Alexander Markov 76bc894576 [vm/bytecode] Generate explicit DebugCheck for assignment to static field
Instead of always implying debugger stop at StoreStaticTOS bytecode,
bytecode generator now explicitly generates (or omits) DebugCheck bytecode.
This is needed to match behavior of AST flow graph builder of omitting
extra debugger stops when RHS expression is not trivial.

Fixes service/debugging_test with bytecode.

Change-Id: Id2e70998efb2a32a101fba4133ffa6a259ab1eb2
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/116443
Reviewed-by: Régis Crelier <regis@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Alexander Markov <alexmarkov@google.com>
2019-09-09 23:24:09 +00:00

1063 lines
46 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "platform/assert.h"
#include "platform/globals.h"
#include "platform/utils.h"
namespace dart {
// clang-format off
// List of KernelBytecode instructions.
// current frame info (see stack_frame_kbc.h for layout)
// v-----^-----v
// ~----+----~ ~----+-------+-------+-~ ~-+-------+-------+-~
// ~ | ~ ~ | FP[0] | FP[1] | ~ ~ | SP[-1]| SP[0] |
// ~----+----~ ~----+-------+-------+-~ ~-+-------+-------+-~
// ^ ^
// FP SP
// The state of execution is captured in few interpreter registers:
// FP - base of the current frame
// SP - top of the stack (TOS) for the current frame
// PP - object pool for the currently execution function
// Frame info stored below FP additionally contains pointers to the currently
// executing function and code (see stack_frame_dbc.h for more information).
// In the unoptimized code most of bytecodes take operands implicitly from
// stack and store results again on the stack. Constant operands are usually
// taken from the object pool by index.
// Each instruction starts with opcode byte. Certain instructions have
// wide encoding variant. In such case, the least significant bit of opcode is
// not set for compact variant and set for wide variant.
// The following operand encodings are used:
// 0........8.......16.......24.......32.......40.......48
// +--------+
// | opcode | 0: no operands
// +--------+
// +--------+--------+
// | opcode | A | A: unsigned 8-bit operand
// +--------+--------+
// +--------+--------+
// | opcode | D | D: unsigned 8/32-bit operand
// +--------+--------+
// +--------+----------------------------------+
// | opcode | D | D (wide)
// +--------+----------------------------------+
// +--------+--------+
// | opcode | X | X: signed 8/32-bit operand
// +--------+--------+
// +--------+----------------------------------+
// | opcode | X | X (wide)
// +--------+----------------------------------+
// +--------+--------+
// | opcode | T | T: signed 8/24-bit operand
// +--------+--------+
// +--------+--------------------------+
// | opcode | T | T (wide)
// +--------+--------------------------+
// +--------+--------+--------+
// | opcode | A | E | A_E: unsigned 8-bit operand and
// +--------+--------+--------+ unsigned 8/32-bit operand
// +--------+--------+----------------------------------+
// | opcode | A | E | A_E (wide)
// +--------+--------+----------------------------------+
// +--------+--------+--------+
// | opcode | A | Y | A_Y: unsigned 8-bit operand and
// +--------+--------+--------+ signed 8/32-bit operand
// +--------+--------+----------------------------------+
// | opcode | A | Y | A_Y (wide)
// +--------+--------+----------------------------------+
// +--------+--------+--------+
// | opcode | D | F | D_F: unsigned 8/32-bit operand and
// +--------+--------+--------+ unsigned 8-bit operand
// +--------+----------------------------------+--------+
// | opcode | D | F | D_F (wide)
// +--------+----------------------------------+--------+
// +--------+--------+--------+--------+
// | opcode | A | B | C | A_B_C: 3 unsigned 8-bit operands
// +--------+--------+--------+--------+
// - Trap
// Unreachable instruction.
// - Entry rD
// Function prologue for the function
// rD - number of local slots to reserve;
// - EntryFixed A, D
// Function prologue for functions without optional arguments.
// Checks number of arguments.
// A - expected number of positional arguments;
// D - number of local slots to reserve;
// - EntryOptional A, B, C
// Function prologue for the function with optional or named arguments:
// A - expected number of positional arguments;
// B - number of optional arguments;
// C - number of named arguments;
// Only one of B and C can be not 0.
// If B is not 0 then EntryOptional bytecode is followed by B LoadConstant
// bytecodes specifying default values for optional arguments.
