ajohnsen@google.com 2bd55c23c7 Keep track of when a socket has been destroyed
This adds the event CLOSED to RawSocket and RawServerSocket. This
event indicate that the underlying socket is now destroyed.

This is used to make Socket.close and ServerSocket.close return a
future which is completed when the unserlying socket is
destroyed. This can be used to start listening on the same port after
closing a server socket.

R=ajohnsen@google.com, kustermann@google.com


Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org//14864009

git-svn-id: https://dart.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge/dart@25213 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
2013-07-19 13:26:48 +00:00

1430 lines
46 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.io;
* HTTP status codes.
abstract class HttpStatus {
static const int CONTINUE = 100;
static const int SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS = 101;
static const int OK = 200;
static const int CREATED = 201;
static const int ACCEPTED = 202;
static const int NO_CONTENT = 204;
static const int RESET_CONTENT = 205;
static const int PARTIAL_CONTENT = 206;
static const int MULTIPLE_CHOICES = 300;
static const int MOVED_PERMANENTLY = 301;
static const int FOUND = 302;
static const int MOVED_TEMPORARILY = 302; // Common alias for FOUND.
static const int SEE_OTHER = 303;
static const int NOT_MODIFIED = 304;
static const int USE_PROXY = 305;
static const int TEMPORARY_REDIRECT = 307;
static const int BAD_REQUEST = 400;
static const int UNAUTHORIZED = 401;
static const int PAYMENT_REQUIRED = 402;
static const int FORBIDDEN = 403;
static const int NOT_FOUND = 404;
static const int METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED = 405;
static const int NOT_ACCEPTABLE = 406;
static const int REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 408;
static const int CONFLICT = 409;
static const int GONE = 410;
static const int LENGTH_REQUIRED = 411;
static const int PRECONDITION_FAILED = 412;
static const int REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE = 413;
static const int REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG = 414;
static const int UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE = 415;
static const int EXPECTATION_FAILED = 417;
static const int INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = 500;
static const int NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 501;
static const int BAD_GATEWAY = 502;
static const int SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE = 503;
static const int GATEWAY_TIMEOUT = 504;
static const int HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED = 505;
// Client generated status code.
static const int NETWORK_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_ERROR = 599;
* The [HttpServer] class implements the server side of the HTTP
* protocol. The [HttpServer] is a [Stream] of [HttpRequest]s. Each
* [HttpRequest] has an associated [HttpResponse] object as its
* [HttpRequest.response] member, and the server responds to a request by
* writing to that [HttpResponse] object.
* Incomplete requests where all or parts of the header is missing, are
* ignored and no exceptions or [HttpRequest] objects are generated for them.
* Likewise, when writing to a [HttpResponse], any [Socket] exceptions are
* ignored and any future writes are ignored.
* The [HttpRequest] exposes the request headers, and provides the request body,
* if it exists, as a stream of data. If the body is unread, it'll be drained
* when the [HttpResponse] is being written to or closed.
* The following example shows how to bind a [HttpServer] to a IPv6
* [InternetAddress] on port 80, and listening to requests.
* HttpServer.bind(InternetAddress.ANY_IP_V6, 80).then((server) {
* server.listen((HttpRequest request) {
* // Handle requests.
* });
* });
abstract class HttpServer implements Stream<HttpRequest> {
* Starts listening for HTTP requests on the specified [address] and
* [port].
* The [address] can either be a [String] or an
* [InternetAddress]. If [address] is a [String], [bind] will
* perform a [InternetAddress.lookup] and use the first value in the
* list. To listen on the loopback adapter, which will allow only
* incoming connections from the local host, use the value
* [InternetAddress.LOOPBACK_IP_V4] or
* [InternetAddress.LOOPBACK_IP_V6]. To allow for incoming
* connection from the network use either one of the values
* [InternetAddress.ANY_IP_V4] or [InternetAddress.ANY_IP_V6] to
* bind to all interfaces or the IP address of a specific interface.
* If an IP version 6 (IPv6) address is used, both IP version 6
* (IPv6) and version 4 (IPv4) connections will be accepted. To
* restrict this to version 6 (IPv6) only, use [HttpServer.listenOn]
* with a [ServerSocket] configured for IP version 6 connections
* only.
* If [port] has the value [:0:] an ephemeral port will be chosen by
* the system. The actual port used can be retrieved using the
* [port] getter.
