2015-03-18 19:22:53 +00:00

1017 lines
39 KiB
Executable file

# Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import copy
import database
import logging
import monitored
import multiprocessing
import os
import os.path
import re
import sys
import tempfile
import time
import traceback
import idl_validator
import compiler
import compute_interfaces_info_individual
from compute_interfaces_info_individual import compute_info_individual, info_individual
import compute_interfaces_info_overall
from compute_interfaces_info_overall import compute_interfaces_info_overall, interfaces_info
import idl_definitions
from idlnode import *
_logger = logging.getLogger('databasebuilder')
# Used in source annotations to specify the parent interface declaring
# a displaced declaration. The 'via' attribute specifies the parent interface
# which implements a displaced declaration.
class DatabaseBuilderOptions(object):
"""Used in specifying options when importing new interfaces"""
def __init__(self,
source=None, source_attributes={},
idl_defines -- list of definitions for the idl gcc pre-processor
source -- the origin of the IDL file, used for annotating the
source_attributes -- this map of attributes is used as
annotation attributes.
rename_operation_arguments_on_merge -- if True, will rename
operation arguments when merging using the new name rather
than the old.
add_new_interfaces -- when False, if an interface is a new
addition, it will be ignored.
obsolete_old_declarations -- when True, if a declaration
from a certain source is not re-declared, it will be removed.
self.source = source
self.source_attributes = source_attributes
self.idl_defines = idl_defines
self.rename_operation_arguments_on_merge = \
self.add_new_interfaces = add_new_interfaces
self.obsolete_old_declarations = obsolete_old_declarations
def format_exception(e):
exception_list = traceback.format_stack()
exception_list = exception_list[:-2]
exception_list.extend(traceback.format_exception_only(sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]))
exception_str = "Traceback (most recent call last):\n"
exception_str += "".join(exception_list)
# Removing the last \n
exception_str = exception_str[:-1]
return exception_str
# Compile IDL using Blink's IDL compiler.
def _compile_idl_file(build, file_name, import_options):
idl_file_fullpath = os.path.realpath(file_name)
idl_definition = build.idl_compiler.compile_file(idl_file_fullpath)
return idl_definition
except Exception as err:
print 'ERROR: idl_compiler.py: ' + os.path.basename(file_name)
print err
print 'Stack Dump:'
print format_exception(err)
return 1
# Create the Model (IDLFile) from the new AST of the compiled IDL file.
def _load_idl_file(build, file_name, import_options):
# Compute interface name from IDL filename (it's one for one in WebKit).
name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_name))[0]
idl_definition = new_asts[name]
return IDLFile(idl_definition, file_name)
except Exception as err:
print 'ERROR: loading AST from cache: ' + os.path.basename(file_name)
print err
print 'Stack Dump:'
print format_exception(err)
return 1
# New IDL parser builder.
class Build():
def __init__(self, provider):
# TODO(terry): Consider using the generator to do the work today we're
# driven by the databasebuilder. Blink compiler requires
# an output directory even though we don't use (yet). Might
# use the code generator portion of the new IDL compiler
# then we'd have a real output directory. Today we use the
# compiler to only create an AST.
self.output_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
attrib_file = os.path.join('Source', idl_validator.EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES_FILENAME)
# Create compiler.
self.idl_compiler = compiler.IdlCompilerDart(self.output_directory,
def format_exception(self, e):
exception_list = traceback.format_stack()
exception_list = exception_list[:-2]
exception_list.extend(traceback.format_exception_only(sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]))
exception_str = "Traceback (most recent call last):\n"
exception_str += "".join(exception_list)
# Removing the last \n
exception_str = exception_str[:-1]
return exception_str
def generate_from_idl(self, idl_file):
idl_file_fullpath = os.path.realpath(idl_file)
except Exception as err:
print 'ERROR: idl_compiler.py: ' + os.path.basename(idl_file)
print err
print 'Stack Dump:'
print self.format_exception(err)
return 1
return IDLFile(idl_ast, file_name)
class DatabaseBuilder(object):
def __init__(self, database):
"""DatabaseBuilder is used for importing and merging interfaces into
the Database"""
self._database = database
self._imported_interfaces = []
self._impl_stmts = []
self.conditionals_met = set()
