Leaf Petersen 8f199377fa Remove generic method comment syntax from dart:html.
This removes the last uses of the generic method comment syntax from
the SDK.  There are no additional explicit casts or reified generics
(other than those implied by reifying generic methods) in this CL.

Change-Id: Icae23cac60869243cb3ba441f86d70422f68178f
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/26081
Reviewed-by: Stephen Adams <sra@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Jacob Richman <jacobr@google.com>
2017-12-06 21:26:04 +00:00

1503 lines
44 KiB

* A client-side key-value store with support for indexes.
* Many browsers support IndexedDB&mdash;a web standard for
* an indexed database.
* By storing data on the client in an IndexedDB,
* a web app gets some advantages, such as faster performance and persistence.
* To find out which browsers support IndexedDB,
* refer to [Can I Use?](http://caniuse.com/#feat=indexeddb)
* In IndexedDB, each record is identified by a unique index or key,
* making data retrieval speedy.
* You can store structured data,
* such as images, arrays, and maps using IndexedDB.
* The standard does not specify size limits for individual data items
* or for the database itself, but browsers may impose storage limits.
* ## Using indexed_db
* The classes in this library provide an interface
* to the browser's IndexedDB, if it has one.
* To use this library in your code:
* import 'dart:indexed_db';
* A web app can determine if the browser supports
* IndexedDB with [IdbFactory.supported]:
* if (IdbFactory.supported)
* // Use indexeddb.
* else
* // Find an alternative.
* Access to the browser's IndexedDB is provided by the app's top-level
* [Window] object, which your code can refer to with `window.indexedDB`.
* So, for example,
* here's how to use window.indexedDB to open a database:
* Future open() {
* return window.indexedDB.open('myIndexedDB',
* version: 1,
* onUpgradeNeeded: _initializeDatabase)
* .then(_loadFromDB);
* }
* void _initializeDatabase(VersionChangeEvent e) {
* ...
* }
* Future _loadFromDB(Database db) {
* ...
* }
* All data in an IndexedDB is stored within an [ObjectStore].
* To manipulate the database use [Transaction]s.
* ## Other resources
* Other options for client-side data storage include:
* * [Window.localStorage]&mdash;a
* basic mechanism that stores data as a [Map],
* and where both the keys and the values are strings.
* * [dart:web_sql]&mdash;a database that can be queried with SQL.
* For a tutorial about using the indexed_db library with Dart,
* check out
* [Use IndexedDB](http://www.dartlang.org/docs/tutorials/indexeddb/).
* [IndexedDB reference](http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/apis/indexeddb)
* provides wiki-style docs about indexedDB
library dart.dom.indexed_db;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:html_common';
import 'dart:_native_typed_data';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'dart:_js_helper' show Creates, Returns, JSName, Native;
import 'dart:_foreign_helper' show JS;
import 'dart:_interceptors' show Interceptor, JSExtendableArray;
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// DO NOT EDIT - unless you are editing documentation as per:
// https://code.google.com/p/dart/wiki/ContributingHTMLDocumentation
// Auto-generated dart:svg library.
class _KeyRangeFactoryProvider {
static KeyRange createKeyRange_only(/*Key*/ value) =>
_only(_class(), _translateKey(value));
static KeyRange createKeyRange_lowerBound(
/*Key*/ bound,
[bool open = false]) =>
_lowerBound(_class(), _translateKey(bound), open);
static KeyRange createKeyRange_upperBound(
/*Key*/ bound,
[bool open = false]) =>
_upperBound(_class(), _translateKey(bound), open);
static KeyRange createKeyRange_bound(/*Key*/ lower, /*Key*/ upper,
[bool lowerOpen = false, bool upperOpen = false]) =>
_bound(_class(), _translateKey(lower), _translateKey(upper), lowerOpen,
static var _cachedClass;
static _class() {
if (_cachedClass != null) return _cachedClass;
return _cachedClass = _uncachedClass();
static _uncachedClass() =>
JS('var', '''window.webkitIDBKeyRange || window.mozIDBKeyRange ||
window.msIDBKeyRange || window.IDBKeyRange''');
static _translateKey(idbkey) => idbkey; // TODO: fixme.
static KeyRange _only(cls, value) => JS('KeyRange', '#.only(#)', cls, value);
static KeyRange _lowerBound(cls, bound, open) =>
JS('KeyRange', '#.lowerBound(#, #)', cls, bound, open);
static KeyRange _upperBound(cls, bound, open) =>
JS('KeyRange', '#.upperBound(#, #)', cls, bound, open);
static KeyRange _bound(cls, lower, upper, lowerOpen, upperOpen) => JS(
'#.bound(#, #, #, #)',
// Conversions for IDBKey.
