Daco Harkes d360edf2f3 [pkg][vm] Native Assets builder
This package contains the logic for building native assets.

This package is the backend that invokes toplevel `build.dart` scripts.
For more info on these scripts see https://github.com/dart-lang/native.

This is a separate package so that dartdev and flutter_tools can reuse
the same logic without flutter_tools having to import dartdev.

Some design decisions:

* We don't yet have `build_dependencies`, so we use the ordinary
  dependency graph for ordering of native assets builds. (If there is
  a cycle we refuse to run.)
  Bug: https://github.com/dart-lang/pub/issues/3794
* Builds are cached based on all the configuration provided by the
  caller. Environment variables are ignored in caching. This CL also
  contains a unit test that invokes the build by not passing through
  environment variables. However, for Windows we need to pass through
  at least `SYSTEMROOT` for MSVC to run correctly. So we might need
  to further explore if we can/want to lock env variables down.
  Bug: https://github.com/dart-lang/native/issues/32
  Bug: https://github.com/dart-lang/native/issues/33

Run tests:
dart tools/generate_package_config.dart && \
tools/test.py -n unittest-asserts-release-linux pkg/native_assets_builder

Bug: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/50565
Change-Id: I133052d7195373e87d20924d61e1e96e3d34ce8f
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.dart.try:pkg-linux-debug-try,pkg-linux-release-try,pkg-mac-release-arm64-try,pkg-mac-release-try,pkg-win-release-try
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/300203
Reviewed-by: Liam Appelbe <liama@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Daco Harkes <dacoharkes@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Martin Kustermann <kustermann@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Hossein Yousefi <yousefi@google.com>
2023-05-15 13:49:30 +00:00

