# SDK development code analysis _dartanalyzer_ used to be the tool for statically analyzing dart code at the command line. However, this tool [has been replaced][] with `dart analyze` for this purpose in current SDKs and will no longer be published on pub. **Do not** depend on the command line interface or other semantics in this directory as it is now an internal tool for SDK development, used as the `dart2analyzer` "compiler" for `tools/test.py` in the SDK. It is configured as part of the test runner, [here](https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/main/pkg/test_runner/lib/src/compiler_configuration.dart). ## SDK development usage For SDK development, run analysis from the test tool to validate analysis conclusions on language samples in the testing directory. From the root of the SDK: ``` tools/test.py --build --use-sdk -c dart2analyzer co19_2 language_2 ``` This will build the Dart VM and compile dartanalyzer into a snapshot, then use that snapshot while analyzing those directories under `testing/`. Without `--use-sdk`, test.py will use the source code version of the analyzer instead of the compiled one, which can be useful for debugging. [has been replaced]: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/48457