// Per http://www.w3.org/TR/IndexedDB/#key-construct
// "A value is said to be a valid key if it is one of the following types: Array
// JavaScript objects [ECMA-262], DOMString [WEBIDL], Date [ECMA-262] or float
// [WEBIDL]. However Arrays are only valid keys if every item in the array is
// defined and is a valid key (i.e. sparse arrays can not be valid keys) and if
// the Array doesn't directly or indirectly contain itself. Any non-numeric
// properties are ignored, and thus does not affect whether the Array is a valid
// key. Additionally, if the value is of type float, it is only a valid key if
// it is not NaN, and if the value is of type Date it is only a valid key if its
// [[PrimitiveValue]] internal property, as defined by [ECMA-262], is not NaN."
// What is required is to ensure that an Lists in the key are actually
// JavaScript arrays, and any Dates are JavaScript Dates.
* Converts a native IDBKey into a Dart object.
* May return the original input. May mutate the original input (but will be
* idempotent if mutation occurs). It is assumed that this conversion happens
* on native IDBKeys on all paths that return IDBKeys from native DOM calls.
* If necessary, JavaScript Dates are converted into Dart Dates.
_convertNativeToDart_IDBKey(nativeKey) {
containsDate(object) {
if (isJavaScriptDate(object)) return true;
if (object is List) {
for (int i = 0; i < object.length; i++) {
if (containsDate(object[i])) return true;
return false; // number, string.
if (containsDate(nativeKey)) {
throw new UnimplementedError('Key containing DateTime');
// TODO: Cache conversion somewhere?
return nativeKey;
* Converts a Dart object into a valid IDBKey.
* May return the original input. Does not mutate input.
* If necessary, [dartKey] may be copied to ensure all lists are converted into
* JavaScript Arrays and Dart Dates into JavaScript Dates.
_convertDartToNative_IDBKey(dartKey) {
// TODO: Implement.
return dartKey;
/// May modify original. If so, action is idempotent.
_convertNativeToDart_IDBAny(object) {
return convertNativeToDart_AcceptStructuredClone(object, mustCopy: false);
// TODO(sra): Add DateTime.
const String _idbKey = 'JSExtendableArray|=Object|num|String';
const _annotation_Creates_IDBKey = const Creates(_idbKey);
const _annotation_Returns_IDBKey = const Returns(_idbKey);
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class Cursor extends Interceptor {
Future delete() {
try {
return _completeRequest(_delete());
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
return new Future.error(e, stacktrace);
Future update(value) {
try {
return _completeRequest(_update(value));
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
return new Future.error(e, stacktrace);
void next([Object key]) {
if (key == null) {
JS('void', '#.continue()', this);
} else {
JS('void', '#.continue(#)', this, key);
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Cursor._() {
throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported");
final String direction;
final Object key;
final Object primaryKey;
final Object source;
void advance(int count) native;
@Experimental() // untriaged
void continuePrimaryKey(Object key, Object primaryKey) native;
Request _delete() native;
Request _update(/*any*/ value) {
var value_1 = convertDartToNative_SerializedScriptValue(value);
return _update_1(value_1);
Request _update_1(value) native;
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class CursorWithValue extends Cursor {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory CursorWithValue._() {
throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported");
dynamic get value => _convertNativeToDart_IDBAny(this._get_value);
final dynamic _get_value;
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* An indexed database object for storing client-side data
* in web apps.
