dgrove@google.com 747b22d3bc Move fixnum to from lib/ to pkg/ . Once pub.dartlang.org
is available, this package will likely be moved there.
Review URL: https://chromiumcodereview.appspot.com//10854162

git-svn-id: https://dart.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge/dart@10769 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
2012-08-15 20:33:16 +00:00

1096 lines
27 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* An immutable 64-bit signed integer, in the range [-2^63, 2^63 - 1].
* Arithmetic operations may overflow in order to maintain this range.
class int64 implements intx {
// A 64-bit integer is represented internally as three non-negative
// integers, storing the 22 low, 22 middle, and 20 high bits of the
// 64-bit value. _l (low) and _m (middle) are in the range
// [0, 2^22 - 1] and _h (high) is in the range [0, 2^20 - 1].
int _l, _m, _h;
// Note: instances of int64 are immutable outside of this library,
// therefore we may return a reference to an existing instance.
// We take care to perform mutation only on internally-generated
// instances before they are exposed to external code.
// Note: several functions require _BITS == 22 -- do not change this value.
static final int _BITS = 22;
static final int _BITS01 = 44; // 2 * _BITS
static final int _BITS2 = 20; // 64 - _BITS01
static final int _MASK = 4194303; // (1 << _BITS) - 1
static final int _MASK_2 = 1048575; // (1 << _BITS2) - 1
static final int _SIGN_BIT = 19; // _BITS2 - 1
static final int _SIGN_BIT_VALUE = 524288; // 1 << _SIGN_BIT
// Cached constants
static int64 _MAX_VALUE;
static int64 _MIN_VALUE;
static int64 _ZERO;
static int64 _ONE;
static int64 _TWO;
// Precompute the radix strings for MIN_VALUE to avoid the problem
// of overflow of -MIN_VALUE.
static List<String> _minValues = const <String>[
null, null,
"-1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", // 2
"-2021110011022210012102010021220101220222", // base 3
"-20000000000000000000000000000000", // base 4
"-1104332401304422434310311213", // base 5
"-1540241003031030222122212", // base 6
"-22341010611245052052301", // base 7
"-1000000000000000000000", // base 8
"-67404283172107811828", // base 9
"-9223372036854775808", // base 10
"-1728002635214590698", // base 11
"-41A792678515120368", // base 12
"-10B269549075433C38", // base 13
"-4340724C6C71DC7A8", // base 14
"-160E2AD3246366808", // base 15
"-8000000000000000" // base 16
// The remainder of the last divide operation.
static int64 _remainder;
* The maximum positive value attainable by an [int64], namely
* 9,223,372,036,854,775,807.
static int64 get MAX_VALUE() {
if (_MAX_VALUE == null) {
_MAX_VALUE = new int64._bits(_MASK, _MASK, _MASK_2 >> 1);
return _MAX_VALUE;
* The minimum positive value attainable by an [int64], namely
* -9,223,372,036,854,775,808.
static int64 get MIN_VALUE() {
if (_MIN_VALUE == null) {
_MIN_VALUE = new int64._bits(0, 0, _SIGN_BIT_VALUE);
return _MIN_VALUE;
* An [int64] constant equal to 0.
static int64 get ZERO() {
if (_ZERO == null) {
_ZERO = new int64();
return _ZERO;
* An [int64] constant equal to 1.
static int64 get ONE() {
if (_ONE == null) {
_ONE = new int64._bits(1, 0, 0);
return _ONE;
* An [int64] constant equal to 2.
static int64 get TWO() {
if (_TWO == null) {
_TWO = new int64._bits(2, 0, 0);
return _TWO;
* Parses a [String] in a given [radix] between 2 and 16 and returns an
* [int64].