* The optional argument [backlog] can be used to specify the listen
* backlog for the underlying OS listen setup. If [backlog] has the
* value of [:0:] (the default) a reasonable value will be chosen by
* the system.
static Future<HttpServer> bind(address,
int port,
{int backlog: 0})
=> _HttpServer.bind(address, port, backlog);
* The [address] can either be a [String] or an
* [InternetAddress]. If [address] is a [String], [bind] will
* perform a [InternetAddress.lookup] and use the first value in the
* list. To listen on the loopback adapter, which will allow only
* incoming connections from the local host, use the value
* [InternetAddress.LOOPBACK_IP_V4] or
* [InternetAddress.LOOPBACK_IP_V6]. To allow for incoming
* connection from the network use either one of the values
* [InternetAddress.ANY_IP_V4] or [InternetAddress.ANY_IP_V6] to
* bind to all interfaces or the IP address of a specific interface.
* If an IP version 6 (IPv6) address is used, both IP version 6
* (IPv6) and version 4 (IPv4) connections will be accepted. To
* restrict this to version 6 (IPv6) only, use [HttpServer.listenOn]
* with a [ServerSocket] configured for IP version 6 connections
* only.
* If [port] has the value [:0:] an ephemeral port will be chosen by
* the system. The actual port used can be retrieved using the
* [port] getter.
* The optional argument [backlog] can be used to specify the listen
* backlog for the underlying OS listen setup. If [backlog] has the
* value of [:0:] (the default) a reasonable value will be chosen by
* the system.
* The certificate with Distinguished Name [certificateName] is looked
* up in the certificate database, and is used as the server certificate.
* if [requestClientCertificate] is true, the server will request clients
* to authenticate with a client certificate.
static Future<HttpServer> bindSecure(address,
int port,
{int backlog: 0,
String certificateName,
bool requestClientCertificate: false})
=> _HttpServer.bindSecure(address,
* Attaches the HTTP server to an existing [ServerSocket]. When the
* [HttpServer] is closed, the [HttpServer] will just detach itself,
* closing current connections but not closing [serverSocket].
factory HttpServer.listenOn(ServerSocket serverSocket)
=> new _HttpServer.listenOn(serverSocket);
* Permanently stops this [HttpServer] from listening for new
* connections. This closes this [Stream] of [HttpRequest]s with a
* done event. The returned future completes when the server is
* stopped. For a server started using [bind] or [bindSecure] this
* means that the port listened on no longer in use.
Future close();
* Returns the port that the server is listening on. This can be
* used to get the actual port used when a value of 0 for [:port:] is
* specified in the [bind] or [bindSecure] call.
int get port;
* Sets the timeout, in seconds, for sessions of this [HttpServer].
* The default timeout is 20 minutes.
set sessionTimeout(int timeout);
* Returns an [HttpConnectionsInfo] object summarizing the number of
* current connections handled by the server.
HttpConnectionsInfo connectionsInfo();
* Set and get the default value of the `Server` header for all responses
* generated by this [HttpServer]. The default value is
* `Dart/<version> (dart:io)`.
* If the serverHeader is set to `null`, no default `Server` header will be
* added to each response.
String serverHeader;
* Summary statistics about an [HttpServer]s current socket connections.
class HttpConnectionsInfo {
* Total number of socket connections.
int total = 0;
* Number of active connections where actual request/response
* processing is active.
int active = 0;
* Number of idle connections held by clients as persistent connections.
int idle = 0;
* Number of connections which are preparing to close. Note: These
* connections are also part of the [:active:] count as they might
* still be sending data to the client before finally closing.
int closing = 0;
* Access to the HTTP headers for requests and responses. In some
* situations the headers will be immutable and the mutating methods
* will then throw exceptions.
* For all operations on HTTP headers the header name is
* case-insensitive.