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.FIREFOX, '15')
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10')
class Database extends EventTarget {
ObjectStore createObjectStore(String name,
{String keyPath, bool autoIncrement}) {
var options = {};
if (keyPath != null) {
options['keyPath'] = keyPath;
if (autoIncrement != null) {
options['autoIncrement'] = autoIncrement;
return _createObjectStore(name, options);
Transaction transaction(storeName_OR_storeNames, String mode) {
if (mode != 'readonly' && mode != 'readwrite') {
throw new ArgumentError(mode);
// TODO(sra): Ensure storeName_OR_storeNames is a string or List<String>,
// and copy to JavaScript array if necessary.
// Try and create a transaction with a string mode. Browsers that expect a
// numeric mode tend to convert the string into a number. This fails
// silently, resulting in zero ('readonly').
return _transaction(storeName_OR_storeNames, mode);
Transaction transactionStore(String storeName, String mode) {
if (mode != 'readonly' && mode != 'readwrite') {
throw new ArgumentError(mode);
// Try and create a transaction with a string mode. Browsers that expect a
// numeric mode tend to convert the string into a number. This fails
// silently, resulting in zero ('readonly').
return _transaction(storeName, mode);
Transaction transactionList(List<String> storeNames, String mode) {
if (mode != 'readonly' && mode != 'readwrite') {
throw new ArgumentError(mode);
List storeNames_1 = convertDartToNative_StringArray(storeNames);
return _transaction(storeNames_1, mode);
Transaction transactionStores(DomStringList storeNames, String mode) {
if (mode != 'readonly' && mode != 'readwrite') {
throw new ArgumentError(mode);
return _transaction(storeNames, mode);
Transaction _transaction(stores, mode) native;
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Database._() {
throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported");
* Static factory designed to expose `abort` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Database].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> abortEvent =
const EventStreamProvider<Event>('abort');
* Static factory designed to expose `close` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Database].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
// https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=22540
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> closeEvent =
const EventStreamProvider<Event>('close');
* Static factory designed to expose `error` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Database].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> errorEvent =
const EventStreamProvider<Event>('error');
* Static factory designed to expose `versionchange` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Database].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<VersionChangeEvent> versionChangeEvent =
const EventStreamProvider<VersionChangeEvent>('versionchange');
final String name;
final List<String> objectStoreNames;
final int version;
void close() native;
ObjectStore _createObjectStore(String name, [Map options]) {
if (options != null) {
var options_1 = convertDartToNative_Dictionary(options);
return _createObjectStore_1(name, options_1);
return _createObjectStore_2(name);
ObjectStore _createObjectStore_1(name, options) native;
ObjectStore _createObjectStore_2(name) native;
void deleteObjectStore(String name) native;
/// Stream of `abort` events handled by this [Database].
Stream<Event> get onAbort => abortEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `close` events handled by this [Database].
// https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=22540
Stream<Event> get onClose => closeEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `error` events handled by this [Database].
Stream<Event> get onError => errorEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `versionchange` events handled by this [Database].
Stream<VersionChangeEvent> get onVersionChange =>
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.FIREFOX, '15')
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10')
class IdbFactory extends Interceptor {
* Checks to see if Indexed DB is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported {
return JS(
'!!(window.indexedDB || '
'window.webkitIndexedDB || '
Future<Database> open(String name,
{int version,
void onUpgradeNeeded(VersionChangeEvent),
void onBlocked(Event)}) {
if ((version == null) != (onUpgradeNeeded == null)) {
return new Future.error(new ArgumentError(
'version and onUpgradeNeeded must be specified together'));
try {
var request;
if (version != null) {
request = _open(name, version);
} else {
request = _open(name);
if (onUpgradeNeeded != null) {
if (onBlocked != null) {
return _completeRequest(request);
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
return new Future.error(e, stacktrace);
Future<IdbFactory> deleteDatabase(String name, {void onBlocked(Event e)}) {
try {
var request = _deleteDatabase(name);
if (onBlocked != null) {
var completer = new Completer<IdbFactory>.sync();
request.onSuccess.listen((e) {
return completer.future;
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
return new Future.error(e, stacktrace);
Future<List<String>> getDatabaseNames() {
try {
var request = _webkitGetDatabaseNames();
return _completeRequest(request);
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
return new Future.error(e, stacktrace);
* Checks to see if getDatabaseNames is supported by the current platform.
bool get supportsDatabaseNames {
return supported &&
JS('bool', '!!(#.getDatabaseNames || #.webkitGetDatabaseNames)', this,
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory IdbFactory._() {
throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported");
int cmp(Object first, Object second) native;
OpenDBRequest _deleteDatabase(String name) native;
OpenDBRequest _open(String name, [int version]) native;
Request _webkitGetDatabaseNames() native;
* Ties a request to a completer, so the completer is completed when it succeeds
* and errors out when the request errors.
