Srujan Gaddam e1834792c3 [dart:js_interop] Fix comparison operator return types
Fixes https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/55024

The patch files for these operators return a bool, whereas
the public API returns a JSBoolean. Since there's only one
possible return type, we should make them return bool for
convenience. Boolean conversion is also inexpensive on
dart2wasm, so that shouldn't be an issue.

Also adds helpers to operator_test to make sure any JS values
are converted before they're compared, adding additional type
checking through the conversion.

CoreLibraryReviewExempt: Fixes type mismatch in backend-specific library.
Change-Id: I7ff2e334e817e6e7d7d8d5091a4e5d570a496b03
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/354702
Reviewed-by: Sigmund Cherem <sigmund@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Srujan Gaddam <srujzs@google.com>
2024-03-04 21:10:02 +00:00

1125 lines
48 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Interoperability, "interop" for short, with JavaScript and browser APIs.
/// JavaScript interop allows a Dart program to interact with a JavaScript
/// runtime. This can, for example, be to access JavaScript declarations and
/// interact with JavaScript values, or to adapt Dart values so that they can be
/// passed to and used by JavaScript code.
/// This JavaScript interop library works by introducing an abstraction over
/// JavaScript values, a Dart type hierarchy ("JS types") which mirrors known
/// JavaScript types, and a framework for introducing new Dart types that bind
/// Dart type declarations to JavaScript values and external member declarations
/// to JavaScript APIs.
/// This abstraction allows the same interop API to be used both when the Dart
/// code is compiled to JavaScript and when compiled to Wasm.
/// See https://dart.dev/interop/js-interop for more details on usage, types,
/// and previous JavaScript interop.
/// > [!NOTE]
/// > The types defined in this library only provide static guarantees.
/// > The runtime types differ based on the backend, so it is important to rely
/// > on static functionality like the conversion functions, for example `toJS`
/// > and not runtime mechanisms like type checks (`is`) and casts (`as`).
/// {@category Web}
import 'dart:_internal' show Since;
import 'dart:_js_annotations' show JSExport;
import 'dart:_js_types';
import 'dart:js_interop_unsafe';
import 'dart:typed_data';
// To support an easier transition, we allow users to use `@staticInterop`
// classes - with or without the `@anonymous` annotation.
export 'dart:_js_annotations' show staticInterop, anonymous, JSExport;
export 'dart:js_util' show NullRejectionException;
/// An annotation on a JavaScript interop declaration.
/// This annotation defines a given library, top-level external declaration, or
/// extension type as a JavaScript interop declaration.
/// Specifying [name] customizes the JavaScript name to use, which can be used
/// in the following scenarios:
/// - Adding a JavaScript prefix to all the external top-level declarations,
/// static members, and constructors of a library by parameterizing the
/// annotation on the library with [name].
/// - Specifying the JavaScript class to use for external static members and
/// constructors of an interop extension type by parameterizing the annotation
/// on the interop extension type with [name].
/// - Renaming external declarations by parameterizing the annotation on the
/// member with [name].
/// In the case where [name] is not specified, the Dart name of the extension
/// type or external declaration is used as the default.
/// See https://dart.dev/interop/js-interop/usage#js for more details on how to
/// use this annotation.
/// > [!NOTE]
/// > `package:js` exports an `@JS` annotation as well. Unlike that annotation,
/// > this annotation applies to extension types, and will result in more
/// > type-checking for external top-level declarations.
class JS {
final String? name;
const JS([this.name]);
/// A non-nullish JavaScript value.
/// A [JSAny] can be any JavaScript value except JavaScript `null` and
/// `undefined`. JavaScript `null` and `undefined` are instead converted to Dart
/// `null` by the compiler. Therefore, <code>[JSAny]?</code> is the top type of
/// the type hierarchy as it includes nullish JavaScript values as well.
extension type JSAny._(JSAnyRepType _jsAny) implements Object {}
/// A JavaScript `Object`.
/// [JSObject] is the supertype of all JavaScript objects, but not other JS
/// types, like primitives. See https://dart.dev/interop/js-interop for more
/// details on how to use JavaScript interop.
/// When declaring interop extension types, [JSObject] is usually the type you
/// will use as the representation type.
extension type JSObject._(JSObjectRepType _jsObject) implements JSAny {
/// Creates a [JSObject] from an object provided by an earlier interop
/// library.
/// Accepts, for example, the types created using `package:js` or `dart:html`.
/// This constructor is intended to allow users to avoid having to cast to and
/// from [JSObject].
JSObject.fromInteropObject(Object interopObject)
: _jsObject = interopObject as JSObjectRepType;
/// Creates a new empty JavaScript object.
/// The object is created using the JavaScript object initializer syntax
/// (`{}`), and this constructor is more efficient than `{}.jsify()`.
JSObject() : _jsObject = _createObjectLiteral();
// TODO(srujzs): Move this member to `JSObject` once we can patch extension type
// members.
external JSObjectRepType _createObjectLiteral();
/// A JavaScript [`Function`](https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-function-objects)
/// value.
extension type JSFunction._(JSFunctionRepType _jsFunction)
implements JSObject {}
/// A JavaScript callable function created from a Dart function.
/// See [FunctionToJSExportedDartFunction.toJS] for more details on how to
/// convert a Dart function.
extension type JSExportedDartFunction._(
JSExportedDartFunctionRepType _jsExportedDartFunction)
implements JSFunction {}
/// A JavaScript [`Array`](https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-array-objects).
/// Because [JSArray] is an extension type, [T] is only a static guarantee and
/// the array does not necessarily only contain [T] elements. For example:
/// ```dart
/// @JS()
/// external JSArray<JSNumber> get array;
/// ```
/// `array` is not actually checked to ensure it contains instances of
/// [JSNumber] when called.
