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synced 2024-11-02 15:17:07 +00:00
- Copies corelib_2/a* -> corelib/ - Copies language_2/ab* -> language/ - Copies lib_2/math/ -> lib/math/ - Copies standalone_2/a* -> standalone/ And also copies over and renames all of the status files in those directories. Then it migrates those tests to be static error free in NNBD. Finally, adds support to the test_runner for the new suites. Note that this review is split into multiple patchsets. The first patchset is a straight copy of the existing files. Then the later patchsets have the interesting changes. Change-Id: Icec2ff850a3aee30b653066ac184495d1e3814d0 Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/125467 Commit-Queue: Bob Nystrom <rnystrom@google.com> Reviewed-by: Leaf Petersen <leafp@google.com> Reviewed-by: Alexander Thomas <athom@google.com> Reviewed-by: Nicholas Shahan <nshahan@google.com>
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// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// We temporarily test both the new math library and the old Math
// class. This can easily be simplified once we get rid of the Math
// class entirely.
library math_test;
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
import 'dart:math' as math;
class MathLibraryTest {
static void testConstants() {
// Source for mathematical constants is Wolfram Alpha.
2.7182818284590452353602874713526624977572470936999595749669, math.e);
0.6931471805599453094172321214581765680755001343602552541206, math.ln2);
3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749, math.pi);
static checkClose(double a, double b, EPSILON) {
Expect.equals(true, a - EPSILON <= b);
Expect.equals(true, b <= a + EPSILON);
static void testSin() {
// Given the imprecision of pi we can't expect better results than this.
final double EPSILON = 1e-15;
checkClose(0.0, math.sin(0.0), EPSILON);
checkClose(0.0, math.sin(math.pi), EPSILON);
checkClose(0.0, math.sin(2.0 * math.pi), EPSILON);
checkClose(1.0, math.sin(math.pi / 2.0), EPSILON);
checkClose(-1.0, math.sin(math.pi * (3.0 / 2.0)), EPSILON);
static void testCos() {
// Given the imprecision of pi we can't expect better results than this.
final double EPSILON = 1e-15;
checkClose(1.0, math.cos(0.0), EPSILON);
checkClose(-1.0, math.cos(math.pi), EPSILON);
checkClose(1.0, math.cos(2.0 * math.pi), EPSILON);
checkClose(0.0, math.cos(math.pi / 2.0), EPSILON);
checkClose(0.0, math.cos(math.pi * (3.0 / 2.0)), EPSILON);
static void testTan() {
// Given the imprecision of pi we can't expect better results than this.
final double EPSILON = 1e-15;
checkClose(0.0, math.tan(0.0), EPSILON);
checkClose(0.0, math.tan(math.pi), EPSILON);
checkClose(0.0, math.tan(2.0 * math.pi), EPSILON);
checkClose(1.0, math.tan(math.pi / 4.0), EPSILON);
static void testAsin() {
// Given the imprecision of pi we can't expect better results than this.
final double EPSILON = 1e-15;
checkClose(0.0, math.asin(0.0), EPSILON);
checkClose(math.pi / 2.0, math.asin(1.0), EPSILON);
checkClose(-math.pi / 2.0, math.asin(-1.0), EPSILON);
static void testAcos() {
// Given the imprecision of pi we can't expect better results than this.
final double EPSILON = 1e-15;
checkClose(0.0, math.acos(1.0), EPSILON);
checkClose(math.pi, math.acos(-1.0), EPSILON);
checkClose(math.pi / 2.0, math.acos(0.0), EPSILON);
static void testAtan() {
// Given the imprecision of pi we can't expect better results than this.
final double EPSILON = 1e-15;
checkClose(0.0, math.atan(0.0), EPSILON);
checkClose(math.pi / 4.0, math.atan(1.0), EPSILON);
checkClose(-math.pi / 4.0, math.atan(-1.0), EPSILON);
static void testAtan2() {
// Given the imprecision of pi we can't expect better results than this.