// TODO(rice) - make this faster by converting several digits at once.
static int64 parseRadix(String s, int radix) {
if ((radix <= 1) || (radix > 16)) {
throw "Bad radix: $radix";
int64 x = ZERO;
int i = 0;
bool negative = false;
if (s[0] == '-') {
negative = true;
for (; i < s.length; i++) {
int c = s.charCodeAt(i);
int digit = int32._decodeHex(c);
if (digit < 0 || digit >= radix) {
throw new Exception("Non-radix char code: $c");
x = (x * radix) + digit;
return negative ? -x : x;
* Parses a decimal [String] and returns an [int64].
static int64 parseInt(String s) => parseRadix(s, 10);
* Parses a hexadecimal [String] and returns an [int64].
static int64 parseHex(String s) => parseRadix(s, 16);
// Public constructors
* Constructs an [int64] equal to 0.
int64() : _l = 0, _m = 0, _h = 0;
* Constructs an [int64] with a given [int] value.
int64.fromInt(int value) {
bool negative = false;
if (value < 0) {
negative = true;
value = -value - 1;
if (_haveBigInts) {
_l = value & _MASK;
_m = (value >> _BITS) & _MASK;
_h = (value >> _BITS01) & _MASK_2;
} else {
// Avoid using bitwise operations that coerce their input to 32 bits.
_h = value ~/ 17592186044416; // 2^44
value -= _h * 17592186044416;
_m = value ~/ 4194304; // 2^22
value -= _m * 4194304;
_l = value;
if (negative) {
_l = ~_l & _MASK;
_m = ~_m & _MASK;
_h = ~_h & _MASK_2;
factory int64.fromBytes(List<int> bytes) {
int top = bytes[7] & 0xff;
top <<= 8;
top |= bytes[6] & 0xff;
top <<= 8;
top |= bytes[5] & 0xff;
top <<= 8;
top |= bytes[4] & 0xff;
int bottom = bytes[3] & 0xff;
bottom <<= 8;
bottom |= bytes[2] & 0xff;
bottom <<= 8;
bottom |= bytes[1] & 0xff;
bottom <<= 8;
bottom |= bytes[0] & 0xff;
return new int64.fromInts(top, bottom);
factory int64.fromBytesBigEndian(List<int> bytes) {
int top = bytes[0] & 0xff;
top <<= 8;
top |= bytes[1] & 0xff;
top <<= 8;
top |= bytes[2] & 0xff;
top <<= 8;
top |= bytes[3] & 0xff;
int bottom = bytes[4] & 0xff;
bottom <<= 8;
bottom |= bytes[5] & 0xff;
bottom <<= 8;
bottom |= bytes[6] & 0xff;
bottom <<= 8;
bottom |= bytes[7] & 0xff;
return new int64.fromInts(top, bottom);
* Constructs an [int64] from a pair of 32-bit integers having the value
* [:((top & 0xffffffff) << 32) | (bottom & 0xffffffff):].
int64.fromInts(int top, int bottom) {
top &= 0xffffffff;
bottom &= 0xffffffff;
_l = bottom & _MASK;
_m = ((top & 0xfff) << 10) | ((bottom >> _BITS) & 0x3ff);
_h = (top >> 12) & _MASK_2;
int64 _promote(other) {
if (other == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
} else if (other is intx) {
other = other.toInt64();
} else if (other is int) {
other = new int64.fromInt(other);
if (other is !int64) {
throw new Exception("Can't promote $other to int64");
return other;
int64 operator +(other) {
int64 o = _promote(other);
int sum0 = _l + o._l;
int sum1 = _m + o._m + _shiftRight(sum0, _BITS);
int sum2 = _h + o._h + _shiftRight(sum1, _BITS);
int64 result = new int64._bits(sum0 & _MASK, sum1 & _MASK, sum2 & _MASK_2);
return result;
int64 operator -(other) {
int64 o = _promote(other);
int sum0 = _l - o._l;
int sum1 = _m - o._m + _shiftRight(sum0, _BITS);
int sum2 = _h - o._h + _shiftRight(sum1, _BITS);
int64 result = new int64._bits(sum0 & _MASK, sum1 & _MASK, sum2 & _MASK_2);
return result;
int64 operator negate() {
// Like 0 - this.
int sum0 = -_l;
int sum1 = -_m + _shiftRight(sum0, _BITS);
int sum2 = -_h + _shiftRight(sum1, _BITS);
return new int64._bits(sum0 & _MASK, sum1 & _MASK, sum2 & _MASK_2);
int64 operator *(other) {
int64 o = _promote(other);
// Grab 13-bit chunks.
int a0 = _l & 0x1fff;
int a1 = (_l >> 13) | ((_m & 0xf) << 9);
int a2 = (_m >> 4) & 0x1fff;
int a3 = (_m >> 17) | ((_h & 0xff) << 5);
int a4 = (_h & 0xfff00) >> 8;
int b0 = o._l & 0x1fff;
int b1 = (o._l >> 13) | ((o._m & 0xf) << 9);
int b2 = (o._m >> 4) & 0x1fff;
int b3 = (o._m >> 17) | ((o._h & 0xff) << 5);
int b4 = (o._h & 0xfff00) >> 8;
// Compute partial products.
