asiva e3058884b0 [VM/Runtime] - Remove API Dart_GlobalTimelineSetRecordedStreams which is
not used anywhere

Enabling of the timeline streams is done using command line flags
during initialization and no embedder uses this API function
(It was added when Mojo was supported).


Change-Id: Ide9205b9ecd703e2ccdab7a85e8a79c48d98f180
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/209850
Reviewed-by: Ryan Macnak <rmacnak@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Siva Annamalai <asiva@google.com>
2021-08-11 22:33:43 +00:00

527 lines
17 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "dart_api.h" /* NOLINT */
/** \mainpage Dart Tools Embedding API Reference
* This reference describes the Dart embedding API for tools. Tools include
* a debugger, service protocol, and timeline.
* NOTE: The APIs described in this file are unstable and subject to change.
* This reference is generated from the header include/dart_tools_api.h.
* ========
* Debugger
* ========
* ILLEGAL_ISOLATE_ID is a number guaranteed never to be associated with a
* valid isolate.
* =======
* Service
* =======
* A service request callback function.
* These callbacks, registered by the embedder, are called when the VM receives
* a service request it can't handle and the service request command name
* matches one of the embedder registered handlers.
* The return value of the callback indicates whether the response
* should be used as a regular result or an error result.
* Specifically, if the callback returns true, a regular JSON-RPC
* response is built in the following way:
* {
* "jsonrpc": "2.0",
* "result": <json_object>,
* "id": <some sequence id>,
* }
* If the callback returns false, a JSON-RPC error is built like this:
* {
* "jsonrpc": "2.0",
* "error": <json_object>,
* "id": <some sequence id>,
* }
* \param method The rpc method name.
* \param param_keys Service requests can have key-value pair parameters. The
* keys and values are flattened and stored in arrays.
* \param param_values The values associated with the keys.
* \param num_params The length of the param_keys and param_values arrays.
* \param user_data The user_data pointer registered with this handler.
* \param result A C string containing a valid JSON object. The returned
* pointer will be freed by the VM by calling free.
* \return True if the result is a regular JSON-RPC response, false if the
* result is a JSON-RPC error.
typedef bool (*Dart_ServiceRequestCallback)(const char* method,
const char** param_keys,
const char** param_values,
intptr_t num_params,
void* user_data,
const char** json_object);
* Register a Dart_ServiceRequestCallback to be called to handle
* requests for the named rpc on a specific isolate. The callback will
* be invoked with the current isolate set to the request target.
* \param method The name of the method that this callback is responsible for.
* \param callback The callback to invoke.
* \param user_data The user data passed to the callback.
* NOTE: If multiple callbacks with the same name are registered, only
* the last callback registered will be remembered.
DART_EXPORT void Dart_RegisterIsolateServiceRequestCallback(
const char* method,
Dart_ServiceRequestCallback callback,
void* user_data);
* Register a Dart_ServiceRequestCallback to be called to handle
* requests for the named rpc. The callback will be invoked without a
* current isolate.
* \param method The name of the command that this callback is responsible for.
* \param callback The callback to invoke.
* \param user_data The user data passed to the callback.
* NOTE: If multiple callbacks with the same name are registered, only
* the last callback registered will be remembered.
DART_EXPORT void Dart_RegisterRootServiceRequestCallback(
const char* method,
Dart_ServiceRequestCallback callback,
void* user_data);
* Embedder information which can be requested by the VM for internal or
* reporting purposes.
* The pointers in this structure are not going to be cached or freed by the VM.
typedef struct {
int32_t version;
const char* name; // [optional] The name of the embedder
int64_t current_rss; // [optional] the current RSS of the embedder
int64_t max_rss; // [optional] the maximum RSS of the embedder
} Dart_EmbedderInformation;
* Callback provided by the embedder that is used by the vm to request
* information.
* \return Returns a pointer to a Dart_EmbedderInformation structure.
* The embedder keeps the ownership of the structure and any field in it.
* The embedder must ensure that the structure will remain valid until the
* next invokation of the callback.
typedef void (*Dart_EmbedderInformationCallback)(
Dart_EmbedderInformation* info);
* Register a Dart_ServiceRequestCallback to be called to handle
* requests for the named rpc. The callback will be invoked without a
* current isolate.
* \param method The name of the command that this callback is responsible for.
* \param callback The callback to invoke.
* \param user_data The user data passed to the callback.
* NOTE: If multiple callbacks with the same name are registered, only
* the last callback registered will be remembered.
DART_EXPORT void Dart_SetEmbedderInformationCallback(
Dart_EmbedderInformationCallback callback);
* Invoke a vm-service method and wait for its result.
* \param request_json The utf8-encoded json-rpc request.
* \param request_json_length The length of the json-rpc request.
* \param response_json The returned utf8-encoded json response, must be
* free()ed by caller.
* \param response_json_length The length of the returned json response.
* \param error An optional error, must be free()ed by caller.
* \return Whether the call was sucessfully performed.
