
325 lines
9.6 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library priority_queue;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:math';
* A priority used for the priority queue. Subclasses only need to implement
* the compareTo function.
abstract class Priority implements Comparable {
* Return < 0 if other is bigger, >0 if other is smaller, 0 if they are equal.
int compareTo(Priority other);
bool operator<(Priority other) => compareTo(other) < 0;
bool operator>(Priority other) => compareTo(other) > 0;
bool operator==(Priority other) => compareTo(other) == 0;
* Priority based on integers.
class IntPriority extends Priority {
int priority;
IntPriority(int this.priority);
int compareTo(IntPriority other) {
return priority - other.priority;
String toString() => "$priority";
* An element of a priority queue. The type is used restriction based
* querying of the queues.
abstract class TypedElement<V> {
bool typeEquals(var other);
class StringTypedElement<V> extends TypedElement{
String type;
V value;
StringTypedElement(String this.type, V this.value);
bool typeEquals(String otherType) => otherType == type;
String toString() => "<Type: $type, Value: $value>";
* A priority node in a priority queue. A priority node contains all of the
* values for a given priority in a given queue. It is part of a linked
* list of nodes, with prev and next pointers.
class PriorityNode<N extends TypedElement, T extends Priority> {
T priority;
Queue<N> values;
PriorityNode prev;
PriorityNode next;
PriorityNode(N initialNode, T this.priority)
: values = new Queue<N>() {
void add(N n) => values.add(n);
bool remove(N n) => values.remove(n);
N removeFirst() => values.removeFirst();
bool get isEmpty => values.isEmpty;
N get first => values.first;
String toString() => "Priority: $priority $values";
* A priority queue with a FIFO property for nodes with same priority.
* The queue guarantees that nodes are returned in the same order they
* are added for a given priority.
* For type safety this queue is guarded by the elements being subclasses of
* TypedElement - this is not strictly neccesary since we never actually
* use the value or type of the nodes.
class PriorityQueue<N extends TypedElement, P extends Priority> {
PriorityNode<N, P> head;
int length = 0;
void add(N value, P priority) {
if (head == null) {
head = new PriorityNode<N, P>(value, priority);
assert(head.next == null);
var node = head;
while (node.prev != null && node.priority > priority) {
node = node.prev;
if (node.priority == priority) {
} else if (node.priority < priority) {
var newNode = new PriorityNode<N, P>(value, priority);
newNode.next = node.next;
if (node.next != null) node.next.prev = newNode;
newNode.prev = node;
node.next = newNode;
if (node == head) head = newNode;
} else {
var newNode = new PriorityNode<N, P>(value, priority);
node.prev = newNode;
newNode.next = node;
N get first => head.first;
Priority get firstPriority => head.priority;
bool get isEmpty => head == null;
N removeFirst() {
if (isEmpty) throw "Can't get element from empty queue";
var value = head.removeFirst();
if (head.isEmpty) {
if (head.prev != null) {
head.prev.next = null;
head = head.prev;
assert(head == null || head.next == null);
return value;
String toString() {
if (head == null) return "Empty priority queue";
var node = head;
var buffer = new StringBuffer();
while (node.prev != null) {
node = node.prev;
return buffer.toString();
* Implements a specialized priority queue that efficiently allows getting
* the highest priorized node that adheres to a set of restrictions.
* Most notably it allows to get the highest priority node where the node's
* type is not in an exclude list.
* In addition, the queue has a number of properties:
* The queue has fifo semantics for nodes with the same priority and type,
* i.e., if nodes a and b are added to the queue with priority x and type z
* then a is returned first iff a was added before b
* For different types with the same priority no guarantees are given, but
* the returned values try to be fair by returning from the biggest list of
* tasks in case of priority clash. (This could be fixed by adding timestamps
* to every node, that is _only_ used when collisions occur, not for
* insertions)
class RestrictViewPriorityQueue<N extends TypedElement, P extends Priority> {
// We can't use the basic dart priority queue since it does not guarantee
// FIFO for items with the same order. This is currently not uptimized for
// different N, if many different N is expected here we should have a
// priority queue instead of a list.