// If C is not 0 then EntryOptional is followed by 2 * C LoadConstant
// bytecodes.
// Bytecode at 2 * i specifies name of the i-th named argument and at
// 2 * i + 1 default value. rA part of the LoadConstant bytecode specifies
// the location of the parameter on the stack. Here named arguments are
// sorted alphabetically to enable linear matching similar to how function
// prologues are implemented on other architectures.
// Note: Unlike Entry bytecode EntryOptional does not setup the frame for
// local variables this is done by a separate bytecode Frame, which should
// follow EntryOptional and its LoadConstant instructions.
// - LoadConstant rA, D
// Used in conjunction with EntryOptional instruction to describe names and
// default values of optional parameters.
// - Frame D
// Reserve and initialize with null space for D local variables.
// - CheckFunctionTypeArgs A, D
// Check for a passed-in type argument vector of length A and
// store it at FP[D].
// - CheckStack A
// Compare SP against isolate stack limit and call StackOverflow handler if
// necessary. Should be used in prologue (A = 0), or at the beginning of
// a loop with depth A.
// - Allocate D
// Allocate object of class PP[D] with no type arguments.
// - AllocateT
// Allocate object of class SP[0] with type arguments SP[-1].
// - CreateArrayTOS
// Allocate array of length SP[0] with type arguments SP[-1].
// - AllocateContext A, D
// Allocate Context object holding D context variables.
// A is a static ID of the context. Static ID of a context may be used to
// disambiguate accesses to different context objects.
// Context objects with the same ID should have the same number of
// context variables.
// - CloneContext A, D
// Clone Context object SP[0] holding D context variables.
// A is a static ID of the context. Cloned context has the same ID.
// - LoadContextParent
// Load parent from context SP[0].
// - StoreContextParent
// Store context SP[0] into `parent` field of context SP[-1].
// - LoadContextVar A, D
// Load value from context SP[0] at index D.
// A is a static ID of the context.
// - StoreContextVar A, D
// Store value SP[0] into context SP[-1] at index D.
// A is a static ID of the context.
// - PushConstant D
// Push value at index D from constant pool onto the stack.
// - PushNull
// Push `null` onto the stack.
// - PushTrue
// Push `true` onto the stack.
// - PushFalse
// Push `false` onto the stack.
// - PushInt rX
// Push int rX onto the stack.
// - Drop1
// Drop 1 value from the stack
// - Push rX
// Push FP[rX] to the stack.
// - StoreLocal rX; PopLocal rX
// Store top of the stack into FP[rX] and pop it if needed.
// - LoadFieldTOS D
// Push value at offset (in words) PP[D] from object SP[0].
// - StoreFieldTOS D
// Store value SP[0] into object SP[-1] at offset (in words) PP[D].
// - StoreIndexedTOS
// Store SP[0] into array SP[-2] at index SP[-1]. No typechecking is done.
// SP[-2] is assumed to be a RawArray, SP[-1] to be a smi.
// - PushStatic D
// Pushes value of the static field PP[D] on to the stack.
// - StoreStaticTOS D
// Stores TOS into the static field PP[D].
// - Jump target
// Jump to the given target. Target is specified as offset from the PC of the
// jump instruction.
// - JumpIfNoAsserts target
// Jump to the given target if assertions are not enabled.
// Target is specified as offset from the PC of the jump instruction.
// - JumpIfNotZeroTypeArgs target
// Jump to the given target if number of passed function type
// arguments is not zero.
// Target is specified as offset from the PC of the jump instruction.
// - JumpIfEqStrict target; JumpIfNeStrict target
// Jump to the given target if SP[-1] is the same (JumpIfEqStrict) /
// not the same (JumpIfNeStrict) object as SP[0].
// - JumpIfTrue target; JumpIfFalse target
// - JumpIfNull target; JumpIfNotNull target
// Jump to the given target if SP[0] is true/false/null/not null.
// - IndirectStaticCall ArgC, D
// Invoke the function given by the ICData in SP[0] with arguments
// SP[-(1+ArgC)], ..., SP[-1] and argument descriptor PP[D], which
// indicates whether the first argument is a type argument vector.
// - DirectCall ArgC, D
// Invoke the function PP[D] with arguments
// SP[-(ArgC-1)], ..., SP[0] and argument descriptor PP[D+1].