# Spin up the new IDL parser.
self.build = Build(None)
# Global typedef to mapping.
self.global_type_defs = monitored.Dict('databasebuilder.global_type_defs', {
'Transferable' : 'MessagePort',
# TODO(terry): Consider keeping richer type information (e.g.,
# IdlArrayOrSequenceType from the Blink parser) instead of just
# a type name.
def _resolve_type_defs(self, idl_file):
for type_node in idl_file.all(IDLType):
type_name = type_node.id
for typedef in self.global_type_defs:
seq_name_typedef = 'sequence<%s>' % typedef
if type_name == typedef:
type_node.id = self.global_type_defs[typedef]
elif type_name == seq_name_typedef:
type_node.id = 'sequence<%s>' % self.global_type_defs[typedef]
def _strip_ext_attributes(self, idl_file):
"""Strips unuseful extended attributes."""
for ext_attrs in idl_file.all(IDLExtAttrs):
# TODO: Decide which attributes are uninteresting.
def _rename_types(self, idl_file, import_options):
"""Rename interface and type names with names provided in the
options. Also clears scopes from scoped names"""
strip_modules = lambda name: name.split('::')[-1]
def rename_node(idl_node):
def rename_ext_attrs(ext_attrs_node):
for type_valued_attribute_name in ['DartSupplemental']:
if type_valued_attribute_name in ext_attrs_node:
value = ext_attrs_node[type_valued_attribute_name]
if isinstance(value, str):
ext_attrs_node[type_valued_attribute_name] = strip_modules(value)
map(rename_node, idl_file.all(IDLInterface))
map(rename_node, idl_file.all(IDLType))
map(rename_ext_attrs, idl_file.all(IDLExtAttrs))
def _annotate(self, interface, import_options):
"""Adds @ annotations based on the source and source_attributes
members of import_options."""
source = import_options.source
if not source:
def add_source_annotation(idl_node):
annotation = IDLAnnotation(
idl_node.annotations[source] = annotation
if ((isinstance(idl_node, IDLInterface) or
isinstance(idl_node, IDLMember)) and
annotation['suppressed'] = None
map(add_source_annotation, interface.parents)
map(add_source_annotation, interface.constants)
map(add_source_annotation, interface.attributes)
map(add_source_annotation, interface.operations)
def _sign(self, node):
"""Computes a unique signature for the node, for merging purposed, by
concatenating types and names in the declaration."""
if isinstance(node, IDLType):
res = node.id
if res.startswith('unsigned '):
res = res[len('unsigned '):]
return res
res = []
if isinstance(node, IDLInterface):
res = ['interface', node.id]
elif isinstance(node, IDLParentInterface):
res = ['parent', self._sign(node.type)]
elif isinstance(node, IDLOperation):
res = ['op']
for special in node.specials:
if node.id is not None:
for arg in node.arguments:
elif isinstance(node, IDLAttribute):
res = []
if node.is_read_only:
elif isinstance(node, IDLConstant):
res = []
raise TypeError("Can't sign input of type %s" % type(node))
return ':'.join(res)
def _build_signatures_map(self, idl_node_list):
"""Creates a hash table mapping signatures to idl_nodes for the
given list of nodes"""
res = {}
for idl_node in idl_node_list:
sig = self._sign(idl_node)
if sig is None:
if sig in res:
op = res[sig]
# Only report if the the operations that match are either both suppressed
# or both not suppressed. Optional args aren't part of type signature
# for this routine. Suppressing a non-optional type and supplementing
# with an optional type appear the same.
if idl_node.is_fc_suppressed == op.is_fc_suppressed:
raise RuntimeError('Warning: Multiple members have the same '
' signature: "%s"' % sig)
res[sig] = idl_node
return res
def _get_parent_interfaces(self, interface):
"""Return a list of all the parent interfaces of a given interface"""
res = []
def recurse(current_interface):
if current_interface in res:
for parent in current_interface.parents:
parent_name = parent.type.id
if self._database.HasInterface(parent_name):
return res[1:]
def _merge_ext_attrs(self, old_attrs, new_attrs):
"""Merges two sets of extended attributes.
