Aske Simon Christensen 4004194c29 Clean up super calls in swarm.
Remove redundant super calls and move all other super calls to the end
of the initializer list, as required by Dart 2.

Change-Id: I2b0968b9c6508d00a3379c225470d5d9c0ec9f78
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/69967
Reviewed-by: Stephen Adams <sra@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Stephen Adams <sra@google.com>
2018-08-21 17:56:13 +00:00

997 lines
28 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of swarmlib;
// This file contains View framework classes.
// As it grows, it may need to be split into multiple files.
/** A factory that creates a view from a data model. */
abstract class ViewFactory<D> {
View newView(D item);
/** The width of the created view or null if the width is not fixed. */
int get width;
/** The height of the created view or null if the height is not fixed. */
int get height;
abstract class VariableSizeViewFactory<D> {
View newView(D item);
/** The width of the created view for a specific data model. */
int getWidth(D item);
/** The height of the created view for a specific data model. */
int getHeight(D item);
/** A collection of event listeners. */
class EventListeners {
var listeners;
EventListeners() {
listeners = new List();
void addListener(listener) {
void fire(var event) {
for (final listener in listeners) {
* Private view class used to store placeholder views for detached ListView
* elements.
class _PlaceholderView extends View {
Element render() => new Element.tag('div');
* Class providing all metrics required to layout a data driven list view.
abstract class ListViewLayout<D> {
void onDataChange();
// TODO(jacobr): placing the newView member function on this class seems like
// the wrong design.
View newView(int index);
/** Get the height of the view. Possibly expensive to compute. */
int getHeight(int viewLength);
/** Get the width of the view. Possibly expensive to compute. */
int getWidth(int viewLength);
/** Get the length of the view. Possible expensive to compute. */
int getLength(int viewLength);
/** Estimated height of the view. Guaranteed to be fast to compute. */
int getEstimatedHeight(int viewLength);
/** Estimated with of the view. Guaranteed to be fast to compute. */
int getEstimatedWidth(int viewLength);
* Returns the offset in px that the ith item in the view should be placed
* at.
int getOffset(int index);
* The page the ith item in the view should be placed in.
int getPage(int index, int viewLength);
int getPageStartIndex(int index, int viewLength);
int getEstimatedLength(int viewLength);
* Snap a specified index to the nearest visible view given the [viewLength].
int getSnapIndex(num offset, num viewLength);
* Returns an interval specifying what views are currently visible given a
* particular [:offset:].
Interval computeVisibleInterval(num offset, num viewLength, num bufferLength);
* Base class used for the simple fixed size item [:ListView:] classes and more
* complex list view classes such as [:VariableSizeListView:] using a
* [:ListViewLayout:] class to drive the actual layout.
class GenericListView<D> extends View {
/** Minimum throw distance in pixels to trigger snapping to the next item. */
static const INDEX_DATA_ATTRIBUTE = 'data-index';
final bool _scrollable;
final bool _showScrollbar;
final bool _snapToItems;
Scroller scroller;
Scrollbar _scrollbar;
List<D> _data;
ObservableValue<D> _selectedItem;
Map<int, View> _itemViews;
Element _containerElem;
bool _vertical;
/** Length of the scrollable dimension of the view in px. */
int _viewLength = 0;
Interval _activeInterval;
bool _paginate;
bool _removeClippedViews;
ListViewLayout<D> _layout;
D _lastSelectedItem;
PageState _pages;
* Creates a new GenericListView with the given layout and data. If [:_data:]
* is an [:ObservableList<T>:] then it will listen to changes to the list
* and update the view appropriately.
: _activeInterval = new Interval(0, 0),
_itemViews = new Map<int, View>() {
// TODO(rnystrom): Move this into enterDocument once we have an exitDocument
// that we can use to unregister it.
if (_scrollable) {
window.onResize.listen((Event event) {
if (isInDocument) {
void onSelectedItemChange() {
// TODO(rnystrom): use Observable to track the last value of _selectedItem
// rather than tracking it ourselves.
