Paul Berry eaf75d19ff Move shouldIgnoreUndefined logic into LibraryElementImpl.
This logic was previously in LibraryScope and ScopeExtension.  It
really isn't related to scopes, though, since all it does is to look
through the library's imports and parts.  (The only use it made of
scopes was to locate the library element).

Separating this code from scopes will facilitate some other changes
I'm working on to streamline the use of scopes in the analyzer.

Change-Id: Ic45e3382628a433a96cc7ecf751b4df5d681b42a
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/208522
Reviewed-by: Samuel Rawlins <srawlins@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Konstantin Shcheglov <scheglov@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Paul Berry <paulberry@google.com>
2021-08-02 14:29:20 +00:00

3930 lines
109 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/error/hint_codes.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/element_type_provider.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/fix_reason_target.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/nnbd_migration.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/edit_plan.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/fix_aggregator.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/fix_builder.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/nullability_node.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'migration_visitor_test_base.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
/// Information about the target of an assignment expression analyzed by
/// [FixBuilder].
class AssignmentTargetInfo {
/// The type that the assignment target has when read. This is only relevant
/// for compound assignments (since they both read and write the assignment
/// target)
final DartType? readType;
/// The type that the assignment target has when written to.
final DartType? writeType;
AssignmentTargetInfo(this.readType, this.writeType);
class FixBuilderTest extends EdgeBuilderTestBase {
static final isAddRequiredKeyword =
.having((c) => c.addRequiredKeyword, 'addRequiredKeyword', true);
static final isMakeNullable = TypeMatcher<NodeChangeForTypeAnnotation>()
.having((c) => c.makeNullable, 'makeNullable', true)
.having((c) => c.nullabilityHint, 'nullabilityHint', isNull);
static final isMakeNullableDueToHint =
.having((c) => c.makeNullable, 'makeNullable', true)
.having((c) => c.nullabilityHint, 'nullabilityHint', isNotNull);
static const isEdge = TypeMatcher<NullabilityEdge>();
static final isExplainNonNullable = TypeMatcher<NodeChangeForTypeAnnotation>()
.having((c) => c.makeNullable, 'makeNullable', false);
static final isBadCombinedType = TypeMatcher<NodeChangeForAssignmentLike>()
.having((c) => c.hasBadCombinedType, 'hasBadCombinedType', true);
static final isNullableSource = TypeMatcher<NodeChangeForAssignmentLike>()
.having((c) => c.hasNullableSource, 'hasNullableSource', true);
static final isNodeChangeForExpression =
static final isNoValidMigration =
static final isNullCheck =
static final isRemoveLanguageVersion =
(c) => c.removeLanguageVersionComment,
static final isAddImportOfIterableExtension =
.having((c) => c.addImports, 'addImports', {
'package:collection/collection.dart': {'IterableExtension'}
static final isAddShowOfIterableExtension =
TypeMatcher<NodeChangeForShowCombinator>().having((c) => c.addNames,
'addNames', unorderedEquals(['IterableExtension']));
static final isRemoveNullAwareness =
.having((c) => c.removeNullAwareness, 'removeNullAwareness', true);
static final isRemoveAs = TypeMatcher<NodeChangeForAsExpression>()
.having((c) => c.removeAs, 'removeAs', true);
static final isRequiredAnnotationToRequiredKeyword =
(c) => c.changeToRequiredKeyword, 'changeToRequiredKeyword', true);
static final isWeakNullAwareAssignment =
.having((c) => c.isWeakNullAware, 'isWeakNullAware', true);
DartType get dynamicType => postMigrationTypeProvider.dynamicType;
DartType get objectType => postMigrationTypeProvider.objectType;
TypeProvider get postMigrationTypeProvider =>
(typeProvider as TypeProviderImpl).asNonNullableByDefault;
Future<CompilationUnit> analyze(String code) async {
var unit = await super.analyze(code);
return unit;
TypeMatcher<NodeChangeForArgumentList> isDropArgument(
dynamic argumentsToDrop) =>
.having((c) => c.argumentsToDrop, 'argumentsToDrop', argumentsToDrop);
TypeMatcher<AtomicEditInfo> isInfo(description, fixReasons) =>
.having((i) => i.description, 'description', description)
.having((i) => i.fixReasons, 'fixReasons', fixReasons);
TypeMatcher<NodeChangeForMethodName> isMethodNameChange(
dynamic replacement) =>
.having((c) => c.replacement, 'replacement', replacement);
Map<AstNode, NodeChange> scopedChanges(
FixBuilder fixBuilder, AstNode? scope) =>
for (var entry in fixBuilder.changes.entries)
if (_isInScope(entry.key, scope) && !entry.value.isInformative)
entry.key: entry.value
Map<AstNode, NodeChange> scopedInformative(
FixBuilder fixBuilder, AstNode scope) =>
for (var entry in fixBuilder.changes.entries)
if (_isInScope(entry.key, scope) && entry.value.isInformative)
entry.key: entry.value
Map<AstNode, Set<Problem>> scopedProblems(
FixBuilder fixBuilder, AstNode? scope) =>
for (var entry in fixBuilder.problems.entries)
if (_isInScope(entry.key, scope)) entry.key: entry.value
Future<void> test_asExpression_keep() async {
await analyze('''
_f(Object x) {
print((x as int) + 1);
var asExpression = findNode.simple('x as').parent as Expression;
visitSubexpression(asExpression, 'int');
Future<void> test_asExpression_keep_previously_unnecessary() async {
verifyNoTestUnitErrors = false;
await analyze('''
f(int i) {
print((i as int) + 1);
testAnalysisResult.errors.single.errorCode, HintCode.UNNECESSARY_CAST);
var asExpression = findNode.simple('i as').parent as Expression;
visitSubexpression(asExpression, 'int');
Future<void> test_asExpression_remove() async {
await analyze('''
_f(Object x) {
if (x is! int) return;
print((x as int) + 1);
var asExpression = findNode.simple('x as').parent as Expression;
visitSubexpression(asExpression, 'int',
changes: {asExpression: isRemoveAs});
test_assignmentExpression_compound_combined_nullable_noProblem() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
_D/*?*/ operator+(int/*!*/ value);
abstract class _D extends _C {}
abstract class _E {
_C/*!*/ get x;
void set x(_C/*?*/ value);
f(int/*!*/ y) => x += y;
visitSubexpression(findNode.assignment('+='), '_D?');
test_assignmentExpression_compound_combined_nullable_noProblem_dynamic() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _E {
dynamic get x;
void set x(Object/*!*/ value);
f(int/*!*/ y) => x += y;
var assignment = findNode.assignment('+=');
visitSubexpression(assignment, 'dynamic');
@FailingTest(reason: 'TODO(paulberry)')
test_assignmentExpression_compound_combined_nullable_problem() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
_D/*?*/ operator+(int/*!*/ value);
abstract class _D extends _C {}
abstract class _E {
_C/*!*/ get x;
void set x(_C/*!*/ value);
f(int/*!*/ y) => x += y;
var assignment = findNode.assignment('+=');
visitSubexpression(assignment, '_D', problems: {
assignment: {const CompoundAssignmentCombinedNullable()}
Future<void> test_assignmentExpression_compound_dynamic() async {
// To confirm that the RHS is visited, we check that a null check was
// properly inserted into a subexpression of the RHS.
await analyze('''
_f(dynamic x, int/*?*/ y) => x += y + 1;
visitSubexpression(findNode.assignment('+='), 'dynamic',
changes: {findNode.simple('y +'): isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_assignmentExpression_compound_intRules() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int x, int y) => x += y;
visitSubexpression(findNode.assignment('+='), 'int');
@FailingTest(reason: 'TODO(paulberry)')
Future<void> test_assignmentExpression_compound_lhs_nullable_problem() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
_D/*!*/ operator+(int/*!*/ value);
abstract class _D extends _C {}
abstract class _E {
_C/*?*/ get x;
void set x(_C/*?*/ value);
f(int/*!*/ y) => x += y;
var assignment = findNode.assignment('+=');
visitSubexpression(assignment, '_D', problems: {
assignment: {const CompoundAssignmentReadNullable()}
@FailingTest(issue: 'https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/39641')
Future<void> test_assignmentExpression_compound_promoted() async {
await analyze('''
f(bool/*?*/ x, bool/*?*/ y) => x != null && (x = y);
// It is ok to assign a nullable value to `x` even though it is promoted to
// non-nullable, so `y` should not be null-checked. However, the whole
// assignment `x = y` should be null checked because the RHS of `&&` cannot
// be nullable.
visitSubexpression(findNode.binary('&&'), 'bool',
changes: {findNode.parenthesized('x = y'): isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_assignmentExpression_compound_rhs_nonNullable() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
_D/*!*/ operator+(int/*!*/ value);
abstract class _D extends _C {}
_f(_C/*!*/ x, int/*!*/ y) => x += y;
visitSubexpression(findNode.assignment('+='), '_D');
Future<void> test_assignmentExpression_compound_rhs_nullable_check() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
_D/*!*/ operator+(int/*!*/ value);
abstract class _D extends _C {}
_f(_C/*!*/ x, int/*?*/ y) => x += y;
visitSubexpression(findNode.assignment('+='), '_D',
changes: {findNode.simple('y;'): isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_assignmentExpression_compound_rhs_nullable_noCheck() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
_D/*!*/ operator+(int/*?*/ value);
abstract class _D extends _C {}
_f(_C/*!*/ x, int/*?*/ y) => x += y;
visitSubexpression(findNode.assignment('+='), '_D');
test_assignmentExpression_null_aware_rhs_does_not_promote() async {
await analyze('''
_f(bool/*?*/ b, int/*?*/ i) {
b ??= i.isEven; // 1
b = i.isEven; // 2
b = i.isEven; // 3
// The null check inserted at 1 fails to promote i because it's inside the
// `??=`, so a null check is inserted at 2. This does promote i, so no null
// check is inserted at 3.
visitStatement(findNode.block('{'), changes: {
findNode.simple('i.isEven; // 1'): isNullCheck,
findNode.simple('i.isEven; // 2'): isNullCheck
Future<void> test_assignmentExpression_null_aware_rhs_nonNullable() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _B {}
abstract class _C extends _B {}
abstract class _D extends _C {}
abstract class _E extends _C {}
abstract class _F {
_D/*?*/ get x;
void set x(_B/*?*/ value);
f(_E/*!*/ y) => x ??= y;
visitSubexpression(findNode.assignment('??='), '_C');
Future<void> test_assignmentExpression_null_aware_rhs_nullable() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _B {}
abstract class _C extends _B {}
abstract class _D extends _C {}
abstract class _E extends _C {}
abstract class _F {
_D/*?*/ get x;
void set x(_B/*?*/ value);
f(_E/*?*/ y) => x ??= y;
visitSubexpression(findNode.assignment('??='), '_C?');
Future<void> test_assignmentExpression_null_aware_simple_promoted() async {
await analyze('''
_f(bool/*?*/ x, bool/*?*/ y) => x != null && (x ??= y) != null;
// On the RHS of the `&&`, `x` is promoted to non-nullable, but it is still
// considered to be a nullable assignment target, so no null check is
// generated for `y`.
visitSubexpression(findNode.binary('&&'), 'bool',
changes: {findNode.assignment('??='): isWeakNullAwareAssignment});
test_assignmentExpression_simple_nonNullable_to_nonNullable() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int/*!*/ x, int/*!*/ y) => x = y;
visitSubexpression(findNode.assignment('= '), 'int');
test_assignmentExpression_simple_nonNullable_to_nullable() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int/*?*/ x, int/*!*/ y) => x = y;
visitSubexpression(findNode.assignment('= '), 'int');
test_assignmentExpression_simple_nullable_to_nonNullable() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int/*!*/ x, int/*?*/ y) => x = y;
visitSubexpression(findNode.assignment('= '), 'int',
changes: {findNode.simple('y;'): isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_assignmentExpression_simple_nullable_to_nullable() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int/*?*/ x, int/*?*/ y) => x = y;
visitSubexpression(findNode.assignment('= '), 'int?');
Future<void> test_assignmentExpression_simple_promoted() async {
await analyze('''
_f(bool/*?*/ x, bool/*?*/ y) => x != null && (x = y) != null;
// On the RHS of the `&&`, `x` is promoted to non-nullable, but it is still
// considered to be a nullable assignment target, so no null check is
// generated for `y`.
