
58 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:dart_messages/shared_messages.dart';
void testJsonIsUpdated() {
var packageRoot = io.Platform.packageRoot;
if (packageRoot == null || packageRoot == "") {
throw new UnsupportedError("This test requires a package root.");
var jsonUri = Uri
var jsonPath = jsonUri.toFilePath();
var content = new io.File(jsonPath).readAsStringSync();
if (messagesAsJson != content) {
print("The content of the Dart messages and the corresponding JSON file");
print("is not the same.");
print("Please run bin/publish.dart to update the JSON file.");
throw "Content is not the same";
void testIdsAreUnique() {
var usedIds = new Set();
for (var entry in MESSAGES.values) {
var id = "${entry.id}-${entry.subId}";
if (!usedIds.add(id)) {
throw "Id appears twice: $id";
void testSpecializationsAreOfSameId() {
for (var entry in MESSAGES.values) {
var specializationOf = entry.specializationOf;
if (specializationOf == null) continue;
var generic = MESSAGES[specializationOf];
if (generic == null) {
throw "More generic message doesn't exist: $specializationOf";
if (generic.id != entry.id) {
var id = "${entry.id}-${entry.subId}";
var genericId = "${generic.id}-${generic.subId}";
throw "Specialization doesn't have same id: $id - $genericId";
void main() {