Returns: True if old_attrs has changed.
changed = False
for (name, value) in new_attrs.items():
if name in old_attrs and old_attrs[name] == value:
pass # Identical
if name == 'ImplementedAs' and name in old_attrs:
old_attrs[name] = value
changed = True
return changed
def _merge_nodes(self, old_list, new_list, import_options):
"""Merges two lists of nodes. Annotates nodes with the source of each
True if the old_list has changed.
old_list -- the list to merge into.
new_list -- list containing more nodes.
import_options -- controls how merging is done.
changed = False
source = import_options.source
old_signatures_map = self._build_signatures_map(old_list)
new_signatures_map = self._build_signatures_map(new_list)
# Merge new items
for (sig, new_node) in new_signatures_map.items():
if sig not in old_signatures_map:
# New node:
changed = True
# Merge old and new nodes:
old_node = old_signatures_map[sig]
if (source not in old_node.annotations
and source in new_node.annotations):
old_node.annotations[source] = new_node.annotations[source]
changed = True
# Maybe rename arguments:
if isinstance(old_node, IDLOperation):
for i in range(0, len(old_node.arguments)):
old_arg = old_node.arguments[i]
new_arg = new_node.arguments[i]
old_arg_name = old_arg.id
new_arg_name = new_arg.id
if (old_arg_name != new_arg_name
and (old_arg_name == 'arg'
or old_arg_name.endswith('Arg')
or import_options.rename_operation_arguments_on_merge)):
old_node.arguments[i].id = new_arg_name
changed = True
if self._merge_ext_attrs(old_arg.ext_attrs, new_arg.ext_attrs):
changed = True
# Merge in [Default=Undefined] and DOMString a = null handling in
# IDL. The IDL model (IDLArgument) coalesces these two different
# default value syntaxes into the default_value* models.
old_default_value = old_arg.default_value
new_default_value = new_arg.default_value
old_default_value_is_null = old_arg.default_value_is_null
new_default_value_is_null = new_arg.default_value_is_null
if old_default_value != new_default_value:
old_arg.default_value = new_default_value
changed = True
if old_default_value_is_null != new_default_value_is_null:
old_arg.default_value_is_null = new_default_value_is_null
changed = True
# Merge in any optional argument differences.
old_optional = old_arg.optional
new_optional = new_arg.optional
if old_optional != new_optional:
old_arg.optional = new_optional
changed = True
# Maybe merge annotations:
if (isinstance(old_node, IDLAttribute) or
isinstance(old_node, IDLOperation)):
if self._merge_ext_attrs(old_node.ext_attrs, new_node.ext_attrs):
changed = True
# Remove annotations on obsolete items from the same source
if import_options.obsolete_old_declarations:
for (sig, old_node) in old_signatures_map.items():
if (source in old_node.annotations
and sig not in new_signatures_map):
_logger.warn('%s not available in %s anymore' %
(sig, source))
del old_node.annotations[source]
changed = True
return changed
def _merge_interfaces(self, old_interface, new_interface, import_options):
"""Merges the new_interface into the old_interface, annotating the
interface with the sources of each change."""
