Martin Kustermann 11d820890e Use utf8.encode() instead of longer const Utf8Encoder.convert()
The change in [0] has propagated now everywhere, so we can use
`utf8.encode()` instead of the longer `const Utf8Encoder.convert()`.

As the checked-in SDK has been rolled to include [0] we can now rely on
the better return type.

[0] https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/52801


CoreLibraryReviewExempt: Minor cleanup.
Change-Id: I2c0144023e03b2c265582d83a7fb9469b02f1570
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/313563
Reviewed-by: Lasse Nielsen <lrn@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Martin Kustermann <kustermann@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Ben Konyi <bkonyi@google.com>
2023-07-24 09:28:38 +00:00

563 lines
18 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.io;
final _ioOverridesToken = new Object();
/// Facilities for overriding various APIs of `dart:io` with mock
/// implementations.
/// This abstract base class should be extended with overrides for the
/// operations needed to construct mocks. The implementations in this base class
/// default to the actual `dart:io` implementation. For example:
/// ```dart
/// class MyDirectory implements Directory {
/// ...
/// // An implementation of the Directory interface
/// ...
/// }
/// void main() {
/// IOOverrides.runZoned(() {
/// ...
/// // Operations will use MyDirectory instead of dart:io's Directory
/// // implementation whenever Directory is used.
/// ...
/// }, createDirectory: (String path) => new MyDirectory(path));
/// }
/// ```
abstract class IOOverrides {
static IOOverrides? _global;
static IOOverrides? get current {
return Zone.current[_ioOverridesToken] ?? _global;
/// The [IOOverrides] to use in the root [Zone].
/// These are the [IOOverrides] that will be used in the root [Zone], and in
/// [Zone]'s that do not set [IOOverrides] and whose ancestors up to the root
/// [Zone] also do not set [IOOverrides].
static set global(IOOverrides? overrides) {
_global = overrides;
/// Runs [body] in a fresh [Zone] using the provided overrides.
/// See the documentation on the corresponding methods of [IOOverrides] for
/// information about what the optional arguments do.
static R runZoned<R>(R body(),
// Directory
Directory Function(String)? createDirectory,
Directory Function()? getCurrentDirectory,
void Function(String)? setCurrentDirectory,
Directory Function()? getSystemTempDirectory,
// File
File Function(String)? createFile,
// FileStat
Future<FileStat> Function(String)? stat,
FileStat Function(String)? statSync,
// FileSystemEntity
Future<bool> Function(String, String)? fseIdentical,
bool Function(String, String)? fseIdenticalSync,
Future<FileSystemEntityType> Function(String, bool)? fseGetType,
FileSystemEntityType Function(String, bool)? fseGetTypeSync,
// _FileSystemWatcher
Stream<FileSystemEvent> Function(String, int, bool)? fsWatch,
bool Function()? fsWatchIsSupported,
// Link
Link Function(String)? createLink,
// Socket
Future<Socket> Function(dynamic, int,
{dynamic sourceAddress, int sourcePort, Duration? timeout})?
Future<ConnectionTask<Socket>> Function(dynamic, int,
{dynamic sourceAddress, int sourcePort})?
// ServerSocket
Future<ServerSocket> Function(dynamic, int,
{int backlog, bool v6Only, bool shared})?
// Standard Streams
Stdin Function()? stdin,
Stdout Function()? stdout,
Stdout Function()? stderr}) {
// Avoid building chains of override scopes. Just copy outer scope's
// functions and `_previous`.