// - InterfaceCall ArgC, D
// Lookup and invoke method using ICData in PP[D]
// with arguments SP[-(1+ArgC)], ..., SP[-1].
// Method has to be declared (explicitly or implicitly) in an interface
// implemented by a receiver, and passed arguments are valid for the
// interface method declaration.
// The ICData indicates whether the first argument is a type argument vector.
// - UncheckedInterfaceCall ArgC, D
// Same as InterfaceCall, but can omit type checks of generic-covariant
// parameters.
// - DynamicCall ArgC, D
// Lookup and invoke method using ICData in PP[D]
// with arguments SP[-(1+ArgC)], ..., SP[-1].
// The ICData indicates whether the first argument is a type argument vector.
// - NativeCall D
// Invoke native function described by array at pool[D].
// array[0] is wrapper, array[1] is function, array[2] is argc_tag.
// - ReturnTOS
// Return to the caller using a value from the top-of-stack as a result.
// Note: return instruction knows how many arguments to remove from the
// stack because it can look at the call instruction at caller's PC and
// take argument count from it.
// - AssertAssignable A, D
// Assert that instance SP[-4] is assignable to variable named SP[0] of
// type SP[-1] with instantiator type arguments SP[-3] and function type
// arguments SP[-2] using SubtypeTestCache PP[D].
// If A is 1, then the instance may be a Smi.
// Instance remains on stack. Other arguments are consumed.
// - AssertBoolean A
// Assert that TOS is a boolean (A = 1) or that TOS is not null (A = 0).
// - AssertSubtype
// Assert that one type is a subtype of another. Throws a TypeError
// otherwise. The stack has the following arguments on it:
// SP[-4] instantiator type args
// SP[-3] function type args
// SP[-2] sub_type
// SP[-1] super_type
// SP[-0] dst_name
// All 5 arguments are consumed from the stack and no results is pushed.
// - LoadTypeArgumentsField D
// Load instantiator type arguments from an instance SP[0].
// PP[D] = offset (in words) of type arguments field corresponding
// to an instance's class.
// - InstantiateType D
// Instantiate type PP[D] with instantiator type arguments SP[-1] and
// function type arguments SP[0].
// - InstantiateTypeArgumentsTOS A, D
// Instantiate type arguments PP[D] with instantiator type arguments SP[-1]
// and function type arguments SP[0]. A != 0 indicates that resulting type
// arguments are all dynamic if both instantiator and function type
// arguments are all dynamic.
// - Throw A
// Throw (Rethrow if A != 0) exception. Exception object and stack object
// are taken from TOS.
// - MoveSpecial A, rX
// Copy value from special variable to FP[rX]. Currently only
// used to pass exception object (A = 0) and stack trace object (A = 1) to
// catch handler.
// - SetFrame A
// Reinitialize SP assuming that current frame has size A.
// Used to drop temporaries from the stack in the exception handler.
// - BooleanNegateTOS
// SP[0] = !SP[0]
// - EqualsNull
// SP[0] = (SP[0] == null) ? true : false
// - NegateInt
// Equivalent to invocation of unary int operator-.
// Receiver should have static type int.
// Check SP[0] for null; SP[0] = -SP[0].
// - AddInt; SubInt; MulInt; TruncDivInt; ModInt; BitAndInt; BitOrInt;
// BitXorInt; ShlInt; ShrInt
// Equivalent to invocation of binary int operator +, -, *, ~/, %, &, |,
// ^, << or >>. Receiver and argument should have static type int.
// Check SP[-1] and SP[0] for null; push SP[-1] <op> SP[0].
// - CompareIntEq; CompareIntGt; CompareIntLt; CompareIntGe; CompareIntLe
// Equivalent to invocation of binary int operator ==, >, <, >= or <=.
// Receiver and argument should have static type int.
// Check SP[-1] and SP[0] for null; push SP[-1] <op> SP[0] ? true : false.
// - NegateDouble
// Equivalent to invocation of unary double operator-.
// Receiver should have static type double.
// Check SP[0] for null; SP[0] = -SP[0].
// - AddDouble; SubDouble; MulDouble; DivDouble
// Equivalent to invocation of binary int operator +, -, *, /.
// Receiver and argument should have static type double.
// Check SP[-1] and SP[0] for null; push SP[-1] <op> SP[0].