/// [T] may introduce additional checking elsewhere, however. When accessing
/// elements of [JSArray] with type [T], there is a check to ensure the element
/// is a [T] to ensure soundness. Similarly, when converting to a [List<T>],
/// casts may be introduced to ensure that it is indeed a [List<T>].
extension type JSArray<T extends JSAny?>._(JSArrayRepType _jsArray)
implements JSObject {
/// Creates an empty JavaScript `Array`.
/// Equivalent to `new Array()` and more efficient than `[].jsify()`.
external JSArray();
/// Creates a JavaScript `Array` of size [length] with no elements.
external JSArray.withLength(int length);
/// A JavaScript `Promise` or a promise-like object.
/// Because [JSPromise] is an extension type, [T] is only a static guarantee and
/// the [JSPromise] may not actually resolve to a [T].
/// Also like with [JSArray], [T] may introduce additional checking elsewhere.
/// When converted to a [Future<T>], there is a cast to ensure that the [Future]
/// actually resolves to a [T] to ensure soundness.
extension type JSPromise<T extends JSAny?>._(JSPromiseRepType _jsPromise)
implements JSObject {
external JSPromise(JSFunction executor);
/// A Dart object that is wrapped with a JavaScript object so that it can be
/// passed to JavaScript safely.
/// Use this interface when you want to pass Dart objects within the same
/// runtime through JavaScript. There are no usable members in the resulting
/// [JSBoxedDartObject].
/// See [ObjectToJSBoxedDartObject.toJSBox] to wrap an arbitrary [Object].
extension type JSBoxedDartObject._(JSBoxedDartObjectRepType _jsBoxedDartObject)
implements JSObject {}
/// A JavaScript `ArrayBuffer`.
extension type JSArrayBuffer._(JSArrayBufferRepType _jsArrayBuffer)
implements JSObject {}
/// A JavaScript `DataView`.
extension type JSDataView._(JSDataViewRepType _jsDataView)
implements JSObject {}
/// Abstract supertype of all JavaScript typed arrays.
extension type JSTypedArray._(JSTypedArrayRepType _jsTypedArray)
implements JSObject {}
/// A JavaScript `Int8Array`.
extension type JSInt8Array._(JSInt8ArrayRepType _jsInt8Array)
implements JSTypedArray {}
/// A JavaScript `Uint8Array`.
extension type JSUint8Array._(JSUint8ArrayRepType _jsUint8Array)
implements JSTypedArray {}
/// A JavaScript `Uint8ClampedArray`.
extension type JSUint8ClampedArray._(
JSUint8ClampedArrayRepType _jsUint8ClampedArray) implements JSTypedArray {}
/// A JavaScript `Int16Array`.
extension type JSInt16Array._(JSInt16ArrayRepType _jsInt16Array)
implements JSTypedArray {}
/// A JavaScript `Uint16Array`.
extension type JSUint16Array._(JSUint16ArrayRepType _jsUint16Array)
implements JSTypedArray {}
/// A JavaScript `Int32Array`.
extension type JSInt32Array._(JSInt32ArrayRepType _jsInt32Array)
implements JSTypedArray {}
/// A JavaScript `Uint32Array`.
extension type JSUint32Array._(JSUint32ArrayRepType _jsUint32Array)
implements JSTypedArray {}
/// A JavaScript `Float32Array`.
extension type JSFloat32Array._(JSFloat32ArrayRepType _jsFloat32Array)
implements JSTypedArray {}
/// A JavaScript `Float64Array`.
extension type JSFloat64Array._(JSFloat64ArrayRepType _jsFloat64Array)
implements JSTypedArray {}
// The various JavaScript primitive types. Crucially, unlike the Dart type
// hierarchy, none of these types are subtypes of [JSObject]. They are just
// subtypes of [JSAny].
/// A JavaScript number.
extension type JSNumber._(JSNumberRepType _jsNumber) implements JSAny {}
/// A JavaScript boolean.
extension type JSBoolean._(JSBooleanRepType _jsBoolean) implements JSAny {}
/// A JavaScript string.
extension type JSString._(JSStringRepType _jsString) implements JSAny {}
/// A JavaScript `Symbol`.
extension type JSSymbol._(JSSymbolRepType _jsSymbol) implements JSAny {}
/// A JavaScript `BigInt`.
extension type JSBigInt._(JSBigIntRepType _jsBigInt) implements JSAny {}
/// JS type equivalent for `undefined` for interop member return types.
/// Prefer using `void` instead of this.
// TODO(srujzs): Mark this as deprecated. There are no performance costs from
// using `void`, and we'll likely provide a different way to box `undefined`.
typedef JSVoid = JSVoidRepType;
/// Helper methods to determine if a value is JavaScript `undefined` or `null`.
/// > [!NOTE]
/// > The members within these extensions may throw depending on the platform.
/// > Do not rely on them to be platform-consistent.
/// JavaScript `undefined` and JavaScript `null` are internalized differently
/// based on the backend. When compiling to JavaScript, Dart `null` can actually
/// be JavaScript `undefined` or JavaScript `null`. When compiling to Wasm,
/// that's not the case: there's only one Wasm value `null` can be. Therefore,
/// when an interop API returns JavaScript `null` or JavaScript `undefined`,
/// they are both converted to Dart `null` when compiling to Wasm, and when you
/// pass a Dart `null` to an interop API, it is called with JavaScript `null`.
/// When compiling to JavaScript, Dart `null` retains its original JavaScript
/// value. Avoid writing code where this distinction between `null` and
/// `undefined` matters.
// TODO(srujzs): Investigate what it takes to allow users to distinguish between
// the two "nullish" values. An annotation-based model where users annotate
// interop APIs to internalize `undefined` differently seems promising, but does
// not handle some cases like converting a `JSArray` with `undefined`s in it to
// `List<JSAny?>`. In this case, the implementation of the list wrapper needs to
// make the decision, not the user.
extension NullableUndefineableJSAnyExtension on JSAny? {
/// Whether this value corresponds to JavaScript `undefined`.