visitSubexpression(findNode.binary('&&'), 'bool');
Future<void> test_assignmentTarget_indexExpression_compound_dynamic() async {
await analyze('''
_f(dynamic d, int/*?*/ i) => d[i] += 0;
visitAssignmentTarget(findNode.index('d[i]'), 'dynamic', 'dynamic');
Future<void> test_assignmentTarget_indexExpression_compound_simple() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {
int operator[](String s) => 1;
void operator[]=(String s, num n) {}
_f(_C c) => c['foo'] += 0;
visitAssignmentTarget(findNode.index('c['), 'int', 'num');
test_assignmentTarget_indexExpression_compound_simple_check_lhs() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {
int operator[](String s) => 1;
void operator[]=(String s, num n) {}
_f(_C/*?*/ c) => c['foo'] += 0;
visitAssignmentTarget(findNode.index('c['), 'int', 'num',
changes: {findNode.simple('c['): isNullCheck});
@FailingTest(reason: 'TODO(paulberry): decide if this is worth caring about')
test_assignmentTarget_indexExpression_compound_simple_check_rhs() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {
int operator[](String/*!*/ s) => 1;
void operator[]=(String/*?*/ s, num n) {}
_f(_C c, String/*?*/ s) => c[s] += 0;
visitAssignmentTarget(findNode.index('c['), 'int', 'num',
changes: {findNode.simple('s]'): isNullCheck});
test_assignmentTarget_indexExpression_compound_substituted() async {
await analyze('''
class _C<T, U> {
T operator[](U u) => throw 'foo';
void operator[]=(U u, T t) {}
_f(_C<int, String> c) => c['foo'] += 1;
visitAssignmentTarget(findNode.index('c['), 'int', 'int');
@FailingTest(reason: 'TODO(paulberry): decide if this is worth caring about')
test_assignmentTarget_indexExpression_compound_substituted_check_rhs() async {
await analyze('''
class _C<T, U> {
T operator[](U u) => throw 'foo';
void operator[]=(U/*?*/ u, T t) {}
_f(_C<int, String/*!*/> c, String/*?*/ s) => c[s] += 1;
visitAssignmentTarget(findNode.index('c['), 'int', 'int',
changes: {findNode.simple('s]'): isNullCheck});
test_assignmentTarget_indexExpression_compound_substituted_no_check_rhs() async {
await analyze('''
class _C<T, U> {
T operator[](U u) => throw 'foo';
void operator[]=(U u, T t) {}
_f(_C<int, String/*?*/> c, String/*?*/ s) => c[s] += 0;
visitAssignmentTarget(findNode.index('c['), 'int', 'int');
Future<void> test_assignmentTarget_indexExpression_dynamic() async {
await analyze('''
_f(dynamic d, int/*?*/ i) => d[i] = 0;
visitAssignmentTarget(findNode.index('d[i]'), null, 'dynamic');
Future<void> test_assignmentTarget_indexExpression_simple() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {
int operator[](String s) => 1;
void operator[]=(String s, num n) {}
_f(_C c) => c['foo'] = 0;
visitAssignmentTarget(findNode.index('c['), null, 'num');
Future<void> test_assignmentTarget_indexExpression_simple_check_lhs() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {
int operator[](String s) => 1;
void operator[]=(String s, num n) {}
_f(_C/*?*/ c) => c['foo'] = 0;
visitAssignmentTarget(findNode.index('c['), null, 'num',
changes: {findNode.simple('c['): isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_assignmentTarget_indexExpression_simple_check_rhs() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {
int operator[](String/*?*/ s) => 1;
void operator[]=(String/*!*/ s, num n) {}
_f(_C c, String/*?*/ s) => c[s] = 0;
visitAssignmentTarget(findNode.index('c['), null, 'num',
changes: {findNode.simple('s]'): isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_assignmentTarget_indexExpression_substituted() async {
await analyze('''
class _C<T, U> {
T operator[](U u) => throw 'foo';
void operator[]=(U u, T t) {}
_f(_C<int, String> c) => c['foo'] = 1;
visitAssignmentTarget(findNode.index('c['), null, 'int');
test_assignmentTarget_indexExpression_substituted_check_rhs() async {
await analyze('''
class _C<T, U> {
T operator[](U u) => throw 'foo';
void operator[]=(U/*!*/ u, T t) {}
_f(_C<int, String/*!*/> c, String/*?*/ s) => c[s] = 1;
visitAssignmentTarget(findNode.index('c['), null, 'int',
changes: {findNode.simple('s]'): isNullCheck});
test_assignmentTarget_indexExpression_substituted_no_check_rhs() async {
await analyze('''
class _C<T, U> {
T operator[](U u) => throw 'foo';
void operator[]=(U u, T t) {}
_f(_C<int, String/*?*/> c, String/*?*/ s) => c[s] = 0;
visitAssignmentTarget(findNode.index('c['), null, 'int');
Future<void> test_assignmentTarget_prefixedIdentifier_dynamic() async {
await analyze('''
Object/*!*/ _f(dynamic d) => d.x += 1;
visitAssignmentTarget(findNode.prefixed('d.x'), 'dynamic', 'dynamic');
Future<void> test_assignmentTarget_propertyAccess_dynamic() async {
await analyze('''
_f(dynamic d) => (d).x += 1;
findNode.propertyAccess('(d).x'), 'dynamic', 'dynamic');
test_assignmentTarget_propertyAccess_dynamic_notCompound() async {
await analyze('''
_f(dynamic d) => (d).x = 1;
visitAssignmentTarget(findNode.propertyAccess('(d).x'), null, 'dynamic');
Future<void> test_assignmentTarget_propertyAccess_field_nonNullable() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {
int/*!*/ x = 0;
_f(_C c) => (c).x += 1;
visitAssignmentTarget(findNode.propertyAccess('(c).x'), 'int', 'int');
test_assignmentTarget_propertyAccess_field_nonNullable_notCompound() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {
int/*!*/ x = 0;
_f(_C c) => (c).x = 1;
visitAssignmentTarget(findNode.propertyAccess('(c).x'), null, 'int');
Future<void> test_assignmentTarget_propertyAccess_field_nullable() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {
int/*?*/ x = 0;
_f(_C c) => (c).x += 1;
visitAssignmentTarget(findNode.propertyAccess('(c).x'), 'int?', 'int?');
Future<void> test_assignmentTarget_propertyAccess_getter_nullable() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
int/*?*/ get x;
void set x(num/*?*/ value);
_f(_C c) => (c).x += 1;
visitAssignmentTarget(findNode.propertyAccess('(c).x'), 'int?', 'num?');
test_assignmentTarget_propertyAccess_getter_setter_check_lhs() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
int get x;
void set x(num value);
_f(_C/*?*/ c) => (c).x += 1;
visitAssignmentTarget(findNode.propertyAccess('(c).x'), 'int', 'num',
changes: {findNode.parenthesized('(c).x'): isNullCheck});
test_assignmentTarget_propertyAccess_getter_setter_nonNullable() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
int/*!*/ get x;
void set x(num/*!*/ value);
_f(_C c) => (c).x += 1;
visitAssignmentTarget(findNode.propertyAccess('(c).x'), 'int', 'num');
Future<void> test_assignmentTarget_propertyAccess_nullAware_dynamic() async {
await analyze('''
_f(dynamic d) => d?.x += 1;
findNode.propertyAccess('d?.x'), 'dynamic', 'dynamic');
test_assignmentTarget_propertyAccess_nullAware_field_nonNullable() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {
int/*!*/ x = 0;
_f(_C/*?*/ c) => c?.x += 1;
visitAssignmentTarget(findNode.propertyAccess('c?.x'), 'int', 'int');
test_assignmentTarget_propertyAccess_nullAware_field_nullable() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {
int/*?*/ x = 0;
_f(_C/*?*/ c) => c?.x += 1;
visitAssignmentTarget(findNode.propertyAccess('c?.x'), 'int?', 'int?');
test_assignmentTarget_propertyAccess_nullAware_getter_setter_nonNullable() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
int/*!*/ get x;
void set x(num/*!*/ value);
_f(_C/*?*/ c) => c?.x += 1;
visitAssignmentTarget(findNode.propertyAccess('c?.x'), 'int', 'num');
test_assignmentTarget_propertyAccess_nullAware_getter_setter_nullable() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
int/*?*/ get x;
void set x(num/*?*/ value);
_f(_C/*?*/ c) => c?.x += 1;
visitAssignmentTarget(findNode.propertyAccess('c?.x'), 'int?', 'num?');
test_assignmentTarget_propertyAccess_nullAware_substituted() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C<T> {
_E<T> get x;
void set x(_D<T> value);
class _D<T> implements Iterable<T> {
noSuchMethod(invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
_D<T> operator+(int i) => this;
class _E<T> extends _D<T> {}
_f(_C<int>/*?*/ c) => c?.x += 1;
findNode.propertyAccess('c?.x'), '_E<int>', '_D<int>');
Future<void> test_assignmentTarget_propertyAccess_substituted() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C<T> {
_E<T> get x;
void set x(_D<T> value);
class _D<T> implements Iterable<T> {
noSuchMethod(invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
_D<T> operator+(int i) => this;
class _E<T> extends _D<T> {}
_f(_C<int> c) => (c).x += 1;
findNode.propertyAccess('(c).x'), '_E<int>', '_D<int>');
Future<void> test_assignmentTarget_simpleIdentifier_field_generic() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C<T> {
_C<T> operator+(int i);
class _D<T> {
_C<T/*!*/>/*!*/ x;
_f() => x += 0;
visitAssignmentTarget(findNode.simple('x +='), '_C<T>', '_C<T>');
test_assignmentTarget_simpleIdentifier_field_nonNullable() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {
int/*!*/ x;
_f() => x += 0;
visitAssignmentTarget(findNode.simple('x '), 'int', 'int');
Future<void> test_assignmentTarget_simpleIdentifier_field_nullable() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {
int/*?*/ x;
_f() => x += 0;
visitAssignmentTarget(findNode.simple('x '), 'int?', 'int?');
Future<void> test_assignmentTarget_simpleIdentifier_getset_generic() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C<T> {
_C<T> operator+(int i);
abstract class _D<T> extends _C<T> {}
abstract class _E<T> {
_D<T/*!*/>/*!*/ get x;
void set x(_C<T/*!*/>/*!*/ value);
_f() => x += 0;
visitAssignmentTarget(findNode.simple('x +='), '_D<T>', '_C<T>');
test_assignmentTarget_simpleIdentifier_getset_getterNullable() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {
int/*?*/ get x => 1;
void set x(int/*!*/ value) {}
_f() => x += 0;
visitAssignmentTarget(findNode.simple('x +='), 'int?', 'int');
test_assignmentTarget_simpleIdentifier_getset_setterNullable() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {
int/*!*/ get x => 1;
void set x(int/*?*/ value) {}
_f() => x += 0;
visitAssignmentTarget(findNode.simple('x +='), 'int', 'int?');
test_assignmentTarget_simpleIdentifier_localVariable_nonNullable() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int/*!*/ x) => x += 0;
visitAssignmentTarget(findNode.simple('x '), 'int', 'int');
test_assignmentTarget_simpleIdentifier_localVariable_nullable() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int/*?*/ x) => x += 0;
visitAssignmentTarget(findNode.simple('x '), 'int?', 'int?');
test_assignmentTarget_simpleIdentifier_setter_nonNullable() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {
void set x(int/*!*/ value) {}
_f() => x = 0;
visitAssignmentTarget(findNode.simple('x '), null, 'int');
Future<void> test_assignmentTarget_simpleIdentifier_setter_nullable() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {
void set x(int/*?*/ value) {}
_f() => x = 0;
visitAssignmentTarget(findNode.simple('x '), null, 'int?');
Future<void> test_binaryExpression_ampersand_ampersand() async {
await analyze('''
_f(bool x, bool y) => x && y;
visitSubexpression(findNode.binary('&&'), 'bool');
Future<void> test_binaryExpression_ampersand_ampersand_flow() async {
await analyze('''
_f(bool/*?*/ x) => x != null && x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.binary('&&'), 'bool');
Future<void> test_binaryExpression_ampersand_ampersand_nullChecked() async {
await analyze('''
_f(bool/*?*/ x, bool/*?*/ y) => x && y;
var xRef = findNode.simple('x &&');
var yRef = findNode.simple('y;');
visitSubexpression(findNode.binary('&&'), 'bool',
changes: {xRef: isNullCheck, yRef: isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_binaryExpression_bang_eq() async {
await analyze('''
_f(Object/*?*/ x, Object/*?*/ y) => x != y;
visitSubexpression(findNode.binary('!='), 'bool');
Future<void> test_binaryExpression_bar_bar() async {
await analyze('''
_f(bool x, bool y) {
return x || y;
visitSubexpression(findNode.binary('||'), 'bool');
Future<void> test_binaryExpression_bar_bar_flow() async {
await analyze('''
_f(bool/*?*/ x) {
return x == null || x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.binary('||'), 'bool');
Future<void> test_binaryExpression_bar_bar_nullChecked() async {
await analyze('''
_f(bool/*?*/ x, bool/*?*/ y) {
return x || y;
var xRef = findNode.simple('x ||');
var yRef = findNode.simple('y;');
visitSubexpression(findNode.binary('||'), 'bool',
changes: {xRef: isNullCheck, yRef: isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_binaryExpression_eq_eq() async {
await analyze('''
_f(Object/*?*/ x, Object/*?*/ y) {
return x == y;
visitSubexpression(findNode.binary('=='), 'bool');
Future<void> test_binaryExpression_extensionMember_allowsNull() async {
await analyze('''
class C {}
extension E on C/*?*/ {
void operator+(C/*!*/ other) {}
f(C/*?*/ c) => c + c;
var binaryExpression = findNode.binary('c + c');
visitSubexpression(binaryExpression, 'void',
changes: {binaryExpression.rightOperand: isNullCheck});
test_binaryExpression_extensionMember_allowsNull_explicit() async {
await analyze('''
class C {}
extension E on C/*?*/ {
void operator+(C/*!*/ other) {}
f(C/*?*/ c) => E(c) + c;
var binaryExpression = findNode.binary('E(c) + c');
visitSubexpression(binaryExpression, 'void',
changes: {binaryExpression.rightOperand: isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_binaryExpression_extensionMember_disallowsNull() async {
await analyze('''
class C {}
extension E on C/*!*/ {
void operator+(C/*!*/ other) {}
f(C/*?*/ c) => c + c;
var binaryExpression = findNode.binary('c + c');
visitSubexpression(binaryExpression, 'void',
changes: {binaryExpression.leftOperand: isNullCheck});
test_binaryExpression_extensionMember_disallowsNull_explicit() async {
await analyze('''
class C {}
extension E on C/*!*/ {
void operator+(C/*!*/ other) {}
f(C/*?*/ c) => E(c) + c;
var binaryExpression = findNode.binary('E(c) + c');
visitSubexpression(binaryExpression, 'void',
changes: {findNode.simple('c) +'): isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_binaryExpression_question_question() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int/*?*/ x, double/*?*/ y) {
return x ?? y;
visitSubexpression(findNode.binary('??'), 'num?');
Future<void> test_binaryExpression_question_question_flow() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int/*?*/ x, int/*?*/ y) =>
<dynamic>[x ?? (y != null ? 1 : throw 'foo'), y + 1];
// The null check on the RHS of the `??` doesn't promote, because it is not
// guaranteed to execute.
