library TestUtils; import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:html'; import 'dart:js' as js; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart'; export 'package:web_components/polyfill.dart'; /** * Verifies that [actual] has the same graph structure as [expected]. * Detects cycles and DAG structure in Maps and Lists. */ verifyGraph(expected, actual) { var eItems = []; var aItems = []; message(path, reason) => path == '' ? reason : reason == null ? "path: $path" : "path: $path, $reason"; walk(path, expected, actual) { if (expected is String || expected is num || expected == null) { expect(actual, equals(expected), reason: message(path, 'not equal')); return; } // Cycle or DAG? for (int i = 0; i < eItems.length; i++) { if (identical(expected, eItems[i])) { expect(actual, same(aItems[i]), reason: message(path, 'missing back or side edge')); return; } } for (int i = 0; i < aItems.length; i++) { if (identical(actual, aItems[i])) { expect(expected, same(eItems[i]), reason: message(path, 'extra back or side edge')); return; } } eItems.add(expected); aItems.add(actual); if (expected is Blob) { expect(actual is Blob, isTrue, reason: '$actual is Blob'); expect(expected.type, equals(actual.type), reason: message(path, '.type')); expect(expected.size, equals(actual.size), reason: message(path, '.size')); return; } if (expected is ByteBuffer) { expect(actual is ByteBuffer, isTrue, reason: '$actual is ByteBuffer'); expect(expected.lengthInBytes, equals(actual.lengthInBytes), reason: message(path, '.lengthInBytes')); // TODO(antonm): one can create a view on top of those // and check if contents identical. Let's do it later. return; } if (expected is DateTime) { expect(actual is DateTime, isTrue, reason: '$actual is DateTime'); expect(expected.millisecondsSinceEpoch, equals(actual.millisecondsSinceEpoch), reason: message(path, '.millisecondsSinceEpoch')); return; } if (expected is ImageData) { expect(actual is ImageData, isTrue, reason: '$actual is ImageData'); expect(expected.width, equals(actual.width), reason: message(path, '.width')); expect(expected.height, equals(actual.height), reason: message(path, '.height')); walk('$',,; return; } if (expected is TypedData) { expect(actual is TypedData, isTrue, reason: '$actual is TypedData'); walk('$path/.buffer', expected.buffer, actual.buffer); expect(expected.offsetInBytes, equals(actual.offsetInBytes), reason: message(path, '.offsetInBytes')); expect(expected.lengthInBytes, equals(actual.lengthInBytes), reason: message(path, '.lengthInBytes')); // And also fallback to elements check below. } if (expected is List) { expect(actual, isList, reason: message(path, '$actual is List')); expect(actual.length, expected.length, reason: message(path, 'different list lengths')); for (var i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) { walk('$path[$i]', expected[i], actual[i]); } return; } if (expected is Map) { expect(actual, isMap, reason: message(path, '$actual is Map')); for (var key in expected.keys) { if (!actual.containsKey(key)) { expect(false, isTrue, reason: message(path, 'missing key "$key"')); } walk('$path["$key"]', expected[key], actual[key]); } for (var key in actual.keys) { if (!expected.containsKey(key)) { expect(false, isTrue, reason: message(path, 'extra key "$key"')); } } return; } expect(false, isTrue, reason: 'Unhandled type: $expected'); } walk('', expected, actual); } /** * Sanitizer which does nothing. */ class NullTreeSanitizer implements NodeTreeSanitizer { void sanitizeTree(Node node) {} } /** * Validate that two DOM trees are equivalent. */ void validateNodeTree(Node a, Node b, [String path = '']) { path = '${path}${a.runtimeType}'; expect(a.nodeType, b.nodeType, reason: '$path nodeTypes differ'); expect(a.nodeValue, b.nodeValue, reason: '$path nodeValues differ'); expect(a.text, b.text, reason: '$path texts differ'); expect(a.nodes.length, b.nodes.length, reason: '$path nodes.lengths differ'); if (a is Element) { Element bE = b; Element aE = a; expect(aE.tagName, bE.tagName, reason: '$path tagNames differ'); expect(aE.attributes.length, bE.attributes.length, reason: '$path attributes.lengths differ'); for (var key in aE.attributes.keys) { expect(aE.attributes[key], bE.attributes[key], reason: '$path attribute [$key] values differ'); } } for (var i = 0; i < a.nodes.length; ++i) { validateNodeTree(a.nodes[i], b.nodes[i], '$path[$i].'); } } /** * Upgrade all custom elements in the subtree which have not been upgraded. * * This is needed to cover timing scenarios which the custom element polyfill * does not cover. */ void upgradeCustomElements(Node node) { if (js.context.hasProperty('CustomElements') && js.context['CustomElements'].hasProperty('upgradeAll')) { js.context['CustomElements'].callMethod('upgradeAll', [node]); } }