var current = IOOverrides.current;
_IOOverridesScope? currentScope;
if (current is _IOOverridesScope) {
currentScope = current;
current = currentScope._previous;
IOOverrides overrides = new _IOOverridesScope(
// Directory
createDirectory ?? currentScope?._createDirectory,
getCurrentDirectory ?? currentScope?._getCurrentDirectory,
setCurrentDirectory ?? currentScope?._setCurrentDirectory,
getSystemTempDirectory ?? currentScope?._getSystemTempDirectory,
// File
createFile ?? currentScope?._createFile,
// FileStat
stat ?? currentScope?._stat,
statSync ?? currentScope?._statSync,
// FileSystemEntity
fseIdentical ?? currentScope?._fseIdentical,
fseIdenticalSync ?? currentScope?._fseIdenticalSync,
fseGetType ?? currentScope?._fseGetType,
fseGetTypeSync ?? currentScope?._fseGetTypeSync,
// _FileSystemWatcher
fsWatch ?? currentScope?._fsWatch,
fsWatchIsSupported ?? currentScope?._fsWatchIsSupported,
// Link
createLink ?? currentScope?._createLink,
// Socket
socketConnect ?? currentScope?._socketConnect,
socketStartConnect ?? currentScope?._socketStartConnect,
// ServerSocket
serverSocketBind ?? currentScope?._serverSocketBind,
// Standard streams
stdin ?? currentScope?._stdin,
stdout ?? currentScope?._stdout,
stderr ?? currentScope?._stderr,
return dart_async
.runZoned<R>(body, zoneValues: {_ioOverridesToken: overrides});
/// Runs [body] in a fresh [Zone] using the overrides found in [overrides].
/// Note that [overrides] should be an instance of a class that extends
/// [IOOverrides].
static R runWithIOOverrides<R>(R body(), IOOverrides overrides) {
return dart_async
.runZoned<R>(body, zoneValues: {_ioOverridesToken: overrides});
// Directory
/// Creates a new [Directory] object for the given [path].
/// When this override is installed, this function overrides the behavior of
/// `new Directory()` and `new Directory.fromUri()`.
Directory createDirectory(String path) => new _Directory(path);
/// Returns the current working directory.
/// When this override is installed, this function overrides the behavior of
/// the static getter `Directory.current`
Directory getCurrentDirectory() => _Directory.current;
/// Sets the current working directory to be [path].
/// When this override is installed, this function overrides the behavior of
/// the setter `Directory.current`.
void setCurrentDirectory(String path) {
_Directory.current = path;
/// Returns the system temporary directory.
/// When this override is installed, this function overrides the behavior of
/// `Directory.systemTemp`.
Directory getSystemTempDirectory() => _Directory.systemTemp;
// File
/// Creates a new [File] object for the given [path].
/// When this override is installed, this function overrides the behavior of
/// `new File()` and `new File.fromUri()`.
File createFile(String path) => new _File(path);
// FileStat
/// Asynchronously returns [FileStat] information for [path].
/// When this override is installed, this function overrides the behavior of
/// `FileStat.stat()`.
Future<FileStat> stat(String path) {
return FileStat._stat(path);
/// Returns [FileStat] information for [path].
/// When this override is installed, this function overrides the behavior of
/// `FileStat.statSync()`.
FileStat statSync(String path) {
return FileStat._statSyncInternal(path);
// FileSystemEntity
/// Asynchronously returns `true` if [path1] and [path2] are paths to the
/// same file system object.
/// When this override is installed, this function overrides the behavior of
/// `FileSystemEntity.identical`.
Future<bool> fseIdentical(String path1, String path2) {
return FileSystemEntity._identical(path1, path2);
/// Returns `true` if [path1] and [path2] are paths to the
/// same file system object.
/// When this override is installed, this function overrides the behavior of
/// `FileSystemEntity.identicalSync`.
bool fseIdenticalSync(String path1, String path2) {
return FileSystemEntity._identicalSync(path1, path2);
/// Asynchronously returns the [FileSystemEntityType] for [path].
/// When this override is installed, this function overrides the behavior of
/// `FileSystemEntity.type`.
Future<FileSystemEntityType> fseGetType(String path, bool followLinks) {
return FileSystemEntity._getTypeRequest(utf8.encode(path), followLinks);
/// Returns the [FileSystemEntityType] for [path].
/// When this override is installed, this function overrides the behavior of
/// `FileSystemEntity.typeSync`.
FileSystemEntityType fseGetTypeSync(String path, bool followLinks) {
return FileSystemEntity._getTypeSyncHelper(utf8.encode(path), followLinks);
// _FileSystemWatcher
/// Returns a [Stream] of [FileSystemEvent]s.
/// When this override is installed, this function overrides the behavior of
/// `FileSystemEntity.watch()`.
