Brian Quinlan 770f44d4e9 [io] Make it possible to change the line ending output by stdout and stderr.
There is a performance impact in:
`stdout.lineTerminator = "\r\n";`

For small writes (<100 chars), the performance loss is lost in the noise of the `write` system call.

For writes of ~500 chars, the performance is about half of that without line terminator translation. But, on a M2 Mac laptop, ~80M characters can be written per second.

Bug: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/53161
Change-Id: Icfa0f981dcf6edb856d8aac5e0e270bc0148d498
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/326761
Reviewed-by: Siva Annamalai <asiva@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Lasse Nielsen <lrn@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Sigmund Cherem <sigmund@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Ömer Ağacan <omersa@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Brian Quinlan <bquinlan@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Brian Quinlan <bquinlan@google.com>
2024-02-16 20:06:03 +00:00

576 lines
19 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.io;
// These match enum StdioHandleType in file.h
const int _stdioHandleTypeTerminal = 0;
const int _stdioHandleTypePipe = 1;
const int _stdioHandleTypeFile = 2;
const int _stdioHandleTypeSocket = 3;
const int _stdioHandleTypeOther = 4;
const int _stdioHandleTypeError = 5;
class _StdStream extends Stream<List<int>> {
final Stream<List<int>> _stream;
StreamSubscription<List<int>> listen(void onData(List<int> event)?,
{Function? onError, void onDone()?, bool? cancelOnError}) {
return _stream.listen(onData,
onError: onError, onDone: onDone, cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
/// The standard input stream of the process.
/// Allows both synchronous and asynchronous reads from the standard
/// input stream.
/// Mixing synchronous and asynchronous reads is undefined.
class Stdin extends _StdStream implements Stream<List<int>> {
int _fd;
Stdin._(Stream<List<int>> stream, this._fd) : super(stream);
/// Reads a line from stdin.
/// Blocks until a full line is available.
/// Lines my be terminated by either `<CR><LF>` or `<LF>`. On Windows,
/// in cases where the [stdioType] of stdin is [StdioType.terminal],
/// the terminator may also be a single `<CR>`.
/// Input bytes are converted to a string by [encoding].
/// If [encoding] is omitted, it defaults to [systemEncoding].
/// If [retainNewlines] is `false`, the returned string will not include the
/// final line terminator. If `true`, the returned string will include the line
/// terminator. Default is `false`.
/// If end-of-file is reached after any bytes have been read from stdin,
/// that data is returned without a line terminator.
/// Returns `null` if no bytes preceded the end of input.
String? readLineSync(
{Encoding encoding = systemEncoding, bool retainNewlines = false}) {
const CR = 13;
const LF = 10;
final List<int> line = <int>[];
// On Windows, if lineMode is disabled, only CR is received.
bool crIsNewline = Platform.isWindows &&
(stdioType(stdin) == StdioType.terminal) &&
if (retainNewlines) {
int byte;
do {
byte = readByteSync();
if (byte < 0) {
} while (byte != LF && !(byte == CR && crIsNewline));
if (line.isEmpty) {
return null;
} else if (crIsNewline) {
// CR and LF are both line terminators, neither is retained.
while (true) {
int byte = readByteSync();
if (byte < 0) {
if (line.isEmpty) return null;
if (byte == LF || byte == CR) break;
} else {
// Case having to handle CR LF as a single unretained line terminator.
while (true) {
int byte = readByteSync();
if (byte == LF) break;
if (byte == CR) {
do {
byte = readByteSync();
if (byte == LF) break outer;
} while (byte == CR);
// Fall through and handle non-CR character.
if (byte < 0) {
if (line.isEmpty) return null;
return encoding.decode(line);
/// Whether echo mode is enabled on [stdin].
/// If disabled, input from the console will not be echoed.
/// Default depends on the parent process, but is usually enabled.
/// On POSIX systems this mode is the `echo` local terminal mode. Before
/// Dart 2.18, it also controlled the `echonl` mode, which is now controlled
/// by [echoNewlineMode].
/// On Windows this mode can only be enabled if [lineMode] is enabled as well.
external bool get echoMode;
external set echoMode(bool echoMode);
/// Whether echo newline mode is enabled on [stdin].
/// If enabled, newlines from the terminal will be echoed even if the regular
/// [echoMode] is disabled. This mode may require `lineMode` to be turned on
/// to have an effect.
