Zichang Guo 2da2ab7218 [vm/mirrors] ClassMirror stop getting methods from mixin class
The problem is that a method from a mixin class was instantiated from a subclass of its mixin application.
Because _instantiator was passed from subclass to its superclass. When getter of declarations are called, it tries to get members from its mixin class. But instantiator were from subclass. This leads to a mismatch in type arguments.

The solution is to compute members from mixin appliation instead of mixin class.

Bug: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/37360
Change-Id: Ie23f5c907209a8639cb83b45371a31f0f19cf858
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/113740
Commit-Queue: Zichang Guo <zichangguo@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Ryan Macnak <rmacnak@google.com>
2019-08-22 17:16:54 +00:00

1506 lines
46 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// part of "mirrors_patch.dart";
var _dirty = false; // Set to true by the VM when more libraries are loaded.
class _InternalMirrorError extends Error {
final String _msg;
String toString() => _msg;
String _n(Symbol symbol) => internal.Symbol.getName(symbol);
Symbol _s(String name) {
if (name == null) return null;
return new internal.Symbol.unvalidated(name);
Symbol _computeQualifiedName(DeclarationMirror owner, Symbol simpleName) {
if (owner == null) return simpleName;
return _s('${_n(owner.qualifiedName)}.${_n(simpleName)}');
String _makeSignatureString(
TypeMirror returnType, List<ParameterMirror> parameters) {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
bool found_optional_positional = false;
bool found_optional_named = false;
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
var param = parameters[i];
if (param.isOptional && param.isNamed && !found_optional_named) {
found_optional_named = true;
if (param.isOptional && !param.isNamed && !found_optional_positional) {
found_optional_positional = true;
if (param.isNamed) {
buf.write(': ');
if (i < (parameters.length - 1)) {
buf.write(', ');
if (found_optional_named) {
if (found_optional_positional) {
buf.write(') -> ');
return buf.toString();
SourceLocation _location(reflectee) native "DeclarationMirror_location";
List<dynamic> _metadata(reflectee) native 'DeclarationMirror_metadata';
bool _subtypeTest(Type a, Type b) native 'TypeMirror_subtypeTest';
class _LocalMirrorSystem extends MirrorSystem {
final TypeMirror dynamicType = new _SpecialTypeMirror._('dynamic');
final TypeMirror voidType = new _SpecialTypeMirror._('void');
var _libraries;
Map<Uri, LibraryMirror> get libraries {
if ((_libraries == null) || _dirty) {
_libraries = new Map<Uri, LibraryMirror>();
for (LibraryMirror lib in _computeLibraries()) {
_libraries[lib.uri] = lib;
_libraries = new UnmodifiableMapView<Uri, LibraryMirror>(_libraries);
_dirty = false;
return _libraries;
static List<dynamic> _computeLibraries() native "MirrorSystem_libraries";
IsolateMirror _isolate;
IsolateMirror get isolate {
if (_isolate == null) {
_isolate = _computeIsolate();
return _isolate;
static IsolateMirror _computeIsolate() native "MirrorSystem_isolate";
String toString() => "MirrorSystem for isolate '${isolate.debugName}'";
class _SourceLocation implements SourceLocation {
_SourceLocation._(uriString, this.line, this.column)
: this.sourceUri = Uri.parse(uriString);
// Line and column positions are 1-origin, or 0 if unknown.
final int line;
final int column;
final Uri sourceUri;
String toString() {
return column == 0 ? "$sourceUri:$line" : "$sourceUri:$line:$column";
abstract class _LocalMirror implements Mirror {}
class _LocalIsolateMirror extends _LocalMirror implements IsolateMirror {
final String debugName;
final LibraryMirror rootLibrary;
_LocalIsolateMirror._(this.debugName, this.rootLibrary);
bool get isCurrent => true;
String toString() => "IsolateMirror on '$debugName'";
Future<LibraryMirror> loadUri(Uri uri) async {
var result = _loadUri(uri.toString());
if (result == null) {
// Censored library.
throw new Exception("Cannot load $uri");
return result;
static LibraryMirror _loadUri(String uri) native "IsolateMirror_loadUri";
class _SyntheticAccessor implements MethodMirror {
final DeclarationMirror owner;
final Symbol simpleName;
final bool isGetter;
final bool isStatic;
final bool isTopLevel;
final _target;
_SyntheticAccessor(this.owner, this.simpleName, this.isGetter, this.isStatic,
this.isTopLevel, this._target);
bool get isSynthetic => true;
bool get isRegularMethod => false;
bool get isOperator => false;
bool get isConstructor => false;
bool get isConstConstructor => false;
bool get isGenerativeConstructor => false;
bool get isFactoryConstructor => false;
bool get isExternal => false;
bool get isRedirectingConstructor => false;
bool get isAbstract => false;
bool get isSetter => !isGetter;
bool get isPrivate => _n(simpleName).startsWith('_');
Symbol get qualifiedName => _computeQualifiedName(owner, simpleName);
Symbol get constructorName => Symbol.empty;
TypeMirror get returnType => _target.type;
List<ParameterMirror> get parameters {
if (isGetter) return const <ParameterMirror>[];
return new UnmodifiableListView<ParameterMirror>(
<ParameterMirror>[new _SyntheticSetterParameter(this, this._target)]);
SourceLocation get location => null;
List<InstanceMirror> get metadata => const <InstanceMirror>[];
String get source => null;
class _SyntheticSetterParameter implements ParameterMirror {
final DeclarationMirror owner;
final VariableMirror _target;
_SyntheticSetterParameter(this.owner, this._target);
Symbol get simpleName => _target.simpleName;
Symbol get qualifiedName => _computeQualifiedName(owner, simpleName);
TypeMirror get type => _target.type;
bool get isOptional => false;
bool get isNamed => false;
bool get isStatic => false;
bool get isTopLevel => false;
bool get isConst => false;
bool get isFinal => true;
bool get isPrivate => false;
bool get hasDefaultValue => false;
InstanceMirror get defaultValue => null;
SourceLocation get location => null;
List<InstanceMirror> get metadata => const <InstanceMirror>[];
abstract class _LocalObjectMirror extends _LocalMirror implements ObjectMirror {
_invoke(reflectee, functionName, arguments, argumentNames);
_invokeGetter(reflectee, getterName);
_invokeSetter(reflectee, setterName, value);
final _reflectee; // May be a MirrorReference or an ordinary object.
