2012-05-21 15:07:11 +00:00

259 lines
8.3 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include <time.h>
#include "vm/bootstrap_natives.h"
#include "vm/bigint_operations.h"
#include "vm/native_entry.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
#include "vm/os.h"
namespace dart {
typedef struct BrokenDownDate {
intptr_t year;
intptr_t month; // [1..12]
intptr_t day; // [1..31]
intptr_t hours;
intptr_t minutes;
intptr_t seconds;
} BrokenDownDate;
// Takes the seconds since epoch (midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC) and breaks it
// down into date and time.
// If 'dart_is_utc', then the broken down date and time are in the UTC timezone,
// otherwise the local timezone is used.
// The returned year is offset by 1900. The returned month is 0-based.
// Returns true if the conversion succeeds, false otherwise.
static bool BreakDownSecondsSinceEpoch(const Integer& dart_seconds,
const Bool& dart_is_utc,
BrokenDownDate* result) {
// Always fill the result to avoid unitialized use warnings.
result->year = 0;
result->month = 0;
result->day = 0;
result->hours = 0;
result->minutes = 0;
result->seconds = 0;
bool is_utc = dart_is_utc.value();
int64_t seconds = dart_seconds.AsInt64Value();
struct tm tm_result;
bool succeeded;
if (is_utc) {
succeeded = OS::GmTime(seconds, &tm_result);
} else {
succeeded = OS::LocalTime(seconds, &tm_result);
if (succeeded) {
result->year = tm_result.tm_year;
// C uses years since 1900, and not full years.
// Adding 1900 could overflow the intptr_t.
if (result->year > kIntptrMax - 1900) return false;
result->year += 1900;
// Dart has 1-based months (contrary to C's 0-based).
result->month= tm_result.tm_mon + 1;
result->day = tm_result.tm_mday;
result->hours = tm_result.tm_hour;
result->minutes = tm_result.tm_min;
result->seconds = tm_result.tm_sec;
return succeeded;
static bool BrokenDownToSecondsSinceEpoch(const BrokenDownDate& broken_down,
bool in_utc,
int64_t* result) {
// Always set the result to avoid unitialized use warnings.
*result = 0;
struct tm tm_broken_down;
intptr_t year = broken_down.year;
// C works with years since 1900.
// Removing 1900 could underflow the intptr_t.
if (year < kIntptrMin + 1900) return false;
year -= 1900;
intptr_t month = broken_down.month;
// C works with 0-based months.
// Avoid underflows (even though they should not matter since the date would
// be invalid anyways.
if (month < 0) return false;
tm_broken_down.tm_year = static_cast<int>(year);
tm_broken_down.tm_mon = static_cast<int>(month);
tm_broken_down.tm_mday = static_cast<int>(broken_down.day);
tm_broken_down.tm_hour = static_cast<int>(broken_down.hours);
tm_broken_down.tm_min = static_cast<int>(broken_down.minutes);
tm_broken_down.tm_sec = static_cast<int>(broken_down.seconds);
// Verify that casting to int did not change the value.