Future<T> _completeRequest<T>(Request request) {
var completer = new Completer<T>.sync();
// TODO: make sure that completer.complete is synchronous as transactions
// may be committed if the result is not processed immediately.
request.onSuccess.listen((e) {
T result = request.result;
return completer.future;
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class Index extends Interceptor {
Future<int> count([key_OR_range]) {
try {
var request = _count(key_OR_range);
return _completeRequest(request);
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
return new Future.error(e, stacktrace);
Future get(key) {
try {
var request = _get(key);
return _completeRequest(request);
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
return new Future.error(e, stacktrace);
Future getKey(key) {
try {
var request = _getKey(key);
return _completeRequest(request);
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
return new Future.error(e, stacktrace);
* Creates a stream of cursors over the records in this object store.
* See also:
* * [ObjectStore.openCursor]
Stream<CursorWithValue> openCursor(
{key, KeyRange range, String direction, bool autoAdvance}) {
var key_OR_range = null;
if (key != null) {
if (range != null) {
throw new ArgumentError('Cannot specify both key and range.');
key_OR_range = key;
} else {
key_OR_range = range;
var request;
if (direction == null) {
// FIXME: Passing in "next" should be unnecessary.
request = _openCursor(key_OR_range, "next");
} else {
request = _openCursor(key_OR_range, direction);
return ObjectStore._cursorStreamFromResult(request, autoAdvance);
* Creates a stream of cursors over the records in this object store.
* See also:
* * [ObjectStore.openCursor]
Stream<Cursor> openKeyCursor(
{key, KeyRange range, String direction, bool autoAdvance}) {
var key_OR_range = null;
if (key != null) {
if (range != null) {
throw new ArgumentError('Cannot specify both key and range.');
key_OR_range = key;
} else {
key_OR_range = range;
var request;
if (direction == null) {
// FIXME: Passing in "next" should be unnecessary.
request = _openKeyCursor(key_OR_range, "next");
} else {
request = _openKeyCursor(key_OR_range, direction);
return ObjectStore._cursorStreamFromResult(request, autoAdvance);
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Index._() {
throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported");
final Object keyPath;
final bool multiEntry;
final String name;
final ObjectStore objectStore;
final bool unique;
Request _count(Object key) native;
Request _get(Object key) native;
@Experimental() // untriaged
Request getAll(Object range, [int maxCount]) native;
@Experimental() // untriaged
Request getAllKeys(Object range, [int maxCount]) native;
Request _getKey(Object key) native;
Request _openCursor(Object range, [String direction]) native;
Request _openKeyCursor(Object range, [String direction]) native;
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class KeyRange extends Interceptor {
factory KeyRange.only(/*Key*/ value) =>
factory KeyRange.lowerBound(/*Key*/ bound, [bool open = false]) =>
_KeyRangeFactoryProvider.createKeyRange_lowerBound(bound, open);
factory KeyRange.upperBound(/*Key*/ bound, [bool open = false]) =>
_KeyRangeFactoryProvider.createKeyRange_upperBound(bound, open);
factory KeyRange.bound(/*Key*/ lower, /*Key*/ upper,
[bool lowerOpen = false, bool upperOpen = false]) =>
lower, upper, lowerOpen, upperOpen);
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory KeyRange._() {
throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported");
final Object lower;
final bool lowerOpen;
final Object upper;
final bool upperOpen;
static KeyRange bound_(Object lower, Object upper,
[bool lowerOpen, bool upperOpen]) native;
static KeyRange lowerBound_(Object bound, [bool open]) native;
static KeyRange only_(Object value) native;
static KeyRange upperBound_(Object bound, [bool open]) native;
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class ObjectStore extends Interceptor {
Future add(value, [key]) {
try {
var request;
if (key != null) {
request = _add(value, key);
} else {
request = _add(value);
return _completeRequest(request);
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
return new Future.error(e, stacktrace);
Future clear() {
try {
return _completeRequest(_clear());
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
return new Future.error(e, stacktrace);
Future delete(key_OR_keyRange) {
try {
return _completeRequest(_delete(key_OR_keyRange));
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
return new Future.error(e, stacktrace);
Future<int> count([key_OR_range]) {
try {
var request = _count(key_OR_range);
return _completeRequest(request);
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
return new Future.error(e, stacktrace);
Future put(value, [key]) {
try {
var request;
if (key != null) {
request = _put(value, key);
} else {
request = _put(value);
return _completeRequest(request);
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
return new Future.error(e, stacktrace);
Future getObject(key) {
try {
var request = _get(key);
return _completeRequest(request);
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
return new Future.error(e, stacktrace);
* Creates a stream of cursors over the records in this object store.