/// > [!NOTE]
/// > Currently, there is no way to distinguish between JavaScript `undefined`
/// > and JavaScript `null` when compiling to Wasm. Therefore, this getter
/// > should only be used for code that compiles to JavaScript and will throw
/// > when compiling to Wasm.
external bool get isUndefined;
/// Whether this value corresponds to JavaScript `null`.
/// > [!NOTE]
/// > Currently, there is no way to distinguish between JavaScript `undefined`
/// > and JavaScript `null` when compiling to Wasm. Therefore, this getter
/// > should only be used for code that compiles to JavaScript and will throw
/// > when compiling to Wasm.
external bool get isNull;
bool get isUndefinedOrNull => this == null;
bool get isDefinedAndNotNull => !isUndefinedOrNull;
/// Common utility functions that are useful for any JavaScript value.
extension JSAnyUtilityExtension on JSAny? {
/// Whether the result of `typeof` on this <code>[JSAny]?</code> is
/// [typeString].
external bool typeofEquals(String typeString);
/// Whether this <code>[JSAny]?</code> is an `instanceof` [constructor].
external bool instanceof(JSFunction constructor);
/// Whether this <code>[JSAny]?</code> is an `instanceof` the constructor that
/// is defined by [constructorName], which is looked up in the
/// [globalContext].
/// If [constructorName] contains '.'s, the name is split into several parts
/// in order to get the constructor. For example, `library1.JSClass` would
/// involve fetching `library1` off of the [globalContext], and then fetching
/// `JSClass` off of `library1` to get the constructor.
/// If [constructorName] is empty or any of the parts or the constructor don't
/// exist, returns false.
bool instanceOfString(String constructorName) {
if (constructorName.isEmpty) return false;
final parts = constructorName.split('.');
JSObject? constructor = globalContext;
for (final part in parts) {
constructor = constructor?[part] as JSObject?;
if (constructor == null) return false;
return instanceof(constructor as JSFunction);
/// Whether this <code>[JSAny]?</code> is an instance of the JavaScript type
/// that is declared by [T].
/// This method uses a combination of null, `typeof`, and `instanceof` checks
/// in order to do this check. Use this instead of `is` checks.
/// If [T] is a primitive JS type like [JSString], this uses a `typeof` check
/// that corresponds to that primitive type like `typeofEquals('string')`.
/// If [T] is a non-primitive JS type like [JSArray] or an interop extension
/// type on one, this uses an `instanceof` check using the name or the
/// <code>@[JS]</code> rename of the given type like
/// `instanceOfString('Array')`. Note that if you rename the library using the
/// <code>@[JS]</code> annotation, this uses the rename in the `instanceof`
/// check like `instanceOfString('library1.JSClass')`.
/// To determine the JavaScript constructor to use as the second operand in
/// the `instanceof` check, this function uses the JavaScript name associated
/// with the extension type, which is either the argument given to the
/// <code>@[JS]</code> annotation or the Dart declaration name. So, if you had
/// an interop extension type `JSClass` that wraps `JSArray` without a rename,
/// this does an `instanceOfString('JSClass')` check and not an
/// `instanceOfString('Array')` check.
/// There are two exceptions to this rule. The first exception is
/// `JSTypedArray`. As `TypedArray` does not exist as a property in
/// JavaScript, this does some prototype checking to make `isA<JSTypedArray>`
/// do the right thing. The other exception is `JSAny`. If you do a
/// `isA<JSAny>` check, it will only do a null-check.
/// Using this method with a [T] that has an object literal constructor will
/// result in an error as you likely want to use [JSObject] instead.
/// Using this method with a [T] that wraps a primitive JS type will result in
/// an error telling you to use the primitive JS type instead.
external bool isA<T extends JSAny?>();
/// Converts a JavaScript value to the Dart equivalent if possible.
/// Effectively the inverse of [NullableObjectUtilExtension.jsify], [dartify]
/// takes a JavaScript value and recursively converts it to a Dart object.
/// Only JavaScript primitives, `Array`s, typed arrays, and map-like objects
/// with string property names are supported.
/// > [!NOTE]
/// > Prefer using the specific conversion method like `toDart` if you know
/// > the JavaScript type as this method may perform many type-checks.
// TODO(srujzs): We likely need stronger tests for this method to ensure
// consistency.
external Object? dartify();
/// Common utility functions for <code>[Object]?</code>s.
extension NullableObjectUtilExtension on Object? {
/// Converts a Dart object to the JavaScript equivalent if possible.
/// Effectively the inverse of [JSAnyUtilityExtension.dartify], [jsify] takes
/// a Dart object and recursively converts it to a JavaScript value. Only Dart
/// primitives, [Iterable]s, typed lists, and [Map]s are supported.
/// > [!NOTE]
/// > Prefer using the specific conversion method like `toJS` if you know the
/// > Dart type as this method may perform many type-checks.
// TODO(srujzs): We likely need stronger tests for this method to ensure
// consistency.
external JSAny? jsify();
/// Utility extensions for [JSFunction].
// TODO(srujzs): We may want to provide a syntax for users to avoid `.call` and
// directly call the function in JavaScript using `(...)`.
extension JSFunctionUtilExtension on JSFunction {
/// Call this [JSFunction] using the JavaScript `.call` syntax and returns the
/// result.
/// Takes at most 4 args for consistency with other APIs and relative brevity.
/// If more are needed, you can declare your own external member with the same
/// syntax.
// We rename this function since declaring a `call` member makes a class
// callable in Dart. This is convenient, but unlike Dart functions, JavaScript
// functions explicitly take a `this` argument (which users can provide `null`
// for in the case where the function doesn't need it), which may lead to
// confusion.
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Function/call
external JSAny? callAsFunction(
[JSAny? thisArg, JSAny? arg1, JSAny? arg2, JSAny? arg3, JSAny? arg4]);
// Extension members to support conversions between Dart types and JS types.