_select(findIndex(_lastSelectedItem), false);
_select(findIndex(_selectedItem.value), true);
_lastSelectedItem = _selectedItem.value;
Iterable<View> get childViews {
return _itemViews.values.toList();
void _onClick(MouseEvent e) {
int index = _findAssociatedIndex(e.target);
if (index != null) {
_selectedItem.value = _data[index];
int _findAssociatedIndex(Node leafNode) {
Node node = leafNode;
while (node != null && node != _containerElem) {
if (node.parent == _containerElem) {
return _nodeToIndex(node);
node = node.parent;
return null;
int _nodeToIndex(Element node) {
// TODO(jacobr): use data attributes when available.
String index = node.attributes[INDEX_DATA_ATTRIBUTE];
if (index != null && index.length > 0) {
return int.parse(index);
return null;
Element render() {
final node = new Element.tag('div');
if (_scrollable) {
_containerElem = new Element.tag('div');
_containerElem.tabIndex = -1;
} else {
_containerElem = node;
if (_scrollable) {
scroller = new Scroller(
_vertical /* verticalScrollEnabled */,
!_vertical /* horizontalScrollEnabled */,
true /* momentumEnabled */, () {
num width = _layout.getWidth(_viewLength);
num height = _layout.getHeight(_viewLength);
width = width != null ? width : 0;
height = height != null ? height : 0;
return new Size(width, height);
_paginate && _snapToItems
: 1);
scroller.onContentMoved.listen((e) => renderVisibleItems(false));
if (_pages != null) {
watch(_pages.target, (s) => _onPageSelected());
if (_snapToItems) {
scroller.onDecelStart.listen((e) => _decelStart());
scroller.onScrollerDragEnd.listen((e) => _decelStart());
if (_showScrollbar) {
_scrollbar = new Scrollbar(scroller, true);
} else {
return node;
void afterRender(Element node) {
// If our data source is observable, observe it.
if (_data is ObservableList<D>) {
ObservableList<D> observable = _data;
attachWatch(observable, (EventSummary e) {
if (e.target == observable) {
if (_selectedItem != null) {
addOnClick((Event e) {
if (_selectedItem != null) {
watch(_selectedItem, (EventSummary summary) => onSelectedItemChange());
void onDataChange() {
void _reserveArea() {
final style = _containerElem.style;
int width = _layout.getWidth(_viewLength);
int height = _layout.getHeight(_viewLength);
if (width != null) {
style.width = '${width}px';
if (height != null) {
style.height = '${height}px';
// TODO(jacobr): this should be specified by the default CSS for a
// GenericListView.
style.overflow = 'hidden';
void onResize() {
int lastViewLength = _viewLength;
scheduleMicrotask(() {
_viewLength = _vertical ? node.offset.height : node.offset.width;
if (_viewLength != lastViewLength) {
if (_scrollbar != null) {
void enterDocument() {
if (scroller != null) {
if (_scrollbar != null) {
int getNextIndex(int index, bool forward) {
int delta = forward ? 1 : -1;
if (_paginate) {
int newPage = Math.max(0, _layout.getPage(index, _viewLength) + delta);
index = _layout.getPageStartIndex(newPage, _viewLength);
} else {
index += delta;
return GoogleMath.clamp(index, 0, _data.length - 1);
void _decelStart() {
num currentTarget = scroller.verticalEnabled
? scroller.currentTarget.y
: scroller.currentTarget.x;
num current = scroller.verticalEnabled
? scroller.contentOffset.y
: scroller.contentOffset.x;
num targetIndex = _layout.getSnapIndex(currentTarget, _viewLength);
if (current != currentTarget) {
// The user is throwing rather than statically releasing.