final double EPSILON = 1e-15;
checkClose(0.0, math.atan2(0.0, 5.0), EPSILON);
checkClose(math.pi / 4.0, math.atan2(2.0, 2.0), EPSILON);
checkClose(3 * math.pi / 4.0, math.atan2(0.5, -0.5), EPSILON);
checkClose(-3 * math.pi / 4.0, math.atan2(-2.5, -2.5), EPSILON);
static checkVeryClose(double a, num b) {
// We find a ulp (unit in the last place) by shifting the original number
// to the right. This only works if we are not too close to infinity or if
// we work with denormals.
// We special case or 0.0, but not for infinity.
if (a == 0.0) {
final minimalDouble = 4.9406564584124654e-324;
Expect.equals(true, b.abs() <= minimalDouble);
if (b == 0.0) {
// No need to look if they are close. Otherwise the check for 'a' above
// whould have triggered.
Expect.equals(a, b);
final double shiftRightBy52 = 2.220446049250313080847263336181640625e-16;
final double shiftedA = (a * shiftRightBy52).abs();
// Compared to 'a', 'shiftedA' is now ~1-2 ulp.
final double limitLow = a - shiftedA;
final double limitHigh = a + shiftedA;
Expect.equals(false, a == limitLow);
Expect.equals(false, a == limitHigh);
Expect.equals(true, limitLow <= b);
Expect.equals(true, b <= limitHigh);
static void testSqrt() {
checkVeryClose(2.0, math.sqrt(4.0));
checkVeryClose(math.sqrt2, math.sqrt(2.0));
checkVeryClose(math.sqrt1_2, math.sqrt(0.5));
checkVeryClose(1e50, math.sqrt(1e100));
static void testExp() {
checkVeryClose(math.e, math.exp(1.0));
final EPSILON = 1e-15;
checkClose(10.0, math.exp(math.ln10), EPSILON);
checkClose(2.0, math.exp(math.ln2), EPSILON);
static void testLog() {
// Even though E is imprecise, it is good enough to get really close to 1.
// We still provide an epsilon.
checkClose(1.0, math.log(math.e), 1e-16);
checkVeryClose(math.ln10, math.log(10.0));
checkVeryClose(math.ln2, math.log(2.0));
static void testPow() {
checkVeryClose(16.0, math.pow(4.0, 2.0));
checkVeryClose(math.sqrt2, math.pow(2.0, 0.5));
checkVeryClose(math.sqrt1_2, math.pow(0.5, 0.5));
static bool parseIntThrowsFormatException(str) {
try {
return false;
} on FormatException catch (e) {
return true;
static void testParseInt() {
Expect.equals(499, int.parse("499"));
Expect.equals(499, int.parse("+499"));
Expect.equals(-499, int.parse("-499"));
Expect.equals(499, int.parse(" 499 "));
Expect.equals(499, int.parse(" +499 "));
Expect.equals(-499, int.parse(" -499 "));
Expect.equals(0, int.parse("0"));
Expect.equals(0, int.parse("+0"));
Expect.equals(0, int.parse("-0"));
Expect.equals(0, int.parse(" 0 "));
Expect.equals(0, int.parse(" +0 "));
Expect.equals(0, int.parse(" -0 "));
Expect.equals(0x1234567890, int.parse("0x1234567890"));
Expect.equals(-0x1234567890, int.parse("-0x1234567890"));
Expect.equals(0x1234567890, int.parse(" 0x1234567890 "));
Expect.equals(-0x1234567890, int.parse(" -0x1234567890 "));
Expect.equals(256, int.parse("0x100"));
Expect.equals(-256, int.parse("-0x100"));
Expect.equals(256, int.parse(" 0x100 "));
Expect.equals(-256, int.parse(" -0x100 "));