// Not all Dart types can be converted to JS types and vice versa.
// TODO(srujzs): Move some of these to the associated extension type.
/// Conversions from [JSExportedDartFunction] to [Function].
extension JSExportedDartFunctionToFunction on JSExportedDartFunction {
/// The Dart [Function] that this [JSExportedDartFunction] wrapped.
/// Must be a wrapped Dart [Function].
external Function get toDart;
/// Conversions from [Function] to [JSExportedDartFunction].
extension FunctionToJSExportedDartFunction on Function {
/// A callable JavaScript function that wraps this [Function].
/// If the static type of the [Function] could not be determined or if
/// the static type uses types that are disallowed, the call will fail to
/// compile. See
/// https://dart.dev/interop/js-interop/js-types#requirements-on-external-declarations-and-function-tojs
/// for more details on what types are allowed.
external JSExportedDartFunction get toJS;
/// Conversions from [JSBoxedDartObject] to [Object].
extension JSBoxedDartObjectToObject on JSBoxedDartObject {
/// The Dart [Object] that this [JSBoxedDartObjectToObject] wrapped.
/// Throws an [Exception] if the Dart runtime was not the same as the one in
/// which the [Object] was wrapped or if this was not a wrapped Dart [Object].
external Object get toDart;
/// Conversions from [Object] to [JSBoxedDartObject].
extension ObjectToJSBoxedDartObject on Object {
/// A JavaScript object that wraps this [Object].
/// There are no usable members in the resulting [JSBoxedDartObject] and you
/// may get a new [JSBoxedDartObject] when calling [toJSBox] on the same Dart
/// [Object].
external JSBoxedDartObject get toJSBox;
/// Conversions from [JSPromise] to [Future].
extension JSPromiseToFuture<T extends JSAny?> on JSPromise<T> {
/// A [Future] that either completes with the result of the resolved
/// [JSPromise] or propagates the error that the [JSPromise] rejected with.
external Future<T> get toDart;
/// Conversions from [Future] to [JSPromise] where the [Future] returns a value.
extension FutureOfJSAnyToJSPromise<T extends JSAny?> on Future<T> {
/// A [JSPromise] that either resolves with the result of the completed
/// [Future] or rejects with an object that contains its error.
/// The rejected object contains the original error as a [JSBoxedDartObject]
/// in the property `error` and the original stack trace as a [String] in the
/// property `stack`.
JSPromise<T> get toJS {
return JSPromise<T>((JSFunction resolve, JSFunction reject) {
this.then((JSAny? value) {
resolve.callAsFunction(resolve, value);
return value;
}, onError: (Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
// TODO(srujzs): Can we do something better here? This is pretty much
// useless to the user unless they call a Dart callback that consumes
// this value and unboxes.
final errorConstructor = globalContext['Error'] as JSFunction;
final wrapper = errorConstructor.callAsConstructor<JSObject>(
"Dart exception thrown from converted Future. Use the properties "
"'error' to fetch the boxed error and 'stack' to recover "
"the stack trace."
wrapper['error'] = error.toJSBox;
wrapper['stack'] = stackTrace.toString().toJS;
reject.callAsFunction(reject, wrapper);
return wrapper;
/// Conversions from [Future] to [JSPromise] where the [Future] does not return
/// a value.
extension FutureOfVoidToJSPromise on Future<void> {
/// A [JSPromise] that either resolves once this [Future] completes or rejects
/// with an object that contains its error.
/// The rejected object contains the original error as a [JSBoxedDartObject]
/// in the property `error` and the original stack trace as a [String] in the
/// property `stack`.
JSPromise get toJS {
return JSPromise((JSFunction resolve, JSFunction reject) {
this.then((_) => resolve.callAsFunction(resolve),
onError: (Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
// TODO(srujzs): Can we do something better here? This is pretty much
// useless to the user unless they call a Dart callback that consumes
// this value and unboxes.
final errorConstructor = globalContext['Error'] as JSFunction;
final wrapper = errorConstructor.callAsConstructor<JSObject>(
"Dart exception thrown from converted Future. Use the properties "
"'error' to fetch the boxed error and 'stack' to recover "
"the stack trace."
wrapper['error'] = error.toJSBox;
wrapper['stack'] = stackTrace.toString().toJS;
reject.callAsFunction(reject, wrapper);
/// Conversions from [JSArrayBuffer] to [ByteBuffer].
extension JSArrayBufferToByteBuffer on JSArrayBuffer {
/// Converts this [JSArrayBuffer] to a [ByteBuffer] by either casting or
/// wrapping it.
/// When compiling to JavaScript, [ByteBuffer]s are [JSArrayBuffer]s and this
/// operation will be a cast. When compiling to Wasm, a wrapper is introduced.
/// Modifications to this [JSArrayBuffer] will affect the [ByteBuffer] and
/// vice versa.
external ByteBuffer get toDart;
/// Conversions from [ByteBuffer] to [JSArrayBuffer].
extension ByteBufferToJSArrayBuffer on ByteBuffer {
/// Converts this [ByteBuffer] to a [JSArrayBuffer] by either casting,
/// unwrapping, or cloning the [ByteBuffer].
/// > [!NOTE]
/// > Depending on whether code is compiled to JavaScript or Wasm, this
/// > conversion will have different semantics.
/// > When compiling to JavaScript, all typed lists are the equivalent
/// > JavaScript typed arrays, and therefore this method simply casts.
/// > When compiling to Wasm, this [ByteBuffer] may or may not be a wrapper
/// > depending on if it was converted from JavaScript or instantiated in
/// > Dart. If it's a wrapper, this method unwraps it. If it's instantiated in
/// > Dart, this method clones this [ByteBuffer]'s values into a new
/// > [JSArrayBuffer].
