// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. #include "vm/isolate.h" #include "include/dart_api.h" #include "include/dart_native_api.h" #include "platform/assert.h" #include "platform/text_buffer.h" #include "vm/class_finalizer.h" #include "vm/code_observers.h" #include "vm/compiler.h" #include "vm/compiler_stats.h" #include "vm/dart_api_message.h" #include "vm/dart_api_state.h" #include "vm/dart_entry.h" #include "vm/debugger.h" #include "vm/deopt_instructions.h" #include "vm/flags.h" #include "vm/heap.h" #include "vm/lockers.h" #include "vm/log.h" #include "vm/message_handler.h" #include "vm/object_id_ring.h" #include "vm/object_store.h" #include "vm/object.h" #include "vm/os_thread.h" #include "vm/port.h" #include "vm/profiler.h" #include "vm/reusable_handles.h" #include "vm/safepoint.h" #include "vm/service.h" #include "vm/service_event.h" #include "vm/service_isolate.h" #include "vm/simulator.h" #include "vm/stack_frame.h" #include "vm/store_buffer.h" #include "vm/stub_code.h" #include "vm/symbols.h" #include "vm/tags.h" #include "vm/thread_interrupter.h" #include "vm/thread_registry.h" #include "vm/timeline.h" #include "vm/timeline_analysis.h" #include "vm/timer.h" #include "vm/visitor.h" namespace dart { DECLARE_FLAG(bool, print_metrics); DECLARE_FLAG(bool, timing); DECLARE_FLAG(bool, trace_service); DECLARE_FLAG(bool, warn_on_pause_with_no_debugger); NOT_IN_PRODUCT( static void CheckedModeHandler(bool value) { FLAG_enable_asserts = value; FLAG_enable_type_checks = value; } // --enable-checked-mode and --checked both enable checked mode which is // equivalent to setting --enable-asserts and --enable-type-checks. DEFINE_FLAG_HANDLER(CheckedModeHandler, enable_checked_mode, "Enable checked mode."); DEFINE_FLAG_HANDLER(CheckedModeHandler, checked, "Enable checked mode."); ) // Quick access to the locally defined thread() and isolate() methods. #define T (thread()) #define I (isolate()) #if defined(DEBUG) // Helper class to ensure that a live origin_id is never reused // and assigned to an isolate. class VerifyOriginId : public IsolateVisitor { public: explicit VerifyOriginId(Dart_Port id) : id_(id) {} void VisitIsolate(Isolate* isolate) { ASSERT(isolate->origin_id() != id_); } private: Dart_Port id_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(VerifyOriginId); }; #endif static uint8_t* allocator(uint8_t* ptr, intptr_t old_size, intptr_t new_size) { void* new_ptr = realloc(reinterpret_cast(ptr), new_size); return reinterpret_cast(new_ptr); } static void SerializeObject(const Instance& obj, uint8_t** obj_data, intptr_t* obj_len, bool allow_any_object) { MessageWriter writer(obj_data, &allocator, allow_any_object); writer.WriteMessage(obj); *obj_len = writer.BytesWritten(); } // TODO(zra): Allocation of Message objects should be centralized. static Message* SerializeMessage( Dart_Port dest_port, const Instance& obj) { if (ApiObjectConverter::CanConvert(obj.raw())) { return new Message(dest_port, obj.raw(), Message::kNormalPriority); } else { uint8_t* obj_data; intptr_t obj_len; SerializeObject(obj, &obj_data, &obj_len, false); return new Message(dest_port, obj_data, obj_len, Message::kNormalPriority); } } NoOOBMessageScope::NoOOBMessageScope(Thread* thread) : StackResource(thread) { thread->DeferOOBMessageInterrupts(); } NoOOBMessageScope::~NoOOBMessageScope() { thread()->RestoreOOBMessageInterrupts(); } void Isolate::RegisterClass(const Class& cls) { class_table()->Register(cls); } void Isolate::RegisterClassAt(intptr_t index, const Class& cls) { class_table()->RegisterAt(index, cls); } void Isolate::ValidateClassTable() { class_table()->Validate(); } void Isolate::SendInternalLibMessage(LibMsgId msg_id, uint64_t capability) { const Array& msg = Array::Handle(Array::New(3)); Object& element = Object::Handle(); element = Smi::New(Message::kIsolateLibOOBMsg); msg.SetAt(0, element); element = Smi::New(msg_id); msg.SetAt(1, element); element = Capability::New(capability); msg.SetAt(2, element); uint8_t* data = NULL; MessageWriter writer(&data, &allocator, false); writer.WriteMessage(msg); PortMap::PostMessage(new Message(main_port(), data, writer.BytesWritten(), Message::kOOBPriority)); } class IsolateMessageHandler : public MessageHandler { public: explicit IsolateMessageHandler(Isolate* isolate); ~IsolateMessageHandler(); const char* name() const; void MessageNotify(Message::Priority priority); MessageStatus HandleMessage(Message* message); void NotifyPauseOnStart(); void NotifyPauseOnExit(); #if defined(DEBUG) // Check that it is safe to access this handler. void CheckAccess(); #endif bool IsCurrentIsolate() const; virtual Isolate* isolate() const { return isolate_; } private: // A result of false indicates that the isolate should terminate the // processing of further events. RawError* HandleLibMessage(const Array& message); MessageStatus ProcessUnhandledException(const Error& result); Isolate* isolate_; }; IsolateMessageHandler::IsolateMessageHandler(Isolate* isolate) : isolate_(isolate) { } IsolateMessageHandler::~IsolateMessageHandler() { } const char* IsolateMessageHandler::name() const { return isolate_->name(); } // Isolate library OOB messages are fixed sized arrays which have the // following format: // [ OOB dispatch, Isolate library dispatch, ] RawError* IsolateMessageHandler::HandleLibMessage(const Array& message) { if (message.Length() < 2) return Error::null(); Zone* zone = T->zone(); const Object& type = Object::Handle(zone, message.At(1)); if (!type.IsSmi()) return Error::null(); const intptr_t msg_type = Smi::Cast(type).Value(); switch (msg_type) { case Isolate::kPauseMsg: { // [ OOB, kPauseMsg, pause capability, resume capability ] if (message.Length() != 4) return Error::null(); Object& obj = Object::Handle(zone, message.At(2)); if (!I->VerifyPauseCapability(obj)) return Error::null(); obj = message.At(3); if (!obj.IsCapability()) return Error::null(); if (I->AddResumeCapability(Capability::Cast(obj))) { increment_paused(); } break; } case Isolate::kResumeMsg: { // [ OOB, kResumeMsg, pause capability, resume capability ] if (message.Length() != 4) return Error::null(); Object& obj = Object::Handle(zone, message.At(2)); if (!I->VerifyPauseCapability(obj)) return Error::null(); obj = message.At(3); if (!obj.IsCapability()) return Error::null(); if (I->RemoveResumeCapability(Capability::Cast(obj))) { decrement_paused(); } break; } case Isolate::kPingMsg: { // [ OOB, kPingMsg, responsePort, priority, response ] if (message.Length() != 5) return Error::null(); const Object& obj2 = Object::Handle(zone, message.At(2)); if (!obj2.IsSendPort()) return Error::null(); const SendPort& send_port = SendPort::Cast(obj2); const Object& obj3 = Object::Handle(zone, message.At(3)); if (!obj3.IsSmi()) return Error::null(); const intptr_t priority = Smi::Cast(obj3).Value(); const Object& obj4 = Object::Handle(zone, message.At(4)); if (!obj4.IsInstance() && !obj4.IsNull()) return Error::null(); const Instance& response = obj4.IsNull() ? Instance::null_instance() : Instance::Cast(obj4); if (priority == Isolate::kImmediateAction) { PortMap::PostMessage(SerializeMessage( send_port.Id(), response)); } else { ASSERT((priority == Isolate::kBeforeNextEventAction) || (priority == Isolate::kAsEventAction)); // Update the message so that it will be handled immediately when it // is picked up from the message queue the next time. message.SetAt(0, Smi::Handle(zone, Smi::New(Message::kDelayedIsolateLibOOBMsg))); message.SetAt(3, Smi::Handle(zone, Smi::New(Isolate::kImmediateAction))); this->PostMessage(SerializeMessage( Message::kIllegalPort, message), priority == Isolate::kBeforeNextEventAction /* at_head */); } break; } case Isolate::kKillMsg: case Isolate::kInternalKillMsg: case Isolate::kVMRestartMsg: { // [ OOB, kKillMsg, terminate capability, priority ] if (message.Length() != 4) return Error::null(); Object& obj = Object::Handle(zone, message.At(3)); if (!obj.IsSmi()) return Error::null(); const intptr_t priority = Smi::Cast(obj).Value(); if (priority == Isolate::kImmediateAction) { obj = message.At(2); if (I->VerifyTerminateCapability(obj)) { // We will kill the current isolate by returning an UnwindError. if (msg_type == Isolate::kKillMsg) { const String& msg = String::Handle(String::New( "isolate terminated by Isolate.kill")); const UnwindError& error = UnwindError::Handle(UnwindError::New(msg)); error.set_is_user_initiated(true); return error.raw(); } else if (msg_type == Isolate::kInternalKillMsg) { const String& msg = String::Handle(String::New( "isolate terminated by vm")); return UnwindError::New(msg); } else if (msg_type == Isolate::kVMRestartMsg) { // If this is the main isolate, this request to restart // will be caught and handled in the embedder. Otherwise // this unwind error will cause the isolate to exit. const String& msg = String::Handle(String::New( "isolate terminated for vm restart")); const UnwindError& error = UnwindError::Handle(UnwindError::New(msg)); error.set_is_vm_restart(true); return error.raw(); } else { UNREACHABLE(); } } else { return Error::null(); } } else { ASSERT((priority == Isolate::kBeforeNextEventAction) || (priority == Isolate::kAsEventAction)); // Update the message so that it will be handled immediately when it // is picked up from the message queue the next time. message.SetAt(0, Smi::Handle(zone, Smi::New(Message::kDelayedIsolateLibOOBMsg))); message.SetAt(3, Smi::Handle(zone, Smi::New(Isolate::kImmediateAction))); this->PostMessage(SerializeMessage( Message::kIllegalPort, message), priority == Isolate::kBeforeNextEventAction /* at_head */); } break; } case Isolate::kInterruptMsg: { // [ OOB, kInterruptMsg, pause capability ] if (message.Length() != 3) return Error::null(); Object& obj = Object::Handle(zone, message.At(2)); if (!I->VerifyPauseCapability(obj)) return Error::null(); // If we are already paused, don't pause again. if (FLAG_support_debugger && (I->debugger()->PauseEvent() == NULL)) { return I->debugger()->SignalIsolateInterrupted(); } break; } case Isolate::kAddExitMsg: case Isolate::kDelExitMsg: case Isolate::kAddErrorMsg: case Isolate::kDelErrorMsg: { // [ OOB, msg, listener port ] if (message.Length() < 3) return Error::null(); const Object& obj = Object::Handle(zone, message.At(2)); if (!obj.IsSendPort()) return Error::null(); const SendPort& listener = SendPort::Cast(obj); switch (msg_type) { case Isolate::kAddExitMsg: { if (message.Length() != 4) return Error::null(); // [ OOB, msg, listener port, response object ] const Object& response = Object::Handle(zone, message.At(3)); if (!response.IsInstance() && !response.IsNull()) { return Error::null(); } I->AddExitListener(listener, response.IsNull() ? Instance::null_instance() : Instance::Cast(response)); break; } case Isolate::kDelExitMsg: if (message.Length() != 3) return Error::null(); I->RemoveExitListener(listener); break; case Isolate::kAddErrorMsg: if (message.Length() != 3) return Error::null(); I->AddErrorListener(listener); break; case Isolate::kDelErrorMsg: if (message.Length() != 3) return Error::null(); I->RemoveErrorListener(listener); break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } break; } case Isolate::kErrorFatalMsg: { // [ OOB, kErrorFatalMsg, terminate capability, val ] if (message.Length() != 4) return Error::null(); // Check that the terminate capability has been passed correctly. Object& obj = Object::Handle(zone, message.At(2)); if (!I->VerifyTerminateCapability(obj)) return Error::null(); // Get the value to be set. obj = message.At(3); if (!obj.IsBool()) return Error::null(); I->SetErrorsFatal(Bool::Cast(obj).value()); break; } #if defined(DEBUG) // Malformed OOB messages are silently ignored in release builds. default: UNREACHABLE(); break; #endif // defined(DEBUG) } return Error::null(); } void IsolateMessageHandler::MessageNotify(Message::Priority priority) { if (priority >= Message::kOOBPriority) { // Handle out of band messages even if the mutator thread is busy. I->ScheduleMessageInterrupts(); } Dart_MessageNotifyCallback callback = I->message_notify_callback(); if (callback) { // Allow the embedder to handle message notification. (*callback)(Api::CastIsolate(I)); } } MessageHandler::MessageStatus IsolateMessageHandler::HandleMessage( Message* message) { ASSERT(IsCurrentIsolate()); Thread* thread = Thread::Current(); StackZone stack_zone(thread); Zone* zone = stack_zone.GetZone(); HandleScope handle_scope(thread); #ifndef PRODUCT TimelineDurationScope tds(thread, Timeline::GetIsolateStream(), "HandleMessage"); tds.SetNumArguments(1); tds.CopyArgument(0, "isolateName", I->name()); #endif // If the message is in band we lookup the handler to dispatch to. If the // receive port was closed, we drop the message without deserializing it. // Illegal port is a special case for artificially enqueued isolate library // messages which are handled in C++ code below. Object& msg_handler = Object::Handle(zone); if (!message->IsOOB() && (message->dest_port() != Message::kIllegalPort)) { msg_handler = DartLibraryCalls::LookupHandler(message->dest_port()); if (msg_handler.IsError()) { delete message; return ProcessUnhandledException(Error::Cast(msg_handler)); } if (msg_handler.IsNull()) { // If the port has been closed then the message will be dropped at this // point. Make sure to post to the delivery failure port in that case. if (message->RedirectToDeliveryFailurePort()) { PortMap::PostMessage(message); } else { delete message; } return kOK; } } // Parse the message. Object& msg_obj = Object::Handle(zone); if (message->IsRaw()) { msg_obj = message->raw_obj(); // We should only be sending RawObjects that can be converted to CObjects. ASSERT(ApiObjectConverter::CanConvert(msg_obj.raw())); } else { MessageSnapshotReader reader(message->data(), message->len(), thread); msg_obj = reader.ReadObject(); } if (msg_obj.IsError()) { // An error occurred while reading the message. delete message; return ProcessUnhandledException(Error::Cast(msg_obj)); } if (!msg_obj.IsNull() && !msg_obj.IsInstance()) { // TODO(turnidge): We need to decide what an isolate does with // malformed messages. If they (eventually) come from a remote // machine, then it might make sense to drop the message entirely. // In the case that the message originated locally, which is // always true for now, then this should never occur. UNREACHABLE(); } Instance& msg = Instance::Handle(zone); msg ^= msg_obj.raw(); // Can't use Instance::Cast because may be null. MessageStatus status = kOK; if (message->IsOOB()) { // OOB messages are expected to be fixed length arrays where the first // element is a Smi describing the OOB destination. Messages that do not // confirm to this layout are silently ignored. if (msg.IsArray()) { const Array& oob_msg = Array::Cast(msg); if (oob_msg.Length() > 0) { const Object& oob_tag = Object::Handle(zone, oob_msg.At(0)); if (oob_tag.IsSmi()) { switch (Smi::Cast(oob_tag).Value()) { case Message::kServiceOOBMsg: { if (FLAG_support_service) { Service::HandleIsolateMessage(I, oob_msg); } else { UNREACHABLE(); } break; } case Message::kIsolateLibOOBMsg: { const Error& error = Error::Handle(HandleLibMessage(oob_msg)); if (!error.IsNull()) { status = ProcessUnhandledException(error); } break; } #if defined(DEBUG) // Malformed OOB messages are silently ignored in release builds. default: { UNREACHABLE(); break; } #endif // defined(DEBUG) } } } } } else if (message->dest_port() == Message::kIllegalPort) { // Check whether this is a delayed OOB message which needed handling as // part of the regular message dispatch. All other messages are dropped on // the floor. if (msg.IsArray()) { const Array& msg_arr = Array::Cast(msg); if (msg_arr.Length() > 0) { const Object& oob_tag = Object::Handle(zone, msg_arr.At(0)); if (oob_tag.IsSmi() && (Smi::Cast(oob_tag).Value() == Message::kDelayedIsolateLibOOBMsg)) { const Error& error = Error::Handle(HandleLibMessage(msg_arr)); if (!error.IsNull()) { status = ProcessUnhandledException(error); } } } } } else { const Object& result = Object::Handle(zone, DartLibraryCalls::HandleMessage(msg_handler, msg)); if (result.IsError()) { status = ProcessUnhandledException(Error::Cast(result)); } else { ASSERT(result.IsNull()); } } delete message; if (status == kOK) { const Object& result = Object::Handle(zone, I->InvokePendingServiceExtensionCalls()); if (result.IsError()) { status = ProcessUnhandledException(Error::Cast(result)); } else { ASSERT(result.IsNull()); } } return status; } void IsolateMessageHandler::NotifyPauseOnStart() { if (!FLAG_support_service) { return; } if (Service::debug_stream.enabled() || FLAG_warn_on_pause_with_no_debugger) { StartIsolateScope start_isolate(I); StackZone zone(T); HandleScope handle_scope(T); ServiceEvent pause_event(I, ServiceEvent::kPauseStart); Service::HandleEvent(&pause_event); } else if (FLAG_trace_service) { OS::Print("vm-service: Dropping event of type PauseStart (%s)\n", I->name()); } } void IsolateMessageHandler::NotifyPauseOnExit() { if (!FLAG_support_service) { return; } if (Service::debug_stream.enabled() || FLAG_warn_on_pause_with_no_debugger) { StartIsolateScope start_isolate(I); StackZone zone(T); HandleScope handle_scope(T); ServiceEvent pause_event(I, ServiceEvent::kPauseExit); Service::HandleEvent(&pause_event); } else if (FLAG_trace_service) { OS::Print("vm-service: Dropping event of type PauseExit (%s)\n", I->name()); } } #if defined(DEBUG) void IsolateMessageHandler::CheckAccess() { ASSERT(IsCurrentIsolate()); } #endif bool IsolateMessageHandler::IsCurrentIsolate() const { return (I == Isolate::Current()); } static MessageHandler::MessageStatus StoreError(Thread* thread, const Error& error) { thread->set_sticky_error(error); if (error.IsUnwindError()) { const UnwindError& unwind = UnwindError::Cast(error); if (!unwind.is_user_initiated()) { if (unwind.is_vm_restart()) { return MessageHandler::kRestart; } else { return MessageHandler::kShutdown; } } } return MessageHandler::kError; } MessageHandler::MessageStatus IsolateMessageHandler::ProcessUnhandledException( const Error& result) { // Generate the error and stacktrace strings for the error message. String& exc_str = String::Handle(T->zone()); String& stacktrace_str = String::Handle(T->zone()); if (result.IsUnhandledException()) { Zone* zone = T->zone(); const UnhandledException& uhe = UnhandledException::Cast(result); const Instance& exception = Instance::Handle(zone, uhe.exception()); Object& tmp = Object::Handle(zone); tmp = DartLibraryCalls::ToString(exception); if (!tmp.IsString()) { tmp = String::New(exception.ToCString()); } exc_str ^= tmp.raw(); const Instance& stacktrace = Instance::Handle(zone, uhe.stacktrace()); tmp = DartLibraryCalls::ToString(stacktrace); if (!tmp.IsString()) { tmp = String::New(stacktrace.ToCString()); } stacktrace_str ^= tmp.raw();; } else { exc_str = String::New(result.ToErrorCString()); } if (result.IsUnwindError()) { // When unwinding we don't notify error listeners and we ignore // whether errors are fatal for the current isolate. return StoreError(T, result); } else { bool has_listener = I->NotifyErrorListeners(exc_str, stacktrace_str); if (I->ErrorsFatal()) { if (has_listener) { T->clear_sticky_error(); } else { T->set_sticky_error(result); } // Notify the debugger about specific unhandled exceptions which are // withheld when being thrown. Do this after setting the sticky error // so the isolate has an error set when paused with the unhandled // exception. if (result.IsUnhandledException()) { const UnhandledException& error = UnhandledException::Cast(result); RawInstance* exception = error.exception(); if ((exception == I->object_store()->out_of_memory()) || (exception == I->object_store()->stack_overflow())) { // We didn't notify the debugger when the stack was full. Do it now. if (FLAG_support_debugger) { I->debugger()->SignalExceptionThrown(Instance::Handle(exception)); } } } return kError; } } return kOK; } void Isolate::FlagsInitialize(Dart_IsolateFlags* api_flags) { api_flags->version = DART_FLAGS_CURRENT_VERSION; api_flags->enable_type_checks = FLAG_enable_type_checks; api_flags->enable_asserts = FLAG_enable_asserts; api_flags->enable_error_on_bad_type = FLAG_error_on_bad_type; api_flags->enable_error_on_bad_override = FLAG_error_on_bad_override; } void Isolate::FlagsCopyTo(Dart_IsolateFlags* api_flags) const { api_flags->version = DART_FLAGS_CURRENT_VERSION; api_flags->enable_type_checks = type_checks(); api_flags->enable_asserts = asserts(); api_flags->enable_error_on_bad_type = error_on_bad_type(); api_flags->enable_error_on_bad_override = error_on_bad_override(); } NOT_IN_PRODUCT( void Isolate::FlagsCopyFrom(const Dart_IsolateFlags& api_flags) { type_checks_ = api_flags.enable_type_checks; asserts_ = api_flags.enable_asserts; error_on_bad_type_ = api_flags.enable_error_on_bad_type; error_on_bad_override_ = api_flags.enable_error_on_bad_override; // Leave others at defaults. }) DEBUG_ONLY( // static void BaseIsolate::AssertCurrent(BaseIsolate* isolate) { ASSERT(isolate == Isolate::Current()); } void BaseIsolate::AssertCurrentThreadIsMutator() const { ASSERT(Isolate::Current() == this); ASSERT(Thread::Current()->IsMutatorThread()); } ) #if defined(DEBUG) #define REUSABLE_HANDLE_SCOPE_INIT(object) \ reusable_##object##_handle_scope_active_(false), #else #define REUSABLE_HANDLE_SCOPE_INIT(object) #endif // defined(DEBUG) #define REUSABLE_HANDLE_INITIALIZERS(object) \ object##_handle_(NULL), // TODO(srdjan): Some Isolate monitors can be shared. Replace their usage with // that shared monitor. Isolate::Isolate(const Dart_IsolateFlags& api_flags) : store_buffer_(new StoreBuffer()), heap_(NULL), user_tag_(0), current_tag_(UserTag::null()), default_tag_(UserTag::null()), class_table_(), single_step_(false), thread_registry_(new ThreadRegistry()), safepoint_handler_(new SafepointHandler(this)), message_notify_callback_(NULL), name_(NULL), debugger_name_(NULL), start_time_(OS::GetCurrentTimeMicros()), main_port_(0), origin_id_(0), pause_capability_(0), terminate_capability_(0), errors_fatal_(true), object_store_(NULL), top_exit_frame_info_(0), init_callback_data_(NULL), environment_callback_(NULL), library_tag_handler_(NULL), api_state_(NULL), debugger_(NULL), resume_request_(false), last_resume_timestamp_(OS::GetCurrentTimeMillis()), has_compiled_code_(false), random_(), simulator_(NULL), mutex_(new Mutex()), symbols_mutex_(new Mutex()), type_canonicalization_mutex_(new Mutex()), constant_canonicalization_mutex_(new Mutex()), message_handler_(NULL), spawn_state_(NULL), is_runnable_(false), gc_prologue_callback_(NULL), gc_epilogue_callback_(NULL), defer_finalization_count_(0), deopt_context_(NULL), is_service_isolate_(false), stacktrace_(NULL), stack_frame_index_(-1), last_allocationprofile_accumulator_reset_timestamp_(0), last_allocationprofile_gc_timestamp_(0), object_id_ring_(NULL), tag_table_(GrowableObjectArray::null()), deoptimized_code_array_(GrowableObjectArray::null()), sticky_error_(Error::null()), background_compiler_(NULL), pending_service_extension_calls_(GrowableObjectArray::null()), registered_service_extension_handlers_(GrowableObjectArray::null()), metrics_list_head_(NULL), compilation_allowed_(true), all_classes_finalized_(false), next_(NULL), pause_loop_monitor_(NULL), field_invalidation_gen_(kInvalidGen), loading_invalidation_gen_(kInvalidGen), top_level_parsing_count_(0), field_list_mutex_(new Mutex()), boxed_field_list_(GrowableObjectArray::null()), disabling_field_list_(GrowableObjectArray::null()), spawn_count_monitor_(new Monitor()), spawn_count_(0) { NOT_IN_PRODUCT(FlagsCopyFrom(api_flags)); // TODO(asiva): A Thread is not available here, need to figure out // how the vm_tag (kEmbedderTagId) can be set, these tags need to // move to the OSThread structure. set_user_tag(UserTags::kDefaultUserTag); } #undef REUSABLE_HANDLE_SCOPE_INIT #undef REUSABLE_HANDLE_INITIALIZERS Isolate::~Isolate() { free(name_); free(debugger_name_); delete store_buffer_; delete heap_; delete object_store_; delete api_state_; if (FLAG_support_debugger) { delete debugger_; } #if defined(USING_SIMULATOR) delete simulator_; #endif delete mutex_; mutex_ = NULL; // Fail fast if interrupts are scheduled on a dead isolate. delete symbols_mutex_; symbols_mutex_ = NULL; delete type_canonicalization_mutex_; type_canonicalization_mutex_ = NULL; delete constant_canonicalization_mutex_; constant_canonicalization_mutex_ = NULL; delete message_handler_; message_handler_ = NULL; // Fail fast if we send messages to a dead isolate. ASSERT(deopt_context_ == NULL); // No deopt in progress when isolate deleted. delete spawn_state_; if (FLAG_support_service) { delete object_id_ring_; } object_id_ring_ = NULL; delete pause_loop_monitor_; pause_loop_monitor_ = NULL; delete field_list_mutex_; field_list_mutex_ = NULL; ASSERT(spawn_count_ == 0); delete spawn_count_monitor_; delete safepoint_handler_; delete thread_registry_; } void Isolate::InitOnce() { create_callback_ = NULL; isolates_list_monitor_ = new Monitor(); ASSERT(isolates_list_monitor_ != NULL); EnableIsolateCreation(); } Isolate* Isolate::Init(const char* name_prefix, const Dart_IsolateFlags& api_flags, bool is_vm_isolate) { Isolate* result = new Isolate(api_flags); ASSERT(result != NULL); // Initialize metrics. #define ISOLATE_METRIC_INIT(type, variable, name, unit) \ result->metric_##variable##_.Init(result, name, NULL, Metric::unit); ISOLATE_METRIC_LIST(ISOLATE_METRIC_INIT); #undef ISOLATE_METRIC_INIT Heap::Init(result, is_vm_isolate ? 0 // New gen size 0; VM isolate should only allocate in old. : FLAG_new_gen_semi_max_size * MBInWords, FLAG_old_gen_heap_size * MBInWords, FLAG_external_max_size * MBInWords); // TODO(5411455): For now just set the recently created isolate as // the current isolate. if (!Thread::EnterIsolate(result)) { // We failed to enter the isolate, it is possible the VM is shutting down, // return back a NULL so that CreateIsolate reports back an error. delete result; return NULL; } // Setup the isolate message handler. MessageHandler* handler = new IsolateMessageHandler(result); ASSERT(handler != NULL); result->set_message_handler(handler); // Setup the Dart API state. ApiState* state = new ApiState(); ASSERT(state != NULL); result->set_api_state(state); result->set_main_port(PortMap::CreatePort(result->message_handler())); #if defined(DEBUG) // Verify that we are never reusing a live origin id. VerifyOriginId id_verifier(result->main_port()); Isolate::VisitIsolates(&id_verifier); #endif result->set_origin_id(result->main_port()); result->set_pause_capability(result->random()->NextUInt64()); result->set_terminate_capability(result->random()->NextUInt64()); result->BuildName(name_prefix); if (FLAG_support_debugger) { result->debugger_ = new Debugger(); result->debugger_->Initialize(result); } if (FLAG_trace_isolates) { if (name_prefix == NULL || strcmp(name_prefix, "vm-isolate") != 0) { OS::Print("[+] Starting isolate:\n" "\tisolate: %s\n", result->name()); } } if (FLAG_support_service) { ObjectIdRing::Init(result); } // Add to isolate list. Shutdown and delete the isolate on failure. if (!AddIsolateToList(result)) { result->LowLevelShutdown(); Thread::ExitIsolate(); delete result; return NULL; } return result; } void Isolate::SetupDataSnapshotPage(const uint8_t* data_snapshot_buffer) { DataSnapshot snapshot(data_snapshot_buffer); #if defined(DEBUG) if (FLAG_trace_isolates) { OS::Print("Precompiled rodata are at [0x%" Px ", 0x%" Px ")\n", reinterpret_cast(snapshot.data_start()), reinterpret_cast(snapshot.data_start()) + snapshot.data_size()); } #endif heap_->SetupExternalPage(snapshot.data_start(), snapshot.data_size(), /* is_executable = */ false); } void Isolate::ScheduleMessageInterrupts() { // We take the threads lock here to ensure that the mutator thread does not // exit the isolate while we are trying to schedule interrupts on it. MonitorLocker ml(threads_lock()); Thread* mthread = mutator_thread(); if (mthread != NULL) { mthread->ScheduleInterrupts(Thread::kMessageInterrupt); } } void Isolate::set_debugger_name(const char* name) { free(debugger_name_); debugger_name_ = strdup(name); } void Isolate::BuildName(const char* name_prefix) { ASSERT(name_ == NULL); if (name_prefix == NULL) { name_prefix = "isolate"; } set_debugger_name(name_prefix); if (ServiceIsolate::NameEquals(name_prefix)) { name_ = strdup(name_prefix); return; } name_ = OS::SCreate(NULL, "%s-%" Pd64 "", name_prefix, main_port()); } void Isolate::DoneLoading() { GrowableObjectArray& libs = GrowableObjectArray::Handle(current_zone(), object_store()->libraries()); Library& lib = Library::Handle(current_zone()); intptr_t num_libs = libs.Length(); for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_libs; i++) { lib ^= libs.At(i); // If this library was loaded with Dart_LoadLibrary, it was marked // as 'load in progres'. Set the status to 'loaded'. if (lib.LoadInProgress()) { lib.SetLoaded(); } } TokenStream::CloseSharedTokenList(this); } bool Isolate::MakeRunnable() { ASSERT(Isolate::Current() == NULL); MutexLocker ml(mutex_); // Check if we are in a valid state to make the isolate runnable. if (is_runnable() == true) { return false; // Already runnable. } // Set the isolate as runnable and if we are being spawned schedule // isolate on thread pool for execution. ASSERT(object_store()->root_library() != Library::null()); set_is_runnable(true); if (FLAG_support_debugger && !ServiceIsolate::IsServiceIsolate(this)) { if (FLAG_pause_isolates_on_unhandled_exceptions) { debugger()->SetExceptionPauseInfo(kPauseOnUnhandledExceptions); } } IsolateSpawnState* state = spawn_state(); if (state != NULL) { ASSERT(this == state->isolate()); Run(); } #ifndef PRODUCT if (FLAG_support_timeline) { TimelineStream* stream = Timeline::GetIsolateStream(); ASSERT(stream != NULL); TimelineEvent* event = stream->StartEvent(); if (event != NULL) { event->Instant("Runnable"); event->Complete(); } } #endif // !PRODUCT if (FLAG_support_service && Service::isolate_stream.enabled()) { ServiceEvent runnableEvent(this, ServiceEvent::kIsolateRunnable); Service::HandleEvent(&runnableEvent); } return true; } bool Isolate::VerifyPauseCapability(const Object& capability) const { return !capability.IsNull() && capability.IsCapability() && (pause_capability() == Capability::Cast(capability).Id()); } bool Isolate::VerifyTerminateCapability(const Object& capability) const { return !capability.IsNull() && capability.IsCapability() && (terminate_capability() == Capability::Cast(capability).Id()); } bool Isolate::AddResumeCapability(const Capability& capability) { // Ensure a limit for the number of resume capabilities remembered. static const intptr_t kMaxResumeCapabilities = kSmiMax / (6 * kWordSize); const GrowableObjectArray& caps = GrowableObjectArray::Handle( current_zone(), object_store()->resume_capabilities()); Capability& current = Capability::Handle(current_zone()); intptr_t insertion_index = -1; for (intptr_t i = 0; i < caps.Length(); i++) { current ^= caps.At(i); if (current.IsNull()) { if (insertion_index < 0) { insertion_index = i; } } else if (current.Id() == capability.Id()) { return false; } } if (insertion_index < 0) { if (caps.Length() >= kMaxResumeCapabilities) { // Cannot grow the array of resume capabilities beyond its max. Additional // pause requests are ignored. In practice will never happen as we will // run out of memory beforehand. return false; } caps.Add(capability); } else { caps.SetAt(insertion_index, capability); } return true; } bool Isolate::RemoveResumeCapability(const Capability& capability) { const GrowableObjectArray& caps = GrowableObjectArray::Handle( current_zone(), object_store()->resume_capabilities()); Capability& current = Capability::Handle(current_zone()); for (intptr_t i = 0; i < caps.Length(); i++) { current ^= caps.At(i); if (!current.IsNull() && (current.Id() == capability.Id())) { // Remove the matching capability from the list. current = Capability::null(); caps.SetAt(i, current); return true; } } return false; } // TODO(iposva): Remove duplicated code and start using some hash based // structure instead of these linear lookups. void Isolate::AddExitListener(const SendPort& listener, const Instance& response) { // Ensure a limit for the number of listeners remembered. static const intptr_t kMaxListeners = kSmiMax / (12 * kWordSize); const GrowableObjectArray& listeners = GrowableObjectArray::Handle( current_zone(), object_store()->exit_listeners()); SendPort& current = SendPort::Handle(current_zone()); intptr_t insertion_index = -1; for (intptr_t i = 0; i < listeners.Length(); i += 2) { current ^= listeners.At(i); if (current.IsNull()) { if (insertion_index < 0) { insertion_index = i; } } else if (current.Id() == listener.Id()) { listeners.SetAt(i + 1, response); return; } } if (insertion_index < 0) { if (listeners.Length() >= kMaxListeners) { // Cannot grow the array of listeners beyond its max. Additional // listeners are ignored. In practice will never happen as we will // run out of memory beforehand. return; } listeners.Add(listener); listeners.Add(response); } else { listeners.SetAt(insertion_index, listener); listeners.SetAt(insertion_index + 1, response); } } void Isolate::RemoveExitListener(const SendPort& listener) { const GrowableObjectArray& listeners = GrowableObjectArray::Handle( current_zone(), object_store()->exit_listeners()); SendPort& current = SendPort::Handle(current_zone()); for (intptr_t i = 0; i < listeners.Length(); i += 2) { current ^= listeners.At(i); if (!current.IsNull() && (current.Id() == listener.Id())) { // Remove the matching listener from the list. current = SendPort::null(); listeners.SetAt(i, current); listeners.SetAt(i + 1, Object::null_instance()); return; } } } void Isolate::NotifyExitListeners() { const GrowableObjectArray& listeners = GrowableObjectArray::Handle( current_zone(), this->object_store()->exit_listeners()); if (listeners.IsNull()) return; SendPort& listener = SendPort::Handle(current_zone()); Instance& response = Instance::Handle(current_zone()); for (intptr_t i = 0; i < listeners.Length(); i += 2) { listener ^= listeners.At(i); if (!listener.IsNull()) { Dart_Port port_id = listener.Id(); response ^= listeners.At(i + 1); PortMap::PostMessage(SerializeMessage(port_id, response)); } } } void Isolate::AddErrorListener(const SendPort& listener) { // Ensure a limit for the number of listeners remembered. static const intptr_t kMaxListeners = kSmiMax / (6 * kWordSize); const GrowableObjectArray& listeners = GrowableObjectArray::Handle( current_zone(), object_store()->error_listeners()); SendPort& current = SendPort::Handle(current_zone()); intptr_t insertion_index = -1; for (intptr_t i = 0; i < listeners.Length(); i++) { current ^= listeners.At(i); if (current.IsNull()) { if (insertion_index < 0) { insertion_index = i; } } else if (current.Id() == listener.Id()) { return; } } if (insertion_index < 0) { if (listeners.Length() >= kMaxListeners) { // Cannot grow the array of listeners beyond its max. Additional // listeners are ignored. In practice will never happen as we will // run out of memory beforehand. return; } listeners.Add(listener); } else { listeners.SetAt(insertion_index, listener); } } void Isolate::RemoveErrorListener(const SendPort& listener) { const GrowableObjectArray& listeners = GrowableObjectArray::Handle( current_zone(), object_store()->error_listeners()); SendPort& current = SendPort::Handle(current_zone()); for (intptr_t i = 0; i < listeners.Length(); i++) { current ^= listeners.At(i); if (!current.IsNull() && (current.Id() == listener.Id())) { // Remove the matching listener from the list. current = SendPort::null(); listeners.SetAt(i, current); return; } } } bool Isolate::NotifyErrorListeners(const String& msg, const String& stacktrace) { const GrowableObjectArray& listeners = GrowableObjectArray::Handle( current_zone(), this->object_store()->error_listeners()); if (listeners.IsNull()) return false; const Array& arr = Array::Handle(current_zone(), Array::New(2)); arr.SetAt(0, msg); arr.SetAt(1, stacktrace); SendPort& listener = SendPort::Handle(current_zone()); for (intptr_t i = 0; i < listeners.Length(); i++) { listener ^= listeners.At(i); if (!listener.IsNull()) { Dart_Port port_id = listener.Id(); PortMap::PostMessage(SerializeMessage(port_id, arr)); } } return listeners.Length() > 0; } static MessageHandler::MessageStatus RunIsolate(uword parameter) { Isolate* isolate = reinterpret_cast(parameter); IsolateSpawnState* state = NULL; { // TODO(turnidge): Is this locking required here at all anymore? MutexLocker ml(isolate->mutex()); state = isolate->spawn_state(); } { StartIsolateScope start_scope(isolate); Thread* thread = Thread::Current(); ASSERT(thread->isolate() == isolate); StackZone zone(thread); HandleScope handle_scope(thread); // If particular values were requested for this newly spawned isolate, then // they are set here before the isolate starts executing user code. isolate->SetErrorsFatal(state->errors_are_fatal()); if (state->on_exit_port() != ILLEGAL_PORT) { const SendPort& listener = SendPort::Handle(SendPort::New(state->on_exit_port())); isolate->AddExitListener(listener, Instance::null_instance()); } if (state->on_error_port() != ILLEGAL_PORT) { const SendPort& listener = SendPort::Handle(SendPort::New(state->on_error_port())); isolate->AddErrorListener(listener); } // Switch back to spawning isolate. if (!ClassFinalizer::ProcessPendingClasses()) { // Error is in sticky error already. #if defined(DEBUG) const Error& error = Error::Handle(thread->sticky_error()); ASSERT(!error.IsUnwindError()); #endif return MessageHandler::kError; } Object& result = Object::Handle(); result = state->ResolveFunction(); bool is_spawn_uri = state->is_spawn_uri(); if (result.IsError()) { return StoreError(thread, Error::Cast(result)); } ASSERT(result.IsFunction()); Function& func = Function::Handle(thread->zone()); func ^= result.raw(); // TODO(turnidge): Currently we need a way to force a one-time // breakpoint for all spawned isolates to support isolate // debugging. Remove this once the vmservice becomes the standard // way to debug. Set the breakpoint on the static function instead // of its implicit closure function because that latter is merely // a dispatcher that is marked as undebuggable. if (FLAG_support_debugger && FLAG_break_at_isolate_spawn) { isolate->debugger()->OneTimeBreakAtEntry(func); } func = func.ImplicitClosureFunction(); const Array& capabilities = Array::Handle(Array::New(2)); Capability& capability = Capability::Handle(); capability = Capability::New(isolate->pause_capability()); capabilities.SetAt(0, capability); // Check whether this isolate should be started in paused state. if (state->paused()) { bool added = isolate->AddResumeCapability(capability); ASSERT(added); // There should be no pending resume capabilities. isolate->message_handler()->increment_paused(); } capability = Capability::New(isolate->terminate_capability()); capabilities.SetAt(1, capability); // Instead of directly invoking the entry point we call '_startIsolate' with // the entry point as argument. // Since this function ("RunIsolate") is used for both