* **The stream must be manually advanced by calling [Cursor.next] after
* each item or by specifying autoAdvance to be true.**
* var cursors = objectStore.openCursor().listen(
* (cursor) {
* // ...some processing with the cursor
* cursor.next(); // advance onto the next cursor.
* },
* onDone: () {
* // called when there are no more cursors.
* print('all done!');
* });
* Asynchronous operations which are not related to the current transaction
* will cause the transaction to automatically be committed-- all processing
* must be done synchronously unless they are additional async requests to
* the current transaction.
Stream<CursorWithValue> openCursor(
{key, KeyRange range, String direction, bool autoAdvance}) {
var key_OR_range = null;
if (key != null) {
if (range != null) {
throw new ArgumentError('Cannot specify both key and range.');
key_OR_range = key;
} else {
key_OR_range = range;
// TODO: try/catch this and return a stream with an immediate error.
var request;
if (direction == null) {
request = _openCursor(key_OR_range);
} else {
request = _openCursor(key_OR_range, direction);
return _cursorStreamFromResult(request, autoAdvance);
Index createIndex(String name, keyPath, {bool unique, bool multiEntry}) {
var options = {};
if (unique != null) {
options['unique'] = unique;
if (multiEntry != null) {
options['multiEntry'] = multiEntry;
return _createIndex(name, keyPath, options);
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory ObjectStore._() {
throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported");
final bool autoIncrement;
final List<String> indexNames;
final Object keyPath;
final String name;
final Transaction transaction;
Request _add(/*any*/ value, [/*any*/ key]) {
if (key != null) {
var value_1 = convertDartToNative_SerializedScriptValue(value);
var key_2 = convertDartToNative_SerializedScriptValue(key);
return _add_1(value_1, key_2);
var value_1 = convertDartToNative_SerializedScriptValue(value);
return _add_2(value_1);
Request _add_1(value, key) native;
Request _add_2(value) native;
Request _clear() native;
Request _count(Object key) native;
Index _createIndex(String name, Object keyPath, [Map options]) {
if (options != null) {
var options_1 = convertDartToNative_Dictionary(options);
return _createIndex_1(name, keyPath, options_1);
return _createIndex_2(name, keyPath);
Index _createIndex_1(name, keyPath, options) native;
Index _createIndex_2(name, keyPath) native;
Request _delete(Object key) native;
void deleteIndex(String name) native;
Request _get(Object key) native;
@Experimental() // untriaged
Request getAll(Object range, [int maxCount]) native;
@Experimental() // untriaged
Request getAllKeys(Object range, [int maxCount]) native;
Index index(String name) native;
Request _openCursor(Object range, [String direction]) native;
@Experimental() // untriaged
Request openKeyCursor(Object range, [String direction]) native;
Request _put(/*any*/ value, [/*any*/ key]) {
if (key != null) {
var value_1 = convertDartToNative_SerializedScriptValue(value);
var key_2 = convertDartToNative_SerializedScriptValue(key);
return _put_1(value_1, key_2);
var value_1 = convertDartToNative_SerializedScriptValue(value);
return _put_2(value_1);
Request _put_1(value, key) native;
Request _put_2(value) native;
* Helper for iterating over cursors in a request.