abstract class HttpHeaders {
static const ACCEPT = "accept";
static const ACCEPT_CHARSET = "accept-charset";
static const ACCEPT_ENCODING = "accept-encoding";
static const ACCEPT_LANGUAGE = "accept-language";
static const ACCEPT_RANGES = "accept-ranges";
static const AGE = "age";
static const ALLOW = "allow";
static const AUTHORIZATION = "authorization";
static const CACHE_CONTROL = "cache-control";
static const CONNECTION = "connection";
static const CONTENT_ENCODING = "content-encoding";
static const CONTENT_LANGUAGE = "content-language";
static const CONTENT_LENGTH = "content-length";
static const CONTENT_LOCATION = "content-location";
static const CONTENT_MD5 = "content-md5";
static const CONTENT_RANGE = "content-range";
static const CONTENT_TYPE = "content-type";
static const DATE = "date";
static const ETAG = "etag";
static const EXPECT = "expect";
static const EXPIRES = "expires";
static const FROM = "from";
static const HOST = "host";
static const IF_MATCH = "if-match";
static const IF_MODIFIED_SINCE = "if-modified-since";
static const IF_NONE_MATCH = "if-none-match";
static const IF_RANGE = "if-range";
static const IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE = "if-unmodified-since";
static const LAST_MODIFIED = "last-modified";
static const LOCATION = "location";
static const MAX_FORWARDS = "max-forwards";
static const PRAGMA = "pragma";
static const PROXY_AUTHENTICATE = "proxy-authenticate";
static const PROXY_AUTHORIZATION = "proxy-authorization";
static const RANGE = "range";
static const REFERER = "referer";
static const RETRY_AFTER = "retry-after";
static const SERVER = "server";
static const TE = "te";
static const TRAILER = "trailer";
static const TRANSFER_ENCODING = "transfer-encoding";
static const UPGRADE = "upgrade";
static const USER_AGENT = "user-agent";
static const VARY = "vary";
static const VIA = "via";
static const WARNING = "warning";
static const WWW_AUTHENTICATE = "www-authenticate";
// Cookie headers from RFC 6265.
static const COOKIE = "cookie";
static const SET_COOKIE = "set-cookie";
static const GENERAL_HEADERS = const [CACHE_CONTROL,
static const ENTITY_HEADERS = const [ALLOW,
static const REQUEST_HEADERS = const [ACCEPT,
* Returns the list of values for the header named [name]. If there
* is no header with the provided name, [:null:] will be returned.
List<String> operator[](String name);
* Convenience method for the value for a single valued header. If
* there is no header with the provided name, [:null:] will be
* returned. If the header has more than one value an exception is
* thrown.
String value(String name);
* Adds a header value. The header named [name] will have the value
* [value] added to its list of values. Some headers are single
* valued, and for these adding a value will replace the previous
* value. If the value is of type DateTime a HTTP date format will be
* applied. If the value is a [:List:] each element of the list will
* be added separately. For all other types the default [:toString:]
* method will be used.
void add(String name, Object value);
* Sets a header. The header named [name] will have all its values
* cleared before the value [value] is added as its value.
void set(String name, Object value);
* Removes a specific value for a header name. Some headers have
* system supplied values and for these the system supplied values
* will still be added to the collection of values for the header.
void remove(String name, Object value);
* Removes all values for the specified header name. Some headers
* have system supplied values and for these the system supplied
* values will still be added to the collection of values for the
* header.
void removeAll(String name);
* Enumerates the headers, applying the function [f] to each
* header. The header name passed in [:name:] will be all lower
* case.
void forEach(void f(String name, List<String> values));
* Disables folding for the header named [name] when sending the HTTP
* header. By default, multiple header values are folded into a
* single header line by separating the values with commas. The
* 'set-cookie' header has folding disabled by default.
void noFolding(String name);
* Gets and sets the date. The value of this property will
* reflect the 'date' header.
DateTime date;
* Gets and sets the expiry date. The value of this property will
* reflect the 'expires' header.
DateTime expires;
* Gets and sets the "if-modified-since" date. The value of this property will
* reflect the "if-modified-since" header.
DateTime ifModifiedSince;
* Gets and sets the host part of the 'host' header for the
* connection.
String host;
* Gets and sets the port part of the 'host' header for the
* connection.
int port;
* Gets and sets the content type. Note that the content type in the
* header will only be updated if this field is set
* directly. Mutating the returned current value will have no
* effect.
ContentType contentType;
* Gets and sets the content length header value.
int contentLength;
* Gets and sets the persistent connection header value.
bool persistentConnection;
* Gets and sets the chunked transfer encoding header value.
bool chunkedTransferEncoding;
* Representation of a header value in the form:
* [:value; parameter1=value1; parameter2=value2:]
* [HeaderValue] can be used to conveniently build and parse header
* values on this form.
* To build an [:accepts:] header with the value
* text/plain; q=0.3, text/html
* use code like this:
* HttpClientRequest request = ...;
* var v = new HeaderValue("text/plain", {"q": "0.3"});
* request.headers.add(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT, v);
* request.headers.add(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT, "text/html");
* To parse the header values use the [:parse:] static method.