/// > Avoid assuming that modifications to this [ByteBuffer] will affect the
/// > [JSArrayBuffer] and vice versa unless it was instantiated in JavaScript.
external JSArrayBuffer get toJS;
/// Conversions from [JSDataView] to [ByteData].
extension JSDataViewToByteData on JSDataView {
/// Converts this [JSDataView] to a [ByteData] by either casting or wrapping
/// it.
/// When compiling to JavaScript, [ByteData]s are [JSDataView]s and this
/// operation will be a cast. When compiling to Wasm, a wrapper is introduced.
/// Modifications to this [JSDataView] will affect the [ByteData] and vice
/// versa.
external ByteData get toDart;
/// Conversions from [ByteData] to [JSDataView].
extension ByteDataToJSDataView on ByteData {
/// Converts this [ByteData] to a [JSDataView] by either casting, unwrapping,
/// or cloning the [ByteData].
/// > [!NOTE]
/// > Depending on whether code is compiled to JavaScript or Wasm, this
/// > conversion will have different semantics.
/// > When compiling to JavaScript, all typed lists are the equivalent
/// > JavaScript typed arrays, and therefore this method simply casts.
/// > When compiling to Wasm, this [ByteData] may or may not be a wrapper
/// > depending on if it was converted from JavaScript or instantiated in
/// > Dart. If it's a wrapper, this method unwraps it. If it's instantiated in
/// > Dart, this method clones this [ByteData]'s values into a new
/// > [JSDataView].
/// > Avoid assuming that modifications to this [ByteData] will affect the
/// > [JSDataView] and vice versa unless it was instantiated in JavaScript.
external JSDataView get toJS;
/// Conversions from [JSInt8Array] to [Int8List].
extension JSInt8ArrayToInt8List on JSInt8Array {
/// Converts this [JSInt8Array] to a [Int8List] by either casting or wrapping
/// it.
/// When compiling to JavaScript, [Int8List]s are [JSInt8Array]s and this
/// operation will be a cast. When compiling to Wasm, a wrapper is introduced.
/// Modifications to this [JSInt8Array] will affect the [Int8List] and vice
/// versa.
external Int8List get toDart;
/// Conversions from [Int8List] to [JSInt8Array].
extension Int8ListToJSInt8Array on Int8List {
/// Converts this [Int8List] to a [JSInt8Array] by either casting,
/// unwrapping, or cloning the [Int8List].
/// > [!NOTE]
/// > Depending on whether code is compiled to JavaScript or Wasm, this
/// > conversion will have different semantics.
/// > When compiling to JavaScript, all typed lists are the equivalent
/// > JavaScript typed arrays, and therefore this method simply casts.
/// > When compiling to Wasm, this [Int8List] may or may not be a wrapper
/// > depending on if it was converted from JavaScript or instantiated in
/// > Dart. If it's a wrapper, this method unwraps it. If it's instantiated in
/// > Dart, this method clones this [Int8List]'s values into a new
/// > [JSInt8Array].
/// > Avoid assuming that modifications to this [Int8List] will affect the
/// > [JSInt8Array] and vice versa unless it was instantiated in JavaScript.
external JSInt8Array get toJS;
/// Conversions from [JSUint8Array] to [Uint8List].
extension JSUint8ArrayToUint8List on JSUint8Array {
/// Converts this [JSUint8Array] to a [Uint8List] by either casting or
/// wrapping it.
/// When compiling to JavaScript, [Uint8List]s are [JSUint8Array]s and this
/// operation will be a cast. When compiling to Wasm, a wrapper is introduced.
/// Modifications to this [JSUint8Array] will affect the [Uint8List] and vice
/// versa.
external Uint8List get toDart;
/// Conversions from [Uint8List] to [JSUint8Array].
extension Uint8ListToJSUint8Array on Uint8List {
/// Converts this [Uint8List] to a [JSUint8Array] by either casting,
/// unwrapping, or cloning the [Uint8List].
/// > [!NOTE]
/// > Depending on whether code is compiled to JavaScript or Wasm, this
/// > conversion will have different semantics.
/// > When compiling to JavaScript, all typed lists are the equivalent
/// > JavaScript typed arrays, and therefore this method simply casts.
/// > When compiling to Wasm, this [Uint8List] may or may not be a wrapper
/// > depending on if it was converted from JavaScript or instantiated in
/// > Dart. If it's a wrapper, this method unwraps it. If it's instantiated in
/// > Dart, this method clones this [Uint8List]'s values into a new
/// > [JSUint8Array].
/// > Avoid assuming that modifications to this [Uint8List] will affect the
/// > [JSUint8Array] and vice versa unless it was instantiated in JavaScript.
external JSUint8Array get toJS;
/// Conversions from [JSUint8ClampedArray] to [Uint8ClampedList].
extension JSUint8ClampedArrayToUint8ClampedList on JSUint8ClampedArray {
/// Converts this [JSUint8ClampedArray] to a [Uint8ClampedList] by either
/// casting or wrapping it.
/// When compiling to JavaScript, [Uint8ClampedList]s are
/// [JSUint8ClampedArray]s and this operation will be a cast. When compiling
/// to Wasm, a wrapper is introduced. Modifications to this
/// [JSUint8ClampedArray] will affect the [Uint8ClampedList] and vice versa.
external Uint8ClampedList get toDart;
/// Conversions from [Uint8ClampedList] to [JSUint8ClampedArray].
extension Uint8ClampedListToJSUint8ClampedArray on Uint8ClampedList {
/// Converts this [Uint8ClampedList] to a [JSUint8ClampedArray] by either
/// casting, unwrapping, or cloning the [Uint8ClampedList].
/// > [!NOTE]
/// > Depending on whether code is compiled to JavaScript or Wasm, this
/// > conversion will have different semantics.
/// > When compiling to JavaScript, all typed lists are the equivalent
/// > JavaScript typed arrays, and therefore this method simply casts.
