include: package:lints/recommended.yaml analyzer: errors: # There are currently 175 violations. always_declare_return_types: ignore # There are currently 60 violations. annotate_overrides: ignore # A number of class names mix UpperCamelCase with underscores. camel_case_types: ignore # This package freely and frequently imports implementation from analyzer. implementation_imports: ignore # Our test methods are named with snake_case. non_constant_identifier_names: ignore # There are currently 200 violations. omit_local_variable_types: ignore # There are currently 20 violations. unawaited_futures: ignore todo: ignore language: strict-casts: true linter: rules: - await_only_futures - collection_methods_unrelated_type - dangling_library_doc_comments - depend_on_referenced_packages - empty_constructor_bodies - empty_statements - enable_null_safety - implicit_call_tearoffs - library_annotations - unawaited_futures - unnecessary_brace_in_string_interps - unnecessary_library_directive - unnecessary_parenthesis - unreachable_from_main - use_super_parameters - valid_regexps