Expect.equals(0xabcdef, int.parse("0xabcdef"));
Expect.equals(0xABCDEF, int.parse("0xABCDEF"));
Expect.equals(0xabcdef, int.parse("0xabCDEf"));
Expect.equals(-0xabcdef, int.parse("-0xabcdef"));
Expect.equals(-0xABCDEF, int.parse("-0xABCDEF"));
Expect.equals(0xabcdef, int.parse(" 0xabcdef "));
Expect.equals(0xABCDEF, int.parse(" 0xABCDEF "));
Expect.equals(-0xabcdef, int.parse(" -0xabcdef "));
Expect.equals(-0xABCDEF, int.parse(" -0xABCDEF "));
Expect.equals(0xabcdef, int.parse("0x00000abcdef"));
Expect.equals(0xABCDEF, int.parse("0x00000ABCDEF"));
Expect.equals(-0xabcdef, int.parse("-0x00000abcdef"));
Expect.equals(-0xABCDEF, int.parse("-0x00000ABCDEF"));
Expect.equals(0xabcdef, int.parse(" 0x00000abcdef "));
Expect.equals(0xABCDEF, int.parse(" 0x00000ABCDEF "));
Expect.equals(-0xabcdef, int.parse(" -0x00000abcdef "));
Expect.equals(-0xABCDEF, int.parse(" -0x00000ABCDEF "));
Expect.equals(10, int.parse("010"));
Expect.equals(-10, int.parse("-010"));
Expect.equals(10, int.parse(" 010 "));
Expect.equals(-10, int.parse(" -010 "));
Expect.equals(9, int.parse("09"));
Expect.equals(9, int.parse(" 09 "));
Expect.equals(-9, int.parse("-09"));
Expect.equals(0x1234567890, int.parse("+0x1234567890"));
Expect.equals(0x1234567890, int.parse(" +0x1234567890 "));
Expect.equals(0x100, int.parse("+0x100"));
Expect.equals(0x100, int.parse(" +0x100 "));
Expect.equals(true, parseIntThrowsFormatException("1b"));
Expect.equals(true, parseIntThrowsFormatException(" 1b "));
Expect.equals(true, parseIntThrowsFormatException(" 1 b "));
Expect.equals(true, parseIntThrowsFormatException("1e2"));
Expect.equals(true, parseIntThrowsFormatException(" 1e2 "));
Expect.equals(true, parseIntThrowsFormatException("00x12"));
Expect.equals(true, parseIntThrowsFormatException(" 00x12 "));
Expect.equals(true, parseIntThrowsFormatException("-1b"));
Expect.equals(true, parseIntThrowsFormatException(" -1b "));
Expect.equals(true, parseIntThrowsFormatException(" -1 b "));
Expect.equals(true, parseIntThrowsFormatException("-1e2"));
Expect.equals(true, parseIntThrowsFormatException(" -1e2 "));
Expect.equals(true, parseIntThrowsFormatException("-00x12"));
Expect.equals(true, parseIntThrowsFormatException(" -00x12 "));
Expect.equals(true, parseIntThrowsFormatException(" -00x12 "));
Expect.equals(true, parseIntThrowsFormatException("0x0x12"));
Expect.equals(true, parseIntThrowsFormatException("0.1"));
Expect.equals(true, parseIntThrowsFormatException("0x3.1"));
Expect.equals(true, parseIntThrowsFormatException("5."));
Expect.equals(true, parseIntThrowsFormatException("+-5"));
Expect.equals(true, parseIntThrowsFormatException("-+5"));
Expect.equals(true, parseIntThrowsFormatException("--5"));
Expect.equals(true, parseIntThrowsFormatException("++5"));
Expect.equals(true, parseIntThrowsFormatException("+ 5"));
Expect.equals(true, parseIntThrowsFormatException("- 5"));
Expect.equals(true, parseIntThrowsFormatException(""));
Expect.equals(true, parseIntThrowsFormatException(" "));
static testMain() {
main() {