// Optimization: if b is small, avoid multiplying by parts that are 0.
int p0 = a0 * b0; // << 0
int p1 = a1 * b0; // << 13
int p2 = a2 * b0; // << 26
int p3 = a3 * b0; // << 39
int p4 = a4 * b0; // << 52
if (b1 != 0) {
p1 += a0 * b1;
p2 += a1 * b1;
p3 += a2 * b1;
p4 += a3 * b1;
if (b2 != 0) {
p2 += a0 * b2;
p3 += a1 * b2;
p4 += a2 * b2;
if (b3 != 0) {
p3 += a0 * b3;
p4 += a1 * b3;
if (b4 != 0) {
p4 += a0 * b4;
// Accumulate into 22-bit chunks:
// .........................................c10|...................c00|
// |....................|..................xxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| p0
// |....................|......................|......................|
// |....................|...................c11|......c01.............|
// |....................|....xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxx.............| p1
// |....................|......................|......................|
// |.................c22|...............c12....|......................|
// |..........xxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx....|......................| p2
// |....................|......................|......................|
// |.................c23|..c13.................|......................|
// |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxx.................|......................| p3
// |....................|......................|......................|
// |.........c24........|......................|......................|
// |xxxxxxxxxxxx........|......................|......................| p4
int c00 = p0 & 0x3fffff;
int c01 = (p1 & 0x1ff) << 13;
int c0 = c00 + c01;
int c10 = p0 >> 22;
int c11 = p1 >> 9;
int c12 = (p2 & 0x3ffff) << 4;
int c13 = (p3 & 0x1f) << 17;
int c1 = c10 + c11 + c12 + c13;
int c22 = p2 >> 18;
int c23 = p3 >> 5;
int c24 = (p4 & 0xfff) << 8;
int c2 = c22 + c23 + c24;
// Propagate high bits from c0 -> c1, c1 -> c2.
c1 += c0 >> _BITS;
c0 &= _MASK;
c2 += c1 >> _BITS;
c1 &= _MASK;
c2 &= _MASK_2;
return new int64._bits(c0, c1, c2);
int64 operator %(other) {
if (other.isZero()) {
throw new IntegerDivisionByZeroException();
if (this.isZero()) {
return ZERO;
int64 o = _promote(other).abs();
_divMod(this, o, true);
return _remainder < 0 ? (_remainder + o) : _remainder;
int64 operator ~/(other) => _divMod(this, _promote(other), false);
// int64 remainder(other) => this - (this ~/ other) * other;
int64 remainder(other) {
if (other.isZero()) {
throw new IntegerDivisionByZeroException();
int64 o = _promote(other).abs();
_divMod(this, o, true);
return _remainder;
int64 operator &(other) {
int64 o = _promote(other);
int a0 = _l & o._l;
int a1 = _m & o._m;
int a2 = _h & o._h;
return new int64._bits(a0, a1, a2);
int64 operator |(other) {
int64 o = _promote(other);
int a0 = _l | o._l;
int a1 = _m | o._m;
int a2 = _h | o._h;
return new int64._bits(a0, a1, a2);
int64 operator ^(other) {
int64 o = _promote(other);
int a0 = _l ^ o._l;
int a1 = _m ^ o._m;
int a2 = _h ^ o._h;
return new int64._bits(a0, a1, a2);
int64 operator ~() {
var result = new int64._bits((~_l) & _MASK, (~_m) & _MASK, (~_h) & _MASK_2);
return result;
int64 operator <<(int n) {
if (n < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("$n");
n &= 63;
int res0, res1, res2;
if (n < _BITS) {
res0 = _l << n;
res1 = (_m << n) | (_l >> (_BITS - n));
res2 = (_h << n) | (_m >> (_BITS - n));
} else if (n < _BITS01) {
res0 = 0;
res1 = _l << (n - _BITS);
res2 = (_m << (n - _BITS)) | (_l >> (_BITS01 - n));
} else {
res0 = 0;
res1 = 0;
res2 = _l << (n - _BITS01);
return new int64._bits(res0 & _MASK, res1 & _MASK, res2 & _MASK_2);
int64 operator >>(int n) {
if (n < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("$n");
n &= 63;
int res0, res1, res2;
// Sign extend h(a).
