// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. #include "platform/globals.h" #if defined(HOST_OS_LINUX) #include "bin/file.h" #include // NOLINT #include // NOLINT #include // NOLINT #include // NOLINT #include // NOLINT #include // NOLINT #include // NOLINT #include // NOLINT #include // NOLINT #include "bin/builtin.h" #include "bin/fdutils.h" #include "bin/log.h" #include "platform/signal_blocker.h" #include "platform/utils.h" namespace dart { namespace bin { class FileHandle { public: explicit FileHandle(int fd) : fd_(fd) {} ~FileHandle() {} int fd() const { return fd_; } void set_fd(int fd) { fd_ = fd; } private: int fd_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(FileHandle); }; File::~File() { if (!IsClosed() && handle_->fd() != STDOUT_FILENO && handle_->fd() != STDERR_FILENO) { Close(); } delete handle_; } void File::Close() { ASSERT(handle_->fd() >= 0); if (handle_->fd() == STDOUT_FILENO) { // If stdout, redirect fd to /dev/null. int null_fd = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY)); ASSERT(null_fd >= 0); VOID_TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(dup2(null_fd, handle_->fd())); VOID_TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(close(null_fd)); } else { int err = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(close(handle_->fd())); if (err != 0) { const int kBufferSize = 1024; char error_buf[kBufferSize]; Log::PrintErr("%s\n", Utils::StrError(errno, error_buf, kBufferSize)); } } handle_->set_fd(kClosedFd); } intptr_t File::GetFD() { return handle_->fd(); } bool File::IsClosed() { return handle_->fd() == kClosedFd; } MappedMemory* File::Map(MapType type, int64_t position, int64_t length) { ASSERT(handle_->fd() >= 0); int prot = PROT_NONE; switch (type) { case kReadOnly: prot = PROT_READ; break; case kReadExecute: prot = PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC; break; default: return NULL; } void* addr = mmap(NULL, length, prot, MAP_PRIVATE, handle_->fd(), position); if (addr == MAP_FAILED) { return NULL; } return new MappedMemory(addr, length); } void MappedMemory::Unmap() { int result = munmap(address_, size_); ASSERT(result == 0); address_ = 0; size_ = 0; } int64_t File::Read(void* buffer, int64_t num_bytes) { ASSERT(handle_->fd() >= 0); return TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(read(handle_->fd(), buffer, num_bytes)); } int64_t File::Write(const void* buffer, int64_t num_bytes) { ASSERT(handle_->fd() >= 0); return TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(write(handle_->fd(), buffer, num_bytes)); } bool File::VPrint(const char* format, va_list args) { // Measure. va_list measure_args; va_copy(measure_args, args); intptr_t len = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, format, measure_args); va_end(measure_args); char* buffer = reinterpret_cast(malloc(len + 1)); // Print. va_list print_args; va_copy(print_args, args); vsnprintf(buffer, len + 1, format, print_args); va_end(print_args); bool result = WriteFully(buffer, len); free(buffer); return result; } int64_t File::Position() { ASSERT(handle_->fd() >= 0); return NO_RETRY_EXPECTED(lseek64(handle_->fd(), 0, SEEK_CUR)); } bool File::SetPosition(int64_t position) { ASSERT(handle_->fd() >= 0); return NO_RETRY_EXPECTED(lseek64(handle_->fd(), position, SEEK_SET)) >= 0; } bool File::Truncate(int64_t length) { ASSERT(handle_->fd() >= 0); return TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(ftruncate64(handle_->fd(), length) != -1); } bool File::Flush() { ASSERT(handle_->fd() >= 0); return NO_RETRY_EXPECTED(fsync(handle_->fd())) != -1; } bool File::Lock(File::LockType lock, int64_t start, int64_t end) { ASSERT(handle_->fd() >= 0); ASSERT((end == -1) || (end > start)); struct flock fl; switch (lock) { case File::kLockUnlock: fl.l_type = F_UNLCK; break; case File::kLockShared: case File::kLockBlockingShared: fl.l_type = F_RDLCK; break; case File::kLockExclusive: case File::kLockBlockingExclusive: fl.l_type = F_WRLCK; break; default: return false; } fl.l_whence = SEEK_SET; fl.l_start = start; fl.l_len = end == -1 ? 0 : end - start; int cmd = F_SETLK; if ((lock == File::kLockBlockingShared) || (lock == File::kLockBlockingExclusive)) { cmd = F_SETLKW; } return TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(fcntl(handle_->fd(), cmd, &fl)) != -1; } int64_t File::Length() { ASSERT(handle_->fd() >= 0); struct stat64 st; if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(fstat64(handle_->fd(), &st)) == 0) { return st.st_size; } return -1; } File* File::FileOpenW(const wchar_t* system_name, FileOpenMode mode) { UNREACHABLE(); return NULL; } File* File::Open(const char* name, FileOpenMode mode) { // Report errors for non-regular files. struct stat64 st; if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(stat64(name, &st)) == 0) { // Only accept regular files, character devices, and pipes. if (!S_ISREG(st.st_mode) && !S_ISCHR(st.st_mode) && !S_ISFIFO(st.st_mode)) { errno = (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) ? EISDIR : ENOENT; return