// - CompareDoubleEq; CompareDoubleGt; CompareDoubleLt; CompareDoubleGe;
// CompareDoubleLe
// Equivalent to invocation of binary double operator ==, >, <, >= or <=.
// Receiver and argument should have static type double.
// Check SP[-1] and SP[0] for null; push SP[-1] <op> SP[0] ? true : false.
// - AllocateClosure D
// Allocate closure object for closure function ConstantPool[D].
// KernelBytecode list below is specified using the following format:
// V(BytecodeName, OperandForm, BytecodeKind, Op1, Op2, Op3)
// - OperandForm specifies operand encoding and should be one of 0, A, D, X, T,
// A_E, A_Y, D_F or A_B_C (see ENCODING section above).
// - BytecodeKind is one of WIDE, RESV (reserved), ORDN (ordinary)
// - Op1, Op2, Op3 specify operand meaning. Possible values:
// ___ ignored / non-existent operand
// num immediate operand
// lit constant literal from object pool
// reg register (unsigned FP relative local)
// xeg x-register (signed FP relative local)
// tgt jump target relative to the PC of the current instruction
// TODO(vegorov) jump targets should be encoded relative to PC of the next
// instruction because PC is incremented immediately after fetch
// and before decoding.
V(UnusedOpcode000, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode001, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode002, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode003, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode004, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode005, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode006, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode007, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode008, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode009, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode010, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode011, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode012, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode013, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode014, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode015, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode016, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode017, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode018, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode019, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode020, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode021, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode022, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode023, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode024, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode025, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode026, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode027, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode028, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode029, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode030, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode031, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode032, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode033, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode034, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode035, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode036, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode037, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode038, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode039, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode040, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode041, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode042, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode043, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode044, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode045, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode046, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode047, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode048, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode049, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode050, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode051, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode052, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode053, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode054, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode055, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode056, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode057, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode058, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode059, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode060, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode061, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode062, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode063, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode064, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode065, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode066, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode067, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode068, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode069, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode070, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode071, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode072, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode073, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode074, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode075, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode076, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode077, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode078, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode079, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode080, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode081, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode082, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode083, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(UnusedOpcode084, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Trap, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Entry, D, ORDN, num, ___, ___) \
