# Welcome! Welcome to the Dart API reference documentation, covering the [Dart core libraries](https://dart.dev/guides/libraries). These include: * [dart:core](dart-core/dart-core-library.html): Core functionality such as strings, numbers, collections, errors, dates, and URIs. * [dart:io](dart-io/dart-io-library.html): I/O for non-web apps. * [dart:html](dart-html/dart-html-library.html): DOM manipulation for web apps (available only to web apps). The core libraries - except for `dart:core` - must be imported before they're available for use: ```dart import 'dart:math'; ``` Additionally, you can find Dart packages at [pub.dev](https://pub.dev). ## Language docs The main site for learning and using Dart is [dart.dev](https://dart.dev). Check out these pages: * [Dart overview](https://dart.dev/overview) * [Dart language documentation](https://dart.dev/language) * [Library tour](https://dart.dev/guides/libraries/library-tour) * [Tutorials](https://dart.dev/tutorials) This API reference is generated from the SDK source at [dart-lang/sdk](https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk). If you'd like to give feedback on or edit this documentation, see [Contributing](https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md).