InstanceMirror invoke(Symbol memberName, List positionalArguments,
[Map<Symbol, dynamic> namedArguments]) {
int numPositionalArguments = positionalArguments.length;
int numNamedArguments = namedArguments != null ? namedArguments.length : 0;
int numArguments = numPositionalArguments + numNamedArguments;
List arguments = new List(numArguments);
arguments.setRange(0, numPositionalArguments, positionalArguments);
List names = new List(numNamedArguments);
int argumentIndex = numPositionalArguments;
int nameIndex = 0;
if (numNamedArguments > 0) {
namedArguments.forEach((name, value) {
arguments[argumentIndex++] = value;
names[nameIndex++] = _n(name);
return reflect(this._invoke(_reflectee, _n(memberName), arguments, names));
InstanceMirror getField(Symbol memberName) {
return reflect(this._invokeGetter(_reflectee, _n(memberName)));
InstanceMirror setField(Symbol memberName, Object value) {
this._invokeSetter(_reflectee, _n(memberName), value);
return reflect(value);
delegate(Invocation invocation) {
if (invocation.isMethod) {
return this
.invoke(invocation.memberName, invocation.positionalArguments,
if (invocation.isGetter) {
return this.getField(invocation.memberName).reflectee;
if (invocation.isSetter) {
var unwrapped = _n(invocation.memberName);
var withoutEqual = _s(unwrapped.substring(0, unwrapped.length - 1));
var arg = invocation.positionalArguments[0];
this.setField(withoutEqual, arg).reflectee;
return arg;
class _LocalInstanceMirror extends _LocalObjectMirror
implements InstanceMirror {
_LocalInstanceMirror._(reflectee) : super._(reflectee);
ClassMirror _type;
ClassMirror get type {
if (_type == null) {
// Note it not safe to use reflectee.runtimeType because runtimeType may
// be overridden.
_type = reflectType(_computeType(reflectee));
return _type;
// LocalInstanceMirrors always reflect local instances
bool get hasReflectee => true;
get reflectee => _reflectee;
String toString() => 'InstanceMirror on ${Error.safeToString(_reflectee)}';
bool operator ==(other) {
return other is _LocalInstanceMirror &&
identical(_reflectee, other._reflectee);
int get hashCode {
// Avoid hash collisions with the reflectee. This constant is in Smi range
// and happens to be the inner padding from RFC 2104.
return identityHashCode(_reflectee) ^ 0x36363636;
InstanceMirror getField(Symbol memberName) {
return reflect(_invokeGetter(_reflectee, _n(memberName)));
InstanceMirror setField(Symbol memberName, arg) {
_invokeSetter(_reflectee, _n(memberName), arg);
return reflect(arg);
// Override to include the receiver in the arguments.
InstanceMirror invoke(Symbol memberName, List positionalArguments,
[Map<Symbol, dynamic> namedArguments]) {
int numPositionalArguments = positionalArguments.length + 1; // Receiver.
int numNamedArguments = namedArguments != null ? namedArguments.length : 0;
int numArguments = numPositionalArguments + numNamedArguments;
List arguments = new List(numArguments);
arguments[0] = _reflectee; // Receiver.
arguments.setRange(1, numPositionalArguments, positionalArguments);
List names = new List(numNamedArguments);
int argumentIndex = numPositionalArguments;
int nameIndex = 0;
if (numNamedArguments > 0) {
namedArguments.forEach((name, value) {
arguments[argumentIndex++] = value;
names[nameIndex++] = _n(name);
return reflect(this._invoke(_reflectee, _n(memberName), arguments, names));
_invoke(reflectee, functionName, arguments, argumentNames)
native 'InstanceMirror_invoke';
_invokeGetter(reflectee, getterName) native 'InstanceMirror_invokeGetter';
_invokeSetter(reflectee, setterName, value)
native 'InstanceMirror_invokeSetter';
static _computeType(reflectee) native 'InstanceMirror_computeType';
class _LocalClosureMirror extends _LocalInstanceMirror
implements ClosureMirror {
_LocalClosureMirror._(reflectee) : super._(reflectee);
MethodMirror _function;
MethodMirror get function {
if (_function == null) {
_function = _computeFunction(reflectee);
return _function;
InstanceMirror apply(List<Object> positionalArguments,
[Map<Symbol, Object> namedArguments]) {
return this.invoke(#call, positionalArguments, namedArguments);
String toString() => "ClosureMirror on '${Error.safeToString(_reflectee)}'";
static _computeFunction(reflectee) native 'ClosureMirror_function';
abstract class _LocalTypeMirror {
Type get _reflectedType;
class _LocalClassMirror extends _LocalObjectMirror
implements ClassMirror, _LocalTypeMirror {
final Type _reflectedType;
Symbol _simpleName;
DeclarationMirror _owner;
final bool isAbstract;
final bool _isGeneric;
// Since Dart 2, mixins are erased by kernel transformation.