if (tm_broken_down.tm_year != year
|| tm_broken_down.tm_mon != month
|| tm_broken_down.tm_mday != broken_down.day
|| tm_broken_down.tm_hour != broken_down.hours
|| tm_broken_down.tm_min != broken_down.minutes
|| tm_broken_down.tm_sec != broken_down.seconds) {
return false;
if (in_utc) {
return OS::MkGmTime(&tm_broken_down, result);
} else {
return OS::MkTime(&tm_broken_down, result);
DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(DateNatives_brokenDownToSecondsSinceEpoch, 7) {
GET_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Integer, dart_years, arguments->At(0));
GET_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Smi, dart_month, arguments->At(1));
GET_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Smi, dart_day, arguments->At(2));
GET_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Smi, dart_hours, arguments->At(3));
GET_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Smi, dart_minutes, arguments->At(4));
GET_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Smi, dart_seconds, arguments->At(5));
GET_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Bool, dart_is_utc, arguments->At(6));
if (!dart_years.IsSmi()) {
Smi& smi_years = Smi::Handle();
smi_years ^= dart_years.raw();
BrokenDownDate broken_down;
broken_down.year = smi_years.Value();
broken_down.month = dart_month.Value();
broken_down.day = dart_day.Value();
broken_down.hours = dart_hours.Value();
broken_down.minutes = dart_minutes.Value();
broken_down.seconds = dart_seconds.Value();
int64_t value;
bool succeeded = BrokenDownToSecondsSinceEpoch(broken_down,
if (!succeeded) {
DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(DateNatives_timeZoneName, 1) {
GET_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Integer, dart_seconds, arguments->At(0));
int64_t seconds = dart_seconds.AsInt64Value();
const char* name;
bool succeeded = OS::GetTimeZoneName(seconds, &name);
if (!succeeded) {
const String& dart_name = String::Handle(String::New(name));
DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(DateNatives_timeZoneOffsetInSeconds, 1) {
GET_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Integer, dart_seconds, arguments->At(0));
int64_t seconds = dart_seconds.AsInt64Value();
int offset;
bool succeeded = OS::GetTimeZoneOffsetInSeconds(seconds, &offset);
if (!succeeded) {
const Integer& dart_offset = Integer::Handle(Integer::New(offset));
DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(DateNatives_currentTimeMillis, 0) {
const Integer& time = Integer::Handle(
DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(DateNatives_getYear, 2) {
GET_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Integer, dart_seconds, arguments->At(0));
GET_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Bool, dart_is_utc, arguments->At(1));
BrokenDownDate broken_down;
bool succeeded =
BreakDownSecondsSinceEpoch(dart_seconds, dart_is_utc, &broken_down);
if (!succeeded) {
intptr_t year = broken_down.year;
DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(DateNatives_getMonth, 2) {
GET_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Integer, dart_seconds, arguments->At(0));
GET_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Bool, dart_is_utc, arguments->At(1));
BrokenDownDate broken_down;
bool succeeded =
BreakDownSecondsSinceEpoch(dart_seconds, dart_is_utc, &broken_down);
if (!succeeded) {
const Smi& result = Smi::Handle(Smi::New(broken_down.month));
DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(DateNatives_getDay, 2) {
GET_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Integer, dart_seconds, arguments->At(0));
GET_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Bool, dart_is_utc, arguments->At(1));
BrokenDownDate broken_down;
bool succeeded =
BreakDownSecondsSinceEpoch(dart_seconds, dart_is_utc, &broken_down);
if (!succeeded) {
const Smi& result = Smi::Handle(Smi::New(broken_down.day));
DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(DateNatives_getHours, 2) {
GET_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Integer, dart_seconds, arguments->At(0));
GET_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Bool, dart_is_utc, arguments->At(1));
BrokenDownDate broken_down;
bool succeeded =
BreakDownSecondsSinceEpoch(dart_seconds, dart_is_utc, &broken_down);
if (!succeeded) {
const Smi& result = Smi::Handle(Smi::New(broken_down.hours));
DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(DateNatives_getMinutes, 2) {
GET_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Integer, dart_seconds, arguments->At(0));
GET_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Bool, dart_is_utc, arguments->At(1));
BrokenDownDate broken_down;
bool succeeded =
BreakDownSecondsSinceEpoch(dart_seconds, dart_is_utc, &broken_down);
if (!succeeded) {
const Smi& result = Smi::Handle(Smi::New(broken_down.minutes));
DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(DateNatives_getSeconds, 2) {
GET_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Integer, dart_seconds, arguments->At(0));
GET_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Bool, dart_is_utc, arguments->At(1));
BrokenDownDate broken_down;
bool succeeded =
BreakDownSecondsSinceEpoch(dart_seconds, dart_is_utc, &broken_down);
if (!succeeded) {
const Smi& result = Smi::Handle(Smi::New(broken_down.seconds));
} // namespace dart