Eric Seidel 4c20cedd30 Fix analysis issues in benchmarks/ directory
Now that I'm able to open the entire SDK in VSC, I'm fixing some
of the analysis issues in various files (carefully) without changing
their meaning.

In this case, I removed unnecessary imports from benchmarks.
In regexp_benchmark I ignored one warning which likely would
have changed the behavior of the code.


Change-Id: I9a195a4e45121313bd9f065f2579a165c3fec05b
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/303901
Auto-Submit: Eric Seidel <eric@shorebird.dev>
Reviewed-by: William Hesse <whesse@google.com>
Commit-Queue: William Hesse <whesse@google.com>
2023-05-17 09:14:50 +00:00

951 lines
30 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'iterable.dart';
typedef _Predicate<T> = bool Function(T value);
/// A node in a splay tree. It holds the sorting key and the left
/// and right children in the tree.
class _SoundSplayTreeNode<inout K> {
final K key;
_SoundSplayTreeNode<K>? left;
_SoundSplayTreeNode<K>? right;
class _DummySoundSplayTreeNode<inout K> implements _SoundSplayTreeNode<K> {
_SoundSplayTreeNode<K>? left;
_SoundSplayTreeNode<K>? right;
// TODO: implement key
K get key => throw UnimplementedError();
/// A node in a splay tree based map.
/// A [_SoundSplayTreeNode] that also contains a value
class _SoundSplayTreeMapNode<inout K, inout V> extends _SoundSplayTreeNode<K> {
V? value;
_SoundSplayTreeMapNode(K key, this.value) : super(key);
class _DummySoundSplayTreeMapNode<inout K, inout V> implements _SoundSplayTreeMapNode<K, V> {
_SoundSplayTreeNode<K>? left;
_SoundSplayTreeNode<K>? right;
V? value;
// TODO: implement key
K get key => throw UnimplementedError();
/// A splay tree is a self-balancing binary search tree.
/// It has the additional property that recently accessed elements
/// are quick to access again.
/// It performs basic operations such as insertion, look-up and
/// removal, in O(log(n)) amortized time.
/// TODO(kallentu): Add a variance modifier to the Node type parameter.
abstract class _SoundSplayTree<inout K> {
// The root node of the splay tree. It will contain either the last
// element inserted or the last element looked up.
_SoundSplayTreeNode<K>? get _root;
set _root(_SoundSplayTreeNode<K>? newValue);
// The dummy node used when performing a splay on the tree. Reusing it
// avoids allocating a node each time a splay is performed.
_SoundSplayTreeNode<K> get _dummy;
// Number of elements in the splay tree.
int _count = 0;
/// Counter incremented whenever the keys in the map changes.
/// Used to detect concurrent modifications.
int _modificationCount = 0;
/// Counter incremented whenever the tree structure changes.
/// Used to detect that an in-place traversal cannot use
/// cached information that relies on the tree structure.
int _splayCount = 0;
/// The comparator that is used for this splay tree.
Comparator<K> get _comparator;
/// The predicate to determine that a given object is a valid key.
_Predicate get _validKey;
/// Comparison used to compare keys.
int _compare(K key1, K key2);
/// Perform the splay operation for the given key. Moves the node with
/// the given key to the top of the tree. If no node has the given
/// key, the last node on the search path is moved to the top of the
/// tree. This is the simplified top-down splaying algorithm from:
/// "Self-adjusting Binary Search Trees" by Sleator and Tarjan.
/// Returns the result of comparing the new root of the tree to [key].
/// Returns -1 if the table is empty.
int _splay(K key) {
if (_root == null) return -1;
// The right child of the dummy node will hold
// the L tree of the algorithm. The left child of the dummy node
// will hold the R tree of the algorithm. Using a dummy node, left
// and right will always be nodes and we avoid special cases.