* HttpRequest request = ...;
* List<String> values = request.headers[HttpHeaders.ACCEPT];
* values.forEach((value) {
* HeaderValue v = HeaderValue.parse(value);
* // Use v.value and v.parameters
* });
* An instance of [HeaderValue] is immutable.
abstract class HeaderValue {
* Creates a new header value object setting the value part.
factory HeaderValue([String value = "", Map<String, String> parameters]) {
return new _HeaderValue(value, parameters);
* Creates a new header value object from parsing a header value
* string with both value and optional parameters.
static HeaderValue parse(String value,
{String parameterSeparator: ";"}) {
return _HeaderValue.parse(value, parameterSeparator: parameterSeparator);
* Gets the header value.
String get value;
* Gets the map of parameters.
Map<String, String> get parameters;
* Returns the formatted string representation in the form:
* value; parameter1=value1; parameter2=value2
String toString();
abstract class HttpSession implements Map {
* Gets the id for the current session.
String get id;
* Destroys the session. This will terminate the session and any further
* connections with this id will be given a new id and session.
void destroy();
* Sets a callback that will be called when the session is timed out.
void set onTimeout(void callback());
* Is true if the session has not been sent to the client yet.
bool get isNew;
* Representation of a content type. An instance of [ContentType] is
* immutable.
abstract class ContentType implements HeaderValue {
* Creates a new content type object setting the primary type and
* sub type. The charset and additional parameters can also be set
* using [charset] and [parameters]. If charset is passed and
* [parameters] contains charset as well the passed [charset] will
* override the value in parameters. Keys and values passed in
* parameters will be converted to lower case.
factory ContentType(String primaryType,
String subType,
{String charset, Map<String, String> parameters}) {
return new _ContentType(primaryType, subType, charset, parameters);
* Creates a new content type object from parsing a Content-Type
* header value. As primary type, sub type and parameter names and
* values are not case sensitive all these values will be converted
* to lower case. Parsing this string
* text/html; charset=utf-8
* will create a content type object with primary type [:text:], sub
* type [:html:] and parameter [:charset:] with value [:utf-8:].
static ContentType parse(String value) {
return _ContentType.parse(value);
* Gets the mime-type, without any parameters.
String get mimeType;
* Gets the primary type.
String get primaryType;
* Gets the sub type.
String get subType;
* Gets the character set.
String get charset;
* Representation of a cookie. For cookies received by the server as
* Cookie header values only [:name:] and [:value:] fields will be
* set. When building a cookie for the 'set-cookie' header in the server
* and when receiving cookies in the client as 'set-cookie' headers all
* fields can be used.
abstract class Cookie {
* Creates a new cookie optionally setting the name and value.
factory Cookie([String name, String value]) => new _Cookie(name, value);
* Creates a new cookie by parsing a header value from a 'set-cookie'
* header.
factory Cookie.fromSetCookieValue(String value) {
return new _Cookie.fromSetCookieValue(value);
* Gets and sets the name.
String name;
* Gets and sets the value.
String value;
* Gets and sets the expiry date.
DateTime expires;
* Gets and sets the max age. A value of [:0:] means delete cookie
* now.
int maxAge;
* Gets and sets the domain.
String domain;
* Gets and sets the path.
String path;
* Gets and sets whether this cookie is secure.
bool secure;
* Gets and sets whether this cookie is HTTP only.
bool httpOnly;
* Returns the formatted string representation of the cookie. The
* string representation can be used for for setting the Cookie or
* 'set-cookie' headers
String toString();
* Http request delivered to the HTTP server callback. The [HttpRequest] is a
* [Stream] of the body content of the request. Listen to the body to handle the
* data and be notified once the entire body is received.
abstract class HttpRequest implements Stream<List<int>> {
* Returns the content length of the request body. If the size of
* the request body is not known in advance this -1.
int get contentLength;
* Returns the method for the request.
String get method;
* Returns the URI for the request. This provides access to the
* path, query string and fragment identifier for the request.
Uri get uri;
* Returns the request headers.
HttpHeaders get headers;
* Returns the cookies in the request (from the Cookie headers).
List<Cookie> get cookies;
* Returns the persistent connection state signaled by the client.
bool get persistentConnection;
* Returns the client certificate of the client making the request.
* Returns null if the connection is not a secure TLS or SSL connection,
* or if the server does not request a client certificate, or if the client
* does not provide one.
X509Certificate get certificate;
* Gets the session for the given request. If the session is
* being initialized by this call, [:isNew:] will be true for the returned
* session.