Stream<FileSystemEvent> fsWatch(String path, int events, bool recursive) {
return _FileSystemWatcher._watch(path, events, recursive);
/// Returns `true` when [FileSystemEntity.watch] is supported.
/// When this override is installed, this function overrides the behavior of
/// `FileSystemEntity.isWatchSupported`.
bool fsWatchIsSupported() => _FileSystemWatcher.isSupported;
// Link
/// Returns a new [Link] object for the given [path].
/// When this override is installed, this function overrides the behavior of
/// `new Link()` and `new Link.fromUri()`.
Link createLink(String path) => new _Link(path);
// Socket
/// Asynchronously returns a [Socket] connected to the given host and port.
/// When this override is installed, this functions overrides the behavior of
/// `Socket.connect(...)`.
Future<Socket> socketConnect(host, int port,
{sourceAddress, int sourcePort = 0, Duration? timeout}) {
return Socket._connect(host, port,
sourceAddress: sourceAddress, sourcePort: sourcePort, timeout: timeout);
/// Asynchronously returns a [ConnectionTask] that connects to the given host
/// and port when successful.
/// When this override is installed, this functions overrides the behavior of
/// `Socket.startConnect(...)`.
Future<ConnectionTask<Socket>> socketStartConnect(host, int port,
{sourceAddress, int sourcePort = 0}) {
return Socket._startConnect(host, port,
sourceAddress: sourceAddress, sourcePort: sourcePort);
// ServerSocket
/// Asynchronously returns a [ServerSocket] that connects to the given address
/// and port when successful.
/// When this override is installed, this functions overrides the behavior of
/// `ServerSocket.bind(...)`.
Future<ServerSocket> serverSocketBind(address, int port,
{int backlog = 0, bool v6Only = false, bool shared = false}) {
return ServerSocket._bind(address, port,
backlog: backlog, v6Only: v6Only, shared: shared);
// Standard streams
/// The standard input stream of data read by this program.
/// When this override is installed, this getter overrides the behavior of
/// the top-level `stdin` getter.
Stdin get stdin {
return _stdin;
/// The standard output stream of data written by this program.
/// When this override is installed, this getter overrides the behavior of
/// the top-level `stdout` getter.
Stdout get stdout {
return _stdout;
/// The standard output stream of errors written by this program.
/// When this override is installed, this getter overrides the behavior of
/// the top-level `stderr` getter.
Stdout get stderr {
return _stderr;
class _IOOverridesScope extends IOOverrides {
final IOOverrides? _previous;
// Directory
final Directory Function(String)? _createDirectory;
final Directory Function()? _getCurrentDirectory;
final void Function(String)? _setCurrentDirectory;
final Directory Function()? _getSystemTempDirectory;
// File
final File Function(String)? _createFile;
// FileStat
final Future<FileStat> Function(String)? _stat;
final FileStat Function(String)? _statSync;
// FileSystemEntity
final Future<bool> Function(String, String)? _fseIdentical;
final bool Function(String, String)? _fseIdenticalSync;
final Future<FileSystemEntityType> Function(String, bool)? _fseGetType;
final FileSystemEntityType Function(String, bool)? _fseGetTypeSync;
// _FileSystemWatcher
final Stream<FileSystemEvent> Function(String, int, bool)? _fsWatch;
final bool Function()? _fsWatchIsSupported;
// Link
final Link Function(String)? _createLink;
// Socket
final Future<Socket> Function(dynamic, int,
{dynamic sourceAddress,
int sourcePort,
Duration? timeout})? _socketConnect;
final Future<ConnectionTask<Socket>> Function(dynamic, int,
{dynamic sourceAddress, int sourcePort})? _socketStartConnect;
// ServerSocket
final Future<ServerSocket> Function(dynamic, int,
{int backlog, bool v6Only, bool shared})? _serverSocketBind;
// Standard streams
final Stdin Function()? _stdin;
final Stdout Function()? _stdout;
final Stdout Function()? _stderr;
// Directory
// File
// FileStat
// FileSystemEntity
// _FileSystemWatcher
// Link
// Socket
// ServerSocket
// Standard streams
// Directory
Directory createDirectory(String path) =>
_createDirectory?.call(path) ??