* NOTE: This method does not need a current isolate and must not have the
* vm-isolate being the current isolate. It must be called after
* Dart_Initialize() and before Dart_Cleanup().
DART_EXPORT bool Dart_InvokeVMServiceMethod(uint8_t* request_json,
intptr_t request_json_length,
uint8_t** response_json,
intptr_t* response_json_length,
char** error);
* ========
* Event Streams
* ========
* A callback invoked when the VM service gets a request to listen to
* some stream.
* \return Returns true iff the embedder supports the named stream id.
typedef bool (*Dart_ServiceStreamListenCallback)(const char* stream_id);
* A callback invoked when the VM service gets a request to cancel
* some stream.
typedef void (*Dart_ServiceStreamCancelCallback)(const char* stream_id);
* Adds VM service stream callbacks.
* \param listen_callback A function pointer to a listen callback function.
* A listen callback function should not be already set when this function
* is called. A NULL value removes the existing listen callback function
* if any.
* \param cancel_callback A function pointer to a cancel callback function.
* A cancel callback function should not be already set when this function
* is called. A NULL value removes the existing cancel callback function
* if any.
* \return Success if the callbacks were added. Otherwise, returns an
* error handle.
DART_EXPORT char* Dart_SetServiceStreamCallbacks(
Dart_ServiceStreamListenCallback listen_callback,
Dart_ServiceStreamCancelCallback cancel_callback);
* A callback invoked when the VM service receives an event.
typedef void (*Dart_NativeStreamConsumer)(const uint8_t* event_json,
intptr_t event_json_length);
* Sets the native VM service stream callbacks for a particular stream.
* Note: The function may be called on multiple threads concurrently.
* \param consumer A function pointer to an event handler callback function.
* A NULL value removes the existing listen callback function if any.
* \param stream_id The ID of the stream on which to set the callback.
DART_EXPORT void Dart_SetNativeServiceStreamCallback(
Dart_NativeStreamConsumer consumer,
const char* stream_id);
* Sends a data event to clients of the VM Service.
* A data event is used to pass an array of bytes to subscribed VM
* Service clients. For example, in the standalone embedder, this is
* function used to provide WriteEvents on the Stdout and Stderr
* streams.
* If the embedder passes in a stream id for which no client is
* subscribed, then the event is ignored.
* \param stream_id The id of the stream on which to post the event.
* \param event_kind A string identifying what kind of event this is.
* For example, 'WriteEvent'.
* \param bytes A pointer to an array of bytes.
* \param bytes_length The length of the byte array.
* \return NULL if the arguments are well formed. Otherwise, returns an
* error string. The caller is responsible for freeing the error message.
DART_EXPORT char* Dart_ServiceSendDataEvent(const char* stream_id,
const char* event_kind,
const uint8_t* bytes,
intptr_t bytes_length);
* Usage statistics for a space/generation at a particular moment in time.
* \param used Amount of memory used, in bytes.
* \param capacity Memory capacity, in bytes.
* \param external External memory, in bytes.
* \param collections How many times the garbage collector has run in this
* space.
* \param time Cumulative time spent collecting garbage in this space, in
* seconds.
* \param avg_collection_period Average time between garbage collector running
* in this space, in milliseconds.
typedef struct {
intptr_t used;
intptr_t capacity;
intptr_t external;
intptr_t collections;
double time;
double avg_collection_period;
} Dart_GCStats;
* A Garbage Collection event with memory usage statistics.
* \param type The event type. Static lifetime.
* \param reason The reason for the GC event. Static lifetime.
* \param new_space Data for New Space.
* \param old_space Data for Old Space.
typedef struct {
const char* type;
const char* reason;
const char* isolate_id;
Dart_GCStats new_space;
Dart_GCStats old_space;
} Dart_GCEvent;
* A callback invoked when the VM emits a GC event.
* \param event The GC event data. Pointer only valid for the duration of the
* callback.
typedef void (*Dart_GCEventCallback)(Dart_GCEvent* event);
* Sets the native GC event callback.
* \param callback A function pointer to an event handler callback function.
* A NULL value removes the existing listen callback function if any.
DART_EXPORT void Dart_SetGCEventCallback(Dart_GCEventCallback callback);
* ========
* Reload support
* ========
* These functions are used to implement reloading in the Dart VM.
* This is an experimental feature, so embedders should be prepared
* for these functions to change.
* A callback which determines whether the file at some url has been
* modified since some time. If the file cannot be found, true should
* be returned.
typedef bool (*Dart_FileModifiedCallback)(const char* url, int64_t since);
DART_EXPORT char* Dart_SetFileModifiedCallback(
Dart_FileModifiedCallback file_modified_callback);
* Returns true if isolate is currently reloading.
DART_EXPORT bool Dart_IsReloading();
* ========
* Timeline
* ========
* Returns a timestamp in microseconds. This timestamp is suitable for
* passing into the timeline system, and uses the same monotonic clock
* as dart:developer's Timeline.now.
* \return A timestamp that can be passed to the timeline system.
