Ryan Macnak 523aa97ea1 [vm] Prevent reinterpreting object null as a send port capability.
Also ensure that allocated port ids and well-formed object pointers are disjoint.

Bug: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/37234
Change-Id: I15328c1ba34f2995089f084e8889b110507c4dbf
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/107223
Commit-Queue: Ryan Macnak <rmacnak@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Siva Annamalai <asiva@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Régis Crelier <regis@google.com>
2019-06-26 00:17:04 +00:00

709 lines
20 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Note: the VM concatenates all patch files into a single patch file. This
/// file is the first patch in "dart:isolate" which contains all the imports
/// used by patches of that library. We plan to change this when we have a
/// shared front end and simply use parts.
import "dart:_internal" show ClassID, VMLibraryHooks, patch;
import "dart:async"
show Completer, Future, Stream, StreamController, StreamSubscription, Timer;
import "dart:collection" show HashMap;
import "dart:typed_data" show ByteBuffer, TypedData, Uint8List;
/// These are the additional parts of this patch library:
// part "timer_impl.dart";
class ReceivePort {
factory ReceivePort() => new _ReceivePortImpl();
factory ReceivePort.fromRawReceivePort(RawReceivePort rawPort) {
return new _ReceivePortImpl.fromRawReceivePort(rawPort);
class Capability {
factory Capability() => new _CapabilityImpl();
class _CapabilityImpl implements Capability {
factory _CapabilityImpl() native "CapabilityImpl_factory";
bool operator ==(var other) {
return (other is _CapabilityImpl) && _equals(other);
int get hashCode {
return _get_hashcode();
_equals(other) native "CapabilityImpl_equals";
_get_hashcode() native "CapabilityImpl_get_hashcode";
class RawReceivePort {
* Opens a long-lived port for receiving messages.
* A [RawReceivePort] is low level and does not work with [Zone]s. It
* can not be paused. The data-handler must be set before the first
* event is received.
factory RawReceivePort([Function handler]) {
_RawReceivePortImpl result = new _RawReceivePortImpl();
result.handler = handler;
return result;
class _ReceivePortImpl extends Stream implements ReceivePort {
_ReceivePortImpl() : this.fromRawReceivePort(new RawReceivePort());
_ReceivePortImpl.fromRawReceivePort(this._rawPort) {
_controller = new StreamController(onCancel: close, sync: true);
_rawPort.handler = _controller.add;
SendPort get sendPort {
return _rawPort.sendPort;
StreamSubscription listen(void onData(var message),
{Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError}) {
return _controller.stream.listen(onData,
onError: onError, onDone: onDone, cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
close() {
final RawReceivePort _rawPort;
StreamController _controller;
typedef void _ImmediateCallback();
/// The callback that has been registered through `scheduleImmediate`.
_ImmediateCallback _pendingImmediateCallback;
/// The closure that should be used as scheduleImmediateClosure, when the VM
/// is responsible for the event loop.
void _isolateScheduleImmediate(void callback()) {
assert((_pendingImmediateCallback == null) ||
(_pendingImmediateCallback == callback));
_pendingImmediateCallback = callback;
@pragma("vm:entry-point", "call")
void _runPendingImmediateCallback() {
if (_pendingImmediateCallback != null) {
var callback = _pendingImmediateCallback;
_pendingImmediateCallback = null;
_ImmediateCallback _removePendingImmediateCallback() {
var callback = _pendingImmediateCallback;
_pendingImmediateCallback = null;
return callback;
/// The embedder can execute this function to get hold of
/// [_isolateScheduleImmediate] above.
@pragma("vm:entry-point", "call")
Function _getIsolateScheduleImmediateClosure() {
return _isolateScheduleImmediate;
class _RawReceivePortImpl implements RawReceivePort {
factory _RawReceivePortImpl() native "RawReceivePortImpl_factory";
close() {
// Close the port and remove it from the handler map.
SendPort get sendPort {
return _get_sendport();
bool operator ==(var other) {
return (other is _RawReceivePortImpl) &&
(this._get_id() == other._get_id());
int get hashCode {
return sendPort.hashCode;
/**** Internal implementation details ****/
_get_id() native "RawReceivePortImpl_get_id";
_get_sendport() native "RawReceivePortImpl_get_sendport";
// Called from the VM to retrieve the handler for a message.
@pragma("vm:entry-point", "call")
static _lookupHandler(int id) {
var result = _handlerMap[id];
return result;
// Called from the VM to dispatch to the handler.