_SoundSplayTreeNode<K> left = _dummy;
_SoundSplayTreeNode<K> right = _dummy;
_SoundSplayTreeNode<K> current = _root!;
int comp;
while (true) {
comp = _compare(current.key, key);
if (comp > 0) {
if (current.left == null) break;
comp = _compare(current.left!.key, key);
if (comp > 0) {
// Rotate right.
final _SoundSplayTreeNode<K> tmp = current.left!;
current.left = tmp.right;
tmp.right = current;
current = tmp;
if (current.left == null) break;
// Link right.
right.left = current;
right = current;
current = current.left!;
} else if (comp < 0) {
if (current.right == null) break;
comp = _compare(current.right!.key, key);
if (comp < 0) {
// Rotate left.
final _SoundSplayTreeNode<K> tmp = current.right!;
current.right = tmp.left;
tmp.left = current;
current = tmp;
if (current.right == null) break;
// Link left.
left.right = current;
left = current;
current = current.right!;
} else {
// Assemble.
left.right = current.left;
right.left = current.right;
current.left = _dummy.right;
current.right = _dummy.left;
_root = current;
_dummy.right = null;
_dummy.left = null;
return comp;
// Emulates splaying with a key that is smaller than any in the subtree
// anchored at [node].
// and that node is returned. It should replace the reference to [node]
// in any parent tree or root pointer.
_SoundSplayTreeNode<K> _splayMin(_SoundSplayTreeNode<K> node) {
_SoundSplayTreeNode<K> current = node;
while (current.left != null) {
final _SoundSplayTreeNode<K> left = current.left!;
current.left = left.right;
left.right = current;
current = left;
return current;
// Emulates splaying with a key that is greater than any in the subtree
// anchored at [node].
// After this, the largest element in the tree is the root of the subtree,
// and that node is returned. It should replace the reference to [node]
// in any parent tree or root pointer.
_SoundSplayTreeNode<K> _splayMax(_SoundSplayTreeNode<K> node) {
_SoundSplayTreeNode<K> current = node;
while (current.right != null) {
final _SoundSplayTreeNode<K> right = current.right!;
current.right = right.left;
right.left = current;
current = right;
return current;
_SoundSplayTreeNode<K>? _remove(K key) {
if (_root == null) return null;
final int comp = _splay(key);
if (comp != 0) return null;
final _SoundSplayTreeNode<K> result = _root!;
// assert(_count >= 0);
if (_root!.left == null) {
_root = _root!.right;
} else {
final _SoundSplayTreeNode<K>? right = _root!.right;
// Splay to make sure that the new root has an empty right child.
_root = _splayMax(_root!.left!);
// Insert the original right child as the right child of the new
// root.
_root!.right = right;
return result;
/// Adds a new root node with the given key or value.
/// The [comp] value is the result of comparing the existing root's key
/// with key.
void _addNewRoot(_SoundSplayTreeNode<K> node, int comp) {
if (_root == null) {
_root = node;
final root = _root!;
// assert(_count >= 0);
if (comp < 0) {
node.left = root;
node.right = root.right;
root.right = null;
} else {
node.right = root;
node.left = root.left;
root.left = null;
_root = node;
_SoundSplayTreeNode<K>? get _first {
if (_root == null) return null;
_root = _splayMin(_root!);
return _root;
_SoundSplayTreeNode<K>? get _last {
if (_root == null) return null;
_root = _splayMax(_root!);
return _root;
void _clear() {
_root = null;
_count = 0;
int _dynamicCompare(dynamic a, dynamic b) => Comparable.compare(a, b);
Comparator<K> _defaultCompare<K>() {
// If K <: Comparable, then we can just use Comparable.compare
// with no casts.
final Object compare = Comparable.compare;
if (compare is Comparator<K>) {
return compare;
// Otherwise wrap and cast the arguments on each call.
return _dynamicCompare;
/// A [Map] of objects that can be ordered relative to each other.
/// The map is based on a self-balancing binary tree. It allows most operations
/// in amortized logarithmic time.
/// Keys of the map are compared using the `compare` function passed in
/// the constructor, both for ordering and for equality.