int a2 = _h;
bool negative = (a2 & _SIGN_BIT_VALUE) != 0;
if (negative) {
a2 += 0x3 << _BITS2; // add extra one bits on the left
if (n < _BITS) {
res2 = _shiftRight(a2, n);
if (negative) {
res2 |= _MASK_2 & ~(_MASK_2 >> n);
res1 = _shiftRight(_m, n) | (a2 << (_BITS - n));
res0 = _shiftRight(_l, n) | (_m << (_BITS - n));
} else if (n < _BITS01) {
res2 = negative ? _MASK_2 : 0;
res1 = _shiftRight(a2, n - _BITS);
if (negative) {
res1 |= _MASK & ~(_MASK >> (n - _BITS));
res0 = _shiftRight(_m, n - _BITS) | (a2 << (_BITS01 - n));
} else {
res2 = negative ? _MASK_2 : 0;
res1 = negative ? _MASK : 0;
res0 = _shiftRight(a2, n - _BITS01);
if (negative) {
res0 |= _MASK & ~(_MASK >> (n - _BITS01));
return new int64._bits(res0 & _MASK, res1 & _MASK, res2 & _MASK_2);
int64 shiftRightUnsigned(int n) {
if (n < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("$n");
n &= 63;
int res0, res1, res2;
int a2 = _h & _MASK_2; // Ensure a2 is positive.
if (n < _BITS) {
res2 = a2 >> n;
res1 = (_m >> n) | (a2 << (_BITS - n));
res0 = (_l >> n) | (_m << (_BITS - n));
} else if (n < _BITS01) {
res2 = 0;
res1 = a2 >> (n - _BITS);
res0 = (_m >> (n - _BITS)) | (_h << (_BITS01 - n));
} else {
res2 = 0;
res1 = 0;
res0 = a2 >> (n - _BITS01);
return new int64._bits(res0 & _MASK, res1 & _MASK, res2 & _MASK_2);
* Returns [true] if this [int64] has the same numeric value as the
* given object. The argument may be an [int] or an [intx].
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other == null) {
return false;
int64 o = _promote(other);
return _l == o._l && _m == o._m && _h == o._h;
int compareTo(Comparable other) {
int64 o = _promote(other);
int signa = _h >> (_BITS2 - 1);
int signb = o._h >> (_BITS2 - 1);
if (signa != signb) {
return signa == 0 ? 1 : -1;
if (_h > o._h) {
return 1;
} else if (_h < o._h) {
return -1;
if (_m > o._m) {
return 1;
} else if (_m < o._m) {
return -1;
if (_l > o._l) {
return 1;
} else if (_l < o._l) {
return -1;
return 0;
bool operator <(other) {
return this.compareTo(other) < 0;
bool operator <=(other) {
return this.compareTo(other) <= 0;
bool operator >(other) {
return this.compareTo(other) > 0;
bool operator >=(other) {
return this.compareTo(other) >= 0;
bool isEven() => (_l & 0x1) == 0;
bool isMaxValue() => (_h == _MASK_2 >> 1) && _m == _MASK && _l == _MASK;
bool isMinValue() => _h == _SIGN_BIT_VALUE && _m == 0 && _l == 0;
bool isNegative() => (_h >> (_BITS2 - 1)) != 0;
bool isOdd() => (_l & 0x1) == 1;
bool isZero() => _h == 0 && _m == 0 && _l == 0;
* Returns a hash code based on all the bits of this [int64].