visitSubexpression(findNode.listLiteral('['), 'List<dynamic>',
changes: {findNode.simple('y +'): isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_binaryExpression_question_question_nullChecked() async {
await analyze('''
Object/*!*/ _f(int/*?*/ x, double/*?*/ y) {
return x ?? y;
var yRef = findNode.simple('y;');
visitSubexpression(findNode.binary('??'), 'num',
changes: {yRef: isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_binaryExpression_userDefinable_dynamic() async {
await analyze('''
Object/*!*/ _f(dynamic d, int/*?*/ i) => d + i;
visitSubexpression(findNode.binary('+'), 'dynamic');
Future<void> test_binaryExpression_userDefinable_intRules() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int i, int j) => i + j;
visitSubexpression(findNode.binary('+'), 'int');
Future<void> test_binaryExpression_userDefinable_simple() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {
int operator+(String s) => 1;
_f(_C c) => c + 'foo';
visitSubexpression(findNode.binary('c +'), 'int');
Future<void> test_binaryExpression_userDefinable_simple_check_lhs() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {
int operator+(String s) => 1;
_f(_C/*?*/ c) => c + 'foo';
visitSubexpression(findNode.binary('c +'), 'int',
changes: {findNode.simple('c +'): isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_binaryExpression_userDefinable_simple_check_rhs() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {
int operator+(String/*!*/ s) => 1;
_f(_C c, String/*?*/ s) => c + s;
visitSubexpression(findNode.binary('c +'), 'int',
changes: {findNode.simple('s;'): isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_binaryExpression_userDefinable_substituted() async {
await analyze('''
class _C<T, U> {
T operator+(U u) => throw 'foo';
_f(_C<int, String> c) => c + 'foo';
visitSubexpression(findNode.binary('c +'), 'int');
test_binaryExpression_userDefinable_substituted_check_rhs() async {
await analyze('''
class _C<T, U> {
T operator+(U/*!*/ u) => throw 'foo';
_f(_C<int, String/*!*/> c, String/*?*/ s) => c + s;
visitSubexpression(findNode.binary('c +'), 'int',
changes: {findNode.simple('s;'): isNullCheck});
test_binaryExpression_userDefinable_substituted_no_check_rhs() async {
await analyze('''
class _C<T, U> {
T operator+(U u) => throw 'foo';
_f(_C<int, String/*?*/> c, String/*?*/ s) => c + s;
visitSubexpression(findNode.binary('c +'), 'int');
Future<void> test_block() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int/*?*/ x, int/*?*/ y) {
{ // block
x + 1;
y + 1;
visitStatement(findNode.statement('{ // block'), changes: {
findNode.simple('x + 1'): isNullCheck,
findNode.simple('y + 1'): isNullCheck
Future<void> test_booleanLiteral() async {
await analyze('''
f() => true;
visitSubexpression(findNode.booleanLiteral('true'), 'bool');
Future<void> test_compound_assignment_null_shorted_ok() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
int/*!*/ x;
_f(C/*?*/ c) {
c?.x += 1;
// Even though c?.x is nullable, it should not be a problem to use it as the
// LHS of a compound assignment, because null shorting will ensure that the
// assignment only happens if c is non-null.
var assignment = findNode.assignment('+=');
visitSubexpression(assignment, 'int?');
Future<void> test_compound_assignment_nullable_result_bad() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class C {
C/*?*/ operator+(int i);
f(C c) {
c += 1;
var assignment = findNode.assignment('+=');
visitSubexpression(assignment, 'C?',
changes: {assignment: isBadCombinedType});
Future<void> test_compound_assignment_nullable_result_ok() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class C {
C/*?*/ operator+(int i);
abstract class D {
void set x(C/*?*/ value);
C/*!*/ get x;
f() {
x += 1;
var assignment = findNode.assignment('+=');
visitSubexpression(assignment, 'C?');
Future<void> test_compound_assignment_nullable_source() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int/*?*/ x) {
x += 1;
var assignment = findNode.assignment('+=');
visitSubexpression(assignment, 'int',
changes: {assignment: isNullableSource});
Future<void> test_compound_assignment_potentially_nullable_source() async {
await analyze('''
class C<T extends num/*?*/> {
_f(T/*!*/ x) {
x += 1;
var assignment = findNode.assignment('+=');
visitSubexpression(assignment, 'num',
changes: {assignment: isNullableSource});
Future<void> test_compound_assignment_promoted_ok() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class C {
C/*?*/ operator+(int i);
f(C/*?*/ x) {
if (x != null) {
x += 1;
// The compound assignment is ok, because:
// - prior to the assignment, x's value is promoted to non-nullable
// - the nullable return value of operator+ is ok to assign to x, because it
// un-does the promotion.
visitSubexpression(findNode.assignment('+='), 'C?');
Future<void> test_conditionalExpression_dead_else_remove() async {
await analyze('_f(int x, int/*?*/ y) => x != null ? x + 1 : y + 1.0;');
var expression = findNode.conditionalExpression('x != null');
visitSubexpression(expression, 'int',
changes: {expression: isConditionalWithKnownValue(true)});
Future<void> test_conditionalExpression_dead_else_warn() async {
await analyze('_f(int x, int/*?*/ y) => x != null ? x + 1 : y + 1.0;');
var expression = findNode.conditionalExpression('x != null');
visitSubexpression(expression, 'num', warnOnWeakCode: true, changes: {
expression: isConditionalWithKnownValue(true),
findNode.simple('y +'): isNullCheck
Future<void> test_conditionalExpression_dead_then_remove() async {
await analyze('_f(int x, int/*?*/ y) => x == null ? y + 1.0 : x + 1;');
var expression = findNode.conditionalExpression('x == null');
visitSubexpression(expression, 'int',
changes: {expression: isConditionalWithKnownValue(false)});
Future<void> test_conditionalExpression_dead_then_warn() async {
await analyze('_f(int x, int/*?*/ y) => x == null ? y + 1.0 : x + 1;');
var expression = findNode.conditionalExpression('x == null');
visitSubexpression(expression, 'num', warnOnWeakCode: true, changes: {
expression: isConditionalWithKnownValue(false),
findNode.simple('y +'): isNullCheck
Future<void> test_conditionalExpression_flow_as_condition() async {
await analyze('''
_f(bool x, int/*?*/ y) => (x ? y != null : y != null) ? y + 1 : 0;
// No explicit check needs to be added to `y + 1`, because both arms of the
// conditional can only be true if `y != null`.
visitSubexpression(findNode.conditionalExpression('y + 1'), 'int');
Future<void> test_conditionalExpression_flow_condition() async {
await analyze('''
_f(bool/*?*/ x) => x ? (x && true) : (x && true);
// No explicit check needs to be added to either `x && true`, because there
// is already an explicit null check inserted for the condition.
visitSubexpression(findNode.conditionalExpression('x ?'), 'bool',
changes: {findNode.simple('x ?'): isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_conditionalExpression_flow_then_else() async {
await analyze('''
_f(bool x, bool/*?*/ y) => (x ? (y && true) : (y && true)) && y;
// No explicit check needs to be added to the final reference to `y`,
// because null checks are added to the "then" and "else" branches promoting
// y.
visitSubexpression(findNode.binary('&& y'), 'bool', changes: {
findNode.simple('y && true) '): isNullCheck,
findNode.simple('y && true))'): isNullCheck
Future<void> test_conditionalExpression_lub() async {
await analyze('''
_f(bool b) => b ? 1 : 1.0;
visitSubexpression(findNode.conditionalExpression('1.0'), 'num');
Future<void> test_conditionalExpression_throw_promotes() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int/*?*/ x) =>
<dynamic>[(x != null ? 1 : throw 'foo'), x + 1];
// No null check needs to be added to `x + 1`, because there is already an
// explicit null check.
visitSubexpression(findNode.listLiteral('['), 'List<dynamic>');
test_defaultFormalParameter_add_required_ignore_decoy_annotation() async {
await analyze('''
const foo = Object();
int _f({@foo int x}) => x + 1;
changes: {findNode.defaultParameter('int x'): isAddRequiredKeyword});
test_defaultFormalParameter_add_required_no_because_default() async {
await analyze('''
int _f({int x = 0}) => x + 1;
test_defaultFormalParameter_add_required_no_because_nullable() async {
await analyze('''
int _f({int/*?*/ x}) => 1;
changes: {findNode.typeName('int/*?*/ x'): isMakeNullableDueToHint});
test_defaultFormalParameter_add_required_no_because_positional() async {
await analyze('''
int _f([int/*!*/ x]) => x + 1;
visitAll(problems: {
findNode.defaultParameter('int/*!*/ x'): {
const NonNullableUnnamedOptionalParameter()
test_defaultFormalParameter_add_required_replace_annotation() async {
// TODO(paulberry): it would be nice to remove the import of `meta` if it's
// no longer needed after the change.
await analyze('''
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
int _f({@required int x}) => x + 1;
visitAll(changes: {
findNode.annotation('required'): isRequiredAnnotationToRequiredKeyword
test_defaultFormalParameter_add_required_replace_annotation_nullable() async {
// TODO(paulberry): it would be nice to remove the import of `meta` if it's
// no longer needed after the change.
await analyze('''
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
void _f({@required int/*?*/ x}) {}
visitAll(changes: {
findNode.annotation('required'): isRequiredAnnotationToRequiredKeyword,
findNode.typeName('int'): isMakeNullableDueToHint,
Future<void> test_defaultFormalParameter_add_required_yes() async {
await analyze('''
int _f({int x}) => x + 1;
changes: {findNode.defaultParameter('int x'): isAddRequiredKeyword});
Future<void> test_doubleLiteral() async {
await analyze('''
f() => 1.0;
visitSubexpression(findNode.doubleLiteral('1.0'), 'double');
Future<void> test_enum_ref_index() async {
await analyze('''
enum E { V }
_f(E e) => e.index;
visitSubexpression(findNode.prefixed('e.index'), 'int');
Future<void> test_enum_ref_value() async {
await analyze('''
enum E { V }
_f() => E.V;
visitSubexpression(findNode.prefixed('E.V'), 'E');
Future<void> test_enum_ref_values() async {
await analyze('''
enum E { V }
_f() => E.values;
visitSubexpression(findNode.prefixed('E.values'), 'List<E>');
Future<void> test_expressionStatement() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int/*!*/ x, int/*?*/ y) {
x = y;
visitStatement(findNode.statement('x = y'),
changes: {findNode.simple('y;'): isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_firstWhere_transform() async {
await analyze('''
_f(Iterable<int> x) => x.firstWhere((n) => n.isEven, orElse: () => null);
var methodInvocation = findNode.methodInvocation('firstWhere');
var functionExpression = findNode.functionExpression('() => null');
var fixBuilder = visitSubexpression(methodInvocation, 'int?', changes: {
methodInvocation.methodName: isMethodNameChange('firstWhereOrNull'),
isDropArgument({functionExpression.parent: anything}),
// Behavior of the null literal doesn't matter because it's being dropped.
