fschneider@google.com 210c1073ce VM: Fix bug in stack map builder.
It did not crash because unoptimized code never has both
untagged cpu registers and FPU registers on the stack, but
resulted in unnecessary alloction of empty stackmaps in
unoptimized code.


Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org//1082203003

git-svn-id: https://dart.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge/dart@45137 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
2015-04-14 12:37:51 +00:00

719 lines
19 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/allocation.h"
#include "vm/assembler.h"
#include "vm/bitfield.h"
#include "vm/log.h"
namespace dart {
class BufferFormatter;
class ConstantInstr;
class Definition;
class PairLocation;
class Value;
enum Representation {
// Location objects are used to connect register allocator and code generator.
// Instruction templates used by code generator have a corresponding
// LocationSummary object which specifies expected location for every input
// and output.
// Each location is encoded as a single word: for non-constant locations
// low 4 bits denote location kind, rest is kind specific location payload
// e.g. for REGISTER kind payload is register code (value of the Register
// enumeration), constant locations contain a tagged (low 2 bits are set to 01)
// Object handle.
// Locations must satisfy the following invariant: if two locations' encodings
// are bitwise unequal then these two locations are guaranteed to be disjoint.
// Properties like representation belong to the value that is stored in
// the location not to the location itself.
class Location : public ValueObject {
enum {
// Number of bits required to encode Kind value.
kBitsForKind = 4,
kBitsForPayload = kWordSize * kBitsPerByte - kBitsForKind,
static const uword kInvalidLocation = 0;
static const uword kLocationTagMask = 0x3;
// Constant payload can overlap with kind field so Kind values
// have to be chosen in a way that their last 2 bits are never
// the same as kConstantTag or kPairLocationTag.
// Note that two locations with different kinds should never point to
// the same place. For example kQuadStackSlot location should never intersect
// with kDoubleStackSlot location.
enum Kind {
// This location is invalid. Payload must be zero.
kInvalid = 0,
// Constant value. This location contains a tagged Object handle.
kConstantTag = 1,
// This location contains a tagged pointer to a PairLocation.
kPairLocationTag = 2,
// Unallocated location represents a location that is not fixed and can be
// allocated by a register allocator. Each unallocated location has
// a policy that specifies what kind of location is suitable. Payload
// contains register allocation policy.
kUnallocated = 3,
// Spill slots allocated by the register allocator. Payload contains
// a spill index.
kStackSlot = 4, // Word size slot.
kDoubleStackSlot = 7, // 64bit stack slot.
kQuadStackSlot = 11, // 128bit stack slot.
// Register location represents a fixed register. Payload contains
// register code.
kRegister = 8,
// FpuRegister location represents a fixed fpu register. Payload contains
// its code.
kFpuRegister = 12,
Location() : value_(kInvalidLocation) {
// Verify that non-tagged location kinds do not interfere with location tags
// (kConstantTag and kPairLocationTag).
COMPILE_ASSERT((kInvalid & kLocationTagMask) != kConstantTag);
COMPILE_ASSERT((kInvalid & kLocationTagMask) != kPairLocationTag);
COMPILE_ASSERT((kUnallocated & kLocationTagMask) != kConstantTag);
COMPILE_ASSERT((kUnallocated & kLocationTagMask) != kPairLocationTag);
COMPILE_ASSERT((kStackSlot & kLocationTagMask) != kConstantTag);
COMPILE_ASSERT((kStackSlot & kLocationTagMask) != kPairLocationTag);
COMPILE_ASSERT((kDoubleStackSlot & kLocationTagMask) != kConstantTag);
COMPILE_ASSERT((kDoubleStackSlot & kLocationTagMask) != kPairLocationTag);
COMPILE_ASSERT((kQuadStackSlot & kLocationTagMask) != kConstantTag);
COMPILE_ASSERT((kQuadStackSlot & kLocationTagMask) != kPairLocationTag);
COMPILE_ASSERT((kRegister & kLocationTagMask) != kConstantTag);
COMPILE_ASSERT((kRegister & kLocationTagMask) != kPairLocationTag);
COMPILE_ASSERT((kFpuRegister & kLocationTagMask) != kConstantTag);
COMPILE_ASSERT((kFpuRegister & kLocationTagMask) != kPairLocationTag);
// Verify tags and tagmask.
