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, authorization());
void authorizeProxy(_ProxyCredentials _, HttpClientRequest request) {
request.headers.set(HttpHeaders.PROXY_AUTHORIZATION, authorization());
class _HttpClientDigestCredentials
extends _HttpClientCredentials
implements HttpClientDigestCredentials {
String username;
String password;
_HttpClientDigestCredentials(this.username, this.password);
_AuthenticationScheme get scheme => _AuthenticationScheme.DIGEST;
String authorization(_Credentials credentials, _HttpClientRequest request) {
String requestUri = request._requestUri();
_MD5 hasher = new _MD5()
var ha2 = _CryptoUtils.bytesToHex(hasher.close());
String qop;
String cnonce;
String nc;
var x;
hasher = new _MD5()
if (credentials.qop == "auth") {
qop = credentials.qop;
cnonce = _CryptoUtils.bytesToHex(_IOCrypto.getRandomBytes(4));
nc = credentials.nonceCount.toRadixString(16);
nc = "00000000".substring(0, 8 - nc.length + 1) + nc;
} else {
var response = _CryptoUtils.bytesToHex(hasher.close());
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer()
..write('Digest ')
..write(', realm="${credentials.realm}"')
..write(', nonce="${credentials.nonce}"')
..write(', uri="$requestUri"')
..write(', algorithm="${credentials.algorithm}"');
if (qop == "auth") {
..write(', qop="$qop"')
..write(', cnonce="$cnonce"')
..write(', nc="$nc"');
buffer.write(', response="$response"');
return buffer.toString();
void authorize(_Credentials credentials, HttpClientRequest request) {
authorization(credentials, request));
void authorizeProxy(_ProxyCredentials credentials,
HttpClientRequest request) {
authorization(credentials, request));
class _RedirectInfo implements RedirectInfo {
final int statusCode;
final String method;
final Uri location;
const _RedirectInfo(this.statusCode, this.method, this.location);
String _getHttpVersion() {
var version = Platform.version;
// Only include major and minor version numbers.
int index = version.indexOf('.', version.indexOf('.') + 1);
version = version.substring(0, index);
return 'Dart/$version (dart:io)';