Vyacheslav Egorov a9ce969e53 [vm] Decouple growable_array.h and zone.h from thread.h
- Introduce a slimmed down version of thread.h, which just depends on the
Zone and StackResource.
- Introduce a layering check that would prevent the coupling in the future.

This is the first step towards decoupling compiler from runtime.

There are multiple reasons to introduce the decoupling but the main
reason currently is to introduce a controlled surface through which
compiler reaches into runtime to catch any places where runtime word size
might influence the compiler and then enable building compiler that
targets 32-bit runtime but is embedded into a 64-bit runtime.

Issue https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/31709

Change-Id: Id63ebbaddca55dd097298e51c90d957a73fa476e
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/87182
Commit-Queue: Vyacheslav Egorov <vegorov@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Martin Kustermann <kustermann@google.com>
2019-01-11 20:47:10 +00:00

532 lines
16 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/uri.h"
#include "vm/zone.h"
namespace dart {
static bool IsUnreservedChar(intptr_t value) {
return ((value >= 'a' && value <= 'z') || (value >= 'A' && value <= 'Z') ||
(value >= '0' && value <= '9') || value == '-' || value == '.' ||
value == '_' || value == '~');
static bool IsDelimiter(intptr_t value) {
switch (value) {
case ':':
case '/':
case '?':
case '#':
case '[':
case ']':
case '@':
case '!':
case '$':
case '&':
case '\'':
case '(':
case ')':
case '*':
case '+':
case ',':
case ';':
case '=':
return true;
return false;
static bool IsHexDigit(char value) {
return ((value >= '0' && value <= '9') || (value >= 'A' && value <= 'F') ||
(value >= 'a' && value <= 'f'));
static int HexValue(char digit) {
if ((digit >= '0' && digit <= '9')) {
return digit - '0';
if ((digit >= 'A' && digit <= 'F')) {
return digit - 'A' + 10;
if ((digit >= 'a' && digit <= 'f')) {
return digit - 'a' + 10;
return 0;
static int GetEscapedValue(const char* str, intptr_t pos, intptr_t len) {
if (pos + 2 >= len) {
// Not enough room for a valid escape sequence.
return -1;
if (str[pos] != '%') {
// Escape sequences start with '%'.
return -1;
char digit1 = str[pos + 1];
char digit2 = str[pos + 2];
if (!IsHexDigit(digit1) || !IsHexDigit(digit2)) {
// Invalid escape sequence. Ignore it.
return -1;
return HexValue(digit1) * 16 + HexValue(digit2);
static char* NormalizeEscapes(const char* str, intptr_t len) {
// Allocate the buffer.
Zone* zone = ThreadState::Current()->zone();
// We multiply len by three because a percent-escape sequence is
// three characters long (e.g. ' ' -> '%20). +1 for '\0'. We could
// take two passes through the string and avoid the excess
// allocation, but it's zone-memory so it doesn't seem necessary.
char* buffer = zone->Alloc<char>(len * 3 + 1);
// Copy the string, normalizing as we go.
intptr_t buffer_pos = 0;
intptr_t pos = 0;
while (pos < len) {
int escaped_value = GetEscapedValue(str, pos, len);
if (escaped_value >= 0) {
// If one of the special "unreserved" characters has been
// escaped, revert the escaping. Otherwise preserve the
// escaping.
if (IsUnreservedChar(escaped_value)) {
buffer[buffer_pos] = escaped_value;
} else {
Utils::SNPrint(buffer + buffer_pos, 4, "%%%02X", escaped_value);
buffer_pos += 3;
pos += 3;
} else {
char c = str[pos];
// If a delimiter or unreserved character is currently not
// escaped, preserve that. If there is a busted %-sequence in
// the input, preserve that too.
if (c == '%' || IsDelimiter(c) || IsUnreservedChar(c)) {
buffer[buffer_pos] = c;
} else {
// Escape funky characters.