changed = False
source = import_options.source
if (source and source not in old_interface.annotations and
source in new_interface.annotations and
not new_interface.is_supplemental):
old_interface.annotations[source] = new_interface.annotations[source]
changed = True
def merge_list(what):
old_list = old_interface.__dict__[what]
new_list = new_interface.__dict__[what]
if what != 'parents' and old_interface.id != new_interface.id:
for node in new_list:
node.doc_js_interface_name = old_interface.id
node.ext_attrs['ImplementedBy'] = new_interface.id
changed = self._merge_nodes(old_list, new_list, import_options)
# Delete list items with zero remaining annotations.
if changed and import_options.obsolete_old_declarations:
def has_annotations(idl_node):
return len(idl_node.annotations)
old_interface.__dict__[what] = filter(has_annotations, old_list)
return changed
# Smartly merge various declarations:
if merge_list('parents'):
changed = True
if merge_list('constants'):
changed = True
if merge_list('attributes'):
changed = True
if merge_list('operations'):
changed = True
if self._merge_ext_attrs(old_interface.ext_attrs, new_interface.ext_attrs):
changed = True
_logger.info('merged interface %s (changed=%s, supplemental=%s)' %
(old_interface.id, changed, new_interface.is_supplemental))
return changed
def _merge_impl_stmt(self, impl_stmt, import_options):
"""Applies "X implements Y" statemetns on the proper places in the
implementor_name = impl_stmt.implementor.id
implemented_name = impl_stmt.implemented.id
_logger.info('merging impl stmt %s implements %s' %
(implementor_name, implemented_name))
source = import_options.source
if self._database.HasInterface(implementor_name):
interface = self._database.GetInterface(implementor_name)
if interface.parents is None:
interface.parents = []
for parent in interface.parents:
if parent.type.id == implemented_name:
if source and source not in parent.annotations:
parent.annotations[source] = IDLAnnotation(
# not found, so add new one
parent = IDLParentInterface(None)
parent.type = IDLType(implemented_name)
if source:
parent.annotations[source] = IDLAnnotation(
def merge_imported_interfaces(self):
"""Merges all imported interfaces and loads them into the DB."""
imported_interfaces = self._imported_interfaces
# Step 1: Pre process imported interfaces
# for interface, import_options in imported_interfaces.iteritems():
for interface, import_options in imported_interfaces:
self._annotate(interface, import_options)
# Step 2: Add all new interfaces and merge overlapping ones
for interface, import_options in imported_interfaces:
if not interface.is_supplemental:
if self._database.HasInterface(interface.id):
old_interface = self._database.GetInterface(interface.id)
self._merge_interfaces(old_interface, interface, import_options)
if import_options.add_new_interfaces:
# Step 3: Merge in supplemental interfaces
for interface, import_options in imported_interfaces:
if interface.is_supplemental:
target = interface.id
if self._database.HasInterface(target):
old_interface = self._database.GetInterface(target)
self._merge_interfaces(old_interface, interface, import_options)
_logger.warning("Supplemental target '%s' not found", target)
# Step 4: Resolve 'implements' statements
for impl_stmt, import_options in self._impl_stmts:
self._merge_impl_stmt(impl_stmt, import_options)
self._impl_stmts = []
self._imported_interfaces = []
def _compute_dart_idl_implements(self, idl_filename):
full_path = os.path.realpath(idl_filename)
with open(full_path) as f:
idl_file_contents = f.read()
implements_re = (r'^\s*'
implements_matches = re.finditer(implements_re, idl_file_contents, re.MULTILINE)
return [match.groups() for match in implements_matches]
# Compile the IDL file with the Blink compiler and remember each AST for the
# IDL.
def _blink_compile_idl_files(self, file_paths, import_options, is_dart_idl):
if not(is_dart_idl):
start_time = time.time()
# 2-stage computation: individual, then overall
for file_path in file_paths:
info_individuals = [info_individual()]
end_time = time.time()
print 'Compute dependencies %s seconds' % round((end_time - start_time), 2)
# Compute the interface_info for dart.idl for implements defined. This
# file is special in that more than one interface can exist in this file.
implement_pairs = self._compute_dart_idl_implements(file_paths[0])