// For this case, we want to move them to the next snap interval
// as long as they made at least a minimal throw gesture.
num currentIndex = _layout.getSnapIndex(current, _viewLength);
if (currentIndex == targetIndex &&
(currentTarget - current).abs() > SNAP_TO_NEXT_THROW_THRESHOLD &&
-_layout.getOffset(targetIndex) != currentTarget) {
num snappedCurrentPosition = -_layout.getOffset(targetIndex);
targetIndex = getNextIndex(targetIndex, currentTarget < current);
num targetPosition = -_layout.getOffset(targetIndex);
if (currentTarget != targetPosition) {
if (scroller.verticalEnabled) {
scroller.throwTo(scroller.contentOffset.x, targetPosition);
} else {
scroller.throwTo(targetPosition, scroller.contentOffset.y);
} else {
// Update the target page only after we are all done animating.
if (_pages != null) {
_pages.target.value = _layout.getPage(targetIndex, _viewLength);
void _renderItems() {
for (int i = _activeInterval.start; i < _activeInterval.end; i++) {
_activeInterval = new Interval(0, 0);
if (scroller == null) {
void _onPageSelected() {
if (_pages.target != _layout.getPage(_activeInterval.start, _viewLength)) {
_layout.getPageStartIndex(_pages.target.value, _viewLength)));
num get _offset {
return scroller.verticalEnabled
? scroller.getVerticalOffset()
: scroller.getHorizontalOffset();
* Calculates visible interval, based on the scroller position.
Interval getVisibleInterval() {
return _layout.computeVisibleInterval(_offset, _viewLength, 0);
void renderVisibleItems(bool lengthChanged) {
Interval targetInterval;
if (scroller != null) {
targetInterval = getVisibleInterval();
} else {
// If the view is not scrollable, render all elements.
targetInterval = new Interval(0, _data.length);
if (_pages != null) {
_pages.current.value = _layout.getPage(targetInterval.start, _viewLength);
if (_pages != null) {
_pages.length.value = _data.length > 0
? _layout.getPage(_data.length - 1, _viewLength) + 1
: 0;
if (!_removeClippedViews) {
// Avoid removing clipped views by extending the target interval to
// include the existing interval of rendered views.
targetInterval = targetInterval.union(_activeInterval);
if (lengthChanged == false && targetInterval == _activeInterval) {
// TODO(jacobr): add unittests that this code behaves correctly.
// Remove views that are not needed anymore
for (int i = _activeInterval.start,
end = Math.min(targetInterval.start, _activeInterval.end);
i < end;
i++) {
for (int i = Math.max(targetInterval.end, _activeInterval.start);
i < _activeInterval.end;
i++) {
// Add new views
for (int i = targetInterval.start,
end = Math.min(_activeInterval.start, targetInterval.end);
i < end;
i++) {
for (int i = Math.max(_activeInterval.end, targetInterval.start);
i < targetInterval.end;
i++) {
_activeInterval = targetInterval;
void _removeView(int index) {
// Do not remove placeholder views as they need to stay present in case
// they scroll out of view and then back into view.
if (!(_itemViews[index] is _PlaceholderView)) {
// Remove from the active DOM but don't destroy.
View _newView(int index) {
final view = _layout.newView(index);
view.node.attributes[INDEX_DATA_ATTRIBUTE] = index.toString();
return view;
View _addView(int index) {
if (_itemViews.containsKey(index)) {
final view = _itemViews[index];
_addViewHelper(view, index);
return view;
final view = _newView(index);
_itemViews[index] = view;
// TODO(jacobr): its ugly to put this here... but its needed
// as typical even-odd css queries won't work as we only display some
// children at a time.
if (index == 0) {
_selectHelper(view, _data[index] == _lastSelectedItem);
// The order of the child elements doesn't matter as we use absolute
// positioning.
_addViewHelper(view, index);
return view;
void _addViewHelper(View view, int index) {
_positionSubview(view.node, index);
// The view might already be attached.
if (view.node.parent != _containerElem) {
* Detach a subview from the view replacing it with an empty placeholder view.
* The detached subview can be safely reparented.
