# Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file # for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a # BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. html/cross_frame_test: Skip # Issue 32039, test reloads itself (not by design - investigate) wasm/*: Skip # dart:wasm is currently behind a Dart SDK build flag. [ $arch == simarm ] convert/utf85_test: Skip # Pass, Slow Issue 12644. [ $mode == product ] developer/timeline_test: Skip # Not supported isolate/issue_24243_parent_isolate_test: Skip # Requires checked mode [ $runtime == dart_precompiled ] isolate/package_config_getter_test: SkipByDesign # AOT mode doesn't preserve package structure. [ $runtime == ff ] convert/streamed_conversion_utf8_decode_test: Slow, Pass # Issue 12029 mirrors/mirrors_reader_test: Slow, Pass # Issue 16589 [ $runtime == ie11 ] html/request_animation_frame_test: Skip # Times out. Issue 22167 html/transition_event_test: Skip # Times out. Issue 22167 [ $runtime == safari ] html/indexeddb_1_test/functional: Skip # Times out. Issue 21433 html/indexeddb_3_test: Skip # Times out 1 out of 10. html/worker_api_test: Skip # Issue 13221 [ $runtime != vm ] isolate/spawn_uri__package_uri__test: SkipByDesign # This test uses Isolate.spawnUri and only works in JIT mode. [ $system == windows ] html/xhr_test/xhr: Skip # Times out. Issue 21527 [ $csp ] html/js_interop_constructor_name/*: SkipByDesign # Issue 42085. isolate/deferred_in_isolate2_test: Skip # Issue 16898. Deferred loading does not work from an isolate in CSP-mode js/extends_test/extends_test: SkipByDesign # Issue 42085. CSP policy disallows injected JS code js/extends_test/extends_with_es6_test: SkipByDesign # Issue 42085. CSP policy disallows injected JS code js/external_extension_members_test: SkipByDesign # Issue 42085. CSP policy disallows injected JS code js/instanceof_test: SkipByDesign # Issue 42085. CSP policy disallows injected JS code js/is_check_and_as_cast_test: SkipByDesign # Issue 42085. CSP policy disallows injected JS code js/js_util/async_test: SkipByDesign # Issue 42085. CSP policy disallows injected JS code js/js_util/javascriptobject_extensions_test.dart: SkipByDesign # Issue 42085. CSP policy disallows injected JS code js/js_util/jsify_test: SkipByDesign # Issue 42085. CSP policy disallows injected JS code js/js_util/promise_reject_null_test: SkipByDesign # Issue 42085. CSP policy disallows injected JS code js/js_util/properties_implicit_checks_test: SkipByDesign # Issue 42085. CSP policy disallows injected JS code js/js_util/properties_test: SkipByDesign # Issue 42085. CSP policy disallows injected JS code js/method_call_on_object_test: SkipByDesign # Issue 42085. js/mock_test/*: SkipByDesign # Issue 42085. js/parameters_test: SkipByDesign # Issue 42085. [ $compiler != dart2js && $compiler != dartdevk ] web/*: SkipByDesign [ $runtime == chrome && $system == macos ] convert/streamed_conversion_utf8_encode_test: SkipSlow # Times out. Issue 22050 html/canvasrendering/arc_test: Skip # Issue 42048 html/canvasrendering/draw_image_canvas_element_test: Skip # Issue 42048 html/canvasrendering/fill_text_test: Skip # Issue 42048 html/canvasrendering/image_element_test: Skip # Issue 42048 html/canvasrendering/pixel_manipulation_test: Skip # Issue 42048 html/request_animation_frame_test: Skip # Times out. Issue 22167 html/transition_event_test: Skip # Times out. Issue 22167 [ $runtime != dart_precompiled && ($runtime != vm || $compiler != dartk && $compiler != none) ] isolate/vm_rehash_test: SkipByDesign [ $arch == simarm64 || $arch == simarm64c ] convert/utf85_test: Skip # Pass, Slow Issue 20111. [ $arch != x64 || $runtime != vm ] isolate/int32_length_overflow_test: SkipSlow [ $runtime == chrome || $runtime == ff ] async/slow_consumer2_test: SkipSlow # Times out. Issue 22050 async/stream_timeout_test: SkipSlow # Times out. Issue 22050 # It makes no sense to run any test that uses spawnURI under the simulator # as that would involve running CFE (the front end) in simulator mode # to compile the URI file specified in spawnURI code. # These Isolate tests that use spawnURI are hence skipped on purpose. [ $runtime == dart_precompiled || $runtime == vm && ($arch == simarm || $arch == simarm64 || $arch == simarm64c) ] isolate/count_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri isolate/cross_isolate_message_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri isolate/deferred_in_isolate2_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri isolate/deferred_in_isolate_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri isolate/detect_nullsafety_1_test: Skip # Tests Source, Kernel, appJIT modes isolate/detect_nullsafety_2_test: Skip # Tests Source, Kernel, appJIT modes isolate/error_at_spawnuri_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri isolate/error_exit_at_spawnuri_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri isolate/exit_at_spawnuri_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri isolate/illegal_msg_function_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri isolate/illegal_msg_mirror_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri isolate/isolate_complex_messages_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri isolate/issue_21398_parent_isolate1_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri isolate/issue_21398_parent_isolate_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri isolate/issue_24243_parent_isolate_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri isolate/issue_6610_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri isolate/mandel_isolate_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri isolate/message2_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri isolate/message_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri isolate/mint_maker_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri isolate/nested_spawn2_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri isolate/nested_spawn_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri isolate/nnbd_spawn_autodetect_1_test: Skip # Tests Source, Kernel, appJIT modes isolate/nnbd_spawn_autodetect_2_test: Skip # Tests Source, Kernel, appJIT modes isolate/nnbd_spawnuri_autodetect_1_test: Skip # Uses Isolate.spawnUri isolate/nnbd_spawnuri_autodetect_2_test: Skip # Uses Isolate.spawnUri isolate/nnbd_spawnuri_autodetect_3_test: Skip # Uses Isolate.spawnUri isolate/nnbd_spawnuri_autodetect_4_test: Skip # Uses Isolate.spawnUri isolate/no_package_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri isolate/package_config_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri isolate/raw_port_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri isolate/request_reply_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri isolate/scenarios/automatic_resolution_spec/package_resolve_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri isolate/scenarios/package_relative_spec/package_relative_spec_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri isolate/scenarios/short_package/short_package_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri isolate/spawn_function_custom_class_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri isolate/spawn_function_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri isolate/spawn_uri_exported_main_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri isolate/spawn_uri_missing_from_isolate_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri isolate/spawn_uri_missing_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri isolate/spawn_uri_multi_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri isolate/spawn_uri_nested_vm_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri isolate/spawn_uri_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri isolate/spawn_uri_vm_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri isolate/stacktrace_message_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri isolate/static_function_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri isolate/unresolved_ports_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri [ $runtime != vm || $compiler != dartk && $compiler != none ] isolate/package_config_test: SkipByDesign # Uses Isolate.packageConfig isolate/package_resolve_test: SkipByDesign # Uses Isolate.resolvePackageUri isolate/package_root_test: SkipByDesign # Uses Isolate.packageRoot isolate/scenarios/*: SkipByDesign # Use automatic package resolution, spawnFunction and .dart URIs. isolate/spawn_uri_fail_test: SkipByDesign # Uses dart:io. [ $hot_reload || $hot_reload_rollback ] convert/chunked_conversion_utf88_test: SkipSlow convert/utf85_test: SkipSlow isolate/deferred_in_isolate2_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries isolate/deferred_in_isolate_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries isolate/issue_21398_parent_isolate2_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries isolate/spawn_uri_nested_vm_test: Crash # Issue 28192 mirrors/closurization_equivalence_test: SkipByDesign # Method equality mirrors/deferred_constraints_constants_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries mirrors/deferred_mirrors_metadata_test: Crash # Deferred loading mirrors/deferred_mirrors_metatarget_test: Crash # Deferred loading mirrors/deferred_mirrors_update_test: Crash # Deferred loading mirrors/library_enumeration_deferred_loading_test: Crash # Deferred loading mirrors/library_import_deferred_loading_test: Crash # Deferred loading mirrors/library_imports_deferred_test: Crash # Deferred loading mirrors/load_library_test: Crash # Deferred loading mirrors/typedef_deferred_library_test: Crash # Deferred loading typed_data/zeroed_allocation_test: SkipSlow