563 lines
15 KiB

import 'dart:io';
import 'package:cli_util/cli_logging.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart' as yaml;
const validateDEPS = false;
late final bool verbose;
late SdkDeps sdkDeps;
void main(List<String> arguments) {
Logger logger = Logger.standard();
verbose = arguments.contains('-v') || arguments.contains('--verbose');
// validate the cwd
if (!FileSystemEntity.isFileSync('DEPS') ||
!FileSystemEntity.isDirectorySync('pkg')) {
logger.stderr('Please run this tool from the root of the Dart repo.');
print('To run this script, execute:');
print(' dart tools/package_deps/bin/package_deps.dart');
print('See pkg/README.md for more information.');
// locate all pkg/ packages
final packages = <Package>[];
for (var entity in Directory('pkg').listSync()) {
if (entity is Directory) {
var package = Package(entity.path);
if (package.hasPubspec) {
List<String> pkgPackages = packages.map((p) => p.packageName).toList();
// Parse information about the SDK DEPS file and DEP'd in packages.
sdkDeps = SdkDeps(File('DEPS'));
var validateFailure = false;
// For each, validate the pubspec contents.
for (var package in packages) {
print('validating ${package.dir}'
'${package.publishable ? ' [publishable]' : ''}');
if (!package.validate(logger, pkgPackages)) {
validateFailure = true;
// Read and display info about the sdk DEPS file.
if (validateDEPS) {
print('SDK DEPS');
List<String> deps = [...sdkDeps.pkgs]..sort();
for (var pkg in deps) {
// TODO(devoncarew): Find unused entries in the DEPS file.
if (validateFailure) {
exitCode = 1;
class Package implements Comparable<Package> {
final String dir;
final _regularDependencies = <String>{};
final _devDependencies = <String>{};
final _declaredPubDeps = <PubDep>[];
final _declaredDevPubDeps = <PubDep>[];
final _declaredOverridePubDeps = <PubDep>[];
late final String _packageName;
late final Set<String> _declaredDependencies;
late final Set<String> _declaredDevDependencies;
// ignore: unused_field
late final Set<String> _declaredOverrideDependencies;
late final bool _publishToNone;
Package(this.dir) {
var pubspec = File(path.join(dir, 'pubspec.yaml'));
var doc = yaml.loadYamlDocument(pubspec.readAsStringSync());
dynamic contents = doc.contents.value;
_packageName = contents['name'];
_publishToNone = contents['publish_to'] == 'none';
Set<String> process(String section, List<PubDep> target) {
if (contents[section] != null) {
final value = Set<String>.from(contents[section].keys);
var deps = contents[section];
for (var package in deps.keys) {
target.add(PubDep.parse(package, deps[package]));
return value;
} else {
return {};
_declaredDependencies = process('dependencies', _declaredPubDeps);
_declaredDevDependencies = process('dev_dependencies', _declaredDevPubDeps);
_declaredOverrideDependencies =
process('dependency_overrides', _declaredOverridePubDeps);
String get dirName => path.basename(dir);
String get packageName => _packageName;
List<String> get regularDependencies => _regularDependencies.toList()..sort();
List<String> get devDependencies => _devDependencies.toList()..sort();
bool get publishable => !_publishToNone;
String toString() => 'Package $dirName';
bool get hasPubspec =>
FileSystemEntity.isFileSync(path.join(dir, 'pubspec.yaml'));
int compareTo(Package other) => dir.compareTo(other.dir);
bool validate(Logger logger, List<String> pkgPackages) {
return _validatePubspecDeps(logger, pkgPackages);
void _parseImports() {
final files = <File>[];
_collectDartFiles(Directory(dir), files);
for (var file in files) {
var importedPackages = <String>{};
for (var import in _collectImports(file)) {
try {
var uri = Uri.parse(import);
if (uri.hasScheme && uri.isScheme('package')) {
var packageName = path.split(uri.path).first;
} on FormatException {
// ignore
var topLevelDir = _topLevelDir(file);
if ({'bin', 'lib'}.contains(topLevelDir)) {
} else {
bool _validatePubspecDeps(Logger logger, List<String> pkgPackages) {
var fail = false;
if (dirName != packageName) {
print(' Package name is different from the directory name.');
fail = true;
var deps = regularDependencies;
var devdeps = devDependencies;
// if (deps.isNotEmpty) {
// print(' deps : ${deps}');
// }
// if (devdeps.isNotEmpty) {
// print(' dev deps: ${devdeps}');
// }
void out(String message) {
var undeclaredRegularUses = Set<String>.from(deps)
if (undeclaredRegularUses.isNotEmpty) {
out(' ${_printSet(undeclaredRegularUses)} used in lib/ but not '
"declared in 'dependencies:'.");
fail = true;
var undeclaredDevUses = Set<String>.from(devdeps)
if (undeclaredDevUses.isNotEmpty) {
out(' ${_printSet(undeclaredDevUses)} used in dev dirs but not '
"declared in 'dev_dependencies:'.");
fail = true;
var extraRegularDeclarations = Set<String>.from(_declaredDependencies)
if (extraRegularDeclarations.isNotEmpty) {
out(' ${_printSet(extraRegularDeclarations)} declared in '
"'dependencies:' but not used in lib/.");
fail = true;
var extraDevDeclarations = Set<String>.from(_declaredDevDependencies)
// Remove package:lints - it's often declared as a dev dependency in order
// to bring in analysis_options configuration files.
if (extraDevDeclarations.isNotEmpty) {
out(' ${_printSet(extraDevDeclarations)} declared in '
"'dev_dependencies:' but not used in dev dirs.");
fail = true;
// Look for things declared in deps, not used in lib/, but that are used in
// dev dirs.
var misplacedDeps =
if (misplacedDeps.isNotEmpty) {
out(" ${_printSet(misplacedDeps)} declared in 'dependencies:' but "
'only used in dev dirs.');
fail = true;
if (publishable) {
// Validate that deps for published packages use semver (but not any).
for (PubDep dep in _declaredPubDeps) {
if (dep is SemverPubDep) continue;
out(' Published packages should use semver deps:');
out(' $dep');
fail = true;
// Validate that dev deps for published packages use an 'any' constraint.
for (PubDep dep in _declaredDevPubDeps) {
if (dep is AnyPubDep) continue;
out(' Prefer an `any` constraint for dev dependencies');
out(' $dep');
fail = true;
} else {