View detachSubview(D itemData) {
int index = findIndex(itemData);
View view = _itemViews[index];
if (view == null) {
// Edge case: add the view so we can detach as the view is currently
// outside but might soon be inside the visible area.
view = _itemViews[index];
final placeholder = new _PlaceholderView();
_itemViews[index] = placeholder;
return view;
* Reattach a subview from the view that was detached from the view
* by calling detachSubview. [callback] is called once the subview is
* reattached and done animating into position.
void reattachSubview(D data, View view, bool animate) {
int index = findIndex(data);
// TODO(jacobr): perform some validation that the view is
// really detached.
var currentPosition;
if (animate) {
currentPosition =
FxUtil.computeRelativePosition(view.node, _containerElem);
assert(_itemViews[index] is _PlaceholderView);
_itemViews[index] = view;
if (animate) {
FxUtil.setTranslate(view.node, currentPosition.x, currentPosition.y, 0);
// The view's position is unchanged except now re-parented to
// the list view.
Timer.run(() {
_positionSubview(view.node, index);
} else {
_positionSubview(view.node, index);
int findIndex(D targetItem) {
// TODO(jacobr): move this to a util library or modify this class so that
// the data is an List not a Collection.
int i = 0;
for (D item in _data) {
if (item == targetItem) {
return i;
return null;
void _positionSubview(Element node, int index) {
if (_vertical) {
FxUtil.setTranslate(node, 0, _layout.getOffset(index), 0);
} else {
FxUtil.setTranslate(node, _layout.getOffset(index), 0, 0);
node.style.zIndex = index.toString();
void _select(int index, bool selected) {
if (index != null) {
final subview = getSubview(index);
if (subview != null) {
_selectHelper(subview, selected);
void _selectHelper(View view, bool selected) {
if (selected) {
} else {
View getSubview(int index) {
return _itemViews[index];
void showView(D targetItem) {
int index = findIndex(targetItem);
if (index != null) {
if (_layout.getOffset(index) < -_offset) {
} else if (_layout.getOffset(index + 1) > (-_offset + _viewLength)) {
// TODO(jacobr): for completeness we should check whether
// the current view is longer than _viewLength in which case
// there are some nasty edge cases.
_throwTo(_layout.getOffset(index + 1) - _viewLength);
void _throwTo(num offset) {
if (_vertical) {
scroller.throwTo(0, -offset);
} else {
scroller.throwTo(-offset, 0);
class FixedSizeListViewLayout<D> implements ListViewLayout<D> {
final ViewFactory<D> itemViewFactory;
final bool _vertical;
List<D> _data;
bool _paginate;
this.itemViewFactory, this._data, this._vertical, this._paginate);
void onDataChange() {}
View newView(int index) {
return itemViewFactory.newView(_data[index]);
int get _itemLength {
return _vertical ? itemViewFactory.height : itemViewFactory.width;
int getWidth(int viewLength) {
return _vertical ? itemViewFactory.width : getLength(viewLength);
int getHeight(int viewLength) {
return _vertical ? getLength(viewLength) : itemViewFactory.height;
int getEstimatedHeight(int viewLength) {
// Returns the exact height as it is trivial to compute for this layout.
return getHeight(viewLength);
int getEstimatedWidth(int viewLength) {
// Returns the exact height as it is trivial to compute for this layout.
return getWidth(viewLength);
int getEstimatedLength(int viewLength) {
// Returns the exact length as it is trivial to compute for this layout.
