# Generated build files (runhooks) Makefile *.Makefile *.mk *.xcodeproj xcodebuild /compiler/*sources.gypi /compiler/*sources.xml /client/build.gypi /client/dart_server.* *.vcproj *.sln *.ncb *.vcxproj *.vcxproj.filters *.vcxproj.user .children .project *.so *.o # Generated files /samples/third_party/dromaeo/tests/frog/ /samples/third_party/dromaeo/index-js.html # Build output directories out/ war/ bin/ client/outcode/ DebugIA32/ Debug/ DebugARM/ DebugSIMARM/ DebugX64/ Release/ ReleaseARM/ ReleaseIA32/ ReleaseSIMARM/ ReleaseX64/ # Swarm sample app output directory /client/outcode # Generated dom idl database /lib/dom/database # Generated dom and html classes /lib/dom/generated /lib/html/generated # Not sure what creates this fixed_length_file_out # Third party deps from gclient. /third_party/gyp/ /third_party/v8/ /third_party/closure_compiler_src/ /tests/co19/src/ /third_party/cygwin/ # Built by chromebot and downloaded from Google Storage client/tests/drt # Compiled python binaries *.pyc third_party/gsutil/*/gsutilc # Temporary vim files *.swo *.swp # Emacs backup files *~ /compiler/eclipse.workspace/tests/output/ /compiler/eclipse.workspace/dartc/output/ /compiler/eclipse.workspace/rhino/output/ /compiler/eclipse.workspace/tests/output/ /corelib/tests/corelib/src/generated/ # Fling generated files /client/fling/.classpath /client/fling/.project /client/fling/.settings # Generated test files. /generated_tests/ # Local GDB files. .gdb_history # Default dart2js output. out.js