/// Default depends on the parent process, but is usually disabled.
/// On POSIX systems this mode is the `echonl` local terminal mode.
/// On Windows this mode cannot be set.
external bool get echoNewlineMode;
external set echoNewlineMode(bool echoNewlineMode);
/// Whether line mode is enabled on [stdin].
/// If enabled, characters are delayed until a newline character is entered.
/// If disabled, characters will be available as typed.
/// Default depends on the parent process, but is usually enabled.
/// On POSIX systems this mode is the `icanon` local terminal mode.
/// On Windows this mode can only be disabled if [echoMode] is disabled as
/// well.
external bool get lineMode;
external set lineMode(bool lineMode);
/// Whether connected to a terminal that supports ANSI escape sequences.
/// Not all terminals are recognized, and not all recognized terminals can
/// report whether they support ANSI escape sequences, so this value is a
/// best-effort attempt at detecting the support.
/// The actual escape sequence support may differ between terminals,
/// with some terminals supporting more escape sequences than others,
/// and some terminals even differing in behavior for the same escape
/// sequence.
/// The ANSI color selection is generally supported.
/// Currently, a `TERM` environment variable containing the string `xterm`
/// will be taken as evidence that ANSI escape sequences are supported.
/// On Windows, only versions of Windows 10 after v.1511
/// ("TH2", OS build 10586) will be detected as supporting the output of
/// ANSI escape sequences, and only versions after v.1607 ("Anniversary
/// Update", OS build 14393) will be detected as supporting the input of
/// ANSI escape sequences.
external bool get supportsAnsiEscapes;
/// Synchronously reads a byte from stdin.
/// This call will block until a byte is available.
/// If at end of file, -1 is returned.
external int readByteSync();
/// Whether there is a terminal attached to stdin.
bool get hasTerminal {
try {
return stdioType(this) == StdioType.terminal;
} on FileSystemException catch (_) {
// If stdioType throws a FileSystemException, then it is not hooked up to
// a terminal, probably because it is closed, but let other exception
// types bubble up.
return false;
/// An [IOSink] connected to either the standard out or error of the process.
/// Provides a *blocking* `IOSink`, so using it to write will block until
/// the output is written.
/// In some situations this blocking behavior is undesirable as it does not
/// provide the same non-blocking behavior that `dart:io` in general exposes.
/// Use the property [nonBlocking] to get an [IOSink] which has the non-blocking
/// behavior.
/// This class can also be used to check whether `stdout` or `stderr` is
/// connected to a terminal and query some terminal properties.
/// The [addError] API is inherited from [StreamSink] and calling it will result
/// in an unhandled asynchronous error unless there is an error handler on
/// [done].
/// The [lineTerminator] field is used by the [write], [writeln], [writeAll]
/// and [writeCharCode] methods to translate `"\n"`. By default, `"\n"` is
/// output literally.
class Stdout extends _StdSink implements IOSink {
final int _fd;
IOSink? _nonBlocking;
Stdout._(IOSink sink, this._fd) : super(sink);
/// Whether there is a terminal attached to stdout.
bool get hasTerminal => _hasTerminal(_fd);
/// The number of columns of the terminal.
/// If no terminal is attached to stdout, a [StdoutException] is thrown. See
/// [hasTerminal] for more info.
int get terminalColumns => _terminalColumns(_fd);
/// The number of lines of the terminal.
/// If no terminal is attached to stdout, a [StdoutException] is thrown. See
/// [hasTerminal] for more info.
int get terminalLines => _terminalLines(_fd);
/// Whether connected to a terminal that supports ANSI escape sequences.
/// Not all terminals are recognized, and not all recognized terminals can
/// report whether they support ANSI escape sequences, so this value is a
/// best-effort attempt at detecting the support.
/// The actual escape sequence support may differ between terminals,
/// with some terminals supporting more escape sequences than others,
/// and some terminals even differing in behavior for the same escape
/// sequence.
/// The ANSI color selection is generally supported.
/// Currently, a `TERM` environment variable containing the string `xterm`
/// will be taken as evidence that ANSI escape sequences are supported.