// Resulting classes have this flag set, and mixed-in type is pulled into
// the end of interfaces list.
final bool _isTransformedMixinApplication;
final bool _isGenericDeclaration;
final bool isEnum;
Type _instantiator;
String simpleName,
: this._simpleName = _s(simpleName),
this._reflectedType = reflectedType,
this._instantiator = reflectedType,
bool get hasReflectedType => !_isGenericDeclaration;
Type get reflectedType {
if (!hasReflectedType) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
"Declarations of generics have no reflected type");
return _reflectedType;
Symbol get simpleName {
// All but anonymous mixin applications have their name set at construction.
if (_simpleName == null) {
_simpleName = this._mixinApplicationName;
return _simpleName;
Symbol _qualifiedName;
Symbol get qualifiedName {
if (_qualifiedName == null) {
_qualifiedName = _computeQualifiedName(owner, simpleName);
return _qualifiedName;
DeclarationMirror get owner {
if (_owner == null) {
var uri = _LocalClassMirror._libraryUri(_reflectee);
_owner = currentMirrorSystem().libraries[Uri.parse(uri)];
return _owner;
bool get isPrivate => _n(simpleName).startsWith('_');
bool get isTopLevel => true;
SourceLocation get location {
return _location(_reflectee);
_LocalClassMirror _trueSuperclassField;
_LocalClassMirror get _trueSuperclass {
if (_trueSuperclassField == null) {
Type supertype = isOriginalDeclaration
? _supertype(_reflectedType)
: _supertypeInstantiated(_reflectedType);
if (supertype == null) {
// Object has no superclass.
return null;
_trueSuperclassField = reflectType(supertype);
_trueSuperclassField._instantiator = _instantiator;
return _trueSuperclassField;
ClassMirror get superclass {
return _trueSuperclass;
var _superinterfaces;
List<ClassMirror> get superinterfaces {
if (_superinterfaces == null) {
var interfaceTypes = isOriginalDeclaration
? _nativeInterfaces(_reflectedType)
: _nativeInterfacesInstantiated(_reflectedType);
if (_isTransformedMixinApplication) {
interfaceTypes = interfaceTypes.sublist(0, interfaceTypes.length - 1);
var interfaceMirrors = new List<ClassMirror>();
for (var interfaceType in interfaceTypes) {
_superinterfaces =
new UnmodifiableListView<ClassMirror>(interfaceMirrors);
return _superinterfaces;
get _mixinApplicationName {
var mixins = new List<ClassMirror>();
var klass = this;
while (_nativeMixin(klass._reflectedType) != null) {
klass = klass.superclass;
return _s(_n(klass.qualifiedName) +
' with ' +
mixins.reversed.map((m) => _n(m.qualifiedName)).join(', '));
var _mixin;
ClassMirror get mixin {
if (_mixin == null) {
Type mixinType =
_nativeMixinInstantiated(_reflectedType, _instantiator);
if (mixinType == null) {
// The reflectee is not a mixin application.
_mixin = this;
} else {
_mixin = reflectType(mixinType);
return _mixin;
var _cachedStaticMembers;
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> get staticMembers {
if (_cachedStaticMembers == null) {
var result = new Map<Symbol, MethodMirror>();
declarations.values.forEach((decl) {
if (decl is MethodMirror && decl.isStatic && !decl.isConstructor) {
result[decl.simpleName] = decl;
if (decl is VariableMirror && decl.isStatic) {
var getterName = decl.simpleName;
result[getterName] =
new _SyntheticAccessor(this, getterName, true, true, false, decl);
if (!decl.isFinal) {
var setterName = _asSetter(decl.simpleName, this.owner);
result[setterName] = new _SyntheticAccessor(
this, setterName, false, true, false, decl);
_cachedStaticMembers =
new UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, MethodMirror>(result);
return _cachedStaticMembers;
var _cachedInstanceMembers;
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> get instanceMembers {
if (_cachedInstanceMembers == null) {
var result = new Map<Symbol, MethodMirror>();
if (superclass != null) {
declarations.values.forEach((decl) {
if (decl is MethodMirror &&
!decl.isStatic &&
!decl.isConstructor &&
!decl.isAbstract) {
result[decl.simpleName] = decl;
if (decl is VariableMirror && !decl.isStatic) {
var getterName = decl.simpleName;
result[getterName] = new _SyntheticAccessor(
this, getterName, true, false, false, decl);
if (!decl.isFinal) {
var setterName = _asSetter(decl.simpleName, this.owner);
result[setterName] = new _SyntheticAccessor(
this, setterName, false, false, false, decl);
_cachedInstanceMembers =
new UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, MethodMirror>(result);
return _cachedInstanceMembers;
Map<Symbol, DeclarationMirror> _declarations;
Map<Symbol, DeclarationMirror> get declarations {
if (_declarations != null) return _declarations;
var decls = new Map<Symbol, DeclarationMirror>();
var members = _computeMembers(mixin, _instantiator, _reflectee);
for (var member in members) {
decls[member.simpleName] = member;
var constructors = _computeConstructors(_instantiator, _reflectee);
var stringName = _n(simpleName);
for (var constructor in constructors) {
decls[constructor.simpleName] = constructor;
for (var typeVariable in typeVariables) {
decls[typeVariable.simpleName] = typeVariable;
return _declarations =
new UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, DeclarationMirror>(decls);
// Note: returns correct result only for Dart 1 anonymous mixin applications.