Utils::SNPrint(buffer + buffer_pos, 4, "%%%02X", c);
buffer_pos += 3;
buffer[buffer_pos] = '\0';
return buffer;
// Lower-case a string in place.
static void StringLower(char* str) {
const intptr_t len = strlen(str);
intptr_t i = 0;
while (i < len) {
int escaped_value = GetEscapedValue(str, i, len);
if (escaped_value >= 0) {
// Don't lowercase escape sequences.
i += 3;
} else {
// I don't use tolower() because I don't want the locale
// transforming any non-acii characters.
char c = str[i];
if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') {
str[i] = c + ('a' - 'A');
static void ClearParsedUri(ParsedUri* parsed_uri) {
parsed_uri->scheme = NULL;
parsed_uri->userinfo = NULL;
parsed_uri->host = NULL;
parsed_uri->port = NULL;
parsed_uri->path = NULL;
parsed_uri->query = NULL;
parsed_uri->fragment = NULL;
static intptr_t ParseAuthority(const char* authority, ParsedUri* parsed_uri) {
Zone* zone = ThreadState::Current()->zone();
const char* current = authority;
intptr_t len = 0;
size_t userinfo_len = strcspn(current, "@/");
if (current[userinfo_len] == '@') {
// The '@' character follows the optional userinfo string.
parsed_uri->userinfo = NormalizeEscapes(current, userinfo_len);
current += userinfo_len + 1;
len += userinfo_len + 1;
} else {
parsed_uri->userinfo = NULL;
size_t host_len = strcspn(current, ":/");
char* host = NormalizeEscapes(current, host_len);
parsed_uri->host = host;
len += host_len;
if (current[host_len] == ':') {
// The ':' character precedes the optional port string.
const char* port_start = current + host_len + 1; // +1 for ':'
size_t port_len = strcspn(port_start, "/");
parsed_uri->port = zone->MakeCopyOfStringN(port_start, port_len);
len += 1 + port_len; // +1 for ':'
} else {
parsed_uri->port = NULL;
return len;
// Performs a simple parse of a uri into its components.
// See RFC 3986 Section 3: Syntax.
bool ParseUri(const char* uri, ParsedUri* parsed_uri) {
Zone* zone = ThreadState::Current()->zone();
// The first ':' separates the scheme from the rest of the uri. If
// a ':' occurs after the first '/' it doesn't count.
size_t scheme_len = strcspn(uri, ":/");
const char* rest = uri;
if (uri[scheme_len] == ':') {
char* scheme = zone->MakeCopyOfStringN(uri, scheme_len);
parsed_uri->scheme = scheme;
rest = uri + scheme_len + 1;
} else {
parsed_uri->scheme = NULL;
// The first '#' separates the optional fragment
const char* hash_pos = rest + strcspn(rest, "#");
if (*hash_pos == '#') {
// There is a fragment part.
const char* fragment_start = hash_pos + 1;
parsed_uri->fragment =
NormalizeEscapes(fragment_start, strlen(fragment_start));
} else {
parsed_uri->fragment = NULL;
// The first '?' or '#' separates the hierarchical part from the
// optional query.
const char* question_pos = rest + strcspn(rest, "?#");
if (*question_pos == '?') {
// There is a query part.
const char* query_start = question_pos + 1;
parsed_uri->query = NormalizeEscapes(query_start, (hash_pos - query_start));
} else {
parsed_uri->query = NULL;
const char* path_start = rest;
if (rest[0] == '/' && rest[1] == '/') {
// There is an authority part.
const char* authority_start = rest + 2; // 2 for '//'.
intptr_t authority_len = ParseAuthority(authority_start, parsed_uri);
if (authority_len < 0) {
return false;
path_start = authority_start + authority_len;
} else {
parsed_uri->userinfo = NULL;
parsed_uri->host = NULL;
parsed_uri->port = NULL;
// The path is the substring between the authority and the query.
parsed_uri->path = NormalizeEscapes(path_start, (question_pos - path_start));
return true;
static char* RemoveLastSegment(char* current, char* base) {
if (current == base) {
return current;
ASSERT(current > base);
for (current--; current > base; current--) {
if (*current == '/') {
// We have found the beginning of the last segment.
return current;
ASSERT(current == base);
return current;
static intptr_t SegmentLength(const char* input) {
const char* cp = input;
// Include initial slash in the segment, if any.
if (*cp == '/') {
// Don't include trailing slash in the segment.
cp += strcspn(cp, "/");
return cp - input;
// See RFC 3986 Section 5.2.4: Remove Dot Segments.
static const char* RemoveDotSegments(const char* path) {
const char* input = path;
// The output path will always be less than or equal to the size of
// the input path.