findNode.nullLiteral('null'): anything
expect(fixBuilder.needsIterableExtension, true);
Future<void> test_functionExpressionInvocation_dynamic() async {
await analyze('''
_f(dynamic d) => d();
visitSubexpression(findNode.functionExpressionInvocation('d('), 'dynamic');
test_functionExpressionInvocation_extensionMember_allowsNull() async {
await analyze('''
class C {}
extension E on C/*?*/ {
void call() {}
f(C/*?*/ c) => c();
var functoinExpressionInvocation =
visitSubexpression(functoinExpressionInvocation, 'void');
test_functionExpressionInvocation_extensionMember_allowsNull_explicit() async {
await analyze('''
class C {}
extension E on C/*?*/ {
void call() {}
f(C/*?*/ c) => E(c)();
var functoinExpressionInvocation =
visitSubexpression(functoinExpressionInvocation, 'void');
test_functionExpressionInvocation_extensionMember_disallowsNull() async {
await analyze('''
class C {}
extension E on C/*!*/ {
void call() {}
f(C/*?*/ c) => c();
var functionExpressionInvocation =
visitSubexpression(functionExpressionInvocation, 'void',
changes: {functionExpressionInvocation.function: isNullCheck});
test_functionExpressionInvocation_extensionMember_disallowsNull_explicit() async {
await analyze('''
class C {}
extension E on C/*!*/ {
void call() {}
f(C/*?*/ c) => E(c)();
var functionExpressionInvocation =
visitSubexpression(functionExpressionInvocation, 'void',
changes: {findNode.simple('c)()'): isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_functionExpressionInvocation_function_checked() async {
await analyze('''
_f(Function/*?*/ func) => func();
findNode.functionExpressionInvocation('func('), 'dynamic',
changes: {findNode.simple('func()'): isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_functionExpressionInvocation_getter() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
int Function() get f;
_f(_C c) => (c.f)();
visitSubexpression(findNode.functionExpressionInvocation('c.f'), 'int');
test_functionExpressionInvocation_getter_looksLikeMethodCall() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
int Function() get f;
_f(_C c) => c.f();
visitSubexpression(findNode.functionExpressionInvocation('c.f'), 'int');
Future<void> test_functionExpressionInvocation_getter_nullChecked() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
int Function()/*?*/ get f;
_f(_C c) => (c.f)();
visitSubexpression(findNode.functionExpressionInvocation('c.f'), 'int',
changes: {findNode.parenthesized('c.f'): isNullCheck});
test_functionExpressionInvocation_getter_nullChecked_looksLikeMethodCall() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
int Function()/*?*/ get f;
_f(_C c) => c.f();
visitSubexpression(findNode.functionExpressionInvocation('c.f'), 'int',
changes: {findNode.propertyAccess('c.f'): isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_genericFunctionType_nonNullable() async {
await analyze('''
void _f() {
void Function() x = _f;
var genericFunctionType = findNode.genericFunctionType('Function');
visitTypeAnnotation(genericFunctionType, 'void Function()',
informative: {genericFunctionType: isExplainNonNullable});
Future<void> test_genericFunctionType_nonNullable_by_context() async {
await analyze('''
typedef F = void Function();
var genericFunctionType = findNode.genericFunctionType('Function');
visitTypeAnnotation(genericFunctionType, 'void Function()',
informative: isEmpty);
Future<void> test_genericFunctionType_nullable() async {
await analyze('''
void _f() {
void Function() x = null;
var genericFunctionTypeAnnotation =
visitTypeAnnotation(genericFunctionTypeAnnotation, 'void Function()?',
changes: {genericFunctionTypeAnnotation: isMakeNullable});
Future<void> test_genericFunctionType_nullable_arg() async {
await analyze('''
void Function(int/*?*/) _f() {
void Function(int) x = _g;
return x;
void _g(int/*?*/ x) {}
var intTypeAnnotation = findNode.typeName('int)');
var genericFunctionTypeAnnotation =
visitTypeAnnotation(genericFunctionTypeAnnotation, 'void Function(int?)',
changes: {intTypeAnnotation: isMakeNullable});
Future<void> test_genericFunctionType_nullable_return() async {
await analyze('''
void _f() {
int Function() x = _g;
int/*?*/ _g() => null;
var intTypeAnnotation = findNode.typeName('int Function');
var genericFunctionTypeAnnotation =
visitTypeAnnotation(genericFunctionTypeAnnotation, 'int? Function()',
changes: {intTypeAnnotation: isMakeNullable});
Future<void> test_ifStatement_dead_else() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int x, int/*?*/ y) {
if (x != null) {
print(x + 1);
} else {
print(y + 1);
var ifStatement = findNode.statement('if');
changes: {ifStatement: isConditionalWithKnownValue(true)});
Future<void> test_ifStatement_dead_then() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int x, int/*?*/ y) {
if (x == null) {
print(y + 1);
} else {
print(x + 1);
var ifStatement = findNode.statement('if');
changes: {ifStatement: isConditionalWithKnownValue(false)});
Future<void> test_ifStatement_flow_promote_in_else() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int/*?*/ x) {
if (x == null) {
x + 1;
} else {
x + 2;
changes: {findNode.simple('x + 1'): isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_ifStatement_flow_promote_in_then() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int/*?*/ x) {
if (x != null) {
x + 1;
} else {
x + 2;
changes: {findNode.simple('x + 2'): isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_ifStatement_flow_promote_in_then_no_else() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int/*?*/ x) {
if (x != null) {
x + 1;
Future<void> test_implicit_downcast() async {
await analyze('int f(num x) => x;');
var xRef = findNode.simple('x;');
visitSubexpression(xRef, 'int', changes: {
xRef: isNodeChangeForExpression.havingIndroduceAsWithInfo(
{FixReasonTarget.root: isEdge}))
Future<void> test_import_IterableExtension_already_imported_add_show() async {
addPackageFile('collection', 'collection.dart', 'class PriorityQueue {}');
await analyze('''
import 'package:collection/collection.dart' show PriorityQueue;
main() {}
visitAll(injectNeedsIterableExtension: true, changes: {
Future<void> test_import_IterableExtension_already_imported_all() async {
addPackageFile('collection', 'collection.dart', '');
await analyze('''
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
main() {}
visitAll(injectNeedsIterableExtension: true, changes: {});
test_import_IterableExtension_already_imported_and_shown() async {
addPackageFile('collection', 'collection.dart',
'extension IterableExtension<T> on Iterable<T> {}');
await analyze('''
import 'package:collection/collection.dart' show IterableExtension;
main() {}
visitAll(injectNeedsIterableExtension: true, changes: {});
Future<void> test_import_IterableExtension_already_imported_prefixed() async {
addPackageFile('collection', 'collection.dart', '');
await analyze('''
import 'package:collection/collection.dart' as c;
main() {}
injectNeedsIterableExtension: true,
changes: {findNode.unit: isAddImportOfIterableExtension});
Future<void> test_import_IterableExtension_other_import() async {
'foo', 'foo.dart', 'extension IterableExtension<T> on Iterable<T> {}');
await analyze('''
import 'package:foo/foo.dart' show IterableExtension;
main() {}
injectNeedsIterableExtension: true,
changes: {findNode.unit: isAddImportOfIterableExtension});
Future<void> test_import_IterableExtension_simple() async {
await analyze('''
main() {}
injectNeedsIterableExtension: true,
changes: {findNode.unit: isAddImportOfIterableExtension});
Future<void> test_indexExpression_dynamic() async {
await analyze('''
Object/*!*/ _f(dynamic d, int/*?*/ i) => d[i];
visitSubexpression(findNode.index('d[i]'), 'dynamic');
Future<void> test_indexExpression_extensionMember_allowsNull() async {
await analyze('''
class C {}
extension E on C/*?*/ {
int operator[](int index) => 0;
f(C/*?*/ c) => c[0];
var indexExpression = findNode.index('c[0]');
visitSubexpression(indexExpression, 'int');
test_indexExpression_extensionMember_allowsNull_explicit() async {
await analyze('''
class C {}
extension E on C/*?*/ {
int operator[](int index) => 0;
f(C/*?*/ c) => E(c)[0];
var indexExpression = findNode.index('E(c)[0]');
visitSubexpression(indexExpression, 'int');
Future<void> test_indexExpression_extensionMember_disallowsNull() async {
await analyze('''
class C {}
extension E on C/*!*/ {
int operator[](int index) => 0;
f(C/*?*/ c) => c[0];
var indexExpression = findNode.index('c[0]');
visitSubexpression(indexExpression, 'int',
changes: {indexExpression.target: isNullCheck});
test_indexExpression_extensionMember_disallowsNull_explicit() async {
await analyze('''
class C {}
extension E on C/*!*/ {
int operator[](int index) => 0;
f(C/*?*/ c) => E(c)[0];
var indexExpression = findNode.index('E(c)[0]');
visitSubexpression(indexExpression, 'int',
changes: {findNode.simple('c)[0]'): isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_indexExpression_simple() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {
int operator[](String s) => 1;
_f(_C c) => c['foo'];
visitSubexpression(findNode.index('c['), 'int');
Future<void> test_indexExpression_simple_check_lhs() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {
int operator[](String s) => 1;
_f(_C/*?*/ c) => c['foo'];
visitSubexpression(findNode.index('c['), 'int',
changes: {findNode.simple('c['): isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_indexExpression_simple_check_rhs() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {
int operator[](String/*!*/ s) => 1;
_f(_C c, String/*?*/ s) => c[s];
visitSubexpression(findNode.index('c['), 'int',
changes: {findNode.simple('s]'): isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_indexExpression_substituted() async {
await analyze('''
class _C<T, U> {
T operator[](U u) => throw 'foo';
_f(_C<int, String> c) => c['foo'];
visitSubexpression(findNode.index('c['), 'int');
Future<void> test_indexExpression_substituted_check_rhs() async {
await analyze('''
class _C<T, U> {
T operator[](U/*!*/ u) => throw 'foo';
_f(_C<int, String/*!*/> c, String/*?*/ s) => c[s];
visitSubexpression(findNode.index('c['), 'int',
changes: {findNode.simple('s]'): isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_indexExpression_substituted_no_check_rhs() async {
await analyze('''
class _C<T, U> {
T operator[](U u) => throw 'foo';
_f(_C<int, String/*?*/> c, String/*?*/ s) => c[s];
visitSubexpression(findNode.index('c['), 'int');
Future<void> test_integerLiteral() async {
await analyze('''
f() => 1;
visitSubexpression(findNode.integerLiteral('1'), 'int');
Future<void> test_list_ifElement_alive() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int x, bool b, int/*?*/ y) => [if (b) h(y) else g(y)];
int/*!*/ g(int/*!*/ y) => y;
double/*!*/ h(int/*!*/ y) => y.toDouble();
visitSubexpression(findNode.listLiteral('['), 'List<num>', changes: {
findNode.simple('y) else'): isNullCheck,
findNode.simple('y)]'): isNullCheck
Future<void> test_list_ifElement_alive_with_null_check() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int x, bool/*?*/ b, int/*?*/ y) => [if (b == null) h(y) else g(y)];
int/*!*/ g(int/*!*/ y) => y;
double/*!*/ h(int/*!*/ y) => y.toDouble();
visitSubexpression(findNode.listLiteral('['), 'List<num>', changes: {
findNode.simple('y) else'): isNullCheck,
findNode.simple('y)]'): isNullCheck
Future<void> test_list_ifElement_dead_else() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int x, int/*?*/ y) => [if (x != null) g(y) else h(y)];
int/*!*/ g(int/*!*/ y) => y;
double/*!*/ h(int/*!*/ y) => y.toDouble();
visitSubexpression(findNode.listLiteral('['), 'List<int>', changes: {
findNode.ifElement('null'): isConditionalWithKnownValue(true),
findNode.simple('y) else'): isNullCheck
Future<void> test_list_ifElement_dead_else_no_else() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int x, int/*?*/ y) => [if (x != null) g(y)];
int/*!*/ g(int/*!*/ y) => y;
visitSubexpression(findNode.listLiteral('['), 'List<int>', changes: {
findNode.ifElement('null'): isConditionalWithKnownValue(true),
findNode.simple('y)]'): isNullCheck
Future<void> test_list_ifElement_dead_then() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int x, int/*?*/ y) => [if (x == null) h(y) else g(y)];
int/*!*/ g(int/*!*/ y) => y;
double/*!*/ h(int/*!*/ y) => y.toDouble();
visitSubexpression(findNode.listLiteral('['), 'List<int>', changes: {
findNode.ifElement('null'): isConditionalWithKnownValue(false),
findNode.simple('y)]'): isNullCheck
Future<void> test_list_ifElement_dead_then_no_else() async {
// TODO(paulberry): rather than infer the type to be List<dynamic>,
// FixBuilder should add an explicit type argument to ensure that it is
// still List<int>.