int hashCode() {
int bottom = ((_m & 0x3ff) << _BITS) | _l;
int top = (_h << 12) | ((_m >> 10) & 0xfff);
return bottom ^ top;
int64 abs() {
return this < 0 ? -this : this;
* Returns the number of leading zeros in this [int64] as an [int]
* between 0 and 64.
int numberOfLeadingZeros() {
int b2 = int32._numberOfLeadingZeros(_h);
if (b2 == 32) {
int b1 = int32._numberOfLeadingZeros(_m);
if (b1 == 32) {
return int32._numberOfLeadingZeros(_l) + 32;
} else {
return b1 + _BITS2 - (32 - _BITS);
} else {
return b2 - (32 - _BITS2);
* Returns the number of trailing zeros in this [int64] as an [int]
* between 0 and 64.
int numberOfTrailingZeros() {
int zeros = int32._numberOfTrailingZeros(_l);
if (zeros < 32) {
return zeros;
zeros = int32._numberOfTrailingZeros(_m);
if (zeros < 32) {
return _BITS + zeros;
zeros = int32._numberOfTrailingZeros(_h);
if (zeros < 32) {
return _BITS01 + zeros;
// All zeros
return 64;
List<int> toBytes() {
List<int> result = new List<int>(8);
result[0] = _l & 0xff;
result[1] = (_l >> 8) & 0xff;
result[2] = ((_m << 6) & 0xfc) | ((_l >> 16) & 0x3f);
result[3] = (_m >> 2) & 0xff;
result[4] = (_m >> 10) & 0xff;
result[5] = ((_h << 4) & 0xf0) | ((_m >> 18) & 0xf);
result[6] = (_h >> 4) & 0xff;
result[7] = (_h >> 12) & 0xff;
return result;
int toInt() {
int l = _l;
int m = _m;
int h = _h;
bool negative = false;
if ((_h & _SIGN_BIT_VALUE) != 0) {
l = ~_l & _MASK;
m = ~_m & _MASK;
h = ~_h & _MASK_2;
negative = true;
int result;
if (_haveBigInts) {
result = (h << _BITS01) | (m << _BITS) | l;
} else {
result = (h * 17592186044416) + (m * 4194304) + l;
return negative ? -result - 1 : result;
* Returns an [int32] containing the low 32 bits of this [int64].
int32 toInt32() {
return new int32.fromInt(((_m & 0x3ff) << _BITS) | _l);
* Returns [this].
int64 toInt64() => this;
* Returns the value of this [int64] as a decimal [String].
// TODO(rice) - Make this faster by converting several digits at once.
String toString() {
int64 a = this;
if (a.isZero()) {
return "0";
if (a.isMinValue()) {
return "-9223372036854775808";
String result = "";
bool negative = false;
if (a.isNegative()) {
negative = true;
a = -a;
int64 ten = new int64._bits(10, 0, 0);
while (!a.isZero()) {
a = _divMod(a, ten, true);
result = "${_remainder._l}$result";
if (negative) {
result = "-$result";
return result;
// TODO(rice) - Make this faster by avoiding arithmetic.
String toHexString() {
int64 x = new int64._copy(this);
if (isZero()) {
return "0";
String hexStr = "";
int64 digit_f = new int64.fromInt(0xf);
while (!x.isZero()) {
int digit = x._l & 0xf;
hexStr = "${_hexDigit(digit)}$hexStr";
x = x.shiftRightUnsigned(4);
return hexStr;
String toRadixString(int radix) {
if ((radix <= 1) || (radix > 16)) {
throw "Bad radix: $radix";
int64 a = this;
if (a.isZero()) {
return "0";
if (a.isMinValue()) {
return _minValues[radix];
String result = "";
bool negative = false;
if (a.isNegative()) {
negative = true;
a = -a;
int64 r = new int64._bits(radix, 0, 0);
while (!a.isZero()) {
a = _divMod(a, r, true);
result = "${_hexDigit(_remainder._l)}$result";
return negative ? "-$result" : result;
String toDebugString() {
return "int64[_l=$_l, _m=$_m, _h=$_h]";
* Constructs an [int64] with a given bitwise representation. No validation
* is performed.
int64._bits(int this._l, int this._m, int this._h);
* Constructs an [int64] with the same value as an existing [int64].