return getLength(viewLength);
int getLength(int viewLength) {
int itemLength = _vertical ? itemViewFactory.height : itemViewFactory.width;
if (viewLength == null || viewLength == 0) {
return itemLength * _data.length;
} else if (_paginate) {
if (_data.length > 0) {
final pageLength = getPageLength(viewLength);
return getPage(_data.length - 1, viewLength) * pageLength +
Math.max(viewLength, pageLength);
} else {
return 0;
} else {
return itemLength * (_data.length - 1) + Math.max(viewLength, itemLength);
int getOffset(int index) {
return index * _itemLength;
int getPageLength(int viewLength) {
final itemsPerPage = viewLength ~/ _itemLength;
return Math.max(1, itemsPerPage) * _itemLength;
int getPage(int index, int viewLength) {
return getOffset(index) ~/ getPageLength(viewLength);
int getPageStartIndex(int page, int viewLength) {
return getPageLength(viewLength) ~/ _itemLength * page;
int getSnapIndex(num offset, num viewLength) {
int index = (-offset / _itemLength).round();
if (_paginate) {
index = getPageStartIndex(getPage(index, viewLength), viewLength);
return GoogleMath.clamp(index, 0, _data.length - 1);
Interval computeVisibleInterval(
num offset, num viewLength, num bufferLength) {
int targetIntervalStart =
Math.max(0, (-offset - bufferLength) ~/ _itemLength);
num targetIntervalEnd = GoogleMath.clamp(
((-offset + viewLength + bufferLength) / _itemLength).ceil(),
return new Interval(targetIntervalStart, targetIntervalEnd.toInt());
* Simple list view class where each item has fixed width and height.
class ListView<D> extends GenericListView<D> {
* Creates a new ListView for the given data. If [:_data:] is an
* [:ObservableList<T>:] then it will listen to changes to the list and
* update the view appropriately.
ListView(List<D> data, ViewFactory<D> itemViewFactory, bool scrollable,
bool vertical, ObservableValue<D> selectedItem,
[bool snapToItems = false,
bool paginate = false,
bool removeClippedViews = false,
bool showScrollbar = false,
PageState pages = null])
: super(
new FixedSizeListViewLayout<D>(
itemViewFactory, data, vertical, paginate),
* Layout where each item may have variable size along the axis the list view
* extends.
class VariableSizeListViewLayout<D> implements ListViewLayout<D> {
List<D> _data;
List<int> _itemOffsets;
List<int> _lengths;
int _lastOffset = 0;
bool _vertical;
bool _paginate;
VariableSizeViewFactory<D> itemViewFactory;
Interval _lastVisibleInterval;
this.itemViewFactory, data, this._vertical, this._paginate)
: _data = data,
_lastVisibleInterval = new Interval(0, 0) {
_itemOffsets = <int>[];
_lengths = <int>[];
void onDataChange() {
View newView(int index) => itemViewFactory.newView(_data[index]);
int getWidth(int viewLength) {
if (_vertical) {
return itemViewFactory.getWidth(null);
} else {
return getLength(viewLength);
int getHeight(int viewLength) {
if (_vertical) {
return getLength(viewLength);
} else {
return itemViewFactory.getHeight(null);
int getEstimatedHeight(int viewLength) {
if (_vertical) {
return getEstimatedLength(viewLength);
} else {
return itemViewFactory.getHeight(null);
int getEstimatedWidth(int viewLength) {
if (_vertical) {
return itemViewFactory.getWidth(null);
} else {
return getEstimatedLength(viewLength);
// TODO(jacobr): this logic is overly complicated. Replace with something
// simpler.
int getEstimatedLength(int viewLength) {
if (_lengths.length == _data.length) {
// No need to estimate... we have all the data already.
return getLength(viewLength);
if (_itemOffsets.length > 1 && _lengths.length > 0) {
// Estimate length by taking the average of the lengths
// of the known views.
num lengthFromAllButLastElement = 0;
if (_itemOffsets.length > 2) {
lengthFromAllButLastElement =
(getOffset(_itemOffsets.length - 2) - getOffset(0)) *
(_data.length / (_itemOffsets.length - 2));
return (lengthFromAllButLastElement +
Math.max(viewLength, _lengths[_lengths.length - 1]))
} else {
if (_lengths.length == 1) {
return Math.max(viewLength, _lengths[0]);
} else {
return viewLength;
int getLength(int viewLength) {
if (_data.length == 0) {
return viewLength;
} else {
// Hack so that _lengths[length - 1] is available.