/// If the map contains only the key `a`, then `map.containsKey(b)`
/// will return `true` if and only if `compare(a, b) == 0`,
/// and the value of `a == b` is not even checked.
/// If the compare function is omitted, the objects are assumed to be
/// [Comparable], and are compared using their [Comparable.compareTo] method.
/// Non-comparable objects (including `null`) will not work as keys
/// in that case.
/// To allow calling [operator []], [remove] or [containsKey] with objects
/// that are not supported by the `compare` function, an extra `isValidKey`
/// predicate function can be supplied. This function is tested before
/// using the `compare` function on an argument value that may not be a [K]
/// value. If omitted, the `isValidKey` function defaults to testing if the
/// value is a [K].
class SoundSplayTreeMap<inout K, inout V> extends _SoundSplayTree<K>
with MapMixin<K, V> {
covariant _SoundSplayTreeMapNode<K, V>? _root;
final _SoundSplayTreeMapNode<K, V> _dummy = _DummySoundSplayTreeMapNode<K, V>();
Comparator<K> _comparator;
_Predicate _validKey;
SoundSplayTreeMap([int Function(K key1, K key2)? compare, bool Function(Object? potentialKey)? isValidKey])
: _comparator = compare ?? _defaultCompare<K>(),
_validKey = isValidKey ?? ((v) => v is K);
/// Creates a [SoundSplayTreeMap] that contains all key/value pairs of [other].
/// The keys must all be instances of [K] and the values of [V].
/// The [other] map itself can have any type.
factory SoundSplayTreeMap.from(Map other,
[int Function(K key1, K key2)? compare, bool Function(Object? potentialKey)? isValidKey]) {
final SoundSplayTreeMap<K, V> result = SoundSplayTreeMap<K, V>(compare, isValidKey);
other.forEach((k, v) {
result[k] = v;
return result;
/// Creates a [SoundSplayTreeMap] that contains all key/value pairs of [other].
factory SoundSplayTreeMap.of(Map<K, V> other,
[int Function(K key1, K key2)? compare, bool Function(Object? potentialKey)? isValidKey]) =>
SoundSplayTreeMap<K, V>(compare, isValidKey)..addAll(other);
/// Creates a [SoundSplayTreeMap] where the keys and values are computed from the
/// [iterable].
/// For each element of the [iterable] this constructor computes a key/value
/// pair, by applying [key] and [value] respectively.
/// The keys of the key/value pairs do not need to be unique. The last
/// occurrence of a key will simply overwrite any previous value.
/// If no functions are specified for [key] and [value] the default is to
/// use the iterable value itself.
static SoundSplayTreeMap<K, V> fromIterable<K, V, E>(Iterable<E> iterable,
{K Function(E element)? key,
V Function(E element)? value,
int Function(K key1, K key2)? compare,
bool Function(Object? potentialKey)? isValidKey}) {
final SoundSplayTreeMap<K, V> map = SoundSplayTreeMap<K, V>(compare, isValidKey);
fillMapWithMappedIterable<K, V, E>(map, iterable, key, value);
return map;
static dynamic _id(x) => x;
static void fillMapWithMappedIterable<K, V, E>(
Map<K, V> map, Iterable<E> iterable, K Function(E element)? key, V Function(E element)? value) {
key ??= _id as K Function(E);
value ??= _id as V Function(E);
for (var element in iterable) {
map[key(element)] = value(element);
static void fillMapWithIterables(Map map, Iterable keys, Iterable values) {
final Iterator keyIterator = keys.iterator;
final Iterator valueIterator = values.iterator;
bool hasNextKey = keyIterator.moveNext();
bool hasNextValue = valueIterator.moveNext();
while (hasNextKey && hasNextValue) {
map[keyIterator.current] = valueIterator.current;
hasNextKey = keyIterator.moveNext();
hasNextValue = valueIterator.moveNext();
if (hasNextKey || hasNextValue) {
throw ArgumentError('Iterables do not have same length.');
/// Creates a [SoundSplayTreeMap] associating the given [keys] to [values].