* See [HttpServer.sessionTimeout] on how to change default timeout.
HttpSession get session;
* Returns the HTTP protocol version used in the request. This will
* be "1.0" or "1.1".
String get protocolVersion;
* Gets information about the client connection. Returns [null] if the socket
* is not available.
HttpConnectionInfo get connectionInfo;
* Gets the [HttpResponse] object, used for sending back the response to the
* client.
* If the [contentLength] of the body isn't 0, and the body isn't being read,
* any write calls on the [HttpResponse] will automatically drain the request
* body.
HttpResponse get response;
* An [HttpResponse] represents the headers and data to be returned to
* a client in response to an HTTP request.
* This object has a number of properties for setting up the HTTP
* header of the response. When the header has been set up the methods
* from the [IOSink] can be used to write the actual body of the HTTP
* response. When one of the [IOSink] methods is used for the
* first time the request header is send. Calling any methods that
* will change the header after it is sent will throw an exception.
* When writing string data through the [IOSink] the encoding used
* will be determined from the "charset" parameter of the
* "Content-Type" header.
* HttpResponse response = ...
* response.headers.contentType
* = new ContentType("application", "json", charset: "utf-8");
* response.write(...); // Strings written will be UTF-8 encoded.
* If no charset is provided the default of ISO-8859-1 (Latin 1) will
* be used.
* HttpResponse response = ...
* response.headers.add(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain");
* response.write(...); // Strings written will be ISO-8859-1 encoded.
* If an unsupported encoding is used an exception will be thrown if
* using one of the write methods taking a string.
abstract class HttpResponse implements IOSink {
// TODO(ajohnsen): Add documentation of how to pipe a file to the response.
* Gets and sets the content length of the response. If the size of
* the response is not known in advance set the content length to
* -1 - which is also the default if not set.
int contentLength;
* Gets and sets the status code. Any integer value is accepted. For
* the official HTTP status codes use the fields from
* [HttpStatus]. If no status code is explicitly set the default
* value [HttpStatus.OK] is used.
int statusCode;
* Gets and sets the reason phrase. If no reason phrase is explicitly
* set a default reason phrase is provided.
String reasonPhrase;
* Gets and sets the persistent connection state. The initial value
* of this property is the persistent connection state from the
* request.
bool persistentConnection;
* Returns the response headers.
HttpHeaders get headers;
* Cookies to set in the client (in the 'set-cookie' header).
List<Cookie> get cookies;
* Detaches the underlying socket from the HTTP server. When the
* socket is detached the HTTP server will no longer perform any
* operations on it.
* This is normally used when a HTTP upgrade request is received
* and the communication should continue with a different protocol.
Future<Socket> detachSocket();
* Gets information about the client connection. Returns [null] if the socket
* is not available.
HttpConnectionInfo get connectionInfo;
* The [HttpClient] class implements the client side of the HTTP
* protocol. It contains a number of methods to send a HTTP request
* to a HTTP server and receive a HTTP response back.
* This is a two-step process, triggered by two futures. When the
* first future completes with a [HttpClientRequest] the underlying
* network connection has been established, but no data has yet been
* sent. The HTTP headers and body can be set on the request, and
* [:close:] is called to sent it to the server.
* The second future, which is returned by [:close:], completes with
* an [HttpClientResponse] object when the response is received from
* the server. This object contains the headers and body of the
* response.
* The future for [HttpClientRequest] is created by methods such as
* [getUrl] and [open].
* When the HTTP response is ready a [HttpClientResponse] object is
* provided which provides access to the headers and body of the response. The
* body is available as a stream implemented by [HttpClientResponse].
* If a body is present, it must be read. Otherwise, it'll lead to a resource
* leaks. Consider using [HttpClientResponse.drain] if the body is unused.
* HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
* client.getUrl(Uri.parse("http://www.example.com/"))
* .then((HttpClientRequest request) {
* // Prepare the request then call close on it to send it.
* return request.close();
* })
* .then((HttpClientResponse response) {
* // Process the response.
* });
* All [HttpClient] requests set the following header by default:
* Accept-Encoding: gzip
* This allows the HTTP server to use gzip compression for the body if
* possible. If this behavior is not desired set the
* "Accept-Encoding" header to something else.
* The [HttpClient] supports persistent connections and caches network
* connections to reuse then for multiple requests whenever
* possible. This means that network connections can be kept open for
* some time after a request have completed. Use [:HttpClient.close:]
* to force shut down the [HttpClient] object and close the idle
* network connections.