@pragma("vm:entry-point", "call")
static void _handleMessage(Function handler, var message) {
// TODO(floitsch): this relies on the fact that any exception aborts the
// VM. Once we have non-fatal global exceptions we need to catch errors
// so that we can run the immediate callbacks.
// Call into the VM to close the VM maintained mappings.
_closeInternal() native "RawReceivePortImpl_closeInternal";
void set handler(Function value) {
_handlerMap[this._get_id()] = value;
// TODO(iposva): Ideally keep this map in the VM.
// id to handler mapping.
static _initHandlerMap() {
// TODO(18511): Workaround bad CheckSmi hoisting.
var tempMap = new HashMap();
// Collect feedback that not all keys are Smis.
tempMap["."] = 1;
tempMap["."] = 2;
return new HashMap();
static final Map _handlerMap = _initHandlerMap();
class _SendPortImpl implements SendPort {
factory _SendPortImpl._uninstantiable() {
throw "Unreachable";
/*--- public interface ---*/
@pragma("vm:entry-point", "call")
void send(var message) {
bool operator ==(var other) {
return (other is _SendPortImpl) && (this._get_id() == other._get_id());
int get hashCode {
return _get_hashcode();
/*--- private implementation ---*/
_get_id() native "SendPortImpl_get_id";
_get_hashcode() native "SendPortImpl_get_hashcode";
// Forward the implementation of sending messages to the VM.
void _sendInternal(var message) native "SendPortImpl_sendInternal_";
typedef _NullaryFunction();
typedef _UnaryFunction(Null args);
typedef _BinaryFunction(Null args, Null message);
* Takes the real entry point as argument and invokes it with the
* initial message. Defers execution of the entry point until the
* isolate is in the message loop.
@pragma("vm:entry-point", "call")
void _startMainIsolate(Function entryPoint, List<String> args) {
null, // no parent port
null, // no message
true, // isSpawnUri
null, // no control port
null); // no capabilities
* Returns the _startMainIsolate function. This closurization allows embedders
* to setup trampolines to the main function. This workaround can be removed
* once support for @pragma("vm:entry_point", "get") as documented in
* https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/35720 lands.
@pragma("vm:entry-point", "call")
Function _getStartMainIsolateFunction() {
return _startMainIsolate;
* Takes the real entry point as argument and invokes it with the initial
* message.
@pragma("vm:entry-point", "call")
void _startIsolate(
SendPort parentPort,
Function entryPoint,
List<String> args,
var message,
bool isSpawnUri,
RawReceivePort controlPort,
List capabilities) {
// The control port (aka the main isolate port) does not handle any messages.
if (controlPort != null) {
controlPort.handler = (_) {}; // Nobody home on the control port.
if (parentPort != null) {
// Build a message to our parent isolate providing access to the
// current isolate's control port and capabilities.
// TODO(floitsch): Send an error message if we can't find the entry point.
var readyMessage = new List(2);
readyMessage[0] = controlPort.sendPort;
readyMessage[1] = capabilities;
// Out of an excess of paranoia we clear the capabilities from the
// stack. Not really necessary.
capabilities = null;
assert(capabilities == null);
// Delay all user code handling to the next run of the message loop. This
// allows us to intercept certain conditions in the event dispatch, such as
// starting in paused state.
RawReceivePort port = new RawReceivePort();
port.handler = (_) {
if (isSpawnUri) {
if (entryPoint is _BinaryFunction) {
(entryPoint as dynamic)(args, message);
} else if (entryPoint is _UnaryFunction) {
(entryPoint as dynamic)(args);
} else {
} else {
// Make sure the message handler is triggered.
class Isolate {
static final _currentIsolate = _getCurrentIsolate();
static final _rootUri = _getCurrentRootUri();
static Isolate get current => _currentIsolate;
String get debugName => _getDebugName(controlPort);
static Future<Uri> get packageRoot {
var hook = VMLibraryHooks.packageRootUriFuture;
if (hook == null) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Isolate.packageRoot");
return hook();
static Future<Uri> get packageConfig {
var hook = VMLibraryHooks.packageConfigUriFuture;
if (hook == null) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Isolate.packageConfig");
return hook();
static Future<Uri> resolvePackageUri(Uri packageUri) {
var hook = VMLibraryHooks.resolvePackageUriFuture;
if (hook == null) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Isolate.resolvePackageUri");
return hook(packageUri);
static bool _packageSupported() =>
(VMLibraryHooks.packageRootUriFuture != null) &&
(VMLibraryHooks.packageConfigUriFuture != null) &&
(VMLibraryHooks.resolvePackageUriFuture != null);
static Future<Isolate> spawn<T>(void entryPoint(T message), T message,
{bool paused: false,
bool errorsAreFatal,
SendPort onExit,
SendPort onError,
String debugName}) async {
// `paused` isn't handled yet.