/// > When compiling to Wasm, this [Uint8ClampedList] may or may not be a
/// > wrapper depending on if it was converted from JavaScript or instantiated
/// > in Dart. If it's a wrapper, this method unwraps it. If it's instantiated
/// > in Dart, this method clones this [Uint8ClampedList]'s values into a new
/// > [JSUint8ClampedArray].
/// > Avoid assuming that modifications to this [Uint8ClampedList] will affect
/// > the [JSUint8ClampedArray] and vice versa unless it was instantiated in
/// > JavaScript.
external JSUint8ClampedArray get toJS;
/// Conversions from [JSInt16Array] to [Int16List].
extension JSInt16ArrayToInt16List on JSInt16Array {
/// Converts this [JSInt16Array] to a [Int16List] by either casting or
/// wrapping it.
/// When compiling to JavaScript, [Int16List]s are [JSInt16Array]s and this
/// operation will be a cast. When compiling to Wasm, a wrapper is introduced.
/// Modifications to this [JSInt16Array] will affect the [Int16List] and vice
/// versa.
external Int16List get toDart;
/// Conversions from [Int16List] to [JSInt16Array].
extension Int16ListToJSInt16Array on Int16List {
/// Converts this [Int16List] to a [JSInt16Array] by either casting,
/// unwrapping, or cloning the [Int16List].
/// > [!NOTE]
/// > Depending on whether code is compiled to JavaScript or Wasm, this
/// > conversion will have different semantics.
/// > When compiling to JavaScript, all typed lists are the equivalent
/// > JavaScript typed arrays, and therefore this method simply casts.
/// > When compiling to Wasm, this [Int16List] may or may not be a wrapper
/// > depending on if it was converted from JavaScript or instantiated in
/// > Dart. If it's a wrapper, this method unwraps it. If it's instantiated in
/// > Dart, this method clones this [Int16List]'s values into a new
/// > [JSInt16Array].
/// > Avoid assuming that modifications to this [Int16List] will affect the
/// > [JSInt16Array] and vice versa unless it was instantiated in JavaScript.
external JSInt16Array get toJS;
/// Conversions from [JSUint16Array] to [Uint16List].
extension JSUint16ArrayToInt16List on JSUint16Array {
/// Converts this [JSUint16Array] to a [Uint16List] by either casting or
/// wrapping it.
/// When compiling to JavaScript, [Uint16List]s are [JSUint16Array]s and this
/// operation will be a cast. When compiling to Wasm, a wrapper is introduced.
/// Modifications to this [JSUint16Array] will affect the [Uint16List] and
/// vice versa.
external Uint16List get toDart;
/// Conversions from [Uint16List] to [JSUint16Array].
extension Uint16ListToJSInt16Array on Uint16List {
/// Converts this [Uint16List] to a [JSUint16Array] by either casting,
/// unwrapping, or cloning the [Uint16List].
/// > [!NOTE]
/// > Depending on whether code is compiled to JavaScript or Wasm, this
/// > conversion will have different semantics.
/// > When compiling to JavaScript, all typed lists are the equivalent
/// > JavaScript typed arrays, and therefore this method simply casts.
/// > When compiling to Wasm, this [Uint16List] may or may not be a wrapper
/// > depending on if it was converted from JavaScript or instantiated in
/// > Dart. If it's a wrapper, this method unwraps it. If it's instantiated in
/// > Dart, this method clones this [Uint16List]'s values into a new
/// > [JSUint16Array].
/// > Avoid assuming that modifications to this [Uint16List] will affect the
/// > [JSUint16Array] and vice versa unless it was instantiated in JavaScript.
external JSUint16Array get toJS;
/// Conversions from [JSInt32Array] to [Int32List].
extension JSInt32ArrayToInt32List on JSInt32Array {
/// Converts this [JSInt32Array] to a [Int32List] by either casting or
/// wrapping it.
/// When compiling to JavaScript, [Int32List]s are [JSInt32Array]s and this
/// operation will be a cast. When compiling to Wasm, a wrapper is introduced.
/// Modifications to this [JSInt32Array] will affect the [Int32List] and vice
/// versa.
external Int32List get toDart;
/// Conversions from [Int32List] to [JSInt32Array].
extension Int32ListToJSInt32Array on Int32List {
/// Converts this [Int32List] to a [JSInt32Array] by either casting,
/// unwrapping, or cloning the [Int32List].
/// > [!NOTE]
/// > Depending on whether code is compiled to JavaScript or Wasm, this
/// > conversion will have different semantics.
/// > When compiling to JavaScript, all typed lists are the equivalent
/// > JavaScript typed arrays, and therefore this method simply casts.
/// > When compiling to Wasm, this [Int32List] may or may not be a wrapper
/// > depending on if it was converted from JavaScript or instantiated in
/// > Dart. If it's a wrapper, this method unwraps it. If it's instantiated in
/// > Dart, this method clones this [Int32List]'s values into a new
/// > [JSInt32Array].
/// > Avoid assuming that modifications to this [Int32List] will affect the
/// > [JSInt32Array] and vice versa unless it was instantiated in JavaScript.
external JSInt32Array get toJS;
/// Conversions from [JSUint32Array] to [Uint32List].
extension JSUint32ArrayToUint32List on JSUint32Array {
/// Converts this [JSUint32Array] to a [Uint32List] by either casting or
/// wrapping it.
/// When compiling to JavaScript, [Uint32List]s are [JSUint32Array]s and this
/// operation will be a cast. When compiling to Wasm, a wrapper is introduced.
/// Modifications to this [JSUint32Array] will affect the [Uint32List] and
/// vice versa.
external Uint32List get toDart;
/// Conversions from [Uint32List] to [JSUint32Array].
extension Uint32ListToJSUint32Array on Uint32List {
/// Converts this [Uint32List] to a [JSUint32Array] by either casting,
/// unwrapping, or cloning the [Uint32List].
/// > [!NOTE]
/// > Depending on whether code is compiled to JavaScript or Wasm, this
/// > conversion will have different semantics.