COMPILE_ASSERT((kConstantTag & kLocationTagMask) == kConstantTag);
COMPILE_ASSERT((kPairLocationTag & kLocationTagMask) == kPairLocationTag);
Location(const Location& other) : ValueObject(), value_(other.value_) { }
Location& operator=(const Location& other) {
value_ = other.value_;
return *this;
bool IsInvalid() const {
return value_ == kInvalidLocation;
// Constants.
bool IsConstant() const {
return (value_ & kLocationTagMask) == kConstantTag;
static Location Constant(ConstantInstr* obj) {
Location loc(reinterpret_cast<uword>(obj) | kConstantTag);
ASSERT(obj == loc.constant_instruction());
return loc;
ConstantInstr* constant_instruction() const {
return reinterpret_cast<ConstantInstr*>(value_ & ~kLocationTagMask);
const Object& constant() const;
bool IsPairLocation() const {
return (value_ & kLocationTagMask) == kPairLocationTag;
static Location Pair(Location first, Location second);
PairLocation* AsPairLocation() const;
// Unallocated locations.
enum Policy {
bool IsUnallocated() const {
return kind() == kUnallocated;
bool IsRegisterBeneficial() {
return !Equals(Any());
static Location UnallocatedLocation(Policy policy) {
return Location(kUnallocated, PolicyField::encode(policy));
// Any free register is suitable to replace this unallocated location.
static Location Any() {
return UnallocatedLocation(kAny);
static Location PrefersRegister() {
return UnallocatedLocation(kPrefersRegister);
static Location RequiresRegister() {
return UnallocatedLocation(kRequiresRegister);
static Location RequiresFpuRegister() {
return UnallocatedLocation(kRequiresFpuRegister);
static Location WritableRegister() {
return UnallocatedLocation(kWritableRegister);
// The location of the first input to the instruction will be
// used to replace this unallocated location.
static Location SameAsFirstInput() {
return UnallocatedLocation(kSameAsFirstInput);
// Empty location. Used if there the location should be ignored.
static Location NoLocation() {
return Location();
Policy policy() const {
return PolicyField::decode(payload());
// Register locations.
static Location RegisterLocation(Register reg) {
return Location(kRegister, reg);
bool IsRegister() const {
return kind() == kRegister;
Register reg() const {
return static_cast<Register>(payload());
// FpuRegister locations.
static Location FpuRegisterLocation(FpuRegister reg) {
return Location(kFpuRegister, reg);
bool IsFpuRegister() const {
return kind() == kFpuRegister;
FpuRegister fpu_reg() const {
return static_cast<FpuRegister>(payload());
static bool IsMachineRegisterKind(Kind kind) {
return (kind == kRegister) || (kind == kFpuRegister);
static Location MachineRegisterLocation(Kind kind,
intptr_t reg) {
if (kind == kRegister) {
return RegisterLocation(static_cast<Register>(reg));
} else {
ASSERT(kind == kFpuRegister);
return FpuRegisterLocation(static_cast<FpuRegister>(reg));
bool IsMachineRegister() const {
return IsMachineRegisterKind(kind());
intptr_t register_code() const {
return static_cast<intptr_t>(payload());
static uword EncodeStackIndex(intptr_t stack_index) {
ASSERT((-kStackIndexBias <= stack_index) &&
(stack_index < kStackIndexBias));
return static_cast<uword>(kStackIndexBias + stack_index);
// Spill slots.
static Location StackSlot(intptr_t stack_index,
Register base = FPREG) {
uword payload = StackSlotBaseField::encode(base)
| StackIndexField::encode(EncodeStackIndex(stack_index));
Location loc(kStackSlot, payload);
// Ensure that sign is preserved.
ASSERT(loc.stack_index() == stack_index);
return loc;
bool IsStackSlot() const {
return kind() == kStackSlot;
static Location DoubleStackSlot(intptr_t stack_index) {
uword payload = StackSlotBaseField::encode(FPREG)
| StackIndexField::encode(EncodeStackIndex(stack_index));
Location loc(kDoubleStackSlot, payload);
// Ensure that sign is preserved.
ASSERT(loc.stack_index() == stack_index);
return loc;
bool IsDoubleStackSlot() const {
return kind() == kDoubleStackSlot;
static Location QuadStackSlot(intptr_t stack_index) {
uword payload = StackSlotBaseField::encode(FPREG)
| StackIndexField::encode(EncodeStackIndex(stack_index));
Location loc(kQuadStackSlot, payload);
// Ensure that sign is preserved.
ASSERT(loc.stack_index() == stack_index);
return loc;
bool IsQuadStackSlot() const {
return kind() == kQuadStackSlot;
Register base_reg() const {
return StackSlotBaseField::decode(payload());
intptr_t stack_index() const {
// Decode stack index manually to preserve sign.
return StackIndexField::decode(payload()) - kStackIndexBias;
bool HasStackIndex() const {
return IsStackSlot() || IsDoubleStackSlot() || IsQuadStackSlot();
// Return a memory operand for stack slot locations.
