Ahmed Ashour 99f0fb5b70 Fix typos
Fixes #49364


Change-Id: Ic643819c9cdd7b56690981b96b854b1e8d622fff
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/250160
Reviewed-by: Ryan Macnak <rmacnak@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Lasse Nielsen <lrn@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Sigmund Cherem <sigmund@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Brian Wilkerson <brianwilkerson@google.com>
2022-07-12 19:35:22 +00:00

550 lines
18 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// IDL grammar variants.
const int WEBIDL_SYNTAX = 0;
const int WEBKIT_SYNTAX = 1;
const int FREMONTCUT_SYNTAX = 2;
* IDLFile is the top-level node in each IDL file. It may contain modules or
* interfaces.
class IDLFile extends IDLNode {
String filename;
List<IDLModule> modules;
List<IDLInterface> interfaces;
IDLFile(this.filename, this.modules, this.interfaces);
* IDLModule has an id, and may contain interfaces, type defs and implements
* statements.
class IDLModule extends IDLNode {
String id;
List interfaces;
List typedefs;
List implementsStatements;
IDLModule(String this.id, IDLExtAttrs extAttrs, IDLAnnotations annotations,
List<IDLNode> elements) {
this.annotations = annotations;
this.interfaces = elements.where((e) => e is IDLInterface).toList();
this.typedefs = elements.where((e) => e is IDLTypeDef).toList();
this.implementsStatements =
elements.where((e) => e is IDLImplementsStatement).toList();
toString() => '<IDLModule $id $extAttrs $annotations>';
class IDLNode {
IDLExtAttrs extAttrs;
IDLAnnotations annotations;
setExtAttrs(IDLExtAttrs ea) {
assert(ea != null);
this.extAttrs = ea != null ? ea : new IDLExtAttrs();
class IDLType extends IDLNode {
String id;
IDLType parameter;
bool nullable = false;
IDLType(String this.id, [IDLType this.parameter, bool this.nullable = false]);
// TODO: Figure out why this constructor was failing in mysterious ways.
// IDLType.nullable(IDLType base) {
// return new IDLType(base.id, base.parameter, true);
// }
//String toString() => '<IDLType $nullable $id $parameter>';
String toString() {
String nullableTag = nullable ? '?' : '';
return '<IDLType $id${parameter == null ? '' : ' $parameter'}$nullableTag>';
class IDLTypeDef extends IDLNode {
String id;
IDLType type;
IDLTypeDef(String this.id, IDLType this.type);
toString() => '<IDLTypeDef $id $type>';
class IDLImplementsStatement extends IDLNode {
class IDLInterface extends IDLNode {
String id;
List parents;
List operations;
List attributes;
List constants;
List snippets;
bool isSupplemental;
bool isNoInterfaceObject;
bool isFcSuppressed;
IDLInterface(String this.id, IDLExtAttrs ea, IDLAnnotations ann,
List this.parents, List members) {
this.annotations = ann;
if (this.parents == null) this.parents = [];
operations = members.where((e) => e is IDLOperation).toList();
attributes = members.where((e) => e is IDLAttribute).toList();
constants = members.where((e) => e is IDLConstant).toList();
snippets = members.where((e) => e is IDLSnippet).toList();
isSupplemental = extAttrs.has('Supplemental');
isNoInterfaceObject = extAttrs.has('NoInterfaceObject');
isFcSuppressed = extAttrs.has('Suppressed');
toString() => '<IDLInterface $id $extAttrs $annotations>';
class IDLMember extends IDLNode {
String id;
IDLType type;
bool isFcSuppressed;
IDLMember(String this.id, IDLType this.type, IDLExtAttrs ea, IDLAnnotations ann) {
this.annotations = ann;
isFcSuppressed = extAttrs.has('Suppressed');
class IDLOperation extends IDLMember {
List arguments;
// Ignore all forms of raises for now.