await analyze('''
_f(int x, int/*?*/ y) => [if (x == null) h(y)];
double/*!*/ h(int/*!*/ y) => y.toDouble();
visitSubexpression(findNode.listLiteral('['), 'List<dynamic>', changes: {
findNode.ifElement('null'): isConditionalWithKnownValue(false)
Future<void> test_list_make_explicit_type_nullable() async {
await analyze('_f() => <int>[null];');
// The `null` should be analyzed with a context type of `int?`, so it should
// not be null-checked.
visitSubexpression(findNode.listLiteral('['), 'List<int?>',
changes: {findNode.typeAnnotation('int'): isMakeNullable});
Future<void> test_list_unchanged() async {
await analyze('_f(int x) => [x];');
visitSubexpression(findNode.listLiteral('['), 'List<int>');
Future<void> test_listLiteral_typed() async {
await analyze('''
_f() => <int>[];
visitSubexpression(findNode.listLiteral('['), 'List<int>');
Future<void> test_listLiteral_typed_visit_contents() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int/*?*/ x) => <int/*!*/>[x];
visitSubexpression(findNode.listLiteral('['), 'List<int>',
changes: {findNode.simple('x]'): isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_map_ifElement_alive() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int x, bool b, int/*?*/ y) => {if (b) 0: h(y) else 0: g(y)};
int/*!*/ g(int/*!*/ y) => y;
double/*!*/ h(int/*!*/ y) => y.toDouble();
visitSubexpression(findNode.setOrMapLiteral('{'), 'Map<int, num>',
changes: {
findNode.simple('y) else'): isNullCheck,
findNode.simple('y)}'): isNullCheck
Future<void> test_map_ifElement_alive_with_null_check() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int x, bool/*?*/ b, int/*?*/ y) => {if (b == null) 0: h(y) else 0: g(y)};
int/*!*/ g(int/*!*/ y) => y;
double/*!*/ h(int/*!*/ y) => y.toDouble();
visitSubexpression(findNode.setOrMapLiteral('{'), 'Map<int, num>',
changes: {
findNode.simple('y) else'): isNullCheck,
findNode.simple('y)}'): isNullCheck
Future<void> test_map_ifElement_dead_else() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int x, int/*?*/ y) => {if (x != null) 0: g(y) else 0: h(y)};
int/*!*/ g(int/*!*/ y) => y;
double/*!*/ h(int/*!*/ y) => y.toDouble();
visitSubexpression(findNode.setOrMapLiteral('{'), 'Map<int, int>',
changes: {
findNode.ifElement('null'): isConditionalWithKnownValue(true),
findNode.simple('y) else'): isNullCheck
Future<void> test_map_ifElement_dead_else_no_else() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int x, int/*?*/ y) => {if (x != null) 0: g(y)};
int/*!*/ g(int/*!*/ y) => y;
visitSubexpression(findNode.setOrMapLiteral('{'), 'Map<int, int>',
changes: {
findNode.ifElement('null'): isConditionalWithKnownValue(true),
findNode.simple('y)}'): isNullCheck
Future<void> test_map_ifElement_dead_then() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int x, int/*?*/ y) => {if (x == null) 0: h(y) else 0: g(y)};
int/*!*/ g(int/*!*/ y) => y;
double/*!*/ h(int/*!*/ y) => y.toDouble();
visitSubexpression(findNode.setOrMapLiteral('{'), 'Map<int, int>',
changes: {
findNode.ifElement('null'): isConditionalWithKnownValue(false),
findNode.simple('y)}'): isNullCheck
Future<void> test_map_ifElement_dead_then_no_else() async {
// TODO(paulberry): rather than infer the type to be Map<dynamic, dynamic>,
// FixBuilder should add an explicit type argument to ensure that it is
// still Map<int, int>.
await analyze('''
_f(int x, int/*?*/ y) => {if (x == null) 0: h(y)};
double/*!*/ h(int/*!*/ y) => y.toDouble();
visitSubexpression(findNode.setOrMapLiteral('{'), 'Map<dynamic, dynamic>',
changes: {
findNode.ifElement('null'): isConditionalWithKnownValue(false)
Future<void> test_map_make_explicit_key_type_nullable() async {
await analyze('_f() => <int, double>{null: 0.0};');
// The `null` should be analyzed with a context type of `int?`, so it should
// not be null-checked.
visitSubexpression(findNode.setOrMapLiteral('{'), 'Map<int?, double>',
changes: {findNode.typeAnnotation('int'): isMakeNullable});
Future<void> test_map_make_explicit_value_type_nullable() async {
await analyze('_f() => <double, int>{0.0: null};');
// The `null` should be analyzed with a context type of `int?`, so it should
// not be null-checked.
visitSubexpression(findNode.setOrMapLiteral('{'), 'Map<double, int?>',
changes: {findNode.typeAnnotation('int'): isMakeNullable});
Future<void> test_methodInvocation_dynamic() async {
await analyze('''
Object/*!*/ _f(dynamic d) => d.f();
visitSubexpression(findNode.methodInvocation('d.f'), 'dynamic');
Future<void> test_methodInvocation_extensionMember_allowsNull() async {
await analyze('''
class C {}
extension E on C/*?*/ {
void foo() {}
f(C/*?*/ c) => c.foo();
var methodInvocation = findNode.methodInvocation('c.foo');
visitSubexpression(methodInvocation, 'void');
test_methodInvocation_extensionMember_allowsNull_explicit() async {
await analyze('''
class C {}
extension E on C/*?*/ {
void foo() {}
f(C/*?*/ c) => E(c).foo();
var methodInvocation = findNode.methodInvocation('E(c).foo');
visitSubexpression(methodInvocation, 'void');
Future<void> test_methodInvocation_extensionMember_disallowsNull() async {
await analyze('''
class C {}
extension E on C/*!*/ {
void foo() {}
f(C/*?*/ c) => c.foo();
var methodInvocation = findNode.methodInvocation('c.foo');
visitSubexpression(methodInvocation, 'void',
changes: {methodInvocation.target: isNullCheck});
test_methodInvocation_extensionMember_disallowsNull_explicit() async {
await analyze('''
class C {}
extension E on C/*!*/ {
void foo() {}
f(C/*?*/ c) => E(c).foo();
var methodInvocation = findNode.methodInvocation('E(c).foo');
visitSubexpression(methodInvocation, 'void',
changes: {findNode.simple('c).foo'): isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_methodInvocation_function_call_nullCheck() async {
await analyze('''
f(void Function()/*?*/ x) => x.call();
var methodInvocation = findNode.methodInvocation('x.call');
visitSubexpression(methodInvocation, 'void',
changes: {methodInvocation.target: isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_methodInvocation_namedParameter() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
int f({int/*!*/ x});
_f(_C c, int/*?*/ y) => c.f(x: y);
visitSubexpression(findNode.methodInvocation('c.f'), 'int',
changes: {findNode.simple('y);'): isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_methodInvocation_ordinaryParameter() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
int f(int/*!*/ x);
_f(_C c, int/*?*/ y) => c.f(y);
visitSubexpression(findNode.methodInvocation('c.f'), 'int',
changes: {findNode.simple('y);'): isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_methodInvocation_return_nonNullable() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
int f();
_f(_C c) => c.f();
visitSubexpression(findNode.methodInvocation('c.f'), 'int');
Future<void> test_methodInvocation_return_nonNullable_check_target() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
int f();
_f(_C/*?*/ c) => c.f();
visitSubexpression(findNode.methodInvocation('c.f'), 'int',
changes: {findNode.simple('c.f'): isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_methodInvocation_return_nonNullable_nullAware() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
int f();
_f(_C/*?*/ c) => c?.f();
visitSubexpression(findNode.methodInvocation('c?.f'), 'int?');
Future<void> test_methodInvocation_return_nullable() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
int/*?*/ f();
_f(_C c) => c.f();
visitSubexpression(findNode.methodInvocation('c.f'), 'int?');
Future<void> test_methodInvocation_static() async {
await analyze('''
_f() => _C.g();
class _C {
static int g() => 1;
visitSubexpression(findNode.methodInvocation('_C.g();'), 'int');
Future<void> test_methodInvocation_topLevel() async {
await analyze('''
_f() => _g();
int _g() => 1;
visitSubexpression(findNode.methodInvocation('_g();'), 'int');
Future<void> test_methodInvocation_toString() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {}
_f(_C/*?*/ c) => c.toString();
visitSubexpression(findNode.methodInvocation('c.toString'), 'String');
Future<void> test_null_aware_assignment_non_nullable_source() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class C {
int/*!*/ f();
g(int/*!*/ x) {
x ??= f();
var assignment = findNode.assignment('??=');
visitSubexpression(assignment, 'int',
changes: {assignment: isWeakNullAwareAssignment});
Future<void> test_null_aware_assignment_nullable_rhs_needs_check() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class C {
void set x(int/*!*/ value);
int/*?*/ get x;
int/*?*/ f();
g() {
x ??= f();
var assignment = findNode.assignment('??=');
visitSubexpression(assignment, 'int',
changes: {assignment.rightHandSide: isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_null_aware_assignment_nullable_rhs_ok() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class C {
int/*?*/ f();
g(int/*?*/ x) {
x ??= f();
var assignment = findNode.assignment('??=');
visitSubexpression(assignment, 'int?');
Future<void> test_nullable_value_in_null_context() async {
await analyze('int/*!*/ f(int/*?*/ i) => i;');
var iRef = findNode.simple('i;');
visitSubexpression(iRef, 'int', changes: {
iRef: isNodeChangeForExpression.havingNullCheckWithInfo(isInfo(
{FixReasonTarget.root: TypeMatcher<NullabilityEdge>()}))
Future<void> test_nullAssertion_promotes() async {
await analyze('''
_f(bool/*?*/ x) => x && x;
// Only the first `x` is null-checked because thereafter, the type of `x` is
// promoted to `bool`.
visitSubexpression(findNode.binary('&&'), 'bool',
changes: {findNode.simple('x &&'): isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_nullLiteral() async {
await analyze('''
f() => null;
visitSubexpression(findNode.nullLiteral('null'), 'Null');
Future<void> test_nullLiteral_hinted() async {
await analyze('''
int/*!*/ f() => null/*!*/;
var literal = findNode.nullLiteral('null');
// Normally we would leave the null literal alone and add an informative
// comment saying there's no valid migration for it. But since the user
// specifically hinted that `!` should be added, we respect that.
visitSubexpression(literal, 'Never', changes: {
literal: isNodeChangeForExpression.havingNullCheckWithInfo(isInfo(
{FixReasonTarget.root: TypeMatcher<FixReason_NullCheckHint>()}))
Future<void> test_nullLiteral_noValidMigration() async {
await analyze('''
int/*!*/ f() => null;
var literal = findNode.nullLiteral('null');
// Note: in spite of the fact that we leave the literal as `null`, we
// analyze it as though it has type `Never`, because it's in a context where
// `null` doesn't work.
visitSubexpression(literal, 'Never', changes: {
literal: isNodeChangeForExpression.havingNoValidMigrationWithInfo(isInfo(
{FixReasonTarget.root: TypeMatcher<NullabilityEdge>()}))
Future<void> test_parenthesizedExpression() async {
await analyze('''
f() => (1);
visitSubexpression(findNode.integerLiteral('1'), 'int');
Future<void> test_parenthesizedExpression_flow() async {
await analyze('''
_f(bool/*?*/ x) => ((x) != (null)) && x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.binary('&&'), 'bool');
Future<void> test_post_decrement_int_behavior() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int x) => x--;
// It's not a problem that int.operator- returns `num` (which is not
// assignable to `int`) because the value implicitly passed to operator- has
// type `int`, so the static type of the result is `int`.