RawReceivePort readyPort;
try {
// Check for the type of `entryPoint` on the spawning isolate to make
// error-handling easier.
if (entryPoint is! _UnaryFunction) {
throw new ArgumentError(entryPoint);
// The VM will invoke [_startIsolate] with entryPoint as argument.
readyPort = new RawReceivePort();
// We do not inherit the package config settings from the parent isolate,
// instead we use the values that were set on the command line.
var packageConfig = VMLibraryHooks.packageConfigString;
var script = VMLibraryHooks.platformScript;
if (script == null) {
// We do not have enough information to support spawning the new
// isolate.
throw new UnsupportedError("Isolate.spawn");
if (script.scheme == "package") {
script = await Isolate.resolvePackageUri(script);
return await _spawnCommon(readyPort);
} catch (e, st) {
if (readyPort != null) {
return await new Future<Isolate>.error(e, st);
static Future<Isolate> spawnUri(Uri uri, List<String> args, var message,
{bool paused: false,
SendPort onExit,
SendPort onError,
bool errorsAreFatal,
bool checked,
Map<String, String> environment,
Uri packageRoot,
Uri packageConfig,
bool automaticPackageResolution: false,
String debugName}) async {
RawReceivePort readyPort;
if (environment != null) {
throw new UnimplementedError("environment");
// Verify that no mutually exclusive arguments have been passed.
if (automaticPackageResolution) {
if (packageRoot != null) {
throw new ArgumentError("Cannot simultaneously request "
"automaticPackageResolution and specify a"
if (packageConfig != null) {
throw new ArgumentError("Cannot simultaneously request "
"automaticPackageResolution and specify a"
} else {
if ((packageRoot != null) && (packageConfig != null)) {
throw new ArgumentError("Cannot simultaneously specify a "
"packageRoot and a packageConfig.");
try {
// Resolve the uri against the current isolate's root Uri first.
var spawnedUri = _rootUri.resolveUri(uri);
// Inherit this isolate's package resolution setup if not overridden.
if (!automaticPackageResolution &&
(packageRoot == null) &&
(packageConfig == null)) {
if (Isolate._packageSupported()) {
packageRoot = await Isolate.packageRoot;
packageConfig = await Isolate.packageConfig;
// Ensure to resolve package: URIs being handed in as parameters.
if (packageRoot != null) {
// `packages/` directory is no longer supported. Force it null.
// TODO(mfairhurst) Should this throw an exception?
packageRoot = null;
} else if (packageConfig != null) {
// Avoid calling resolvePackageUri if not strictly necessary in case
// the API is not supported.
if (packageConfig.scheme == "package") {
packageConfig = await Isolate.resolvePackageUri(packageConfig);
// The VM will invoke [_startIsolate] and not `main`.
readyPort = new RawReceivePort();
var packageRootString = packageRoot?.toString();
var packageConfigString = packageConfig?.toString();
/* environment */
return await _spawnCommon(readyPort);
} catch (e) {
if (readyPort != null) {
static Future<Isolate> _spawnCommon(RawReceivePort readyPort) {
Completer completer = new Completer<Isolate>.sync();
readyPort.handler = (readyMessage) {
if (readyMessage is List && readyMessage.length == 2) {
SendPort controlPort = readyMessage[0];
List capabilities = readyMessage[1];
completer.complete(new Isolate(controlPort,
pauseCapability: capabilities[0],
terminateCapability: capabilities[1]));
} else if (readyMessage is String) {
// We encountered an error while starting the new isolate.
completer.completeError(new IsolateSpawnException(
'Unable to spawn isolate: ${readyMessage}'));
} else {
// This shouldn't happen.
completer.completeError(new IsolateSpawnException(
"Internal error: unexpected format for ready message: "
return completer.future;
// TODO(iposva): Cleanup to have only one definition.
