# Representation of Types The Dart VM keeps track of the runtime type of Dart objects (also called *instances*) allocated in the heap by storing information in the objects themselves. Heap objects contain a header and zero or more fields that can point to further objects. Small integer objects (*Smi*) are not allocated as separate instances in the heap, but appear as immediate fields of instances. They are identified by their least significant bit being zero, as opposed to tagged object pointers whose least significant bit is one. Refer to the document [gc.md](https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/main/runtime/docs/gc.md) for a description of objects and tagged object pointers. ## Runtime Type of an Instance The type of a *Smi* object is implicitly the non-nullable `Smi` type, a VM internal type which is a subtype of the Dart type `int`. All other Dart instances contain in their header a `ClassIdTag` bitfield identifying the Dart class of the instance, and, if the class is generic, a `type_arguments` field at a known offset. The *class id* is an index into a table of class objects, representing the Dart classes currently loaded in the VM isolate. The class object, an instance of class `Class`, contains a field named `host_type_arguments_field_offset_in_words` which describes where to find the `type_arguments` field in each instance of that class. The type of an instance can then be built using the retrieved class and type arguments. For example, if an instance has a class id corresponding to class `Directory` and the `type_arguments` field is the vector `[String, Entry]`, then the runtime type of the instance is the non-nullable type `Directory`. The type of an instance is non-nullable by definition, unless the instance happens to be the null instance, in which case its type is the nullable `Null` type. There is a particular case where the type is not built as described above. Indeed, when the class of the instance is `Closure`, the runtime type of the instance is not the type `Closure`, but a function type representing the signature of the closure. In this case, the `function` field of the closure points to the `Function` object associated with the closure. The `signature` field in the `Function` object represents the type of the function. This function type is instantiated in the context of the closure in order to represent the runtime type of the closure. More on function types, signatures, and instantiation later. ## Type A simple Dart type is represented by an object of class `Type` in the heap. It contains a `type_class_id` field and an `arguments` field containing the type arguments in case the class is generic. The type object also contains a `nullability` field, as types can be `legacy`, `nullable`, or `non-nullable`, a `hash` field caching the computed hash code of the type, as well as a `state` field keeping track of the finalization state of the type. More on finalization later. The runtime type of all Dart instances in the heap (except closures) can therefore be represented by a `Type` object. The class id and the type arguments of the instance are copied into the `Type` object. ## FunctionType The signature of a function is represented by an object of class `FunctionType`. If the function is generic, it contains the list of type parameters of the function and their bounds. It contains the result type and the list of parameter types, as well as the names of the optional named parameters. It also specifies which optional parameters are required. ## TypeParameter A parameter type in the signature can be either a `Type`, a `FunctionType`, or a type parameter in scope (declared by either an enclosing signature or enclosing class). For example, the result type of the signature `() => X` is the type parameter `X` declared by the signature itself. A third type flavor is required to represent the type `X`: a `TypeParameter` object, which is described in more detail later. ## AbstractType The VM declares the class `AbstractType` as a placeholder to store a concrete type. The following classes extend `AbstractType`: `Type`, `FunctionType`, `TypeParameter`, and `RecordType`. `AbstractType` declares several virtual methods that may be overridden by concrete types. See its declaration in [object.h](https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/main/runtime/vm/object.h). ## TypeArguments As its name suggests, an object of class `TypeArguments` represents a vector of `AbstractType`, but it does not extend `AbstractType`, since it is not a type, only the generic component of a type. In Dart 1, leaving the type arguments of a generic class unspecified when allocating an instance of that class would result in all type arguments being the `dynamic` type. The concept of *instantiation to bounds* was introduced in Dart 2. Therefore, vectors consisting solely of the type `dynamic` were quite frequent in Dart 1 and it made sense to optimize them away and leave the whole vector as `null`. This optimization has remained to this day, and a null type argument vector still implies a vector of `dynamic` of the proper length for the context. ## Flattening of TypeArguments An important characteristic of the Dart VM is that it *flattens* the type argument vector of instances so that the same vector can be used at any level of the generic class hierarchy of the instance. Let’s take this example: ```dart class B { bar() => X; } class C extends