/// This constructor iterates over [keys] and [values] and maps each element
/// of [keys] to the corresponding element of [values].
/// If [keys] contains the same object multiple times, the last occurrence
/// overwrites the previous value.
/// It is an error if the two [Iterable]s don't have the same length.
factory SoundSplayTreeMap.fromIterables(Iterable<K> keys, Iterable<V> values,
[int Function(K key1, K key2)? compare, bool Function(Object? potentialKey)? isValidKey]) {
final SoundSplayTreeMap<K, V> map = SoundSplayTreeMap<K, V>(compare, isValidKey);
fillMapWithIterables(map, keys, values);
return map;
int _compare(K key1, K key2) => _comparator(key1, key2);
V? operator [](Object? key) {
if (!_validKey(key)) return null;
if (_root != null) {
final int comp = _splay(key as K);
if (comp == 0) {
return _root!.value;
return null;
V? remove(Object? key) {
if (!_validKey(key)) return null;
final _SoundSplayTreeMapNode<K, V>? mapRoot = _remove(key as K) as _SoundSplayTreeMapNode<K, V>?;
if (mapRoot != null) return mapRoot.value;
return null;
void operator []=(K key, V value) {
if (key == null) throw ArgumentError(key);
// Splay on the key to move the last node on the search path for
// the key to the root of the tree.
final int comp = _splay(key);
if (comp == 0) {
_root!.value = value;
_addNewRoot(_SoundSplayTreeMapNode<K, V>(key, value), comp);
V putIfAbsent(K key, V Function() ifAbsent) {
if (key == null) throw ArgumentError(key);
int comp = _splay(key);
if (comp == 0) {
return _root!.value!;
final int modificationCount = _modificationCount;
final int splayCount = _splayCount;
final V value = ifAbsent();
if (modificationCount != _modificationCount) {
throw ConcurrentModificationError(this);
if (splayCount != _splayCount) {
comp = _splay(key);
// Key is still not there, otherwise _modificationCount would be changed.
assert(comp != 0);
_addNewRoot(_SoundSplayTreeMapNode<K, V>(key, value), comp);
return value;
void addAll(Map<K, V> other) {
other.forEach((K key, V value) {
this[key] = value;
bool get isEmpty {
return (_root == null);
bool get isNotEmpty => !isEmpty;
void forEach(void Function(K key, V value) f) {
final Iterator<_SoundSplayTreeNode<K>?> nodes = _SoundSplayTreeNodeIterator<K>(this);
while (nodes.moveNext()) {
final _SoundSplayTreeMapNode<K, V> node = nodes.current as _SoundSplayTreeMapNode<K, V>;
f(node.key, node.value!);
int get length {
return _count;
void clear() {
bool containsKey(Object? key) {
return _validKey(key) && _splay(key as K) == 0;
bool containsValue(Object? value) {
final int initialSplayCount = _splayCount;
bool visit(_SoundSplayTreeMapNode<K, V>? node) {
while (node != null) {
if (node.value == value) return true;
if (initialSplayCount != _splayCount) {
throw ConcurrentModificationError(this);
if (node.right != null && visit(node.right as _SoundSplayTreeMapNode<K, V>)) return true;
node = node.left as _SoundSplayTreeMapNode<K,V>?;
return false;
return visit(_root);
Iterable<K> get keys => _SoundSplayTreeKeyIterable<K>(this);
Iterable<V> get values => _SoundSplayTreeValueIterable<K, V>(this);
/// Get the first key in the map. Returns [:null:] if the map is empty.
K? firstKey() {
if (_root == null) return null;
return _first!.key;
/// Get the last key in the map. Returns [:null:] if the map is empty.
K? lastKey() {
if (_root == null) return null;
return _last!.key;
/// Get the last key in the map that is strictly smaller than [key]. Returns
/// [:null:] if no key was not found.
