Jacob Richman 2dcd56ef43 Format all tests.
There are far too many files here to review everyone carefully.
Spot checking most of the diffs look good as test code is generally written
with less care than application code so lots of ugly formatting get through.
If people notice files where the automated formatting bothers them feel free
to comment indicating file names and I'll move spaces within comments to make
the formatting cleaner and use comments to force block formatting as I have
done for other case where formatting looked bad.


Review-Url: https://codereview.chromium.org/2771453003 .
2017-04-17 14:53:02 -07:00

348 lines
9.9 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library js_native_test;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:typed_data' show ByteBuffer, Int32List;
import 'dart:indexed_db' show IdbFactory, KeyRange;
import 'package:js/js.dart';
import 'package:js/js_util.dart' as js_util;
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'package:unittest/html_individual_config.dart';
_injectJs() {
final script = new ScriptElement();
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.innerHtml = r"""
var x = 42;
var _x = 123;
var myArray = ["value1"];
function returnThis() {
return this;
function getTypeOf(o) {
return typeof(o);
function Foo(a) {
this.a = a;
Foo.b = 38;
Foo.prototype.bar = function() {
return this.a;
Foo.prototype.toString = function() {
return "I'm a Foo a=" + this.a;
var container = new Object();
container.Foo = Foo;
function checkMap(m, key, value) {
if (m.hasOwnProperty(key))
return m[key] == value;
return false;
external bool checkMap(m, String, value);
external String stringify(o);
external get JSNodeType;
external get JSElementType;
external get JSTextType;
external get JSHtmlCanvasElementType;
class Foo {
external Foo(num a);
external num get a;
external num bar();
external get JSFooType;
class ExampleTypedLiteral {
external factory ExampleTypedLiteral({a, b, JS$_c, JS$class});
external get a;
external get b;
external get JS$_c;
external set JS$_c(v);
// Identical to JS$_c but only accessible within the library.
external get _c;
external get JS$class;
external set JS$class(v);
external get _hasOwnProperty;
bool hasOwnProperty(o, String name) {
return js_util.callMethod(_hasOwnProperty, 'call', [o, name]);
main() {
group('js_util.jsify()', () {
test('convert a List', () {
final list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8];
var array = js_util.jsify(list);
expect(array is List, isTrue);
expect(identical(array, list), isFalse);
expect(array.length, equals(list.length));
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
expect(array[i], equals(list[i]));
test('convert an Iterable', () {
final set = new Set.from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]);
var array = js_util.jsify(set);
expect(array is List, isTrue);
expect(array.length, equals(set.length));
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
expect(set.contains(array[i]), isTrue);
test('convert a Map', () {
var map = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3};
var jsMap = js_util.jsify(map);
expect(jsMap is! List, isTrue);
for (var key in map.keys) {
expect(checkMap(jsMap, key, map[key]), isTrue);
test('deep convert a complex object', () {
final object = {
'a': [
[2, 3]
'b': {'c': 3, 'd': new Foo(42)},
'e': null
var jsObject = js_util.jsify(object);
expect(js_util.getProperty(jsObject, 'a')[0], equals(object['a'][0]));
js_util.getProperty(jsObject, 'a')[1][0], equals(object['a'][1][0]));
js_util.getProperty(jsObject, 'a')[1][1], equals(object['a'][1][1]));
expect(js_util.getProperty(js_util.getProperty(jsObject, 'b'), 'c'),
expect(js_util.getProperty(js_util.getProperty(jsObject, 'b'), 'd'),
js_util.getProperty(js_util.getProperty(jsObject, 'b'), 'd'),
'bar', []),
expect(js_util.getProperty(jsObject, 'e'), isNull);
test('throws if object is not a Map or Iterable', () {
() => js_util.jsify('a'), throwsA(new isInstanceOf<ArgumentError>()));
group('js_util.newObject', () {
test('create', () {
expect(identical(js_util.newObject(), js_util.newObject()), isFalse);
test('callMethod', () {
var o = js_util.newObject();
expect(js_util.callMethod(o, 'toString', []), equals('[object Object]'));
expect(stringify(o), equals('{}'));
test('properties', () {
var o = js_util.newObject();
expect(js_util.hasProperty(o, 'foo bar'), isFalse);
expect(js_util.hasProperty(o, 'toString'), isTrue);
expect(hasOwnProperty(o, 'toString'), isFalse);
expect(hasOwnProperty(o, 'foo bar'), isFalse);
js_util.setProperty(o, 'foo bar', 42);
expect(hasOwnProperty(o, 'foo bar'), isTrue);
expect(js_util.getProperty(o, 'foo bar'), equals(42));
expect(js_util.hasProperty(o, 'foo bar'), isTrue);
expect(stringify(o), equals('{"foo bar":42}'));
group('hasProperty', () {
test('typed object', () {
var f = new Foo(42);
expect(js_util.hasProperty(f, 'a'), isTrue);
expect(js_util.hasProperty(f, 'toString'), isTrue);
js_util.setProperty(f, '__proto__', null);
expect(js_util.hasProperty(f, 'toString'), isFalse);
test('typed literal', () {
var l =
new ExampleTypedLiteral(a: 'x', b: 42, JS$_c: null, JS$class: true);
expect(js_util.hasProperty(l, 'a'), isTrue);
expect(js_util.hasProperty(l, 'b'), isTrue);
expect(js_util.hasProperty(l, '_c'), isTrue);
expect(l.JS$_c, isNull);
expect(js_util.hasProperty(l, 'class'), isTrue);
// JS$_c escapes to _c so the property JS$_c will not exist on the object.