V(Entry_Wide, D, WIDE, num, ___, ___) \
V(EntryFixed, A_E, ORDN, num, num, ___) \
V(EntryFixed_Wide, A_E, WIDE, num, num, ___) \
V(EntryOptional, A_B_C, ORDN, num, num, num) \
V(Unused00, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(LoadConstant, A_E, ORDN, reg, lit, ___) \
V(LoadConstant_Wide, A_E, WIDE, reg, lit, ___) \
V(Frame, D, ORDN, num, ___, ___) \
V(Frame_Wide, D, WIDE, num, ___, ___) \
V(CheckFunctionTypeArgs, A_E, ORDN, num, reg, ___) \
V(CheckFunctionTypeArgs_Wide, A_E, WIDE, num, reg, ___) \
V(CheckStack, A, ORDN, num, ___, ___) \
V(DebugCheck, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(JumpIfUnchecked, T, ORDN, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(JumpIfUnchecked_Wide, T, WIDE, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(Allocate, D, ORDN, lit, ___, ___) \
V(Allocate_Wide, D, WIDE, lit, ___, ___) \
V(AllocateT, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(CreateArrayTOS, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(AllocateClosure, D, ORDN, lit, ___, ___) \
V(AllocateClosure_Wide, D, WIDE, lit, ___, ___) \
V(AllocateContext, A_E, ORDN, num, num, ___) \
V(AllocateContext_Wide, A_E, WIDE, num, num, ___) \
V(CloneContext, A_E, ORDN, num, num, ___) \
V(CloneContext_Wide, A_E, WIDE, num, num, ___) \
V(LoadContextParent, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(StoreContextParent, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(LoadContextVar, A_E, ORDN, num, num, ___) \
V(LoadContextVar_Wide, A_E, WIDE, num, num, ___) \
V(Unused04, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused05, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(StoreContextVar, A_E, ORDN, num, num, ___) \
V(StoreContextVar_Wide, A_E, WIDE, num, num, ___) \
V(PushConstant, D, ORDN, lit, ___, ___) \
V(PushConstant_Wide, D, WIDE, lit, ___, ___) \
V(Unused06, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused07, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(PushTrue, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(PushFalse, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(PushInt, X, ORDN, num, ___, ___) \
V(PushInt_Wide, X, WIDE, num, ___, ___) \
V(Unused08, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused09, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused10, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused11, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(PushNull, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Drop1, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Push, X, ORDN, xeg, ___, ___) \
V(Push_Wide, X, WIDE, xeg, ___, ___) \
V(Unused12, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused13, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused14, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused15, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused16, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused17, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(PopLocal, X, ORDN, xeg, ___, ___) \
V(PopLocal_Wide, X, WIDE, xeg, ___, ___) \
V(LoadStatic, D, ORDN, lit, ___, ___) \
V(LoadStatic_Wide, D, WIDE, lit, ___, ___) \
V(StoreLocal, X, ORDN, xeg, ___, ___) \
V(StoreLocal_Wide, X, WIDE, xeg, ___, ___) \
V(LoadFieldTOS, D, ORDN, lit, ___, ___) \
V(LoadFieldTOS_Wide, D, WIDE, lit, ___, ___) \
V(StoreFieldTOS, D, ORDN, lit, ___, ___) \
V(StoreFieldTOS_Wide, D, WIDE, lit, ___, ___) \
V(StoreIndexedTOS, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused20, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(PushStatic, D, ORDN, lit, ___, ___) \
V(PushStatic_Wide, D, WIDE, lit, ___, ___) \
V(StoreStaticTOS, D, ORDN, lit, ___, ___) \
V(StoreStaticTOS_Wide, D, WIDE, lit, ___, ___) \
V(Jump, T, ORDN, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(Jump_Wide, T, WIDE, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(JumpIfNoAsserts, T, ORDN, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(JumpIfNoAsserts_Wide, T, WIDE, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(JumpIfNotZeroTypeArgs, T, ORDN, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(JumpIfNotZeroTypeArgs_Wide, T, WIDE, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(JumpIfEqStrict, T, ORDN, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(JumpIfEqStrict_Wide, T, WIDE, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(JumpIfNeStrict, T, ORDN, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(JumpIfNeStrict_Wide, T, WIDE, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(JumpIfTrue, T, ORDN, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(JumpIfTrue_Wide, T, WIDE, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(JumpIfFalse, T, ORDN, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(JumpIfFalse_Wide, T, WIDE, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(JumpIfNull, T, ORDN, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(JumpIfNull_Wide, T, WIDE, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(JumpIfNotNull, T, ORDN, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(JumpIfNotNull_Wide, T, WIDE, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(DirectCall, D_F, ORDN, num, num, ___) \
V(DirectCall_Wide, D_F, WIDE, num, num, ___) \