static Stream<T> _cursorStreamFromResult<T extends Cursor>(
Request request, bool autoAdvance) {
// TODO: need to guarantee that the controller provides the values
// immediately as waiting until the next tick will cause the transaction to
// close.
var controller = new StreamController<T>(sync: true);
//TODO: Report stacktrace once issue 4061 is resolved.
request.onSuccess.listen((e) {
T cursor = request.result as dynamic;
if (cursor == null) {
} else {
if (autoAdvance == true && controller.hasListener) {
return controller.stream;
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class OpenDBRequest extends Request {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory OpenDBRequest._() {
throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported");
* Static factory designed to expose `blocked` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [OpenDBRequest].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> blockedEvent =
const EventStreamProvider<Event>('blocked');
* Static factory designed to expose `upgradeneeded` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [OpenDBRequest].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<VersionChangeEvent> upgradeNeededEvent =
const EventStreamProvider<VersionChangeEvent>('upgradeneeded');
/// Stream of `blocked` events handled by this [OpenDBRequest].
Stream<Event> get onBlocked => blockedEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `upgradeneeded` events handled by this [OpenDBRequest].
Stream<VersionChangeEvent> get onUpgradeNeeded =>
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class Request extends EventTarget {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Request._() {
throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported");
* Static factory designed to expose `error` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Request].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> errorEvent =
const EventStreamProvider<Event>('error');
* Static factory designed to expose `success` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Request].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> successEvent =
const EventStreamProvider<Event>('success');
final DomException error;
final String readyState;
dynamic get result => _convertNativeToDart_IDBAny(this._get_result);
final dynamic _get_result;
final Object source;
final Transaction transaction;
/// Stream of `error` events handled by this [Request].
Stream<Event> get onError => errorEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `success` events handled by this [Request].
Stream<Event> get onSuccess => successEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class Transaction extends EventTarget {
* Provides a Future which will be completed once the transaction has
* completed.
* The future will error if an error occurrs on the transaction or if the
* transaction is aborted.
Future<Database> get completed {
var completer = new Completer<Database>();
this.onComplete.first.then((_) {
this.onError.first.then((e) {
this.onAbort.first.then((e) {
// Avoid completing twice if an error occurs.
if (!completer.isCompleted) {
return completer.future;
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Transaction._() {
throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported");
* Static factory designed to expose `abort` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Transaction].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> abortEvent =
const EventStreamProvider<Event>('abort');
* Static factory designed to expose `complete` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Transaction].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> completeEvent =
const EventStreamProvider<Event>('complete');
* Static factory designed to expose `error` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Transaction].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> errorEvent =
const EventStreamProvider<Event>('error');
final Database db;
final DomException error;
final String mode;
@Experimental() // untriaged
final List<String> objectStoreNames;
void abort() native;
ObjectStore objectStore(String name) native;
/// Stream of `abort` events handled by this [Transaction].
Stream<Event> get onAbort => abortEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `complete` events handled by this [Transaction].
Stream<Event> get onComplete => completeEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `error` events handled by this [Transaction].
Stream<Event> get onError => errorEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class VersionChangeEvent extends Event {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory VersionChangeEvent._() {
throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported");
factory VersionChangeEvent(String type, [Map eventInitDict]) {
if (eventInitDict != null) {
var eventInitDict_1 = convertDartToNative_Dictionary(eventInitDict);
return VersionChangeEvent._create_1(type, eventInitDict_1);
return VersionChangeEvent._create_2(type);
static VersionChangeEvent _create_1(type, eventInitDict) => JS(
'new IDBVersionChangeEvent(#,#)',
static VersionChangeEvent _create_2(type) =>
JS('VersionChangeEvent', 'new IDBVersionChangeEvent(#)', type);
@Experimental() // untriaged
final String dataLoss;
@Experimental() // untriaged
final String dataLossMessage;
final int newVersion;
final int oldVersion;