List specials;
bool isStringifier;
IDLOperation(String id, IDLType type, IDLExtAttrs ea, IDLAnnotations ann,
List this.arguments, List this.specials, bool this.isStringifier)
: super(id, type, ea, ann) {
toString() => '<IDLOperation $type $id ${printList(arguments)}>';
class IDLAttribute extends IDLMember {
class IDLConstant extends IDLMember {
var value;
IDLConstant(String id, IDLType type, IDLExtAttrs ea, IDLAnnotations ann,
var this.value)
: super(id, type, ea, ann);
class IDLSnippet extends IDLMember {
String text;
IDLSnippet(IDLAnnotations ann, String this.text)
: super(null, null, new IDLExtAttrs(), ann);
/** Maps string to something. */
class IDLDictNode {
Map<String, Object> map;
IDLDictNode() {
map = new Map<String, Object>();
setMap(List associationList) {
if (associationList == null) return;
for (var element in associationList) {
var name = element[0];
var value = element[1];
map[name] = value;
bool has(String key) => map.containsKey(key);
formatMap() {
if (map.isEmpty)
return '';
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
map.forEach((k, v) {
sb.add(' $k');
if (v != null) {
return sb.toString();
class IDLExtAttrs extends IDLDictNode {
IDLExtAttrs([List attrs = const []]) : super() {
toString() => '<IDLExtAttrs${formatMap()}>';
class IDLArgument extends IDLNode {
String id;
IDLType type;
bool isOptional;
bool isIn;
bool hasEllipsis;
IDLArgument(String this.id, IDLType this.type, IDLExtAttrs extAttrs,
bool this.isOptional, bool this.isIn, bool this.hasEllipsis) {
toString() => '<IDLArgument $id>';
class IDLAnnotations extends IDLDictNode {
IDLAnnotations(List annotations) : super() {
for (var annotation in annotations) {
map[annotation.id] = annotation;
toString() => '<IDLAnnotations${formatMap()}>';
class IDLAnnotation extends IDLDictNode {
String id;
IDLAnnotation(String this.id, List args) : super() {
toString() => '<IDLAnnotation $id${formatMap()}>';
class IDLExtAttrFunctionValue extends IDLNode {
String name;
List arguments;
IDLExtAttrFunctionValue(String this.name, this.arguments);
toString() => '<IDLExtAttrFunctionValue $name(${arguments.length})>';
class IDLParentInterface extends IDLNode {}
class IDLParser {
final int syntax;
Grammar grammar;
var axiom;
IDLParser([syntax=WEBIDL_SYNTAX]) : syntax = syntax {
grammar = new Grammar();
axiom = _makeParser();
syntax_switch([WebIDL, WebKit, FremontCut]) {
assert(WebIDL != null && WebKit != null); // Not options, just want names.
if (syntax == WEBIDL_SYNTAX)
return WebIDL;
if (syntax == WEBKIT_SYNTAX)
return WebKit;
if (syntax == FREMONTCUT_SYNTAX)
return FremontCut == null ? WebIDL : FremontCut;
throw new Exception('unsupported IDL syntax $syntax');
_makeParser() {
Grammar g = grammar;
// TODO: move syntax_switch back to here.
var idStartCharSet = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_';
var idNextCharSet = idStartCharSet + '0123456789';
var hexCharSet = '0123456789ABCDEFabcdef';
var idStartChar = CHAR(idStartCharSet);
var idNextChar = CHAR(idNextCharSet);
var digit = CHAR('0123456789');
var Id = TEXT(LEX('an identifier',[idStartChar, MANY(idNextChar, min:0)]));
var IN = SKIP(LEX("'in'", ['in',NOT(idNextChar)]));
var BooleanLiteral = OR(['true', 'false']);
var IntegerLiteral = TEXT(LEX('hex-literal', OR([['0x', MANY(CHAR(hexCharSet))],
var FloatLiteral = TEXT(LEX('float-literal', [MANY(digit), '.', MANY(digit, min:0)]));
var Argument = g['Argument'];
var Module = g['Module'];
var Member = g['Member'];
var Interface = g['Interface'];
var ExceptionDef = g['ExceptionDef'];
var Type = g['Type'];
var TypeDef = g['TypeDef'];
var ImplStmt = g['ImplStmt'];
var ValueTypeDef = g['ValueTypeDef'];
var Const = g['Const'];
var Attribute = g['Attribute'];
var Operation = g['Operation'];
var Snippet = g['Snippet'];
var ExtAttrs = g['ExtAttrs'];
var MaybeExtAttrs = g['MaybeExtAttrs'];
var MaybeAnnotations = g['MaybeAnnotations'];
var ParentInterfaces = g['ParentInterfaces'];