* By default the HttpClient uses the proxy configuration available
* from the environment, see [findProxyFromEnvironment]. To turn off
* the use of proxies all together set the [findProxy] property to
* [:null:].
* HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
* client.findProxy = null;
abstract class HttpClient {
static const int DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT = 80;
static const int DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT = 443;
* Get and set the idle timeout of non-active persistent (keep-alive)
* connections. The default value is 15 seconds.
Duration idleTimeout;
* Set and get the default value of the `User-Agent` header for all requests
* generated by this [HttpClient]. The default value is
* `Dart/<version> (dart:io)`.
* If the userAgent is set to `null`, no default `User-Agent` header will be
* added to each request.
String userAgent;
factory HttpClient() => new _HttpClient();
* Opens a HTTP connection. The returned [HttpClientRequest] is used to
* fill in the content of the request before sending it. The 'host' header for
* the request will be set to the value [host]:[port]. This can be overridden
* through the [HttpClientRequest] interface before the request is sent.
* NOTE if [host] is an IP address this will still be set in the 'host'
* header.
Future<HttpClientRequest> open(String method,
String host,
int port,
String path);
* Opens a HTTP connection. The returned [HttpClientRequest] is used to
* fill in the content of the request before sending it. The 'hosth header for
* the request will be set to the value [host]:[port]. This can be overridden
* through the [HttpClientRequest] interface before the request is sent.
* NOTE if [host] is an IP address this will still be set in the 'host'
* header.
Future<HttpClientRequest> openUrl(String method, Uri url);
* Opens a HTTP connection using the GET method. See [open] for
* details. Using this method to open a HTTP connection will set the
* content length to 0.
Future<HttpClientRequest> get(String host, int port, String path);
* Opens a HTTP connection using the GET method. See [openUrl] for
* details. Using this method to open a HTTP connection will set the
* content length to 0.
Future<HttpClientRequest> getUrl(Uri url);
* Opens a HTTP connection using the POST method. See [open] for details.
Future<HttpClientRequest> post(String host, int port, String path);
* Opens a HTTP connection using the POST method. See [openUrl] for details.
Future<HttpClientRequest> postUrl(Uri url);
* Sets the function to be called when a site is requesting
* authentication. The URL requested and the security realm from the
* server are passed in the arguments [url] and [realm].
* The function returns a [Future] which should complete when the
* authentication has been resolved. If credentials cannot be
* provided the [Future] should complete with [false]. If
* credentials are available the function should add these using
* [addCredentials] before completing the [Future] with the value
* [true].
* If the [Future] completes with true the request will be retried
* using the updated credentials. Otherwise response processing will
* continue normally.
set authenticate(Future<bool> f(Uri url, String scheme, String realm));
* Add credentials to be used for authorizing HTTP requests.
void addCredentials(Uri url, String realm, HttpClientCredentials credentials);
* Sets the function used to resolve the proxy server to be used for
* opening a HTTP connection to the specified [url]. If this
* function is not set, direct connections will always be used.
* The string returned by [f] must be in the format used by browser
* PAC (proxy auto-config) scripts. That is either
* for using a direct connection or
* "PROXY host:port"
* for using the proxy server [:host:] on port [:port:].
* A configuration can contain several configuration elements
* separated by semicolons, e.g.
* "PROXY host:port; PROXY host2:port2; DIRECT"
* The static function [findProxyFromEnvironment] on this class can
* be used to implement proxy server resolving based on environment
* variables.
set findProxy(String f(Uri url));
* Function for resolving the proxy server to be used for a HTTP
* connection from the proxy configuration specified through
* environment variables.
* The following environment variables are taken into account:
* http_proxy
* https_proxy
* no_proxy
* [:http_proxy:] and [:HTTP_PROXY:] specify the proxy server to use for
* http:// urls. Use the format [:hostname:port:]. If no port is used a
* default of 1080 will be used. If both are set the lower case one takes
* precedence.
* [:https_proxy:] and [:HTTPS_PROXY:] specify the proxy server to use for
* https:// urls. Use the format [:hostname:port:]. If no port is used a
* default of 1080 will be used. If both are set the lower case one takes
* precedence.
* [:no_proxy:] and [:NO_PROXY:] specify a comma separated list of
* postfixes of hostnames for which not to use the proxy
* server. E.g. the value "localhost," will make requests
* to both "localhost" and "" not use a proxy. If both are set
* the lower case one takes precedence.