List<PriorityQueue<N, P>> restrictedQueues = new List<PriorityQueue<N, P>>();
PriorityQueue<N, P> mainQueue = new PriorityQueue<N, P>();
void add(N value, P priority) {
for (var queue in restrictedQueues) {
if (queue.first.value == value) {
queue.add(value, priority);
mainQueue.add(value, priority);
bool get isEmpty => restrictedQueues.length + mainQueue.length == 0;
int get length => restrictedQueues.fold(0, (v, e) => v + e.length) +
PriorityQueue getRestricted(List<N> restrictions) {
var current = null;
// Find highest restricted priority.
for (var queue in restrictedQueues) {
if (!restrictions.any((e) => queue.head.first.typeEquals(e))) {
if (current == null || queue.firstPriority > current.firstPriority) {
current = queue;
} else if (current.firstPriority == queue.firstPriority) {
current = queue.length > current.length ? queue : current;
return current;
N get first {
if (isEmpty) throw "Trying to remove node from empty queue";
var candidate = getRestricted([]);
if (candidate != null &&
(mainQueue.isEmpty ||
mainQueue.firstPriority < candidate.firstPriority)) {
return candidate.first;
return mainQueue.isEmpty ? null : mainQueue.first;
* Returns the node that under the given set of restrictions.
* If the queue is empty this function throws.
* If the queue is not empty, but no node exists that adheres to the
* restrictions we return null.
N removeFirst({List restrictions: const []}) {
if (isEmpty) throw "Trying to remove node from empty queue";
var candidate = getRestricted(restrictions);
if (candidate != null &&
(mainQueue.isEmpty ||
mainQueue.firstPriority < candidate.firstPriority)) {
var value = candidate.removeFirst();
if (candidate.isEmpty) restrictedQueues.remove(candidate);
return value;
while (!mainQueue.isEmpty) {
var currentPriority = mainQueue.firstPriority;
var current = mainQueue.removeFirst();
if (!restrictions.any((e) => current.typeEquals(e))) {
return current;
} else {
var restrictedQueue = restrictedQueues
.firstWhere((e) => current.typeEquals(e.first.type),
orElse: () => null);
if (restrictedQueue == null) {
restrictedQueue = new PriorityQueue<N, P>();
restrictedQueue.add(current, currentPriority);
return null;
String toString() {
if (isEmpty) return "Empty queue";
var buffer = new StringBuffer();
if (!restrictedQueues.isEmpty) {
buffer.writeln("Restricted queues");
for (var queue in restrictedQueues) {
buffer.writeln("Main queue:");
return buffer.toString();
void main([args]) {
stress(new RestrictViewPriorityQueue<StringTypedElement, IntPriority>());
void stress(queue) {
final int SIZE = 50000;
Random random = new Random(29);
var priorities = [1, 2, 3, 16, 32, 42, 56, 57, 59, 90];
var values = [new StringTypedElement('safari', 'foo'),
new StringTypedElement('ie', 'bar'),
new StringTypedElement('ff', 'foobar'),
new StringTypedElement('dartium', 'barfoo'),
new StringTypedElement('chrome', 'hest'),
new StringTypedElement('drt', 'fisk')];
var restricted = ['safari', 'chrome'];
void addRandom() {
new IntPriority(priorities[random.nextInt(priorities.length)]));
var stopwatch = new Stopwatch()..start();
while(queue.length < SIZE) {
print("Adding took: ${stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds}");
print("Queue length: ${queue.length}");
stopwatch = new Stopwatch()..start();
while(queue.length > 0) {
print("Remowing took: ${stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds}");
print("Queue length: ${queue.length}");
print("Restricted add/remove");
while(queue.length < SIZE) {
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
if (random.nextDouble() < 0.5) {
queue.removeFirst(restrictions: restricted);
} else {