expect(js_util.hasProperty(l, r'JS$_c'), isFalse);
expect(js_util.hasProperty(l, r'JS$class'), isFalse);
expect(l.JS$class, isTrue);
l = new ExampleTypedLiteral(a: null);
expect(js_util.hasProperty(l, 'a'), isTrue);
expect(js_util.hasProperty(l, 'b'), isFalse);
expect(js_util.hasProperty(l, '_c'), isFalse);
expect(js_util.hasProperty(l, 'class'), isFalse);
l = new ExampleTypedLiteral(JS$_c: 74);
expect(js_util.hasProperty(l, '_c'), isTrue);
expect(l.JS$_c, equals(74));
group('getProperty', () {
test('typed object', () {
var f = new Foo(42);
expect(js_util.getProperty(f, 'a'), equals(42));
expect(js_util.getProperty(f, 'toString') is Function, isTrue);
js_util.setProperty(f, '__proto__', null);
expect(js_util.getProperty(f, 'toString'), isNull);
test('typed literal', () {
var l = new ExampleTypedLiteral(a: 'x', b: 42, JS$_c: 7, JS$class: true);
expect(js_util.getProperty(l, 'a'), equals('x'));
expect(js_util.getProperty(l, 'b'), equals(42));
expect(js_util.getProperty(l, '_c'), equals(7));
expect(l.JS$_c, equals(7));
expect(js_util.getProperty(l, 'class'), isTrue);
expect(js_util.getProperty(l, r'JS$_c'), isNull);
expect(js_util.getProperty(l, r'JS$class'), isNull);
group('setProperty', () {
test('typed object', () {
var f = new Foo(42);
expect(js_util.getProperty(f, 'a'), equals(42));
js_util.setProperty(f, 'a', 100);
expect(f.a, equals(100));
expect(js_util.getProperty(f, 'a'), equals(100));
test('typed literal', () {
var l = new ExampleTypedLiteral();
js_util.setProperty(l, 'a', 'foo');
expect(js_util.getProperty(l, 'a'), equals('foo'));
expect(l.a, equals('foo'));
js_util.setProperty(l, 'a', l);
expect(identical(l.a, l), isTrue);
var list = ['arr'];
js_util.setProperty(l, 'a', list);
expect(identical(l.a, list), isTrue);
l.JS$class = 42;
expect(l.JS$class, equals(42));
js_util.setProperty(l, 'class', 100);
expect(l.JS$class, equals(100));
group('callMethod', () {
test('html object', () {
var canvas = new Element.tag('canvas');
js_util.callMethod(canvas, 'getContext', ['2d'])),
test('typed object', () {
var f = new Foo(42);
expect(js_util.callMethod(f, 'bar', []), equals(42));
group('instanceof', () {
test('html object', () {
var canvas = new Element.tag('canvas');
expect(js_util.instanceof(canvas, JSNodeType), isTrue);
expect(js_util.instanceof(canvas, JSTextType), isFalse);
expect(js_util.instanceof(canvas, JSElementType), isTrue);
expect(js_util.instanceof(canvas, JSHtmlCanvasElementType), isTrue);
var div = new Element.tag('div');
expect(js_util.instanceof(div, JSNodeType), isTrue);
expect(js_util.instanceof(div, JSTextType), isFalse);
expect(js_util.instanceof(div, JSElementType), isTrue);
expect(js_util.instanceof(div, JSHtmlCanvasElementType), isFalse);
var text = new Text('foo');
expect(js_util.instanceof(text, JSNodeType), isTrue);
expect(js_util.instanceof(text, JSTextType), isTrue);
expect(js_util.instanceof(text, JSElementType), isFalse);
test('typed object', () {
var f = new Foo(42);
expect(js_util.instanceof(f, JSFooType), isTrue);
expect(js_util.instanceof(f, JSNodeType), isFalse);
test('typed literal', () {
var l = new ExampleTypedLiteral();
expect(js_util.instanceof(l, JSFooType), isFalse);
group('callConstructor', () {
test('html object', () {
var textNode = js_util.callConstructor(JSTextType, ['foo']);
expect(js_util.instanceof(textNode, JSTextType), isTrue);
expect(textNode is Text, isTrue);
expect(textNode.text, equals('foo'));
test('typed object', () {
Foo f = js_util.callConstructor(JSFooType, [42]);
expect(f.a, equals(42));