ajohnsen@google.com 26ee288501 Fix leaking FD from readAs*Sync and writeAs*Sync.
If open was succesfull but the following read/write failed, we would
fail to close the file. We now intercept the error (as we correctly do
in the async case) and close the file before throwing the error to the


Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org//230513002

git-svn-id: https://dart.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge/dart@34868 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
2014-04-09 10:38:32 +00:00

931 lines
26 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.io;
// Read the file in blocks of size 64k.
const int _BLOCK_SIZE = 64 * 1024;
class _FileStream extends Stream<List<int>> {
// Stream controller.
StreamController<List<int>> _controller;
// Information about the underlying file.
String _path;
RandomAccessFile _openedFile;
int _position;
int _end;
final Completer _closeCompleter = new Completer();
// Has the stream been paused or unsubscribed?
bool _unsubscribed = false;
// Is there a read currently in progress?
bool _readInProgress = true;
bool _closed = false;
bool _atEnd = false;
_FileStream(this._path, this._position, this._end) {
if (_position == null) _position = 0;
_FileStream.forStdin() : _position = 0;
StreamSubscription<List<int>> listen(void onData(List<int> event),
{Function onError,
void onDone(),
bool cancelOnError}) {
return _controller.stream.listen(onData,
onError: onError,
onDone: onDone,
cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
void _setupController() {
_controller = new StreamController<List<int>>(sync: true,
onListen: _start,
onResume: _readBlock,
onCancel: () {
_unsubscribed = true;
return _closeFile();
Future _closeFile() {
if (_readInProgress || _closed) {
return _closeCompleter.future;
_closed = true;
void done() {
return _closeCompleter.future;
void _readBlock() {
// Don't start a new read if one is already in progress.
if (_readInProgress) return;
if (_atEnd) {
_readInProgress = true;
int readBytes = _BLOCK_SIZE;
if (_end != null) {
readBytes = min(readBytes, _end - _position);
if (readBytes < 0) {
_readInProgress = false;
if (!_unsubscribed) {
_controller.addError(new RangeError("Bad end position: $_end"));
_unsubscribed = true;
.then((block) {
_readInProgress = false;
if (_unsubscribed) {
_position += block.length;
if (block.length < readBytes ||
(_end != null && _position == _end)) {
_atEnd = true;
if (!_atEnd && !_controller.isPaused) {
if (_atEnd) {
.catchError((e, s) {
if (!_unsubscribed) {
_controller.addError(e, s);
_unsubscribed = true;
void _start() {
if (_position < 0) {
_controller.addError(new RangeError("Bad start position: $_position"));
void onReady(RandomAccessFile file) {
_openedFile = file;
_readInProgress = false;
void onOpenFile(RandomAccessFile file) {
if (_position > 0) {
.then(onReady, onError: (e, s) {
_controller.addError(e, s);
_readInProgress = false;
} else {
void openFailed(error, stackTrace) {
_controller.addError(error, stackTrace);
if (_path != null) {
new File(_path).open(mode: FileMode.READ)
.then(onOpenFile, onError: openFailed);
} else {
try {
} catch (e, s) {
openFailed(e, s);
class _FileStreamConsumer extends StreamConsumer<List<int>> {
File _file;
Future<RandomAccessFile> _openFuture;
_FileStreamConsumer(File this._file, FileMode mode) {
_openFuture = _file.open(mode: mode);
Future<File> addStream(Stream<List<int>> stream) {
Completer<File> completer = new Completer<File>.sync();
.then((openedFile) {
var _subscription;
void error(e, [StackTrace stackTrace]) {
completer.completeError(e, stackTrace);
_subscription = stream.listen(
(d) {
try {
openedFile.writeFrom(d, 0, d.length)
.then((_) => _subscription.resume(),
onError: error);
} catch (e, stackTrace) {
error(e, stackTrace);
onDone: () {
onError: error,
cancelOnError: true);
.catchError((e) {
return completer.future;
Future<File> close() =>
_openFuture.then((openedFile) => openedFile.close());
// Class for encapsulating the native implementation of files.
class _File extends FileSystemEntity implements File {
final String path;
// Constructor for file.