Address ToStackSlotAddress() const;
// Returns the offset from the frame pointer for stack slot locations.
intptr_t ToStackSlotOffset() const;
// Constants.
static Location RegisterOrConstant(Value* value);
static Location RegisterOrSmiConstant(Value* value);
static Location WritableRegisterOrSmiConstant(Value* value);
static Location FixedRegisterOrConstant(Value* value, Register reg);
static Location FixedRegisterOrSmiConstant(Value* value, Register reg);
static Location AnyOrConstant(Value* value);
const char* Name() const;
void PrintTo(BufferFormatter* f) const;
void Print() const;
const char* ToCString() const;
// Compare two locations.
bool Equals(Location other) const {
return value_ == other.value_;
// If current location is constant might return something that
// is not equal to any Kind.
Kind kind() const {
return KindField::decode(value_);
Location Copy() const;
Location RemapForSlowPath(Definition* def,
intptr_t* cpu_reg_slots,
intptr_t* fpu_reg_slots) const;
explicit Location(uword value) : value_(value) { }
Location(Kind kind, uword payload)
: value_(KindField::encode(kind) | PayloadField::encode(payload)) { }
uword payload() const {
return PayloadField::decode(value_);
typedef BitField<Kind, 0, kBitsForKind> KindField;
typedef BitField<uword, kBitsForKind, kBitsForPayload> PayloadField;
// Layout for kUnallocated locations payload.
typedef BitField<Policy, 0, 3> PolicyField;
// Layout for stack slots.
static const intptr_t kBitsForBaseReg = 5;
static const intptr_t kBitsForStackIndex = kBitsForPayload - kBitsForBaseReg;
typedef BitField<Register, 0, kBitsForBaseReg> StackSlotBaseField;
typedef BitField<intptr_t,
kBitsForStackIndex> StackIndexField;
COMPILE_ASSERT(1 << kBitsForBaseReg >= kNumberOfCpuRegisters);
static const intptr_t kStackIndexBias =
static_cast<intptr_t>(1) << (kBitsForStackIndex - 1);
// Location either contains kind and payload fields or a tagged handle for
// a constant locations. Values of enumeration Kind are selected in such a
// way that none of them can be interpreted as a kConstant tag.
uword value_;
class PairLocation : public ZoneAllocated {
PairLocation() {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < kPairLength; i++) {
intptr_t length() const { return kPairLength; }
Location At(intptr_t i) const {
ASSERT(i >= 0);
ASSERT(i < kPairLength);
return locations_[i];
void SetAt(intptr_t i, Location loc) {
ASSERT(i >= 0);
ASSERT(i < kPairLength);
locations_[i] = loc;
Location* SlotAt(intptr_t i) {
ASSERT(i >= 0);
ASSERT(i < kPairLength);
return &locations_[i];
static const intptr_t kPairLength = 2;
Location locations_[kPairLength];
template<typename T>
class SmallSet {
SmallSet() : data_(0) { }
explicit SmallSet(intptr_t data) : data_(data) { }
bool Contains(T value) const { return (data_ & ToMask(value)) != 0; }
void Add(T value) { data_ |= ToMask(value); }
void Remove(T value) { data_ &= ~ToMask(value); }
bool IsEmpty() const { return data_ == 0; }
intptr_t data() const { return data_; }
static intptr_t ToMask(T value) {
ASSERT(static_cast<intptr_t>(value) < (kWordSize * kBitsPerByte));
return 1 << static_cast<intptr_t>(value);
intptr_t data_;
class RegisterSet : public ValueObject {
: cpu_registers_(),
fpu_registers_() {
ASSERT(kNumberOfCpuRegisters <= (kWordSize * kBitsPerByte));
ASSERT(kNumberOfFpuRegisters <= (kWordSize * kBitsPerByte));
void Add(Location loc, Representation rep = kTagged) {
if (loc.IsRegister()) {
if (rep != kTagged) {
// CPU register contains an untagged value.