NULL; } } int flags = O_RDONLY; if ((mode & kWrite) != 0) { ASSERT((mode & kWriteOnly) == 0); flags = (O_RDWR | O_CREAT); } if ((mode & kWriteOnly) != 0) { ASSERT((mode & kWrite) == 0); flags = (O_WRONLY | O_CREAT); } if ((mode & kTruncate) != 0) { flags = flags | O_TRUNC; } flags |= O_CLOEXEC; int fd = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(open64(name, flags, 0666)); if (fd < 0) { return NULL; } if ((((mode & kWrite) != 0) && ((mode & kTruncate) == 0)) || (((mode & kWriteOnly) != 0) && ((mode & kTruncate) == 0))) { int64_t position = NO_RETRY_EXPECTED(lseek64(fd, 0, SEEK_END)); if (position < 0) { return NULL; } } return new File(new FileHandle(fd)); } File* File::OpenStdio(int fd) { return ((fd < 0) || (2 < fd)) ? NULL : new File(new FileHandle(fd)); } bool File::Exists(const char* name) { struct stat64 st; if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(stat64(name, &st)) == 0) { // Everything but a directory and a link is a file to Dart. return !S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) && !S_ISLNK(st.st_mode); } else { return false; } } bool File::Create(const char* name) { int fd = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(open64(name, O_RDONLY | O_CREAT | O_CLOEXEC, 0666)); if (fd < 0) { return false; } // File.create returns a File, so we shouldn't be giving the illusion that the // call has created a file or that a file already exists if there is already // an entity at the same path that is a directory or a link. bool is_file = true; struct stat64 st; if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(fstat64(fd, &st)) == 0) { if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { errno = EISDIR; is_file = false; } else if (S_ISLNK(st.st_mode)) { errno = ENOENT; is_file = false; } } FDUtils::SaveErrorAndClose(fd); return is_file; } bool File::CreateLink(const char* name, const char* target) { return NO_RETRY_EXPECTED(symlink(target, name)) == 0; } File::Type File::GetType(const char* pathname, bool follow_links) { struct stat64 entry_info; int stat_success; if (follow_links) { stat_success = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(stat64(pathname, &entry_info)); } else { stat_success = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(lstat64(pathname, &entry_info)); } if (stat_success == -1) { return File::kDoesNotExist; } if (S_ISDIR(entry_info.st_mode)) { return File::kIsDirectory; } if (S_ISREG(entry_info.st_mode)) { return File::kIsFile; } if (S_ISLNK(entry_info.st_mode)) { return File::kIsLink; } return File::kDoesNotExist; } static bool CheckTypeAndSetErrno(const char* name, File::Type expected, bool follow_links) { File::Type actual = File::GetType(name, follow_links); if (actual == expected) { return true; } switch (actual) { case File::kIsDirectory: errno = EISDIR; break; case File::kDoesNotExist: errno = ENOENT; break; default: errno = EINVAL; break; } return false; } bool File::Delete(const char* name) { return CheckTypeAndSetErrno(name, kIsFile, true) && (NO_RETRY_EXPECTED(unlink(name)) == 0); } bool File::DeleteLink(const char* name) { return CheckTypeAndSetErrno(name, kIsLink, false) && (NO_RETRY_EXPECTED(unlink(name)) == 0); } bool File::Rename(const char* old_path, const char* new_path) { return CheckTypeAndSetErrno(old_path, kIsFile, true) && (NO_RETRY_EXPECTED(rename(old_path, new_path)) == 0); } bool File::RenameLink(const char* old_path, const char* new_path) { return CheckTypeAndSetErrno(old_path, kIsLink, false) && (NO_RETRY_EXPECTED(rename(old_path, new_path)) == 0); } bool File::Copy(const char* old_path, const char* new_path) { if (!CheckTypeAndSetErrno(old_path, kIsFile, true)) { return false; } struct stat64 st; if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(stat64(old_path, &st)) != 0) { return false; } int old_fd = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(open64(old_path, O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC)); if (old_fd < 0) { return false; } int new_fd = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY( open64(new_path, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT | O_CLOEXEC, st.st_mode)); if (new_fd < 0) { VOID_TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(close(old_fd)); return false; } int64_t offset = 0; intptr_t result = 1; while (result > 0) { // Loop to ensure we copy everything, and not only up to 2GB. result = NO_RETRY_EXPECTED(sendfile64(new_fd, old_fd, &offset, kMaxUint32)); } // From sendfile man pages: // Applications may wish to fall back to read(2)/write(2) in the case // where sendfile() fails with EINVAL or ENOSYS. if ((result < 0) && ((errno == EINVAL) || (errno == ENOSYS))) { const intptr_t kBufferSize = 8 * KB; uint8_t buffer[kBufferSize]; while ((result = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(read(old_fd, buffer, kBufferSize))) > 0) { int wrote = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(write(new_fd, buffer, result)); if (wrote != result) { result = -1; break; } } } int e = errno; VOID_TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(close(old_fd)); VOID_TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(close(new_fd)); if (result < 0) { VOID_NO_RETRY_EXPECTED(unlink(new_path)); errno = e; return false; } return true; } static bool StatHelper(const char* name, struct stat64* st) { if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(stat64(name, st)) != 0) { return false; } // Signal an error if it's a directory. if (S_ISDIR(st->st_mode)) { errno = EISDIR; return false; } // Otherwise assume the caller knows what it's doing. return true; } int64_t File::LengthFromPath(const char* name) { struct stat64 st; if (!StatHelper(name, &st)) { return -1; } return st.st_size; } static int64_t TimespecToMilliseconds(const struct timespec& t) { return static_cast(t.tv_sec) * 1000L + static_cast(t.tv_nsec) / 1000000L; } void File::Stat(const char* name, int64_t* data) { struct stat64 st; if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(stat64(name, &st)) == 0) { if (S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) { data[kType] = kIsFile; } else if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { data[kType] = kIsDirectory; } else if (S_ISLNK(st.st_mode)) { data[kType] = kIsLink; } else { data[kType] = kDoesNotExist; } data[kCreatedTime] = TimespecToMilliseconds(st.st_ctim); data[kModifiedTime] = TimespecToMilliseconds(st.st_mtim); data[kAccessedTime] = TimespecToMilliseconds(st.st_atim); data[kMode] = st.st_mode; data[kSize] = st.st_size; } else { data[kType] = kDoesNotExist; } } time_t File::LastModified(const char* name) { struct stat64 st; if (!StatHelper(name, &st)) { return -1; } return st.st_mtime; } time_t File::LastAccessed(const char* name) { struct stat64 st; if (!StatHelper(name, &st)) { return -1; } return st.st_atime; } bool File::SetLastAccessed(const char* name, int64_t millis) { // First get the current times. struct stat64 st; if (!StatHelper(name, &st)) { return false; } // Set the new time: struct utimbuf times; times.actime = millis / kMillisecondsPerSecond; times.modtime = st.st_mtime; return utime(name, ×) == 0; } bool File::SetLastModified(const char* name, int64_t millis) { // First get the current times. struct stat64 st; if (!StatHelper(name, &st)) { return false; } // Set the new time: struct utimbuf times; times.actime = st.st_atime; times.modtime = millis / kMillisecondsPerSecond; return utime(name, ×) == 0; } const char* File::LinkTarget(const char* pathname) { struct stat64 link_stats; if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(lstat64(pathname, &link_stats)) != 0) { return NULL; } if (!S_ISLNK(link_stats.st_mode)) { errno = ENOENT; return NULL; } // Don't rely on the link_stats.st_size for the size of the link // target. For some filesystems, e.g. procfs, this value is always // 0. Also the link might have changed before the readlink call. const int kBufferSize = PATH_MAX + 1; char target[kBufferSize]; size_t target_size = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(readlink(pathname, target, kBufferSize)); if (target_size <= 0) { return NULL; } char* target_name = DartUtils::ScopedCString(target_size + 1); ASSERT(target_name != NULL); memmove(target_name, target, target_size); target_name[target_size] = '\0'; return target_name; } bool File::IsAbsolutePath(const char* pathname) { return (pathname != NULL && pathname[0] == '/'); } const char* File::GetCanonicalPath(const char* pathname) { char* abs_path = NULL; if (pathname != NULL) { char* resolved_path = DartUtils::ScopedCString(PATH_MAX + 1); ASSERT(resolved_path != NULL); do { abs_path = realpath(pathname, resolved_path); } while (abs_path == NULL && errno == EINTR); ASSERT(abs_path == NULL || IsAbsolutePath(abs_path)); ASSERT(abs_path == NULL || (abs_path == resolved_path)); } return abs_path; } const char* File::PathSeparator() { return "/"; } const char* File::StringEscapedPathSeparator() { return "/"; } File::StdioHandleType File::GetStdioHandleType(int fd) { ASSERT((0 <= fd) && (fd <= 2)); struct stat64 buf; int result = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(fstat64(fd, &buf)); if (result == -1) { const int kBufferSize = 1024; char error_buf[kBufferSize]; FATAL2("Failed stat on file descriptor %d: %s", fd, Utils::StrError(errno, error_buf, kBufferSize)); } if (S_ISCHR(buf.st_mode)) { return kTerminal; } if (S_ISFIFO(buf.st_mode)) { return kPipe; } if (S_ISSOCK(buf.st_mode)) { return kSocket; } if (S_ISREG(buf.st_mode)) { return kFile; } return kOther; } File::Identical File::AreIdentical(const char* file_1, const char* file_2) { struct stat64 file_1_info; struct stat64 file_2_info; if ((TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(lstat64(file_1, &file_1_info)) == -1) || (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(lstat64(file_2, &file_2_info)) == -1)) { return File::kError; } return ((file_1_info.st_ino == file_2_info.st_ino) && (file_1_info.st_dev == file_2_info.st_dev)) ? File::kIdentical : File::kDifferent; } } // namespace bin } // namespace dart #endif // defined(HOST_OS_LINUX)