_File(this.path) {
if (path is! String) {
throw new ArgumentError('${Error.safeToString(path)} '
'is not a String');
Future<bool> exists() {
return _IOService.dispatch(_FILE_EXISTS, [path]).then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "Cannot check existence", path);
return response;
external static _exists(String path);
bool existsSync() {
var result = _exists(path);
throwIfError(result, "Cannot check existence of file", path);
return result;
File get absolute => new File(_absolutePath);
Future<FileStat> stat() => FileStat.stat(path);
FileStat statSync() => FileStat.statSync(path);
Future<File> create({bool recursive: false}) {
var result = recursive ? parent.create(recursive: true)
: new Future.value(null);
return result
.then((_) => _IOService.dispatch(_FILE_CREATE, [path]))
.then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "Cannot create file", path);
return this;
external static _create(String path);
external static _createLink(String path, String target);
external static _linkTarget(String path);
void createSync({bool recursive: false}) {
if (recursive) {
parent.createSync(recursive: true);
var result = _create(path);
throwIfError(result, "Cannot create file", path);
Future<File> _delete({bool recursive: false}) {
if (recursive) {
return new Directory(path).delete(recursive: true).then((_) => this);
return _IOService.dispatch(_FILE_DELETE, [path]).then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "Cannot delete file", path);
return this;
external static _deleteNative(String path);
external static _deleteLinkNative(String path);
void _deleteSync({bool recursive: false}) {
if (recursive) {
return new Directory(path).deleteSync(recursive: true);
var result = _deleteNative(path);
throwIfError(result, "Cannot delete file", path);
Future<File> rename(String newPath) {
return _IOService.dispatch(_FILE_RENAME, [path, newPath]).then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(
response, "Cannot rename file to '$newPath'", path);
return new File(newPath);
external static _rename(String oldPath, String newPath);
external static _renameLink(String oldPath, String newPath);
File renameSync(String newPath) {
var result = _rename(path, newPath);
throwIfError(result, "Cannot rename file to '$newPath'", path);
return new File(newPath);
Future<File> copy(String newPath) {
return _IOService.dispatch(_FILE_COPY, [path, newPath]).then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(
response, "Cannot copy file to '$newPath'", path);
return new File(newPath);
external static _copy(String oldPath, String newPath);
File copySync(String newPath) {
var result = _copy(path, newPath);
throwIfError(result, "Cannot copy file to '$newPath'", path);
return new File(newPath);
Future<RandomAccessFile> open({FileMode mode: FileMode.READ}) {
if (mode != FileMode.READ &&
mode != FileMode.WRITE &&
mode != FileMode.APPEND) {
return new Future.error(new ArgumentError());
return _IOService.dispatch(_FILE_OPEN, [path, mode._mode]).then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "Cannot open file", path);
return new _RandomAccessFile(response, path);
Future<int> length() {
return _IOService.dispatch(_FILE_LENGTH_FROM_PATH, [path]).then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(response,
"Cannot retrieve length of file",
return response;
external static _lengthFromPath(String path);
int lengthSync() {
var result = _lengthFromPath(path);
throwIfError(result, "Cannot retrieve length of file", path);
return result;
Future<DateTime> lastModified() {
return _IOService.dispatch(_FILE_LAST_MODIFIED, [path]).then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(response,
"Cannot retrieve modification time",
return new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(response);
external static _lastModified(String path);
DateTime lastModifiedSync() {
var ms = _lastModified(path);
throwIfError(ms, "Cannot retrieve modification time", path);