K? lastKeyBefore(K key) {
if (key == null) throw ArgumentError(key);
if (_root == null) return null;
final int comp = _splay(key);
if (comp < 0) return _root!.key;
_SoundSplayTreeNode<K>? node = _root!.left;
if (node == null) return null;
while (node!.right != null) {
node = node.right;
return node.key;
/// Get the first key in the map that is strictly larger than [key]. Returns
/// [:null:] if no key was not found.
K? firstKeyAfter(K key) {
if (key == null) throw ArgumentError(key);
if (_root == null) return null;
final int comp = _splay(key);
if (comp > 0) return _root!.key;
_SoundSplayTreeNode<K>? node = _root!.right;
if (node == null) return null;
while (node!.left != null) {
node = node.left;
return node.key;
abstract class _SoundSplayTreeIterator<inout K, inout T> implements Iterator<T> {
final _SoundSplayTree<K> _tree;
/// Worklist of nodes to visit.
/// These nodes have been passed over on the way down in a
/// depth-first left-to-right traversal. Visiting each node,
/// and their right subtrees will visit the remainder of
/// the nodes of a full traversal.
/// Only valid as long as the original tree isn't reordered.
final List<_SoundSplayTreeNode<K>> _workList = <_SoundSplayTreeNode<K>>[];
/// Original modification counter of [_tree].
/// Incremented on [_tree] when a key is added or removed.
/// If it changes, iteration is aborted.
/// Not final because some iterators may modify the tree knowingly,
/// and they update the modification count in that case.
final int _modificationCount;
/// Count of splay operations on [_tree] when [_workList] was built.
/// If the splay count on [_tree] increases, [_workList] becomes invalid.
final int? _splayCount;
/// Current node.
_SoundSplayTreeNode<K>? _currentNode;
_SoundSplayTreeIterator(_SoundSplayTree<K> tree)
: _tree = tree,
_modificationCount = tree._modificationCount,
_splayCount = tree._splayCount {
T get current {
if (_currentNode == null) {
throw StateError('Use moveNext to detect the end of an iterator');
return _getValue(_currentNode!);
void _findLeftMostDescendant(_SoundSplayTreeNode<K>? node) {
while (node != null) {
node = node.left;
/// Called when the tree structure of the tree has changed.
/// This can be caused by a splay operation.
/// If the key-set changes, iteration is aborted before getting
/// here, so we know that the keys are the same as before, it's
/// only the tree that has been reordered.
void _rebuildWorkList(_SoundSplayTreeNode<K>? currentNode) {
if (currentNode == null) {
} else {
bool moveNext() {
if (_modificationCount != _tree._modificationCount) {
throw ConcurrentModificationError(_tree);
// Picks the next element in the worklist as current.
// Updates the worklist with the left-most path of the current node's
// right-hand child.
// If the worklist is no longer valid (after a splay), it is rebuild
// from scratch.
if (_workList.isEmpty) {
_currentNode = null;
return false;
if (_tree._splayCount != _splayCount && _currentNode != null) {
_currentNode = _workList.removeLast();
return true;
T _getValue(_SoundSplayTreeNode<K> node);
class _SoundSplayTreeKeyIterable<inout K> extends EfficientLengthIterable<K> {
final _SoundSplayTree<K> _tree;
int get length => _tree._count;
bool get isEmpty => _tree._count == 0;
Iterator<K> get iterator => _SoundSplayTreeKeyIterator<K>(_tree);
Set<K> toSet() {
final SoundSplayTreeSet<K> set = SoundSplayTreeSet<K>(_tree._comparator, _tree._validKey);
set._count = _tree._count;
set._root = set._copyNode(_tree._root);
return set;
class _SoundSplayTreeValueIterable<inout K, inout V> extends EfficientLengthIterable<V> {
final SoundSplayTreeMap<K, V> _map;
int get length => _map._count;
bool get isEmpty => _map._count == 0;
Iterator<V> get iterator => _SoundSplayTreeValueIterator<K, V>(_map);
class _SoundSplayTreeKeyIterator<inout K> extends _SoundSplayTreeIterator<K, K> {
_SoundSplayTreeKeyIterator(_SoundSplayTree<K> map) : super(map);
K _getValue(_SoundSplayTreeNode<K> node) => node.key;
class _SoundSplayTreeValueIterator<inout K, inout V> extends _SoundSplayTreeIterator<K, V> {
_SoundSplayTreeValueIterator(SoundSplayTreeMap<K, V> map) : super(map);
V _getValue(_SoundSplayTreeNode<K> node) {
final _SoundSplayTreeMapNode<K, V> mapNode = node as _SoundSplayTreeMapNode<K, V>;
return mapNode.value!;
class _SoundSplayTreeNodeIterator<inout K>
extends _SoundSplayTreeIterator<K, _SoundSplayTreeNode<K>> {
_SoundSplayTreeNodeIterator(_SoundSplayTree<K> tree) : super(tree);
_SoundSplayTreeNode<K> _getValue(_SoundSplayTreeNode<K> node) => node;
/// A [Set] of objects that can be ordered relative to each other.