/// > When compiling to JavaScript, all typed lists are the equivalent
/// > JavaScript typed arrays, and therefore this method simply casts.
/// > When compiling to Wasm, this [Uint32List] may or may not be a wrapper
/// > depending on if it was converted from JavaScript or instantiated in
/// > Dart. If it's a wrapper, this method unwraps it. If it's instantiated in
/// > Dart, this method clones this [Uint32List]'s values into a new
/// > [JSUint32Array].
/// > Avoid assuming that modifications to this [Uint32List] will affect the
/// > [JSUint32Array] and vice versa unless it was instantiated in JavaScript.
external JSUint32Array get toJS;
/// Conversions from [JSFloat32Array] to [Float32List].
extension JSFloat32ArrayToFloat32List on JSFloat32Array {
/// Converts this [JSFloat32Array] to a [Float32List] by either casting or
/// wrapping it.
/// When compiling to JavaScript, [Float32List]s are [JSFloat32Array]s and
/// this operation will be a cast. When compiling to Wasm, a wrapper is
/// introduced. Modifications to this [JSFloat32Array] will affect the
/// [Float32List] and vice versa.
external Float32List get toDart;
/// Conversions from [Float32List] to [JSFloat32Array].
extension Float32ListToJSFloat32Array on Float32List {
/// Converts this [Float32List] to a [JSFloat32Array] by either casting,
/// unwrapping, or cloning the [Float32List].
/// > [!NOTE]
/// > Depending on whether code is compiled to JavaScript or Wasm, this
/// > conversion will have different semantics.
/// > When compiling to JavaScript, all typed lists are the equivalent
/// > JavaScript typed arrays, and therefore this method simply casts.
/// > When compiling to Wasm, this [Float32List] may or may not be a wrapper
/// > depending on if it was converted from JavaScript or instantiated in
/// > Dart. If it's a wrapper, this method unwraps it. If it's instantiated in
/// > Dart, this method clones this [Float32List]'s values into a new
/// > [JSFloat32Array].
/// > Avoid assuming that modifications to this [Float32List] will affect the
/// > [JSFloat32Array] and vice versa unless it was instantiated in
/// > JavaScript.
external JSFloat32Array get toJS;
/// Conversions from [JSFloat64Array] to [Float64List].
extension JSFloat64ArrayToFloat64List on JSFloat64Array {
/// Converts this [JSFloat64Array] to a [Float64List] by either casting or
/// wrapping it.
/// When compiling to JavaScript, [Float64List]s are [JSFloat64Array]s and
/// this operation will be a cast. When compiling to Wasm, a wrapper is
/// introduced. Modifications to this [JSFloat64Array] will affect the
/// [Float64List] and vice versa.
external Float64List get toDart;
/// Conversions from [Float64List] to [JSFloat64Array].
extension Float64ListToJSFloat64Array on Float64List {
/// Converts this [Float64List] to a [JSFloat64Array] by either casting,
/// unwrapping, or cloning the [Float64List].
/// > [!NOTE]
/// > Depending on whether code is compiled to JavaScript or Wasm, this
/// > conversion will have different semantics.
/// > When compiling to JavaScript, all typed lists are the equivalent
/// > JavaScript typed arrays, and therefore this method simply casts.
/// > When compiling to Wasm, this [Float64List] may or may not be a wrapper
/// > depending on if it was converted from JavaScript or instantiated in
/// > Dart. If it's a wrapper, this method unwraps it. If it's instantiated in
/// > Dart, this method clones this [Float64List]'s values into a new
/// > [JSFloat64Array].
/// > Avoid assuming that modifications to this [Float64List] will affect the
/// > [JSFloat64Array] and vice versa unless it was instantiated in
/// > JavaScript.
external JSFloat64Array get toJS;
/// Conversions from [JSArray] to [List].
extension JSArrayToList<T extends JSAny?> on JSArray<T> {
/// Converts this [JSArray] to a [List] by either casting or wrapping it.
/// When compiling to JavaScript, [List]s are [JSArray]s and this will be a
/// cast. When compiling to Wasm, a wrapper is introduced. Modifications to
/// this [JSArray] will affect the [List] and vice versa. In order to ensure
/// type soundness, this method may introduce casts when accessing elements in
/// order to ensure they are of type [T].
external List<T> get toDart;
/// Conversions from [List] to [JSArray].
extension ListToJSArray<T extends JSAny?> on List<T> {
/// Converts this [List] to a [JSArray] by either casting, unwrapping, or
/// cloning the [List].
/// > [!NOTE]
/// > Depending on whether code is compiled to JavaScript or Wasm, this
/// > conversion will have different semantics.
/// > When compiling to JavaScript, the core [List] is a JavaScript `Array`,
/// > and therefore this method simply casts. User-defined [List]s are
/// > currently unsupported when compiling to JavaScript.
/// > When compiling to Wasm, this [List] may or may not be a wrapper
/// > depending on if it was converted from JavaScript or instantiated in
/// > Dart. If it's a wrapper, this method unwraps it. If it's instantiated in
/// > Dart, this method clones this [List]'s values into a new [JSArray].
/// > Avoid assuming that modifications to this [List] will affect the
/// > [JSArray] and vice versa unless it was instantiated in JavaScript.
external JSArray<T> get toJS;
/// Converts this [List] to a [JSArray] by either casting, unwrapping, or
/// proxying the [List].
/// > [!NOTE]
/// > Depending on whether code is compiled to JavaScript or Wasm, this
/// > conversion will have different semantics.
/// > When compiling to JavaScript, the core [List] is a JavaScript `Array`,
/// > and therefore this method simply casts. User-defined [List]s are
/// > currently unsupported when compiling to JavaScript.
/// > When compiling to Wasm, this [List] may or may not be a wrapper
/// > depending on if it was converted from JavaScript or instantiated in
/// > Dart. If it's a wrapper, this method unwraps it. If it's instantiated in
/// > Dart, this method proxies the [List] using a heavyweight `Array`
/// > wrapper. Access to the original [List]'s elements may be very
/// > unperformant.