final ScopedName = TEXT(LEX('scoped-name', MANY(CHAR(idStartCharSet + '_:.<>'))));
final ScopedNames = MANY(ScopedName, separator:',');
// Types
final IntegerTypeName = OR([
['byte', () => 'byte'],
['int', () => 'int'],
['long', 'long', () => 'long long'],
['long', () => 'long'],
['octet', () => 'octet'],
['short', () => 'short']]);
final IntegerType = OR([
['unsigned', IntegerTypeName, (name) => new IDLType('unsigned $name')],
[IntegerTypeName, (name) => new IDLType(name)]]);
final BooleanType = ['boolean', () => new IDLType('boolean')];
final OctetType = ['octet', () => new IDLType('octet')];
final FloatType = ['float', () => new IDLType('float')];
final DoubleType = ['double', () => new IDLType('double')];
final SequenceType = ['sequence', '<', Type, '>',
(type) => new IDLType('sequence', type)];
final ScopedNameType = [ScopedName, (name) => new IDLType(name)];
final NullableType =
[OR([IntegerType, BooleanType, OctetType, FloatType,
DoubleType, SequenceType, ScopedNameType]),
(type, nullable) =>
nullable ? new IDLType(type.id, type.parameter, true) : type];
final VoidType = ['void', () => new IDLType('void')];
final AnyType = ['any', () => new IDLType('any')];
final ObjectType = ['object', () => new IDLType('object')];
Type.def = OR([AnyType, ObjectType, NullableType]);
final ReturnType = OR([VoidType, Type]);
var Definition = syntax_switch(
WebIDL: OR([Module, Interface, ExceptionDef, TypeDef, ImplStmt,
ValueTypeDef, Const]),
WebKit: OR([Module, Interface]));
var Definitions = MANY(Definition, min:0);
Module.def = syntax_switch(
WebIDL: [MaybeExtAttrs, 'module', Id, '{', Definitions, '}',
(ea, id, defs) => new IDLModule(id, ea, null, defs)],
WebKit: ['module', MaybeExtAttrs, Id, '{', Definitions, '}',
(ea, id, defs) => new IDLModule(id, ea, null, defs)],
FremontCut: [MaybeAnnotations, MaybeExtAttrs, 'module', Id,
'{', Definitions, '}', SKIP(MAYBE(';')),
(ann, ea, id, defs) => new IDLModule(id, ea, ann, defs)]);
Interface.def = syntax_switch(
WebIDL: [MaybeExtAttrs, 'interface', Id, MAYBE(ParentInterfaces),
MAYBE(['{', MANY0(Member), '}']), ';',
(ea, id, p, ms) => new IDLInterface(id, ea, null, p, ms)],
WebKit: ['interface', MaybeExtAttrs, Id, MAYBE(ParentInterfaces),
MAYBE(['{', MANY0(Member), '}']), ';',
(ea, id, p, ms) => new IDLInterface(id, ea, null, p, ms)],
FremontCut: [MaybeAnnotations, MaybeExtAttrs, 'interface',
Id, MAYBE(ParentInterfaces),
MAYBE(['{', MANY0(Member), '}']), ';',
(ann, ea, id, p, ms) => new IDLInterface(id, ea, ann, p, ms)]);
Member.def = syntax_switch(
WebIDL: OR([Const, Attribute, Operation, ExtAttrs]),
WebKit: OR([Const, Attribute, Operation]),
FremontCut: OR([Const, Attribute, Operation, Snippet]));
var InterfaceType = ScopedName;
var ParentInterface = syntax_switch(
WebIDL: [InterfaceType],
WebKit: [InterfaceType],
FremontCut: [MaybeAnnotations, InterfaceType]);
ParentInterfaces.def = [':', MANY(ParentInterface, ',')];
// TypeDef (Web IDL):
TypeDef.def = ['typedef', Type, Id, ';', (type, id) => new IDLTypeDef(id, type)];
// TypeDef (Old-school W3C IDLs)
ValueTypeDef.def = ['valuetype', Id, Type, ';'];
// Implements Statement (Web IDL):
var ImplStmtImplementor = ScopedName;
var ImplStmtImplemented = ScopedName;
ImplStmt.def = [ImplStmtImplementor, 'implements', ImplStmtImplemented, ';'];
var ConstExpr = OR([BooleanLiteral, IntegerLiteral, FloatLiteral]);
Const.def = syntax_switch(
WebIDL: [MaybeExtAttrs, 'const', Type, Id, '=', ConstExpr, ';',
(ea, type, id, v) => new IDLConstant(id, type, ea, null, v)],
WebKit: ['const', MaybeExtAttrs, Type, Id, '=', ConstExpr, ';',
(ea, type, id, v) => new IDLConstant(id, type, ea, null, v)],
FremontCut: [MaybeAnnotations, MaybeExtAttrs,
'const', Type, Id, '=', ConstExpr, ';',
(ann, ea, type, id, v) =>
new IDLConstant(id, type, ea, ann, v)]);
// Attributes
var Stringifier = 'stringifier';
var AttrGetter = 'getter';
var AttrSetter = 'setter';
