#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file # for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a # BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. # # A script that copies a core file and binary to GCS # We expect the dumps to be located in /tmp/coredump_PID directory # After we copy out the core files we delete the dumps localy import os import shutil import sys import subprocess import tarfile import utils import uuid from glob import glob GCS_FOLDER = 'dart-temp-crash-archive' GSUTIL='/b/build/scripts/slave/gsutil' def CreateTarball(input_dir, tarname): print 'Creating tar file: %s' % tarname tar = tarfile.open(tarname, mode='w:gz') tar.add(input_dir) tar.close() def CopyToGCS(filename): gs_location = 'gs://%s/%s/' % (GCS_FOLDER, uuid.uuid4()) cmd = [GSUTIL, 'cp', filename, gs_location] print 'Running command: %s' % cmd subprocess.check_call(cmd) archived_filename = '%s%s' % (gs_location, filename.split('/').pop()) print 'Dump now available in %s' % archived_filename def TEMPArchiveBuild(): if not 'PWD' in os.environ: return pwd = os.environ['PWD'] print pwd if not 'vm-' in pwd: return if 'win' in pwd or 'release' in pwd: return files = glob('%s/out/Debug*/dart' % pwd) files.extend(glob('%s/xcodebuild/Debug*/dart' % pwd)) print('Archiving: %s' % files) for f in files: CopyToGCS(f) def Main(): TEMPArchiveBuild() if utils.GuessOS() != 'linux': print 'Currently only archiving crash dumps on linux' return 0 print 'Looking for crash dumps' num_dumps = 0 for v in os.listdir('/tmp'): if v.startswith('coredump'): fullpath = '/tmp/%s' % v if os.path.isdir(fullpath): num_dumps += 1 tarname = '%s.tar.gz' % fullpath CreateTarball(fullpath, tarname) CopyToGCS(tarname) os.unlink(tarname) shutil.rmtree(fullpath) print 'Found %s core dumps' % num_dumps if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(Main())