V(Unused21, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused22, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(InterfaceCall, D_F, ORDN, num, num, ___) \
V(InterfaceCall_Wide, D_F, WIDE, num, num, ___) \
V(Unused23, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused24, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(InstantiatedInterfaceCall, D_F, ORDN, num, num, ___) \
V(InstantiatedInterfaceCall_Wide, D_F, WIDE, num, num, ___) \
V(UncheckedClosureCall, D_F, ORDN, num, num, ___) \
V(UncheckedClosureCall_Wide, D_F, WIDE, num, num, ___) \
V(UncheckedInterfaceCall, D_F, ORDN, num, num, ___) \
V(UncheckedInterfaceCall_Wide, D_F, WIDE, num, num, ___) \
V(DynamicCall, D_F, ORDN, num, num, ___) \
V(DynamicCall_Wide, D_F, WIDE, num, num, ___) \
V(NativeCall, D, ORDN, lit, ___, ___) \
V(NativeCall_Wide, D, WIDE, lit, ___, ___) \
V(ReturnTOS, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused29, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(AssertAssignable, A_E, ORDN, num, lit, ___) \
V(AssertAssignable_Wide, A_E, WIDE, num, lit, ___) \
V(Unused30, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused31, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(AssertBoolean, A, ORDN, num, ___, ___) \
V(AssertSubtype, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(LoadTypeArgumentsField, D, ORDN, lit, ___, ___) \
V(LoadTypeArgumentsField_Wide, D, WIDE, lit, ___, ___) \
V(InstantiateType, D, ORDN, lit, ___, ___) \
V(InstantiateType_Wide, D, WIDE, lit, ___, ___) \
V(InstantiateTypeArgumentsTOS, A_E, ORDN, num, lit, ___) \
V(InstantiateTypeArgumentsTOS_Wide, A_E, WIDE, num, lit, ___) \
V(Unused32, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused33, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused34, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused35, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Throw, A, ORDN, num, ___, ___) \
V(SetFrame, A, ORDN, num, ___, num) \
V(MoveSpecial, A_Y, ORDN, num, xeg, ___) \
V(MoveSpecial_Wide, A_Y, WIDE, num, xeg, ___) \
V(BooleanNegateTOS, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(EqualsNull, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused36, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused37, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(NegateInt, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(AddInt, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(SubInt, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(MulInt, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(TruncDivInt, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(ModInt, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(BitAndInt, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(BitOrInt, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(BitXorInt, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(ShlInt, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(ShrInt, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(CompareIntEq, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(CompareIntGt, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(CompareIntLt, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(CompareIntGe, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(CompareIntLe, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(NegateDouble, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(AddDouble, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(SubDouble, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(MulDouble, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(DivDouble, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(CompareDoubleEq, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(CompareDoubleGt, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(CompareDoubleLt, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(CompareDoubleGe, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(CompareDoubleLe, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
// These bytecodes are only generated within the VM. Reassigning their
// opcodes is not a breaking change.
V(VMInternal_ImplicitGetter, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(VMInternal_ImplicitSetter, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(VMInternal_ImplicitStaticGetter, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(VMInternal_MethodExtractor, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(VMInternal_InvokeClosure, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(VMInternal_InvokeField, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(VMInternal_ForwardDynamicInvocation, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(VMInternal_NoSuchMethodDispatcher, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(VMInternal_ImplicitStaticClosure, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(VMInternal_ImplicitInstanceClosure, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
// clang-format on
typedef uint8_t KBCInstr;
class KernelBytecode {
// Magic value of bytecode files.
static const intptr_t kMagicValue = 0x44424332; // 'DBC2'
// Minimum bytecode format version supported by VM.
static const intptr_t kMinSupportedBytecodeFormatVersion = 10;
// Maximum bytecode format version supported by VM.
// The range of supported versions should include version produced by bytecode
// generator (currentBytecodeFormatVersion in pkg/vm/lib/bytecode/dbc.dart).
static const intptr_t kMaxSupportedBytecodeFormatVersion = 20;
enum Opcode {
#define DECLARE_BYTECODE(name, encoding, kind, op1, op2, op3) k##name,
static const char* NameOf(Opcode op) {
const char* names[] = {
#define NAME(name, encoding, kind, op1, op2, op3) #name,
#undef NAME
return names[op];
static const intptr_t kInstructionSize[];
enum SpecialIndex {
static const intptr_t kWideModifier = 1;
// Should be used only on instructions with wide variants.