visitSubexpression(findNode.postfix('--'), 'int');
Future<void> test_post_increment_int_behavior() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int x) => x++;
// It's not a problem that int.operator+ returns `num` (which is not
// assignable to `int`) because the value implicitly passed to operator- has
// type `int`, so the static type of the result is `int`.
visitSubexpression(findNode.postfix('++'), 'int');
Future<void> test_post_increment_null_shorted_ok() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
int/*!*/ x;
_f(C/*?*/ c) {
// Even though c?.x is nullable, it should not be a problem to use it as the
// target of a post-increment, because null shorting will ensure that the
// increment only happens if c is non-null.
var increment = findNode.postfix('++');
visitSubexpression(increment, 'int?');
Future<void> test_post_increment_nullable_result_bad() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class C {
C/*?*/ operator+(int i);
f(C c) {
var increment = findNode.postfix('++');
visitSubexpression(increment, 'C', changes: {increment: isBadCombinedType});
Future<void> test_post_increment_nullable_result_ok() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class C {
C/*?*/ operator+(int i);
abstract class D {
void set x(C/*?*/ value);
C/*!*/ get x;
f() {
var increment = findNode.postfix('++');
visitSubexpression(increment, 'C');
Future<void> test_post_increment_nullable_source() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int/*?*/ x) {
var increment = findNode.postfix('++');
visitSubexpression(increment, 'int?',
changes: {increment: isNullableSource});
Future<void> test_post_increment_potentially_nullable_source() async {
await analyze('''
class C<T extends num/*?*/> {
_f(T/*!*/ x) {
var increment = findNode.postfix('++');
visitSubexpression(increment, 'T', changes: {increment: isNullableSource});
Future<void> test_post_increment_promoted_ok() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class C {
C/*?*/ operator+(int i);
f(C/*?*/ x) {
if (x != null) {
// The increment is ok, because:
// - prior to the increment, x's value is promoted to non-nullable
// - the nullable return value of operator+ is ok to assign to x, because it
// un-does the promotion.
visitSubexpression(findNode.postfix('++'), 'C');
Future<void> test_postfixExpression_combined_nullable_noProblem() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
_D/*?*/ operator+(int/*!*/ value);
abstract class _D extends _C {}
abstract class _E {
_C/*!*/ get x;
void set x(_C/*?*/ value);
f() => x++;
visitSubexpression(findNode.postfix('++'), '_C');
test_postfixExpression_combined_nullable_noProblem_dynamic() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _E {
dynamic get x;
void set x(Object/*!*/ value);
f() => x++;
visitSubexpression(findNode.postfix('++'), 'dynamic');
@FailingTest(reason: 'TODO(paulberry)')
Future<void> test_postfixExpression_combined_nullable_problem() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
_D/*?*/ operator+(int/*!*/ value);
abstract class _D extends _C {}
abstract class _E {
_C/*!*/ get x;
void set x(_C/*!*/ value);
f() => x++;
var postfix = findNode.postfix('++');
visitSubexpression(postfix, '_C', problems: {
postfix: {const CompoundAssignmentCombinedNullable()}
Future<void> test_postfixExpression_decrement_undoes_promotion() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
_C/*?*/ operator-(int value);
_f(_C/*?*/ c) { // method
if (c != null) {
_g(_C/*!*/ c) {}
visitStatement(findNode.block('{ // method'),
changes: {findNode.simple('c);'): isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_postfixExpression_dynamic() async {
await analyze('''
_f(dynamic x) => x++;
visitSubexpression(findNode.postfix('++'), 'dynamic');
Future<void> test_postfixExpression_increment_undoes_promotion() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
_C/*?*/ operator+(int value);
_f(_C/*?*/ c) { // method
if (c != null) {
_g(_C/*!*/ c) {}
visitStatement(findNode.block('{ // method'),
changes: {findNode.simple('c);'): isNullCheck});
@FailingTest(reason: 'TODO(paulberry)')
Future<void> test_postfixExpression_lhs_nullable_problem() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
_D/*!*/ operator+(int/*!*/ value);
abstract class _D extends _C {}
abstract class _E {
_C/*?*/ get x;
void set x(_C/*?*/ value);
f() => x++;
var postfix = findNode.postfix('++');
visitSubexpression(postfix, '_C?', problems: {
postfix: {const CompoundAssignmentReadNullable()}
Future<void> test_postfixExpression_rhs_nonNullable() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
_D/*!*/ operator+(int/*!*/ value);
abstract class _D extends _C {}
_f(_C/*!*/ x) => x++;
visitSubexpression(findNode.postfix('++'), '_C');
Future<void> test_pre_decrement_int_behavior() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int x) => --x;
// It's not a problem that int.operator- returns `num` (which is not
// assignable to `int`) because the value implicitly passed to operator- has
// type `int`, so the static type of the result is `int`.
visitSubexpression(findNode.prefix('--'), 'int');
Future<void> test_pre_increment_int_behavior() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int x) => ++x;
// It's not a problem that int.operator+ returns `num` (which is not
// assignable to `int`) because the value implicitly passed to operator- has
// type `int`, so the static type of the result is `int`.
visitSubexpression(findNode.prefix('++'), 'int');
Future<void> test_pre_increment_null_shorted_ok() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
int/*!*/ x;
_f(C/*?*/ c) {
// Even though c?.x is nullable, it should not be a problem to use it as the
// target of a pre-increment, because null shorting will ensure that the
// increment only happens if c is non-null.
var increment = findNode.prefix('++');
visitSubexpression(increment, 'int?');
Future<void> test_pre_increment_nullable_result_bad() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class C {
C/*?*/ operator+(int i);
f(C c) {
var increment = findNode.prefix('++');
visitSubexpression(increment, 'C?',
changes: {increment: isBadCombinedType});
Future<void> test_pre_increment_nullable_result_ok() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class C {
C/*?*/ operator+(int i);
abstract class D {
void set x(C/*?*/ value);
C/*!*/ get x;
f() {
var increment = findNode.prefix('++');
visitSubexpression(increment, 'C?');
Future<void> test_pre_increment_nullable_source() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int/*?*/ x) {
var increment = findNode.prefix('++');
visitSubexpression(increment, 'int',
changes: {increment: isNullableSource});
Future<void> test_pre_increment_potentially_nullable_source() async {
await analyze('''
class C<T extends num/*?*/> {
_f(T/*!*/ x) {
var increment = findNode.prefix('++');
visitSubexpression(increment, 'num',
changes: {increment: isNullableSource});
Future<void> test_pre_increment_promoted_ok() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class C {
C/*?*/ operator+(int i);
f(C/*?*/ x) {
if (x != null) {
// The increment is ok, because:
// - prior to the increment, x's value is promoted to non-nullable
// - the nullable return value of operator+ is ok to assign to x, because it
// un-does the promotion.
visitSubexpression(findNode.prefix('++'), 'C?');
Future<void> test_prefixedIdentifier_dynamic() async {
await analyze('''
Object/*!*/ _f(dynamic d) => d.x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.prefixed('d.x'), 'dynamic');
Future<void> test_prefixedIdentifier_extensionMember_allowsNull() async {
await analyze('''
class C {}
extension E on C/*?*/ {
int get foo => 0;
f(C/*?*/ c) => c.foo;
var prefixedIdentifier = findNode.prefixed('c.foo');
visitSubexpression(prefixedIdentifier, 'int');
Future<void> test_prefixedIdentifier_extensionMember_disallowsNull() async {
await analyze('''
class C {}
extension E on C/*!*/ {
int get foo => 0;
f(C/*?*/ c) => c.foo;
var prefixedIdentifier = findNode.prefixed('c.foo');
visitSubexpression(prefixedIdentifier, 'int',
changes: {prefixedIdentifier.prefix: isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_prefixedIdentifier_field_nonNullable() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {
int/*!*/ x = 0;
_f(_C c) => c.x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.prefixed('c.x'), 'int');
Future<void> test_prefixedIdentifier_field_nullable() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {
int/*?*/ x = 0;
_f(_C c) => c.x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.prefixed('c.x'), 'int?');
Future<void> test_prefixedIdentifier_getter_check_lhs() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
int get x;
_f(_C/*?*/ c) => c.x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.prefixed('c.x'), 'int',
changes: {findNode.simple('c.x'): isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_prefixedIdentifier_getter_nonNullable() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
int/*!*/ get x;
_f(_C c) => c.x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.prefixed('c.x'), 'int');
Future<void> test_prefixedIdentifier_getter_nullable() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
int/*?*/ get x;
_f(_C c) => c.x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.prefixed('c.x'), 'int?');
Future<void> test_prefixedIdentifier_object_getter() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {}
_f(_C/*?*/ c) => c.hashCode;
visitSubexpression(findNode.prefixed('c.hashCode'), 'int');
Future<void> test_prefixedIdentifier_object_tearoff() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {}
_f(_C/*?*/ c) => c.toString;
visitSubexpression(findNode.prefixed('c.toString'), 'String Function()');
Future<void> test_prefixedIdentifier_substituted() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C<T> {
List<T> get x;
_f(_C<int> c) => c.x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.prefixed('c.x'), 'List<int>');
Future<void> test_prefixExpression_bang_flow() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int/*?*/ x) {
if (!(x == null)) {
x + 1;
// No null check should be needed on `x + 1` because `!(x == null)` promotes
// x's type to `int`.