} else if (loc.IsFpuRegister()) {
void Remove(Location loc) {
if (loc.IsRegister()) {
} else if (loc.IsFpuRegister()) {
bool Contains(Location loc) {
if (loc.IsRegister()) {
return ContainsRegister(loc.reg());
} else if (loc.IsFpuRegister()) {
return ContainsFpuRegister(loc.fpu_reg());
} else {
return false;
void DebugPrint() {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < kNumberOfCpuRegisters; i++) {
Register r = static_cast<Register>(i);
if (ContainsRegister(r)) {
ISL_Print("%s %s\n", Assembler::RegisterName(r),
IsTagged(r) ? "tagged" : "untagged");
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < kNumberOfFpuRegisters; i++) {
FpuRegister r = static_cast<FpuRegister>(i);
if (ContainsFpuRegister(r)) {
ISL_Print("%s\n", Assembler::FpuRegisterName(r));
void MarkUntagged(Location loc) {
bool HasUntaggedValues() const {
return !untagged_cpu_registers_.IsEmpty() || !fpu_registers_.IsEmpty();
bool IsTagged(Register reg) const {
return !untagged_cpu_registers_.Contains(reg);
bool ContainsRegister(Register reg) const {
return cpu_registers_.Contains(reg);
bool ContainsFpuRegister(FpuRegister fpu_reg) const {
return fpu_registers_.Contains(fpu_reg);
intptr_t CpuRegisterCount() const { return RegisterCount(cpu_registers()); }
intptr_t FpuRegisterCount() const { return RegisterCount(fpu_registers()); }
static intptr_t RegisterCount(intptr_t registers);
static bool Contains(intptr_t register_set, intptr_t reg) {
return (register_set & (1 << reg)) != 0;
intptr_t cpu_registers() const { return cpu_registers_.data(); }
intptr_t fpu_registers() const { return fpu_registers_.data(); }
SmallSet<Register> cpu_registers_;
SmallSet<Register> untagged_cpu_registers_;
SmallSet<FpuRegister> fpu_registers_;
// Specification of locations for inputs and output.
class LocationSummary : public ZoneAllocated {
enum ContainsCall {
LocationSummary(Zone* zone,
intptr_t input_count,
intptr_t temp_count,
LocationSummary::ContainsCall contains_call);
intptr_t input_count() const {
return num_inputs_;
Location in(intptr_t index) const {
ASSERT(index >= 0);
ASSERT(index < num_inputs_);
return input_locations_[index];
Location* in_slot(intptr_t index) {
ASSERT(index >= 0);
ASSERT(index < num_inputs_);
return &input_locations_[index];
void set_in(intptr_t index, Location loc) {
ASSERT(index >= 0);
ASSERT(index < num_inputs_);
ASSERT(!always_calls() || loc.IsMachineRegister());
input_locations_[index] = loc;
intptr_t temp_count() const {
return num_temps_;
Location temp(intptr_t index) const {
ASSERT(index >= 0);
ASSERT(index < num_temps_);
return temp_locations_[index];
Location* temp_slot(intptr_t index) {
ASSERT(index >= 0);
ASSERT(index < num_temps_);
return &temp_locations_[index];
void set_temp(intptr_t index, Location loc) {
ASSERT(index >= 0);
ASSERT(index < num_temps_);
ASSERT(!always_calls() || loc.IsMachineRegister());
temp_locations_[index] = loc;
intptr_t output_count() const {
return 1;
Location out(intptr_t index) const {
ASSERT(index == 0);
return output_location_;
Location* out_slot(intptr_t index) {
ASSERT(index == 0);
return &output_location_;
void set_out(intptr_t index, Location loc) {
ASSERT(index == 0);
ASSERT(!always_calls() ||
(loc.IsMachineRegister() || loc.IsInvalid() ||
output_location_ = loc;
BitmapBuilder* stack_bitmap() {
if (stack_bitmap_ == NULL) {
stack_bitmap_ = new BitmapBuilder();
return stack_bitmap_;
void SetStackBit(intptr_t index) {
stack_bitmap()->Set(index, true);
bool always_calls() const {
return contains_call_ == kCall;
bool can_call() {
return contains_call_ != kNoCall;
bool HasCallOnSlowPath() {
return can_call() && !always_calls();
void PrintTo(BufferFormatter* f) const;
static LocationSummary* Make(Zone* zone,
intptr_t input_count,
Location out,
ContainsCall contains_call);
RegisterSet* live_registers() {
return &live_registers_;
#if defined(DEBUG)
// Debug only verification that ensures that writable registers are correctly
// preserved on the slow path.
void DiscoverWritableInputs();
void CheckWritableInputs();
const intptr_t num_inputs_;
Location* input_locations_;
const intptr_t num_temps_;
Location* temp_locations_;
Location output_location_;
BitmapBuilder* stack_bitmap_;
const ContainsCall contains_call_;
RegisterSet live_registers_;
#if defined(DEBUG)
intptr_t writable_inputs_;
} // namespace dart
#endif // VM_LOCATIONS_H_