* To activate this way of resolving proxies assign this function to
* the [findProxy] property on the [HttpClient].
* HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
* client.findProxy = HttpClient.findProxyFromEnvironment;
* If you don't want to use the system environment you can use a
* different one by wrapping the function.
* HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
* client.findProxy = (url) {
* return HttpClient.findProxyFromEnvironment(
* url, {"http_proxy": ..., "no_proxy": ...});
* }
* If a proxy requires authentication it is possible to configure
* the username and password as well. Use the format
* [:username:password@hostname:port:] to include the username and
* password. Alternatively the API [addProxyCredentials] can be used
* to set credentials for proxies which require authentication.
static String findProxyFromEnvironment(Uri url,
{Map<String, String> environment}) {
return _HttpClient._findProxyFromEnvironment(url, environment);
* Sets the function to be called when a proxy is requesting
* authentication. Information on the proxy in use and the security
* realm for the authentication are passed in the arguments [host],
* [port] and [realm].
* The function returns a [Future] which should complete when the
* authentication has been resolved. If credentials cannot be
* provided the [Future] should complete with [false]. If
* credentials are available the function should add these using
* [addProxyCredentials] before completing the [Future] with the value
* [true].
* If the [Future] completes with [true] the request will be retried
* using the updated credentials. Otherwise response processing will
* continue normally.
set authenticateProxy(
Future<bool> f(String host, int port, String scheme, String realm));
* Add credentials to be used for authorizing HTTP proxies.
void addProxyCredentials(String host,
int port,
String realm,
HttpClientCredentials credentials);
* Shutdown the HTTP client. If [force] is [:false:] (the default)
* the [:HttpClient:] will be kept alive until all active
* connections are done. If [force] is [:true:] any active
* connections will be closed to immediately release all
* resources. These closed connections will receive an [:onError:]
* callback to indicate that the client was shutdown. In both cases
* trying to establish a new connection after calling [shutdown]
* will throw an exception.
void close({bool force: false});
* HTTP request for a client connection.
* This object has a number of properties for setting up the HTTP
* header of the request. When the header has been set up the methods
* from the [IOSink] can be used to write the actual body of the HTTP
* request. When one of the [IOSink] methods is used for the first
* time the request header is send. Calling any methods that will
* change the header after it is sent will throw an exception.
* When writing string data through the [IOSink] the
* encoding used will be determined from the "charset" parameter of
* the "Content-Type" header.
* HttpClientRequest request = ...
* request.headers.contentType
* = new ContentType("application", "json", charset: "utf-8");
* request.write(...); // Strings written will be UTF-8 encoded.
* If no charset is provided the default of ISO-8859-1 (Latin 1) will
* be used.
* HttpClientRequest request = ...
* request.headers.add(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain");
* request.write(...); // Strings written will be ISO-8859-1 encoded.
* If an unsupported encoding is used an exception will be thrown if
* using one of the write methods taking a string.
abstract class HttpClientRequest implements IOSink {
* The method of the request.
String get method;
* The uri of the request.
Uri get uri;
* Gets and sets the content length of the request. If the size of
* the request is not known in advance set content length to -1,
* which is also the default.
int contentLength;
* Returns the request headers.
HttpHeaders get headers;
* Cookies to present to the server (in the 'cookie' header).
List<Cookie> get cookies;
* Gets and sets the requested persistent connection state.
* The default value is [:true:].
bool persistentConnection;
* A [HttpClientResponse] future that will complete once the response is
* available. If an error occurs before the response is available, this
* future will complete with an error.
Future<HttpClientResponse> get done;
* Close the request for input. Returns the value of [done].
Future<HttpClientResponse> close();
* Set this property to [:true:] if this request should
* automatically follow redirects. The default is [:true:].
* Automatic redirect will only happen for "GET" and "HEAD" requests
* and only for the status codes [:HttpHeaders.MOVED_PERMANENTLY:]
* (301), [:HttpStatus.FOUND:] (302),
* [:HttpStatus.MOVED_TEMPORARILY:] (302, alias for
* [:HttpStatus.FOUND:]), [:HttpStatus.SEE_OTHER:] (303) and
* [:HttpStatus.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT:] (307). For
* [:HttpStatus.SEE_OTHER:] (303) autmatic redirect will also happen
* for "POST" requests with the method changed to "GET" when
* following the redirect.