bool get _isAnonymousMixinApplication {
if (mixin == this) return false; // Not a mixin application.
return true;
List<TypeVariableMirror> _typeVariables;
List<TypeVariableMirror> get typeVariables {
if (_typeVariables == null) {
if (!_isTransformedMixinApplication && _isAnonymousMixinApplication) {
return _typeVariables = const <TypeVariableMirror>[];
_typeVariables = new List<TypeVariableMirror>();
List params = _ClassMirror_type_variables(_reflectee);
ClassMirror owner = originalDeclaration;
var mirror;
for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i += 2) {
mirror = new _LocalTypeVariableMirror._(params[i + 1], params[i], owner);
_typeVariables =
new UnmodifiableListView<TypeVariableMirror>(_typeVariables);
return _typeVariables;
List<TypeMirror> _typeArguments;
List<TypeMirror> get typeArguments {
if (_typeArguments == null) {
if (_isGenericDeclaration ||
(!_isTransformedMixinApplication && _isAnonymousMixinApplication)) {
_typeArguments = const <TypeMirror>[];
} else {
_typeArguments = new UnmodifiableListView<TypeMirror>(
return _typeArguments;
bool get isOriginalDeclaration => !_isGeneric || _isGenericDeclaration;
ClassMirror get originalDeclaration {
if (isOriginalDeclaration) {
return this;
} else {
return reflectClass(_reflectedType);
String toString() => "ClassMirror on '${MirrorSystem.getName(simpleName)}'";
InstanceMirror newInstance(Symbol constructorName, List positionalArguments,
[Map<Symbol, dynamic> namedArguments]) {
// Native code will add the 1 or 2 implicit arguments depending on whether
// we end up invoking a factory or constructor respectively.
int numPositionalArguments = positionalArguments.length;
int numNamedArguments = namedArguments != null ? namedArguments.length : 0;
int numArguments = numPositionalArguments + numNamedArguments;
List arguments = new List(numArguments);
arguments.setRange(0, numPositionalArguments, positionalArguments);
List names = new List(numNamedArguments);
int argumentIndex = numPositionalArguments;
int nameIndex = 0;
if (numNamedArguments > 0) {
namedArguments.forEach((name, value) {
arguments[argumentIndex++] = value;
names[nameIndex++] = _n(name);
return reflect(_invokeConstructor(
_reflectee, _reflectedType, _n(constructorName), arguments, names));
List<InstanceMirror> get metadata {
// Get the metadata objects, convert them into InstanceMirrors using
// reflect() and then make them into a Dart list.
return new UnmodifiableListView<InstanceMirror>(
bool operator ==(other) {
return this.runtimeType == other.runtimeType &&
this._reflectee == other._reflectee &&
this._reflectedType == other._reflectedType &&
this._isGenericDeclaration == other._isGenericDeclaration;
int get hashCode => simpleName.hashCode;
bool isSubtypeOf(TypeMirror other) {
if (other == currentMirrorSystem().dynamicType) return true;
if (other == currentMirrorSystem().voidType) return false;
return _subtypeTest(
_reflectedType, (other as _LocalTypeMirror)._reflectedType);
bool isAssignableTo(TypeMirror other) {
if (other == currentMirrorSystem().dynamicType) return true;
if (other == currentMirrorSystem().voidType) return false;
final otherReflectedType = (other as _LocalTypeMirror)._reflectedType;
return _subtypeTest(_reflectedType, otherReflectedType) ||
_subtypeTest(otherReflectedType, _reflectedType);
bool isSubclassOf(ClassMirror other) {
if (other is! ClassMirror) throw new ArgumentError(other);
ClassMirror otherDeclaration = other.originalDeclaration;
ClassMirror c = this;
while (c != null) {
c = c.originalDeclaration;
if (c == otherDeclaration) return true;
c = c.superclass;
return false;
static String _libraryUri(reflectee) native "ClassMirror_libraryUri";
static Type _supertype(reflectedType) native "ClassMirror_supertype";
static Type _supertypeInstantiated(reflectedType)
native "ClassMirror_supertype_instantiated";
static List<dynamic> _nativeInterfaces(reflectedType)
native "ClassMirror_interfaces";
static List<dynamic> _nativeInterfacesInstantiated(reflectedType)
native "ClassMirror_interfaces_instantiated";
static Type _nativeMixin(reflectedType) native "ClassMirror_mixin";
static Type _nativeMixinInstantiated(reflectedType, instantiator)
native "ClassMirror_mixin_instantiated";
static List<dynamic> _computeMembers(owner, reflectee, instantiator)
native "ClassMirror_members";
List<dynamic> _computeConstructors(reflectee, instantiator)
native "ClassMirror_constructors";
_invoke(reflectee, memberName, arguments, argumentNames)
native 'ClassMirror_invoke';
_invokeGetter(reflectee, getterName) native 'ClassMirror_invokeGetter';
_invokeSetter(reflectee, setterName, value) native 'ClassMirror_invokeSetter';
static _invokeConstructor(reflectee, type, constructorName, arguments,
argumentNames) native 'ClassMirror_invokeConstructor';
static List<dynamic> _ClassMirror_type_variables(reflectee)
native "ClassMirror_type_variables";
static List<dynamic> _computeTypeArguments(reflectee)
native "ClassMirror_type_arguments";
class _LocalFunctionTypeMirror extends _LocalClassMirror
implements FunctionTypeMirror {
final _functionReflectee;
_LocalFunctionTypeMirror._(reflectee, this._functionReflectee, reflectedType)
: super._(reflectee, reflectedType, null, null, false, false, false, false,
bool get _isAnonymousMixinApplication => false;
// FunctionTypeMirrors have a simpleName generated from their signature.