return new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(ms);
external static _open(String path, int mode);
RandomAccessFile openSync({FileMode mode: FileMode.READ}) {
if (mode != FileMode.READ &&
mode != FileMode.WRITE &&
mode != FileMode.APPEND) {
throw new FileSystemException("Unknown file mode. Use FileMode.READ, "
"FileMode.WRITE or FileMode.APPEND.",
var id = _open(path, mode._mode);
throwIfError(id, "Cannot open file", path);
return new _RandomAccessFile(id, path);
external static int _openStdio(int fd);
static RandomAccessFile _openStdioSync(int fd) {
var id = _openStdio(fd);
if (id == 0) {
throw new FileSystemException("Cannot open stdio file for: $fd");
return new _RandomAccessFile(id, "");
Stream<List<int>> openRead([int start, int end]) {
return new _FileStream(path, start, end);
IOSink openWrite({FileMode mode: FileMode.WRITE,
Encoding encoding: UTF8}) {
if (mode != FileMode.WRITE &&
mode != FileMode.APPEND) {
throw new ArgumentError(
"Wrong FileMode. Use FileMode.WRITE or FileMode.APPEND");
var consumer = new _FileStreamConsumer(this, mode);
return new IOSink(consumer, encoding: encoding);
Future<List<int>> readAsBytes() {
Future<List<int>> readDataChunked(file) {
var builder = new BytesBuilder(copy: false);
var completer = new Completer();
void read() {
file.read(_BLOCK_SIZE).then((data) {
if (data.length > 0) builder.add(data);
if (data.length == _BLOCK_SIZE) {
} else {
}, onError: completer.completeError);
return completer.future;
return open().then((file) {
return file.length().then((length) {
if (length == 0) {
// May be character device, try to read it in chunks.
return readDataChunked(file);
return file.read(length);
List<int> readAsBytesSync() {
var opened = openSync();
try {
var data;
var length = opened.lengthSync();
if (length == 0) {
// May be character device, try to read it in chunks.
var builder = new BytesBuilder(copy: false);
do {
data = opened.readSync(_BLOCK_SIZE);
if (data.length > 0) builder.add(data);
} while (data.length == _BLOCK_SIZE);
data = builder.takeBytes();
} else {
data = opened.readSync(length);
return data;
} finally {
String _tryDecode(List<int> bytes, Encoding encoding) {
try {
return encoding.decode(bytes);
} catch (_) {
throw new FileSystemException(
"Failed to decode data using encoding '${encoding.name}'", path);
Future<String> readAsString({Encoding encoding: UTF8}) =>
readAsBytes().then((bytes) => _tryDecode(bytes, encoding));
String readAsStringSync({Encoding encoding: UTF8}) {
List<int> bytes = readAsBytesSync();
return _tryDecode(bytes, encoding);
List<String> _decodeLines(List<int> bytes, Encoding encoding) {
if (bytes.length == 0) return [];
var list = [];
var controller = new StreamController(sync: true);
var error = null;
.transform(new LineSplitter())
.listen((line) => list.add(line), onError: (e) => error = e);
if (error != null) {
throw new FileSystemException(
"Failed to decode data using encoding '${encoding.name}'", path);
return list;
Future<List<String>> readAsLines({Encoding encoding: UTF8}) {
return readAsBytes().then((bytes) {
return _decodeLines(bytes, encoding);
List<String> readAsLinesSync({Encoding encoding: UTF8}) =>
_decodeLines(readAsBytesSync(), encoding);
Future<File> writeAsBytes(List<int> bytes,
{FileMode mode: FileMode.WRITE,
bool flush: false}) {
return open(mode: mode).then((file) {
return file.writeFrom(bytes, 0, bytes.length)
.then((_) {
if (flush) return file.flush().then((_) => this);
return this;
void writeAsBytesSync(List<int> bytes,
{FileMode mode: FileMode.WRITE,
bool flush: false}) {
RandomAccessFile opened = openSync(mode: mode);
try {
opened.writeFromSync(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
if (flush) opened.flushSync();
} finally {
Future<File> writeAsString(String contents,
{FileMode mode: FileMode.WRITE,
Encoding encoding: UTF8,
bool flush: false}) {
try {
return writeAsBytes(encoding.encode(contents), mode: mode, flush: flush);
} catch (e) {
return new Future.error(e);
void writeAsStringSync(String contents,