/// The set is based on a self-balancing binary tree. It allows most operations
/// in amortized logarithmic time.
/// Elements of the set are compared using the `compare` function passed in
/// the constructor, both for ordering and for equality.
/// If the set contains only an object `a`, then `set.contains(b)`
/// will return `true` if and only if `compare(a, b) == 0`,
/// and the value of `a == b` is not even checked.
/// If the compare function is omitted, the objects are assumed to be
/// [Comparable], and are compared using their [Comparable.compareTo] method.
/// Non-comparable objects (including `null`) will not work as an element
/// in that case.
class SoundSplayTreeSet<inout E> extends _SoundSplayTree<E>
with IterableMixin<E>, SetMixin<E> {
_SoundSplayTreeNode<E>? _root;
final _SoundSplayTreeNode<E> _dummy = _DummySoundSplayTreeNode<E>();
Comparator<E> _comparator;
_Predicate _validKey;
/// Create a new [SoundSplayTreeSet] with the given compare function.
/// If the [compare] function is omitted, it defaults to [Comparable.compare],
/// and the elements must be comparable.
/// A provided `compare` function may not work on all objects. It may not even
/// work on all `E` instances.
/// For operations that add elements to the set, the user is supposed to not
/// pass in objects that doesn't work with the compare function.
/// The methods [contains], [remove], [lookup], [removeAll] or [retainAll]
/// are typed to accept any object(s), and the [isValidKey] test can used to
/// filter those objects before handing them to the `compare` function.
/// If [isValidKey] is provided, only values satisfying `isValidKey(other)`
/// are compared using the `compare` method in the methods mentioned above.
/// If the `isValidKey` function returns false for an object, it is assumed to
/// not be in the set.
/// If omitted, the `isValidKey` function defaults to checking against the
/// type parameter: `other is E`.
SoundSplayTreeSet([int Function(E key1, E key2)? compare, bool Function(Object? potentialKey)? isValidKey])
: _comparator = compare ?? _defaultCompare<E>(),
_validKey = isValidKey ?? ((v) => v is E);
/// Creates a [SoundSplayTreeSet] that contains all [elements].
/// The set works as if created by `new SplayTreeSet<E>(compare, isValidKey)`.
/// All the [elements] should be instances of [E] and valid arguments to
/// [compare].
/// The `elements` iterable itself may have any element type, so this
/// constructor can be used to down-cast a `Set`, for example as:
/// ```dart
/// Set<SuperType> superSet = ...;
/// Set<SubType> subSet =
/// new SplayTreeSet<SubType>.from(superSet.whereType<SubType>());
/// ```
factory SoundSplayTreeSet.from(Iterable elements,
[int Function(E key1, E key2)? compare, bool Function(Object? potentialKey)? isValidKey]) {
final SoundSplayTreeSet<E> result = SoundSplayTreeSet<E>(compare, isValidKey);
for (final element in elements) {
final E e = element;
return result;
/// Creates a [SoundSplayTreeSet] from [elements].