Symbol _simpleName;
Symbol get simpleName {
if (_simpleName == null) {
_simpleName = _s(_makeSignatureString(returnType, parameters));
return _simpleName;
MethodMirror _callMethod;
MethodMirror get callMethod {
if (_callMethod == null) {
_callMethod = _FunctionTypeMirror_call_method(_functionReflectee);
return _callMethod;
TypeMirror _returnType;
TypeMirror get returnType {
if (_returnType == null) {
_returnType =
return _returnType;
List<ParameterMirror> _parameters;
List<ParameterMirror> get parameters {
if (_parameters == null) {
_parameters = _FunctionTypeMirror_parameters(_functionReflectee)
_parameters = new UnmodifiableListView<ParameterMirror>(_parameters);
return _parameters;
bool get isOriginalDeclaration => true;
ClassMirror get originalDeclaration => this;
get typeVariables => const <TypeVariableMirror>[];
get typeArguments => const <TypeMirror>[];
get metadata => const <InstanceMirror>[];
get location => null;
String toString() => "FunctionTypeMirror on '${_n(simpleName)}'";
MethodMirror _FunctionTypeMirror_call_method(functionReflectee)
native "FunctionTypeMirror_call_method";
static Type _FunctionTypeMirror_return_type(functionReflectee)
native "FunctionTypeMirror_return_type";
List<dynamic> _FunctionTypeMirror_parameters(functionReflectee)
native "FunctionTypeMirror_parameters";
abstract class _LocalDeclarationMirror extends _LocalMirror
implements DeclarationMirror {
final _reflectee;
Symbol _simpleName;
_LocalDeclarationMirror._(this._reflectee, this._simpleName);
Symbol get simpleName => _simpleName;
Symbol _qualifiedName;
Symbol get qualifiedName {
if (_qualifiedName == null) {
_qualifiedName = _computeQualifiedName(owner, simpleName);
return _qualifiedName;
bool get isPrivate => _n(simpleName).startsWith('_');
SourceLocation get location {
return _location(_reflectee);
List<InstanceMirror> get metadata {
// Get the metadata objects, convert them into InstanceMirrors using
// reflect() and then make them into a Dart list.
return new UnmodifiableListView<InstanceMirror>(
bool operator ==(other) {
return this.runtimeType == other.runtimeType &&
this._reflectee == other._reflectee;
int get hashCode => simpleName.hashCode;
class _LocalTypeVariableMirror extends _LocalDeclarationMirror
implements TypeVariableMirror, _LocalTypeMirror {
_LocalTypeVariableMirror._(reflectee, String simpleName, this._owner)
: super._(reflectee, _s(simpleName));
DeclarationMirror _owner;
DeclarationMirror get owner {
if (_owner == null) {
_owner = (_TypeVariableMirror_owner(_reflectee) as TypeMirror)
return _owner;
bool get isStatic => false;
bool get isTopLevel => false;
TypeMirror _upperBound;
TypeMirror get upperBound {
if (_upperBound == null) {
_upperBound = reflectType(_TypeVariableMirror_upper_bound(_reflectee));
return _upperBound;
bool get hasReflectedType => false;
Type get reflectedType {
throw new UnsupportedError('Type variables have no reflected type');
Type get _reflectedType => _reflectee;
List<TypeVariableMirror> get typeVariables => const <TypeVariableMirror>[];
List<TypeMirror> get typeArguments => const <TypeMirror>[];
bool get isOriginalDeclaration => true;
TypeMirror get originalDeclaration => this;
String toString() => "TypeVariableMirror on '${_n(simpleName)}'";
operator ==(other) {
return other is TypeVariableMirror &&
simpleName == other.simpleName &&
owner == other.owner;
int get hashCode => simpleName.hashCode;
bool isSubtypeOf(TypeMirror other) {
if (other == currentMirrorSystem().dynamicType) return true;
if (other == currentMirrorSystem().voidType) return false;
return _subtypeTest(
_reflectedType, (other as _LocalTypeMirror)._reflectedType);
bool isAssignableTo(TypeMirror other) {
if (other == currentMirrorSystem().dynamicType) return true;
if (other == currentMirrorSystem().voidType) return false;
final otherReflectedType = (other as _LocalTypeMirror)._reflectedType;
return _subtypeTest(_reflectedType, otherReflectedType) ||
_subtypeTest(otherReflectedType, _reflectedType);
static DeclarationMirror _TypeVariableMirror_owner(reflectee)
native "TypeVariableMirror_owner";
static Type _TypeVariableMirror_upper_bound(reflectee)
