# Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file # for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a # BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. # IMPORTANT: # Before adding or updating dependencies, please review the documentation here: # https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/wiki/Adding-and-Updating-Dependencies allowed_hosts = [ 'boringssl.googlesource.com', 'chrome-infra-packages.appspot.com', 'chromium.googlesource.com', 'dart.googlesource.com', 'fuchsia.googlesource.com', ] vars = { # The dart_root is the root of our sdk checkout. This is normally # simply sdk, but if using special gclient specs it can be different. "dart_root": "sdk", # We use mirrors of all github repos to guarantee reproducibility and # consistency between what users see and what the bots see. # We need the mirrors to not have 100+ bots pulling github constantly. # We mirror our github repos on Dart's git servers. # DO NOT use this var if you don't see a mirror here: # https://dart.googlesource.com/ "dart_git": "https://dart.googlesource.com/", # If the repo you want to use is at github.com/dart-lang, but not at # dart.googlesource.com, please file an issue # on github and add the label 'area-infrastructure'. # When the repo is mirrored, you can add it to this DEPS file. # Chromium git "chromium_git": "https://chromium.googlesource.com", "fuchsia_git": "https://fuchsia.googlesource.com", "co19_rev": "9858ee7d79cf09b50d6b5bc13fb950ae5f357954", "co19_2_rev": "9484b81650d8c5bedf72abc541960dd1c90b2329", # As Flutter does, we pull buildtools, including the clang toolchain, from # Fuchsia. This revision should be kept up to date with the revision pulled # by the Flutter engine. If there are problems with the toolchain, contact # fuchsia-toolchain@. "buildtools_revision": "446d5b1019dcbe7835236dc85261e91cf29a9239", # Scripts that make 'git cl format' work. "clang_format_scripts_rev": "c09c8deeac31f05bd801995c475e7c8070f9ecda", "gperftools_revision": "9608fa3bcf8020d35f59fbf70cd3cbe4b015b972", # Revisions of /third_party/* dependencies. "args_tag": "1.4.4", "async_tag": "2.0.8", "bazel_worker_tag": "0.1.14", "boolean_selector_tag" : "1.0.4", "boringssl_gen_rev": "fc47eaa1a245d858bae462cd64d4155605b850ea", "boringssl_rev" : "189270cd190267f5bd60cfe8f8ce7a61d07ba6f4", "charcode_tag": "v1.1.2", "chrome_rev" : "19997", "cli_util_rev" : "4ad7ccbe3195fd2583b30f86a86697ef61e80f41", "collection_tag": "1.14.11", "convert_tag": "2.0.2", "crypto_tag" : "2.0.6", "csslib_tag" : "0.14.4+1", "dart2js_info_tag" : "0.5.6+4", # Note: updates to dart_style have to be coordinated carefully with # the infrastructure-team so that the internal formatter in # `sdk/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin/dartfmt` matches the version here. # # Please follow this process to make updates: # * file an issue with area-infrastructure requesting a roll for this # package (please also indicate what version to roll). # * let the infrastructure team submit the change on your behalf, # so they can build a new dev release and roll the submitted sdks a few # minutes later. # # For more details, see https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/30164 "dart_style_tag": "1.2.0", # Please see the note above before updating. "dartdoc_tag" : "v0.23.1", "file_rev": "515ed1dd48740ab14b625de1be464cb2bca4fefd", # 5.0.6 "fixnum_tag": "0.10.8", "func_rev": "25eec48146a58967d75330075ab376b3838b18a8", "glob_tag": "1.1.7", "html_tag" : "0.13.3+2", "http_io_rev": "265e90afbffacb7b2988385d4a6aa2f14e970d44", "http_multi_server_tag" : "2.0.5", "http_parser_tag" : "3.1.1", "http_retry_tag": "0.1.1", "http_tag" : "0.11.3+17", "http_throttle_tag" : "1.0.2", "idl_parser_rev": "5fb1ebf49d235b5a70c9f49047e83b0654031eb7", "intl_tag": "0.15.7", "jinja2_rev": "2222b31554f03e62600cd7e383376a7c187967a1", "json_rpc_2_tag": "2.0.9", "linter_tag": "0.1.68", "logging_tag": "0.11.3+2", "markdown_tag": "2.0.2", "matcher_tag": "0.12.3", "mime_tag": "0.9.6+2", "mockito_tag": "d39ac507483b9891165e422ec98d9fb480037c8b", "mustache4dart_tag" : "v2.1.2", "oauth2_tag": "1.2.1", "observatory_pub_packages_rev": "0894122173b0f98eb08863a7712e78407d4477bc", "package_config_tag": "1.0.5", "package_resolver_tag": "1.0.4", "path_tag": "1.6.2", "platform_rev": "c368ca95775a4ec8d0b60899ce51299a9fbda399", # 