Zone* zone = ThreadState::Current()->zone();
char* buffer = zone->Alloc<char>(strlen(path) + 1); // +1 for '\0'
char* output = buffer;
while (*input != '\0') {
if (strncmp("../", input, 3) == 0) {
// Discard initial "../" from the input. It's junk.
input += 3;
} else if (strncmp("./", input, 3) == 0) {
// Discard initial "./" from the input. It's junk.
input += 2;
} else if (strncmp("/./", input, 3) == 0) {
// Advance past the "/." part of the input.
input += 2;
} else if (strcmp("/.", input) == 0) {
// Pretend the input just contains a "/".
input = "/";
} else if (strncmp("/../", input, 4) == 0) {
// Advance past the "/.." part of the input and remove one
// segment from the output.
input += 3;
output = RemoveLastSegment(output, buffer);
} else if (strcmp("/..", input) == 0) {
// Pretend the input contains a "/" and remove one segment from
// the output.
input = "/";
output = RemoveLastSegment(output, buffer);
} else if (strcmp("..", input) == 0) {
// The input has been reduced to nothing useful.
input += 2;
} else if (strcmp(".", input) == 0) {
// The input has been reduced to nothing useful.
input += 1;
} else {
intptr_t segment_len = SegmentLength(input);
if (input[0] != '/' && output != buffer) {
*output = '/';
strncpy(output, input, segment_len);
output += segment_len;
input += segment_len;
*output = '\0';
return buffer;
// See RFC 3986 Section 5.2.3: Merge Paths.
static const char* MergePaths(const char* base_path, const char* ref_path) {
Zone* zone = ThreadState::Current()->zone();
if (base_path[0] == '\0') {
// If the base_path is empty, we prepend '/'.
return zone->PrintToString("/%s", ref_path);
// We need to find the last '/' in base_path.
const char* last_slash = strrchr(base_path, '/');
if (last_slash == NULL) {
// There is no slash in the base_path. Return the ref_path unchanged.
return ref_path;
// We found a '/' in the base_path. Cut off everything after it and
// add the ref_path.
intptr_t truncated_base_len = last_slash - base_path;
intptr_t ref_path_len = strlen(ref_path);
intptr_t len = truncated_base_len + ref_path_len + 1; // +1 for '/'
char* buffer = zone->Alloc<char>(len + 1); // +1 for '\0'
// Copy truncated base.
strncpy(buffer, base_path, truncated_base_len);
// Add a slash.
buffer[truncated_base_len] = '/';
// Copy the ref_path.
strncpy((buffer + truncated_base_len + 1), ref_path, ref_path_len);
// Add the trailing '\0'.
buffer[len] = '\0';
return buffer;
static char* BuildUri(const ParsedUri& uri) {
Zone* zone = ThreadState::Current()->zone();
ASSERT(uri.path != NULL);
const char* fragment = uri.fragment == NULL ? "" : uri.fragment;
const char* fragment_separator = uri.fragment == NULL ? "" : "#";
const char* query = uri.query == NULL ? "" : uri.query;
const char* query_separator = uri.query == NULL ? "" : "?";
// If there is no scheme for this uri, just build a relative uri of
// the form: "path[?query][#fragment]". This occurs when we resolve
// relative urls inside a "dart:" library.