{FileMode mode: FileMode.WRITE,
Encoding encoding: UTF8,
bool flush: false}) {
writeAsBytesSync(encoding.encode(contents), mode: mode, flush: flush);
String toString() => "File: '$path'";
static throwIfError(Object result, String msg, String path) {
if (result is OSError) {
throw new FileSystemException(msg, path, result);
class _RandomAccessFile implements RandomAccessFile {
final String path;
int _id;
bool _asyncDispatched = false;
SendPort _fileService;
_RandomAccessFile(this._id, this.path);
Future<RandomAccessFile> close() {
return _dispatch(_FILE_CLOSE, [_id], markClosed: true).then((result) {
if (result != -1) {
_id = result;
return this;
} else {
throw new FileSystemException("Cannot close file", path);
external static int _close(int id);
void closeSync() {
var id = _close(_id);
if (id == -1) {
throw new FileSystemException("Cannot close file", path);
_id = id;
Future<int> readByte() {
return _dispatch(_FILE_READ_BYTE, [_id]).then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "readByte failed", path);
return response;
external static _readByte(int id);
int readByteSync() {
var result = _readByte(_id);
if (result is OSError) {
throw new FileSystemException("readByte failed", path, result);
return result;
Future<List<int>> read(int bytes) {
if (bytes is !int) {
throw new ArgumentError(bytes);
return _dispatch(_FILE_READ, [_id, bytes]).then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "read failed", path);
return response[1];
external static _read(int id, int bytes);
List<int> readSync(int bytes) {
if (bytes is !int) {
throw new ArgumentError(bytes);
var result = _read(_id, bytes);
if (result is OSError) {
throw new FileSystemException("readSync failed", path, result);
return result;
Future<int> readInto(List<int> buffer, [int start, int end]) {
if (buffer is !List ||
(start != null && start is !int) ||
(end != null && end is !int)) {
throw new ArgumentError();
if (start == null) start = 0;
if (end == null) end = buffer.length;
int length = end - start;
return _dispatch(_FILE_READ_INTO, [_id, length]).then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "readInto failed", path);
var read = response[1];
var data = response[2];
buffer.setRange(start, start + read, data);
return read;
static void _checkReadWriteListArguments(int length, int start, int end) {
if (start < 0) throw new RangeError.value(start);
if (end < start) throw new RangeError.value(end);
if (end > length) {
throw new RangeError.value(end);
external static _readInto(int id, List<int> buffer, int start, int end);
int readIntoSync(List<int> buffer, [int start, int end]) {
if (buffer is !List ||
(start != null && start is !int) ||
(end != null && end is !int)) {
throw new ArgumentError();
if (start == null) start = 0;
if (end == null) end = buffer.length;
if (end == start) return 0;
_checkReadWriteListArguments(buffer.length, start, end);
var result = _readInto(_id, buffer, start, end);
if (result is OSError) {
throw new FileSystemException("readInto failed", path, result);
return result;
Future<RandomAccessFile> writeByte(int value) {
if (value is !int) {
throw new ArgumentError(value);
return _dispatch(_FILE_WRITE_BYTE, [_id, value]).then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "writeByte failed", path);
return this;
external static _writeByte(int id, int value);
int writeByteSync(int value) {
if (value is !int) {
throw new ArgumentError(value);
var result = _writeByte(_id, value);
if (result is OSError) {
throw new FileSystemException("writeByte failed", path, result);
return result;
Future<RandomAccessFile> writeFrom(List<int> buffer, [int start, int end]) {
if ((buffer is !List && buffer is !ByteData) ||
(start != null && start is !int) ||
(end != null && end is !int)) {
throw new ArgumentError("Invalid arguments to writeFrom");
_BufferAndStart result;
try {
result = _ensureFastAndSerializableByteData(buffer, start, end);
} catch (e) {
return new Future.error(e);
List request = new List(4);