DART_FORCE_INLINE static bool IsWide(const KBCInstr* instr) {
return ((DecodeOpcode(instr) & kWideModifier) != 0);
DART_FORCE_INLINE static uint8_t DecodeA(const KBCInstr* bc) { return bc[1]; }
DART_FORCE_INLINE static uint8_t DecodeB(const KBCInstr* bc) { return bc[2]; }
DART_FORCE_INLINE static uint8_t DecodeC(const KBCInstr* bc) { return bc[3]; }
DART_FORCE_INLINE static uint32_t DecodeD(const KBCInstr* bc) {
if (IsWide(bc)) {
return static_cast<uint32_t>(bc[1]) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(bc[2]) << 8) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(bc[3]) << 16) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(bc[4]) << 24);
} else {
return bc[1];
DART_FORCE_INLINE static int32_t DecodeX(const KBCInstr* bc) {
if (IsWide(bc)) {
return static_cast<int32_t>(static_cast<uint32_t>(bc[1]) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(bc[2]) << 8) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(bc[3]) << 16) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(bc[4]) << 24));
} else {
return static_cast<int8_t>(bc[1]);
DART_FORCE_INLINE static int32_t DecodeT(const KBCInstr* bc) {
if (IsWide(bc)) {
return static_cast<int32_t>((static_cast<uint32_t>(bc[1]) << 8) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(bc[2]) << 16) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(bc[3]) << 24)) >>
} else {
return static_cast<int8_t>(bc[1]);
DART_FORCE_INLINE static uint32_t DecodeE(const KBCInstr* bc) {
if (IsWide(bc)) {
return static_cast<uint32_t>(bc[2]) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(bc[3]) << 8) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(bc[4]) << 16) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(bc[5]) << 24);
} else {
return bc[2];
DART_FORCE_INLINE static int32_t DecodeY(const KBCInstr* bc) {
if (IsWide(bc)) {
return static_cast<int32_t>(static_cast<uint32_t>(bc[2]) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(bc[3]) << 8) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(bc[4]) << 16) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(bc[5]) << 24));
} else {
return static_cast<int8_t>(bc[2]);
DART_FORCE_INLINE static uint8_t DecodeF(const KBCInstr* bc) {
if (IsWide(bc)) {
return bc[5];
} else {
return bc[2];
DART_FORCE_INLINE static Opcode DecodeOpcode(const KBCInstr* bc) {
return static_cast<Opcode>(bc[0]);
DART_FORCE_INLINE static const KBCInstr* Next(const KBCInstr* bc) {
return bc + kInstructionSize[DecodeOpcode(bc)];
DART_FORCE_INLINE static uword Next(uword pc) {
return pc + kInstructionSize[DecodeOpcode(
reinterpret_cast<const KBCInstr*>(pc))];
DART_FORCE_INLINE static bool IsJumpOpcode(const KBCInstr* instr) {
switch (DecodeOpcode(instr)) {
case KernelBytecode::kJump:
case KernelBytecode::kJump_Wide:
case KernelBytecode::kJumpIfNoAsserts:
case KernelBytecode::kJumpIfNoAsserts_Wide:
case KernelBytecode::kJumpIfNotZeroTypeArgs:
case KernelBytecode::kJumpIfNotZeroTypeArgs_Wide:
case KernelBytecode::kJumpIfEqStrict:
case KernelBytecode::kJumpIfEqStrict_Wide:
case KernelBytecode::kJumpIfNeStrict:
case KernelBytecode::kJumpIfNeStrict_Wide:
case KernelBytecode::kJumpIfTrue:
case KernelBytecode::kJumpIfTrue_Wide:
case KernelBytecode::kJumpIfFalse:
case KernelBytecode::kJumpIfFalse_Wide:
case KernelBytecode::kJumpIfNull:
case KernelBytecode::kJumpIfNull_Wide:
case KernelBytecode::kJumpIfNotNull:
case KernelBytecode::kJumpIfNotNull_Wide:
case KernelBytecode::kJumpIfUnchecked:
case KernelBytecode::kJumpIfUnchecked_Wide:
return true;
return false;
DART_FORCE_INLINE static bool IsJumpIfUncheckedOpcode(const KBCInstr* instr) {
switch (DecodeOpcode(instr)) {
case KernelBytecode::kJumpIfUnchecked:
case KernelBytecode::kJumpIfUnchecked_Wide:
return true;
return false;
DART_FORCE_INLINE static bool IsLoadConstantOpcode(const KBCInstr* instr) {
switch (DecodeOpcode(instr)) {
case KernelBytecode::kLoadConstant:
case KernelBytecode::kLoadConstant_Wide:
return true;
return false;
DART_FORCE_INLINE static bool IsCheckStackOpcode(const KBCInstr* instr) {
return DecodeOpcode(instr) == KernelBytecode::kCheckStack;
DART_FORCE_INLINE static bool IsEntryOpcode(const KBCInstr* instr) {
switch (DecodeOpcode(instr)) {
case KernelBytecode::kEntry:
case KernelBytecode::kEntry_Wide:
return true;
return false;
DART_FORCE_INLINE static bool IsEntryFixedOpcode(const KBCInstr* instr) {
switch (DecodeOpcode(instr)) {
case KernelBytecode::kEntryFixed:
case KernelBytecode::kEntryFixed_Wide:
return true;
return false;
DART_FORCE_INLINE static bool IsEntryOptionalOpcode(const KBCInstr* instr) {
return DecodeOpcode(instr) == KernelBytecode::kEntryOptional;
DART_FORCE_INLINE static bool IsFrameOpcode(const KBCInstr* instr) {
switch (DecodeOpcode(instr)) {
case KernelBytecode::kFrame:
case KernelBytecode::kFrame_Wide:
return true;
return false;
DART_FORCE_INLINE static bool IsSetFrameOpcode(const KBCInstr* instr) {
return DecodeOpcode(instr) == KernelBytecode::kSetFrame;
DART_FORCE_INLINE static bool IsNativeCallOpcode(const KBCInstr* instr) {
switch (DecodeOpcode(instr)) {
case KernelBytecode::kNativeCall:
case KernelBytecode::kNativeCall_Wide:
return true;
return false;
DART_FORCE_INLINE static bool IsDebugCheckOpcode(const KBCInstr* instr) {
return DecodeOpcode(instr) == KernelBytecode::kDebugCheck;
// The interpreter, the bytecode generator, the bytecode compiler, and this
// function must agree on this list of opcodes.