native "TypeVariableMirror_upper_bound";
class _LocalTypedefMirror extends _LocalDeclarationMirror
implements TypedefMirror, _LocalTypeMirror {
final Type _reflectedType;
final bool _isGeneric;
final bool _isGenericDeclaration;
_LocalTypedefMirror(reflectee, this._reflectedType, String simpleName,
this._isGeneric, this._isGenericDeclaration, this._owner)
: super._(reflectee, _s(simpleName));
bool get isTopLevel => true;
DeclarationMirror _owner;
DeclarationMirror get owner {
if (_owner == null) {
var uri = _LocalClassMirror._libraryUri(_reflectee);
_owner = currentMirrorSystem().libraries[Uri.parse(uri)];
return _owner;
_LocalFunctionTypeMirror _referent;
FunctionTypeMirror get referent {
if (_referent == null) {
_referent = _nativeReferent(_reflectedType);
_referent._instantiator = _reflectedType;
return _referent;
bool get hasReflectedType => !_isGenericDeclaration;
Type get reflectedType {
if (!hasReflectedType) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
"Declarations of generics have no reflected type");
return _reflectedType;
bool get isOriginalDeclaration => !_isGeneric || _isGenericDeclaration;
TypedefMirror get originalDeclaration {
if (isOriginalDeclaration) {
return this;
} else {
return _nativeDeclaration(_reflectedType);
List<TypeVariableMirror> _typeVariables;
List<TypeVariableMirror> get typeVariables {
if (_typeVariables == null) {
_typeVariables = new List<TypeVariableMirror>();
List params = _LocalClassMirror._ClassMirror_type_variables(_reflectee);
TypedefMirror owner = originalDeclaration;
var mirror;
for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i += 2) {
mirror = new _LocalTypeVariableMirror._(params[i + 1], params[i], owner);
return _typeVariables;
List<TypeMirror> _typeArguments;
List<TypeMirror> get typeArguments {
if (_typeArguments == null) {
if (_isGenericDeclaration) {
_typeArguments = const <TypeMirror>[];
} else {
_typeArguments = new UnmodifiableListView<TypeMirror>(_LocalClassMirror
return _typeArguments;
String toString() => "TypedefMirror on '${_n(simpleName)}'";
bool isSubtypeOf(TypeMirror other) {
if (other == currentMirrorSystem().dynamicType) return true;
if (other == currentMirrorSystem().voidType) return false;
return _subtypeTest(
_reflectedType, (other as _LocalTypeMirror)._reflectedType);
bool isAssignableTo(TypeMirror other) {
if (other == currentMirrorSystem().dynamicType) return true;
if (other == currentMirrorSystem().voidType) return false;
final otherReflectedType = (other as _LocalTypeMirror)._reflectedType;
return _subtypeTest(_reflectedType, otherReflectedType) ||
_subtypeTest(otherReflectedType, _reflectedType);
static FunctionTypeMirror _nativeReferent(reflectedType)
native "TypedefMirror_referent";
static TypedefMirror _nativeDeclaration(reflectedType)
native "TypedefMirror_declaration";
Symbol _asSetter(Symbol getter, LibraryMirror library) {
var unwrapped = MirrorSystem.getName(getter);
return MirrorSystem.getSymbol('${unwrapped}=', library);
class _LocalLibraryMirror extends _LocalObjectMirror implements LibraryMirror {
final Symbol simpleName;
final Uri uri;
_LocalLibraryMirror._(reflectee, String simpleName, String url)
: this.simpleName = _s(simpleName),
this.uri = Uri.parse(url),
// The simple name and the qualified name are the same for a library.
Symbol get qualifiedName => simpleName;
DeclarationMirror get owner => null;
bool get isPrivate => false;
bool get isTopLevel => false;
Type get _instantiator => null;
Map<Symbol, DeclarationMirror> _declarations;
Map<Symbol, DeclarationMirror> get declarations {
if (_declarations != null) return _declarations;
var decls = new Map<Symbol, DeclarationMirror>();
var members = _computeMembers(_reflectee);
for (var member in members) {
decls[member.simpleName] = member;
return _declarations =
new UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, DeclarationMirror>(decls);
SourceLocation get location {
return _location(_reflectee);
List<InstanceMirror> get metadata {
// Get the metadata objects, convert them into InstanceMirrors using
// reflect() and then make them into a Dart list.
