Sigmund Cherem b71bd543a9 Reapply "Tweak public APIs and use them in patch_sdk, dart2js, and kernel-service.""
Original CL had a bug that wasn't visible unless you delete your
out/ReleaseX64/patched_sdk folder.

Patchset #1 is the original CL, patchset #2 shows the fix.

This reverts commit 4aadfe09df.


Review-Url: https://codereview.chromium.org/2976543002 .
2017-07-07 15:32:24 -07:00

182 lines
6.4 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// A wrapper on top of the [IncrementalKernelGenerator] that tracks
/// file modifications between subsequent compilation requests and only
/// invalidates those files that appear to be modified.
library front_end.example.incremental_reload.compiler_with_invalidation;
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert' show JSON;
import 'package:front_end/compiler_options.dart';
import 'package:front_end/incremental_kernel_generator.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/incremental/file_byte_store.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/incremental/byte_store.dart';
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:kernel/binary/limited_ast_to_binary.dart';
/// Create an instance of an [IncrementalCompiler] to compile a program whose
/// main entry point file is [entry]. This uses some default options
/// for the location of the sdk and temporary folder to save intermediate
/// results.
// TODO(sigmund): make this example work outside of the SDK repo.
Future<IncrementalCompiler> createIncrementalCompiler(String entry,
{bool persistent: true}) {
var entryUri = Uri.base.resolve(entry);
var dartVm = Uri.base.resolve(Platform.resolvedExecutable);
var sdkRoot = dartVm.resolve("patched_sdk/");
var tmpDir = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('ikg_cache');
var options = new CompilerOptions()
..sdkRoot = sdkRoot
..packagesFileUri = Uri.base.resolve('.packages')
..strongMode = false
..dartLibraries = loadDartLibraries(sdkRoot)
..byteStore =
persistent ? new FileByteStore(tmpDir.path) : new MemoryByteStore();
return IncrementalCompiler.create(options, entryUri);
/// Reads the `libraries.json` file for an SDK to provide the location of the
/// SDK files.
// TODO(sigmund): this should be handled by package:front_end internally.
Map<String, Uri> loadDartLibraries(Uri sdkRoot) {
var libraries = sdkRoot.resolve('lib/libraries.json');
var map =
JSON.decode(new File.fromUri(libraries).readAsStringSync())['libraries'];
var dartLibraries = <String, Uri>{};
map.forEach((k, v) => dartLibraries[k] = libraries.resolve(v));
return dartLibraries;
/// An incremental compiler that monitors file modifications on disk and
/// invalidates only files that have been modified since the previous time the
/// compiler was invoked.
class IncrementalCompiler {
/// Underlying incremental compiler implementation.
IncrementalKernelGenerator _generator;
/// Last modification for each tracked input file.
Map<Uri, DateTime> lastModified = {};
/// Create an instance of [IncrementalCompiler].
static Future<IncrementalCompiler> create(
CompilerOptions options, Uri entryUri) async {
var compiler = new IncrementalCompiler._internal();
compiler._generator = await IncrementalKernelGenerator
.newInstance(options, entryUri, watch: compiler._watch);
return compiler;
/// Callback for the [IncrementalKernelGenerator] to keep track of relevant
/// files.
Future _watch(Uri uri, bool used) {
if (used) {
lastModified[uri] ??= new File.fromUri(uri).lastModifiedSync();
} else {
return new Future.value(null);
/// How many files changed during the last call to [recompile].
int changed;
/// Time spent updating time-stamps from disk during the last call to
/// [recompile].
int invalidateTime;
/// Time actually spent compiling the code in the incremental compiler during
/// the last call to [recompile].
int compileTime;
/// Determine which files have been modified, and recompile the program
/// incrementally based on that information.
Future<Program> recompile() async {
changed = 0;
invalidateTime = 0;
compileTime = 0;
var invalidateTimer = new Stopwatch()..start();
for (var uri in lastModified.keys.toList()) {
var last = lastModified[uri];
var current = new File.fromUri(uri).lastModifiedSync();
if (last != current) {
lastModified[uri] = current;
invalidateTime = invalidateTimer.elapsedMilliseconds;
if (changed == 0 && lastModified.isNotEmpty) return null;
var compileTimer = new Stopwatch()..start();
var delta = await _generator.computeDelta();
compileTime = compileTimer.elapsedMilliseconds;
var program = delta.newProgram;
return program;
/// The result of an incremental compile and metrics collected during the
/// the compilation.
class CompilationResult {
/// How many files were modified by the time we invoked the compiler again.
int changed = 0;
/// How many files are currently being tracked for modifications.
int totalFiles = 0;
/// How long it took to invalidate files that have been modified.
int invalidateTime = 0;
/// How long it took to build the incremental program.
int compileTime = 0;
/// How long it took to do the hot-reload in the VM.
int reloadTime = 0;
/// Whether we saw errors during compilation or reload.
bool errorSeen = false;
/// Error message when [errorSeen] is true.
String errorDetails;
/// The program that was generated by the incremental compiler.
Program program;
/// Request a recompile and possibly a reload, and gather timing metrics.
Future<CompilationResult> rebuild(
IncrementalCompiler compiler, Uri outputUri) async {
var result = new CompilationResult();
try {
var program = result.program = await compiler.recompile();
if (program != null && !program.libraries.isEmpty) {
var sink = new File.fromUri(outputUri).openWrite();
// TODO(sigmund): should the incremental generator always filter these
// libraries instead?
new LimitedBinaryPrinter(
sink, (library) => library.importUri.scheme != 'dart', false)
await sink.close();
} catch (e, t) {
result.errorDetails = 'compilation error: $e, $t';
result.errorSeen = true;
result.changed = compiler.changed;
result.totalFiles = compiler.lastModified.length;
result.invalidateTime = compiler.invalidateTime;
result.compileTime = compiler.compileTime;
result.reloadTime = 0;
return result;