2.2.0 "plugin_tag": "f5b4b0e32d1406d62daccea030ba6457d14b1c47", "ply_rev": "604b32590ffad5cbb82e4afef1d305512d06ae93", "pool_tag": "1.3.6", "process_rev": "b8d73f0bad7be5ab5130baf10cd042aae4366d7c", # 3.0.5 "protobuf_tag": "0.9.0", "pub_rev": "9f00679ef47bc79cadc18e143720ade6c06c0100", "pub_semver_tag": "1.4.2", "quiver_tag": "2.0.0+1", "resource_rev": "2.1.5", "root_certificates_rev": "16ef64be64c7dfdff2b9f4b910726e635ccc519e", "shelf_static_rev": "v0.2.8", "shelf_packages_handler_tag": "1.0.4", "shelf_tag": "0.7.3+3", "shelf_web_socket_tag": "0.2.2+3", "source_map_stack_trace_tag": "1.1.5", "source_maps-0.9.4_rev": "38524", "source_maps_tag": "8af7cc1a1c3a193c1fba5993ce22a546a319c40e", "source_span_tag": "1.4.1", "stack_trace_tag": "1.9.3", "stream_channel_tag": "1.6.8", "string_scanner_tag": "1.0.3", "test_descriptor_tag": "1.1.1", "test_process_tag": "1.0.3", "term_glyph_tag": "1.0.1", "test_reflective_loader_tag": "0.1.8", "test_tag": "1.0.0", "tuple_tag": "v1.0.1", "typed_data_tag": "1.1.6", "unittest_rev": "2b8375bc98bb9dc81c539c91aaea6adce12e1072", "usage_tag": "3.4.0", "utf_tag": "0.9.0+5", "watcher_rev": "0.9.7+10", "web_components_rev": "8f57dac273412a7172c8ade6f361b407e2e4ed02", "web_socket_channel_tag": "1.0.9", "WebCore_rev": "fb11e887f77919450e497344da570d780e078bc8", "yaml_tag": "2.1.15", "zlib_rev": "c3d0a6190f2f8c924a05ab6cc97b8f975bddd33f", } deps = { # Stuff needed for GN build. Var("dart_root") + "/buildtools": Var("fuchsia_git") + "/buildtools" + "@" + Var("buildtools_revision"), Var("dart_root") + "/buildtools/clang_format/script": Var("chromium_git") + "/chromium/llvm-project/cfe/tools/clang-format.git" + "@" + Var("clang_format_scripts_rev"), Var("dart_root") + "/tools/sdks": { "packages": [ { "package": "dart/dart-sdk/${{platform}}", "version": "version:2.1.0-dev.6.0", }, ], "dep_type": "cipd", }, Var("dart_root") + "/third_party/d8": { "packages": [ { "package": "dart/d8", "version": "version:6.9.427.23+1", }, ], "dep_type": "cipd", }, Var("dart_root") + "/tests/co19/src": Var("dart_git") + "co19.git" + "@" + Var("co19_rev"), Var("dart_root") + "/tests/co19_2/src": Var("chromium_git") + "/external/github.com/dart-lang/co19.git" + "@" + Var("co19_2_rev"), Var("dart_root") + "/third_party/zlib": Var("chromium_git") + "/chromium/src/third_party/zlib.git" + "@" + Var("zlib_rev"), Var("dart_root") + "/third_party/boringssl": Var("dart_git") + "boringssl_gen.git" + "@" + Var("boringssl_gen_rev"), Var("dart_root") + "/third_party/boringssl/src": "https://boringssl.googlesource.com/boringssl.git" + "@" + Var("boringssl_rev"), Var("dart_root") + "/third_party/root_certificates": Var("dart_git") + "root_certificates.git" + "@" + Var("root_certificates_rev"), Var("dart_root") + "/third_party/jinja2": Var("chromium_git") + "/chromium/src/third_party/jinja2.git" + "@" + Var("jinja2_rev"), Var("dart_root") + "/third_party/ply": Var("chromium_git") + "/chromium/src/third_party/ply.git" + "@" + Var("ply_rev"), Var("dart_root") + "/tools/idl_parser": Var("chromium_git") + "/chromium/src/tools/idl_parser.git" + "@" + Var("idl_parser_rev"), Var("dart_root") + "/third_party/WebCore": Var("dart_git") + "webcore.git" + "@" + Var("WebCore_rev"), Var("dart_root") + "/third_party/tcmalloc/gperftools": Var('chromium_git') + '/external/github.com/gperftools/gperftools.git' + "@" + Var("gperftools_revision"), Var("dart_root") + "/third_party/pkg/args": Var("dart_git") + "args.git" + "@" + Var("args_tag"), Var("dart_root") + "/third_party/pkg/async": Var("dart_git") + "async.git" + "@" + Var("async_tag"), Var("dart_root") + "/third_party/pkg/bazel_worker": Var("dart_git") + "bazel_worker.git" + "@" + Var("bazel_worker_tag"), Var("dart_root") + "/third_party/pkg/boolean_selector": Var("dart_git") + "boolean_selector.git" + "@" + Var("boolean_selector_tag"), Var("dart_root") + "/third_party/pkg/charcode": Var("dart_git") + "charcode.git" + "@" + Var("charcode_tag"), Var("dart_root") + "/third_party/pkg/cli_util": Var("dart_git") + "cli_util.git" + "@" + Var("cli_util_rev"), Var("dart_root") + "/third_party/pkg/collection": Var("dart_git") + "collection.git" + "@" + Var("collection_tag"), Var("dart_root") + "/third_party/pkg/convert": Var("dart_git") + "convert.git" + "@" + Var("convert_tag"), Var("dart_root") + "/third_party/pkg/crypto": Var("dart_git") + "crypto.git" + "@" + Var("crypto_tag"), Var("dart_root") 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Fetched from chromium_git to avoid # race condition in cache with pkg/test. Var("dart_root") + "/third_party/pkg/unittest": Var("chromium_git") + "/external/github.com/dart-lang/test.git" + "@" + Var("unittest_rev"), Var("dart_root") + "/third_party/pkg/usage": Var("dart_git") + "usage.git" + "@" + Var("usage_tag"), Var("dart_root") + "/third_party/pkg/utf": Var("dart_git") + "utf.git" + "@" + Var("utf_tag"), Var("dart_root") + "/third_party/pkg/watcher": Var("dart_git") + "watcher.git" + "@" + Var("watcher_rev"), Var("dart_root") + "/third_party/pkg/web_components": Var("dart_git") + "web-components.git" + "@" + Var("web_components_rev"), Var("dart_root") + "/third_party/pkg/web_socket_channel": Var("dart_git") + "web_socket_channel.git" + "@" + Var("web_socket_channel_tag"), Var("dart_root") + "/third_party/pkg/yaml": Var("dart_git") + "yaml.git" + "@" + Var("yaml_tag"), Var("dart_root") + "/third_party/cygwin": { "url": Var("chromium_git") + "/chromium/deps/cygwin.git" + "@" + "c89e446b273697fadf3a10ff1007a97c0b7de6df", "condition": "checkout_win", }, } # TODO(iposva): Move the necessary tools so that hooks can be run # without the runtime being available. hooks = [ { "name": "firefox_jsshell", "pattern": ".", "action": [ "download_from_google_storage", "--no_auth", "--no_resume", "--bucket", "dart-dependencies", "--recursive", "--auto_platform", "--extract", "--directory", Var('dart_root') + "/third_party/firefox_jsshell", ], }, { "name": "7zip", "pattern": ".", "action": [ "download_from_google_storage", "--no_auth", "--no_resume", "--bucket", "dart-dependencies", "--platform=win32", "--extract", "-s", Var('dart_root') + "/third_party/7zip.tar.gz.sha1", ], }, { "name": "gsutil", "pattern": ".", "action": [ "download_from_google_storage", "--no_auth", "--no_resume", "--bucket", "dart-dependencies", "--extract", "-s", Var('dart_root') + "/third_party/gsutil.tar.gz.sha1", ], }, { # Pull Debian wheezy sysroot for i386 Linux 'name': 'sysroot_i386', 'pattern': '.', 'action': ['python', 'sdk/build/linux/sysroot_scripts/install-sysroot.py', '--arch', 'i386'], }, { # Pull Debian wheezy sysroot for amd64 Linux 'name': 'sysroot_amd64', 'pattern': '.', 'action': ['python', 'sdk/build/linux/sysroot_scripts/install-sysroot.py', '--arch', 'amd64'], }, { # Pull Debian wheezy sysroot for arm Linux 'name': 'sysroot_amd64', 'pattern': '.', 'action': ['python', 'sdk/build/linux/sysroot_scripts/install-sysroot.py', '--arch', 'arm'], }, { # Pull Debian jessie sysroot for arm64 Linux 'name': 'sysroot_amd64', 'pattern': '.', 'action': ['python', 'sdk/build/linux/sysroot_scripts/install-sysroot.py', '--arch', 'arm64'], }, { 'name': 'download_android_tools', 'pattern': '.', 'action': ['python', 'sdk/tools/android/download_android_tools.py'], }, { 'name': 'buildtools', 'pattern': '.', 'action': ['python', 'sdk/tools/buildtools/update.py'], }, { # Update the Windows toolchain if necessary. 'name': 'win_toolchain', 'pattern': '.', 'action': ['python', 'sdk/build/vs_toolchain.py', 'update'], }, ]