interfaces_info['__dart_idl___'] = {
'implement_pairs': implement_pairs,
# Parse the IDL files serially.
start_time = time.time()
for file_path in file_paths:
file_path = os.path.normpath(file_path)
ast = _compile_idl_file(self.build, file_path, import_options)
self._process_ast(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_path))[0], ast)
end_time = time.time()
print 'Compiled %s IDL files in %s seconds' % (len(file_paths),
round((end_time - start_time), 2))
def _process_ast(self, filename, ast):
if len(ast) == 1:
ast = ast.values()[0]
print 'ERROR: Processing AST: ' + os.path.basename(file_name)
new_asts[filename] = ast
def import_idl_files(self, file_paths, import_options, is_dart_idl):
self._blink_compile_idl_files(file_paths, import_options, is_dart_idl)
start_time = time.time()
# Parse the IDL files in serial.
for file_path in file_paths:
file_path = os.path.normpath(file_path)
idl_file = _load_idl_file(self.build, file_path, import_options)
_logger.info('Processing %s' % os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_path))[0])
self._process_idl_file(idl_file, import_options, is_dart_idl)
end_time = time.time()
print 'Total %s files %sprocessed in databasebuilder in %s seconds' % \
(len(file_paths), '', round((end_time - start_time), 2))
def _process_idl_file(self, idl_file, import_options, dart_idl = False):
# TODO(terry): strip_ext_attributes on an idl_file does nothing.
self._rename_types(idl_file, import_options)
def enabled(idl_node):
return self._is_node_enabled(idl_node, import_options.idl_defines)
for interface in idl_file.interfaces:
if not self._is_node_enabled(interface, import_options.idl_defines):
_logger.info('skipping interface %s (source=%s)'
% (interface.id, import_options.source))
_logger.info('importing interface %s (source=%s file=%s)'
% (interface.id, import_options.source, os.path.basename(idl_file.filename)))
interface.attributes = filter(enabled, interface.attributes)
interface.operations = filter(enabled, interface.operations)
self._imported_interfaces.append((interface, import_options))
# If an IDL dictionary then there is no implementsStatements.
if hasattr(idl_file, 'implementsStatements'):
for implStmt in idl_file.implementsStatements:
self._impl_stmts.append((implStmt, import_options))
for enum in idl_file.enums:
for dictionary in idl_file.dictionaries:
def _is_node_enabled(self, node, idl_defines):
if not 'Conditional' in node.ext_attrs:
return True
def enabled(condition):
return 'ENABLE_%s' % condition in idl_defines
conditional = node.ext_attrs['Conditional']
if conditional.find('&') != -1:
for condition in conditional.split('&'):
condition = condition.strip()
if not enabled(condition):
return False
return True
for condition in conditional.split('|'):
condition = condition.strip()
if enabled(condition):
return True
return False
def fix_displacements(self, source):
"""E.g. In W3C, something is declared on HTMLDocument but in WebKit
its on Document, so we need to mark that something in HTMLDocument
with @WebKit(via=Document). The 'via' attribute specifies the
parent interface that has the declaration."""
for interface in self._database.GetInterfaces():
changed = False
_logger.info('fixing displacements in %s' % interface.id)
for parent_interface in self._get_parent_interfaces(interface):
_logger.info('scanning parent %s of %s' %
(parent_interface.id, interface.id))
def fix_nodes(local_list, parent_list):
changed = False
parent_signatures_map = self._build_signatures_map(
for idl_node in local_list:
sig = self._sign(idl_node)
if sig in parent_signatures_map:
parent_member = parent_signatures_map[sig]
if (source in parent_member.annotations
and source not in idl_node.annotations
not in parent_member.annotations[source]):
idl_node.annotations[source] = IDLAnnotation(
{_VIA_ANNOTATION_ATTR_NAME: parent_interface.id})
changed = True
return changed
changed = fix_nodes(interface.constants,
parent_interface.constants) or changed
changed = fix_nodes(interface.attributes,
parent_interface.attributes) or changed
changed = fix_nodes(interface.operations,
parent_interface.operations) or changed
if changed:
_logger.info('fixed displaced declarations in %s' %
def normalize_annotations(self, sources):
"""Makes the IDLs less verbose by removing annotation attributes
that are identical to the ones defined at the interface level.