// Validate that non-publishable packages use an 'any' constraint.
for (PubDep dep in [..._declaredPubDeps, ..._declaredDevPubDeps]) {
if (dep is AnyPubDep) continue;
out(' Prefer an `any` constraint for unpublished packages');
out(' $dep');
fail = true;
// Validate that the version of any package dep'd in works with our declared
// version ranges.
for (PubDep dep in [..._declaredPubDeps, ..._declaredDevPubDeps]) {
if (dep is! SemverPubDep) continue;
ResolvedDep? resolvedDep = sdkDeps.resolve(dep.name);
if (resolvedDep == null) {
out(' Unresolved reference: package:${dep.name}');
fail = true;
if (resolvedDep.isMonoRepoPackage) {
if (verbose) {
print(' ${dep.name} (${dep.value}) resolves '
'to ${resolvedDep.version}');
var declaredDep = VersionConstraint.parse(dep.value);
var resolvedVersion = resolvedDep.version;
if (resolvedVersion == null) {
// Depending on a package without a declared version is only legal if
// the package is not published (i.e., pkg/dartdev depends on
// package:pub, which is not a published and versioned package).
if (publishable) {
out(' Published packages must depend on packages with valid versions.');
out(' dependency ${dep.name} does not declare a version');
fail = true;
} else if (!declaredDep.allows(resolvedVersion)) {
out(' $packageName depends on ${dep.name} with a range of '
'${dep.value}, but the version of ${resolvedDep.packageName} '
'in the repo is ${resolvedDep.version}.');
fail = true;
if (!fail) {
print(' No issues.');
return !fail;
void _collectDartFiles(Directory dir, List<File> files) {
for (var entity in dir.listSync(followLinks: false)) {
if (entity is Directory) {
var name = path.basename(entity.path);
// Skip 'pkg/analyzer_cli/test/data'.
// Skip 'pkg/front_end/test/id_testing/data/'.
// Skip 'pkg/front_end/test/language_versioning/data/'.
// Skip 'pkg/front_end/outline_extraction_testcases/'.
if (name == 'data' && path.split(entity.parent.path).contains('test')) {
// Skip 'pkg/analysis_server/test/mock_packages'.
if (name == 'mock_packages') {
// Skip 'pkg/front_end/testcases'.
if (name == 'testcases') {
// Skip 'pkg/front_end/outline_extraction_testcases'.
if (name == 'outline_extraction_testcases') {
// Skip 'pkg/native_assets_builder/test/test_projects/'.
if (name == 'test_projects') {
if (!name.startsWith('.')) {
_collectDartFiles(entity, files);
} else if (entity is File && entity.path.endsWith('.dart')) {
// look for both kinds of quotes
static RegExp importRegex1 = RegExp(r"^(import|export)\s+\'(\S+)\'");
static RegExp importRegex2 = RegExp(r'^(import|export)\s+"(\S+)"');
List<String> _collectImports(File file) {
var results = <String>[];
for (var line in file.readAsLinesSync()) {
// Check for a few tokens that should stop our parse.
if (line.startsWith('class ') ||
line.startsWith('typedef ') ||
line.startsWith('mixin ') ||
line.startsWith('enum ') ||
line.startsWith('extension ') ||
line.startsWith('void ') ||
line.startsWith('Future ') ||
line.startsWith('final ') ||
line.startsWith('const ')) {
var match = importRegex1.firstMatch(line);
if (match != null) {
match = importRegex2.firstMatch(line);
if (match != null) {
return results;
String _topLevelDir(File file) {
var relativePath = path.relative(file.path, from: dir);
return path.split(relativePath).first;
String _printSet(Set<String> value) {
var list = value.toList()..sort();
list = list.map((item) => 'package:$item').toList();
if (list.length > 1) {
return '${list.sublist(0, list.length - 1).join(', ')} and ${list.last}';
} else {
return list.join(', ');
class SdkDeps {
final File file;
List<String> pkgs = [];
final Map<String, ResolvedDep> _resolvedPackageVersions = {};
void parse() {
ResolvedDep? resolve(String packageName) {
return _resolvedPackageVersions[packageName];
void _parseDepsFile() {
// Var("dart_root") + "/third_party/pkg/dart2js_info":
final pkgRegExp = RegExp(r'"/third_party/pkg/(\S+)"');
for (var line in file.readAsLinesSync()) {
var pkgDep = pkgRegExp.firstMatch(line);
if (pkgDep != null) {
void _parseRepoPackageVersions() {
_findPackages(Directory(path.join('third_party', 'devtools')));
_findPackages(Directory(path.join('third_party', 'pkg')));
Directory(path.join('third_party', 'pkg', 'file', 'packages')));
if (verbose) {
print('Package versions in the SDK:');
for (var package in _resolvedPackageVersions.values) {
print(' ${package.packageName} at version ${package.version} '
void _findPackages(Directory dir) {
var pubspec = File(path.join(dir.path, 'pubspec.yaml'));
if (pubspec.existsSync()) {
var doc = yaml.loadYamlDocument(pubspec.readAsStringSync());
dynamic contents = doc.contents.value;
var name = contents['name'];
var version = contents['version'];
var dep = ResolvedDep(
packageName: name,
relativePath: path.relative(dir.path),
version: version == null ? null : Version.parse(version),
_resolvedPackageVersions[name] = dep;
} else {
// Continue to recurse.
for (var subDir in dir.listSync().whereType<Directory>()) {
abstract class PubDep {
final String name;
String toString() => name;
static PubDep parse(String name, Object dep) {
if (dep is String) {
return (dep == 'any') ? AnyPubDep(name) : SemverPubDep(name, dep);
} else if (dep is Map) {
if (dep.containsKey('path')) {
return PathPubDep(name, dep['path']);
} else {
return UnhandledPubDep(name);
} else {
return UnhandledPubDep(name);
class AnyPubDep extends PubDep {
AnyPubDep(String name) : super(name);
String toString() => '$name: any';
class SemverPubDep extends PubDep {
final String value;
SemverPubDep(String name, this.value) : super(name);
String toString() => '$name: $value';
class PathPubDep extends PubDep {
final String path;
PathPubDep(String name, this.path) : super(name);
String toString() => '$name: $path';
class UnhandledPubDep extends PubDep {
UnhandledPubDep(String name) : super(name);
class ResolvedDep {
final String packageName;
final String relativePath;
final Version? version;
required this.packageName,
required this.relativePath,
bool get isMonoRepoPackage => relativePath.startsWith('pkg');
String toString() => '$packageName: $version';