var ReadOnly = 'readonly';
var AttrGetterSetter = OR([AttrGetter, AttrSetter]);
var GetRaises = syntax_switch(
WebIDL: ['getraises', '(', ScopedNames, ')'],
WebKit: ['getter', 'raises', '(', ScopedNames, ')']);
var SetRaises = syntax_switch(
WebIDL: ['setraises', '(', ScopedNames, ')'],
WebKit: ['setter', 'raises', '(', ScopedNames, ')']);
var Raises = ['raises', '(', ScopedNames, ')'];
var AttrRaises = syntax_switch(
WebIDL: MANY(OR([GetRaises, SetRaises])),
WebKit: MANY(OR([GetRaises, SetRaises, Raises]), separator:','));
Attribute.def = syntax_switch(
WebIDL: [MaybeExtAttrs, MAYBE(Stringifier), MAYBE(ReadOnly),
'attribute', Type, Id, MAYBE(AttrRaises), ';'],
WebKit: [MAYBE(Stringifier), MAYBE(ReadOnly), 'attribute',
MaybeExtAttrs, Type, Id, MAYBE(AttrRaises), ';'],
FremontCut: [MaybeAnnotations, MaybeExtAttrs,
MAYBE(AttrGetterSetter), MAYBE(Stringifier), MAYBE(ReadOnly),
'attribute', Type, Id, MAYBE(AttrRaises), ';'
// Operations
final Special = TEXT(OR(['getter', 'setter', 'creator', 'deleter', 'caller']));
final Specials = MANY(Special);
final Optional = 'optional';
final AnEllipsis = '...';
Argument.def = syntax_switch(
WebIDL: SEQ(MaybeExtAttrs, MAYBE(Optional), MAYBE(IN),
MAYBE(Optional), Type, MAYBE(AnEllipsis), Id,
(e, opt1, isin, opt2, type, el, id) =>
new IDLArgument(id, type, e, opt1 || opt2, isin, el)),
WebKit: SEQ(MAYBE(Optional), MAYBE('in'), MAYBE(Optional),
MaybeExtAttrs, Type, Id
(opt1, isin, opt2, e, type, id) =>
new IDLArgument(id, type, e, opt1 || opt2, isin, false)));
final Arguments = MANY0(Argument, ',');
Operation.def = syntax_switch(
WebIDL: [MaybeExtAttrs, MAYBE(Stringifier), MAYBE(Specials),
ReturnType, MAYBE(Id), '(', Arguments, ')', MAYBE(Raises), ';',
(ea, isStringifier, specials, type, id, args, raises) =>
new IDLOperation(id, type, ea, null, args, specials, isStringifier)
WebKit: [MaybeExtAttrs, ReturnType, MAYBE(Id), '(', Arguments, ')',
MAYBE(Raises), ';',
(ea, type, id, args, raises) =>
new IDLOperation(id, type, ea, null, args, [], false)
FremontCut: [MaybeAnnotations, MaybeExtAttrs, MAYBE(Stringifier),
MAYBE(Specials), ReturnType, MAYBE(Id), '(', Arguments, ')',
MAYBE(Raises), ';',
(ann, ea, isStringifier, specials, type, id, args, raises) =>
new IDLOperation(id, type, ea, ann, args, specials, isStringifier)
// Exceptions
final ExceptionField = [Type, Id, ';'];
final ExceptionMember = OR([Const, ExceptionField, ExtAttrs]);
ExceptionDef.def = ['exception', Id, '{', MANY0(ExceptionMember), '}', ';'];
// ExtendedAttributes
var ExtAttrArgList = ['(', MANY0(Argument, ','), ')'];
var ExtAttrFunctionValue =
[Id, '(', MANY0(Argument, ','), ')',
(name, args) => new IDLExtAttrFunctionValue(name, args)
var ExtAttrValue = OR([ExtAttrFunctionValue,
TEXT(LEX('value', MANY(CHAR(idNextCharSet + '&:-|'))))]);
var ExtAttr = [Id, MAYBE(OR([['=', ExtAttrValue], ExtAttrArgList]))];
ExtAttrs.def = ['[', MANY(ExtAttr, ','), ']',
(list) => new IDLExtAttrs(list)];;
MaybeExtAttrs.def = OR(ExtAttrs,
[ () => new IDLExtAttrs() ] );
// Annotations - used in the FremontCut IDL grammar.
var AnnotationArgValue = TEXT(LEX('xx', MANY(CHAR(idNextCharSet + '&:-|'))));
var AnnotationArg = [Id, MAYBE(['=', AnnotationArgValue])];
var AnnotationBody = ['(', MANY0(AnnotationArg, ','), ')'];
var Annotation = ['@', Id, MAYBE(AnnotationBody),
(id, body) => new IDLAnnotation(id, body)];
MaybeAnnotations.def = [MANY0(Annotation), (list) => new IDLAnnotations(list)];
// Snippets - used in the FremontCut IDL grammar.
final SnippetText = TEXT(LEX('snippet body', MANY0([NOT('}'), CHAR()])));
Snippet.def = [MaybeAnnotations, 'snippet', '{', SnippetText, '}', ';',
(ann, text) => new IDLSnippet(ann, text)];
grammar.whitespace =
OR([MANY(CHAR(' \t\r\n')),
['//', MANY0([NOT(CHAR('\r\n')), CHAR()])],
['#', MANY0([NOT(CHAR('\r\n')), CHAR()])],
['/*', MANY0([NOT('*/'), CHAR()]), '*/']]);
// Top level - at least one definition.
return MANY(Definition);