Future<void> test_prefixExpression_bang_nonNullable() async {
await analyze('''
_f(bool/*!*/ x) => !x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.prefix('!x'), 'bool');
Future<void> test_prefixExpression_bang_nullable() async {
await analyze('''
_f(bool/*?*/ x) => !x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.prefix('!x'), 'bool',
changes: {findNode.simple('x;'): isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_prefixExpression_combined_nullable_noProblem() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
_D/*?*/ operator+(int/*!*/ value);
abstract class _D extends _C {}
abstract class _E {
_C/*!*/ get x;
void set x(_C/*?*/ value);
f() => ++x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.prefix('++'), '_D?');
test_prefixExpression_combined_nullable_noProblem_dynamic() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _E {
dynamic get x;
void set x(Object/*!*/ value);
f() => ++x;
var prefix = findNode.prefix('++');
visitSubexpression(prefix, 'dynamic');
@FailingTest(reason: 'TODO(paulberry)')
Future<void> test_prefixExpression_combined_nullable_problem() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
_D/*?*/ operator+(int/*!*/ value);
abstract class _D extends _C {}
abstract class _E {
_C/*!*/ get x;
void set x(_C/*!*/ value);
f() => ++x;
var prefix = findNode.prefix('++');
visitSubexpression(prefix, '_D', problems: {
prefix: {const CompoundAssignmentCombinedNullable()}
Future<void> test_prefixExpression_decrement_undoes_promotion() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
_C/*?*/ operator-(int value);
_f(_C/*?*/ c) { // method
if (c != null) {
_g(_C/*!*/ c) {}
visitStatement(findNode.block('{ // method'),
changes: {findNode.simple('c);'): isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_prefixExpression_extensionMember_allowsNull() async {
await analyze('''
class C {}
extension E on C/*?*/ {
C operator-() => C();
f(C/*?*/ c) => -c;
var prefixExpression = findNode.prefix('-c');
visitSubexpression(prefixExpression, 'C');
test_prefixExpression_extensionMember_allowsNull_explicit() async {
await analyze('''
class C {}
extension E on C/*?*/ {
C operator-() => C();
f(C/*?*/ c) => -E(c);
var prefixExpression = findNode.prefix('-E(c)');
visitSubexpression(prefixExpression, 'C');
Future<void> test_prefixExpression_extensionMember_disallowsNull() async {
await analyze('''
class C {}
extension E on C/*!*/ {
C operator-() => C();
f(C/*?*/ c) => -c;
var prefixExpression = findNode.prefix('-c');
visitSubexpression(prefixExpression, 'C',
changes: {prefixExpression.operand: isNullCheck});
test_prefixExpression_extensionMember_disallowsNull_explicit() async {
await analyze('''
class C {}
extension E on C/*!*/ {
C operator-() => C();
f(C/*?*/ c) => -E(c);
var prefixExpression = findNode.prefix('-E(c)');
visitSubexpression(prefixExpression, 'C',
changes: {findNode.simple('c);'): isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_prefixExpression_increment_undoes_promotion() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
_C/*?*/ operator+(int value);
_f(_C/*?*/ c) { // method
if (c != null) {
_g(_C/*!*/ c) {}
visitStatement(findNode.block('{ // method'),
changes: {findNode.simple('c);'): isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_prefixExpression_intRules() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int x) => ++x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.prefix('++'), 'int');
@FailingTest(reason: 'TODO(paulberry)')
Future<void> test_prefixExpression_lhs_nullable_problem() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
_D/*!*/ operator+(int/*!*/ value);
abstract class _D extends _C {}
abstract class _E {
_C/*?*/ get x;
void set x(_C/*?*/ value);
f() => ++x;
var prefix = findNode.prefix('++');
visitSubexpression(prefix, '_D', problems: {
prefix: {const CompoundAssignmentReadNullable()}
Future<void> test_prefixExpression_minus_dynamic() async {
await analyze('''
_f(dynamic x) => -x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.prefix('-x'), 'dynamic');
Future<void> test_prefixExpression_minus_nonNullable() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int/*!*/ x) => -x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.prefix('-x'), 'int');
Future<void> test_prefixExpression_minus_nullable() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int/*?*/ x) => -x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.prefix('-x'), 'int',
changes: {findNode.simple('x;'): isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_prefixExpression_minus_substitution() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C<T> {
List<T> operator-();
_f(_C<int> x) => -x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.prefix('-x'), 'List<int>');
Future<void> test_prefixExpression_rhs_nonNullable() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
_D/*!*/ operator+(int/*!*/ value);
abstract class _D extends _C {}
_f(_C/*!*/ x) => ++x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.prefix('++'), '_D');
Future<void> test_prefixExpression_tilde_dynamic() async {
await analyze('''
_f(dynamic x) => ~x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.prefix('~x'), 'dynamic');
Future<void> test_prefixExpression_tilde_nonNullable() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int/*!*/ x) => ~x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.prefix('~x'), 'int');
Future<void> test_prefixExpression_tilde_nullable() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int/*?*/ x) => ~x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.prefix('~x'), 'int',
changes: {findNode.simple('x;'): isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_prefixExpression_tilde_substitution() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C<T> {
List<T> operator~();
_f(_C<int> x) => ~x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.prefix('~x'), 'List<int>');
Future<void> test_propertyAccess_dynamic() async {
await analyze('''
Object/*!*/ _f(dynamic d) => (d).x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.propertyAccess('(d).x'), 'dynamic');
Future<void> test_propertyAccess_extensionMember_allowsNull() async {
await analyze('''
class C {}
extension E on C/*?*/ {
int get foo => 0;
f(C/*?*/ Function() g) => g().foo;
var propertyAccess = findNode.propertyAccess('g().foo');
visitSubexpression(propertyAccess, 'int');
Future<void> test_propertyAccess_extensionMember_allowsNull_explicit() async {
await analyze('''
class C {}
extension E on C/*?*/ {
int get foo => 0;
f(C/*?*/ Function() g) => E(g()).foo;
var propertyAccess = findNode.propertyAccess('E(g()).foo');
visitSubexpression(propertyAccess, 'int');
Future<void> test_propertyAccess_extensionMember_disallowsNull() async {
await analyze('''
class C {}
extension E on C/*!*/ {
int get foo => 0;
f(C/*?*/ Function() g) => g().foo;
var propertyAccess = findNode.propertyAccess('g().foo');
visitSubexpression(propertyAccess, 'int',
changes: {propertyAccess.target: isNullCheck});
test_propertyAccess_extensionMember_disallowsNull_explicit() async {
await analyze('''
class C {}
extension E on C/*!*/ {
int get foo => 0;
f(C/*?*/ Function() g) => E(g()).foo;
var propertyAccess = findNode.propertyAccess('E(g()).foo');
visitSubexpression(propertyAccess, 'int', changes: {
findNode.functionExpressionInvocation('g()).foo'): isNullCheck
Future<void> test_propertyAccess_field_nonNullable() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {
int/*!*/ x = 0;
_f(_C c) => (c).x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.propertyAccess('(c).x'), 'int');
Future<void> test_propertyAccess_field_nullable() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {
int/*?*/ x = 0;
_f(_C c) => (c).x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.propertyAccess('(c).x'), 'int?');
Future<void> test_propertyAccess_getter_check_lhs() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
int get x;
_f(_C/*?*/ c) => (c).x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.propertyAccess('(c).x'), 'int',
changes: {findNode.parenthesized('(c).x'): isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_propertyAccess_getter_nonNullable() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
int/*!*/ get x;
_f(_C c) => (c).x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.propertyAccess('(c).x'), 'int');
Future<void> test_propertyAccess_getter_nullable() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
int/*?*/ get x;
_f(_C c) => (c).x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.propertyAccess('(c).x'), 'int?');
Future<void> test_propertyAccess_nullAware_dynamic() async {
await analyze('''
Object/*!*/ _f(dynamic d) => d?.x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.propertyAccess('d?.x'), 'dynamic');
Future<void> test_propertyAccess_nullAware_field_nonNullable() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {
int/*!*/ x = 0;
_f(_C/*?*/ c) => c?.x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.propertyAccess('c?.x'), 'int?');
Future<void> test_propertyAccess_nullAware_field_nullable() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {
int/*?*/ x = 0;
_f(_C/*?*/ c) => c?.x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.propertyAccess('c?.x'), 'int?');
Future<void> test_propertyAccess_nullAware_getter_nonNullable() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
int/*!*/ get x;
_f(_C/*?*/ c) => c?.x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.propertyAccess('c?.x'), 'int?');
Future<void> test_propertyAccess_nullAware_getter_nullable() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C {
int/*?*/ get x;
_f(_C/*?*/ c) => c?.x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.propertyAccess('c?.x'), 'int?');
Future<void> test_propertyAccess_nullAware_object_getter() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {}
_f(_C/*?*/ c) => c?.hashCode;
visitSubexpression(findNode.propertyAccess('c?.hashCode'), 'int?');
Future<void> test_propertyAccess_nullAware_object_tearoff() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {}
_f(_C/*?*/ c) => c?.toString;
findNode.propertyAccess('c?.toString'), 'String Function()?');
Future<void> test_propertyAccess_nullAware_potentiallyNullable() async {
// In the code example below, the `?.` is not changed to `.` because `T`
// might be instantiated to `int?`, in which case the null check is still
// needed.
await analyze('''
class C<T extends int/*?*/> {
f(T t) => t?.isEven;
visitSubexpression(findNode.propertyAccess('?.'), 'bool?');
Future<void> test_propertyAccess_nullAware_removeNullAwareness() async {
await analyze('_f(int/*!*/ i) => i?.isEven;');
var propertyAccess = findNode.propertyAccess('?.');
visitSubexpression(propertyAccess, 'bool',
changes: {propertyAccess: isRemoveNullAwareness});
test_propertyAccess_nullAware_removeNullAwareness_nullCheck() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
int/*?*/ i;
int/*!*/ f(C/*!*/ c) => c?.i;
var propertyAccess = findNode.propertyAccess('?.');
visitSubexpression(propertyAccess, 'int', changes: {
propertyAccess: TypeMatcher<NodeChangeForPropertyAccess>()
.having((c) => c.removeNullAwareness, 'removeNullAwareness', true)
Future<void> test_propertyAccess_nullAware_substituted() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C<T> {
List<T> get x;
_f(_C<int>/*?*/ c) => c?.x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.propertyAccess('c?.x'), 'List<int>?');
Future<void> test_propertyAccess_object_getter() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {}
_f(_C/*?*/ c) => (c).hashCode;
visitSubexpression(findNode.propertyAccess('(c).hashCode'), 'int');
Future<void> test_propertyAccess_object_tearoff() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {}
_f(_C/*?*/ c) => (c).toString;
findNode.propertyAccess('(c).toString'), 'String Function()');
Future<void> test_propertyAccess_substituted() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class _C<T> {
List<T> get x;
_f(_C<int> c) => (c).x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.propertyAccess('(c).x'), 'List<int>');
Future<void> test_removeLanguageVersionComment() async {
await analyze('''
// @dart = 2.6
void main() {}
visitAll(changes: {findNode.unit: isRemoveLanguageVersion});
Future<void> test_removeLanguageVersionComment_withCopyright() async {
await analyze('''
// Some copyright notice here...
// @dart = 2.6
void main() {}
visitAll(changes: {findNode.unit: isRemoveLanguageVersion});
Future<void> test_set_ifElement_alive() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int x, bool b, int/*?*/ y) => {if (b) h(y) else g(y)};
int/*!*/ g(int/*!*/ y) => y;
double/*!*/ h(int/*!*/ y) => y.toDouble();
visitSubexpression(findNode.setOrMapLiteral('{'), 'Set<num>', changes: {
findNode.simple('y) else'): isNullCheck,
findNode.simple('y)}'): isNullCheck
Future<void> test_set_ifElement_alive_with_null_check() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int x, bool/*?*/ b, int/*?*/ y) => {if (b == null) h(y) else g(y)};
int/*!*/ g(int/*!*/ y) => y;
double/*!*/ h(int/*!*/ y) => y.toDouble();
visitSubexpression(findNode.setOrMapLiteral('{'), 'Set<num>', changes: {
findNode.simple('y) else'): isNullCheck,
findNode.simple('y)}'): isNullCheck
Future<void> test_set_ifElement_dead_else() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int x, int/*?*/ y) => {if (x != null) g(y) else h(y)};
int/*!*/ g(int/*!*/ y) => y;
double/*!*/ h(int/*!*/ y) => y.toDouble();
visitSubexpression(findNode.setOrMapLiteral('{'), 'Set<int>', changes: {
findNode.ifElement('null'): isConditionalWithKnownValue(true),
findNode.simple('y) else'): isNullCheck
Future<void> test_set_ifElement_dead_else_no_else() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int x, int/*?*/ y) => {if (x != null) g(y)};
int/*!*/ g(int/*!*/ y) => y;
visitSubexpression(findNode.setOrMapLiteral('{'), 'Set<int>', changes: {
findNode.ifElement('null'): isConditionalWithKnownValue(true),
findNode.simple('y)}'): isNullCheck
Future<void> test_set_ifElement_dead_then() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int x, int/*?*/ y) => {if (x == null) h(y) else g(y)};
int/*!*/ g(int/*!*/ y) => y;
double/*!*/ h(int/*!*/ y) => y.toDouble();
visitSubexpression(findNode.setOrMapLiteral('{'), 'Set<int>', changes: {
findNode.ifElement('null'): isConditionalWithKnownValue(false),
findNode.simple('y)}'): isNullCheck
Future<void> test_set_ifElement_dead_then_no_else() async {
// TODO(paulberry): rather than infer the type to be Map<dynamic, dynamic>,
// FixBuilder should add an explicit type argument to ensure that it is
// still Set<int>.
await analyze('''
_f(int x, int/*?*/ y) => {if (x == null) h(y)};
double/*!*/ h(int/*!*/ y) => y.toDouble();
visitSubexpression(findNode.setOrMapLiteral('{'), 'Map<dynamic, dynamic>',
changes: {
findNode.ifElement('null'): isConditionalWithKnownValue(false)
Future<void> test_set_make_explicit_type_nullable() async {
await analyze('_f() => <int>{null};');
// The `null` should be analyzed with a context type of `int?`, so it should
// not be null-checked.
visitSubexpression(findNode.setOrMapLiteral('{'), 'Set<int?>',
changes: {findNode.typeAnnotation('int'): isMakeNullable});
Future<void> test_simpleIdentifier_className() async {
await analyze('''
_f() => int;
visitSubexpression(findNode.simple('int'), 'Type');
Future<void> test_simpleIdentifier_field() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {
int i = 1;
f() => i;
visitSubexpression(findNode.simple('i;'), 'int');
Future<void> test_simpleIdentifier_field_generic() async {
await analyze('''
class _C<T> {
List<T> x = null;
f() => x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.simple('x;'), 'List<T>?');
Future<void> test_simpleIdentifier_field_nullable() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {
int/*?*/ i = 1;
f() => i;
visitSubexpression(findNode.simple('i;'), 'int?');
Future<void> test_simpleIdentifier_getter() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {
int get i => 1;
f() => i;
visitSubexpression(findNode.simple('i;'), 'int');
Future<void> test_simpleIdentifier_getter_nullable() async {
await analyze('''
class _C {
int/*?*/ get i => 1;
f() => i;
visitSubexpression(findNode.simple('i;'), 'int?');
Future<void> test_simpleIdentifier_localVariable_nonNullable() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int x) {
return x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.simple('x;'), 'int');
Future<void> test_simpleIdentifier_localVariable_nullable() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int/*?*/ x) {
return x;
visitSubexpression(findNode.simple('x;'), 'int?');
Future<void> test_simpleIdentifier_null_check_hint() async {
await analyze('int/*?*/ _f(int/*?*/ x) => x/*!*/;');
var xRef = findNode.simple('x/*!*/');
visitSubexpression(xRef, 'int', changes: {
xRef: isNodeChangeForExpression.havingNullCheckWithInfo(isInfo(
{FixReasonTarget.root: TypeMatcher<FixReason_NullCheckHint>()}))
Future<void> test_stringLiteral() async {
await analyze('''
f() => 'foo';
visitSubexpression(findNode.stringLiteral("'foo'"), 'String');
Future<void> test_suspicious_cast() async {
await analyze('''
int f(Object o) {
if (o is! String) return 0;
return o;
var xRef = findNode.simple('o;');
visitSubexpression(xRef, 'int', changes: {
xRef: isNodeChangeForExpression.havingIndroduceAsWithInfo(
{FixReasonTarget.root: isEdge}))
Future<void> test_symbolLiteral() async {
await analyze('''
f() => #foo;
visitSubexpression(findNode.symbolLiteral('#foo'), 'Symbol');
Future<void> test_throw_flow() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int/*?*/ i) {
if (i == null) throw 'foo';
i + 1;
Future<void> test_throw_nullable() async {
await analyze('''
_f(int/*?*/ i) => throw i;
visitSubexpression(findNode.throw_('throw'), 'Never',
changes: {findNode.simple('i;'): isNullCheck});
Future<void> test_throw_simple() async {
await analyze('''
_f() => throw 'foo';
visitSubexpression(findNode.throw_('throw'), 'Never');
Future<void> test_typeName_dynamic() async {
await analyze('''
void _f() {
dynamic d = null;
visitTypeAnnotation(findNode.typeAnnotation('dynamic'), 'dynamic');
Future<void> test_typeName_futureOr_dynamic_nullable() async {
await analyze('''
import 'dart:async';
void _f() {
FutureOr<dynamic> x = null;
// The type of `x` should be `FutureOr<dynamic>?`, but this is equivalent to
// `FutureOr<dynamic>`, so we don't add a `?`. Note: expected type is
// still `FutureOr<dynamic>?`; we don't go to extra effort to remove the
// redundant `?` from the internal type representation, just from the source
// code we generate.