if (uri.scheme == NULL) {
ASSERT(uri.userinfo == NULL && uri.host == NULL && uri.port == NULL);
return zone->PrintToString("%s%s%s%s%s", uri.path, query_separator, query,
fragment_separator, fragment);
// Uri with no authority: "scheme:path[?query][#fragment]"
if (uri.host == NULL) {
ASSERT(uri.userinfo == NULL && uri.port == NULL);
return zone->PrintToString("%s:%s%s%s%s%s", uri.scheme, uri.path,
query_separator, query, fragment_separator,
const char* user = uri.userinfo == NULL ? "" : uri.userinfo;
const char* user_separator = uri.userinfo == NULL ? "" : "@";
const char* port = uri.port == NULL ? "" : uri.port;
const char* port_separator = uri.port == NULL ? "" : ":";
// If the path doesn't start with a '/', add one. We need it to
// separate the path from the authority.
const char* path_separator =
((uri.path[0] == '\0' || uri.path[0] == '/') ? "" : "/");
// Uri with authority:
// "scheme://[userinfo@]host[:port][/]path[?query][#fragment]"
return zone->PrintToString(
"%s://%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", // There is *nothing* wrong with this.
uri.scheme, user, user_separator, uri.host, port_separator, port,
path_separator, uri.path, query_separator, query, fragment_separator,
// See RFC 3986 Section 5: Reference Resolution
bool ResolveUri(const char* ref_uri,
const char* base_uri,
const char** target_uri) {
// Parse the reference uri.
ParsedUri ref;
if (!ParseUri(ref_uri, &ref)) {
*target_uri = NULL;
return false;
ParsedUri target;
if (ref.scheme != NULL) {
if (strcmp(ref.scheme, "dart") == 0) {
Zone* zone = ThreadState::Current()->zone();
*target_uri = zone->MakeCopyOfString(ref_uri);
return true;
// When the ref_uri specifies a scheme, the base_uri is ignored.
target.scheme = ref.scheme;
target.userinfo = ref.userinfo;
target.host = ref.host;
target.port = ref.port;
target.path = RemoveDotSegments(ref.path);
target.query = ref.query;
target.fragment = ref.fragment;
*target_uri = BuildUri(target);
return true;
// Parse the base uri.
ParsedUri base;
if (!ParseUri(base_uri, &base)) {
*target_uri = NULL;
return false;
if ((base.scheme != NULL) && strcmp(base.scheme, "dart") == 0) {
Zone* zone = ThreadState::Current()->zone();
*target_uri = zone->MakeCopyOfString(ref_uri);
return true;
if (ref.host != NULL) {
// When the ref_uri specifies an authority, we only use the base scheme.
target.scheme = base.scheme;
target.userinfo = ref.userinfo;
target.host = ref.host;
target.port = ref.port;
target.path = RemoveDotSegments(ref.path);
target.query = ref.query;
target.fragment = ref.fragment;
*target_uri = BuildUri(target);
return true;
if (ref.path[0] == '\0') {
// Empty path. Use most parts of base_uri.
target.scheme = base.scheme;
target.userinfo = base.userinfo;
target.host = base.host;
target.port = base.port;
target.path = base.path;
target.query = ((ref.query == NULL) ? base.query : ref.query);
target.fragment = ref.fragment;
*target_uri = BuildUri(target);
return true;
} else if (ref.path[0] == '/') {
// Absolute path. ref_path wins.
target.scheme = base.scheme;
target.userinfo = base.userinfo;
target.host = base.host;
target.port = base.port;
target.path = RemoveDotSegments(ref.path);
target.query = ref.query;
target.fragment = ref.fragment;
*target_uri = BuildUri(target);
return true;
} else {
// Relative path. We need to merge the base path and the ref path.
if (base.scheme == NULL && base.host == NULL && base.path[0] != '/') {
// The dart:core Uri class handles resolving a relative uri
// against a second relative uri specially, in a way not
// described in the RFC. We do not need to support this for
// library resolution. If we need to implement this later, we
// can.
*target_uri = NULL;
return false;
target.scheme = base.scheme;
target.userinfo = base.userinfo;
target.host = base.host;
target.port = base.port;
target.path = RemoveDotSegments(MergePaths(base.path, ref.path));
target.query = ref.query;
target.fragment = ref.fragment;
*target_uri = BuildUri(target);
return true;
} // namespace dart