Isolate.spawn and // Isolate.spawnUri we also send a boolean flag as argument so that the // "_startIsolate" function can act corresponding to how the isolate was // created. const Array& args = Array::Handle(Array::New(7)); args.SetAt(0, SendPort::Handle(SendPort::New(state->parent_port()))); args.SetAt(1, Instance::Handle(func.ImplicitStaticClosure())); args.SetAt(2, Instance::Handle(state->BuildArgs(thread))); args.SetAt(3, Instance::Handle(state->BuildMessage(thread))); args.SetAt(4, is_spawn_uri ? Bool::True() : Bool::False()); args.SetAt(5, ReceivePort::Handle( ReceivePort::New(isolate->main_port(), true /* control port */))); args.SetAt(6, capabilities); const Library& lib = Library::Handle(Library::IsolateLibrary()); const String& entry_name = String::Handle(String::New("_startIsolate")); const Function& entry_point = Function::Handle(lib.LookupLocalFunction(entry_name)); ASSERT(entry_point.IsFunction() && !entry_point.IsNull()); result = DartEntry::InvokeFunction(entry_point, args); if (result.IsError()) { return StoreError(thread, Error::Cast(result)); } } return MessageHandler::kOK; } static void ShutdownIsolate(uword parameter) { Isolate* isolate = reinterpret_cast(parameter); // We must wait for any outstanding spawn calls to complete before // running the shutdown callback. isolate->WaitForOutstandingSpawns(); { // Print the error if there is one. This may execute dart code to // print the exception object, so we need to use a StartIsolateScope. StartIsolateScope start_scope(isolate); Thread* thread = Thread::Current(); ASSERT(thread->isolate() == isolate); StackZone zone(thread); HandleScope handle_scope(thread); const Error& error = Error::Handle(thread->sticky_error()); if (!error.IsNull() && !error.IsUnwindError()) { OS::PrintErr("in ShutdownIsolate: %s\n", error.ToErrorCString()); } Dart::RunShutdownCallback(); } // Shut the isolate down. Dart::ShutdownIsolate(isolate); } void Isolate::Run() { message_handler()->Run(Dart::thread_pool(), RunIsolate, ShutdownIsolate, reinterpret_cast(this)); } void Isolate::AddClosureFunction(const Function& function) const { GrowableObjectArray& closures = GrowableObjectArray::Handle(object_store()->closure_functions()); ASSERT(!closures.IsNull()); ASSERT(function.IsNonImplicitClosureFunction()); closures.Add(function, Heap::kOld); } // If the linear lookup turns out to be too expensive, the list // of closures could be maintained in a hash map, with the key // being the token position of the closure. There are almost no // collisions with this simple hash value. However, iterating over // all closure functions becomes more difficult, especially when // the list/map changes while iterating over it. RawFunction* Isolate::LookupClosureFunction(const Function& parent, TokenPosition token_pos) const { const GrowableObjectArray& closures = GrowableObjectArray::Handle(object_store()->closure_functions()); ASSERT(!closures.IsNull()); Function& closure = Function::Handle(); intptr_t num_closures = closures.Length(); for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_closures; i++) { closure ^= closures.At(i); if ((closure.token_pos() == token_pos) && (closure.parent_function() == parent.raw())) { return closure.raw(); } } return Function::null(); } intptr_t Isolate::FindClosureIndex(const Function& needle) const { const GrowableObjectArray& closures_array = GrowableObjectArray::Handle(object_store()->closure_functions()); intptr_t num_closures = closures_array.Length(); for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_closures; i++) { if (closures_array.At(i) == needle.raw()) { return i; } } return -1; } RawFunction* Isolate::ClosureFunctionFromIndex(intptr_t idx) const { const GrowableObjectArray& closures_array = GrowableObjectArray::Handle(object_store()->closure_functions()); if ((idx < 0) || (idx >= closures_array.Length())) { return Function::null(); } return Function::RawCast(closures_array.At(idx)); } class FinalizeWeakPersistentHandlesVisitor : public HandleVisitor { public: FinalizeWeakPersistentHandlesVisitor() : HandleVisitor(Thread::Current()) { } void VisitHandle(uword addr) { FinalizablePersistentHandle* handle = reinterpret_cast(addr); handle->UpdateUnreachable(thread()->isolate()); } private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(FinalizeWeakPersistentHandlesVisitor); }; void Isolate::LowLevelShutdown() { // Ensure we have a zone and handle scope so that we can call VM functions, // but we no longer allocate new heap objects. Thread* thread = Thread::Current(); StackZone stack_zone(thread); HandleScope handle_scope(thread); NoSafepointScope no_safepoint_scope; // Notify exit listeners that this isolate is shutting down. if (object_store() != NULL) { const Error& error = Error::Handle(thread->sticky_error()); if (error.IsNull() || !error.IsUnwindError() || UnwindError::Cast(error).is_user_initiated()) { NotifyExitListeners(); } } // Clean up debugger resources. if (FLAG_support_debugger) { debugger()->Shutdown(); } // Close all the ports owned by this isolate. PortMap::ClosePorts(message_handler()); // Fail fast if anybody tries to post any more messsages to this isolate. delete message_handler(); set_message_handler(NULL); if (FLAG_support_timeline) { // Before analyzing the isolate's timeline blocks- reclaim all cached // blocks. Timeline::ReclaimCachedBlocksFromThreads(); } // Dump all timing data for the isolate. #ifndef PRODUCT if (FLAG_support_timeline && FLAG_timing) { TimelinePauseTrace tpt; tpt.Print(); } #endif // !PRODUCT // Finalize any weak persistent handles with a non-null referent. FinalizeWeakPersistentHandlesVisitor visitor; api_state()->weak_persistent_handles().VisitHandles(&visitor); if (FLAG_trace_isolates) { heap()->PrintSizes(); MegamorphicCacheTable::PrintSizes(this); Symbols::DumpStats(); OS::Print("[-] Stopping isolate:\n" "\tisolate: %s\n", name()); } if (FLAG_print_metrics) { LogBlock lb; THR_Print("Printing metrics for %s\n", name()); #define ISOLATE_METRIC_PRINT(type, variable, name, unit) \ THR_Print("%s\n", metric_##variable##_.ToString()); ISOLATE_METRIC_LIST(ISOLATE_METRIC_PRINT); #undef ISOLATE_METRIC_PRINT THR_Print("\n"); } } void Isolate::StopBackgroundCompiler() { // Wait until all background compilation has finished. if (background_compiler_ != NULL) { BackgroundCompiler::Stop(this); } } void Isolate::Shutdown() { ASSERT(this == Isolate::Current()); StopBackgroundCompiler(); #if defined(DEBUG) if (heap_ != NULL) { // The VM isolate keeps all objects marked. heap_->Verify(this == Dart::vm_isolate() ? kRequireMarked : kForbidMarked); } #endif // DEBUG Thread* thread = Thread::Current(); // Don't allow anymore dart code to execution on this isolate. thread->ClearStackLimit(); // First, perform higher-level cleanup that may need to allocate. { // Ensure we have a zone and handle scope so that we can call VM functions. StackZone stack_zone(thread); HandleScope handle_scope(thread); // Write compiler stats data if enabled. if (FLAG_support_compiler_stats && FLAG_compiler_stats && !ServiceIsolate::IsServiceIsolateDescendant(this) && (this != Dart::vm_isolate())) { OS::Print("%s", aggregate_compiler_stats()->PrintToZone()); } } // Remove this isolate from the list *before* we start tearing it down, to // avoid exposing it in a state of decay. RemoveIsolateFromList(this); if (heap_ != NULL) { // Wait for any concurrent GC tasks to finish before shutting down. // TODO(koda): Support faster sweeper shutdown (e.g., after current page). PageSpace* old_space = heap_->old_space(); MonitorLocker ml(old_space->tasks_lock()); while (old_space->tasks() > 0) { ml.Wait(); } } // Then, proceed with low-level teardown. LowLevelShutdown(); #if defined(DEBUG) // No concurrent sweeper tasks should be running at this point. if (heap_ != NULL) { PageSpace* old_space = heap_->old_space(); MonitorLocker ml(old_space->tasks_lock()); ASSERT(old_space->tasks() == 0); } #endif // TODO(5411455): For now just make sure there are no current isolates // as we are shutting down the isolate. Thread::ExitIsolate(); } Dart_IsolateCreateCallback Isolate::create_callback_ = NULL; Dart_IsolateShutdownCallback Isolate::shutdown_callback_ = NULL; Monitor* Isolate::isolates_list_monitor_ = NULL; Isolate* Isolate::isolates_list_head_ = NULL; bool Isolate::creation_enabled_ = false; void Isolate::IterateObjectPointers(ObjectPointerVisitor* visitor, bool validate_frames) { HeapIterationScope heap_iteration_scope; VisitObjectPointers(visitor, validate_frames); } void Isolate::VisitObjectPointers(ObjectPointerVisitor* visitor, bool validate_frames) { ASSERT(visitor != NULL); // Visit objects in the object store. object_store()->VisitObjectPointers(visitor); // Visit objects in the class table. class_table()->VisitObjectPointers(visitor); // Visit objects in per isolate stubs. StubCode::VisitObjectPointers(visitor); // Visit the dart api state for all local and persistent handles. if (api_state() != NULL) { api_state()->VisitObjectPointers(visitor); } // Visit the current tag which is stored in the isolate. visitor->VisitPointer(reinterpret_cast(¤t_tag_)); // Visit the default tag which is stored in the isolate. visitor->VisitPointer(reinterpret_cast(&default_tag_)); // Visit the tag table which is stored in the isolate. visitor->VisitPointer(reinterpret_cast(&tag_table_)); if (background_compiler() != NULL) { background_compiler()->VisitPointers(visitor); } // Visit the deoptimized code array which is stored in the isolate. visitor->VisitPointer( reinterpret_cast(&deoptimized_code_array_)); visitor->VisitPointer( reinterpret_cast(&sticky_error_)); // Visit the pending service extension calls. visitor->VisitPointer( reinterpret_cast(&pending_service_extension_calls_)); // Visit the registered service extension