int64._copy(int64 other) {
_l = other._l;
_m = other._m;
_h = other._h;
// Determine whether the platform supports ints greater than 2^53
// without loss of precision.
static bool _haveBigIntsCached = null;
static bool get _haveBigInts() {
if (_haveBigIntsCached == null) {
var x = 9007199254740992;
// Defeat compile-time constant folding.
if (2 + 2 != 4) {
x = 0;
var y = x + 1;
var same = y == x;
_haveBigIntsCached = !same;
return _haveBigIntsCached;
String _hexDigit(int digit) => "0123456789ABCDEF"[digit];
// Implementation of '~/' and '%'.
// Note: mutates [this].
void _negate() {
int neg0 = (~_l + 1) & _MASK;
int neg1 = (~_m + (neg0 == 0 ? 1 : 0)) & _MASK;
int neg2 = (~_h + ((neg0 == 0 && neg1 == 0) ? 1 : 0)) & _MASK_2;
_l = neg0;
_m = neg1;
_h = neg2;
// Note: mutates [this].
void _setBit(int bit) {
if (bit < _BITS) {
_l |= 0x1 << bit;
} else if (bit < _BITS01) {
_m |= 0x1 << (bit - _BITS);
} else {
_h |= 0x1 << (bit - _BITS01);
// Note: mutates [this].
void _toShru1() {
int a2 = _h;
int a1 = _m;
int a0 = _l;
_h = a2 >> 1;
_m = (a1 >> 1) | ((a2 & 0x1) << (_BITS - 1));
_l = (a0 >> 1) | ((a1 & 0x1) << (_BITS - 1));
// Work around dart2js bugs with negative arguments to '>>' operator.
static int _shiftRight(int x, int n) {
if (x >= 0) {
return x >> n;
} else {
int shifted = x >> n;
if (shifted >= 0x80000000) {
shifted -= 4294967296;
return shifted;
* Attempt to subtract b from a if a >= b:
* if (a >= b) {
* a -= b;
* return true;
* } else {
* return false;
* }
// Note: mutates [a].
static bool _trialSubtract(int64 a, int64 b) {
// Early exit.
int sum2 = a._h - b._h;
if (sum2 < 0) {
return false;
int sum0 = a._l - b._l;
int sum1 = a._m - b._m + _shiftRight(sum0, _BITS);
sum2 += _shiftRight(sum1, _BITS);
if (sum2 < 0) {
return false;
a._l = sum0 & _MASK;
a._m = sum1 & _MASK;
a._h = sum2 & _MASK_2;
return true;
// Note: mutates [a] via _trialSubtract.
static int64 _divModHelper(int64 a, int64 b,
bool negative, bool aIsNegative, bool aIsMinValue,
bool computeRemainder) {
// Align the leading one bits of a and b by shifting b left.
int shift = b.numberOfLeadingZeros() - a.numberOfLeadingZeros();
int64 bshift = b << shift;
// Quotient must be a new instance since we mutate it.
int64 quotient = new int64();
while (shift >= 0) {
bool gte = _trialSubtract(a, bshift);
if (gte) {
if (a.isZero()) {
if (negative) {
if (computeRemainder) {
if (aIsNegative) {
_remainder = -a;
if (aIsMinValue) {
_remainder = _remainder - ONE;
} else {
_remainder = a;
return quotient;
int64 _divModByMinValue(bool computeRemainder) {
// MIN_VALUE / MIN_VALUE == 1, remainder = 0
// (x != MIN_VALUE) / MIN_VALUE == 0, remainder == x
if (isMinValue()) {
if (computeRemainder) {
_remainder = ZERO;
return ONE;
if (computeRemainder) {
_remainder = this;
return ZERO;
* this &= ((1L << bits) - 1)
// Note: mutates [this].