return new UnmodifiableListView<InstanceMirror>(
bool operator ==(other) {
return this.runtimeType == other.runtimeType &&
this._reflectee == other._reflectee;
int get hashCode => simpleName.hashCode;
String toString() => "LibraryMirror on '${_n(simpleName)}'";
var _cachedLibraryDependencies;
get libraryDependencies {
if (_cachedLibraryDependencies == null) {
_cachedLibraryDependencies =
new UnmodifiableListView<LibraryDependencyMirror>(
return _cachedLibraryDependencies;
List<dynamic> _libraryDependencies(reflectee)
native 'LibraryMirror_libraryDependencies';
_invoke(reflectee, memberName, arguments, argumentNames)
native 'LibraryMirror_invoke';
_invokeGetter(reflectee, getterName) native 'LibraryMirror_invokeGetter';
_invokeSetter(reflectee, setterName, value)
native 'LibraryMirror_invokeSetter';
List<dynamic> _computeMembers(reflectee) native "LibraryMirror_members";
class _LocalLibraryDependencyMirror extends _LocalMirror
implements LibraryDependencyMirror {
final LibraryMirror sourceLibrary;
var _targetMirrorOrPrefix;
final List<CombinatorMirror> combinators;
final Symbol prefix;
final bool isImport;
final bool isDeferred;
final List<InstanceMirror> metadata;
List<dynamic> mutableCombinators,
List<dynamic> unwrappedMetadata)
: prefix = _s(prefixString),
combinators = new UnmodifiableListView<CombinatorMirror>(
metadata = new UnmodifiableListView<InstanceMirror>(
bool get isExport => !isImport;
LibraryMirror get targetLibrary {
if (_targetMirrorOrPrefix is _LocalLibraryMirror) {
return _targetMirrorOrPrefix;
var mirrorOrNull = _tryUpgradePrefix(_targetMirrorOrPrefix);
if (mirrorOrNull != null) {
_targetMirrorOrPrefix = mirrorOrNull;
return mirrorOrNull;
Future<LibraryMirror> loadLibrary() {
if (_targetMirrorOrPrefix is _LocalLibraryMirror) {
return new Future.value(_targetMirrorOrPrefix);
var savedPrefix = _targetMirrorOrPrefix;
return savedPrefix.loadLibrary().then((_) {
return _tryUpgradePrefix(savedPrefix);
static LibraryMirror _tryUpgradePrefix(libraryPrefix)
native "LibraryMirror_fromPrefix";
SourceLocation get location => null;
class _LocalCombinatorMirror extends _LocalMirror implements CombinatorMirror {
final List<Symbol> identifiers;
final bool isShow;
_LocalCombinatorMirror._(identifierString, this.isShow)
: this.identifiers =
new UnmodifiableListView<Symbol>(<Symbol>[_s(identifierString)]);
bool get isHide => !isShow;
class _LocalMethodMirror extends _LocalDeclarationMirror
implements MethodMirror {
final Type _instantiator;
final bool isStatic;
final int _kindFlags;
_LocalMethodMirror._(reflectee, String simpleName, this._owner,
this._instantiator, this.isStatic, this._kindFlags)
: super._(reflectee, _s(simpleName));
static const kAbstract = 0;
static const kGetter = 1;
static const kSetter = 2;
static const kConstructor = 3;
static const kConstCtor = 4;
static const kGenerativeCtor = 5;
static const kRedirectingCtor = 6;
static const kFactoryCtor = 7;
static const kExternal = 8;
static const kSynthetic = 9;
// These offsets much be kept in sync with those in mirrors.h.
bool get isAbstract => 0 != (_kindFlags & (1 << kAbstract));
bool get isGetter => 0 != (_kindFlags & (1 << kGetter));
bool get isSetter => 0 != (_kindFlags & (1 << kSetter));
bool get isConstructor => 0 != (_kindFlags & (1 << kConstructor));
bool get isConstConstructor => 0 != (_kindFlags & (1 << kConstCtor));
bool get isGenerativeConstructor =>
0 != (_kindFlags & (1 << kGenerativeCtor));
bool get isRedirectingConstructor =>
0 != (_kindFlags & (1 << kRedirectingCtor));
bool get isFactoryConstructor => 0 != (_kindFlags & (1 << kFactoryCtor));
bool get isExternal => 0 != (_kindFlags & (1 << kExternal));
bool get isSynthetic => 0 != (_kindFlags & (1 << kSynthetic));
static const _operators = const [
"%", "&", "*", "+", "-", "/", "<", "<<", //
"<=", "==", ">", ">=", ">>", "[]", "[]=",
"^", "|", "~", "unary-", "~/",
bool get isOperator => _operators.contains(_n(simpleName));
DeclarationMirror _owner;
DeclarationMirror get owner {
// For nested closures it is possible, that the mirror for the owner has not
// been created yet.
if (_owner == null) {
_owner = _MethodMirror_owner(_reflectee, _instantiator);
return _owner;
bool get isPrivate =>
_n(simpleName).startsWith('_') || _n(constructorName).startsWith('_');
bool get isTopLevel => owner is LibraryMirror;
TypeMirror _returnType;
TypeMirror get returnType {
if (_returnType == null) {
if (isConstructor) {
_returnType = owner;
} else {
_returnType =
reflectType(_MethodMirror_return_type(_reflectee, _instantiator));
return _returnType;
List<ParameterMirror> _parameters;
List<ParameterMirror> get parameters {
if (_parameters == null) {
_parameters = new UnmodifiableListView<ParameterMirror>(
return _parameters;
bool get isRegularMethod => !isGetter && !isSetter && !isConstructor;
Symbol _constructorName;
Symbol get constructorName {
if (_constructorName == null) {
if (!isConstructor) {
_constructorName = _s('');
} else {
var parts = MirrorSystem.getName(simpleName).split('.');
if (parts.length > 2) {
throw new _InternalMirrorError(
'Internal error in MethodMirror.constructorName: '
'malformed name <$simpleName>');
} else if (parts.length == 2) {
LibraryMirror definingLibrary = owner.owner;
_constructorName = MirrorSystem.getSymbol(parts[1], definingLibrary);
} else {
_constructorName = _s('');
return _constructorName;
String get source => _MethodMirror_source(_reflectee);
void _patchConstructorName(ownerName) {
var cn = _n(constructorName);
if (cn == '') {
_simpleName = _s(ownerName);
} else {
_simpleName = _s(ownerName + "." + cn);
String toString() => "MethodMirror on '${MirrorSystem.getName(simpleName)}'";
static dynamic _MethodMirror_owner(reflectee, instantiator)
native "MethodMirror_owner";
static dynamic _MethodMirror_return_type(reflectee, instantiator)
native "MethodMirror_return_type";
List<dynamic> _MethodMirror_parameters(reflectee)
native "MethodMirror_parameters";
static String _MethodMirror_source(reflectee) native "MethodMirror_source";
class _LocalVariableMirror extends _LocalDeclarationMirror
implements VariableMirror {
final DeclarationMirror owner;
final bool isStatic;
final bool isFinal;
final bool isConst;
_LocalVariableMirror._(reflectee, String simpleName, this.owner, this._type,
this.isStatic, this.isFinal, this.isConst)
: super._(reflectee, _s(simpleName));
bool get isTopLevel => owner is LibraryMirror;
Type get _instantiator {
final o = owner; // Note: need local variable for promotion to happen.
