# Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file # for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a # BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. _dart_root = rebase_path("..") template("create_timestamp_file") { assert(defined(invoker.path), "Must specify 'path'") assert(defined(invoker.output), "Must specify 'output'") path = invoker.path output = invoker.output action(target_name) { list_args = [ path ] if (defined(invoker.pattern)) { list_args += [ invoker.pattern ] } files = exec_script("$_dart_root/tools/list_dart_files.py", [ "absolute" ] + list_args, "list lines") inputs = [ "$_dart_root/tools/list_dart_files.py" ] + files outputs = [ output, ] script = "$_dart_root/tools/create_timestamp_file.py" args = [ rebase_path(output) ] } }