/// The set works as if created by `new SplayTreeSet<E>(compare, isValidKey)`.
/// All the [elements] should be valid as arguments to the [compare] function.
factory SoundSplayTreeSet.of(Iterable<E> elements,
[int Function(E key1, E key2)? compare, bool Function(Object? potentialKey)? isValidKey]) =>
SoundSplayTreeSet(compare, isValidKey)..addAll(elements);
Set<T> _newSet<T>() =>
SoundSplayTreeSet<T>((T a, T b) => _comparator(a as E, b as E), _validKey);
Set<R> cast<R>() => Set.castFrom<E, R>(this, newSet: _newSet);
int _compare(E e1, E e2) => _comparator(e1, e2);
// From Iterable.
Iterator<E> get iterator => _SoundSplayTreeKeyIterator<E>(this);
int get length => _count;
bool get isEmpty => _root == null;
bool get isNotEmpty => _root != null;
E get first {
if (_count == 0) throw IterableElementError.noElement();
return _first!.key;
E get last {
if (_count == 0) throw IterableElementError.noElement();
return _last!.key;
E get single {
if (_count == 0) throw IterableElementError.noElement();
if (_count > 1) throw IterableElementError.tooMany();
return _root!.key;
// From Set.
bool contains(Object? element) {
return _validKey(element) && _splay(element as E) == 0;
bool add(E element) {
final int compare = _splay(element);
if (compare == 0) return false;
_addNewRoot(_SoundSplayTreeNode<E>(element), compare);
return true;
bool remove(Object? object) {
if (!_validKey(object)) return false;
return _remove(object as E) != null;
void addAll(Iterable<E> elements) {
for (E element in elements) {
final int compare = _splay(element);
if (compare != 0) {
_addNewRoot(_SoundSplayTreeNode<E>(element), compare);
void removeAll(Iterable<Object?> elements) {
for (Object? element in elements) {
if (_validKey(element)) _remove(element as E);
void retainAll(Iterable<Object?> elements) {
// Build a set with the same sense of equality as this set.
final SoundSplayTreeSet<E> retainSet = SoundSplayTreeSet<E>(_comparator, _validKey);
final int modificationCount = _modificationCount;
for (Object? object in elements) {
if (modificationCount != _modificationCount) {
// The iterator should not have side effects.
throw ConcurrentModificationError(this);
// Equivalent to this.contains(object).
if (_validKey(object) && _splay(object as E) == 0) {
// Take over the elements from the retained set, if it differs.
if (retainSet._count != _count) {
_root = retainSet._root;
_count = retainSet._count;
E? lookup(Object? object) {
if (!_validKey(object)) return null;
final int comp = _splay(object as E);
if (comp != 0) return null;
return _root!.key;
Set<E> intersection(Set<Object?> other) {
final Set<E> result = SoundSplayTreeSet<E>(_comparator, _validKey);
for (E element in this) {
if (other.contains(element)) result.add(element);
return result;
Set<E> difference(Set<Object?> other) {
final Set<E> result = SoundSplayTreeSet<E>(_comparator, _validKey);
for (E element in this) {
if (!other.contains(element)) result.add(element);
return result;
Set<E> union(Set<E> other) {
return _clone()..addAll(other);
SoundSplayTreeSet<E> _clone() {
final set = SoundSplayTreeSet<E>(_comparator, _validKey);
set._count = _count;
set._root = _copyNode(_root);
return set;
// Copies the structure of a SplayTree into a new similar structure.
// Works on _SplayTreeMapNode as well, but only copies the keys,
_SoundSplayTreeNode<E>? _copyNode(_SoundSplayTreeNode<E>? node) {
if (node == null) return null;
return (_SoundSplayTreeNode<E>(node.key)
..left = _copyNode(node.left)
..right = _copyNode(node.right));
void clear() {
Set<E> toSet() => _clone();
String toString() => IterableBase.iterableToFullString(this, '{', '}');