/// On Windows, only versions of Windows 10 after v.1511
/// ("TH2", OS build 10586) will be detected as supporting the output of
/// ANSI escape sequences, and only versions after v.1607 ("Anniversary
/// Update", OS build 14393) will be detected as supporting the input of
/// ANSI escape sequences.
bool get supportsAnsiEscapes => _supportsAnsiEscapes(_fd);
external bool _hasTerminal(int fd);
external int _terminalColumns(int fd);
external int _terminalLines(int fd);
external static bool _supportsAnsiEscapes(int fd);
/// A non-blocking `IOSink` for the same output.
/// The returned `IOSink` will be initialized with an [encoding] of UTF-8 and
/// will not do line ending conversion.
IOSink get nonBlocking {
return _nonBlocking ??= new IOSink(new _FileStreamConsumer.fromStdio(_fd));
/// Exception thrown by some operations of [Stdout]
class StdoutException implements IOException {
/// Message describing cause of the exception.
final String message;
/// The underlying OS error, if available.
final OSError? osError;
const StdoutException(this.message, [this.osError]);
String toString() {
return "StdoutException: $message${osError == null ? "" : ", $osError"}";
/// Exception thrown by some operations of [Stdin]
class StdinException implements IOException {
/// Message describing cause of the exception.
final String message;
/// The underlying OS error, if available.
final OSError? osError;
const StdinException(this.message, [this.osError]);
String toString() {
return "StdinException: $message${osError == null ? "" : ", $osError"}";
class _StdConsumer implements StreamConsumer<List<int>> {
final RandomAccessFile _file;
_StdConsumer(int fd) : _file = _File._openStdioSync(fd);
Future addStream(Stream<List<int>> stream) {
var completer = new Completer();
late StreamSubscription<List<int>> sub;
sub = stream.listen((data) {
try {
} catch (e, s) {
completer.completeError(e, s);
onError: completer.completeError,
onDone: completer.complete,
cancelOnError: true);
return completer.future;
Future close() {
return new Future.value();
/// Pattern matching a "\n" character not following a "\r".
/// Used to replace such with "\r\n" in the [_StdSink] write methods.
final _newLineDetector = RegExp(r'(?<!\r)\n');
/// Pattern matching "\n" characters not following a "\r", or at the start of
/// input.
/// Used to replace those with "\r\n" in the [_StdSink] write methods,
/// when the previously written string ended in a \r character.
final _newLineDetectorAfterCr = RegExp(r'(?<!\r|^)\n');
class _StdSink implements IOSink {
final IOSink _sink;
bool _windowsLineTerminator = false;
bool _lastWrittenCharIsCR = false;
/// Line ending appended by [writeln], and replacing `"\n"` in some methods.
/// Must be one of the values `"\n"` (the default) or `"\r\n"`.
/// When set to `"\r\n"`, the methods [write], [writeln], [writeAll] and
/// [writeCharCode] will convert embedded newlines, `"\n"`, in their
/// arguments to `"\r\n"`. If their arguments already contain `"\r\n"`
/// sequences, then these sequences will be not be converted. This is true
/// even if the sequence is generated across different method calls.
/// If `lineTerminator` is `"\n"` then the written strings are not modified.
/// Setting `lineTerminator` to [Platform.lineTerminator] will result in
/// "write" methods outputting the line endings for the platform:
/// ```dart
/// stdout.lineTerminator = Platform.lineTerminator;
/// stderr.lineTerminator = Platform.lineTerminator;
/// ```
/// The value of `lineTerminator` has no effect on byte-oriented methods
/// such as [add].
/// The value of `lineTerminator` does not effect the output of the [print]
/// function.
/// Throws [ArgumentError] if set to a value other than `"\n"` or `"\r\n"`.