sources -- list of source names to normalize."""
for interface in self._database.GetInterfaces():
_logger.debug('normalizing annotations for %s' % interface.id)
for source in sources:
if (source not in interface.annotations or
not interface.annotations[source]):
top_level_annotation = interface.annotations[source]
def normalize(idl_node):
if (source in idl_node.annotations
and idl_node.annotations[source]):
annotation = idl_node.annotations[source]
for name, value in annotation.items():
if (name in top_level_annotation
and value == top_level_annotation[name]):
del annotation[name]
map(normalize, interface.parents)
map(normalize, interface.constants)
map(normalize, interface.attributes)
map(normalize, interface.operations)
def map_dictionaries(self):
"""Changes the type of operations/constructors arguments from an IDL
dictionary to a Dictionary. The IDL dictionary is just an enums of
strings which are checked at run-time."""
def dictionary_to_map(type_node):
if self._database.HasDictionary(type_node.id):
type_node.dictionary = type_node.id
type_node.id = 'Dictionary'
def all_types(node):
map(dictionary_to_map, node.all(IDLType))
for interface in self._database.GetInterfaces():
map(all_types, interface.all(IDLExtAttrFunctionValue))
map(all_types, interface.attributes)
map(all_types, interface.operations)
def fetch_constructor_data(self, options):
window_interface = self._database.GetInterface('Window')
for attr in window_interface.attributes:
type = attr.type.id
if not type.endswith('Constructor'):
type = re.sub('(Constructor)+$', '', type)
# TODO(antonm): Ideally we'd like to have pristine copy of WebKit IDLs and fetch
# this information directly from it. Unfortunately right now database is massaged
# a lot so it's difficult to maintain necessary information on Window itself.
interface = self._database.GetInterface(type)
if 'V8EnabledPerContext' in attr.ext_attrs:
interface.ext_attrs['synthesizedV8EnabledPerContext'] = \
if 'V8EnabledAtRuntime' in attr.ext_attrs:
interface.ext_attrs['synthesizedV8EnabledAtRuntime'] = \
attr.ext_attrs['V8EnabledAtRuntime'] or attr.id
# Iterate of the database looking for relationships between dictionaries and
# interfaces marked with NoInterfaceObject. This mechanism can be used for
# other IDL analysis.
def examine_database(self):
# Contains list of dictionary structure: {'dictionary': dictionary, 'usages': []}
self._diag_dictionaries = [];
self._dictionaries_used_types = [];
# Record any dictionary.
for dictionary in self._database.GetDictionaries():
self._diag_dictionaries.append({'dictionary': dictionary, 'usages': []});
# Contains list of NoInterfaceObject structures: {'no_interface_object': dictionary, 'usages': []}
self._diag_no_interfaces = [];
self._no_interfaces_used_types = [];
# Record any interface with Blink IDL Extended Attribute 'NoInterfaceObject'.
for interface in self._database.GetInterfaces():
if interface.is_no_interface_object:
self._diag_no_interfaces.append({'no_interface_object': interface, 'usages': []});
for interface in self._database.GetInterfaces():
self._constructors(interface, check_dictionaries=False)
for attribute in interface.attributes:
self._attribute_operation(interface, attribute)
self._attribute_operation(interface, attribute, check_dictionaries=False)
for operation in interface.operations:
self._attribute_operation(interface, operation)
self._attribute_operation(interface, operation, check_dictionaries=False)