request[0] = _id;
request[1] = result.buffer;
request[2] = result.start;
request[3] = end - (start - result.start);
return _dispatch(_FILE_WRITE_FROM, request).then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "writeFrom failed", path);
return this;
external static _writeFrom(int id, List<int> buffer, int start, int end);
void writeFromSync(List<int> buffer, [int start, int end]) {
if (buffer is !List ||
(start != null && start is !int) ||
(end != null && end is !int)) {
throw new ArgumentError("Invalid arguments to writeFromSync");
if (start == null) start = 0;
if (end == null) end = buffer.length;
if (end == start) return;
_checkReadWriteListArguments(buffer.length, start, end);
_BufferAndStart bufferAndStart =
_ensureFastAndSerializableByteData(buffer, start, end);
var result = _writeFrom(_id,
end - (start - bufferAndStart.start));
if (result is OSError) {
throw new FileSystemException("writeFrom failed", path, result);
Future<RandomAccessFile> writeString(String string,
{Encoding encoding: UTF8}) {
if (encoding is! Encoding) {
throw new ArgumentError(encoding);
var data = encoding.encode(string);
return writeFrom(data, 0, data.length);
void writeStringSync(String string, {Encoding encoding: UTF8}) {
if (encoding is! Encoding) {
throw new ArgumentError(encoding);
var data = encoding.encode(string);
writeFromSync(data, 0, data.length);
Future<int> position() {
return _dispatch(_FILE_POSITION, [_id]).then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "position failed", path);
return response;
external static _position(int id);
int positionSync() {
var result = _position(_id);
if (result is OSError) {
throw new FileSystemException("position failed", path, result);
return result;
Future<RandomAccessFile> setPosition(int position) {
return _dispatch(_FILE_SET_POSITION, [_id, position])
.then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "setPosition failed", path);
return this;
external static _setPosition(int id, int position);
void setPositionSync(int position) {
var result = _setPosition(_id, position);
if (result is OSError) {
throw new FileSystemException("setPosition failed", path, result);
Future<RandomAccessFile> truncate(int length) {
return _dispatch(_FILE_TRUNCATE, [_id, length]).then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "truncate failed", path);
return this;
external static _truncate(int id, int length);
void truncateSync(int length) {
var result = _truncate(_id, length);
if (result is OSError) {
throw new FileSystemException("truncate failed", path, result);
Future<int> length() {
return _dispatch(_FILE_LENGTH, [_id]).then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "length failed", path);
return response;
external static _length(int id);
int lengthSync() {
var result = _length(_id);
if (result is OSError) {
throw new FileSystemException("length failed", path, result);
return result;
Future<RandomAccessFile> flush() {
return _dispatch(_FILE_FLUSH, [_id]).then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(response,
"flush failed",
return this;
external static _flush(int id);
void flushSync() {
var result = _flush(_id);
if (result is OSError) {
throw new FileSystemException("flush failed", path, result);
bool get closed => _id == 0;
Future _dispatch(int request, List data, { bool markClosed: false }) {
if (closed) {
return new Future.error(new FileSystemException("File closed", path));
if (_asyncDispatched) {
var msg = "An async operation is currently pending";
return new Future.error(new FileSystemException(msg, path));
if (markClosed) {
// Set the id_ to 0 (NULL) to ensure the no more async requests
// can be issued for this file.
_id = 0;
_asyncDispatched = true;
return _IOService.dispatch(request, data)
.whenComplete(() {
_asyncDispatched = false;
void _checkAvailable() {
if (_asyncDispatched) {
throw new FileSystemException("An async operation is currently pending",
if (closed) {
throw new FileSystemException("File closed", path);