#!/usr/bin/env dart // Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:args/args.dart'; import 'package:glob/glob.dart'; final parser = ArgParser() ..addMultiOption('bot', abbr: 'b', help: 'Select the bots matching the glob pattern [option is repeatable]', splitCommas: false) ..addFlag('verbose', abbr: 'v', help: 'Verbose output.', negatable: false) ..addFlag('help', help: 'Show the program usage.', negatable: false); void printUsage() { print(""" Usage: ${Platform.executable} ${Platform.script} [OLDER_COMMIT] [NEWER_COMMIT] The options are as follows: ${parser.usage}"""); } late bool verbose; main(List args) async { final options = parser.parse(args); if (options["help"]) { printUsage(); return; } final commits = options.rest; if (commits.length < 2) { print('Need to supply at least two commits.'); printUsage(); exitCode = 1; return; } verbose = options['verbose'] ?? false; final globs = List.from(options["bot"].map((pattern) => Glob(pattern))); final vmBuilders = loadVmBuildersFromTestMatrix(globs); final futures = >>[]; for (final commit in commits) { final DateTime date = await getDateOfCommit(commit); futures.add(getResults(commit, date, vmBuilders)); } final results = await Future.wait(futures); for (int i = 0; i < results.length - 1; i++) { final commitB = commits[i]; final commitA = commits[i + 1]; print('\nResult changes between $commitB -> $commitA:'); final commonGroups = buildCommonGroups(commitA, commitB, results[i], results[i + 1]); for (final commonGroup in commonGroups) { final builders = commonGroup.builders; print(''); for (final group in commonGroup.groups) { final diff = group.diffs.first; print('${group.test} ${diff.before} -> ${diff.after}'); } for (final b in extractBuilderPattern(builders)) { print(' on $b'); } } } } Future getDateOfCommit(String commit) async { final result = await Process.run( 'git', ['show', '-s', '--format=%cd', '--date=iso-strict', commit]); if (result.exitCode != 0) { print('Could not determine date of commit $commit. Git reported:\n'); print(result.stdout); print(result.stderr); exit(1); } return DateTime.parse(result.stdout.trim()); } Future> getResults( String commit, DateTime dateC, Set builders) async { final DateTime date0 = dateC.add(const Duration(hours: 24)); final DateTime date2 = dateC.subtract(const Duration(hours: 24)); final query = ''' SELECT commit_time, builder_name, build_number, name, result, expected FROM `dart-ci.results.results` WHERE commit_hash="$commit" AND matches=false AND (_PARTITIONDATE = "${formatDate(date0)}" OR _PARTITIONDATE = "${formatDate(dateC)}" OR _PARTITIONDATE = "${formatDate(date2)}" ) AND (STARTS_WITH(builder_name, "vm-") OR STARTS_WITH(builder_name, "app-") OR STARTS_WITH(builder_name, "cross-")) AND ((flaky is NULL) OR flaky=false) ORDER BY name'''; final arguments = [ 'query', '--format=prettyjson', '--project_id=dart-ci', '--nouse_legacy_sql', '-n', '1000000', query, ]; if (verbose) { print('Executing query:\n bq ${arguments.join(' ')}'); } final result = await Process.run('bq', arguments); if (result.exitCode == 0) { File('$commit.json').writeAsStringSync(result.stdout); final resultsForCommit = json.decode(result.stdout); final results = []; for (final Map result in resultsForCommit) { final builderName = result['builder_name']; if (!builders.contains(builderName)) { continue; } final failure = Result(commit, builderName, result['build_number'], result['name'], result['expected'], result['result']); results.add(failure); } results.sort((Result a, Result b) { final c = a.name.compareTo(b.name); if (c != 0) return c; return a.builderName.compareTo(b.builderName); }); return results; } else { print('Running the following query failed:\nbq ${arguments.join(' ')}'); print('Exit code: ${result.exitCode}'); final stdout = result.stdout.trim(); if (stdout.length > 0) { print('Stdout:\n$stdout'); } final stderr = result.stderr.trim(); if (stderr.length > 0) { print('Stderr:\n$stderr'); } return []; } } List buildCommonGroups(String commitA, String commitB, List commitResults, List commitResultsBefore) { // If a test has same outcome across many vm builders final diffs = []; int i = 0; int j = 0; while (i < commitResultsBefore.length && j < commitResults.length) { final a = commitResultsBefore[i]; final b = commitResults[j]; // Is a smaller than b, then we had a failure before and no longer one. if (a.name.compareTo(b.name) < 0 || (a.name.compareTo(b.name) == 0 && a.builderName.compareTo(b.builderName) < 0)) { diffs.add(Diff(a, null)); i++; continue; } // Is b smaller than a, then we had no failure before but have one now. if (b.name.compareTo(a.name) < 0 || (b.name.compareTo(a.name) == 0 && b.builderName.compareTo(a.builderName) < 