## 0.6.9-dev - Remove dependency on `dart:js`. - Update SDK lower constraint to 3.1.0-66.0.dev. - Update SDK upper constraint to 4.0.0. - Moved annotations to single location in `dart:_js_annotations`. ## 0.6.7 - Remove `example` link to discontinued example. ## 0.6.6 - Add `@JSExport` annotation for exporting Dart classes and `@staticInterop` mocking. - Require Dart 2.19 ## 0.6.5 - Populate the pubspec repository field. - Add a dependency on `package:meta`. - Add an experimental `@trustTypes` annotation. ## 0.6.4 - Includes `@staticInterop` to allow interop with native types from `dart:html`. ## 0.6.3 - Stable release for null safety. - Update SDK constraints to `>=2.12.0 <3.0.0`. ## 0.6.2 - Improved documentation. ## 0.6.1+1 - Support Dart 2 final release. ## 0.6.1 - Add js_util library of utility methods to efficiently manipulate typed JavaScript interop objects in cases where the member name is not known statically. ## 0.6.0 - Version 0.6.0 is a complete rewrite of `package:js`.