handlers. visitor->VisitPointer( reinterpret_cast(®istered_service_extension_handlers_)); // Visit the boxed_field_list_. // 'boxed_field_list_' access via mutator and background compilation threads // is guarded with a monitor. This means that we can visit it only // when at safepoint or the field_list_mutex_ lock has been taken. visitor->VisitPointer(reinterpret_cast(&boxed_field_list_)); // Visit the disabling_field_list. // 'disabling_field_list_' access via mutator and background compilation // threads is guarded with a monitor. This means that we can visit it only // when at safepoint or the field_list_mutex_ lock has been taken. visitor->VisitPointer(reinterpret_cast(&disabling_field_list_)); // Visit objects in the debugger. if (FLAG_support_debugger) { debugger()->VisitObjectPointers(visitor); } // Visit objects that are being used for deoptimization. if (deopt_context() != NULL) { deopt_context()->VisitObjectPointers(visitor); } // Visit objects in all threads (e.g., Dart stack, handles in zones). thread_registry()->VisitObjectPointers(visitor, validate_frames); } void Isolate::VisitWeakPersistentHandles(HandleVisitor* visitor) { if (api_state() != NULL) { api_state()->VisitWeakHandles(visitor); } } void Isolate::PrepareForGC() { thread_registry()->PrepareForGC(); } static const char* ExceptionPauseInfoToServiceEnum(Dart_ExceptionPauseInfo pi) { switch (pi) { case kPauseOnAllExceptions: return "All"; case kNoPauseOnExceptions: return "None"; case kPauseOnUnhandledExceptions: return "Unhandled"; default: UNIMPLEMENTED(); return NULL; } } void Isolate::PrintJSON(JSONStream* stream, bool ref) { if (!FLAG_support_service) { return; } JSONObject jsobj(stream); jsobj.AddProperty("type", (ref ? "@Isolate" : "Isolate")); jsobj.AddFixedServiceId("isolates/%" Pd64 "", static_cast(main_port())); jsobj.AddProperty("name", debugger_name()); jsobj.AddPropertyF("number", "%" Pd64 "", static_cast(main_port())); if (ref) { return; } jsobj.AddPropertyF("_originNumber", "%" Pd64 "", static_cast(origin_id())); int64_t start_time_millis = start_time() / kMicrosecondsPerMillisecond; jsobj.AddPropertyTimeMillis("startTime", start_time_millis); { JSONObject jsheap(&jsobj, "_heaps"); heap()->PrintToJSONObject(Heap::kNew, &jsheap); heap()->PrintToJSONObject(Heap::kOld, &jsheap); } jsobj.AddProperty("runnable", is_runnable()); jsobj.AddProperty("livePorts", message_handler()->live_ports()); jsobj.AddProperty("pauseOnExit", message_handler()->should_pause_on_exit()); if (debugger() != NULL) { if (!is_runnable()) { // Isolate is not yet runnable. ASSERT(debugger()->PauseEvent() == NULL); ServiceEvent pause_event(this, ServiceEvent::kNone); jsobj.AddProperty("pauseEvent", &pause_event); } else if (message_handler()->is_paused_on_start() || message_handler()->should_pause_on_start()) { ASSERT(debugger()->PauseEvent() == NULL); ServiceEvent pause_event(this, ServiceEvent::kPauseStart); jsobj.AddProperty("pauseEvent", &pause_event); } else if (message_handler()->is_paused_on_exit()) { ASSERT(debugger()->PauseEvent() == NULL); ServiceEvent pause_event(this, ServiceEvent::kPauseExit); jsobj.AddProperty("pauseEvent", &pause_event); } else if (debugger()->PauseEvent() != NULL && !resume_request_) { ServiceEvent pause_event(debugger()->PauseEvent()); jsobj.AddProperty("pauseEvent", &pause_event); } else { ServiceEvent pause_event(this, ServiceEvent::kResume); // TODO(turnidge): Don't compute a full stack trace. DebuggerStackTrace* stack = debugger()->StackTrace(); if (stack->Length() > 0) { pause_event.set_top_frame(stack->FrameAt(0)); } jsobj.AddProperty("pauseEvent", &pause_event); } jsobj.AddProperty("exceptionPauseMode", ExceptionPauseInfoToServiceEnum(debugger()->GetExceptionPauseInfo())); } const Library& lib = Library::Handle(object_store()->root_library()); if (!lib.IsNull()) { jsobj.AddProperty("rootLib", lib); } { JSONObject tagCounters(&jsobj, "_tagCounters"); vm_tag_counters()->PrintToJSONObject(&tagCounters); } if (Thread::Current()->sticky_error() != Object::null()) { Error& error = Error::Handle(Thread::Current()->sticky_error()); ASSERT(!error.IsNull()); jsobj.AddProperty("error", error, false); } else if (sticky_error() != Object::null()) { Error& error = Error::Handle(sticky_error()); ASSERT(!error.IsNull()); jsobj.AddProperty("error", error, false); } { const GrowableObjectArray& libs = GrowableObjectArray::Handle(object_store()->libraries()); intptr_t num_libs = libs.Length(); Library& lib = Library::Handle(); JSONArray lib_array(&jsobj, "libraries"); for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_libs; i++) { lib ^= libs.At(i); ASSERT(!lib.IsNull()); lib_array.AddValue(lib); } } if (debugger() != NULL) { { JSONArray breakpoints(&jsobj, "breakpoints"); debugger()->PrintBreakpointsToJSONArray(&breakpoints); } { JSONObject jssettings(&jsobj, "_debuggerSettings"); debugger()->PrintSettingsToJSONObject(&jssettings); } } { GrowableObjectArray& handlers = GrowableObjectArray::Handle(registered_service_extension_handlers()); if (!handlers.IsNull()) { JSONArray extensions(&jsobj, "extensionRPCs"); String& handler_name = String::Handle(); for (intptr_t i = 0; i < handlers.Length(); i += kRegisteredEntrySize) { handler_name ^= handlers.At(i + kRegisteredNameIndex); extensions.AddValue(handler_name.ToCString()); } } } } void Isolate::set_tag_table(const GrowableObjectArray& value) { tag_table_ = value.raw(); } void Isolate::set_current_tag(const UserTag& tag) { uword user_tag = tag.tag(); ASSERT(user_tag < kUwordMax); set_user_tag(user_tag); current_tag_ = tag.raw(); } void Isolate::set_default_tag(const UserTag& tag) { default_tag_ = tag.raw(); } void Isolate::set_ic_miss_code(const Code& code) { ic_miss_code_ = code.raw(); } void Isolate::set_deoptimized_code_array(const GrowableObjectArray& value) { ASSERT(Thread::Current()->IsMutatorThread()); deoptimized_code_array_ = value.raw(); } void Isolate::TrackDeoptimizedCode(const Code& code) { ASSERT(!code.IsNull()); const GrowableObjectArray& deoptimized_code = GrowableObjectArray::Handle(deoptimized_code_array()); if (deoptimized_code.IsNull()) { // Not tracking deoptimized code. return; } // TODO(johnmccutchan): Scan this array and the isolate's profile before // old space GC and remove the keep_code flag. deoptimized_code.Add(code); } void Isolate::clear_sticky_error() { sticky_error_ = Error::null(); } void Isolate::set_pending_service_extension_calls( const GrowableObjectArray& value) { pending_service_extension_calls_ = value.raw(); } void Isolate::set_registered_service_extension_handlers( const GrowableObjectArray& value) { registered_service_extension_handlers_ = value.raw(); } // Used by mutator thread to notify background compiler which fields // triggered code invalidation. void Isolate::AddDisablingField(const Field& field) { ASSERT(Thread::Current()->IsMutatorThread()); SafepointMutexLocker ml(field_list_mutex_); if (disabling_field_list_ == GrowableObjectArray::null()) { disabling_field_list_ = GrowableObjectArray::New(Heap::kOld); } const GrowableObjectArray& array = GrowableObjectArray::Handle(disabling_field_list_); array.Add(field, Heap::kOld); } RawField* Isolate::GetDisablingField() { ASSERT(Compiler::IsBackgroundCompilation() && (!Isolate::Current()->HasMutatorThread() || Isolate::Current()->mutator_thread()->IsAtSafepoint())); ASSERT(Thread::Current()->IsAtSafepoint()); if (disabling_field_list_ == GrowableObjectArray::null()) { return Field::null(); } const GrowableObjectArray& array = GrowableObjectArray::Handle(disabling_field_list_); if (array.Length() == 0) { return Field::null(); } return Field::RawCast(array.RemoveLast()); } void Isolate::ClearDisablingFieldList() { MutexLocker ml(field_list_mutex_); if (disabling_field_list_ == GrowableObjectArray::null()) { return; } const GrowableObjectArray& array = GrowableObjectArray::Handle(disabling_field_list_); if (array.Length() > 0) { array.SetLength(0); } } void Isolate::AddDeoptimizingBoxedField(const Field& field) { ASSERT(Compiler::IsBackgroundCompilation()); ASSERT(field.IsOriginal()); // The enclosed code allocates objects and can potentially trigger a GC, // ensure that we account for safepoints when grabbing the lock. SafepointMutexLocker ml(field_list_mutex_); if (boxed_field_list_ == GrowableObjectArray::null()) { boxed_field_list_ = GrowableObjectArray::New(Heap::kOld); } const GrowableObjectArray& array = GrowableObjectArray::Handle(boxed_field_list_); array.Add(field, Heap::kOld); } RawField* Isolate::GetDeoptimizingBoxedField() { ASSERT(Thread::Current()->IsMutatorThread()); MutexLocker ml(field_list_mutex_); if (boxed_field_list_ == GrowableObjectArray::null()) { return Field::null(); } const GrowableObjectArray& array = GrowableObjectArray::Handle(boxed_field_list_); if (array.Length() == 0) { return Field::null(); } return Field::RawCast(array.RemoveLast()); } RawObject* Isolate::InvokePendingServiceExtensionCalls() { if (!FLAG_support_service) { return Object::null(); } GrowableObjectArray& calls = GrowableObjectArray::Handle(GetAndClearPendingServiceExtensionCalls()); if (calls.IsNull()) { return Object::null(); } // Grab run function. const Library& developer_lib = Library::Handle(Library::DeveloperLibrary()); ASSERT(!developer_lib.IsNull()); const Function& run_extension = Function::Handle( developer_lib.LookupLocalFunction(Symbols::_runExtension())); ASSERT(!run_extension.IsNull()); const Array& arguments = Array::Handle(Array::New(kPendingEntrySize + 1, Heap::kNew)); Object& result = Object::Handle(); String& method_name = String::Handle(); Instance& closure = Instance::Handle(); Array& parameter_keys = Array::Handle(); Array& parameter_values = Array::Handle(); Instance& reply_port = Instance::Handle(); Instance& id = Instance::Handle(); for (intptr_t i = 0; i < calls.Length(); i += kPendingEntrySize) { // Grab arguments for call. closure ^= calls.At(i + kPendingHandlerIndex); ASSERT(!closure.IsNull()); arguments.SetAt(kPendingHandlerIndex, closure); method_name ^= calls.At(i + kPendingMethodNameIndex); ASSERT(!method_name.IsNull()); arguments.SetAt(kPendingMethodNameIndex, method_name); parameter_keys ^= calls.At(i + kPendingKeysIndex); ASSERT(!parameter_keys.IsNull()); arguments.SetAt(kPendingKeysIndex, parameter_keys); parameter_values ^= calls.At(i + kPendingValuesIndex); ASSERT(!parameter_values.IsNull()); arguments.SetAt(kPendingValuesIndex, parameter_values); reply_port ^= calls.At(i + kPendingReplyPortIndex); ASSERT(!reply_port.IsNull()); arguments.SetAt(kPendingReplyPortIndex, reply_port); id ^= calls.At(i + kPendingIdIndex); arguments.SetAt(kPendingIdIndex, id); arguments.SetAt(kPendingEntrySize, Bool::Get(FLAG_trace_service)); if (FLAG_trace_service) { OS::Print( "[+%" Pd64 "ms] Isolate %s invoking _runExtension for %s\n", Dart::timestamp(), name(), method_name.ToCString()); } result = DartEntry::InvokeFunction(run_extension, arguments); if (FLAG_trace_service) { OS::Print( "[+%" Pd64 "ms] Isolate %s : _runExtension complete for %s\n", Dart::timestamp(), name(), method_name.ToCString()); } if (result.IsError()) { if (result.IsUnwindError()) { // Propagate the unwind error. Remaining service extension calls // are dropped. return result.raw(); } else { // Send error back over the protocol. Service::PostError(method_name, parameter_keys, parameter_values, reply_port, id, Error::Cast(result)); } } result = DartLibraryCalls::DrainMicrotaskQueue(); if (result.IsError()) { return result.raw(); } } return Object::null(); } RawGrowableObjectArray* Isolate::GetAndClearPendingServiceExtensionCalls() { RawGrowableObjectArray* r = pending_service_extension_calls_; pending_service_extension_calls_ = GrowableObjectArray::null(); return r; } void Isolate::AppendServiceExtensionCall(const Instance& closure, const String& method_name, const Array& parameter_keys, const Array& parameter_values, const Instance& reply_port, const Instance& id) { if (FLAG_trace_service) { OS::Print( "[+%" Pd64 "ms] Isolate %s ENQUEUING request for extension %s\n", Dart::timestamp(), name(), method_name.ToCString()); } GrowableObjectArray& calls = GrowableObjectArray::Handle(pending_service_extension_calls()); if (calls.IsNull()) { calls ^= GrowableObjectArray::New(); ASSERT(!calls.IsNull()); set_pending_service_extension_calls(calls); } ASSERT(kPendingHandlerIndex == 0); calls.Add(closure); ASSERT(kPendingMethodNameIndex == 1); calls.Add(method_name); ASSERT(kPendingKeysIndex == 2); calls.Add(parameter_keys); ASSERT(kPendingValuesIndex == 3); calls.Add(parameter_values); ASSERT(kPendingReplyPortIndex == 4); calls.Add(reply_port); ASSERT(kPendingIdIndex == 5); calls.Add(id); } // This function is written in C++ and not Dart because we must do this // operation atomically in the face of random OOB messages. Do not port // to Dart code unless you can ensure that the operations will can be // done atomically. void Isolate::RegisterServiceExtensionHandler(const String& name, const Instance& closure) { if (!FLAG_support_service) { return; } GrowableObjectArray& handlers = GrowableObjectArray::Handle(registered_service_extension_handlers()); if (handlers.IsNull()) { handlers ^= GrowableObjectArray::New(Heap::kOld); set_registered_service_extension_handlers(handlers); } #if defined(DEBUG) { // Sanity check. const Instance& existing_handler = Instance::Handle(LookupServiceExtensionHandler(name)); ASSERT(existing_handler.IsNull()); } #endif ASSERT(kRegisteredNameIndex == 0); handlers.Add(name, Heap::kOld); ASSERT(kRegisteredHandlerIndex == 1); handlers.Add(closure, Heap::kOld); { // Fire off an event. ServiceEvent event(this, ServiceEvent::kServiceExtensionAdded); event.set_extension_rpc(&name); Service::HandleEvent(&event); } } // This function is written in C++ and not Dart because we must do this // operation atomically in the face of random OOB messages. Do not port // to Dart code unless you can ensure that the operations will can be // done atomically. RawInstance* Isolate::LookupServiceExtensionHandler(const String& name) { if (!FLAG_support_service) { return Instance::null(); } const GrowableObjectArray& handlers = GrowableObjectArray::Handle(registered_service_extension_handlers()); if (handlers.IsNull()) { return Instance::null(); } String& handler_name = String::Handle(); for (intptr_t i = 0; i < handlers.Length(); i += kRegisteredEntrySize) { handler_name ^= handlers.At(i + kRegisteredNameIndex); ASSERT(!handler_name.IsNull()); if (handler_name.Equals(name)) { return Instance::RawCast(handlers.At(i + kRegisteredHandlerIndex)); } } return Instance::null(); } void Isolate::WakePauseEventHandler(Dart_Isolate isolate) { Isolate* iso = reinterpret_cast(isolate); MonitorLocker ml(iso->pause_loop_monitor_); ml.Notify(); } void Isolate::PauseEventHandler() { // We are stealing a pause event (like a breakpoint) from the // embedder. We don't know what kind of thread we are on -- it // could be from our thread pool or it could be a thread from the // embedder. Sit on the current thread handling service events // until we are told to resume. if (pause_loop_monitor_ == NULL) { pause_loop_monitor_ = new Monitor(); } Dart_EnterScope(); MonitorLocker ml(pause_loop_monitor_); Dart_MessageNotifyCallback saved_notify_callback = message_notify_callback(); set_message_notify_callback(Isolate::WakePauseEventHandler); bool resume = false; while (true) { // Handle all available vm service messages, up to a resume // request. while (!resume && Dart_HasServiceMessages()) { ml.Exit(); resume = Dart_HandleServiceMessages(); ml.Enter(); } if (resume) { break; } // Wait for more service messages. Monitor::WaitResult res = ml.Wait(); ASSERT(res == Monitor::kNotified); } set_message_notify_callback(saved_notify_callback); Dart_ExitScope(); } void Isolate::VisitIsolates(IsolateVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor == NULL) { return; } // The visitor could potentially run code that could safepoint so use // SafepointMonitorLocker to ensure the lock has safepoint checks. SafepointMonitorLocker ml(isolates_list_monitor_); Isolate* current = isolates_list_head_; while (current) { visitor->VisitIsolate(current); current = current->next_; } } intptr_t Isolate::IsolateListLength() { MonitorLocker ml(isolates_list_monitor_); intptr_t count = 0; Isolate* current = isolates_list_head_; while (current != NULL) { count++; current = current->next_; } return count; } bool Isolate::AddIsolateToList(Isolate* isolate) { MonitorLocker ml(isolates_list_monitor_); if (!creation_enabled_) { return false; } ASSERT(isolate != NULL); ASSERT(isolate->next_ == NULL); isolate->next_ = isolates_list_head_; isolates_list_head_ = isolate; return true; } void Isolate::RemoveIsolateFromList(Isolate* isolate) { MonitorLocker ml(isolates_list_monitor_); ASSERT(isolate != NULL); if (isolate == isolates_list_head_) { isolates_list_head_ = isolate->next_; if (!creation_enabled_) { ml.Notify(); } return; } Isolate* previous = NULL; Isolate* current = isolates_list_head_; while (current) { if (current == isolate) { ASSERT(previous != NULL); previous->next_ = current->next_; if (!creation_enabled_) { ml.Notify(); } return; } previous = current; current = current->next_; } // If we are shutting down the VM, the isolate may not be in the list. ASSERT(!creation_enabled_); } void Isolate::DisableIsolateCreation() { MonitorLocker ml(isolates_list_monitor_); creation_enabled_ = false; } void Isolate::EnableIsolateCreation() { MonitorLocker ml(isolates_list_monitor_); creation_enabled_ = true; } void Isolate::KillLocked(LibMsgId msg_id) { Dart_CObject kill_msg; Dart_CObject* list_values[4]; kill_msg.type = Dart_CObject_kArray; kill_msg.value.as_array.length = 4; kill_msg.value.as_array.values = list_values; Dart_CObject oob; oob.type = Dart_CObject_kInt32; oob.value.as_int32 = Message::kIsolateLibOOBMsg; list_values[0] = &oob; Dart_CObject msg_type; msg_type.type = Dart_CObject_kInt32; msg_type.value.as_int32 = msg_id; list_values[1] = &msg_type; Dart_CObject cap; cap.type = Dart_CObject_kCapability; cap.value.as_capability.id = terminate_capability(); list_values[2] = ∩ Dart_CObject imm; imm.type = Dart_CObject_kInt32; imm.value.as_int32 = Isolate::kImmediateAction; list_values[3] = &imm; { uint8_t* buffer = NULL; ApiMessageWriter writer(&buffer, allocator); bool success = writer.WriteCMessage(&kill_msg); ASSERT(success); // Post the message at the given port. success = PortMap::PostMessage(new Message(main_port(), buffer, writer.BytesWritten(), Message::kOOBPriority)); ASSERT(success); } } class IsolateKillerVisitor : public IsolateVisitor { public: explicit IsolateKillerVisitor(Isolate::LibMsgId msg_id) : target_(NULL), msg_id_(msg_id) {} IsolateKillerVisitor(Isolate* isolate, Isolate::LibMsgId msg_id) : target_(isolate), msg_id_(msg_id) { ASSERT(isolate != Dart::vm_isolate()); } virtual ~IsolateKillerVisitor() {} void VisitIsolate(Isolate* isolate) { ASSERT(isolate != NULL); if (ShouldKill(isolate)) { isolate->KillLocked(msg_id_); } } private: bool ShouldKill(Isolate* isolate) { // If a target_ is specified, then only kill the target_. // Otherwise, don't kill the service isolate or vm isolate. return (((target_ != NULL) && (isolate == target_)) || ((target_ == NULL) && !ServiceIsolate::IsServiceIsolateDescendant(isolate) && (isolate != Dart::vm_isolate()))); } Isolate* target_; Isolate::LibMsgId msg_id_; }; void Isolate::KillAllIsolates(LibMsgId msg_id) { IsolateKillerVisitor visitor(msg_id); VisitIsolates(&visitor); } void Isolate::KillIfExists(Isolate* isolate, LibMsgId msg_id) { IsolateKillerVisitor visitor(isolate, msg_id); VisitIsolates(&visitor); } void