// For each instruction with listed opcode:
// - The interpreter checks for a debug break.
// - The bytecode generator emits a source position.
// - The bytecode compiler may emit a DebugStepCheck call.
DART_FORCE_INLINE static bool IsDebugCheckedOpcode(const KBCInstr* instr) {
switch (DecodeOpcode(instr)) {
case KernelBytecode::kDebugCheck:
case KernelBytecode::kDirectCall:
case KernelBytecode::kDirectCall_Wide:
case KernelBytecode::kInterfaceCall:
case KernelBytecode::kInterfaceCall_Wide:
case KernelBytecode::kInstantiatedInterfaceCall:
case KernelBytecode::kInstantiatedInterfaceCall_Wide:
case KernelBytecode::kUncheckedClosureCall:
case KernelBytecode::kUncheckedClosureCall_Wide:
case KernelBytecode::kUncheckedInterfaceCall:
case KernelBytecode::kUncheckedInterfaceCall_Wide:
case KernelBytecode::kDynamicCall:
case KernelBytecode::kDynamicCall_Wide:
case KernelBytecode::kReturnTOS:
case KernelBytecode::kEqualsNull:
case KernelBytecode::kNegateInt:
case KernelBytecode::kNegateDouble:
case KernelBytecode::kAddInt:
case KernelBytecode::kSubInt:
case KernelBytecode::kMulInt:
case KernelBytecode::kTruncDivInt:
case KernelBytecode::kModInt:
case KernelBytecode::kBitAndInt:
case KernelBytecode::kBitOrInt:
case KernelBytecode::kBitXorInt:
case KernelBytecode::kShlInt:
case KernelBytecode::kShrInt:
case KernelBytecode::kCompareIntEq:
case KernelBytecode::kCompareIntGt:
case KernelBytecode::kCompareIntLt:
case KernelBytecode::kCompareIntGe:
case KernelBytecode::kCompareIntLe:
case KernelBytecode::kAddDouble:
case KernelBytecode::kSubDouble:
case KernelBytecode::kMulDouble:
case KernelBytecode::kDivDouble:
case KernelBytecode::kCompareDoubleEq:
case KernelBytecode::kCompareDoubleGt:
case KernelBytecode::kCompareDoubleLt:
case KernelBytecode::kCompareDoubleGe:
case KernelBytecode::kCompareDoubleLe:
return true;
return false;
static const uint8_t kNativeCallToGrowableListArgc = 2;
// Returns a fake return address which points after the 2-argument
// bytecode call, followed by ReturnTOS instructions.
static const KBCInstr* GetNativeCallToGrowableListReturnTrampoline();
DART_FORCE_INLINE static uint8_t DecodeArgc(const KBCInstr* ret_addr) {
// All call instructions have DF encoding, with argc being the last byte
// regardless of whether the wide variant is used or not.
return ret_addr[-1];
// Converts bytecode PC into an offset.
// For return addresses used in PcDescriptors, PC is also augmented by 1.
// TODO(regis): Eliminate this correction.
static intptr_t BytecodePcToOffset(uint32_t pc, bool is_return_address) {
return pc + (is_return_address ? 1 : 0);
static uint32_t OffsetToBytecodePc(intptr_t offset, bool is_return_address) {
return offset - (is_return_address ? 1 : 0);
static void GetVMInternalBytecodeInstructions(Opcode opcode,
const KBCInstr** instructions,
intptr_t* instructions_size);
} // namespace dart