int64 _maskRight(int bits) {
int b0, b1, b2;
if (bits <= _BITS) {
b0 = _l & ((1 << bits) - 1);
b1 = b2 = 0;
} else if (bits <= _BITS01) {
b0 = _l;
b1 = _m & ((1 << (bits - _BITS)) - 1);
b2 = 0;
} else {
b0 = _l;
b1 = _m;
b2 = _h & ((1 << (bits - _BITS01)) - 1);
_l = b0;
_m = b1;
_h = b2;
int64 _divModByShift(int64 a, int bpower, bool negative, bool aIsCopy,
bool aIsNegative, bool computeRemainder) {
int64 c = a >> bpower;
if (negative) {
if (computeRemainder) {
if (!aIsCopy) {
a = new int64._copy(a);
if (aIsNegative) {
_remainder = a;
return c;
* Return the exact log base 2 of this, or -1 if this is not a power of two.
int _powerOfTwo() {
// Power of two or 0.
int l = _l;
if ((l & (l - 1)) != 0) {
return -1;
int m = _m;
if ((m & (m - 1)) != 0) {
return -1;
int h = _h;
if ((h & (h - 1)) != 0) {
return -1;
if (h == 0 && m == 0 && l == 0) {
return -1;
if (h == 0 && m == 0 && l != 0) {
return int32._numberOfTrailingZeros(l);
if (h == 0 && m != 0 && l == 0) {
return int32._numberOfTrailingZeros(m) + _BITS;
if (h != 0 && m == 0 && l == 0) {
return int32._numberOfTrailingZeros(h) + _BITS01;
return -1;
int64 _divMod(int64 a, int64 b, bool computeRemainder) {
if (b.isZero()) {
throw new IntegerDivisionByZeroException();
if (a.isZero()) {
if (computeRemainder) {
_remainder = ZERO;
return ZERO;
// MIN_VALUE / MIN_VALUE = 1, anything other a / MIN_VALUE is 0.
if (b.isMinValue()) {
return a._divModByMinValue(computeRemainder);
// Normalize b to abs(b), keeping track of the parity in 'negative'.
// We can do this because we have already ensured that b != MIN_VALUE.
bool negative = false;
if (b.isNegative()) {
b = -b;
negative = !negative;
// If b == 2^n, bpower will be n, otherwise it will be -1.
int bpower = b._powerOfTwo();
// True if the original value of a is negative.
bool aIsNegative = false;
// True if the original value of a is int64.MIN_VALUE.
bool aIsMinValue = false;
* Normalize a to a positive value, keeping track of the sign change in
* 'negative' (which tracks the sign of both a and b and is used to
* determine the sign of the quotient) and 'aIsNegative' (which is used to
* determine the sign of the remainder).
* For all values of a except MIN_VALUE, we can just negate a and modify
* negative and aIsNegative appropriately. When a == MIN_VALUE, negation is
* not possible without overflowing 64 bits, so instead of computing
* abs(MIN_VALUE) / abs(b) we compute (abs(MIN_VALUE) - 1) / abs(b). The
* only circumstance under which these quotients differ is when b is a power
* of two, which will divide abs(MIN_VALUE) == 2^64 exactly. In this case,
* we can get the proper result by shifting MIN_VALUE in unsigned fashion.
* We make a single copy of a before the first operation that needs to
* modify its value.
bool aIsCopy = false;
if (a.isMinValue()) {
aIsMinValue = true;
aIsNegative = true;
// If b is not a power of two, treat -a as MAX_VALUE (instead of the
// actual value (MAX_VALUE + 1)).
if (bpower == -1) {
a = new int64._copy(MAX_VALUE);
aIsCopy = true;
negative = !negative;
} else {
// Signed shift of MIN_VALUE produces the right answer.
int64 c = a >> bpower;
if (negative) {
if (computeRemainder) {
_remainder = ZERO;
return c;
} else if (a.isNegative()) {
aIsNegative = true;
a = -a;
aIsCopy = true;
negative = !negative;
// Now both a and b are non-negative.
// If b is a power of two, just shift.
if (bpower != -1) {
return _divModByShift(a, bpower, negative, aIsCopy, aIsNegative,
// If a < b, the quotient is 0 and the remainder is a.
if (a < b) {
if (computeRemainder) {
if (aIsNegative) {
_remainder = -a;
} else {
_remainder = aIsCopy ? a : new int64._copy(a);
return ZERO;
// Generate the quotient using bit-at-a-time long division.
return _divModHelper(aIsCopy ? a : new int64._copy(a), b, negative,
aIsNegative, aIsMinValue, computeRemainder);