0)) { diffs.add(Diff(null, b)); j++; continue; } // Else we must have the same name and builder. if (a.name != b.name || a.builderName != b.builderName) throw 'BUG'; if (a.expected != b.expected || a.result != b.result) { diffs.add(Diff(a, b)); } i++; j++; } while (i < commitResultsBefore.length) { final a = commitResultsBefore[i++]; diffs.add(Diff(a, null)); } while (j < commitResults.length) { final b = commitResults[j++]; diffs.add(Diff(null, b)); } // If a test has same outcome across many vm builders final groups = []; int h = 0; while (h < diffs.length) { final d = diffs[h++]; final builders = {}..add(d.builder); final gropupDiffs = [d]; while (h < diffs.length) { final nd = diffs[h]; if (d.test == nd.test) { if (d.sameExpectationDifferenceAs(nd)) { builders.add(nd.builder); gropupDiffs.add(nd); h++; continue; } } break; } groups.add(GroupedDiff(d.test, builders.toList()..sort(), gropupDiffs)); } final commonGroups = >{}; for (final group in groups) { final key = group.builders.join(' '); commonGroups.putIfAbsent(key, () => []).add(group); } final commonGroupList = commonGroups.values .map((list) => CommonGroup(list.first.builders, list)) .toList(); commonGroupList .sort((a, b) => a.builders.length.compareTo(b.builders.length)); return commonGroupList; } class CommonGroup { final List builders; final List groups; CommonGroup(this.builders, this.groups); } class GroupedDiff { final String test; final List builders; final List diffs; GroupedDiff(this.test, this.builders, this.diffs); } class Diff { final Result? before; final Result? after; Diff(this.before, this.after); String get test => (before?.name ?? after?.name)!; String get builder => (before?.builderName ?? after?.builderName)!; bool sameExpectationDifferenceAs(Diff other) { if ((before == null) != (other.before == null)) return false; if ((after == null) != (other.after == null)) return false; if (before != null) { if (!before!.sameResult(other.before!)) return false; } if (after != null) { if (!after!.sameResult(other.after!)) return false; } return true; } } class Result { final String commit; final String builderName; final String buildNumber; final String name; final String expected; final String result; Result(this.commit, this.builderName, this.buildNumber, this.name, this.expected, this.result); @override String toString() => '(expected: $expected, actual: $result)'; bool sameResult(Result other) { return name == other.name && expected == other.expected && result == other.result; } bool equals(other) { if (other is Result) { if (name != other.name) return false; if (builderName != other.builderName) return false; } return false; } @override int get hashCode => name.hashCode ^ builderName.hashCode; @override bool operator ==(Object other) { // TODO: implement == return super == other; } } String currentDate() { final timestamp = DateTime.now().toUtc().toIso8601String(); return timestamp.substring(0, timestamp.indexOf('T')); } Set loadVmBuildersFromTestMatrix(List globs) { final contents = File('tools/bots/test_matrix.json').readAsStringSync(); final testMatrix = json.decode(contents); final vmBuilders = {}; for (final config in testMatrix['builder_configurations']) { for (final builder in config['builders']) { if (builder.startsWith('vm-') || builder.startsWith('app-')) { vmBuilders.add(builder); } } } // This one is in the test_matrix.json but we don't run it on CI. vmBuilders.remove('vm-kernel-asan-linux-release-ia32'); if (globs.isNotEmpty) { vmBuilders.removeWhere((String builder) { return !globs.any((Glob glob) => glob.matches(builder)); }); } return vmBuilders; } List extractBuilderPattern(List builders) { final all = Set.from(builders); String reduce(String builder, List posibilities) { for (final pos in posibilities) { if (builder.contains(pos)) { final existing = []; final available = []; for (final pos2 in posibilities) { final builder2 = builder.replaceFirst(pos, pos2); if (all.contains(builder2)) { existing.add(builder2); available.add(pos2); } } if (existing.length > 1) { all.removeAll(existing); final replacement = builder.replaceFirst(pos, '{${available.join(',')}}'); all.add(replacement); return replacement; } } } return builder; } for (String builder in builders) { if (all.contains(builder)) { builder = reduce(builder, const ['debug', 'release', 'product']); } } for (String builder in all.toList()) { if (all.contains(builder)) { builder = reduce(builder, const ['mac', 'linux', 'win']); } } for (String builder in all.toList()) { if (all.contains(builder)) { builder = reduce(builder, const [ 'ia32', 'x64', 'simarm', 'simarm64', 'arm', 'arm64', ]); } } return all.toList()..sort(); } String formatDate(DateTime date) { final s = date.toIso8601String(); return s.substring(0, s.indexOf('T')); }