DART_EXPORT int64_t Dart_TimelineGetMicros();
* Returns a raw timestamp in from the monotonic clock.
* \return A raw timestamp from the monotonic clock.
DART_EXPORT int64_t Dart_TimelineGetTicks();
* Returns the frequency of the monotonic clock.
* \return The frequency of the monotonic clock.
DART_EXPORT int64_t Dart_TimelineGetTicksFrequency();
typedef enum {
Dart_Timeline_Event_Begin, // Phase = 'B'.
Dart_Timeline_Event_End, // Phase = 'E'.
Dart_Timeline_Event_Instant, // Phase = 'i'.
Dart_Timeline_Event_Duration, // Phase = 'X'.
Dart_Timeline_Event_Async_Begin, // Phase = 'b'.
Dart_Timeline_Event_Async_End, // Phase = 'e'.
Dart_Timeline_Event_Async_Instant, // Phase = 'n'.
Dart_Timeline_Event_Counter, // Phase = 'C'.
Dart_Timeline_Event_Flow_Begin, // Phase = 's'.
Dart_Timeline_Event_Flow_Step, // Phase = 't'.
Dart_Timeline_Event_Flow_End, // Phase = 'f'.
} Dart_Timeline_Event_Type;
* Add a timeline event to the embedder stream.
* \param label The name of the event. Its lifetime must extend at least until
* Dart_Cleanup.
* \param timestamp0 The first timestamp of the event.
* \param timestamp1_or_async_id The second timestamp of the event or
* the async id.
* \param argument_count The number of argument names and values.
* \param argument_names An array of names of the arguments. The lifetime of the
* names must extend at least until Dart_Cleanup. The array may be reclaimed
* when this call returns.
* \param argument_values An array of values of the arguments. The values and
* the array may be reclaimed when this call returns.
DART_EXPORT void Dart_TimelineEvent(const char* label,
int64_t timestamp0,
int64_t timestamp1_or_async_id,
Dart_Timeline_Event_Type type,
intptr_t argument_count,
const char** argument_names,
const char** argument_values);
* Associates a name with the current thread. This name will be used to name
* threads in the timeline. Can only be called after a call to Dart_Initialize.
* \param name The name of the thread.
DART_EXPORT void Dart_SetThreadName(const char* name);
* =======
* Metrics
* =======
* Return metrics gathered for the VM and individual isolates.
* NOTE: Non-heap metrics are not available in PRODUCT builds of Dart.
* Calling the non-heap metric functions on a PRODUCT build might return invalid metrics.
DART_EXPORT int64_t Dart_VMIsolateCountMetric(); // Counter
DART_EXPORT int64_t Dart_VMCurrentRSSMetric(); // Byte
DART_EXPORT int64_t Dart_VMPeakRSSMetric(); // Byte
Dart_IsolateHeapOldUsedMetric(Dart_Isolate isolate); // Byte
Dart_IsolateHeapOldUsedMaxMetric(Dart_Isolate isolate); // Byte
Dart_IsolateHeapOldCapacityMetric(Dart_Isolate isolate); // Byte
Dart_IsolateHeapOldCapacityMaxMetric(Dart_Isolate isolate); // Byte
Dart_IsolateHeapOldExternalMetric(Dart_Isolate isolate); // Byte
Dart_IsolateHeapNewUsedMetric(Dart_Isolate isolate); // Byte
Dart_IsolateHeapNewUsedMaxMetric(Dart_Isolate isolate); // Byte
Dart_IsolateHeapNewCapacityMetric(Dart_Isolate isolate); // Byte
Dart_IsolateHeapNewCapacityMaxMetric(Dart_Isolate isolate); // Byte
Dart_IsolateHeapNewExternalMetric(Dart_Isolate isolate); // Byte
Dart_IsolateHeapGlobalUsedMetric(Dart_Isolate isolate); // Byte
Dart_IsolateHeapGlobalUsedMaxMetric(Dart_Isolate isolate); // Byte
Dart_IsolateRunnableLatencyMetric(Dart_Isolate isolate); // Microsecond
Dart_IsolateRunnableHeapSizeMetric(Dart_Isolate isolate); // Byte
* ========
* UserTags
* ========
* Gets the current isolate's currently set UserTag instance.
* \return The currently set UserTag instance.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_GetCurrentUserTag();
* Gets the current isolate's default UserTag instance.
* \return The default UserTag with label 'Default'
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_GetDefaultUserTag();
* Creates a new UserTag instance.
* \param label The name of the new UserTag.
* \return The newly created UserTag instance or an error handle.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_NewUserTag(const char* label);
* Updates the current isolate's UserTag to a new value.
* \param user_tag The UserTag to be set as the current UserTag.
* \return The previously set UserTag instance or an error handle.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_SetCurrentUserTag(Dart_Handle user_tag);
* Returns the label of a given UserTag instance.
* \param user_tag The UserTag from which the label will be retrieved.
* \return The UserTag's label. NULL if the user_tag is invalid. The caller is
* responsible for freeing the returned label.
Dart_Handle user_tag);