return (getOffset(_data.length - 1) - getOffset(0)) +
Math.max(_lengths[_lengths.length - 1], viewLength);
int getOffset(int index) {
if (index >= _itemOffsets.length) {
int offset = _itemOffsets[_itemOffsets.length - 1];
for (int i = _itemOffsets.length; i <= index; i++) {
int length = _vertical
? itemViewFactory.getHeight(_data[i - 1])
: itemViewFactory.getWidth(_data[i - 1]);
offset += length;
return _itemOffsets[index];
int getPage(int index, int viewLength) {
// TODO(jacobr): implement.
throw 'Not implemented';
int getPageStartIndex(int page, int viewLength) {
// TODO(jacobr): implement.
throw 'Not implemented';
int getSnapIndex(num offset, num viewLength) {
for (int i = 1; i < _data.length; i++) {
if (getOffset(i) + getOffset(i - 1) > -offset * 2) {
return i - 1;
return _data.length - 1;
Interval computeVisibleInterval(
num offset, num viewLength, num bufferLength) {
offset = offset.toInt();
int start = _findFirstItemBefore(-offset - bufferLength,
_lastVisibleInterval != null ? _lastVisibleInterval.start : 0);
int end = _findFirstItemAfter(-offset + viewLength + bufferLength,
_lastVisibleInterval != null ? _lastVisibleInterval.end : 0);
_lastVisibleInterval = new Interval(start, Math.max(start, end));
_lastOffset = offset;
return _lastVisibleInterval;
int _findFirstItemAfter(num target, int hint) {
for (int i = 0; i < _data.length; i++) {
if (getOffset(i) > target) {
return i;
return _data.length;
// TODO(jacobr): use hint.
int _findFirstItemBefore(num target, int hint) {
// We go search this direction delaying computing the actual view size
// as long as possible.
for (int i = 1; i < _data.length; i++) {
if (getOffset(i) >= target) {
return i - 1;
return Math.max(_data.length - 1, 0);
class VariableSizeListView<D> extends GenericListView<D> {
VariableSizeListView(List<D> data, VariableSizeViewFactory<D> itemViewFactory,
bool scrollable, bool vertical, ObservableValue<D> selectedItem,
[bool snapToItems = false,
bool paginate = false,
bool removeClippedViews = false,
bool showScrollbar = false,
PageState pages = null])
: super(
new VariableSizeListViewLayout(
itemViewFactory, data, vertical, paginate),
/** A back button that is equivalent to clicking "back" in the browser. */
class BackButton extends View {
Element render() => new Element.html('<div class="back-arrow button"></div>');
void afterRender(Element node) {
addOnClick((e) => window.history.back());
// TODO(terry): Maybe should be part of ButtonView class in appstack/view?
/** OS button. */
class PushButtonView extends View {
final String _text;
final String _cssClass;
final _clickHandler;
PushButtonView(this._text, this._cssClass, this._clickHandler);
Element render() {
return new Element.html('<button class="${_cssClass}">${_text}</button>');
void afterRender(Element node) {
// TODO(terry): Add a drop shadow around edge and corners need to be rounded.
// Need to support conveyor for contents of dialog so it's not
// larger than the parent window.
/** A generic dialog view supports title, done button and dialog content. */
class DialogView extends View {
final String _title;
final String _cssName;
final View _content;
Element container;
PushButtonView _done;
DialogView(this._title, this._cssName, this._content);
Element render() {
final node = new Element.html('''
<div class="dialog-modal">
<div class="dialog $_cssName">
<div class="dialog-title-area">
<span class="dialog-title">$_title</span>
<div class="dialog-body"></div>
_done = new PushButtonView(
'Done', 'done-button', EventBatch.wrap((e) => onDone()));
final titleArea = node.querySelector('.dialog-title-area');
container = node.querySelector('.dialog-body');
return node;
/** Override to handle dialog done. */
void onDone() {}