_previous?.createDirectory(path) ??
Directory getCurrentDirectory() =>
_getCurrentDirectory?.call() ??
_previous?.getCurrentDirectory() ??
void setCurrentDirectory(String path) {
var setter = _setCurrentDirectory;
if (setter != null) {
} else {
Directory getSystemTempDirectory() =>
_getSystemTempDirectory?.call() ??
_previous?.getSystemTempDirectory() ??
// File
File createFile(String path) =>
_createFile?.call(path) ??
_previous?.createFile(path) ??
// FileStat
Future<FileStat> stat(String path) =>
_stat?.call(path) ?? _previous?.stat(path) ?? super.stat(path);
FileStat statSync(String path) =>
_statSync?.call(path) ??
_previous?.statSync(path) ??
// FileSystemEntity
Future<bool> fseIdentical(String path1, String path2) =>
_fseIdentical?.call(path1, path2) ??
_previous?.fseIdentical(path1, path2) ??
super.fseIdentical(path1, path2);
bool fseIdenticalSync(String path1, String path2) =>
_fseIdenticalSync?.call(path1, path2) ??
_previous?.fseIdenticalSync(path1, path2) ??
super.fseIdenticalSync(path1, path2);
Future<FileSystemEntityType> fseGetType(String path, bool followLinks) =>
_fseGetType?.call(path, followLinks) ??
_previous?.fseGetType(path, followLinks) ??
super.fseGetType(path, followLinks);
FileSystemEntityType fseGetTypeSync(String path, bool followLinks) =>
_fseGetTypeSync?.call(path, followLinks) ??
_previous?.fseGetTypeSync(path, followLinks) ??
super.fseGetTypeSync(path, followLinks);
// _FileSystemWatcher
Stream<FileSystemEvent> fsWatch(String path, int events, bool recursive) =>
_fsWatch?.call(path, events, recursive) ??
_previous?.fsWatch(path, events, recursive) ??
super.fsWatch(path, events, recursive);
bool fsWatchIsSupported() =>
_fsWatchIsSupported?.call() ??
_previous?.fsWatchIsSupported() ??
// Link
Link createLink(String path) =>
_createLink?.call(path) ??
_previous?.createLink(path) ??
// Socket
Future<Socket> socketConnect(host, int port,
{sourceAddress, int sourcePort = 0, Duration? timeout}) =>
_socketConnect?.call(host, port,
sourceAddress: sourceAddress,
sourcePort: sourcePort,
timeout: timeout) ??
_previous?.socketConnect(host, port,
sourceAddress: sourceAddress,
sourcePort: sourcePort,
timeout: timeout) ??
super.socketConnect(host, port,
sourceAddress: sourceAddress,
sourcePort: sourcePort,
timeout: timeout);
Future<ConnectionTask<Socket>> socketStartConnect(host, int port,
{sourceAddress, int sourcePort = 0}) =>
_socketStartConnect?.call(host, port,
sourceAddress: sourceAddress, sourcePort: sourcePort) ??
_previous?.socketStartConnect(host, port,
sourceAddress: sourceAddress, sourcePort: sourcePort) ??
super.socketStartConnect(host, port,
sourceAddress: sourceAddress, sourcePort: sourcePort);
// ServerSocket
Future<ServerSocket> serverSocketBind(address, int port,
{int backlog = 0, bool v6Only = false, bool shared = false}) =>
_serverSocketBind?.call(address, port,
backlog: backlog, v6Only: v6Only, shared: shared) ??
_previous?.serverSocketBind(address, port,
backlog: backlog, v6Only: v6Only, shared: shared) ??
super.serverSocketBind(address, port,
backlog: backlog, v6Only: v6Only, shared: shared);
// Standard streams
Stdin get stdin => _stdin?.call() ?? _previous?.stdin ?? super.stdin;
Stdout get stdout => _stdout?.call() ?? _previous?.stdout ?? super.stdout;
Stdout get stderr => _stderr?.call() ?? _previous?.stderr ?? super.stderr;