Isolate::IncrementSpawnCount() { MonitorLocker ml(spawn_count_monitor_); spawn_count_++; } void Isolate::WaitForOutstandingSpawns() { MonitorLocker ml(spawn_count_monitor_); while (spawn_count_ > 0) { ml.Wait(); } } Monitor* Isolate::threads_lock() const { return thread_registry_->threads_lock(); } Thread* Isolate::ScheduleThread(bool is_mutator, bool bypass_safepoint) { // Schedule the thread into the isolate by associating // a 'Thread' structure with it (this is done while we are holding // the thread registry lock). Thread* thread = NULL; OSThread* os_thread = OSThread::Current(); if (os_thread != NULL) { // We are about to associate the thread with an isolate and it would // not be possible to correctly track no_safepoint_scope_depth for the // thread in the constructor/destructor of MonitorLocker, // so we create a MonitorLocker object which does not do any // no_safepoint_scope_depth increments/decrements. MonitorLocker ml(threads_lock(), false); // If a safepoint operation is in progress wait for it // to finish before scheduling this thread in. while (!bypass_safepoint && safepoint_handler()->safepoint_in_progress()) { ml.Wait(); } // Now get a free Thread structure. thread = thread_registry()->GetFreeThreadLocked(this, is_mutator); ASSERT(thread != NULL); // Set up other values and set the TLS value. thread->isolate_ = this; ASSERT(heap() != NULL); thread->heap_ = heap(); thread->set_os_thread(os_thread); ASSERT(thread->execution_state() == Thread::kThreadInVM); thread->set_safepoint_state(0); thread->set_vm_tag(VMTag::kVMTagId); ASSERT(thread->no_safepoint_scope_depth() == 0); os_thread->set_thread(thread); if (is_mutator) { mutator_thread_ = thread; } Thread::SetCurrent(thread); os_thread->EnableThreadInterrupts(); } return thread; } void Isolate::UnscheduleThread(Thread* thread, bool is_mutator, bool bypass_safepoint) { // Disassociate the 'Thread' structure and unschedule the thread // from this isolate. // We are disassociating the thread from an isolate and it would // not be possible to correctly track no_safepoint_scope_depth for the // thread in the constructor/destructor of MonitorLocker, // so we create a MonitorLocker object which does not do any // no_safepoint_scope_depth increments/decrements. MonitorLocker ml(threads_lock(), false); if (is_mutator) { if (thread->sticky_error() != Error::null()) { ASSERT(sticky_error_ == Error::null()); sticky_error_ = thread->sticky_error(); thread->clear_sticky_error(); } } else { ASSERT(thread->api_top_scope_ == NULL); ASSERT(thread->zone_ == NULL); } if (!bypass_safepoint) { // Ensure that the thread reports itself as being at a safepoint. thread->EnterSafepoint(); } OSThread* os_thread = thread->os_thread(); ASSERT(os_thread != NULL); os_thread->DisableThreadInterrupts(); os_thread->set_thread(NULL); OSThread::SetCurrent(os_thread); if (is_mutator) { mutator_thread_ = NULL; } thread->isolate_ = NULL; thread->heap_ = NULL; thread->set_os_thread(NULL); thread->set_execution_state(Thread::kThreadInVM); thread->set_safepoint_state(0); thread->clear_pending_functions(); ASSERT(thread->no_safepoint_scope_depth() == 0); // Return thread structure. thread_registry()->ReturnThreadLocked(is_mutator, thread); } static RawInstance* DeserializeObject(Thread* thread, uint8_t* obj_data, intptr_t obj_len) { if (obj_data == NULL) { return Instance::null(); } MessageSnapshotReader reader(obj_data, obj_len, thread); Zone* zone = thread->zone(); const Object& obj = Object::Handle(zone, reader.ReadObject()); ASSERT(!obj.IsError()); Instance& instance = Instance::Handle(zone); instance ^= obj.raw(); // Can't use Instance::Cast because may be null. return instance.raw(); } static const char* NewConstChar(const char* chars) { size_t len = strlen(chars); char* mem = new char[len + 1]; memmove(mem, chars, len + 1); return mem; } IsolateSpawnState::IsolateSpawnState(Dart_Port parent_port, Dart_Port origin_id, void* init_data, const char* script_url, const Function& func, const Instance& message, Monitor* spawn_count_monitor, intptr_t* spawn_count, const char* package_root, const char* package_config, bool paused, bool errors_are_fatal, Dart_Port on_exit_port, Dart_Port on_error_port) : isolate_(NULL), parent_port_(parent_port), origin_id_(origin_id), init_data_(init_data), on_exit_port_(on_exit_port), on_error_port_(on_error_port), script_url_(script_url), package_root_(package_root), package_config_(package_config), library_url_(NULL), class_name_(NULL), function_name_(NULL), serialized_args_(NULL), serialized_args_len_(0), serialized_message_(NULL), serialized_message_len_(0), spawn_count_monitor_(spawn_count_monitor), spawn_count_(spawn_count), paused_(paused), errors_are_fatal_(errors_are_fatal) { const Class& cls = Class::Handle(func.Owner()); const Library& lib = Library::Handle(cls.library()); const String& lib_url = String::Handle(lib.url()); library_url_ = NewConstChar(lib_url.ToCString()); const String& func_name = String::Handle(func.name()); function_name_ = NewConstChar(func_name.ToCString()); if (!cls.IsTopLevel()) { const String& class_name = String::Handle(cls.Name()); class_name_ = NewConstChar(class_name.ToCString()); } bool can_send_any_object = true; SerializeObject(message, &serialized_message_, &serialized_message_len_, can_send_any_object); // Inherit flags from spawning isolate. Isolate::Current()->FlagsCopyTo(isolate_flags()); } IsolateSpawnState::IsolateSpawnState(Dart_Port parent_port, void* init_data, const char* script_url, const char* package_root, const char* package_config, const Instance& args, const Instance& message, Monitor* spawn_count_monitor, intptr_t* spawn_count, bool paused, bool errors_are_fatal, Dart_Port on_exit_port, Dart_Port on_error_port) : isolate_(NULL), parent_port_(parent_port), origin_id_(ILLEGAL_PORT), init_data_(init_data), on_exit_port_(on_exit_port), on_error_port_(on_error_port), script_url_(script_url), package_root_(package_root), package_config_(package_config), library_url_(NULL), class_name_(NULL), function_name_(NULL), serialized_args_(NULL), serialized_args_len_(0), serialized_message_(NULL), serialized_message_len_(0), spawn_count_monitor_(spawn_count_monitor), spawn_count_(spawn_count), isolate_flags_(), paused_(paused), errors_are_fatal_(errors_are_fatal) { function_name_ = NewConstChar("main"); bool can_send_any_object = false; SerializeObject(args, &serialized_args_, &serialized_args_len_, can_send_any_object); SerializeObject(message, &serialized_message_, &serialized_message_len_, can_send_any_object); // By default inherit flags from spawning isolate. These can be overridden // from the calling code. Isolate::Current()->FlagsCopyTo(isolate_flags()); } IsolateSpawnState::~IsolateSpawnState() { delete[] script_url_; delete[] package_root_; delete[] package_config_; delete[] library_url_; delete[] class_name_; delete[] function_name_; free(serialized_args_); free(serialized_message_); } RawObject* IsolateSpawnState::ResolveFunction() { const String& func_name = String::Handle(String::New(function_name())); if (library_url() == NULL) { // Handle spawnUri lookup rules. // Check whether the root library defines a main function. const Library& lib = Library::Handle(I->object_store()->root_library()); Function& func = Function::Handle(lib.LookupLocalFunction(func_name)); if (func.IsNull()) { // Check whether main is reexported from the root library. const Object& obj = Object::Handle(lib.LookupReExport(func_name)); if (obj.IsFunction()) { func ^= obj.raw(); } } if (func.IsNull()) { const String& msg = String::Handle(String::NewFormatted( "Unable to resolve function '%s' in script '%s'.", function_name(), script_url())); return LanguageError::New(msg); } return func.raw(); } // Lookup the to be spawned function for the Isolate.spawn implementation. // Resolve the library. const String& lib_url = String::Handle(String::New(library_url())); const Library& lib = Library::Handle(Library::LookupLibrary(lib_url)); if (lib.IsNull() || lib.IsError()) { const String& msg = String::Handle(String::NewFormatted( "Unable to find library '%s'.", library_url())); return LanguageError::New(msg); } // Resolve the function. if (class_name() == NULL) { const Function& func = Function::Handle(lib.LookupLocalFunction(func_name)); if (func.IsNull()) { const String& msg = String::Handle(String::NewFormatted( "Unable to resolve function '%s' in library '%s'.", function_name(), library_url())); return LanguageError::New(msg); } return func.raw(); } const String& cls_name = String::Handle(String::New(class_name())); const Class& cls = Class::Handle(lib.LookupLocalClass(cls_name)); if (cls.IsNull()) { const String& msg = String::Handle(String::NewFormatted( "Unable to resolve class '%s' in library '%s'.", class_name(), (library_url() != NULL ? library_url() : script_url()))); return LanguageError::New(msg); } const Function& func = Function::Handle(cls.LookupStaticFunctionAllowPrivate(func_name)); if (func.IsNull()) { const String& msg = String::Handle(String::NewFormatted( "Unable to resolve static method '%s.%s' in library '%s'.", class_name(), function_name(), (library_url() != NULL ? library_url() : script_url()))); return LanguageError::New(msg); } return func.raw(); } RawInstance* IsolateSpawnState::BuildArgs(Thread* thread) { return DeserializeObject(thread, serialized_args_, serialized_args_len_); } RawInstance* IsolateSpawnState::BuildMessage(Thread* thread) { return DeserializeObject(thread, serialized_message_, serialized_message_len_); } void IsolateSpawnState::DecrementSpawnCount() { ASSERT(spawn_count_monitor_ != NULL); ASSERT(spawn_count_ != NULL); MonitorLocker ml(spawn_count_monitor_); ASSERT(*spawn_count_ > 0); *spawn_count_ = *spawn_count_ - 1; ml.Notify(); } } // namespace dart