# Report all dictionaries and their usage.
# Report all interface marked with NoInterfaceObject and their usage.
print '\nKey:'
print ' (READ-ONLY) - read-only attribute has relationship'
print ' (GET/SET) - attribute has relationship'
print ' RETURN - operation\'s returned value has relationship'
print ' (ARGUMENT) - operation\'s argument(s) has relationship'
print ''
print ' (New) - After dictionary name if constructor(s) exist'
print ' (Ops,Props,New) after a NoInterfaceObject name is defined as:'
print ' Ops - number of operations for a NoInterfaceObject'
print ' Props - number of properties for a NoInterfaceObject'
print ' New - T(#) number constructors for a NoInterfaceObject'
print ' F no constructors for a NoInterfaceObject'
print ' e.g., an interface 5 operations, 3 properties and 2'
print ' constructors would display (5,3,T(2))'
print '\n\nExamination Complete\n'
def _output_examination(self, check_dictionaries=True):
# Output diagnostics. First columns is Dictionary or NoInterfaceObject e.g.,
# | Dictionary | Used In Interface | Usage Operation/Attribute |
print '\n\n'
title_bar = ['Dictionary', 'Used In Interface', 'Usage Operation/Attribute'] if check_dictionaries \
else ['NoInterfaceObject (Ops,Props,New)', 'Used In Interface', 'Usage Operation/Attribute']
diags = self._diag_dictionaries if check_dictionaries else self._diag_no_interfaces
for diag in diags:
if not(check_dictionaries):
interface = diag['no_interface_object']
ops_count = len(interface.operations)
properties_count = len(interface.attributes)
any_constructors = 'Constructor' in interface.ext_attrs
constructors = 'T(%s)' % len(interface.ext_attrs['Constructor']) if any_constructors else 'F'
interface_detail = '%s (%s,%s,%s)' % \
self._tabulate([interface_detail, '', ''])
dictionary = diag['dictionary']
any_constructors = 'Constructor' in dictionary.ext_attrs
self._tabulate(['%s%s' % (dictionary.id, ' (New)' if any_constructors else ''), '', ''])
for usage in diag['usages']:
detail = ''
if 'attribute' in usage:
attribute_type = 'READ-ONLY' if not usage['argument'] else 'GET/SET'
detail = '(%s) %s' % (attribute_type, usage['attribute'])
elif 'operation' in usage:
detail = '%s %s%s' % ('RETURN' if usage['result'] else '',
'(ARGUMENT)' if usage['argument'] else '')
self._tabulate([None, usage['interface'], detail])
# operation_or_attribute either IDLOperation or IDLAttribute if None then
# its a constructor (IDLExtAttrFunctionValue).
def _mark_usage(self, interface, operation_or_attribute = None, check_dictionaries=True):
for diag in self._diag_dictionaries if check_dictionaries else self._diag_no_interfaces:
for usage in diag['usages']:
if not usage['interface']:
usage['interface'] = interface.id
if isinstance(operation_or_attribute, IDLOperation):
usage['operation'] = operation_or_attribute.id
if check_dictionaries:
usage['result'] = hasattr(operation_or_attribute.type, 'dictionary') and \
operation_or_attribute.type.dictionary == diag['dictionary'].id
usage['result'] = operation_or_attribute.type.id == diag['no_interface_object'].id
usage['argument'] = False
for argument in operation_or_attribute.arguments:
if check_dictionaries:
arg = hasattr(argument.type, 'dictionary') and argument.type.dictionary == diag['dictionary'].id
arg = argument.type.id == diag['no_interface_object'].id
if arg:
usage['argument'] = arg
elif isinstance(operation_or_attribute, IDLAttribute):
usage['attribute'] = operation_or_attribute.id
usage['result'] = True
usage['argument'] = not operation_or_attribute.is_read_only
elif not operation_or_attribute:
# Its a constructor only argument is dictionary or interface with NoInterfaceObject.
usage['operation'] = 'constructor'
usage['result'] = False
usage['argument'] = True
def _remember_usage(self, node, check_dictionaries=True):
if check_dictionaries:
used_types = self._dictionaries_used_types
diag_list = self._diag_dictionaries
diag_name = 'dictionary'
used_types = self._no_interfaces_used_types
diag_list = self._diag_no_interfaces
diag_name = 'no_interface_object'
if len(used_types) > 0:
normalized_used = list(set(used_types))
for recorded_id in normalized_used:
for diag in diag_list:
if diag[diag_name].id == recorded_id:
diag['usages'].append({'interface': None, 'node': node})
# Iterator function to look for any IDLType that is a dictionary then remember
# that dictionary.
def _dictionary_used(self, type_node):
if hasattr(type_node, 'dictionary'):
dictionary_id = type_node.dictionary
if self._database.HasDictionary(dictionary_id):
for diag_dictionary in self._diag_dictionaries:
if diag_dictionary['dictionary'].id == dictionary_id:
# Record the dictionary that was referenced.
# If we get to this point, the IDL dictionary was never defined ... oops.
print 'DIAGNOSE_ERROR: IDL Dictionary %s doesn\'t exist.' % dictionary_id
# Iterator function to look for any IDLType that is an interface marked with
# NoInterfaceObject then remember that interface.
def _no_interface_used(self, type_node):
if hasattr(type_node, 'id'):
no_interface_id = type_node.id
if self._database.HasInterface(no_interface_id):
no_interface = self._database.GetInterface(no_interface_id)
if no_interface.is_no_interface_object:
for diag_no_interface in self._diag_no_interfaces:
if diag_no_interface['no_interface_object'].id == no_interface_id:
# Record the interface marked with NoInterfaceObject.
def _constructors(self, interface, check_dictionaries=True):
if check_dictionaries:
self._dictionaries_used_types = []
constructor_function = self._dictionary_constructor_types
self._no_interfaces_used_types = [];
constructor_function = self._no_interface_constructor_types
map(constructor_function, interface.all(IDLExtAttrFunctionValue))
self._mark_usage(interface, check_dictionaries=check_dictionaries)
# Scan an attribute or operation for a dictionary or interface with NoInterfaceObject
# reference.
def _attribute_operation(self, interface, operation_attribute, check_dictionaries=True):
if check_dictionaries:
self._dictionaries_used_types = []
used = self._dictionary_used
self._no_interfaces_used_types = [];
used = self._no_interface_used
map(used, operation_attribute.all(IDLType))
self._remember_usage(operation_attribute, check_dictionaries=check_dictionaries)
self._mark_usage(interface, operation_attribute, check_dictionaries=check_dictionaries)
# Iterator function for map to iterate over all constructor types
# (IDLExtAttrFunctionValue) that have a dictionary reference.
def _dictionary_constructor_types(self, node):
self._dictionaries_used_types = []
map(self._dictionary_used, node.all(IDLType))
# Iterator function for map to iterate over all constructor types
# (IDLExtAttrFunctionValue) that reference an interface with NoInterfaceObject.
def _no_interface_constructor_types(self, node):
self._no_interfaces_used_types = [];
map(self._no_interface_used, node.all(IDLType))
self._remember_usage(node, check_dictionaries=False)
# Maximum width of each column.
def _TABULATE_WIDTH(self):
return 45
def _tabulate_title(self, row_title):
title_separator = "=" * self._TABULATE_WIDTH()
self._tabulate([title_separator, title_separator, title_separator])
self._tabulate([title_separator, title_separator, title_separator])
def _tabulate_break(self):
break_separator = "-" * self._TABULATE_WIDTH()
self._tabulate([break_separator, break_separator, break_separator])
def _tabulate(self, columns):
"""Tabulate a list of columns for a row. Each item in columns is a column
value each column will be padded up to _TABULATE_WIDTH. Each
column starts/ends with a vertical bar '|' the format a row:
| columns[0] | columns[1] | columns[2] | ... |
if len(columns) > 0:
for column in columns:
value = '' if not column else column
sys.stdout.write('|{0:^{1}}'.format(value, self._TABULATE_WIDTH()))
sys.stdout.write('|{0:^{1}}'.format('', self._TABULATE_WIDTH()))