String get lineTerminator => _windowsLineTerminator ? "\r\n" : "\n";
set lineTerminator(String lineTerminator) {
if (lineTerminator == "\r\n") {
assert(!_lastWrittenCharIsCR || _windowsLineTerminator);
_windowsLineTerminator = true;
} else if (lineTerminator == "\n") {
_windowsLineTerminator = false;
_lastWrittenCharIsCR = false;
} else {
throw ArgumentError.value(lineTerminator, "lineTerminator",
r'invalid line terminator, must be one of "\r" or "\r\n"');
Encoding get encoding => _sink.encoding;
void set encoding(Encoding encoding) {
_sink.encoding = encoding;
void _write(Object? object) {
if (!_windowsLineTerminator) {
var string = '$object';
if (string.isEmpty) return;
if (_lastWrittenCharIsCR) {
string = string.replaceAll(_newLineDetectorAfterCr, "\r\n");
} else {
string = string.replaceAll(_newLineDetector, "\r\n");
_lastWrittenCharIsCR = string.endsWith('\r');
void write(Object? object) => _write(object);
void writeln([Object? object = ""]) {
_sink.write(_windowsLineTerminator ? "\r\n" : "\n");
_lastWrittenCharIsCR = false;
void writeAll(Iterable objects, [String sep = ""]) {
Iterator iterator = objects.iterator;
if (!iterator.moveNext()) return;
if (sep.isEmpty) {
do {
} while (iterator.moveNext());
} else {
while (iterator.moveNext()) {
void add(List<int> data) {
_lastWrittenCharIsCR = false;
void addError(error, [StackTrace? stackTrace]) {
_sink.addError(error, stackTrace);
void writeCharCode(int charCode) {
if (!_windowsLineTerminator) {
Future addStream(Stream<List<int>> stream) {
_lastWrittenCharIsCR = false;
return _sink.addStream(stream);
Future flush() => _sink.flush();
Future close() => _sink.close();
Future get done => _sink.done;
/// The type of object a standard IO stream can be attached to.
final class StdioType {
static const StdioType terminal = const StdioType._("terminal");
static const StdioType pipe = const StdioType._("pipe");
static const StdioType file = const StdioType._("file");
static const StdioType other = const StdioType._("other");
final String name;
const StdioType._(this.name);
String toString() => "StdioType: $name";
final Stdin _stdin = _StdIOUtils._getStdioInputStream(_stdinFD);
final Stdout _stdout = _StdIOUtils._getStdioOutputStream(_stdoutFD);
final Stdout _stderr = _StdIOUtils._getStdioOutputStream(_stderrFD);
// These may be set to different values by the embedder by calling
// _setStdioFDs when initializing dart:io.
int _stdinFD = 0;
int _stdoutFD = 1;
int _stderrFD = 2;
@pragma('vm:entry-point', 'call')
void _setStdioFDs(int stdin, int stdout, int stderr) {
_stdinFD = stdin;
_stdoutFD = stdout;
_stderrFD = stderr;
/// The standard input stream of data read by this program.
Stdin get stdin {
return IOOverrides.current?.stdin ?? _stdin;
/// The standard output stream of data written by this program.
/// The `addError` API is inherited from `StreamSink` and calling it will
/// result in an unhandled asynchronous error unless there is an error handler
/// on `done`.
Stdout get stdout {
return IOOverrides.current?.stdout ?? _stdout;
/// The standard output stream of errors written by this program.
/// The `addError` API is inherited from `StreamSink` and calling it will
/// result in an unhandled asynchronous error unless there is an error handler
/// on `done`.
Stdout get stderr {
return IOOverrides.current?.stderr ?? _stderr;
/// Whether a stream is attached to a file, pipe, terminal, or
/// something else.
StdioType stdioType(object) {
if (object is _StdStream) {
object = object._stream;
} else if (object == stdout || object == stderr) {
int stdiofd = object == stdout ? _stdoutFD : _stderrFD;
final type = _StdIOUtils._getStdioHandleType(stdiofd);
if (type is OSError) {
throw FileSystemException(
"Failed to get type of stdio handle (fd $stdiofd)", "", type);
switch (type) {
case _stdioHandleTypeTerminal:
return StdioType.terminal;
case _stdioHandleTypePipe:
return StdioType.pipe;
case _stdioHandleTypeFile:
return StdioType.file;
if (object is _FileStream) {
return StdioType.file;
if (object is Socket) {
int? socketType = _StdIOUtils._socketType(object);
if (socketType == null) return StdioType.other;
switch (socketType) {
case _stdioHandleTypeTerminal:
return StdioType.terminal;
case _stdioHandleTypePipe:
return StdioType.pipe;
case _stdioHandleTypeFile:
return StdioType.file;
if (object is _IOSinkImpl) {
try {
if (object._target is _FileStreamConsumer) {
return StdioType.file;
} catch (e) {
// Only the interface implemented, _sink not available.
return StdioType.other;
class _StdIOUtils {
external static _getStdioOutputStream(int fd);
external static Stdin _getStdioInputStream(int fd);
/// Returns the socket type or `null` if [socket] is not a builtin socket.
external static int? _socketType(Socket socket);
external static _getStdioHandleType(int fd);