if (o is _LocalClassMirror) {
return o._instantiator;
} else if (o is _LocalMethodMirror) {
return o._instantiator;
} else if (o is _LocalLibraryMirror) {
return o._instantiator;
} else {
throw new UnsupportedError("unexpected owner ${owner}");
TypeMirror _type;
TypeMirror get type {
if (_type == null) {
_type = reflectType(_VariableMirror_type(_reflectee, _instantiator));
return _type;
String toString() =>
"VariableMirror on '${MirrorSystem.getName(simpleName)}'";
static _VariableMirror_type(reflectee, instantiator)
native "VariableMirror_type";
class _LocalParameterMirror extends _LocalVariableMirror
implements ParameterMirror {
final int _position;
final bool isOptional;
final bool isNamed;
final List _unmirroredMetadata;
String simpleName,
DeclarationMirror owner,
bool isFinal,
: super._(
null, // We override the type.
false, // isStatic does not apply.
false // Not const.
Object _defaultValueReflectee;
InstanceMirror _defaultValue;
InstanceMirror get defaultValue {
if (!isOptional) {
return null;
if (_defaultValue == null) {
_defaultValue = reflect(_defaultValueReflectee);
return _defaultValue;
bool get hasDefaultValue => _defaultValueReflectee != null;
SourceLocation get location {
throw new UnsupportedError("ParameterMirror.location unimplemented");
List<InstanceMirror> get metadata {
if (_unmirroredMetadata == null) return const <InstanceMirror>[];
return new UnmodifiableListView<InstanceMirror>(
TypeMirror _type;
TypeMirror get type {
if (_type == null) {
_type = reflectType(
_ParameterMirror_type(_reflectee, _position, _instantiator));
return _type;
String toString() => "ParameterMirror on '${_n(simpleName)}'";
static Type _ParameterMirror_type(_reflectee, _position, instantiator)
native "ParameterMirror_type";
class _SpecialTypeMirror extends _LocalMirror
implements TypeMirror, DeclarationMirror {
final Symbol simpleName;
_SpecialTypeMirror._(String name) : simpleName = _s(name);
bool get isPrivate => false;
bool get isTopLevel => true;
DeclarationMirror get owner => null;
SourceLocation get location => null;
List<InstanceMirror> get metadata => const <InstanceMirror>[];
bool get hasReflectedType => simpleName == #dynamic;
Type get reflectedType {
if (simpleName == #dynamic) return dynamic;
throw new UnsupportedError("void has no reflected type");
List<TypeVariableMirror> get typeVariables => const <TypeVariableMirror>[];
List<TypeMirror> get typeArguments => const <TypeMirror>[];
bool get isOriginalDeclaration => true;
TypeMirror get originalDeclaration => this;
Symbol get qualifiedName => simpleName;
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is! _SpecialTypeMirror) {
return false;
return this.simpleName == other.simpleName;
int get hashCode => simpleName.hashCode;
String toString() => "TypeMirror on '${_n(simpleName)}'";
bool isSubtypeOf(TypeMirror other) {
return simpleName == #dynamic || other is _SpecialTypeMirror;
bool isAssignableTo(TypeMirror other) {
return simpleName == #dynamic || other is _SpecialTypeMirror;
class _Mirrors {
static MirrorSystem _currentMirrorSystem = new _LocalMirrorSystem();
static MirrorSystem currentMirrorSystem() {
return _currentMirrorSystem;
// Creates a new local mirror for some Object.
static InstanceMirror reflect(Object reflectee) {
return reflectee is Function
? new _LocalClosureMirror._(reflectee)
: new _LocalInstanceMirror._(reflectee);
static ClassMirror _makeLocalClassMirror(Type key)
native "Mirrors_makeLocalClassMirror";
static TypeMirror _makeLocalTypeMirror(Type key)
native "Mirrors_makeLocalTypeMirror";
static Type _instantiateGenericType(Type key, typeArguments)
native "Mirrors_instantiateGenericType";
static Expando<_LocalClassMirror> _declarationCache =
new Expando("ClassMirror");
static Expando<TypeMirror> _instantiationCache = new Expando("TypeMirror");
static ClassMirror reflectClass(Type key) {
var classMirror = _declarationCache[key];
if (classMirror == null) {
classMirror = _makeLocalClassMirror(key);
_declarationCache[key] = classMirror;
if (!classMirror._isGeneric) {
_instantiationCache[key] = classMirror;
return classMirror;
static TypeMirror reflectType(Type key, [List<Type> typeArguments]) {
if (typeArguments != null) {
key = _instantiateType(key, typeArguments);
var typeMirror = _instantiationCache[key];
if (typeMirror == null) {
typeMirror = _makeLocalTypeMirror(key);
_instantiationCache[key] = typeMirror;
if (typeMirror is _LocalClassMirror && !typeMirror._isGeneric) {
_declarationCache[key] = typeMirror;
return typeMirror;
static Type _instantiateType(Type key, List<Type> typeArguments) {
if (typeArguments.isEmpty) {
throw new ArgumentError.value(typeArguments, 'typeArguments',
'Type arguments list cannot be empty.');
return _instantiateGenericType(key, typeArguments.toList(growable: false));