NAME=dartLangSpec SPEC=$(NAME).tex HASH=$(NAME)-hash.tex LIST=$(NAME)-list.txt HASHER=../../tools/addlatexhash.dart pdf: pdflatex $(SPEC) pdflatex $(SPEC) pdflatex $(SPEC) pdfhash: hash_and_list pdflatex $(HASH) pdflatex $(HASH) pdflatex $(HASH) dvi: latex $(SPEC) latex $(SPEC) latex $(SPEC) dvihash: hash_and_list latex $(HASH) latex $(HASH) latex $(HASH) hash_and_list: dart $(HASHER) $(SPEC) $(HASH) $(LIST) help: @echo "Goals:" @echo " pdf, dvi: generate the pdf/dvi file containing the spec" @echo " pdfhash, dvihash: ditto, with location markers filled in" @echo " cleanish: remove [pdf]latex generated intermediate files" @echo " clean: remove all generated files" cleanish: rm -f *.aux *.log *.toc *.out clean: cleanish rm -f *.dvi *.pdf $(HASH) $(LIST)