B> { foo() => T; } main() { var c = C(); print(c.foo()); // prints “bool” print(c.bar()); // prints “List” } ``` Variable `c` is assigned a new instance of type `C`. According to the previous sections, the type arguments of the instance `c` could simply be the vector `[bool]`. When the method `foo()` is called on receiver `c`, the type `bool` in the type argument vector of `c` would properly reflect the type parameter `T` of class `C`. However, when the method `bar()` is called on the same receiver `c`, its type argument vector would need some transformation so that the correct type argument `List` reflects the type parameter `X` of class `B`. For this reason, the type argument vector stored in instance `c` is not simply `[bool]`, but `[List, bool]`. More generally, the type argument vector stored in any instance of class `C` will have the form `[List, T]`, where `T` is substituted with the actual type argument used to allocate the instance. The type at index 0 in the vector represents `X` in class `B` and the type at index 1 represents `T` in class `C`. This *index* is an important attribute of the type parameter. In fact, the `TypeParameter` object contains a field `index` specifying which type argument to look up in the vector in order to *instantiate* the type parameter. Each Dart class has a calculated attribute *num_type_parameters* and *num_type_arguments*. The value of *num_type_parameters* reflects the number of type parameters declared by the class, i.e. 1 for each of `B` and `C` in the example above. The value of *num_type_arguments* reflects the length of the type argument vector of an instance of that class, i.e. 1 for `B` and 2 for `C` in the example above. Note that instances of non-generic classes may still have a type argument vector field. Take the following example: ```dart class B { bar() => X; } class D extends B> { foo() => 42; } main() { var d = D(); print(d.foo()); // prints “42” print(d.bar()); // prints “List” } ``` Every instance of class `D` will have the type argument vector `[List]`. Class `B` has 1 type parameter and 1 type argument, whereas class `D` has no type parameters and 1 type argument. More accurately, type `D` is represented by `D[List[bool]]`, since the type `List` is also represented by a class and its type argument vector, i.e. `List[bool]`. ## Overlapping of TypeArguments Consider the following modified example: ```dart class B { bar() => X; } class C extends B { foo() => T; } ``` Note how the flattened type argument vector would now repeat type parameter `T` as in `[T, T]`. This repetition is not necessary, since the type at index 0 in the vector representing `X` in class `B` is always identical to the type at index 1 representing `T` in class `C`. Therefore, the repeating parts of the vector are shifted as to *overlap* each other. The longer vector `[T, T]` is collapsed into a shorter vector `[T]`. In other words, both type parameters `X` of `B` and `T` of `C` now have the same index 0. More complex situations can arise with overlapping vectors: ```dart class B { } class C extends B, T> { } ``` Instead of using `[List[T], T, T]`, the last overlapping `T` is collapsed and the vector becomes `[List[T], T]`. Class `B` has 2 type parameters and 2 type arguments, whereas class `C` has 1 type parameter and 2 type arguments. ## Compile Time Type The VM classes described so far are not only used to represent the runtime type of instances in the heap, but they are also used to describe types at compile time. For example, the right handside of an *instance of* type test is represented by a concrete instance of `AbstractType`. Note that the type may still be *uninstantiated* at compile time, e.g. `List` still contains the `TypeParameter` `T` of a generic class in its type argument vector: ```dart if (x is List) { … } ``` While the type is uninstantiated at compile time, it is fully instantiated when the program runs. The index of `TypeParameter` `T` is used to look up the actual type in the *instantiator*, i.e. in the type argument vector of the receiver. ## Instantiation The term *instantiation* refers to the substitution of type parameters with type arguments provided by the context, either by the type arguments of the receiver or by the type arguments of the current and/or enclosing generic function(s). The *instantiator type arguments* are those of the receiver, possibly prefixed by the type arguments of the super classes, as explained above in the section about flattening type arguments. The *function type arguments* are the concatenation of the type argument vectors explicitly passed (or inferred) to each enclosing generic function in the current context, from the outermost to the innermost function. A `TypeParameter` object specifies whether it is declared by a class (it is then a *class type parameter*) or by a function (it is then a *function type parameter*), thereby selecting the vector to use for its instantiation. The index value then identifies the type argument from that specific vector to be used to substitute the type parameter. To complete the instantiation, a normalization step is applied after the substitution. The virtual method to instantiate an `AbstractType` is declared as follows: ```c++ virtual AbstractTypePtr InstantiateFrom( const TypeArguments& instantiator_type_arguments, const TypeArguments& function_type_arguments, intptr_t num_free_fun_type_params, Heap::Space space, FunctionTypeMapping* function_type_mapping = nullptr, intptr_t num_parent_type_args_adjustment = 0) const; ``` Note how both instantiators explained above are passed in, `instantiator_type_arguments` and `function_type_arguments`. Note also that an integer `num_free_fun_type_params` is provided. Its value indicates how many type arguments in the `function_type_arguments` vector are considered to be free variables and are therefore available to substitute type parameters with an index below this value. Type parameters with an index equal or above that value remain uninstantiated. Here is an example: ```dart class C { T foo(bar(T t, B b)) { … } } ``` Although method `foo` is not generic, it takes a generic function `bar()` as argument and its function type refers to class type parameter `T` and function type parameter `B`. When instantiating the function type of `foo` for a particular value of `T`, the function type parameter `B` must remain uninstantiated, because only `T` is a free variable in this function type. An instantiation in the context of `C` would yield `int foo(bar(int t, B b))`. In this case, the `InstantiateFrom` method would be called with `num_free_fun_type_params = 0`, as no function type parameters are free in this example. ## Type Equivalence The same virtual method `IsEquivalent` of `AbstractType` is used to traverse a pair of type graphs and decide whether they are canonically equal, syntactically equal, or equal in the context of subtype tests: ```c++ enum class TypeEquality { kCanonical = 0, kSyntactical = 1, kInSubtypeTest = 2, }; virtual bool IsEquivalent( const Instance& other, TypeEquality kind, FunctionTypeMapping* function_type_equivalence = nullptr) const; ``` Instead of implementing three different traversals, the kind of type equality is passed as an argument to a single traversal method. ## Finalization Types read from kernel files (produced by the Common Front End) need finalization before being used in the VM runtime. Finalization currently assigns indices to type parameters. The index of function type parameters can be assigned immediately upon loading of the type parameter from the kernel file. This is possible because enclosing generic functions are always loaded prior to inner generic functions. Therefore the number of type parameters declared in the enclosing scope is known. The picture is more complicated with class type parameters. Classes can reference each other and a clear order is not defined in the kernel file. Clusters of classes must be fully loaded before type arguments can be flattened, which in turn determines the indices of class type parameters. As a last step of finalization, types and type argument vectors get canonicalized not only to minimize memory usage but also to optimize type tests. Indeed, previously tested types can be entered in test caches to speed up further tests. Since types are canonical, using their heap address as an identifier works (different addresses imply unequal types). ## Canonicalization and Hash The VM keeps global tables of canonical types and type arguments. Canonicalizing a type or a type argument vector consists in a table look up using a hash code to find a candidate, and then comparing the type with the candidate using the `IsEquivalent` method mentioned above (passing `kind = kCanonical`). It is therefore imperative that two canonically equal types share the same hash code. ## Cached Instantiations of TypeArguments Uninstantiated type argument vectors are often repeatedly instantiated from the same instantiators at runtime. The result of the instantiation, along with the two instantiators, is cached as a 3-tuple in the `instantiations` field of `TypeArguments`. Assembly code checks the cache before calling the instantiation code in the VM. ## Sharing of TypeArguments The instantiation of some particularly formed type argument vectors will always result in one of the instantiator vectors. This can be detected at compile time and special code will speed up instantiation at runtime. Consider this example: ```dart class A { } class C { foo() { A(); } } ``` The new instance `A` allocated in method `foo` is guaranteed to share the same type arguments as the receiver of `foo` and an instantiation of the type arguments can be avoided. For details, search for the string *ShareInstantiator* in the source. ## Nullability of TypeArguments The previous section ignores an important point, namely, sharing is only allowed if the nullability of each type argument in the instantiator is not modified by the instantiation. If the new instance was allocated with `A()` instead, it would only work if the first type argument in the instantiator is nullable, otherwise, its nullability would change from legacy or non-nullable to nullable. This check cannot be performed at compile time and performing it at run time undermines the benefits of the optimization. However, whether the nullability will remain unchanged for each type argument in the vector can be computed quickly for the whole vector with a simple integer operation. Each type argument vector is assigned a nullability value reflecting the nullability of each one of its type arguments. Since two bits are required per type argument, there is a maximal vector length allowed to apply this optimization. For a more detailed explanation, search for `kNullabilityBitsPerType` in the [source](https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/main/runtime/vm/object.h) and read the comments.