* All headers added to the request will be added to the redirection
* request(s). However, any body send with the request will not be
* part of the redirection request(s).
bool followRedirects;
* Set this property to the maximum number of redirects to follow
* when [followRedirects] is [:true:]. If this number is exceeded the
* [onError] callback will be called with a [RedirectException].
* The default value is 5.
int maxRedirects;
* Get information about the client connection. Returns [null] if the socket
* is not available.
HttpConnectionInfo get connectionInfo;
* HTTP response for a client connection. The [HttpClientResponse] is a
* [Stream] of the body content of the response. Listen to the body to handle
* the data and be notified once the entire body is received.
abstract class HttpClientResponse implements Stream<List<int>> {
* Returns the status code.
int get statusCode;
* Returns the reason phrase associated with the status code.
String get reasonPhrase;
* Returns the content length of the request body. Returns -1 if the size of
* the request body is not known in advance.
int get contentLength;
* Gets the persistent connection state returned by the server.
bool get persistentConnection;
* Returns whether the status code is one of the normal redirect
* codes [HttpStatus.MOVED_PERMANENTLY], [HttpStatus.FOUND],
* [HttpStatus.MOVED_TEMPORARILY], [HttpStatus.SEE_OTHER] and
bool get isRedirect;
* Returns the series of redirects this connection has been through. The
* list will be empty if no redirects were followed. [redirects] will be
* updated both in the case of an automatic and a manual redirect.
List<RedirectInfo> get redirects;
* Redirects this connection to a new URL. The default value for
* [method] is the method for the current request. The default value
* for [url] is the value of the [HttpHeaders.LOCATION] header of
* the current response. All body data must have been read from the
* current response before calling [redirect].
* All headers added to the request will be added to the redirection
* request. However, any body sent with the request will not be
* part of the redirection request.
* If [followLoops] is set to [true], redirect will follow the redirect,
* even if the URL was already visited. The default value is [false].
* [redirect] will ignore [maxRedirects] and will always perform the redirect.
Future<HttpClientResponse> redirect([String method,
Uri url,
bool followLoops]);
* Returns the response headers.
HttpHeaders get headers;
* Detach the underlying socket from the HTTP client. When the
* socket is detached the HTTP client will no longer perform any
* operations on it.
* This is normally used when a HTTP upgrade is negotiated and the
* communication should continue with a different protocol.
Future<Socket> detachSocket();
* Cookies set by the server (from the 'set-cookie' header).
List<Cookie> get cookies;
* Returns the certificate of the HTTPS server providing the response.
* Returns null if the connection is not a secure TLS or SSL connection.
X509Certificate get certificate;
* Gets information about the client connection. Returns [null] if the socket
* is not available.
HttpConnectionInfo get connectionInfo;
abstract class HttpClientCredentials { }
* Represents credentials for basic authentication.
abstract class HttpClientBasicCredentials extends HttpClientCredentials {
factory HttpClientBasicCredentials(String username, String password) =>
new _HttpClientBasicCredentials(username, password);
* Represents credentials for digest authentication. Digest
* authentication is only supported for servers using the MD5
* algorithm and quality of protection (qop) of either "none" or
* "auth".
abstract class HttpClientDigestCredentials extends HttpClientCredentials {
factory HttpClientDigestCredentials(String username, String password) =>
new _HttpClientDigestCredentials(username, password);
* Information about an [HttpRequest], [HttpResponse], [HttpClientRequest], or
* [HttpClientResponse] connection.
abstract class HttpConnectionInfo {
String get remoteHost;
int get remotePort;
int get localPort;
* Redirect information.
abstract class RedirectInfo {
* Returns the status code used for the redirect.
int get statusCode;
* Returns the method used for the redirect.
String get method;
* Returns the location for the redirect.
Uri get location;
* When detaching a socket from either the [:HttpServer:] or the
* [:HttpClient:] due to a HTTP connection upgrade there might be
* unparsed data already read from the socket. This unparsed data
* together with the detached socket is returned in an instance of
* this class.
abstract class DetachedSocket {
Socket get socket;
List<int> get unparsedData;
class HttpException implements IOException {
final String message;
final Uri uri;
const HttpException(String this.message, {Uri this.uri});
String toString() {
var b = new StringBuffer();
b.write('HttpException: ');
if (uri != null) {
b.write(', uri = $uri');
return b.toString();
class RedirectException implements HttpException {
final String message;
final List<RedirectInfo> redirects;
const RedirectException(String this.message,
List<RedirectInfo> this.redirects);
String toString() => "RedirectException: $message";