findNode.typeAnnotation('FutureOr<dynamic> x'), 'FutureOr<dynamic>?',
changes: {});
Future<void> test_typeName_futureOr_inner() async {
await analyze('''
import 'dart:async';
void _f(FutureOr<int/*?*/> x) {
FutureOr<int> y = x;
findNode.typeAnnotation('FutureOr<int> y'), 'FutureOr<int?>',
changes: {findNode.typeAnnotation('int> y'): isMakeNullable});
Future<void> test_typeName_futureOr_null_nullable() async {
await analyze('''
import 'dart:async';
void _f() {
FutureOr<Null> x = null;
// The type of `x` should be `FutureOr<Null>?`, but this is equivalent to
// `FutureOr<Null>`, so we don't add a `?`. Note: expected type is
// still `FutureOr<Null>?`; we don't go to extra effort to remove the
// redundant `?` from the internal type representation, just from the source
// code we generate.
findNode.typeAnnotation('FutureOr<Null> x'), 'FutureOr<Null>?',
changes: {});
Future<void> test_typeName_futureOr_outer() async {
await analyze('''
import 'dart:async';
void _f(FutureOr<int>/*?*/ x) {
FutureOr<int> y = x;
var typeAnnotation = findNode.typeAnnotation('FutureOr<int> y');
visitTypeAnnotation(typeAnnotation, 'FutureOr<int>?',
changes: {typeAnnotation: isMakeNullable});
Future<void> test_typeName_futureOr_redundant() async {
await analyze('''
import 'dart:async';
void _f(bool b, FutureOr<int>/*?*/ x, FutureOr<int/*?*/> y) {
FutureOr<int> z = b ? x : y;
// The type of `z` should be `FutureOr<int?>?`, but this is equivalent to
// `FutureOr<int?>`, so we only add the first `?`. Note: expected type is
// still `FutureOr<int?>?`; we don't go to extra effort to remove the
// redundant `?` from the internal type representation, just from the source
// code we generate.
findNode.typeAnnotation('FutureOr<int> z'), 'FutureOr<int?>?',
changes: {findNode.typeAnnotation('int> z'): isMakeNullable});
Future<void> test_typeName_futureOr_void_nullable() async {
await analyze('''
import 'dart:async';
void _f() {
FutureOr<void> x = null;
// The type of `x` should be `FutureOr<void>?`, but this is equivalent to
// `FutureOr<void>`, so we don't add a `?`. Note: expected type is
// still `FutureOr<void>?`; we don't go to extra effort to remove the
// redundant `?` from the internal type representation, just from the source
// code we generate.
findNode.typeAnnotation('FutureOr<void> x'), 'FutureOr<void>?',
changes: {});
Future<void> test_typeName_generic_nonNullable() async {
await analyze('''
void _f() {
List<int> i = [0];
visitTypeAnnotation(findNode.typeAnnotation('List<int>'), 'List<int>');
Future<void> test_typeName_generic_nullable() async {
await analyze('''
void _f() {
List<int> i = null;
var listIntAnnotation = findNode.typeAnnotation('List<int>');
visitTypeAnnotation(listIntAnnotation, 'List<int>?',
changes: {listIntAnnotation: isMakeNullable});
Future<void> test_typeName_generic_nullable_arg() async {
await analyze('''
void _f() {
List<int> i = [null];
visitTypeAnnotation(findNode.typeAnnotation('List<int>'), 'List<int?>',
changes: {findNode.typeAnnotation('int'): isMakeNullable});
Future<void> test_typeName_generic_nullable_arg_and_outer() async {
await analyze('''
void _f(bool b) {
List<int> i = b ? [null] : null;
var listInt = findNode.typeAnnotation('List<int>');
visitTypeAnnotation(listInt, 'List<int?>?', changes: {
findNode.typeAnnotation('int'): isMakeNullable,
listInt: isMakeNullable
Future<void> test_typeName_simple_nonNullable() async {
await analyze('''
void _f() {
int i = 0;
var typeAnnotation = findNode.typeAnnotation('int');
visitTypeAnnotation(typeAnnotation, 'int',
informative: {typeAnnotation: isExplainNonNullable});
Future<void> test_typeName_simple_nonNullable_by_context() async {
await analyze('''
class C extends Object {}
visitTypeAnnotation(findNode.typeAnnotation('Object'), 'Object',
informative: isEmpty);
Future<void> test_typeName_simple_nullable() async {
await analyze('''
void _f() {
int i = null;
var intAnnotation = findNode.typeAnnotation('int');
visitTypeAnnotation((intAnnotation), 'int?',
changes: {intAnnotation: isMakeNullable});
Future<void> test_typeName_void() async {
await analyze('''
void _f() {
visitTypeAnnotation(findNode.typeAnnotation('void'), 'void');
Future<void> test_use_of_dynamic() async {
// Use of `dynamic` in a context requiring non-null is not explicitly null
// checked.
await analyze('''
bool _f(dynamic d, bool b) => d && b;
visitSubexpression(findNode.binary('&&'), 'bool');
Future<void> test_variableDeclaration_typed_initialized_nonNullable() async {
await analyze('''
void _f() {
int x = 0;
visitStatement(findNode.statement('int x'));
Future<void> test_variableDeclaration_typed_initialized_nullable() async {
await analyze('''
void _f() {
int x = null;
visitStatement(findNode.statement('int x'),
changes: {findNode.typeAnnotation('int'): isMakeNullable});
Future<void> test_variableDeclaration_typed_uninitialized() async {
await analyze('''
void _f() {
int x;
visitStatement(findNode.statement('int x'));
Future<void> test_variableDeclaration_untyped_initialized() async {
await analyze('''
void _f() {
var x = 0;
visitStatement(findNode.statement('var x'));
Future<void> test_variableDeclaration_untyped_uninitialized() async {
await analyze('''
void _f() {
var x;
visitStatement(findNode.statement('var x'));
Future<void> test_variableDeclaration_visit_initializer() async {
await analyze('''
void _f(bool/*?*/ x, bool/*?*/ y) {
bool z = x && y;
visitStatement(findNode.statement('bool z'), changes: {
findNode.simple('x &&'): isNullCheck,
findNode.simple('y;'): isNullCheck
void visitAll(
{Map<AstNode, Matcher> changes = const <Expression, Matcher>{},
Map<AstNode, Set<Problem>> problems = const <AstNode, Set<Problem>>{},
bool injectNeedsIterableExtension = false}) {
var fixBuilder = _createFixBuilder(testUnit!);
if (injectNeedsIterableExtension) {
fixBuilder.needsIterableExtension = true;
expect(scopedChanges(fixBuilder, testUnit), changes);
expect(scopedProblems(fixBuilder, testUnit), problems);
void visitAssignmentTarget(
Expression node, String? expectedReadType, String expectedWriteType,
{Map<AstNode, Matcher> changes = const <Expression, Matcher>{},
Map<AstNode, Set<Problem>> problems = const <AstNode, Set<Problem>>{}}) {
var fixBuilder = _createFixBuilder(node);
var targetInfo = _computeAssignmentTargetInfo(node, fixBuilder);
if (expectedReadType == null) {
expect(targetInfo.readType, null);
} else {
expect(targetInfo.readType!.getDisplayString(withNullability: true),
expect(targetInfo.writeType!.getDisplayString(withNullability: true),
expect(scopedChanges(fixBuilder, node), changes);
expect(scopedProblems(fixBuilder, node), problems);
void visitStatement(Statement node,
{Map<AstNode, Matcher> changes = const <Expression, Matcher>{},
Map<AstNode, Set<Problem>> problems = const <AstNode, Set<Problem>>{}}) {
var fixBuilder = _createFixBuilder(node);
expect(scopedChanges(fixBuilder, node), changes);
expect(scopedProblems(fixBuilder, node), problems);
FixBuilder visitSubexpression(Expression node, String expectedType,
{Map<AstNode?, Matcher> changes = const <Expression, Matcher>{},
Map<AstNode, Set<Problem>> problems = const <AstNode, Set<Problem>>{},
bool warnOnWeakCode = false}) {
var fixBuilder = _createFixBuilder(node, warnOnWeakCode: warnOnWeakCode);
var type = node.staticType!;
expect(type.getDisplayString(withNullability: true), expectedType);
expect(scopedChanges(fixBuilder, node), changes);
expect(scopedProblems(fixBuilder, node), problems);
return fixBuilder;
void visitTypeAnnotation(TypeAnnotation node, String expectedType,
{Map<AstNode, Matcher> changes = const <AstNode, Matcher>{},
Map<AstNode, Set<Problem>> problems = const <AstNode, Set<Problem>>{},
dynamic informative = anything}) {
var fixBuilder = _createFixBuilder(node);
var type = node.type!;
expect(type.getDisplayString(withNullability: true), expectedType);
expect(scopedChanges(fixBuilder, node), changes);
expect(scopedProblems(fixBuilder, node), problems);
expect(scopedInformative(fixBuilder, node), informative);
AssignmentTargetInfo _computeAssignmentTargetInfo(
Expression node, FixBuilder fixBuilder) {
try {
identical(ElementTypeProvider.current, const ElementTypeProvider()));
ElementTypeProvider.current = fixBuilder.migrationResolutionHooks;
var assignment = node.thisOrAncestorOfType<AssignmentExpression>()!;
var readType = assignment.readType;
var writeType = assignment.writeType;
return AssignmentTargetInfo(readType, writeType);
} finally {
ElementTypeProvider.current = const ElementTypeProvider();
FixBuilder _createFixBuilder(AstNode scope, {bool warnOnWeakCode = false}) {
var unit = scope.thisOrAncestorOfType<CompilationUnit>()!;
var definingLibrary = unit.declaredElement!.library;
return FixBuilder(
definingLibrary as LibraryElementImpl,
graph, {});
bool _isInScope(AstNode node, AstNode? scope) {
return node
.thisOrAncestorMatching((ancestor) => identical(ancestor, scope)) !=
static Matcher isConditionalWithKnownValue(bool knownValue) =>
.having((c) => c.conditionValue, 'conditionValue', knownValue);
extension _NodeChangeForExpressionExtension<T extends NodeChangeForExpression>
on TypeMatcher<T> {
TypeMatcher<T> havingExpressionChange(
dynamic changeMatcher, dynamic infoMatcher) =>
having((c) => c.expressionChanges.single, 'expressionChanges.single',
.having((c) => c.expressionChangeInfos.single,
'expressionChangeInfos.single', infoMatcher);
TypeMatcher<T> havingNullCheckWithInfo(dynamic matcher) =>
havingExpressionChange(TypeMatcher<NullCheckChange>(), matcher);
TypeMatcher<T> havingNoValidMigrationWithInfo(dynamic matcher) =>
havingExpressionChange(TypeMatcher<NoValidMigrationChange>(), matcher);
TypeMatcher<T> havingIndroduceAsWithInfo(
dynamic typeStringMatcher, dynamic infoMatcher) =>
(c) => c.type.toString(), 'type (string)', typeStringMatcher),