/// > Modifications to this [List] will affect the [JSArray] and vice versa.
external JSArray<T> get toJSProxyOrRef;
/// Conversions from [JSNumber] to [double] or [int].
extension JSNumberToNumber on JSNumber {
/// Converts this [JSNumber] to a [double].
external double get toDartDouble;
/// Converts this [JSNumber] to an [int].
/// If this [JSNumber] is not an integer value, throws.
external int get toDartInt;
/// Conversions from [double] to [JSNumber].
extension DoubleToJSNumber on double {
/// Converts this [double] to a [JSNumber].
external JSNumber get toJS;
/// Conversions from [num] to [JSNumber].
extension NumToJSExtension on num {
/// Converts this [num] to a [JSNumber].
JSNumber get toJS => DoubleToJSNumber(toDouble()).toJS;
/// Conversions from [JSBoolean] to [bool].
extension JSBooleanToBool on JSBoolean {
/// Converts this [JSBoolean] to a [bool].
external bool get toDart;
/// Conversions from [bool] to [JSBoolean].
extension BoolToJSBoolean on bool {
/// Converts this [bool] to a [JSBoolean].
external JSBoolean get toJS;
/// Conversions from [JSString] to [String].
extension JSStringToString on JSString {
/// Converts this [JSString] to a [String].
external String get toDart;
/// Conversions from [String] to [JSString].
extension StringToJSString on String {
/// Converts this [String] to a [JSString].
external JSString get toJS;
/// General-purpose JavaScript operators.
/// Indexing operators (`[]`, `[]=`) should be declared through operator
/// overloading instead like:
/// ```
/// external operator int [](int key);
/// ```
/// Operators that always return number or boolean values use the Dart type
/// instead of a JS type for convenience as the conversions are inexpensive.
// TODO(srujzs): Add more as needed. For now, we just expose the ones needed to
// migrate from `dart:js_util`.
extension JSAnyOperatorExtension on JSAny? {
// Arithmetic operators.
/// The result of <code>[this] + [any]</code> in JavaScript.
external JSAny add(JSAny? any);
/// The result of <code>[this] - [any]</code> in JavaScript.
external JSAny subtract(JSAny? any);
/// The result of <code>[this] * [any]</code> in JavaScript.
external JSAny multiply(JSAny? any);
/// The result of <code>[this] / [any]</code> in JavaScript.
external JSAny divide(JSAny? any);
/// The result of <code>[this] % [any]</code> in JavaScript.
external JSAny modulo(JSAny? any);
/// The result of <code>[this] ** [any]</code> in JavaScript.
external JSAny exponentiate(JSAny? any);
// Comparison operators.
/// The result of <code>[this] > [any]</code> in JavaScript.
external bool greaterThan(JSAny? any);
/// The result of <code>[this] >= [any]</code> in JavaScript.
external bool greaterThanOrEqualTo(JSAny? any);
/// The result of <code>[this] < [any]</code> in JavaScript.
external bool lessThan(JSAny? any);
/// The result of <code>[this] <= [any]</code> in JavaScript.
external bool lessThanOrEqualTo(JSAny? any);
/// The result of <code>[this] == [any]</code> in JavaScript.
external bool equals(JSAny? any);
/// The result of <code>[this] != [any]</code> in JavaScript.
external bool notEquals(JSAny? any);
/// The result of <code>[this] === [any]</code> in JavaScript.
external bool strictEquals(JSAny? any);
/// The result of <code>[this] !== [any]</code> in JavaScript.
external bool strictNotEquals(JSAny? any);
// Bitwise operators.
/// The result of <code>[this] >>> [any]</code> in JavaScript.
// TODO(srujzs): This should return `num` or `double` instead.
external JSNumber unsignedRightShift(JSAny? any);
// Logical operators.
/// The result of <code>[this] && [any]</code> in JavaScript.
external JSAny? and(JSAny? any);
/// The result of <code>[this] || [any]</code> in JavaScript.
external JSAny? or(JSAny? any);
/// The result of <code>![this]</code> in JavaScript.
external bool get not;
/// The result of <code>!![this]</code> in JavaScript.
external bool get isTruthy;
/// The global scope that is used to find user-declared interop members.
/// For example:
/// ```
/// @JS()
/// external String get name;
/// ```
/// Reading `name` will execute JavaScript code like `globalContext.name`.
/// There are subtle differences depending on the compiler, but in general,
/// [globalContext] can be treated like JavaScript's `globalThis`.
external JSObject get globalContext;
/// Given a instance of a Dart class that contains an <code>@[JSExport]</code>
/// annotation, creates a JavaScript object that wraps the given Dart object.
/// The object literal will be a map of properties, which are either the written
/// instance member names or their renames, to callbacks that call the
/// corresponding Dart instance members.
/// See https://dart.dev/interop/js-interop/mock for more details on how to
/// declare classes that can be used in this method.
external JSObject createJSInteropWrapper<T extends Object>(T dartObject);
// TODO(srujzs): Expose this method when we handle conformance checking for
// interop extension types. We don't expose this method today due to the bound
// on `T`. `@staticInterop` types can't implement `JSObject`, so this method
// simply wouldn't work. We could make it extend `Object` to support the
// `@staticInterop` case, but if we ever refactor to `extends JSObject`, this
// would be a breaking change. For now, due to the low usage of
// `createStaticInteropMock`, we avoid introducing this method until later.
// external T createJSInteropMock<T extends JSObject, U extends Object>(
// U dartMock, [JSObject? proto = null]);
/// Dynamically imports a JavaScript module with the given [moduleName] using
/// the JavaScript `import()` syntax.
/// See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/import
/// for more details.
/// Returns a [JSPromise] that resolves to a [JSObject] that's the module
/// namespace object.
external JSPromise<JSObject> importModule(String moduleName);