// These values need to be kept in sync with the class IsolateMessageHandler
// in vm/isolate.cc.
static const _PAUSE = 1;
static const _RESUME = 2;
static const _PING = 3;
static const _KILL = 4;
static const _ADD_EXIT = 5;
static const _DEL_EXIT = 6;
static const _ADD_ERROR = 7;
static const _DEL_ERROR = 8;
static const _ERROR_FATAL = 9;
static void _spawnFunction(
SendPort readyPort,
String uri,
Function topLevelFunction,
var message,
bool paused,
bool errorsAreFatal,
SendPort onExit,
SendPort onError,
String packageRoot,
String packageConfig,
String debugName) native "Isolate_spawnFunction";
static void _spawnUri(
SendPort readyPort,
String uri,
List<String> args,
var message,
bool paused,
SendPort onExit,
SendPort onError,
bool errorsAreFatal,
bool checked,
List environment,
String packageRoot,
String packageConfig,
String debugName) native "Isolate_spawnUri";
static void _sendOOB(port, msg) native "Isolate_sendOOB";
static String _getDebugName(SendPort controlPort)
native "Isolate_getDebugName";
void _pause(Capability resumeCapability) {
var msg = new List(4)
..[0] = 0 // Make room for OOB message type.
..[1] = _PAUSE
..[2] = pauseCapability
..[3] = resumeCapability;
_sendOOB(controlPort, msg);
void resume(Capability resumeCapability) {
var msg = new List(4)
..[0] = 0 // Make room for OOB message type.
..[1] = _RESUME
..[2] = pauseCapability
..[3] = resumeCapability;
_sendOOB(controlPort, msg);
void addOnExitListener(SendPort responsePort, {Object response}) {
var msg = new List(4)
..[0] = 0 // Make room for OOB message type.
..[1] = _ADD_EXIT
..[2] = responsePort
..[3] = response;
_sendOOB(controlPort, msg);
void removeOnExitListener(SendPort responsePort) {
var msg = new List(3)
..[0] = 0 // Make room for OOB message type.
..[1] = _DEL_EXIT
..[2] = responsePort;
_sendOOB(controlPort, msg);
void setErrorsFatal(bool errorsAreFatal) {
var msg = new List(4)
..[0] = 0 // Make room for OOB message type.
..[1] = _ERROR_FATAL
..[2] = terminateCapability
..[3] = errorsAreFatal;
_sendOOB(controlPort, msg);
void kill({int priority: beforeNextEvent}) {
var msg = new List(4)
..[0] = 0 // Make room for OOB message type.
..[1] = _KILL
..[2] = terminateCapability
..[3] = priority;
_sendOOB(controlPort, msg);
void ping(SendPort responsePort, {Object response, int priority: immediate}) {
var msg = new List(5)
..[0] = 0 // Make room for OOM message type.
..[1] = _PING
..[2] = responsePort
..[3] = priority
..[4] = response;
_sendOOB(controlPort, msg);
void addErrorListener(SendPort port) {
var msg = new List(3)
..[0] = 0 // Make room for OOB message type.
..[1] = _ADD_ERROR
..[2] = port;
_sendOOB(controlPort, msg);
void removeErrorListener(SendPort port) {
var msg = new List(3)
..[0] = 0 // Make room for OOB message type.
..[1] = _DEL_ERROR
..[2] = port;
_sendOOB(controlPort, msg);
static Isolate _getCurrentIsolate() {
List portAndCapabilities = _getPortAndCapabilitiesOfCurrentIsolate();
return new Isolate(portAndCapabilities[0],
pauseCapability: portAndCapabilities[1],
terminateCapability: portAndCapabilities[2]);
static List _getPortAndCapabilitiesOfCurrentIsolate()
native "Isolate_getPortAndCapabilitiesOfCurrentIsolate";
static Uri _getCurrentRootUri() {
try {
return Uri.parse(_getCurrentRootUriStr());
} catch (e) {
return null;
static String _getCurrentRootUriStr() native "Isolate_getCurrentRootUriStr";
abstract class TransferableTypedData {
factory TransferableTypedData.fromList(List<TypedData> chunks) {
if (chunks == null) {
throw ArgumentError(chunks);
final int cid = ClassID.getID(chunks);
if (cid != ClassID.cidArray &&
cid != ClassID.cidGrowableObjectArray &&
cid != ClassID.cidImmutableArray) {
chunks = List.unmodifiable(chunks);
return _TransferableTypedDataImpl(chunks);
class _TransferableTypedDataImpl implements TransferableTypedData {
factory _TransferableTypedDataImpl(List<TypedData> list)
native "TransferableTypedData_factory";
ByteBuffer materialize() {
return _materializeIntoUint8List().buffer;
Uint8List _materializeIntoUint8List()
native "TransferableTypedData_materialize";